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synced 2025-03-21 15:45:01 +00:00

This metric is useful for determining high link saturation with the following alerting rule: rate(vm_rpc_send_duration_seconds_total) > 0.9s
597 lines
19 KiB
597 lines
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package netstorage
import (
xxhash "github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2"
var (
disableRPCCompression = flag.Bool(`rpc.disableCompression`, false, "Whether to disable compression of RPC traffic. This reduces CPU usage at the cost of higher network bandwidth usage")
replicationFactor = flag.Int("replicationFactor", 1, "Replication factor for the ingested data, i.e. how many copies to make among distinct -storageNode instances. "+
"Note that vmselect must run with -dedup.minScrapeInterval=1ms for data de-duplication when replicationFactor is greater than 1. "+
"Higher values for -dedup.minScrapeInterval at vmselect is OK")
disableRerouting = flag.Bool(`disableRerouting`, false, "Whether to disable re-routing when some of vmstorage nodes accept incoming data at slower speed compared to other storage nodes. By default the re-routing is enabled. Disabled re-routing limits the ingestion rate by the slowest vmstorage node. On the other side, disabled re-routing minimizes the number of active time series in the cluster")
func (sn *storageNode) isBroken() bool {
return atomic.LoadUint32(&sn.broken) != 0
// push pushes buf to sn internal bufs.
// This function doesn't block on fast path.
// It may block only if all the storageNodes cannot handle the incoming ingestion rate.
// This blocking provides backpressure to the caller.
// The function falls back to sending data to other vmstorage nodes
// if sn is currently unavailable or overloaded.
// rows is the number of rows in the buf.
func (sn *storageNode) push(buf []byte, rows int) error {
if len(buf) > maxBufSizePerStorageNode {
logger.Panicf("BUG: len(buf)=%d cannot exceed %d", len(buf), maxBufSizePerStorageNode)
select {
case <-storageNodesStopCh:
return fmt.Errorf("cannot send %d rows because of graceful shutdown", rows)
if sn.isBroken() {
if len(storageNodes) == 1 {
// There are no other storage nodes to re-route to. So wait until the current node becomes healthy.
goto again
// The vmstorage node is temporarily broken. Re-route buf to healthy vmstorage nodes even if *disableRerouting==true.
if err := rerouteRowsMayBlock(sn, false, buf, rows); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%d rows dropped because the current vsmtorage is unavailable and %w", rows, err)
return nil
if len(sn.br.buf)+len(buf) <= maxBufSizePerStorageNode {
// Fast path: the buf contents fits sn.buf.
sn.br.buf = append(sn.br.buf, buf...)
sn.br.rows += rows
return nil
if *disableRerouting || len(storageNodes) == 1 {
goto again
// The buf contents doesn't fit sn.buf.
// This means that the current vmstorage is slow or will become broken soon.
// Spread buf among all the vmstorage nodes.
if err := rerouteRowsMayBlock(sn, true, buf, rows); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%d rows dropped because the current vmstorage buf is full and %w", rows, err)
return nil
var closedCh = func() <-chan struct{} {
ch := make(chan struct{})
return ch
func (sn *storageNode) run(stopCh <-chan struct{}, snIdx int) {
replicas := *replicationFactor
if replicas <= 0 {
replicas = 1
if replicas > len(storageNodes) {
replicas = len(storageNodes)
ticker := time.NewTicker(200 * time.Millisecond)
defer ticker.Stop()
var br bufRows
brLastResetTime := fasttime.UnixTimestamp()
var waitCh <-chan struct{}
mustStop := false
for !mustStop {
bufLen := len(sn.br.buf)
waitCh = nil
if bufLen > 0 {
// Do not sleep if sn.br.buf isn't empty.
waitCh = closedCh
select {
case <-stopCh:
mustStop = true
// Make sure the sn.buf is flushed last time before returning
// in order to send the remaining bits of data.
case <-ticker.C:
case <-waitCh:
sn.br, br = br, sn.br
currentTime := fasttime.UnixTimestamp()
if len(br.buf) < cap(br.buf)/4 && currentTime-brLastResetTime > 10 {
// Free up capacity space occupied by br.buf in order to reduce memory usage after spikes.
br.buf = append(br.buf[:0:0], br.buf...)
brLastResetTime = currentTime
if len(br.buf) == 0 {
// Nothing to send.
// Send br to replicas storageNodes starting from snIdx.
for !sendBufToReplicasNonblocking(&br, snIdx, replicas) {
t := timerpool.Get(200 * time.Millisecond)
select {
case <-stopCh:
case <-t.C:
func sendBufToReplicasNonblocking(br *bufRows, snIdx, replicas int) bool {
usedStorageNodes := make(map[*storageNode]bool, replicas)
for i := 0; i < replicas; i++ {
idx := snIdx + i
attempts := 0
for {
if attempts > len(storageNodes) {
if i == 0 {
// The data wasn't replicated at all.
logger.Warnf("cannot push %d bytes with %d rows to storage nodes, since all the nodes are temporarily unavailable; "+
"re-trying to send the data soon", len(br.buf), br.rows)
return false
// The data is partially replicated, so just emit a warning and return true.
// We could retry sending the data again, but this may result in uncontrolled duplicate data.
// So it is better returning true.
logger.Warnf("cannot make a copy #%d out of %d copies according to -replicationFactor=%d for %d bytes with %d rows, "+
"since a part of storage nodes is temporarily unavailable", i+1, replicas, *replicationFactor, len(br.buf), br.rows)
return true
if idx >= len(storageNodes) {
idx %= len(storageNodes)
sn := storageNodes[idx]
if usedStorageNodes[sn] {
// The br has been already replicated to sn. Skip it.
if !sn.sendBufRowsNonblocking(br) {
// Cannot send data to sn. Go to the next sn.
// Successfully sent data to sn.
usedStorageNodes[sn] = true
return true
func (sn *storageNode) checkHealth() {
defer sn.bcLock.Unlock()
if sn.bc != nil {
// The sn looks healthy.
bc, err := sn.dial()
if err != nil {
atomic.StoreUint32(&sn.broken, 1)
if sn.lastDialErr == nil {
// Log the error only once.
sn.lastDialErr = err
logger.Warnf("cannot dial storageNode %q: %s", sn.dialer.Addr(), err)
logger.Infof("successfully dialed -storageNode=%q", sn.dialer.Addr())
sn.lastDialErr = nil
sn.bc = bc
atomic.StoreUint32(&sn.broken, 0)
func (sn *storageNode) sendBufRowsNonblocking(br *bufRows) bool {
if sn.isBroken() {
return false
defer sn.bcLock.Unlock()
if sn.bc == nil {
// Do not call sn.dial() here in order to prevent long blocking on sn.bcLock.Lock(),
// which can negatively impact data sending in sendBufToReplicasNonblocking().
// sn.dial() should be called by sn.checkHealth() on unsuccessful call to sendBufToReplicasNonblocking().
return false
startTime := time.Now()
err := sendToConn(sn.bc, br.buf)
duration := time.Since(startTime)
if err == nil {
// Successfully sent buf to bc.
return true
// Couldn't flush buf to sn. Mark sn as broken.
logger.Warnf("cannot send %d bytes with %d rows to -storageNode=%q: %s; closing the connection to storageNode and "+
"re-routing this data to healthy storage nodes", len(br.buf), br.rows, sn.dialer.Addr(), err)
if err = sn.bc.Close(); err != nil {
logger.Warnf("cannot close connection to storageNode %q: %s", sn.dialer.Addr(), err)
sn.bc = nil
atomic.StoreUint32(&sn.broken, 1)
return false
func sendToConn(bc *handshake.BufferedConn, buf []byte) error {
if len(buf) == 0 {
// Nothing to send
return nil
timeoutSeconds := len(buf) / 3e5
if timeoutSeconds < 60 {
timeoutSeconds = 60
timeout := time.Duration(timeoutSeconds) * time.Second
deadline := time.Now().Add(timeout)
if err := bc.SetWriteDeadline(deadline); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot set write deadline to %s: %w", deadline, err)
// sizeBuf guarantees that the rows batch will be either fully
// read or fully discarded on the vmstorage side.
// sizeBuf is used for read optimization in vmstorage.
sizeBuf := sizeBufPool.Get()
defer sizeBufPool.Put(sizeBuf)
sizeBuf.B = encoding.MarshalUint64(sizeBuf.B[:0], uint64(len(buf)))
if _, err := bc.Write(sizeBuf.B); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot write data size %d: %w", len(buf), err)
if _, err := bc.Write(buf); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot write data with size %d: %w", len(buf), err)
if err := bc.Flush(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot flush data with size %d: %w", len(buf), err)
// Wait for `ack` from vmstorage.
// This guarantees that the message has been fully received by vmstorage.
deadline = time.Now().Add(timeout)
if err := bc.SetReadDeadline(deadline); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot set read deadline for reading `ack` to vmstorage: %w", err)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(bc, sizeBuf.B[:1]); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot read `ack` from vmstorage: %w", err)
if sizeBuf.B[0] != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected `ack` received from vmstorage; got %d; want %d", sizeBuf.B[0], 1)
return nil
var sizeBufPool bytesutil.ByteBufferPool
func (sn *storageNode) dial() (*handshake.BufferedConn, error) {
c, err := sn.dialer.Dial()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
compressionLevel := 1
if *disableRPCCompression {
compressionLevel = 0
bc, err := handshake.VMInsertClient(c, compressionLevel)
if err != nil {
_ = c.Close()
return nil, fmt.Errorf("handshake error: %w", err)
return bc, nil
// storageNode is a client sending data to vmstorage node.
type storageNode struct {
// The last time for the re-routing.
lastRerouteTime uint64
// broken is set to non-zero if the given vmstorage node is temporarily unhealthy.
// In this case the data is re-routed to the remaining healthy vmstorage nodes.
broken uint32
// brLock protects br.
brLock sync.Mutex
// brCond is used for waiting for free space in br.
brCond *sync.Cond
// Buffer with data that needs to be written to the storage node.
// It must be accessed under brLock.
br bufRows
// bcLock protects bc.
bcLock sync.Mutex
// bc is a single connection to vmstorage for data transfer.
// It must be accessed under bcLock.
bc *handshake.BufferedConn
dialer *netutil.TCPDialer
// last error during dial.
lastDialErr error
// The number of dial errors to vmstorage node.
dialErrors *metrics.Counter
// The number of handshake errors to vmstorage node.
handshakeErrors *metrics.Counter
// The number of connection errors to vmstorage node.
connectionErrors *metrics.Counter
// The number of rows pushed to storageNode with push method.
rowsPushed *metrics.Counter
// The number of rows sent to vmstorage node.
rowsSent *metrics.Counter
// The number of rows rerouted from the given vmstorage node
// to healthy nodes when the given node was unhealthy.
rowsReroutedFromHere *metrics.Counter
// The number of rows rerouted to the given vmstorage node
// from other nodes when they were unhealthy.
rowsReroutedToHere *metrics.Counter
// The total duration spent for sending data to vmstorage node.
// This metric is useful for determining the saturation of vminsert->vmstorage link.
sendDurationSeconds *metrics.FloatCounter
// storageNodes contains a list of vmstorage node clients.
var storageNodes []*storageNode
var storageNodesWG sync.WaitGroup
var storageNodesStopCh = make(chan struct{})
// InitStorageNodes initializes vmstorage nodes' connections to the given addrs.
func InitStorageNodes(addrs []string) {
if len(addrs) == 0 {
logger.Panicf("BUG: addrs must be non-empty")
if len(addrs) > 255 {
logger.Panicf("BUG: too much addresses: %d; max supported %d addresses", len(addrs), 255)
// Sort addrs in order to guarantee identical series->vmstorage mapping across all the vminsert nodes.
addrsCopy := append([]string{}, addrs...)
addrs = addrsCopy
storageNodes = storageNodes[:0]
for _, addr := range addrs {
sn := &storageNode{
dialer: netutil.NewTCPDialer("vminsert", addr),
dialErrors: metrics.NewCounter(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_rpc_dial_errors_total{name="vminsert", addr=%q}`, addr)),
handshakeErrors: metrics.NewCounter(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_rpc_handshake_errors_total{name="vminsert", addr=%q}`, addr)),
connectionErrors: metrics.NewCounter(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_rpc_connection_errors_total{name="vminsert", addr=%q}`, addr)),
rowsPushed: metrics.NewCounter(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_rpc_rows_pushed_total{name="vminsert", addr=%q}`, addr)),
rowsSent: metrics.NewCounter(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_rpc_rows_sent_total{name="vminsert", addr=%q}`, addr)),
rowsReroutedFromHere: metrics.NewCounter(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_rpc_rows_rerouted_from_here_total{name="vminsert", addr=%q}`, addr)),
rowsReroutedToHere: metrics.NewCounter(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_rpc_rows_rerouted_to_here_total{name="vminsert", addr=%q}`, addr)),
sendDurationSeconds: metrics.NewFloatCounter(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_rpc_send_duration_seconds_total{name="vminsert", addr=%q}`, addr)),
sn.brCond = sync.NewCond(&sn.brLock)
_ = metrics.NewGauge(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_rpc_rows_pending{name="vminsert", addr=%q}`, addr), func() float64 {
n := sn.br.rows
return float64(n)
_ = metrics.NewGauge(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_rpc_buf_pending_bytes{name="vminsert", addr=%q}`, addr), func() float64 {
n := len(sn.br.buf)
return float64(n)
_ = metrics.NewGauge(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_rpc_vmstorage_is_reachable{name="vminsert", addr=%q}`, addr), func() float64 {
if sn.isBroken() {
return 0
return 1
storageNodes = append(storageNodes, sn)
maxBufSizePerStorageNode = memory.Allowed() / 8 / len(storageNodes)
if maxBufSizePerStorageNode > consts.MaxInsertPacketSize {
maxBufSizePerStorageNode = consts.MaxInsertPacketSize
for idx, sn := range storageNodes {
go func(sn *storageNode, idx int) {
sn.run(storageNodesStopCh, idx)
}(sn, idx)
// Stop gracefully stops netstorage.
func Stop() {
for _, sn := range storageNodes {
// rerouteRowsMayBlock re-routes rows from buf among healthy storage nodes.
// It waits until healthy storage nodes have enough space for the re-routed rows.
// This guarantees backpressure if the ingestion rate exceeds vmstorage nodes'
// ingestion rate capacity.
// It returns non-nil error only if Stop is called.
func rerouteRowsMayBlock(snSource *storageNode, mayUseSNSource bool, buf []byte, rows int) error {
if len(storageNodes) < 2 {
logger.Panicf("BUG: re-routing can work only if at least 2 storage nodes are configured; got %d nodes", len(storageNodes))
atomic.StoreUint64(&snSource.lastRerouteTime, fasttime.UnixTimestamp())
sns := getStorageNodesMapForRerouting(snSource, mayUseSNSource)
if areStorageNodesEqual(sns) {
// Fast path - all the storage nodes are the same - send the buf to them.
sn := sns[0]
if !sn.sendBufMayBlock(buf) {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot re-route data because of graceful shutdown")
if sn != snSource {
return nil
src := buf
var mr storage.MetricRow
for len(src) > 0 {
tail, err := mr.UnmarshalX(src)
if err != nil {
logger.Panicf("BUG: cannot unmarshal MetricRow: %s", err)
rowBuf := src[:len(src)-len(tail)]
src = tail
h := xxhash.Sum64(mr.MetricNameRaw)
idx := h % uint64(len(sns))
sn := sns[idx]
if !sn.sendBufMayBlock(rowBuf) {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot re-route data because of graceful shutdown")
if sn != snSource {
return nil
func (sn *storageNode) sendBufMayBlock(buf []byte) bool {
for len(sn.br.buf)+len(buf) > maxBufSizePerStorageNode {
select {
case <-storageNodesStopCh:
return false
sn.br.buf = append(sn.br.buf, buf...)
return true
func getStorageNodesMapForRerouting(snExclude *storageNode, mayUseSNExclude bool) []*storageNode {
sns := getStorageNodesForRerouting(snExclude, true)
if len(sns) == len(storageNodes) {
return sns
if !mayUseSNExclude {
sns = getStorageNodesForRerouting(snExclude, false)
for len(sns) < len(storageNodes) {
sns = append(sns, snExclude)
return sns
func areStorageNodesEqual(sns []*storageNode) bool {
snOrigin := sns[0]
for _, sn := range sns[1:] {
if sn != snOrigin {
return false
return true
func getStorageNodesForRerouting(snExclude *storageNode, skipRecentlyReroutedNodes bool) []*storageNode {
sns := make([]*storageNode, 0, len(storageNodes))
currentTime := fasttime.UnixTimestamp()
for i, sn := range storageNodes {
if sn == snExclude || sn.isBroken() {
// Skip snExclude and broken storage nodes.
if skipRecentlyReroutedNodes && currentTime <= atomic.LoadUint64(&sn.lastRerouteTime)+5 {
// Skip nodes, which were re-routed recently.
for len(sns) <= i {
sns = append(sns, sn)
if len(sns) > 0 {
for len(sns) < len(storageNodes) {
sns = append(sns, sns[0])
return sns
var (
maxBufSizePerStorageNode int
reroutedRowsProcessed = metrics.NewCounter(`vm_rpc_rerouted_rows_processed_total{name="vminsert"}`)
reroutesTotal = metrics.NewCounter(`vm_rpc_reroutes_total{name="vminsert"}`)
rowsIncompletelyReplicatedTotal = metrics.NewCounter(`vm_rpc_rows_incompletely_replicated_total{name="vminsert"}`)