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synced 2025-03-21 15:45:01 +00:00

It is better developing vmctl tool in VictoriaMetrics repository, so it could be released together with the rest of vmutils tools such as vmalert, vmagent, vmbackup, vmrestore and vmauth.
566 lines
12 KiB
566 lines
12 KiB
package pb
import (
// Version of ProgressBar library
const Version = "3.0.5"
type key int
const (
// Bytes means we're working with byte sizes. Numbers will print as Kb, Mb, etc
// bar.Set(pb.Bytes, true)
Bytes key = 1 << iota
// Use SI bytes prefix names (kB, MB, etc) instead of IEC prefix names (KiB, MiB, etc)
// Terminal means we're will print to terminal and can use ascii sequences
// Also we're will try to use terminal width
// Static means progress bar will not update automaticly
// ReturnSymbol - by default in terminal mode it's '\r'
// Color by default is true when output is tty, but you can set to false for disabling colors
const (
defaultBarWidth = 100
defaultRefreshRate = time.Millisecond * 200
// New creates new ProgressBar object
func New(total int) *ProgressBar {
return New64(int64(total))
// New64 creates new ProgressBar object using int64 as total
func New64(total int64) *ProgressBar {
pb := new(ProgressBar)
return pb.SetTotal(total)
// StartNew starts new ProgressBar with Default template
func StartNew(total int) *ProgressBar {
return New(total).Start()
// Start64 starts new ProgressBar with Default template. Using int64 as total.
func Start64(total int64) *ProgressBar {
return New64(total).Start()
var (
terminalWidth = termutil.TerminalWidth
isTerminal = isatty.IsTerminal
isCygwinTerminal = isatty.IsCygwinTerminal
// ProgressBar is the main object of bar
type ProgressBar struct {
current, total int64
width int
maxWidth int
mu sync.RWMutex
rm sync.Mutex
vars map[interface{}]interface{}
elements map[string]Element
output io.Writer
coutput io.Writer
nocoutput io.Writer
startTime time.Time
refreshRate time.Duration
tmpl *template.Template
state *State
buf *bytes.Buffer
ticker *time.Ticker
finish chan struct{}
finished bool
configured bool
err error
func (pb *ProgressBar) configure() {
if pb.configured {
pb.configured = true
if pb.vars == nil {
pb.vars = make(map[interface{}]interface{})
if pb.output == nil {
pb.output = os.Stderr
if pb.tmpl == nil {
pb.tmpl, pb.err = getTemplate(string(Default))
if pb.err != nil {
if pb.vars[Terminal] == nil {
if f, ok := pb.output.(*os.File); ok {
if isTerminal(f.Fd()) || isCygwinTerminal(f.Fd()) {
pb.vars[Terminal] = true
if pb.vars[ReturnSymbol] == nil {
if tm, ok := pb.vars[Terminal].(bool); ok && tm {
pb.vars[ReturnSymbol] = "\r"
if pb.vars[Color] == nil {
if tm, ok := pb.vars[Terminal].(bool); ok && tm {
pb.vars[Color] = true
if pb.refreshRate == 0 {
pb.refreshRate = defaultRefreshRate
if f, ok := pb.output.(*os.File); ok {
pb.coutput = colorable.NewColorable(f)
} else {
pb.coutput = pb.output
pb.nocoutput = colorable.NewNonColorable(pb.output)
// Start starts the bar
func (pb *ProgressBar) Start() *ProgressBar {
defer pb.mu.Unlock()
if pb.finish != nil {
return pb
pb.finished = false
pb.state = nil
pb.startTime = time.Now()
if st, ok := pb.vars[Static].(bool); ok && st {
return pb
pb.finish = make(chan struct{})
pb.ticker = time.NewTicker(pb.refreshRate)
go pb.writer(pb.finish)
return pb
func (pb *ProgressBar) writer(finish chan struct{}) {
for {
select {
case <-pb.ticker.C:
case <-finish:
finish <- struct{}{}
// Write performs write to the output
func (pb *ProgressBar) Write() *ProgressBar {
finished := pb.finished
return pb
func (pb *ProgressBar) write(finish bool) {
result, width := pb.render()
if pb.Err() != nil {
if pb.GetBool(Terminal) {
if r := (width - CellCount(result)); r > 0 {
result += strings.Repeat(" ", r)
if ret, ok := pb.Get(ReturnSymbol).(string); ok {
result = ret + result
if finish && ret == "\r" {
result += "\n"
if pb.GetBool(Color) {
} else {
// Total return current total bar value
func (pb *ProgressBar) Total() int64 {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&pb.total)
// SetTotal sets the total bar value
func (pb *ProgressBar) SetTotal(value int64) *ProgressBar {
atomic.StoreInt64(&pb.total, value)
return pb
// SetCurrent sets the current bar value
func (pb *ProgressBar) SetCurrent(value int64) *ProgressBar {
atomic.StoreInt64(&pb.current, value)
return pb
// Current return current bar value
func (pb *ProgressBar) Current() int64 {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&pb.current)
// Add adding given int64 value to bar value
func (pb *ProgressBar) Add64(value int64) *ProgressBar {
atomic.AddInt64(&pb.current, value)
return pb
// Add adding given int value to bar value
func (pb *ProgressBar) Add(value int) *ProgressBar {
return pb.Add64(int64(value))
// Increment atomically increments the progress
func (pb *ProgressBar) Increment() *ProgressBar {
return pb.Add64(1)
// Set sets any value by any key
func (pb *ProgressBar) Set(key, value interface{}) *ProgressBar {
defer pb.mu.Unlock()
if pb.vars == nil {
pb.vars = make(map[interface{}]interface{})
pb.vars[key] = value
return pb
// Get return value by key
func (pb *ProgressBar) Get(key interface{}) interface{} {
defer pb.mu.RUnlock()
if pb.vars == nil {
return nil
return pb.vars[key]
// GetBool return value by key and try to convert there to boolean
// If value doesn't set or not boolean - return false
func (pb *ProgressBar) GetBool(key interface{}) bool {
if v, ok := pb.Get(key).(bool); ok {
return v
return false
// SetWidth sets the bar width
// When given value <= 0 would be using the terminal width (if possible) or default value.
func (pb *ProgressBar) SetWidth(width int) *ProgressBar {
pb.width = width
return pb
// SetMaxWidth sets the bar maximum width
// When given value <= 0 would be using the terminal width (if possible) or default value.
func (pb *ProgressBar) SetMaxWidth(maxWidth int) *ProgressBar {
pb.maxWidth = maxWidth
return pb
// Width return the bar width
// It's current terminal width or settled over 'SetWidth' value.
func (pb *ProgressBar) Width() (width int) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
width = defaultBarWidth
width = pb.width
maxWidth := pb.maxWidth
if width <= 0 {
var err error
if width, err = terminalWidth(); err != nil {
return defaultBarWidth
if maxWidth > 0 && width > maxWidth {
width = maxWidth
func (pb *ProgressBar) SetRefreshRate(dur time.Duration) *ProgressBar {
if dur > 0 {
pb.refreshRate = dur
return pb
// SetWriter sets the io.Writer. Bar will write in this writer
// By default this is os.Stderr
func (pb *ProgressBar) SetWriter(w io.Writer) *ProgressBar {
pb.output = w
pb.configured = false
return pb
// StartTime return the time when bar started
func (pb *ProgressBar) StartTime() time.Time {
defer pb.mu.RUnlock()
return pb.startTime
// Format convert int64 to string according to the current settings
func (pb *ProgressBar) Format(v int64) string {
if pb.GetBool(Bytes) {
return formatBytes(v, pb.GetBool(SIBytesPrefix))
return strconv.FormatInt(v, 10)
// Finish stops the bar
func (pb *ProgressBar) Finish() *ProgressBar {
if pb.finished {
return pb
finishChan := pb.finish
pb.finished = true
if finishChan != nil {
finishChan <- struct{}{}
pb.finish = nil
return pb
// IsStarted indicates progress bar state
func (pb *ProgressBar) IsStarted() bool {
defer pb.mu.RUnlock()
return pb.finish != nil
// SetTemplateString sets ProgressBar tempate string and parse it
func (pb *ProgressBar) SetTemplateString(tmpl string) *ProgressBar {
defer pb.mu.Unlock()
pb.tmpl, pb.err = getTemplate(tmpl)
return pb
// SetTemplateString sets ProgressBarTempate and parse it
func (pb *ProgressBar) SetTemplate(tmpl ProgressBarTemplate) *ProgressBar {
return pb.SetTemplateString(string(tmpl))
// NewProxyReader creates a wrapper for given reader, but with progress handle
// Takes io.Reader or io.ReadCloser
// Also, it automatically switches progress bar to handle units as bytes
func (pb *ProgressBar) NewProxyReader(r io.Reader) *Reader {
pb.Set(Bytes, true)
return &Reader{r, pb}
// NewProxyWriter creates a wrapper for given writer, but with progress handle
// Takes io.Writer or io.WriteCloser
// Also, it automatically switches progress bar to handle units as bytes
func (pb *ProgressBar) NewProxyWriter(r io.Writer) *Writer {
pb.Set(Bytes, true)
return &Writer{r, pb}
func (pb *ProgressBar) render() (result string, width int) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
pb.SetErr(fmt.Errorf("render panic: %v", r))
defer pb.rm.Unlock()
if pb.state == nil {
pb.state = &State{ProgressBar: pb}
pb.buf = bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
if pb.startTime.IsZero() {
pb.startTime = time.Now()
pb.state.finished = pb.finished
pb.state.time = time.Now()
pb.state.width = pb.Width()
width = pb.state.width
pb.state.total = pb.Total()
pb.state.current = pb.Current()
if e := pb.tmpl.Execute(pb.buf, pb.state); e != nil {
return "", 0
result = pb.buf.String()
aec := len(pb.state.recalc)
if aec == 0 {
// no adaptive elements
staticWidth := CellCount(result) - (aec * adElPlaceholderLen)
if pb.state.Width()-staticWidth <= 0 {
result = strings.Replace(result, adElPlaceholder, "", -1)
result = StripString(result, pb.state.Width())
} else {
pb.state.adaptiveElWidth = (width - staticWidth) / aec
for _, el := range pb.state.recalc {
result = strings.Replace(result, adElPlaceholder, el.ProgressElement(pb.state), 1)
pb.state.recalc = pb.state.recalc[:0]
// SetErr sets error to the ProgressBar
// Error will be available over Err()
func (pb *ProgressBar) SetErr(err error) *ProgressBar {
pb.err = err
return pb
// Err return possible error
// When all ok - will be nil
// May contain template.Execute errors
func (pb *ProgressBar) Err() error {
defer pb.mu.RUnlock()
return pb.err
// String return currrent string representation of ProgressBar
func (pb *ProgressBar) String() string {
res, _ := pb.render()
return res
// ProgressElement implements Element interface
func (pb *ProgressBar) ProgressElement(s *State, args ...string) string {
if s.IsAdaptiveWidth() {
return pb.String()
// State represents the current state of bar
// Need for bar elements
type State struct {
id uint64
total, current int64
width, adaptiveElWidth int
finished, adaptive bool
time time.Time
recalc []Element
// Id it's the current state identifier
// - incremental
// - starts with 1
// - resets after finish/start
func (s *State) Id() uint64 {
return s.id
// Total it's bar int64 total
func (s *State) Total() int64 {
return s.total
// Value it's current value
func (s *State) Value() int64 {
return s.current
// Width of bar
func (s *State) Width() int {
return s.width
// AdaptiveElWidth - adaptive elements must return string with given cell count (when AdaptiveElWidth > 0)
func (s *State) AdaptiveElWidth() int {
return s.adaptiveElWidth
// IsAdaptiveWidth returns true when element must be shown as adaptive
func (s *State) IsAdaptiveWidth() bool {
return s.adaptive
// IsFinished return true when bar is finished
func (s *State) IsFinished() bool {
return s.finished
// IsFirst return true only in first render
func (s *State) IsFirst() bool {
return s.id == 1
// Time when state was created
func (s *State) Time() time.Time {
return s.time