mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 15:33:35 +00:00

This is needed for avoiding confusion between the `|` operator at `math` pipe and `|` pipe delimiter. For example, the following query was parsed unexpectedly: * | math foo / bar | fields x as * | math foo / (bar | fields) as x Substituting `|` with `or` inside `math` pipe fixes this ambiguity.
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package logstorage
import (
// pipeMath processes '| math ...' pipe.
// See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/logsql/#math-pipe
type pipeMath struct {
entries []*mathEntry
type mathEntry struct {
// The calculated expr result is stored in resultField.
resultField string
// expr is the expression to calculate.
expr *mathExpr
type mathExpr struct {
// if isConst is set, then the given mathExpr returns the given constValue.
isConst bool
constValue float64
// constValueStr is the original string representation of constValue.
// It is used in String() method for returning the original representation of the given constValue.
constValueStr string
// if fieldName isn't empty, then the given mathExpr fetches numeric values from the given fieldName.
fieldName string
// args are args for the given mathExpr.
args []*mathExpr
// op is the operation name (aka function name) for the given mathExpr.
op string
// f is the function for calculating results for the given mathExpr.
f mathFunc
// whether the mathExpr was wrapped in parens.
wrappedInParens bool
// mathFunc must fill result with calculated results based on the given args.
type mathFunc func(result []float64, args [][]float64)
func (pm *pipeMath) String() string {
s := "math"
a := make([]string, len(pm.entries))
for i, e := range pm.entries {
a[i] = e.String()
s += " " + strings.Join(a, ", ")
return s
func (pm *pipeMath) canLiveTail() bool {
return true
func (me *mathEntry) String() string {
s := me.expr.String()
if isMathBinaryOp(me.expr.op) {
s = "(" + s + ")"
s += " as " + quoteTokenIfNeeded(me.resultField)
return s
func (me *mathExpr) String() string {
if me.isConst {
return me.constValueStr
if me.fieldName != "" {
return quoteTokenIfNeeded(me.fieldName)
args := me.args
if isMathBinaryOp(me.op) {
opPriority := getMathBinaryOpPriority(me.op)
left := me.args[0]
right := me.args[1]
leftStr := left.String()
rightStr := right.String()
if isMathBinaryOp(left.op) && getMathBinaryOpPriority(left.op) > opPriority {
leftStr = "(" + leftStr + ")"
if isMathBinaryOp(right.op) && getMathBinaryOpPriority(right.op) > opPriority {
rightStr = "(" + rightStr + ")"
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", leftStr, me.op, rightStr)
if me.op == "unary_minus" {
argStr := args[0].String()
if isMathBinaryOp(args[0].op) {
argStr = "(" + argStr + ")"
return "-" + argStr
a := make([]string, len(args))
for i, arg := range args {
a[i] = arg.String()
argsStr := strings.Join(a, ", ")
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s)", me.op, argsStr)
func isMathBinaryOp(op string) bool {
_, ok := mathBinaryOps[op]
return ok
func getMathBinaryOpPriority(op string) int {
bo, ok := mathBinaryOps[op]
if !ok {
logger.Panicf("BUG: unexpected binary op: %q", op)
return bo.priority
func getMathFuncForBinaryOp(op string) (mathFunc, error) {
bo, ok := mathBinaryOps[op]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported binary operation: %q", op)
return bo.f, nil
var mathBinaryOps = map[string]mathBinaryOp{
"^": {
priority: 1,
f: mathFuncPow,
"*": {
priority: 2,
f: mathFuncMul,
"/": {
priority: 2,
f: mathFuncDiv,
"%": {
priority: 2,
f: mathFuncMod,
"+": {
priority: 3,
f: mathFuncPlus,
"-": {
priority: 3,
f: mathFuncMinus,
"&": {
priority: 4,
f: mathFuncAnd,
"xor": {
priority: 5,
f: mathFuncXor,
"or": {
priority: 6,
f: mathFuncOr,
"default": {
priority: 10,
f: mathFuncDefault,
type mathBinaryOp struct {
priority int
f mathFunc
func (pm *pipeMath) updateNeededFields(neededFields, unneededFields fieldsSet) {
for i := len(pm.entries) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
e := pm.entries[i]
if neededFields.contains("*") {
if !unneededFields.contains(e.resultField) {
fs := newFieldsSet()
} else {
if neededFields.contains(e.resultField) {
func (me *mathExpr) updateNeededFields(neededFields fieldsSet) {
if me.isConst {
if me.fieldName != "" {
for _, arg := range me.args {
func (pm *pipeMath) optimize() {
// nothing to do
func (pm *pipeMath) hasFilterInWithQuery() bool {
return false
func (pm *pipeMath) initFilterInValues(_ map[string][]string, _ getFieldValuesFunc) (pipe, error) {
return pm, nil
func (pm *pipeMath) newPipeProcessor(workersCount int, _ <-chan struct{}, _ func(), ppNext pipeProcessor) pipeProcessor {
pmp := &pipeMathProcessor{
pm: pm,
ppNext: ppNext,
shards: make([]pipeMathProcessorShard, workersCount),
return pmp
type pipeMathProcessor struct {
pm *pipeMath
ppNext pipeProcessor
shards []pipeMathProcessorShard
type pipeMathProcessorShard struct {
// The padding prevents false sharing on widespread platforms with 128 mod (cache line size) = 0 .
_ [128 - unsafe.Sizeof(pipeMathProcessorShardNopad{})%128]byte
type pipeMathProcessorShardNopad struct {
// a holds all the data for rcs.
a arena
// rcs is used for storing calculated results before they are written to ppNext.
rcs []resultColumn
// rs is storage for temporary results
rs [][]float64
// rsBuf is backing storage for rs slices
rsBuf []float64
func (shard *pipeMathProcessorShard) executeMathEntry(e *mathEntry, rc *resultColumn, br *blockResult) {
shard.rs = shard.rs[:0]
shard.rsBuf = shard.rsBuf[:0]
shard.executeExpr(e.expr, br)
r := shard.rs[0]
b := shard.a.b
for _, f := range r {
bLen := len(b)
b = marshalFloat64String(b, f)
v := bytesutil.ToUnsafeString(b[bLen:])
shard.a.b = b
func (shard *pipeMathProcessorShard) executeExpr(me *mathExpr, br *blockResult) {
rIdx := len(shard.rs)
shard.rs = slicesutil.SetLength(shard.rs, len(shard.rs)+1)
shard.rsBuf = slicesutil.SetLength(shard.rsBuf, len(shard.rsBuf)+len(br.timestamps))
shard.rs[rIdx] = shard.rsBuf[len(shard.rsBuf)-len(br.timestamps):]
if me.isConst {
r := shard.rs[rIdx]
for i := range br.timestamps {
r[i] = me.constValue
if me.fieldName != "" {
c := br.getColumnByName(me.fieldName)
values := c.getValues(br)
r := shard.rs[rIdx]
var f float64
for i, v := range values {
if i == 0 || v != values[i-1] {
f = parseMathNumber(v)
r[i] = f
rsBufLen := len(shard.rsBuf)
for _, arg := range me.args {
shard.executeExpr(arg, br)
result := shard.rs[rIdx]
args := shard.rs[rIdx+1:]
me.f(result, args)
shard.rs = shard.rs[:rIdx+1]
shard.rsBuf = shard.rsBuf[:rsBufLen]
func (pmp *pipeMathProcessor) writeBlock(workerID uint, br *blockResult) {
if len(br.timestamps) == 0 {
shard := &pmp.shards[workerID]
entries := pmp.pm.entries
shard.rcs = slicesutil.SetLength(shard.rcs, len(entries))
rcs := shard.rcs
for i, e := range entries {
rc := &rcs[i]
rc.name = e.resultField
shard.executeMathEntry(e, rc, br)
pmp.ppNext.writeBlock(workerID, br)
for i := range rcs {
func (pmp *pipeMathProcessor) flush() error {
return nil
func parsePipeMath(lex *lexer) (*pipeMath, error) {
if !lex.isKeyword("math", "eval") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected token: %q; want 'math' or 'eval'", lex.token)
var mes []*mathEntry
for {
me, err := parseMathEntry(lex)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mes = append(mes, me)
switch {
case lex.isKeyword(","):
case lex.isKeyword("|", ")", ""):
if len(mes) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing 'math' expressions")
pm := &pipeMath{
entries: mes,
return pm, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected token after 'math' expression [%s]: %q; expecting ',', '|' or ')'", mes[len(mes)-1], lex.token)
func parseMathEntry(lex *lexer) (*mathEntry, error) {
me, err := parseMathExpr(lex)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resultField := ""
if lex.isKeyword(",", "|", ")", "") {
resultField = me.String()
} else {
if lex.isKeyword("as") {
// skip optional 'as'
fieldName, err := parseFieldName(lex)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse result name for [%s]: %w", me, err)
resultField = fieldName
e := &mathEntry{
resultField: resultField,
expr: me,
return e, nil
func parseMathExpr(lex *lexer) (*mathExpr, error) {
// parse left operand
left, err := parseMathExprOperand(lex)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for {
if !isMathBinaryOp(lex.token) {
// There is no right operand
return left, nil
// parse operator
op := lex.token
f, err := getMathFuncForBinaryOp(op)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse operator after [%s]: %w", left, err)
// parse right operand
right, err := parseMathExprOperand(lex)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse operand after [%s %s]: %w", left, op, err)
me := &mathExpr{
args: []*mathExpr{left, right},
op: op,
f: f,
// balance operands according to their priority
if !left.wrappedInParens && isMathBinaryOp(left.op) && getMathBinaryOpPriority(left.op) > getMathBinaryOpPriority(op) {
me.args[0] = left.args[1]
left.args[1] = me
me = left
left = me
func parseMathExprInParens(lex *lexer) (*mathExpr, error) {
if !lex.isKeyword("(") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing '('")
me, err := parseMathExpr(lex)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
me.wrappedInParens = true
if !lex.isKeyword(")") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing ')'; got %q instead", lex.token)
return me, nil
func parseMathExprOperand(lex *lexer) (*mathExpr, error) {
if lex.isKeyword("(") {
return parseMathExprInParens(lex)
switch {
case lex.isKeyword("abs"):
return parseMathExprAbs(lex)
case lex.isKeyword("exp"):
return parseMathExprExp(lex)
case lex.isKeyword("ln"):
return parseMathExprLn(lex)
case lex.isKeyword("max"):
return parseMathExprMax(lex)
case lex.isKeyword("min"):
return parseMathExprMin(lex)
case lex.isKeyword("round"):
return parseMathExprRound(lex)
case lex.isKeyword("ceil"):
return parseMathExprCeil(lex)
case lex.isKeyword("floor"):
return parseMathExprFloor(lex)
case lex.isKeyword("-"):
return parseMathExprUnaryMinus(lex)
case lex.isKeyword("+"):
// just skip unary plus
return parseMathExprOperand(lex)
case isNumberPrefix(lex.token):
return parseMathExprConstNumber(lex)
return parseMathExprFieldName(lex)
func parseMathExprAbs(lex *lexer) (*mathExpr, error) {
me, err := parseMathExprGenericFunc(lex, "abs", mathFuncAbs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(me.args) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("'abs' function accepts only one arg; got %d args: [%s]", len(me.args), me)
return me, nil
func parseMathExprExp(lex *lexer) (*mathExpr, error) {
me, err := parseMathExprGenericFunc(lex, "exp", mathFuncExp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(me.args) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("'exp' function accepts only one arg; got %d args: [%s]", len(me.args), me)
return me, nil
func parseMathExprLn(lex *lexer) (*mathExpr, error) {
me, err := parseMathExprGenericFunc(lex, "ln", mathFuncLn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(me.args) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("'ln' function accepts only one arg; got %d args: [%s]", len(me.args), me)
return me, nil
func parseMathExprMax(lex *lexer) (*mathExpr, error) {
me, err := parseMathExprGenericFunc(lex, "max", mathFuncMax)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(me.args) < 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("'max' function needs at least 2 args; got %d args: [%s]", len(me.args), me)
return me, nil
func parseMathExprMin(lex *lexer) (*mathExpr, error) {
me, err := parseMathExprGenericFunc(lex, "min", mathFuncMin)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(me.args) < 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("'min' function needs at least 2 args; got %d args: [%s]", len(me.args), me)
return me, nil
func parseMathExprRound(lex *lexer) (*mathExpr, error) {
me, err := parseMathExprGenericFunc(lex, "round", mathFuncRound)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(me.args) != 1 && len(me.args) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("'round' function needs 1 or 2 args; got %d args: [%s]", len(me.args), me)
return me, nil
func parseMathExprCeil(lex *lexer) (*mathExpr, error) {
me, err := parseMathExprGenericFunc(lex, "ceil", mathFuncCeil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(me.args) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("'ceil' function needs one arg; got %d args: [%s]", len(me.args), me)
return me, nil
func parseMathExprFloor(lex *lexer) (*mathExpr, error) {
me, err := parseMathExprGenericFunc(lex, "floor", mathFuncFloor)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(me.args) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("'floor' function needs one arg; got %d args: [%s]", len(me.args), me)
return me, nil
func parseMathExprGenericFunc(lex *lexer, funcName string, f mathFunc) (*mathExpr, error) {
if !lex.isKeyword(funcName) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing %q keyword", funcName)
args, err := parseMathFuncArgs(lex)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse args for %q function: %w", funcName, err)
if len(args) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%q function needs at least one org", funcName)
me := &mathExpr{
args: args,
op: funcName,
f: f,
return me, nil
func parseMathFuncArgs(lex *lexer) ([]*mathExpr, error) {
if !lex.isKeyword("(") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing '('")
var args []*mathExpr
for {
if lex.isKeyword(")") {
return args, nil
me, err := parseMathExpr(lex)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args = append(args, me)
switch {
case lex.isKeyword(")"):
case lex.isKeyword(","):
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected token after [%s]: %q; want ',' or ')'", me, lex.token)
func parseMathExprUnaryMinus(lex *lexer) (*mathExpr, error) {
if !lex.isKeyword("-") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing '-'")
expr, err := parseMathExprOperand(lex)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
me := &mathExpr{
args: []*mathExpr{expr},
op: "unary_minus",
f: mathFuncUnaryMinus,
return me, nil
func parseMathExprConstNumber(lex *lexer) (*mathExpr, error) {
if !isNumberPrefix(lex.token) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse number from %q", lex.token)
numStr, err := getCompoundMathToken(lex)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse number: %w", err)
f := parseMathNumber(numStr)
if math.IsNaN(f) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse number from %q", numStr)
me := &mathExpr{
isConst: true,
constValue: f,
constValueStr: numStr,
return me, nil
func parseMathExprFieldName(lex *lexer) (*mathExpr, error) {
fieldName, err := getCompoundMathToken(lex)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fieldName = getCanonicalColumnName(fieldName)
me := &mathExpr{
fieldName: fieldName,
return me, nil
func getCompoundMathToken(lex *lexer) (string, error) {
stopTokens := []string{"=", "+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "^", ",", ")", "|", "!", ""}
if lex.isKeyword(stopTokens...) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("compound token cannot start with '%s'", lex.token)
s := lex.token
rawS := lex.rawToken
suffix := ""
for !lex.isSkippedSpace && !lex.isKeyword(stopTokens...) {
s += lex.token
if suffix == "" {
return s, nil
return rawS + suffix, nil
func mathFuncAnd(result []float64, args [][]float64) {
a := args[0]
b := args[1]
for i := range result {
if math.IsNaN(a[i]) || math.IsNaN(b[i]) {
result[i] = nan
} else {
result[i] = float64(uint64(a[i]) & uint64(b[i]))
func mathFuncOr(result []float64, args [][]float64) {
a := args[0]
b := args[1]
for i := range result {
if math.IsNaN(a[i]) || math.IsNaN(b[i]) {
result[i] = nan
} else {
result[i] = float64(uint64(a[i]) | uint64(b[i]))
func mathFuncXor(result []float64, args [][]float64) {
a := args[0]
b := args[1]
for i := range result {
if math.IsNaN(a[i]) || math.IsNaN(b[i]) {
result[i] = nan
} else {
result[i] = float64(uint64(a[i]) ^ uint64(b[i]))
func mathFuncPlus(result []float64, args [][]float64) {
a := args[0]
b := args[1]
for i := range result {
result[i] = a[i] + b[i]
func mathFuncMinus(result []float64, args [][]float64) {
a := args[0]
b := args[1]
for i := range result {
result[i] = a[i] - b[i]
func mathFuncMul(result []float64, args [][]float64) {
a := args[0]
b := args[1]
for i := range result {
result[i] = a[i] * b[i]
func mathFuncDiv(result []float64, args [][]float64) {
a := args[0]
b := args[1]
for i := range result {
result[i] = a[i] / b[i]
func mathFuncMod(result []float64, args [][]float64) {
a := args[0]
b := args[1]
for i := range result {
result[i] = math.Mod(a[i], b[i])
func mathFuncPow(result []float64, args [][]float64) {
a := args[0]
b := args[1]
for i := range result {
result[i] = math.Pow(a[i], b[i])
func mathFuncDefault(result []float64, args [][]float64) {
values := args[0]
defaultValues := args[1]
for i := range result {
f := values[i]
if math.IsNaN(f) {
f = defaultValues[i]
result[i] = f
func mathFuncAbs(result []float64, args [][]float64) {
arg := args[0]
for i := range result {
result[i] = math.Abs(arg[i])
func mathFuncExp(result []float64, args [][]float64) {
arg := args[0]
for i := range result {
result[i] = math.Exp(arg[i])
func mathFuncLn(result []float64, args [][]float64) {
arg := args[0]
for i := range result {
result[i] = math.Log(arg[i])
func mathFuncUnaryMinus(result []float64, args [][]float64) {
arg := args[0]
for i := range result {
result[i] = -arg[i]
func mathFuncMax(result []float64, args [][]float64) {
for i := range result {
f := nan
for _, arg := range args {
if math.IsNaN(f) || arg[i] > f {
f = arg[i]
result[i] = f
func mathFuncMin(result []float64, args [][]float64) {
for i := range result {
f := nan
for _, arg := range args {
if math.IsNaN(f) || arg[i] < f {
f = arg[i]
result[i] = f
func mathFuncCeil(result []float64, args [][]float64) {
arg := args[0]
for i := range result {
result[i] = math.Ceil(arg[i])
func mathFuncFloor(result []float64, args [][]float64) {
arg := args[0]
for i := range result {
result[i] = math.Floor(arg[i])
func mathFuncRound(result []float64, args [][]float64) {
arg := args[0]
if len(args) == 1 {
// Round to integer
for i := range result {
result[i] = math.Round(arg[i])
// Round to nearest
nearest := args[1]
var f float64
for i := range result {
if i == 0 || arg[i-1] != arg[i] || nearest[i-1] != nearest[i] {
f = round(arg[i], nearest[i])
result[i] = f
func round(f, nearest float64) float64 {
_, e := decimal.FromFloat(nearest)
p10 := math.Pow10(int(-e))
f += 0.5 * math.Copysign(nearest, f)
f -= math.Mod(f, nearest)
f, _ = math.Modf(f * p10)
return f / p10
func parseMathNumber(s string) float64 {
f, ok := tryParseNumber(s)
if ok {
return f
nsecs, ok := TryParseTimestampRFC3339Nano(s)
if ok {
return float64(nsecs)
ipNum, ok := tryParseIPv4(s)
if ok {
return float64(ipNum)
return nan