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synced 2025-03-01 15:33:35 +00:00

The %q formatter may result in incorrectly formatted JSON string if the original string
contains special chars such as \x1b . They must be encoded as \u001b , otherwise the resulting JSON string
cannot be parsed by JSON parsers.
This is a follow-up for c0caa69939
See https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/victorialogs-datasource/issues/24
344 lines
12 KiB
344 lines
12 KiB
package main
import (
var (
addr = flag.String("addr", "stdout", "HTTP address to push the generated logs to; if it is set to stdout, then logs are generated to stdout")
workers = flag.Int("workers", 1, "The number of workers to use to push logs to -addr")
start = newTimeFlag("start", "-1d", "Generated logs start from this time; see https://docs.victoriametrics.com/#timestamp-formats")
end = newTimeFlag("end", "0s", "Generated logs end at this time; see https://docs.victoriametrics.com/#timestamp-formats")
activeStreams = flag.Int("activeStreams", 100, "The number of active log streams to generate; see https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#stream-fields")
totalStreams = flag.Int("totalStreams", 0, "The number of total log streams; if -totalStreams > -activeStreams, then some active streams are substituted with new streams "+
"during data generation")
logsPerStream = flag.Int64("logsPerStream", 1_000, "The number of log entries to generate per each log stream. Log entries are evenly distributed between -start and -end")
constFieldsPerLog = flag.Int("constFieldsPerLog", 3, "The number of fields with constaint values to generate per each log entry; "+
"see https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model")
varFieldsPerLog = flag.Int("varFieldsPerLog", 1, "The number of fields with variable values to generate per each log entry; "+
"see https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model")
dictFieldsPerLog = flag.Int("dictFieldsPerLog", 2, "The number of fields with up to 8 different values to generate per each log entry; "+
"see https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model")
u8FieldsPerLog = flag.Int("u8FieldsPerLog", 1, "The number of fields with uint8 values to generate per each log entry; "+
"see https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model")
u16FieldsPerLog = flag.Int("u16FieldsPerLog", 1, "The number of fields with uint16 values to generate per each log entry; "+
"see https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model")
u32FieldsPerLog = flag.Int("u32FieldsPerLog", 1, "The number of fields with uint32 values to generate per each log entry; "+
"see https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model")
u64FieldsPerLog = flag.Int("u64FieldsPerLog", 1, "The number of fields with uint64 values to generate per each log entry; "+
"see https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model")
floatFieldsPerLog = flag.Int("floatFieldsPerLog", 1, "The number of fields with float64 values to generate per each log entry; "+
"see https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model")
ipFieldsPerLog = flag.Int("ipFieldsPerLog", 1, "The number of fields with IPv4 values to generate per each log entry; "+
"see https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model")
timestampFieldsPerLog = flag.Int("timestampFieldsPerLog", 1, "The number of fields with ISO8601 timestamps per each log entry; "+
"see https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model")
jsonFieldsPerLog = flag.Int("jsonFieldsPerLog", 1, "The number of JSON fields to generate per each log entry; "+
"see https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model")
statInterval = flag.Duration("statInterval", 10*time.Second, "The interval between publishing the stats")
func main() {
// Write flags and help message to stdout, since it is easier to grep or pipe.
var remoteWriteURL *url.URL
if *addr != "stdout" {
urlParsed, err := url.Parse(*addr)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("cannot parse -addr=%q: %s", *addr, err)
qs, err := url.ParseQuery(urlParsed.RawQuery)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("cannot parse query string in -addr=%q: %w", *addr, err)
qs.Set("_stream_fields", "host,worker_id")
urlParsed.RawQuery = qs.Encode()
remoteWriteURL = urlParsed
if start.nsec >= end.nsec {
logger.Fatalf("-start=%s must be smaller than -end=%s", start, end)
if *activeStreams <= 0 {
logger.Fatalf("-activeStreams must be bigger than 0; got %d", *activeStreams)
if *logsPerStream <= 0 {
logger.Fatalf("-logsPerStream must be bigger than 0; got %d", *logsPerStream)
if *totalStreams < *activeStreams {
*totalStreams = *activeStreams
cfg := &workerConfig{
url: remoteWriteURL,
activeStreams: *activeStreams,
totalStreams: *totalStreams,
// divide total and active streams among workers
if *workers <= 0 {
logger.Fatalf("-workers must be bigger than 0; got %d", *workers)
if *workers > *activeStreams {
logger.Fatalf("-workers=%d cannot exceed -activeStreams=%d", *workers, *activeStreams)
cfg.activeStreams /= *workers
cfg.totalStreams /= *workers
logger.Infof("start -workers=%d workers for ingesting -logsPerStream=%d log entries per each -totalStreams=%d (-activeStreams=%d) on a time range -start=%s, -end=%s to -addr=%s",
*workers, *logsPerStream, *totalStreams, *activeStreams, toRFC3339(start.nsec), toRFC3339(end.nsec), *addr)
startTime := time.Now()
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < *workers; i++ {
go func(workerID int) {
defer wg.Done()
generateAndPushLogs(cfg, workerID)
go func() {
prevEntries := uint64(0)
prevBytes := uint64(0)
ticker := time.NewTicker(*statInterval)
for range ticker.C {
currEntries := logEntriesCount.Load()
deltaEntries := currEntries - prevEntries
rateEntries := float64(deltaEntries) / statInterval.Seconds()
currBytes := bytesGenerated.Load()
deltaBytes := currBytes - prevBytes
rateBytes := float64(deltaBytes) / statInterval.Seconds()
logger.Infof("generated %dK log entries (%dK total) at %.0fK entries/sec, %dMB (%dMB total) at %.0fMB/sec",
deltaEntries/1e3, currEntries/1e3, rateEntries/1e3, deltaBytes/1e6, currBytes/1e6, rateBytes/1e6)
prevEntries = currEntries
prevBytes = currBytes
dSecs := time.Since(startTime).Seconds()
currEntries := logEntriesCount.Load()
currBytes := bytesGenerated.Load()
rateEntries := float64(currEntries) / dSecs
rateBytes := float64(currBytes) / dSecs
logger.Infof("ingested %dK log entries (%dMB) in %.3f seconds; avg ingestion rate: %.0fK entries/sec, %.0fMB/sec", currEntries/1e3, currBytes/1e6, dSecs, rateEntries/1e3, rateBytes/1e6)
var logEntriesCount atomic.Uint64
var bytesGenerated atomic.Uint64
type workerConfig struct {
url *url.URL
activeStreams int
totalStreams int
type statWriter struct {
w io.Writer
func (sw *statWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
return sw.w.Write(p)
func generateAndPushLogs(cfg *workerConfig, workerID int) {
pr, pw := io.Pipe()
sw := &statWriter{
w: pw,
bw := bufio.NewWriter(sw)
doneCh := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
generateLogs(bw, workerID, cfg.activeStreams, cfg.totalStreams)
_ = bw.Flush()
_ = pw.Close()
if cfg.url == nil {
_, err := io.Copy(os.Stdout, pr)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("unexpected error when writing logs to stdout: %s", err)
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", cfg.url.String(), pr)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("cannot create request to %q: %s", cfg.url, err)
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("cannot perform request to %q: %s", cfg.url, err)
if resp.StatusCode/100 != 2 {
logger.Fatalf("unexpected status code got from %q: %d; want 2xx", cfg.url, err)
// Wait until all the generateLogs goroutine is finished.
func generateLogs(bw *bufio.Writer, workerID, activeStreams, totalStreams int) {
streamLifetime := int64(float64(end.nsec-start.nsec) * (float64(activeStreams) / float64(totalStreams)))
streamStep := int64(float64(end.nsec-start.nsec) / float64(totalStreams-activeStreams+1))
step := streamLifetime / (*logsPerStream - 1)
currNsec := start.nsec
for currNsec < end.nsec {
firstStreamID := int((currNsec - start.nsec) / streamStep)
generateLogsAtTimestamp(bw, workerID, currNsec, firstStreamID, activeStreams)
currNsec += step
var runID = toUUID(rand.Uint64(), rand.Uint64())
func generateLogsAtTimestamp(bw *bufio.Writer, workerID int, ts int64, firstStreamID, activeStreams int) {
streamID := firstStreamID
timeStr := toRFC3339(ts)
for i := 0; i < activeStreams; i++ {
ip := toIPv4(rand.Uint32())
uuid := toUUID(rand.Uint64(), rand.Uint64())
fmt.Fprintf(bw, `{"_time":"%s","_msg":"message for the stream %d and worker %d; ip=%s; uuid=%s; u64=%d","host":"host_%d","worker_id":"%d"`,
timeStr, streamID, workerID, ip, uuid, rand.Uint64(), streamID, workerID)
fmt.Fprintf(bw, `,"run_id":"%s"`, runID)
for j := 0; j < *constFieldsPerLog; j++ {
fmt.Fprintf(bw, `,"const_%d":"some value %d %d"`, j, j, streamID)
for j := 0; j < *varFieldsPerLog; j++ {
fmt.Fprintf(bw, `,"var_%d":"some value %d %d"`, j, j, rand.Uint64())
for j := 0; j < *dictFieldsPerLog; j++ {
fmt.Fprintf(bw, `,"dict_%d":"%s"`, j, dictValues[rand.Intn(len(dictValues))])
for j := 0; j < *u8FieldsPerLog; j++ {
fmt.Fprintf(bw, `,"u8_%d":"%d"`, j, uint8(rand.Uint32()))
for j := 0; j < *u16FieldsPerLog; j++ {
fmt.Fprintf(bw, `,"u16_%d":"%d"`, j, uint16(rand.Uint32()))
for j := 0; j < *u32FieldsPerLog; j++ {
fmt.Fprintf(bw, `,"u32_%d":"%d"`, j, rand.Uint32())
for j := 0; j < *u64FieldsPerLog; j++ {
fmt.Fprintf(bw, `,"u64_%d":"%d"`, j, rand.Uint64())
for j := 0; j < *floatFieldsPerLog; j++ {
fmt.Fprintf(bw, `,"float_%d":"%v"`, j, math.Round(10_000*rand.Float64())/1000)
for j := 0; j < *ipFieldsPerLog; j++ {
ip := toIPv4(rand.Uint32())
fmt.Fprintf(bw, `,"ip_%d":"%s"`, j, ip)
for j := 0; j < *timestampFieldsPerLog; j++ {
timestamp := toISO8601(int64(rand.Uint64()))
fmt.Fprintf(bw, `,"timestamp_%d":"%s"`, j, timestamp)
for j := 0; j < *jsonFieldsPerLog; j++ {
fmt.Fprintf(bw, `,"json_%d":"{\"foo\":\"bar_%d\",\"baz\":{\"a\":[\"x\",\"y\"]},\"f3\":NaN,\"f4\":%d}"`, j, rand.Intn(10), rand.Intn(100))
fmt.Fprintf(bw, "}\n")
var dictValues = []string{
func newTimeFlag(name, defaultValue, description string) *timeFlag {
var tf timeFlag
if err := tf.Set(defaultValue); err != nil {
logger.Panicf("invalid defaultValue=%q for flag %q: %w", defaultValue, name, err)
flag.Var(&tf, name, description)
return &tf
type timeFlag struct {
s string
nsec int64
func (tf *timeFlag) Set(s string) error {
msec, err := promutils.ParseTimeMsec(s)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse time from %q: %w", s, err)
tf.s = s
tf.nsec = msec * 1e6
return nil
func (tf *timeFlag) String() string {
return tf.s
func toRFC3339(nsec int64) string {
return time.Unix(0, nsec).UTC().Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
func toISO8601(nsec int64) string {
return time.Unix(0, nsec).UTC().Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z")
func toIPv4(n uint32) string {
dst := make([]byte, 0, len(""))
dst = marshalUint64(dst, uint64(n>>24))
dst = append(dst, '.')
dst = marshalUint64(dst, uint64((n>>16)&0xff))
dst = append(dst, '.')
dst = marshalUint64(dst, uint64((n>>8)&0xff))
dst = append(dst, '.')
dst = marshalUint64(dst, uint64(n&0xff))
return string(dst)
func toUUID(a, b uint64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%012x", a&(1<<32-1), (a>>32)&(1<<16-1), (a >> 48), b&(1<<16-1), b>>16)
// marshalUint64 appends string representation of n to dst and returns the result.
func marshalUint64(dst []byte, n uint64) []byte {
return strconv.AppendUint(dst, n, 10)