Aliaksandr Valialkin 502fab797a lib/promscrape: add scrape_offset option to scrape_config
This option can be used for specifying the particular offset per each scrape interval for target scraping
2021-03-08 11:59:32 +02:00

579 lines
19 KiB

package promscrape
import (
parser ""
xxhash ""
var (
suppressScrapeErrors = flag.Bool("promscrape.suppressScrapeErrors", false, "Whether to suppress scrape errors logging. "+
"The last error for each target is always available at '/targets' page even if scrape errors logging is suppressed")
// ScrapeWork represents a unit of work for scraping Prometheus metrics.
// It must be immutable during its lifetime, since it is read from concurrently running goroutines.
type ScrapeWork struct {
// Full URL (including query args) for the scrape.
ScrapeURL string
// Interval for scraping the ScrapeURL.
ScrapeInterval time.Duration
// Timeout for scraping the ScrapeURL.
ScrapeTimeout time.Duration
// How to deal with conflicting labels.
// See
HonorLabels bool
// How to deal with scraped timestamps.
// See
HonorTimestamps bool
// OriginalLabels contains original labels before relabeling.
// These labels are needed for relabeling troubleshooting at /targets page.
OriginalLabels []prompbmarshal.Label
// Labels to add to the scraped metrics.
// The list contains at least the following labels according to
// * job
// * __address__
// * __scheme__
// * __metrics_path__
// * __param_<name>
// * __meta_*
// * user-defined labels set via `relabel_configs` section in `scrape_config`
// See also
Labels []prompbmarshal.Label
// Auth config
AuthConfig *promauth.Config
// ProxyURL HTTP proxy url
ProxyURL proxy.URL
// Optional `metric_relabel_configs`.
MetricRelabelConfigs *promrelabel.ParsedConfigs
// The maximum number of metrics to scrape after relabeling.
SampleLimit int
// Whether to disable response compression when querying ScrapeURL.
DisableCompression bool
// Whether to disable HTTP keep-alive when querying ScrapeURL.
DisableKeepAlive bool
// Whether to parse target responses in a streaming manner.
StreamParse bool
// The interval for aligning the first scrape.
ScrapeAlignInterval time.Duration
// The offset for the first scrape.
ScrapeOffset time.Duration
// The original 'job_name'
jobNameOriginal string
// key returns unique identifier for the given sw.
// it can be used for comparing for equality for two ScrapeWork objects.
func (sw *ScrapeWork) key() string {
// Do not take into account OriginalLabels.
key := fmt.Sprintf("ScrapeURL=%s, ScrapeInterval=%s, ScrapeTimeout=%s, HonorLabels=%v, HonorTimestamps=%v, Labels=%s, "+
"AuthConfig=%s, MetricRelabelConfigs=%s, SampleLimit=%d, DisableCompression=%v, DisableKeepAlive=%v, StreamParse=%v, "+
"ScrapeAlignInterval=%s, ScrapeOffset=%s",
sw.ScrapeURL, sw.ScrapeInterval, sw.ScrapeTimeout, sw.HonorLabels, sw.HonorTimestamps, sw.LabelsString(),
sw.AuthConfig.String(), sw.MetricRelabelConfigs.String(), sw.SampleLimit, sw.DisableCompression, sw.DisableKeepAlive, sw.StreamParse,
sw.ScrapeAlignInterval, sw.ScrapeOffset)
return key
// Job returns job for the ScrapeWork
func (sw *ScrapeWork) Job() string {
return promrelabel.GetLabelValueByName(sw.Labels, "job")
// LabelsString returns labels in Prometheus format for the given sw.
func (sw *ScrapeWork) LabelsString() string {
labelsFinalized := promrelabel.FinalizeLabels(nil, sw.Labels)
return promLabelsString(labelsFinalized)
func promLabelsString(labels []prompbmarshal.Label) string {
// Calculate the required memory for storing serialized labels.
n := 2 // for `{...}`
for _, label := range labels {
n += len(label.Name) + len(label.Value)
n += 4 // for `="...",`
b := make([]byte, 0, n)
b = append(b, '{')
for i, label := range labels {
b = append(b, label.Name...)
b = append(b, '=')
b = strconv.AppendQuote(b, label.Value)
if i+1 < len(labels) {
b = append(b, ',')
b = append(b, '}')
return bytesutil.ToUnsafeString(b)
type scrapeWork struct {
// Config for the scrape.
Config *ScrapeWork
// ReadData is called for reading the data.
ReadData func(dst []byte) ([]byte, error)
// GetStreamReader is called if Config.StreamParse is set.
GetStreamReader func() (*streamReader, error)
// PushData is called for pushing collected data.
PushData func(wr *prompbmarshal.WriteRequest)
// ScrapeGroup is name of ScrapeGroup that
// scrapeWork belongs to
ScrapeGroup string
tmpRow parser.Row
// the seriesMap, seriesAdded and labelsHashBuf are used for fast calculation of `scrape_series_added` metric.
seriesMap map[uint64]struct{}
seriesAdded int
labelsHashBuf []byte
// prevBodyLen contains the previous response body length for the given scrape work.
// It is used as a hint in order to reduce memory usage for body buffers.
prevBodyLen int
// prevRowsLen contains the number rows scraped during the previous scrape.
// It is used as a hint in order to reduce memory usage when parsing scrape responses.
prevRowsLen int
func (sw *scrapeWork) run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
var randSleep uint64
scrapeInterval := sw.Config.ScrapeInterval
scrapeAlignInterval := sw.Config.ScrapeAlignInterval
scrapeOffset := sw.Config.ScrapeOffset
if scrapeOffset > 0 {
scrapeAlignInterval = scrapeInterval
if scrapeAlignInterval <= 0 {
// Calculate start time for the first scrape from ScrapeURL and labels.
// This should spread load when scraping many targets with different
// scrape urls and labels.
// This also makes consistent scrape times across restarts
// for a target with the same ScrapeURL and labels.
key := fmt.Sprintf("ScrapeURL=%s, Labels=%s", sw.Config.ScrapeURL, sw.Config.LabelsString())
h := uint32(xxhash.Sum64(bytesutil.ToUnsafeBytes(key)))
randSleep = uint64(float64(scrapeInterval) * (float64(h) / (1 << 32)))
sleepOffset := uint64(time.Now().UnixNano()) % uint64(scrapeInterval)
if randSleep < sleepOffset {
randSleep += uint64(scrapeInterval)
randSleep -= sleepOffset
} else {
d := uint64(scrapeAlignInterval)
randSleep = d - uint64(time.Now().UnixNano())%d
if scrapeOffset > 0 {
randSleep += uint64(scrapeOffset)
randSleep %= uint64(scrapeInterval)
timer := timerpool.Get(time.Duration(randSleep))
var timestamp int64
var ticker *time.Ticker
select {
case <-stopCh:
case <-timer.C:
ticker = time.NewTicker(scrapeInterval)
timestamp = time.Now().UnixNano() / 1e6
sw.scrapeAndLogError(timestamp, timestamp)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
timestamp += scrapeInterval.Milliseconds()
select {
case <-stopCh:
case tt := <-ticker.C:
t := tt.UnixNano() / 1e6
if d := math.Abs(float64(t - timestamp)); d > 0 && d/float64(scrapeInterval.Milliseconds()) > 0.1 {
// Too big jitter. Adjust timestamp
timestamp = t
sw.scrapeAndLogError(timestamp, t)
func (sw *scrapeWork) logError(s string) {
if !*suppressScrapeErrors {
logger.ErrorfSkipframes(1, "error when scraping %q from job %q with labels %s: %s; "+
"scrape errors can be disabled by -promscrape.suppressScrapeErrors command-line flag",
sw.Config.ScrapeURL, sw.Config.Job(), sw.Config.LabelsString(), s)
func (sw *scrapeWork) scrapeAndLogError(scrapeTimestamp, realTimestamp int64) {
if err := sw.scrapeInternal(scrapeTimestamp, realTimestamp); err != nil && !*suppressScrapeErrors {
logger.Errorf("error when scraping %q from job %q with labels %s: %s", sw.Config.ScrapeURL, sw.Config.Job(), sw.Config.LabelsString(), err)
var (
scrapeDuration = metrics.NewHistogram("vm_promscrape_scrape_duration_seconds")
scrapeResponseSize = metrics.NewHistogram("vm_promscrape_scrape_response_size_bytes")
scrapedSamples = metrics.NewHistogram("vm_promscrape_scraped_samples")
scrapesSkippedBySampleLimit = metrics.NewCounter("vm_promscrape_scrapes_skipped_by_sample_limit_total")
scrapesFailed = metrics.NewCounter("vm_promscrape_scrapes_failed_total")
pushDataDuration = metrics.NewHistogram("vm_promscrape_push_data_duration_seconds")
func (sw *scrapeWork) scrapeInternal(scrapeTimestamp, realTimestamp int64) error {
if *streamParse || sw.Config.StreamParse {
// Read data from scrape targets in streaming manner.
// This case is optimized for targets exposing millions and more of metrics per target.
return sw.scrapeStream(scrapeTimestamp, realTimestamp)
// Common case: read all the data from scrape target to memory (body) and then process it.
// This case should work more optimally for than stream parse code above for common case when scrape target exposes
// up to a few thousand metrics.
body := leveledbytebufferpool.Get(sw.prevBodyLen)
var err error
body.B, err = sw.ReadData(body.B[:0])
endTimestamp := time.Now().UnixNano() / 1e6
duration := float64(endTimestamp-realTimestamp) / 1e3
up := 1
wc := writeRequestCtxPool.Get(sw.prevRowsLen)
if err != nil {
up = 0
} else {
bodyString := bytesutil.ToUnsafeString(body.B)
wc.rows.UnmarshalWithErrLogger(bodyString, sw.logError)
srcRows := wc.rows.Rows
samplesScraped := len(srcRows)
if sw.Config.SampleLimit > 0 && samplesScraped > sw.Config.SampleLimit {
srcRows = srcRows[:0]
up = 0
samplesPostRelabeling := 0
for i := range srcRows {
sw.addRowToTimeseries(wc, &srcRows[i], scrapeTimestamp, true)
if len(wc.labels) > 40000 {
// Limit the maximum size of wc.writeRequest.
// This should reduce memory usage when scraping targets with millions of metrics and/or labels.
// For example, when scraping /federate handler from Prometheus - see
samplesPostRelabeling += len(wc.writeRequest.Timeseries)
startTime := time.Now()
samplesPostRelabeling += len(wc.writeRequest.Timeseries)
seriesAdded := sw.finalizeSeriesAdded(samplesPostRelabeling)
sw.addAutoTimeseries(wc, "up", float64(up), scrapeTimestamp)
sw.addAutoTimeseries(wc, "scrape_duration_seconds", duration, scrapeTimestamp)
sw.addAutoTimeseries(wc, "scrape_samples_scraped", float64(samplesScraped), scrapeTimestamp)
sw.addAutoTimeseries(wc, "scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling", float64(samplesPostRelabeling), scrapeTimestamp)
sw.addAutoTimeseries(wc, "scrape_series_added", float64(seriesAdded), scrapeTimestamp)
startTime := time.Now()
sw.prevRowsLen = samplesScraped
// body must be released only after wc is released, since wc refers to body.
sw.prevBodyLen = len(body.B)
tsmGlobal.Update(sw.Config, sw.ScrapeGroup, up == 1, realTimestamp, int64(duration*1000), err)
return err
func (sw *scrapeWork) scrapeStream(scrapeTimestamp, realTimestamp int64) error {
samplesScraped := 0
samplesPostRelabeling := 0
responseSize := int64(0)
wc := writeRequestCtxPool.Get(sw.prevRowsLen)
sr, err := sw.GetStreamReader()
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("cannot read data: %s", err)
} else {
var mu sync.Mutex
err = parser.ParseStream(sr, scrapeTimestamp, false, func(rows []parser.Row) error {
defer mu.Unlock()
samplesScraped += len(rows)
for i := range rows {
sw.addRowToTimeseries(wc, &rows[i], scrapeTimestamp, true)
// Push the collected rows to sw before returning from the callback, since they cannot be held
// after returning from the callback - this will result in data race.
// See
samplesPostRelabeling += len(wc.writeRequest.Timeseries)
startTime := time.Now()
return nil
}, sw.logError)
responseSize = sr.bytesRead
endTimestamp := time.Now().UnixNano() / 1e6
duration := float64(endTimestamp-realTimestamp) / 1e3
up := 1
if err != nil {
if samplesScraped == 0 {
up = 0
seriesAdded := sw.finalizeSeriesAdded(samplesPostRelabeling)
sw.addAutoTimeseries(wc, "up", float64(up), scrapeTimestamp)
sw.addAutoTimeseries(wc, "scrape_duration_seconds", duration, scrapeTimestamp)
sw.addAutoTimeseries(wc, "scrape_samples_scraped", float64(samplesScraped), scrapeTimestamp)
sw.addAutoTimeseries(wc, "scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling", float64(samplesPostRelabeling), scrapeTimestamp)
sw.addAutoTimeseries(wc, "scrape_series_added", float64(seriesAdded), scrapeTimestamp)
startTime := time.Now()
sw.prevRowsLen = len(wc.rows.Rows)
tsmGlobal.Update(sw.Config, sw.ScrapeGroup, up == 1, realTimestamp, int64(duration*1000), err)
return err
// leveledWriteRequestCtxPool allows reducing memory usage when writeRequesCtx
// structs contain mixed number of labels.
// Its logic has been copied from leveledbytebufferpool.
type leveledWriteRequestCtxPool struct {
pools [30]sync.Pool
func (lwp *leveledWriteRequestCtxPool) Get(rowsCapacity int) *writeRequestCtx {
id, capacityNeeded := lwp.getPoolIDAndCapacity(rowsCapacity)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
if id < 0 || id >= len(lwp.pools) {
if v := lwp.pools[id].Get(); v != nil {
return v.(*writeRequestCtx)
return &writeRequestCtx{
labels: make([]prompbmarshal.Label, 0, capacityNeeded),
func (lwp *leveledWriteRequestCtxPool) Put(wc *writeRequestCtx) {
capacity := cap(wc.rows.Rows)
id, _ := lwp.getPoolIDAndCapacity(capacity)
func (lwp *leveledWriteRequestCtxPool) getPoolIDAndCapacity(size int) (int, int) {
if size < 0 {
size = 0
size >>= 3
id := bits.Len(uint(size))
if id > len(lwp.pools) {
id = len(lwp.pools) - 1
return id, (1 << (id + 3))
type writeRequestCtx struct {
rows parser.Rows
writeRequest prompbmarshal.WriteRequest
labels []prompbmarshal.Label
samples []prompbmarshal.Sample
func (wc *writeRequestCtx) reset() {
func (wc *writeRequestCtx) resetNoRows() {
wc.labels = wc.labels[:0]
wc.samples = wc.samples[:0]
var writeRequestCtxPool leveledWriteRequestCtxPool
func (sw *scrapeWork) updateSeriesAdded(wc *writeRequestCtx) {
if sw.seriesMap == nil {
sw.seriesMap = make(map[uint64]struct{}, len(wc.writeRequest.Timeseries))
m := sw.seriesMap
for _, ts := range wc.writeRequest.Timeseries {
h := sw.getLabelsHash(ts.Labels)
if _, ok := m[h]; !ok {
m[h] = struct{}{}
func (sw *scrapeWork) finalizeSeriesAdded(lastScrapeSize int) int {
seriesAdded := sw.seriesAdded
sw.seriesAdded = 0
if len(sw.seriesMap) > 4*lastScrapeSize {
// Reset seriesMap, since it occupies more than 4x metrics collected during the last scrape.
sw.seriesMap = make(map[uint64]struct{}, lastScrapeSize)
return seriesAdded
func (sw *scrapeWork) getLabelsHash(labels []prompbmarshal.Label) uint64 {
// It is OK if there will be hash collisions for distinct sets of labels,
// since the accuracy for `scrape_series_added` metric may be lower than 100%.
b := sw.labelsHashBuf[:0]
for _, label := range labels {
b = append(b, label.Name...)
b = append(b, label.Value...)
sw.labelsHashBuf = b
return xxhash.Sum64(b)
// addAutoTimeseries adds automatically generated time series with the given name, value and timestamp.
// See
func (sw *scrapeWork) addAutoTimeseries(wc *writeRequestCtx, name string, value float64, timestamp int64) {
sw.tmpRow.Metric = name
sw.tmpRow.Tags = nil
sw.tmpRow.Value = value
sw.tmpRow.Timestamp = timestamp
sw.addRowToTimeseries(wc, &sw.tmpRow, timestamp, false)
func (sw *scrapeWork) addRowToTimeseries(wc *writeRequestCtx, r *parser.Row, timestamp int64, needRelabel bool) {
labelsLen := len(wc.labels)
wc.labels = appendLabels(wc.labels, r.Metric, r.Tags, sw.Config.Labels, sw.Config.HonorLabels)
if needRelabel {
wc.labels = sw.Config.MetricRelabelConfigs.Apply(wc.labels, labelsLen, true)
} else {
wc.labels = promrelabel.FinalizeLabels(wc.labels[:labelsLen], wc.labels[labelsLen:])
if len(wc.labels) == labelsLen {
// Skip row without labels.
sampleTimestamp := r.Timestamp
if !sw.Config.HonorTimestamps || sampleTimestamp == 0 {
sampleTimestamp = timestamp
wc.samples = append(wc.samples, prompbmarshal.Sample{
Value: r.Value,
Timestamp: sampleTimestamp,
wr := &wc.writeRequest
wr.Timeseries = append(wr.Timeseries, prompbmarshal.TimeSeries{
Labels: wc.labels[labelsLen:],
Samples: wc.samples[len(wc.samples)-1:],
func appendLabels(dst []prompbmarshal.Label, metric string, src []parser.Tag, extraLabels []prompbmarshal.Label, honorLabels bool) []prompbmarshal.Label {
dstLen := len(dst)
dst = append(dst, prompbmarshal.Label{
Name: "__name__",
Value: metric,
for i := range src {
tag := &src[i]
dst = append(dst, prompbmarshal.Label{
Name: tag.Key,
Value: tag.Value,
dst = append(dst, extraLabels...)
labels := dst[dstLen:]
if len(labels) <= 1 {
// Fast path - only a single label.
return dst
// de-duplicate labels
dstLabels := labels[:0]
for i := range labels {
label := &labels[i]
prevLabel := promrelabel.GetLabelByName(dstLabels, label.Name)
if prevLabel == nil {
dstLabels = append(dstLabels, *label)
if honorLabels {
// Skip the extra label with the same name.
// Rename the prevLabel to "exported_" + label.Name.
// See
exportedName := "exported_" + label.Name
if promrelabel.GetLabelByName(dstLabels, exportedName) != nil {
// Override duplicate with the current label.
*prevLabel = *label
prevLabel.Name = exportedName
dstLabels = append(dstLabels, *label)
return dst[:dstLen+len(dstLabels)]