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synced 2025-03-21 15:45:01 +00:00

Updates https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/issues/7162
(cherry picked from commit c5d08d317c
363 lines
9.4 KiB
363 lines
9.4 KiB
package logstorage
import (
func TestParsePipeExtractSuccess(t *testing.T) {
f := func(pipeStr string) {
expectParsePipeSuccess(t, pipeStr)
f(`extract "foo<bar>"`)
f(`extract "foo<bar>" skip_empty_results`)
f(`extract "foo<bar>" keep_original_fields`)
f(`extract "foo<bar>" from x`)
f(`extract "foo<bar>" from x skip_empty_results`)
f(`extract "foo<bar>" from x keep_original_fields`)
f(`extract if (x:y) "foo<bar>" from baz`)
f(`extract if (x:y) "foo<bar>" from baz skip_empty_results`)
f(`extract if (x:y) "foo<bar>" from baz keep_original_fields`)
func TestParsePipeExtractFailure(t *testing.T) {
f := func(pipeStr string) {
expectParsePipeFailure(t, pipeStr)
f(`extract keep_original_fields`)
f(`extract skip_empty_results`)
f(`extract from`)
f(`extract from x`)
f(`extract from x "y<foo>"`)
f(`extract if (x:y)`)
f(`extract "a<b>" if (x:y)`)
f(`extract "a"`)
f(`extract "<a><b>"`)
f(`extract "<*>foo<_>bar"`)
func TestPipeExtract(t *testing.T) {
f := func(pipeStr string, rows, rowsExpected [][]Field) {
expectPipeResults(t, pipeStr, rows, rowsExpected)
// skip empty results
f(`extract "baz=<abc> a=<aa>" skip_empty_results`, [][]Field{
{"_msg", `foo=bar baz="x y=z" `},
{"aa", "foobar"},
{"abc", "ippl"},
}, [][]Field{
{"_msg", `foo=bar baz="x y=z" `},
{"aa", "foobar"},
{"abc", "x y=z"},
// no skip empty results
f(`extract "baz=<abc> a=<aa>"`, [][]Field{
{"_msg", `foo=bar baz="x y=z" `},
{"aa", "foobar"},
{"abc", "ippl"},
}, [][]Field{
{"_msg", `foo=bar baz="x y=z" `},
{"aa", ""},
{"abc", "x y=z"},
// keep original fields
f(`extract "baz=<abc> a=<aa>" keep_original_fields`, [][]Field{
{"_msg", `foo=bar baz="x y=z" a=b`},
{"aa", "foobar"},
{"abc", ""},
}, [][]Field{
{"_msg", `foo=bar baz="x y=z" a=b`},
{"abc", "x y=z"},
{"aa", "foobar"},
// no keep original fields
f(`extract "baz=<abc> a=<aa>"`, [][]Field{
{"_msg", `foo=bar baz="x y=z" a=b`},
{"aa", "foobar"},
{"abc", ""},
}, [][]Field{
{"_msg", `foo=bar baz="x y=z" a=b`},
{"abc", "x y=z"},
{"aa", "b"},
// single row, extract from _msg
f(`extract "baz=<abc> a=<aa>"`, [][]Field{
{"_msg", `foo=bar baz="x y=z" a=b`},
}, [][]Field{
{"_msg", `foo=bar baz="x y=z" a=b`},
{"abc", "x y=z"},
{"aa", "b"},
// single row, extract from _msg into _msg
f(`extract "msg=<_msg>"`, [][]Field{
{"_msg", `msg=bar`},
}, [][]Field{
{"_msg", "bar"},
// single row, extract from non-existing field
f(`extract "foo=<bar>" from x`, [][]Field{
{"_msg", `foo=bar`},
}, [][]Field{
{"_msg", `foo=bar`},
{"bar", ""},
// single row, pattern mismatch
f(`extract "foo=<bar>" from x`, [][]Field{
{"x", `foobar`},
}, [][]Field{
{"x", `foobar`},
{"bar", ""},
// single row, partial partern match
f(`extract "foo=<bar> baz=<xx>" from x`, [][]Field{
{"x", `a foo="a\"b\\c" cde baz=aa`},
}, [][]Field{
{"x", `a foo="a\"b\\c" cde baz=aa`},
{"bar", `a"b\c`},
{"xx", ""},
// single row, disable unquoting
f(`extract 'foo=[< plain : bar >]' from x`, [][]Field{
{"x", `a foo=["bc","de"]`},
}, [][]Field{
{"x", `a foo=["bc","de"]`},
{"bar", `"bc","de"`},
// single row, default unquoting
f(`extract 'foo=[< bar >]' from x`, [][]Field{
{"x", `a foo=["bc","de"]`},
}, [][]Field{
{"x", `a foo=["bc","de"]`},
{"bar", `bc`},
// single row, overwirte existing column
f(`extract "foo=<bar> baz=<xx>" from x`, [][]Field{
{"x", `a foo=cc baz=aa b`},
{"bar", "abc"},
}, [][]Field{
{"x", `a foo=cc baz=aa b`},
{"bar", `cc`},
{"xx", `aa b`},
// single row, if match
f(`extract if (x:baz) "foo=<bar> baz=<xx>" from "x"`, [][]Field{
{"x", `a foo=cc baz=aa b`},
{"bar", "abc"},
{"x", `a foo=cc baz=aa b`},
}, [][]Field{
{"x", `a foo=cc baz=aa b`},
{"bar", `cc`},
{"xx", `aa b`},
{"x", `a foo=cc baz=aa b`},
{"bar", `cc`},
{"xx", `aa b`},
// single row, if mismatch
f(`extract if (bar:"") "foo=<bar> baz=<xx>" from 'x'`, [][]Field{
{"x", `a foo=cc baz=aa b`},
{"bar", "abc"},
}, [][]Field{
{"x", `a foo=cc baz=aa b`},
{"bar", `abc`},
// multiple rows with distinct set of labels
f(`extract if (!ip:keep) "ip=<ip> "`, [][]Field{
{"foo", "bar"},
{"_msg", "request from ip= xxx"},
{"f3", "y"},
{"foo", "aaa"},
{"_msg", "ip= abcd"},
{"ip", "keep"},
{"a", "b"},
{"foo", "aaa"},
{"_msg", "ip= abcd"},
{"ip", "ppp"},
{"a", "b"},
{"foo", "klkfs"},
{"_msg", "sdfdsfds dsf fd fdsa ip=123 abcd"},
{"ip", "bbbsd"},
{"a", "klo2i"},
}, [][]Field{
{"foo", "bar"},
{"_msg", "request from ip= xxx"},
{"f3", "y"},
{"ip", ""},
{"foo", "aaa"},
{"_msg", "ip= abcd"},
{"ip", "keep"},
{"a", "b"},
{"foo", "aaa"},
{"_msg", "ip= abcd"},
{"ip", ""},
{"a", "b"},
{"foo", "klkfs"},
{"_msg", "sdfdsfds dsf fd fdsa ip=123 abcd"},
{"ip", "123"},
{"a", "klo2i"},
func TestPipeExtractUpdateNeededFields(t *testing.T) {
f := func(s string, neededFields, unneededFields, neededFieldsExpected, unneededFieldsExpected string) {
expectPipeNeededFields(t, s, neededFields, unneededFields, neededFieldsExpected, unneededFieldsExpected)
// all the needed fields
f("extract '<foo>' from x", "*", "", "*", "foo")
f("extract if (foo:bar) '<foo>' from x", "*", "", "*", "")
f("extract if (foo:bar) '<foo>' from x keep_original_fields", "*", "", "*", "")
f("extract if (foo:bar) '<foo>' from x skip_empty_results", "*", "", "*", "")
// unneeded fields do not intersect with pattern and output fields
f("extract '<foo>' from x", "*", "f1,f2", "*", "f1,f2,foo")
f("extract '<foo>' from x keep_original_fields", "*", "f1,f2", "*", "f1,f2")
f("extract '<foo>' from x skip_empty_results", "*", "f1,f2", "*", "f1,f2")
f("extract if (f1:x) '<foo>' from x", "*", "f1,f2", "*", "f2,foo")
f("extract if (f1:x) '<foo>' from x keep_original_fields", "*", "f1,f2", "*", "f2")
f("extract if (f1:x) '<foo>' from x skip_empty_results", "*", "f1,f2", "*", "f2")
f("extract if (foo:bar f1:x) '<foo>' from x", "*", "f1,f2", "*", "f2")
// unneeded fields intersect with pattern
f("extract '<foo>' from x", "*", "f2,x", "*", "f2,foo")
f("extract '<foo>' from x keep_original_fields", "*", "f2,x", "*", "f2")
f("extract '<foo>' from x skip_empty_results", "*", "f2,x", "*", "f2")
f("extract if (f1:abc) '<foo>' from x", "*", "f2,x", "*", "f2,foo")
f("extract if (f2:abc) '<foo>' from x", "*", "f2,x", "*", "foo")
// unneeded fields intersect with output fields
f("extract '<foo>x<bar>' from x", "*", "f2,foo", "*", "bar,f2,foo")
f("extract '<foo>x<bar>' from x keep_original_fields", "*", "f2,foo", "*", "f2,foo")
f("extract '<foo>x<bar>' from x skip_empty_results", "*", "f2,foo", "*", "f2,foo")
f("extract if (f1:abc) '<foo>x<bar>' from x", "*", "f2,foo", "*", "bar,f2,foo")
f("extract if (f2:abc foo:w) '<foo>x<bar>' from x", "*", "f2,foo", "*", "bar")
f("extract if (f2:abc foo:w) '<foo>x<bar>' from x keep_original_fields", "*", "f2,foo", "*", "")
f("extract if (f2:abc foo:w) '<foo>x<bar>' from x skip_empty_results", "*", "f2,foo", "*", "")
// unneeded fields intersect with all the output fields
f("extract '<foo>x<bar>' from x", "*", "f2,foo,bar", "*", "bar,f2,foo,x")
f("extract if (a:b f2:q x:y foo:w) '<foo>x<bar>' from x", "*", "f2,foo,bar", "*", "bar,f2,foo,x")
f("extract if (a:b f2:q x:y foo:w) '<foo>x<bar>' from x keep_original_fields", "*", "f2,foo,bar", "*", "bar,f2,foo,x")
f("extract if (a:b f2:q x:y foo:w) '<foo>x<bar>' from x skip_empty_results", "*", "f2,foo,bar", "*", "bar,f2,foo,x")
// needed fields do not intersect with pattern and output fields
f("extract '<foo>x<bar>' from x", "f1,f2", "", "f1,f2", "")
f("extract '<foo>x<bar>' from x keep_original_fields", "f1,f2", "", "f1,f2", "")
f("extract '<foo>x<bar>' from x skip_empty_results", "f1,f2", "", "f1,f2", "")
f("extract if (a:b) '<foo>x<bar>' from x", "f1,f2", "", "f1,f2", "")
f("extract if (f1:b) '<foo>x<bar>' from x", "f1,f2", "", "f1,f2", "")
// needed fields intersect with pattern field
f("extract '<foo>x<bar>' from x", "f2,x", "", "f2,x", "")
f("extract '<foo>x<bar>' from x keep_original_fields", "f2,x", "", "f2,x", "")
f("extract '<foo>x<bar>' from x skip_empty_results", "f2,x", "", "f2,x", "")
f("extract if (a:b) '<foo>x<bar>' from x", "f2,x", "", "f2,x", "")
// needed fields intersect with output fields
f("extract '<foo>x<bar>' from x", "f2,foo", "", "f2,x", "")
f("extract '<foo>x<bar>' from x keep_original_fields", "f2,foo", "", "foo,f2,x", "")
f("extract '<foo>x<bar>' from x skip_empty_results", "f2,foo", "", "foo,f2,x", "")
f("extract if (a:b) '<foo>x<bar>' from x", "f2,foo", "", "a,f2,x", "")
// needed fields intersect with pattern and output fields
f("extract '<foo>x<bar>' from x", "f2,foo,x,y", "", "f2,x,y", "")
f("extract '<foo>x<bar>' from x keep_original_fields", "f2,foo,x,y", "", "foo,f2,x,y", "")
f("extract '<foo>x<bar>' from x skip_empty_results", "f2,foo,x,y", "", "foo,f2,x,y", "")
f("extract if (a:b foo:q) '<foo>x<bar>' from x", "f2,foo,x,y", "", "a,f2,foo,x,y", "")