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588 lines
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588 lines
13 KiB
package fasthttp
import (
const (
argsNoValue = true
argsHasValue = false
// AcquireArgs returns an empty Args object from the pool.
// The returned Args may be returned to the pool with ReleaseArgs
// when no longer needed. This allows reducing GC load.
func AcquireArgs() *Args {
return argsPool.Get().(*Args)
// ReleaseArgs returns the object acquired via AcquireArgs to the pool.
// Do not access the released Args object, otherwise data races may occur.
func ReleaseArgs(a *Args) {
var argsPool = &sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return &Args{}
// Args represents query arguments.
// It is forbidden copying Args instances. Create new instances instead
// and use CopyTo().
// Args instance MUST NOT be used from concurrently running goroutines.
type Args struct {
noCopy noCopy //nolint:unused,structcheck
args []argsKV
buf []byte
type argsKV struct {
key []byte
value []byte
noValue bool
// Reset clears query args.
func (a *Args) Reset() {
a.args = a.args[:0]
// CopyTo copies all args to dst.
func (a *Args) CopyTo(dst *Args) {
dst.args = copyArgs(dst.args, a.args)
// VisitAll calls f for each existing arg.
// f must not retain references to key and value after returning.
// Make key and/or value copies if you need storing them after returning.
func (a *Args) VisitAll(f func(key, value []byte)) {
visitArgs(a.args, f)
// Len returns the number of query args.
func (a *Args) Len() int {
return len(a.args)
// Parse parses the given string containing query args.
func (a *Args) Parse(s string) {
a.buf = append(a.buf[:0], s...)
// ParseBytes parses the given b containing query args.
func (a *Args) ParseBytes(b []byte) {
var s argsScanner
s.b = b
var kv *argsKV
a.args, kv = allocArg(a.args)
for s.next(kv) {
if len(kv.key) > 0 || len(kv.value) > 0 {
a.args, kv = allocArg(a.args)
a.args = releaseArg(a.args)
// String returns string representation of query args.
func (a *Args) String() string {
return string(a.QueryString())
// QueryString returns query string for the args.
// The returned value is valid until the next call to Args methods.
func (a *Args) QueryString() []byte {
a.buf = a.AppendBytes(a.buf[:0])
return a.buf
// Sort sorts Args by key and then value using 'f' as comparison function.
// For example args.Sort(bytes.Compare)
func (a *Args) Sort(f func(x, y []byte) int) {
sort.SliceStable(a.args, func(i, j int) bool {
n := f(a.args[i].key, a.args[j].key)
if n == 0 {
return f(a.args[i].value, a.args[j].value) == -1
return n == -1
// AppendBytes appends query string to dst and returns the extended dst.
func (a *Args) AppendBytes(dst []byte) []byte {
for i, n := 0, len(a.args); i < n; i++ {
kv := &a.args[i]
dst = AppendQuotedArg(dst, kv.key)
if !kv.noValue {
dst = append(dst, '=')
if len(kv.value) > 0 {
dst = AppendQuotedArg(dst, kv.value)
if i+1 < n {
dst = append(dst, '&')
return dst
// WriteTo writes query string to w.
// WriteTo implements io.WriterTo interface.
func (a *Args) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) {
n, err := w.Write(a.QueryString())
return int64(n), err
// Del deletes argument with the given key from query args.
func (a *Args) Del(key string) {
a.args = delAllArgs(a.args, key)
// DelBytes deletes argument with the given key from query args.
func (a *Args) DelBytes(key []byte) {
a.args = delAllArgs(a.args, b2s(key))
// Add adds 'key=value' argument.
// Multiple values for the same key may be added.
func (a *Args) Add(key, value string) {
a.args = appendArg(a.args, key, value, argsHasValue)
// AddBytesK adds 'key=value' argument.
// Multiple values for the same key may be added.
func (a *Args) AddBytesK(key []byte, value string) {
a.args = appendArg(a.args, b2s(key), value, argsHasValue)
// AddBytesV adds 'key=value' argument.
// Multiple values for the same key may be added.
func (a *Args) AddBytesV(key string, value []byte) {
a.args = appendArg(a.args, key, b2s(value), argsHasValue)
// AddBytesKV adds 'key=value' argument.
// Multiple values for the same key may be added.
func (a *Args) AddBytesKV(key, value []byte) {
a.args = appendArg(a.args, b2s(key), b2s(value), argsHasValue)
// AddNoValue adds only 'key' as argument without the '='.
// Multiple values for the same key may be added.
func (a *Args) AddNoValue(key string) {
a.args = appendArg(a.args, key, "", argsNoValue)
// AddBytesKNoValue adds only 'key' as argument without the '='.
// Multiple values for the same key may be added.
func (a *Args) AddBytesKNoValue(key []byte) {
a.args = appendArg(a.args, b2s(key), "", argsNoValue)
// Set sets 'key=value' argument.
func (a *Args) Set(key, value string) {
a.args = setArg(a.args, key, value, argsHasValue)
// SetBytesK sets 'key=value' argument.
func (a *Args) SetBytesK(key []byte, value string) {
a.args = setArg(a.args, b2s(key), value, argsHasValue)
// SetBytesV sets 'key=value' argument.
func (a *Args) SetBytesV(key string, value []byte) {
a.args = setArg(a.args, key, b2s(value), argsHasValue)
// SetBytesKV sets 'key=value' argument.
func (a *Args) SetBytesKV(key, value []byte) {
a.args = setArgBytes(a.args, key, value, argsHasValue)
// SetNoValue sets only 'key' as argument without the '='.
// Only key in argumemt, like key1&key2
func (a *Args) SetNoValue(key string) {
a.args = setArg(a.args, key, "", argsNoValue)
// SetBytesKNoValue sets 'key' argument.
func (a *Args) SetBytesKNoValue(key []byte) {
a.args = setArg(a.args, b2s(key), "", argsNoValue)
// Peek returns query arg value for the given key.
// Returned value is valid until the next Args call.
func (a *Args) Peek(key string) []byte {
return peekArgStr(a.args, key)
// PeekBytes returns query arg value for the given key.
// Returned value is valid until the next Args call.
func (a *Args) PeekBytes(key []byte) []byte {
return peekArgBytes(a.args, key)
// PeekMulti returns all the arg values for the given key.
func (a *Args) PeekMulti(key string) [][]byte {
var values [][]byte
a.VisitAll(func(k, v []byte) {
if string(k) == key {
values = append(values, v)
return values
// PeekMultiBytes returns all the arg values for the given key.
func (a *Args) PeekMultiBytes(key []byte) [][]byte {
return a.PeekMulti(b2s(key))
// Has returns true if the given key exists in Args.
func (a *Args) Has(key string) bool {
return hasArg(a.args, key)
// HasBytes returns true if the given key exists in Args.
func (a *Args) HasBytes(key []byte) bool {
return hasArg(a.args, b2s(key))
// ErrNoArgValue is returned when Args value with the given key is missing.
var ErrNoArgValue = errors.New("no Args value for the given key")
// GetUint returns uint value for the given key.
func (a *Args) GetUint(key string) (int, error) {
value := a.Peek(key)
if len(value) == 0 {
return -1, ErrNoArgValue
return ParseUint(value)
// SetUint sets uint value for the given key.
func (a *Args) SetUint(key string, value int) {
bb := bytebufferpool.Get()
bb.B = AppendUint(bb.B[:0], value)
a.SetBytesV(key, bb.B)
// SetUintBytes sets uint value for the given key.
func (a *Args) SetUintBytes(key []byte, value int) {
a.SetUint(b2s(key), value)
// GetUintOrZero returns uint value for the given key.
// Zero (0) is returned on error.
func (a *Args) GetUintOrZero(key string) int {
n, err := a.GetUint(key)
if err != nil {
n = 0
return n
// GetUfloat returns ufloat value for the given key.
func (a *Args) GetUfloat(key string) (float64, error) {
value := a.Peek(key)
if len(value) == 0 {
return -1, ErrNoArgValue
return ParseUfloat(value)
// GetUfloatOrZero returns ufloat value for the given key.
// Zero (0) is returned on error.
func (a *Args) GetUfloatOrZero(key string) float64 {
f, err := a.GetUfloat(key)
if err != nil {
f = 0
return f
// GetBool returns boolean value for the given key.
// true is returned for "1", "t", "T", "true", "TRUE", "True", "y", "yes", "Y", "YES", "Yes",
// otherwise false is returned.
func (a *Args) GetBool(key string) bool {
switch b2s(a.Peek(key)) {
// Support the same true cases as strconv.ParseBool
// See: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/4e1b11e2c9bdb0ddea1141eed487be1a626ff5be/src/strconv/atob.go#L12
// and Y and Yes versions.
case "1", "t", "T", "true", "TRUE", "True", "y", "yes", "Y", "YES", "Yes":
return true
return false
func visitArgs(args []argsKV, f func(k, v []byte)) {
for i, n := 0, len(args); i < n; i++ {
kv := &args[i]
f(kv.key, kv.value)
func copyArgs(dst, src []argsKV) []argsKV {
if cap(dst) < len(src) {
tmp := make([]argsKV, len(src))
copy(tmp, dst)
dst = tmp
n := len(src)
dst = dst[:n]
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
dstKV := &dst[i]
srcKV := &src[i]
dstKV.key = append(dstKV.key[:0], srcKV.key...)
if srcKV.noValue {
dstKV.value = dstKV.value[:0]
} else {
dstKV.value = append(dstKV.value[:0], srcKV.value...)
dstKV.noValue = srcKV.noValue
return dst
func delAllArgsBytes(args []argsKV, key []byte) []argsKV {
return delAllArgs(args, b2s(key))
func delAllArgs(args []argsKV, key string) []argsKV {
for i, n := 0, len(args); i < n; i++ {
kv := &args[i]
if key == string(kv.key) {
tmp := *kv
copy(args[i:], args[i+1:])
args[n] = tmp
args = args[:n]
return args
func setArgBytes(h []argsKV, key, value []byte, noValue bool) []argsKV {
return setArg(h, b2s(key), b2s(value), noValue)
func setArg(h []argsKV, key, value string, noValue bool) []argsKV {
n := len(h)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
kv := &h[i]
if key == string(kv.key) {
if noValue {
kv.value = kv.value[:0]
} else {
kv.value = append(kv.value[:0], value...)
kv.noValue = noValue
return h
return appendArg(h, key, value, noValue)
func appendArgBytes(h []argsKV, key, value []byte, noValue bool) []argsKV {
return appendArg(h, b2s(key), b2s(value), noValue)
func appendArg(args []argsKV, key, value string, noValue bool) []argsKV {
var kv *argsKV
args, kv = allocArg(args)
kv.key = append(kv.key[:0], key...)
if noValue {
kv.value = kv.value[:0]
} else {
kv.value = append(kv.value[:0], value...)
kv.noValue = noValue
return args
func allocArg(h []argsKV) ([]argsKV, *argsKV) {
n := len(h)
if cap(h) > n {
h = h[:n+1]
} else {
h = append(h, argsKV{})
return h, &h[n]
func releaseArg(h []argsKV) []argsKV {
return h[:len(h)-1]
func hasArg(h []argsKV, key string) bool {
for i, n := 0, len(h); i < n; i++ {
kv := &h[i]
if key == string(kv.key) {
return true
return false
func peekArgBytes(h []argsKV, k []byte) []byte {
for i, n := 0, len(h); i < n; i++ {
kv := &h[i]
if bytes.Equal(kv.key, k) {
return kv.value
return nil
func peekArgStr(h []argsKV, k string) []byte {
for i, n := 0, len(h); i < n; i++ {
kv := &h[i]
if string(kv.key) == k {
return kv.value
return nil
type argsScanner struct {
b []byte
func (s *argsScanner) next(kv *argsKV) bool {
if len(s.b) == 0 {
return false
kv.noValue = argsHasValue
isKey := true
k := 0
for i, c := range s.b {
switch c {
case '=':
if isKey {
isKey = false
kv.key = decodeArgAppend(kv.key[:0], s.b[:i])
k = i + 1
case '&':
if isKey {
kv.key = decodeArgAppend(kv.key[:0], s.b[:i])
kv.value = kv.value[:0]
kv.noValue = argsNoValue
} else {
kv.value = decodeArgAppend(kv.value[:0], s.b[k:i])
s.b = s.b[i+1:]
return true
if isKey {
kv.key = decodeArgAppend(kv.key[:0], s.b)
kv.value = kv.value[:0]
kv.noValue = argsNoValue
} else {
kv.value = decodeArgAppend(kv.value[:0], s.b[k:])
s.b = s.b[len(s.b):]
return true
func decodeArgAppend(dst, src []byte) []byte {
if bytes.IndexByte(src, '%') < 0 && bytes.IndexByte(src, '+') < 0 {
// fast path: src doesn't contain encoded chars
return append(dst, src...)
// slow path
for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ {
c := src[i]
if c == '%' {
if i+2 >= len(src) {
return append(dst, src[i:]...)
x2 := hex2intTable[src[i+2]]
x1 := hex2intTable[src[i+1]]
if x1 == 16 || x2 == 16 {
dst = append(dst, '%')
} else {
dst = append(dst, x1<<4|x2)
i += 2
} else if c == '+' {
dst = append(dst, ' ')
} else {
dst = append(dst, c)
return dst
// decodeArgAppendNoPlus is almost identical to decodeArgAppend, but it doesn't
// substitute '+' with ' '.
// The function is copy-pasted from decodeArgAppend due to the performance
// reasons only.
func decodeArgAppendNoPlus(dst, src []byte) []byte {
if bytes.IndexByte(src, '%') < 0 {
// fast path: src doesn't contain encoded chars
return append(dst, src...)
// slow path
for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ {
c := src[i]
if c == '%' {
if i+2 >= len(src) {
return append(dst, src[i:]...)
x2 := hex2intTable[src[i+2]]
x1 := hex2intTable[src[i+1]]
if x1 == 16 || x2 == 16 {
dst = append(dst, '%')
} else {
dst = append(dst, x1<<4|x2)
i += 2
} else {
dst = append(dst, c)
return dst