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synced 2025-03-21 15:45:01 +00:00

* vmalert: use group's ID in UI to avoid collisions Identical group names are allowed. So we should used IDs for various groupings and aggregations in UI. Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <roman@victoriametrics.com> * vmalert: prevent disabling state updates tracking The minimum number of update states to track is now set to 1. Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <roman@victoriametrics.com> * vmalert: properly update `debug` and `update_entries_limit` params on hot-reload Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <roman@victoriametrics.com> * vmalert: display `debug` field for rule in UI Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <roman@victoriametrics.com> * vmalert: exclude `updates` field from json marhsaling This field isn't correctly marshaled right now. And implementing the correct marshaling for it doesn't seem right, since json representation is mostly used by systems like Grafana. And Grafana doesn't expect this field to be present. Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <roman@victoriametrics.com> * fix test for disabled state Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <roman@victoriametrics.com> * fix test for disabled state Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <roman@victoriametrics.com> --------- Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <roman@victoriametrics.com>
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package main
import (
// AlertingRule is basic alert entity
type AlertingRule struct {
Type config.Type
RuleID uint64
Name string
Expr string
For time.Duration
Labels map[string]string
Annotations map[string]string
GroupID uint64
GroupName string
EvalInterval time.Duration
Debug bool
q datasource.Querier
alertsMu sync.RWMutex
// stores list of active alerts
alerts map[uint64]*notifier.Alert
// state stores recent state changes
// during evaluations
state *ruleState
metrics *alertingRuleMetrics
type alertingRuleMetrics struct {
errors *utils.Gauge
pending *utils.Gauge
active *utils.Gauge
samples *utils.Gauge
func newAlertingRule(qb datasource.QuerierBuilder, group *Group, cfg config.Rule) *AlertingRule {
ar := &AlertingRule{
Type: group.Type,
RuleID: cfg.ID,
Name: cfg.Alert,
Expr: cfg.Expr,
For: cfg.For.Duration(),
Labels: cfg.Labels,
Annotations: cfg.Annotations,
GroupID: group.ID(),
GroupName: group.Name,
EvalInterval: group.Interval,
Debug: cfg.Debug,
q: qb.BuildWithParams(datasource.QuerierParams{
DataSourceType: group.Type.String(),
EvaluationInterval: group.Interval,
QueryParams: group.Params,
Headers: group.Headers,
Debug: cfg.Debug,
alerts: make(map[uint64]*notifier.Alert),
metrics: &alertingRuleMetrics{},
if cfg.UpdateEntriesLimit != nil {
ar.state = newRuleState(*cfg.UpdateEntriesLimit)
} else {
ar.state = newRuleState(*ruleUpdateEntriesLimit)
labels := fmt.Sprintf(`alertname=%q, group=%q, id="%d"`, ar.Name, group.Name, ar.ID())
ar.metrics.pending = utils.GetOrCreateGauge(fmt.Sprintf(`vmalert_alerts_pending{%s}`, labels),
func() float64 {
defer ar.alertsMu.RUnlock()
var num int
for _, a := range ar.alerts {
if a.State == notifier.StatePending {
return float64(num)
ar.metrics.active = utils.GetOrCreateGauge(fmt.Sprintf(`vmalert_alerts_firing{%s}`, labels),
func() float64 {
defer ar.alertsMu.RUnlock()
var num int
for _, a := range ar.alerts {
if a.State == notifier.StateFiring {
return float64(num)
ar.metrics.errors = utils.GetOrCreateGauge(fmt.Sprintf(`vmalert_alerting_rules_error{%s}`, labels),
func() float64 {
e := ar.state.getLast()
if e.err == nil {
return 0
return 1
ar.metrics.samples = utils.GetOrCreateGauge(fmt.Sprintf(`vmalert_alerting_rules_last_evaluation_samples{%s}`, labels),
func() float64 {
e := ar.state.getLast()
return float64(e.samples)
return ar
// Close unregisters rule metrics
func (ar *AlertingRule) Close() {
// String implements Stringer interface
func (ar *AlertingRule) String() string {
return ar.Name
// ID returns unique Rule ID
// within the parent Group.
func (ar *AlertingRule) ID() uint64 {
return ar.RuleID
func (ar *AlertingRule) logDebugf(at time.Time, a *notifier.Alert, format string, args ...interface{}) {
if !ar.Debug {
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("DEBUG rule %q:%q (%d) at %v: ",
ar.GroupName, ar.Name, ar.RuleID, at.Format(time.RFC3339))
if a != nil {
labelKeys := make([]string, len(a.Labels))
var i int
for k := range a.Labels {
labelKeys[i] = k
labels := make([]string, len(labelKeys))
for i, l := range labelKeys {
labels[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s=%q", l, a.Labels[l])
labelsStr := strings.Join(labels, ",")
prefix += fmt.Sprintf("alert %d {%s} ", a.ID, labelsStr)
msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
logger.Infof("%s", prefix+msg)
type labelSet struct {
// origin labels extracted from received time series
// plus extra labels (group labels, service labels like alertNameLabel).
// in case of conflicts, origin labels from time series preferred.
// used for templating annotations
origin map[string]string
// processed labels includes origin labels
// plus extra labels (group labels, service labels like alertNameLabel).
// in case of conflicts, extra labels are preferred.
// used as labels attached to notifier.Alert and ALERTS series written to remote storage.
processed map[string]string
// toLabels converts labels from given Metric
// to labelSet which contains original and processed labels.
func (ar *AlertingRule) toLabels(m datasource.Metric, qFn templates.QueryFn) (*labelSet, error) {
ls := &labelSet{
origin: make(map[string]string),
processed: make(map[string]string),
for _, l := range m.Labels {
ls.origin[l.Name] = l.Value
// drop __name__ to be consistent with Prometheus alerting
if l.Name == "__name__" {
ls.processed[l.Name] = l.Value
extraLabels, err := notifier.ExecTemplate(qFn, ar.Labels, notifier.AlertTplData{
Labels: ls.origin,
Value: m.Values[0],
Expr: ar.Expr,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to expand labels: %s", err)
for k, v := range extraLabels {
ls.processed[k] = v
if _, ok := ls.origin[k]; !ok {
ls.origin[k] = v
// set additional labels to identify group and rule name
if ar.Name != "" {
ls.processed[alertNameLabel] = ar.Name
if _, ok := ls.origin[alertNameLabel]; !ok {
ls.origin[alertNameLabel] = ar.Name
if !*disableAlertGroupLabel && ar.GroupName != "" {
ls.processed[alertGroupNameLabel] = ar.GroupName
if _, ok := ls.origin[alertGroupNameLabel]; !ok {
ls.origin[alertGroupNameLabel] = ar.GroupName
return ls, nil
// ExecRange executes alerting rule on the given time range similarly to Exec.
// It doesn't update internal states of the Rule and meant to be used just
// to get time series for backfilling.
// It returns ALERT and ALERT_FOR_STATE time series as result.
func (ar *AlertingRule) ExecRange(ctx context.Context, start, end time.Time) ([]prompbmarshal.TimeSeries, error) {
series, err := ar.q.QueryRange(ctx, ar.Expr, start, end)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var result []prompbmarshal.TimeSeries
qFn := func(query string) ([]datasource.Metric, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("`query` template isn't supported in replay mode")
for _, s := range series {
a, err := ar.newAlert(s, nil, time.Time{}, qFn) // initial alert
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create alert: %s", err)
if ar.For == 0 { // if alert is instant
a.State = notifier.StateFiring
for i := range s.Values {
result = append(result, ar.alertToTimeSeries(a, s.Timestamps[i])...)
// if alert with For > 0
prevT := time.Time{}
for i := range s.Values {
at := time.Unix(s.Timestamps[i], 0)
if at.Sub(prevT) > ar.EvalInterval {
// reset to Pending if there are gaps > EvalInterval between DPs
a.State = notifier.StatePending
a.ActiveAt = at
} else if at.Sub(a.ActiveAt) >= ar.For {
a.State = notifier.StateFiring
a.Start = at
prevT = at
result = append(result, ar.alertToTimeSeries(a, s.Timestamps[i])...)
return result, nil
// resolvedRetention is the duration for which a resolved alert instance
// is kept in memory state and consequently repeatedly sent to the AlertManager.
const resolvedRetention = 15 * time.Minute
// Exec executes AlertingRule expression via the given Querier.
// Based on the Querier results AlertingRule maintains notifier.Alerts
func (ar *AlertingRule) Exec(ctx context.Context, ts time.Time, limit int) ([]prompbmarshal.TimeSeries, error) {
start := time.Now()
qMetrics, req, err := ar.q.Query(ctx, ar.Expr, ts)
curState := ruleStateEntry{
time: start,
at: ts,
duration: time.Since(start),
samples: len(qMetrics),
err: err,
curl: requestToCurl(req),
defer func() {
defer ar.alertsMu.Unlock()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to execute query %q: %w", ar.Expr, err)
ar.logDebugf(ts, nil, "query returned %d samples (elapsed: %s)", curState.samples, curState.duration)
for h, a := range ar.alerts {
// cleanup inactive alerts from previous Exec
if a.State == notifier.StateInactive && ts.Sub(a.ResolvedAt) > resolvedRetention {
ar.logDebugf(ts, a, "deleted as inactive")
delete(ar.alerts, h)
qFn := func(query string) ([]datasource.Metric, error) {
res, _, err := ar.q.Query(ctx, query, ts)
return res, err
updated := make(map[uint64]struct{})
// update list of active alerts
for _, m := range qMetrics {
ls, err := ar.toLabels(m, qFn)
if err != nil {
curState.err = fmt.Errorf("failed to expand labels: %s", err)
return nil, curState.err
h := hash(ls.processed)
if _, ok := updated[h]; ok {
// duplicate may be caused by extra labels
// conflicting with the metric labels
curState.err = fmt.Errorf("labels %v: %w", ls.processed, errDuplicate)
return nil, curState.err
updated[h] = struct{}{}
if a, ok := ar.alerts[h]; ok {
if a.State == notifier.StateInactive {
// alert could be in inactive state for resolvedRetention
// so when we again receive metrics for it - we switch it
// back to notifier.StatePending
a.State = notifier.StatePending
a.ActiveAt = ts
ar.logDebugf(ts, a, "INACTIVE => PENDING")
a.Value = m.Values[0]
// re-exec template since Value or query can be used in annotations
a.Annotations, err = a.ExecTemplate(qFn, ls.origin, ar.Annotations)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
a, err := ar.newAlert(m, ls, start, qFn)
if err != nil {
curState.err = fmt.Errorf("failed to create alert: %w", err)
return nil, curState.err
a.ID = h
a.State = notifier.StatePending
a.ActiveAt = ts
ar.alerts[h] = a
ar.logDebugf(ts, a, "created in state PENDING")
var numActivePending int
for h, a := range ar.alerts {
// if alert wasn't updated in this iteration
// means it is resolved already
if _, ok := updated[h]; !ok {
if a.State == notifier.StatePending {
// alert was in Pending state - it is not
// active anymore
delete(ar.alerts, h)
ar.logDebugf(ts, a, "PENDING => DELETED: is absent in current evaluation round")
if a.State == notifier.StateFiring {
a.State = notifier.StateInactive
a.ResolvedAt = ts
ar.logDebugf(ts, a, "FIRING => INACTIVE: is absent in current evaluation round")
if a.State == notifier.StatePending && ts.Sub(a.ActiveAt) >= ar.For {
a.State = notifier.StateFiring
a.Start = ts
ar.logDebugf(ts, a, "PENDING => FIRING: %s since becoming active at %v", ts.Sub(a.ActiveAt), a.ActiveAt)
if limit > 0 && numActivePending > limit {
ar.alerts = map[uint64]*notifier.Alert{}
curState.err = fmt.Errorf("exec exceeded limit of %d with %d alerts", limit, numActivePending)
return nil, curState.err
return ar.toTimeSeries(ts.Unix()), nil
func (ar *AlertingRule) toTimeSeries(timestamp int64) []prompbmarshal.TimeSeries {
var tss []prompbmarshal.TimeSeries
for _, a := range ar.alerts {
if a.State == notifier.StateInactive {
ts := ar.alertToTimeSeries(a, timestamp)
tss = append(tss, ts...)
return tss
// UpdateWith copies all significant fields.
// alerts state isn't copied since
// it should be updated in next 2 Execs
func (ar *AlertingRule) UpdateWith(r Rule) error {
nr, ok := r.(*AlertingRule)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("BUG: attempt to update alerting rule with wrong type %#v", r)
ar.Expr = nr.Expr
ar.For = nr.For
ar.Labels = nr.Labels
ar.Annotations = nr.Annotations
ar.EvalInterval = nr.EvalInterval
ar.Debug = nr.Debug
ar.q = nr.q
ar.state = nr.state
return nil
// TODO: consider hashing algorithm in VM
func hash(labels map[string]string) uint64 {
hash := fnv.New64a()
keys := make([]string, 0, len(labels))
for k := range labels {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, k := range keys {
// drop __name__ to be consistent with Prometheus alerting
if k == "__name__" {
name, value := k, labels[k]
return hash.Sum64()
func (ar *AlertingRule) newAlert(m datasource.Metric, ls *labelSet, start time.Time, qFn templates.QueryFn) (*notifier.Alert, error) {
var err error
if ls == nil {
ls, err = ar.toLabels(m, qFn)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to expand labels: %s", err)
a := ¬ifier.Alert{
GroupID: ar.GroupID,
Name: ar.Name,
Labels: ls.processed,
Value: m.Values[0],
ActiveAt: start,
Expr: ar.Expr,
For: ar.For,
a.Annotations, err = a.ExecTemplate(qFn, ls.origin, ar.Annotations)
return a, err
// AlertAPI generates APIAlert object from alert by its id(hash)
func (ar *AlertingRule) AlertAPI(id uint64) *APIAlert {
defer ar.alertsMu.RUnlock()
a, ok := ar.alerts[id]
if !ok {
return nil
return ar.newAlertAPI(*a)
// ToAPI returns Rule representation in form of APIRule
// Isn't thread-safe. Call must be protected by AlertingRule mutex.
func (ar *AlertingRule) ToAPI() APIRule {
lastState := ar.state.getLast()
r := APIRule{
Type: "alerting",
DatasourceType: ar.Type.String(),
Name: ar.Name,
Query: ar.Expr,
Duration: ar.For.Seconds(),
Labels: ar.Labels,
Annotations: ar.Annotations,
LastEvaluation: lastState.time,
EvaluationTime: lastState.duration.Seconds(),
Health: "ok",
State: "inactive",
Alerts: ar.AlertsToAPI(),
LastSamples: lastState.samples,
MaxUpdates: ar.state.size(),
Updates: ar.state.getAll(),
Debug: ar.Debug,
// encode as strings to avoid rounding in JSON
ID: fmt.Sprintf("%d", ar.ID()),
GroupID: fmt.Sprintf("%d", ar.GroupID),
if lastState.err != nil {
r.LastError = lastState.err.Error()
r.Health = "err"
// satisfy APIRule.State logic
if len(r.Alerts) > 0 {
r.State = notifier.StatePending.String()
stateFiring := notifier.StateFiring.String()
for _, a := range r.Alerts {
if a.State == stateFiring {
r.State = stateFiring
return r
// AlertsToAPI generates list of APIAlert objects from existing alerts
func (ar *AlertingRule) AlertsToAPI() []*APIAlert {
var alerts []*APIAlert
for _, a := range ar.alerts {
if a.State == notifier.StateInactive {
alerts = append(alerts, ar.newAlertAPI(*a))
return alerts
func (ar *AlertingRule) newAlertAPI(a notifier.Alert) *APIAlert {
aa := &APIAlert{
// encode as strings to avoid rounding
ID: fmt.Sprintf("%d", a.ID),
GroupID: fmt.Sprintf("%d", a.GroupID),
RuleID: fmt.Sprintf("%d", ar.RuleID),
Name: a.Name,
Expression: ar.Expr,
Labels: a.Labels,
Annotations: a.Annotations,
State: a.State.String(),
ActiveAt: a.ActiveAt,
Restored: a.Restored,
Value: strconv.FormatFloat(a.Value, 'f', -1, 32),
if alertURLGeneratorFn != nil {
aa.SourceLink = alertURLGeneratorFn(a)
return aa
const (
// alertMetricName is the metric name for synthetic alert timeseries.
alertMetricName = "ALERTS"
// alertForStateMetricName is the metric name for 'for' state of alert.
alertForStateMetricName = "ALERTS_FOR_STATE"
// alertNameLabel is the label name indicating the name of an alert.
alertNameLabel = "alertname"
// alertStateLabel is the label name indicating the state of an alert.
alertStateLabel = "alertstate"
// alertGroupNameLabel defines the label name attached for generated time series.
// attaching this label may be disabled via `-disableAlertgroupLabel` flag.
alertGroupNameLabel = "alertgroup"
// alertToTimeSeries converts the given alert with the given timestamp to time series
func (ar *AlertingRule) alertToTimeSeries(a *notifier.Alert, timestamp int64) []prompbmarshal.TimeSeries {
var tss []prompbmarshal.TimeSeries
tss = append(tss, alertToTimeSeries(a, timestamp))
if ar.For > 0 {
tss = append(tss, alertForToTimeSeries(a, timestamp))
return tss
func alertToTimeSeries(a *notifier.Alert, timestamp int64) prompbmarshal.TimeSeries {
labels := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range a.Labels {
labels[k] = v
labels["__name__"] = alertMetricName
labels[alertStateLabel] = a.State.String()
return newTimeSeries([]float64{1}, []int64{timestamp}, labels)
// alertForToTimeSeries returns a timeseries that represents
// state of active alerts, where value is time when alert become active
func alertForToTimeSeries(a *notifier.Alert, timestamp int64) prompbmarshal.TimeSeries {
labels := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range a.Labels {
labels[k] = v
labels["__name__"] = alertForStateMetricName
return newTimeSeries([]float64{float64(a.ActiveAt.Unix())}, []int64{timestamp}, labels)
// Restore restores the value of ActiveAt field for active alerts,
// based on previously written time series `alertForStateMetricName`.
// Only rules with For > 0 can be restored.
func (ar *AlertingRule) Restore(ctx context.Context, q datasource.Querier, ts time.Time, lookback time.Duration) error {
if ar.For < 1 {
return nil
defer ar.alertsMu.Unlock()
if len(ar.alerts) < 1 {
return nil
for _, a := range ar.alerts {
if a.Restored || a.State != notifier.StatePending {
var labelsFilter []string
for k, v := range a.Labels {
labelsFilter = append(labelsFilter, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%q", k, v))
expr := fmt.Sprintf("last_over_time(%s{%s}[%ds])",
alertForStateMetricName, strings.Join(labelsFilter, ","), int(lookback.Seconds()))
ar.logDebugf(ts, nil, "restoring alert state via query %q", expr)
qMetrics, _, err := q.Query(ctx, expr, ts)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(qMetrics) < 1 {
ar.logDebugf(ts, nil, "no response was received from restore query")
// only one series expected in response
m := qMetrics[0]
// __name__ supposed to be alertForStateMetricName
// we assume that restore query contains all label matchers,
// so all received labels will match anyway if their number is equal.
if len(m.Labels) != len(a.Labels) {
ar.logDebugf(ts, nil, "state restore query returned not expected label-set %v", m.Labels)
a.ActiveAt = time.Unix(int64(m.Values[0]), 0)
a.Restored = true
logger.Infof("alert %q (%d) restored to state at %v", a.Name, a.ID, a.ActiveAt)
return nil
// alertsToSend walks through the current alerts of AlertingRule
// and returns only those which should be sent to notifier.
// Isn't concurrent safe.
func (ar *AlertingRule) alertsToSend(ts time.Time, resolveDuration, resendDelay time.Duration) []notifier.Alert {
needsSending := func(a *notifier.Alert) bool {
if a.State == notifier.StatePending {
return false
if a.ResolvedAt.After(a.LastSent) {
return true
return a.LastSent.Add(resendDelay).Before(ts)
var alerts []notifier.Alert
for _, a := range ar.alerts {
if !needsSending(a) {
a.End = ts.Add(resolveDuration)
if a.State == notifier.StateInactive {
a.End = a.ResolvedAt
a.LastSent = ts
alerts = append(alerts, *a)
return alerts