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synced 2025-03-21 15:45:01 +00:00

This code adds Exemplars to VMagent and the promscrape parser adhering
to OpenMetrics Specifications. This will allow forwarding of exemplars
to Prometheus and other third party apps that support OpenMetrics specs.
Signed-off-by: Ted Possible <ted_possible@cable.comcast.com>
(cherry picked from commit 5a3abfa041
843 lines
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843 lines
19 KiB
package prometheus
import (
// Rows contains parsed Prometheus rows.
type Rows struct {
Rows []Row
tagsPool []Tag
// Reset resets rs.
func (rs *Rows) Reset() {
// Reset items, so they can be GC'ed
for i := range rs.Rows {
rs.Rows = rs.Rows[:0]
for i := range rs.tagsPool {
rs.tagsPool = rs.tagsPool[:0]
// Unmarshal unmarshals Prometheus exposition text rows from s.
// See https://github.com/prometheus/docs/blob/master/content/docs/instrumenting/exposition_formats.md#text-format-details
// s shouldn't be modified while rs is in use.
func (rs *Rows) Unmarshal(s string) {
rs.UnmarshalWithErrLogger(s, stdErrLogger)
func stdErrLogger(s string) {
logger.ErrorfSkipframes(1, "%s", s)
// UnmarshalWithErrLogger unmarshal Prometheus exposition text rows from s.
// It calls errLogger for logging parsing errors.
// s shouldn't be modified while rs is in use.
func (rs *Rows) UnmarshalWithErrLogger(s string, errLogger func(s string)) {
noEscapes := strings.IndexByte(s, '\\') < 0
rs.Rows, rs.tagsPool = unmarshalRows(rs.Rows[:0], s, rs.tagsPool[:0], noEscapes, errLogger)
const tagsPrefix = '{'
const exemplarPreifx = '{'
// Exemplar Item
type Exemplar struct {
// Tags: a list of labels that uniquely identifies exemplar
Tags []Tag
// Value: the value of the exemplar
Value float64
// Timestamp: the time when exemplar was recorded
Timestamp int64
// Reset - resets the Exemplar object to defaults
func (e *Exemplar) Reset() {
e.Tags = nil
e.Value = 0
e.Timestamp = 0
// Row is a single Prometheus row.
type Row struct {
Metric string
Tags []Tag
Value float64
Timestamp int64
Exemplar Exemplar
func (r *Row) reset() {
r.Metric = ""
r.Tags = nil
r.Value = 0
r.Timestamp = 0
r.Exemplar = Exemplar{}
func skipTrailingComment(s string) string {
n := strings.IndexByte(s, '#')
if n < 0 {
return s
return s[:n]
func skipLeadingWhitespace(s string) string {
// Prometheus treats ' ' and '\t' as whitespace
// according to https://github.com/prometheus/docs/blob/master/content/docs/instrumenting/exposition_formats.md#text-format-details
for len(s) > 0 && (s[0] == ' ' || s[0] == '\t') {
s = s[1:]
return s
func skipTrailingWhitespace(s string) string {
// Prometheus treats ' ' and '\t' as whitespace
// according to https://github.com/prometheus/docs/blob/master/content/docs/instrumenting/exposition_formats.md#text-format-details
for len(s) > 0 && (s[len(s)-1] == ' ' || s[len(s)-1] == '\t') {
s = s[:len(s)-1]
return s
func nextWhitespace(s string) int {
n := strings.IndexByte(s, ' ')
if n < 0 {
return strings.IndexByte(s, '\t')
n1 := strings.IndexByte(s, '\t')
if n1 < 0 || n1 > n {
return n
return n1
func parseStringToTags(s string, tagsPool []Tag, noEscapes bool) (string, []Tag, error) {
n := strings.IndexByte(s, tagsPrefix)
c := strings.IndexByte(s, '#')
if c != -1 && c < n {
return s, tagsPool, nil
s = skipLeadingWhitespace(s)
if n >= 0 {
// Tags found. Parse them.
s = s[n+1:]
var err error
s, tagsPool, err = unmarshalTags(tagsPool, s, noEscapes)
if err != nil {
return s, tagsPool, fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal tags: %w", err)
if len(s) > 0 && s[0] == ' ' {
// Fast path - skip whitespace.
s = s[1:]
return s, tagsPool, nil
var tvtPool = sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} {
return &tagsValueTimestamp{}
func getTVT() *tagsValueTimestamp {
return tvtPool.Get().(*tagsValueTimestamp)
func putTVT(tvt *tagsValueTimestamp) {
type tagsValueTimestamp struct {
Prefix string
Value float64
Timestamp int64
Comments string
func (tvt *tagsValueTimestamp) reset() {
tvt.Prefix = ""
tvt.Value = 0
tvt.Timestamp = 0
tvt.Comments = ""
func parseTagsValueTimestamp(s string, tagsPool []Tag, noEscapes bool) ([]Tag, *tagsValueTimestamp, error) {
tvt := getTVT()
n := 0
// Prefix is everything up to a tag start or a space
t := strings.IndexByte(s, tagsPrefix)
// If there is no tag start process rest of string
mustParseTags := false
if t != -1 {
// Check to see if there is a space before tag
n = nextWhitespace(s)
// If there is a space
if n > 0 {
if n < t {
tvt.Prefix = s[:n]
s = skipLeadingWhitespace(s[n:])
// Cover the use case where there is whitespace between the prefix and the tag
if len(s) > 0 && s[0] == '{' {
mustParseTags = true
// Most likely this has an exemplar
} else {
tvt.Prefix = s[:t]
s = s[t:]
mustParseTags = true
if mustParseTags {
var err error
s, tagsPool, err = parseStringToTags(s, tagsPool, noEscapes)
if err != nil {
return tagsPool, tvt, err
} else {
// Tag doesn't exist
n = nextWhitespace(s)
if n != -1 {
tvt.Prefix = s[:n]
s = s[n:]
} else {
tvt.Prefix = s
return tagsPool, tvt, fmt.Errorf("missing value")
s = skipLeadingWhitespace(s)
// save and remove the comments
n = strings.IndexByte(s, '#')
if n >= 0 {
tvt.Comments = s[n:]
if len(tvt.Comments) > 1 {
tvt.Comments = s[n+1:]
} else {
tvt.Comments = ""
s = skipTrailingComment(s)
s = skipLeadingWhitespace(s)
s = skipTrailingWhitespace(s)
n = nextWhitespace(s)
if n < 0 {
// There is no timestamp.
v, err := fastfloat.Parse(s)
if err != nil {
return tagsPool, tvt, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse value %q: %w", s, err)
tvt.Value = v
return tagsPool, tvt, nil
// There is a timestamp
s = skipLeadingWhitespace(s)
v, err := fastfloat.Parse(s[:n])
if err != nil {
return tagsPool, tvt, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse value %q: %w", s[:n], err)
tvt.Value = v
s = s[n:]
// There are some whitespaces after timestamp
s = skipLeadingWhitespace(s)
if len(s) == 0 {
// There is no timestamp - just a whitespace after the value.
return tagsPool, tvt, nil
s = skipTrailingWhitespace(s)
ts, err := fastfloat.Parse(s)
if err != nil {
return tagsPool, tvt, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse timestamp %q: %w", s, err)
if ts >= -1<<31 && ts < 1<<31 {
// This looks like OpenMetrics timestamp in Unix seconds.
// Convert it to milliseconds.
// See https://github.com/OpenObservability/OpenMetrics/blob/master/specification/OpenMetrics.md#timestamps
ts *= 1000
tvt.Timestamp = int64(ts)
return tagsPool, tvt, nil
// Returns possible comments that could be exemplars
func (r *Row) unmarshalMetric(s string, tagsPool []Tag, noEscapes bool) (string, []Tag, error) {
tagsStart := len(tagsPool)
var err error
var tvt *tagsValueTimestamp
tagsPool, tvt, err = parseTagsValueTimestamp(s, tagsPool, noEscapes)
defer putTVT(tvt)
if err != nil {
return "", tagsPool, err
r.Metric = tvt.Prefix
tags := tagsPool[tagsStart:]
if len(tags) > 0 {
r.Tags = tags
r.Value = tvt.Value
r.Timestamp = tvt.Timestamp
return tvt.Comments, tagsPool, nil
func (e *Exemplar) unmarshal(s string, tagsPool []Tag, noEscapes bool) ([]Tag, error) {
// We can use the Comment parsed out to further parse the Exemplar
s = skipLeadingWhitespace(s)
// If we are a comment immediately followed by whitespace or a labelset
// then we are an exemplar
if len(s) != 0 && s[0] == exemplarPreifx {
var err error
var tvt *tagsValueTimestamp
tagsStart := len(tagsPool)
tagsPool, tvt, err = parseTagsValueTimestamp(s, tagsPool, noEscapes)
defer putTVT(tvt)
if err != nil {
return tagsPool, err
tags := tagsPool[tagsStart:]
if len(tags) > 0 {
e.Tags = tags
e.Value = tvt.Value
e.Timestamp = tvt.Timestamp
return tagsPool, nil
return tagsPool, nil
func (r *Row) unmarshal(s string, tagsPool []Tag, noEscapes bool) ([]Tag, error) {
// Parse for labels, the value and the timestamp
// Anything before labels is saved in Prefix we can use this
// for the metric name
comments, tagsPool, err := r.unmarshalMetric(s, tagsPool, noEscapes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tagsPool, err = r.Exemplar.unmarshal(comments, tagsPool, noEscapes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tagsPool, nil
var rowsReadScrape = metrics.NewCounter(`vm_protoparser_rows_read_total{type="promscrape"}`)
func unmarshalRows(dst []Row, s string, tagsPool []Tag, noEscapes bool, errLogger func(s string)) ([]Row, []Tag) {
dstLen := len(dst)
for len(s) > 0 {
n := strings.IndexByte(s, '\n')
if n < 0 {
// The last line.
dst, tagsPool = unmarshalRow(dst, s, tagsPool, noEscapes, errLogger)
dst, tagsPool = unmarshalRow(dst, s[:n], tagsPool, noEscapes, errLogger)
s = s[n+1:]
rowsReadScrape.Add(len(dst) - dstLen)
return dst, tagsPool
func unmarshalRow(dst []Row, s string, tagsPool []Tag, noEscapes bool, errLogger func(s string)) ([]Row, []Tag) {
if len(s) > 0 && s[len(s)-1] == '\r' {
s = s[:len(s)-1]
s = skipLeadingWhitespace(s)
if len(s) == 0 {
// Skip empty line
return dst, tagsPool
if s[0] == '#' {
// Skip comment
return dst, tagsPool
if cap(dst) > len(dst) {
dst = dst[:len(dst)+1]
} else {
dst = append(dst, Row{})
r := &dst[len(dst)-1]
var err error
tagsPool, err = r.unmarshal(s, tagsPool, noEscapes)
if err != nil {
dst = dst[:len(dst)-1]
if errLogger != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("cannot unmarshal Prometheus line %q: %s", s, err)
return dst, tagsPool
var invalidLines = metrics.NewCounter(`vm_rows_invalid_total{type="prometheus"}`)
func unmarshalTags(dst []Tag, s string, noEscapes bool) (string, []Tag, error) {
for {
s = skipLeadingWhitespace(s)
if len(s) > 0 && s[0] == '}' {
// End of tags found.
return s[1:], dst, nil
n := strings.IndexByte(s, '=')
if n < 0 {
return s, dst, fmt.Errorf("missing value for tag %q", s)
key := skipTrailingWhitespace(s[:n])
if strings.IndexByte(key, '"') >= 0 {
return s, dst, fmt.Errorf("tag key %q cannot contain double quotes", key)
s = skipLeadingWhitespace(s[n+1:])
if len(s) == 0 || s[0] != '"' {
return s, dst, fmt.Errorf("expecting quoted value for tag %q; got %q", key, s)
value := s[1:]
if noEscapes {
// Fast path - the line has no escape chars
n = strings.IndexByte(value, '"')
if n < 0 {
return s, dst, fmt.Errorf("missing closing quote for tag value %q", s)
s = value[n+1:]
value = value[:n]
} else {
// Slow path - the line contains escape chars
n = findClosingQuote(s)
if n < 0 {
return s, dst, fmt.Errorf("missing closing quote for tag value %q", s)
value = unescapeValue(s[1:n])
s = s[n+1:]
if len(key) > 0 {
// Allow empty values (len(value)==0) - see https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/issues/453
if cap(dst) > len(dst) {
dst = dst[:len(dst)+1]
} else {
dst = append(dst, Tag{})
tag := &dst[len(dst)-1]
tag.Key = key
tag.Value = value
s = skipLeadingWhitespace(s)
if len(s) > 0 && s[0] == '}' {
// End of tags found.
return s[1:], dst, nil
if len(s) == 0 || s[0] != ',' {
return s, dst, fmt.Errorf("missing comma after tag %s=%q", key, value)
s = s[1:]
// Tag is a Prometheus tag.
type Tag struct {
Key string
Value string
func (t *Tag) reset() {
t.Key = ""
t.Value = ""
func findClosingQuote(s string) int {
if len(s) == 0 || s[0] != '"' {
return -1
off := 1
s = s[1:]
for {
n := strings.IndexByte(s, '"')
if n < 0 {
return -1
if prevBackslashesCount(s[:n])%2 == 0 {
return off + n
off += n + 1
s = s[n+1:]
func unescapeValue(s string) string {
n := strings.IndexByte(s, '\\')
if n < 0 {
// Fast path - nothing to unescape
return s
b := make([]byte, 0, len(s))
for {
b = append(b, s[:n]...)
s = s[n+1:]
if len(s) == 0 {
b = append(b, '\\')
// label_value can be any sequence of UTF-8 characters, but the backslash (\), double-quote ("),
// and line feed (\n) characters have to be escaped as \\, \", and \n, respectively.
// See https://github.com/prometheus/docs/blob/master/content/docs/instrumenting/exposition_formats.md
switch s[0] {
case '\\':
b = append(b, '\\')
case '"':
b = append(b, '"')
case 'n':
b = append(b, '\n')
b = append(b, '\\', s[0])
s = s[1:]
n = strings.IndexByte(s, '\\')
if n < 0 {
b = append(b, s...)
return string(b)
func appendEscapedValue(dst []byte, s string) []byte {
// label_value can be any sequence of UTF-8 characters, but the backslash (\), double-quote ("),
// and line feed (\n) characters have to be escaped as \\, \", and \n, respectively.
// See https://github.com/prometheus/docs/blob/master/content/docs/instrumenting/exposition_formats.md
for {
n := strings.IndexAny(s, "\\\"\n")
if n < 0 {
return append(dst, s...)
dst = append(dst, s[:n]...)
switch s[n] {
case '\\':
dst = append(dst, "\\\\"...)
case '"':
dst = append(dst, "\\\""...)
case '\n':
dst = append(dst, "\\n"...)
s = s[n+1:]
func prevBackslashesCount(s string) int {
n := 0
for len(s) > 0 && s[len(s)-1] == '\\' {
s = s[:len(s)-1]
return n
// GetRowsDiff returns rows from s1, which are missing in s2.
// The returned rows have default value 0 and have no timestamps.
func GetRowsDiff(s1, s2 string) string {
li1 := getLinesIterator()
li2 := getLinesIterator()
defer func() {
if !li1.NextKey() {
return ""
var diff []byte
if !li2.NextKey() {
diff = appendKeys(diff, li1)
return string(diff)
for {
switch bytes.Compare(li1.Key, li2.Key) {
case -1:
diff = appendKey(diff, li1.Key)
if !li1.NextKey() {
return string(diff)
case 0:
if !li1.NextKey() {
return string(diff)
if !li2.NextKey() {
diff = appendKeys(diff, li1)
return string(diff)
case 1:
if !li2.NextKey() {
diff = appendKeys(diff, li1)
return string(diff)
type linesIterator struct {
rows []Row
a []string
tagsPool []Tag
// Key contains the next key after NextKey call
Key []byte
var linesIteratorPool sync.Pool
func getLinesIterator() *linesIterator {
v := linesIteratorPool.Get()
if v == nil {
return &linesIterator{}
return v.(*linesIterator)
func putLinesIterator(li *linesIterator) {
li.a = nil
func (li *linesIterator) Init(s string) {
a := strings.Split(s, "\n")
li.a = a
// NextKey advances to the next key in li.
// It returns true if the next key is found and Key is successfully updated.
func (li *linesIterator) NextKey() bool {
for {
if len(li.a) == 0 {
return false
// Do not log errors here, since they will be logged during the real data parsing later.
li.rows, li.tagsPool = unmarshalRow(li.rows[:0], li.a[0], li.tagsPool[:0], false, nil)
li.a = li.a[1:]
if len(li.rows) > 0 {
li.Key = marshalMetricNameWithTags(li.Key[:0], &li.rows[0])
return true
func appendKey(dst, key []byte) []byte {
dst = append(dst, key...)
dst = append(dst, " 0\n"...)
return dst
func appendKeys(dst []byte, li *linesIterator) []byte {
for {
dst = appendKey(dst, li.Key)
if !li.NextKey() {
return dst
func marshalMetricNameWithTags(dst []byte, r *Row) []byte {
dst = append(dst, r.Metric...)
if len(r.Tags) == 0 {
return dst
dst = append(dst, '{')
for i, t := range r.Tags {
dst = append(dst, t.Key...)
dst = append(dst, `="`...)
dst = appendEscapedValue(dst, t.Value)
dst = append(dst, '"')
if i+1 < len(r.Tags) {
dst = append(dst, ',')
dst = append(dst, '}')
return dst
// AreIdenticalSeriesFast returns true if s1 and s2 contains identical Prometheus series with possible different values.
// This function is optimized for speed.
func AreIdenticalSeriesFast(s1, s2 string) bool {
for {
if len(s1) == 0 {
// The last byte on the line reached.
return len(s2) == 0
if len(s2) == 0 {
// The last byte on s2 reached, while s1 has non-empty contents.
return false
// Extract the next pair of lines from s1 and s2.
var x1, x2 string
n1 := strings.IndexByte(s1, '\n')
if n1 < 0 {
x1 = s1
s1 = ""
} else {
x1 = s1[:n1]
s1 = s1[n1+1:]
if n := strings.IndexByte(x1, '#'); n >= 0 {
// Drop comment.
x1 = x1[:n]
n2 := strings.IndexByte(s2, '\n')
if n2 < 0 {
if n1 >= 0 {
return false
x2 = s2
s2 = ""
} else {
if n1 < 0 {
return false
x2 = s2[:n2]
s2 = s2[n2+1:]
if n := strings.IndexByte(x2, '#'); n >= 0 {
// Drop comment.
x2 = x2[:n]
// Skip whitespaces in front of lines
for len(x1) > 0 && x1[0] == ' ' {
if len(x2) == 0 || x2[0] != ' ' {
return false
x1 = x1[1:]
x2 = x2[1:]
if len(x1) == 0 {
// The last byte on x1 reached.
if len(x2) != 0 {
return false
if len(x2) == 0 {
// The last byte on x2 reached, while x1 has non-empty contents.
return false
// Compare metric names
n := strings.IndexByte(x1, ' ')
if n < 0 {
// Invalid Prometheus line - it must contain at least a single space between metric name and value
// Compare it in full with x2.
n = len(x1) - 1
if n > len(x2) || x1[:n] != x2[:n] {
// Metric names mismatch
return false
x1 = x1[n:]
x2 = x2[n:]
// The space could belong to metric name in the following cases:
// foo {bar="baz"} 1
// foo{ bar="baz"} 2
// foo{bar="baz", aa="b"} 3
// foo{bar="b az"} 4
// foo 5
// Continue comparing the remaining parts until space or newline.
for {
n1 := strings.IndexByte(x1, ' ')
if n1 < 0 {
// Fast path.
// Treat x1 as a value.
// Skip values at x1 and x2.
n2 := strings.IndexByte(x2, ' ')
if n2 >= 0 {
// x2 contains additional parts.
return false
// Slow path.
// The x1[:n1] can be either a part of metric name or a value if timestamp is present:
// foo 12 34
if isNumeric(x1[:n1-1]) {
// Skip numeric part (most likely a value before timestamp) in x1 and x2
n2 := strings.IndexByte(x2, ' ')
if n2 < 0 {
// x2 contains less parts than x1
return false
if !isNumeric(x2[:n2-1]) {
// x1 contains numeric part, while x2 contains non-numeric part
return false
x1 = x1[n1:]
x2 = x2[n2:]
} else {
// The non-numeric part from x1 must match the corresponding part from x2.
if n1 > len(x2) || x1[:n1] != x2[:n1] {
// Parts mismatch
return false
x1 = x1[n1:]
x2 = x2[n1:]
func isNumeric(s string) bool {
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if numericChars[s[i]] {
if i == 0 && s == "NaN" || s == "nan" || s == "Inf" || s == "inf" {
return true
if i == 1 && (s[0] == '-' || s[0] == '+') && (s[1:] == "Inf" || s[1:] == "inf") {
return true
return false
return true
var numericChars = [256]bool{
'0': true,
'1': true,
'2': true,
'3': true,
'4': true,
'5': true,
'6': true,
'7': true,
'8': true,
'9': true,
'-': true,
'+': true,
'e': true,
'E': true,
'.': true,