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synced 2024-12-01 14:47:38 +00:00
Already terminated pods and containers cannot be scraped and will never resurrect, so there is zero sense in creating scrape targets for them.
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package kubernetes
import (
func (p *Pod) key() string {
return p.Metadata.key()
func parsePodList(r io.Reader) (map[string]object, ListMeta, error) {
var pl PodList
d := json.NewDecoder(r)
if err := d.Decode(&pl); err != nil {
return nil, pl.Metadata, fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal PodList: %w", err)
objectsByKey := make(map[string]object)
for _, p := range pl.Items {
objectsByKey[p.key()] = p
return objectsByKey, pl.Metadata, nil
func parsePod(data []byte) (object, error) {
var p Pod
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &p); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &p, nil
// PodList implements k8s pod list.
// See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.17/#podlist-v1-core
type PodList struct {
Metadata ListMeta
Items []*Pod
// Pod implements k8s pod.
// See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.17/#pod-v1-core
type Pod struct {
Metadata ObjectMeta
Spec PodSpec
Status PodStatus
// PodSpec implements k8s pod spec.
// See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.17/#podspec-v1-core
type PodSpec struct {
NodeName string
Containers []Container
InitContainers []Container
// Container implements k8s container.
// See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.17/#container-v1-core
type Container struct {
Name string
Image string
Ports []ContainerPort
// ContainerPort implements k8s container port.
type ContainerPort struct {
Name string
ContainerPort int
Protocol string
// PodStatus implements k8s pod status.
// See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.17/#podstatus-v1-core
type PodStatus struct {
Phase string
PodIP string
HostIP string
Conditions []PodCondition
ContainerStatuses []ContainerStatus
InitContainerStatuses []ContainerStatus
// PodCondition implements k8s pod condition.
// See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.17/#podcondition-v1-core
type PodCondition struct {
Type string
Status string
// ContainerStatus implements k8s container status.
// See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.20/#containerstatus-v1-core
type ContainerStatus struct {
Name string
ContainerID string
State ContainerState
// ContainerState implements k8s container state.
// See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.20/#containerstatus-v1-core
type ContainerState struct {
Terminated *ContainerStateTerminated
// ContainerState implements k8s terminated container state.
// See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.20/#containerstatus-v1-core
type ContainerStateTerminated struct {
ExitCode int
func getContainerID(p *Pod, containerName string, isInit bool) string {
cs := p.getContainerStatus(containerName, isInit)
if cs == nil {
return ""
return cs.ContainerID
func isContainerTerminated(p *Pod, containerName string, isInit bool) bool {
cs := p.getContainerStatus(containerName, isInit)
if cs == nil {
return false
return cs.State.Terminated != nil
func (p *Pod) getContainerStatus(containerName string, isInit bool) *ContainerStatus {
css := p.Status.ContainerStatuses
if isInit {
css = p.Status.InitContainerStatuses
for i := range css {
cs := &css[i]
if cs.Name == containerName {
return cs
return nil
// getTargetLabels returns labels for each port of the given p.
// See https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#pod
func (p *Pod) getTargetLabels(gw *groupWatcher) []*promutils.Labels {
if len(p.Status.PodIP) == 0 {
// Skip pod without IP, since such pods cannnot be scraped.
return nil
if isPodPhaseFinished(p.Status.Phase) {
// Skip already stopped pod, since it cannot be scraped.
return nil
var ms []*promutils.Labels
ms = appendPodLabels(ms, gw, p, p.Spec.Containers, false)
ms = appendPodLabels(ms, gw, p, p.Spec.InitContainers, true)
return ms
func isPodPhaseFinished(phase string) bool {
// See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle/#pod-phase
return phase == "Succeeded" || phase == "Failed"
func appendPodLabels(ms []*promutils.Labels, gw *groupWatcher, p *Pod, cs []Container, isInit bool) []*promutils.Labels {
for _, c := range cs {
if isContainerTerminated(p, c.Name, isInit) {
// Skip terminated containers
for _, cp := range c.Ports {
ms = appendPodLabelsInternal(ms, gw, p, &c, &cp, isInit)
if len(c.Ports) == 0 {
ms = appendPodLabelsInternal(ms, gw, p, &c, nil, isInit)
return ms
func appendPodLabelsInternal(ms []*promutils.Labels, gw *groupWatcher, p *Pod, c *Container, cp *ContainerPort, isInit bool) []*promutils.Labels {
addr := p.Status.PodIP
if cp != nil {
addr = discoveryutils.JoinHostPort(addr, cp.ContainerPort)
m := promutils.GetLabels()
m.Add("__address__", addr)
isInitStr := "false"
if isInit {
isInitStr = "true"
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_init", isInitStr)
containerID := getContainerID(p, c.Name, isInit)
if containerID != "" {
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_id", containerID)
p.appendCommonLabels(m, gw)
p.appendContainerLabels(m, c, cp)
return append(ms, m)
func (p *Pod) appendContainerLabels(m *promutils.Labels, c *Container, cp *ContainerPort) {
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_image", c.Image)
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name", c.Name)
if cp != nil {
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name", cp.Name)
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_number", bytesutil.Itoa(cp.ContainerPort))
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_protocol", cp.Protocol)
func (p *Pod) appendEndpointLabels(m *promutils.Labels, eps *Endpoints) {
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_endpoints_name", eps.Metadata.Name)
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_address_target_kind", "Pod")
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_address_target_name", p.Metadata.Name)
eps.Metadata.registerLabelsAndAnnotations("__meta_kubernetes_endpoints", m)
func (p *Pod) appendEndpointSliceLabels(m *promutils.Labels, eps *EndpointSlice) {
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_name", eps.Metadata.Name)
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_address_target_kind", "Pod")
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_address_target_name", p.Metadata.Name)
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_address_type", eps.AddressType)
eps.Metadata.registerLabelsAndAnnotations("__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice", m)
func (p *Pod) appendCommonLabels(m *promutils.Labels, gw *groupWatcher) {
if gw.attachNodeMetadata {
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_node_name", p.Spec.NodeName)
o := gw.getObjectByRoleLocked("node", p.Metadata.Namespace, p.Spec.NodeName)
if o != nil {
n := o.(*Node)
n.Metadata.registerLabelsAndAnnotations("__meta_kubernetes_node", m)
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_pod_name", p.Metadata.Name)
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_pod_ip", p.Status.PodIP)
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_pod_ready", getPodReadyStatus(p.Status.Conditions))
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_pod_phase", p.Status.Phase)
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name", p.Spec.NodeName)
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_pod_host_ip", p.Status.HostIP)
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_pod_uid", p.Metadata.UID)
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_namespace", p.Metadata.Namespace)
if pc := getPodController(p.Metadata.OwnerReferences); pc != nil {
if pc.Kind != "" {
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_pod_controller_kind", pc.Kind)
if pc.Name != "" {
m.Add("__meta_kubernetes_pod_controller_name", pc.Name)
p.Metadata.registerLabelsAndAnnotations("__meta_kubernetes_pod", m)
func getPodController(ors []OwnerReference) *OwnerReference {
for _, or := range ors {
if or.Controller {
return &or
return nil
func getPodReadyStatus(conds []PodCondition) string {
for _, c := range conds {
if c.Type == "Ready" {
return toLowerConverter.Transform(c.Status)
return "unknown"
var toLowerConverter = bytesutil.NewFastStringTransformer(strings.ToLower)