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synced 2025-03-01 15:33:35 +00:00

Do not touch the first and the last item passed to PrepareBlock in order to preserve sort order of mergeset blocks.
482 lines
13 KiB
482 lines
13 KiB
package mergeset
import (
type byteSliceSorter [][]byte
func (s byteSliceSorter) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s byteSliceSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
return string(s[i]) < string(s[j])
func (s byteSliceSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
type inmemoryBlock struct {
commonPrefix []byte
data []byte
items byteSliceSorter
func (ib *inmemoryBlock) Reset() {
ib.commonPrefix = ib.commonPrefix[:0]
ib.data = ib.data[:0]
ib.items = ib.items[:0]
func (ib *inmemoryBlock) updateCommonPrefix() {
ib.commonPrefix = ib.commonPrefix[:0]
if len(ib.items) == 0 {
cp := ib.items[0]
if len(cp) == 0 {
for _, item := range ib.items[1:] {
cpLen := commonPrefixLen(cp, item)
if cpLen == 0 {
cp = cp[:cpLen]
ib.commonPrefix = append(ib.commonPrefix[:0], cp...)
func commonPrefixLen(a, b []byte) int {
i := 0
if len(a) > len(b) {
for i < len(b) && a[i] == b[i] {
} else {
for i < len(a) && a[i] == b[i] {
return i
// Add adds x to the end of ib.
// false is returned if x isn't added to ib due to block size contraints.
func (ib *inmemoryBlock) Add(x []byte) bool {
if len(x)+len(ib.data) > maxInmemoryBlockSize {
return false
if cap(ib.data) < maxInmemoryBlockSize {
dataLen := len(ib.data)
ib.data = bytesutil.Resize(ib.data, maxInmemoryBlockSize)[:dataLen]
ib.data = append(ib.data, x...)
ib.items = append(ib.items, ib.data[len(ib.data)-len(x):])
return true
// maxInmemoryBlockSize is the maximum inmemoryBlock.data size.
// It must fit CPU cache size, i.e. 64KB for the current CPUs.
const maxInmemoryBlockSize = 64 * 1024
func (ib *inmemoryBlock) sort() {
// Use sort.Sort instead of sort.Slice in order to eliminate memory allocation.
bb := bbPool.Get()
b := bytesutil.Resize(bb.B, len(ib.data))
b = b[:0]
for i, item := range ib.items {
b = append(b, item...)
ib.items[i] = b[len(b)-len(item):]
bb.B, ib.data = ib.data, b
// storageBlock represents a block of data on the storage.
type storageBlock struct {
itemsData []byte
lensData []byte
func (sb *storageBlock) Reset() {
sb.itemsData = sb.itemsData[:0]
sb.lensData = sb.lensData[:0]
type marshalType uint8
const (
marshalTypePlain = marshalType(0)
marshalTypeZSTD = marshalType(1)
func checkMarshalType(mt marshalType) error {
if mt < 0 || mt > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("marshalType must be in the range [0..1]; got %d", mt)
return nil
func (ib *inmemoryBlock) isSorted() bool {
// Use sort.IsSorted instead of sort.SliceIsSorted in order to eliminate memory allocation.
return sort.IsSorted(&ib.items)
// MarshalUnsortedData marshals unsorted items from ib to sb.
// It also:
// - appends first item to firstItemDst and returns the result.
// - appends common prefix for all the items to commonPrefixDst and returns the result.
// - returns the number of items encoded including the first item.
// - returns the marshal type used for the encoding.
func (ib *inmemoryBlock) MarshalUnsortedData(sb *storageBlock, firstItemDst, commonPrefixDst []byte, compressLevel int) ([]byte, []byte, uint32, marshalType) {
if !ib.isSorted() {
return ib.marshalData(sb, firstItemDst, commonPrefixDst, compressLevel)
var isInTest = func() bool {
return strings.HasSuffix(os.Args[0], ".test")
// MarshalUnsortedData marshals sorted items from ib to sb.
// It also:
// - appends first item to firstItemDst and returns the result.
// - appends common prefix for all the items to commonPrefixDst and returns the result.
// - returns the number of items encoded including the first item.
// - returns the marshal type used for the encoding.
func (ib *inmemoryBlock) MarshalSortedData(sb *storageBlock, firstItemDst, commonPrefixDst []byte, compressLevel int) ([]byte, []byte, uint32, marshalType) {
if isInTest && !ib.isSorted() {
logger.Panicf("BUG: %d items must be sorted; items:\n%s", len(ib.items), ib.debugItemsString())
return ib.marshalData(sb, firstItemDst, commonPrefixDst, compressLevel)
func (ib *inmemoryBlock) debugItemsString() string {
var sb strings.Builder
var prevItem []byte
for i, item := range ib.items {
if string(item) < string(prevItem) {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "!!! the next item is smaller than the previous item !!!\n")
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "%05d %X\n", i, item)
prevItem = item
return sb.String()
// Preconditions:
// - ib.items must be sorted.
// - updateCommonPrefix must be called.
func (ib *inmemoryBlock) marshalData(sb *storageBlock, firstItemDst, commonPrefixDst []byte, compressLevel int) ([]byte, []byte, uint32, marshalType) {
if len(ib.items) <= 0 {
logger.Panicf("BUG: inmemoryBlock.marshalData must be called on non-empty blocks only")
if uint64(len(ib.items)) >= 1<<32 {
logger.Panicf("BUG: the number of items in the block must be smaller than %d; got %d items", uint64(1<<32), len(ib.items))
firstItemDst = append(firstItemDst, ib.items[0]...)
commonPrefixDst = append(commonPrefixDst, ib.commonPrefix...)
if len(ib.data)-len(ib.commonPrefix)*len(ib.items) < 64 || len(ib.items) < 2 {
// Use plain encoding form small block, since it is cheaper.
return firstItemDst, commonPrefixDst, uint32(len(ib.items)), marshalTypePlain
bbItems := bbPool.Get()
bItems := bbItems.B[:0]
bbLens := bbPool.Get()
bLens := bbLens.B[:0]
// Marshal items data.
xs := encoding.GetUint64s(len(ib.items) - 1)
defer encoding.PutUint64s(xs)
cpLen := len(ib.commonPrefix)
prevItem := ib.items[0][cpLen:]
prevPrefixLen := uint64(0)
for i, item := range ib.items[1:] {
item := item[cpLen:]
prefixLen := uint64(commonPrefixLen(prevItem, item))
bItems = append(bItems, item[prefixLen:]...)
xLen := prefixLen ^ prevPrefixLen
prevItem = item
prevPrefixLen = prefixLen
xs.A[i] = xLen
bLens = encoding.MarshalVarUint64s(bLens, xs.A)
sb.itemsData = encoding.CompressZSTDLevel(sb.itemsData[:0], bItems, compressLevel)
bbItems.B = bItems
// Marshal lens data.
prevItemLen := uint64(len(ib.items[0]) - cpLen)
for i, item := range ib.items[1:] {
itemLen := uint64(len(item) - cpLen)
xLen := itemLen ^ prevItemLen
prevItemLen = itemLen
xs.A[i] = xLen
bLens = encoding.MarshalVarUint64s(bLens, xs.A)
sb.lensData = encoding.CompressZSTDLevel(sb.lensData[:0], bLens, compressLevel)
bbLens.B = bLens
if float64(len(sb.itemsData)) > 0.9*float64(len(ib.data)-len(ib.commonPrefix)*len(ib.items)) {
// Bad compression rate. It is cheaper to use plain encoding.
return firstItemDst, commonPrefixDst, uint32(len(ib.items)), marshalTypePlain
// Good compression rate.
return firstItemDst, commonPrefixDst, uint32(len(ib.items)), marshalTypeZSTD
// UnmarshalData decodes itemsCount items from sb and firstItem and stores
// them to ib.
func (ib *inmemoryBlock) UnmarshalData(sb *storageBlock, firstItem, commonPrefix []byte, itemsCount uint32, mt marshalType) error {
if itemsCount <= 0 {
logger.Panicf("BUG: cannot unmarshal zero items")
ib.commonPrefix = append(ib.commonPrefix[:0], commonPrefix...)
switch mt {
case marshalTypePlain:
if err := ib.unmarshalDataPlain(sb, firstItem, itemsCount); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal plain data: %s", err)
if !ib.isSorted() {
return fmt.Errorf("plain data block contains unsorted items; items:\n%s", ib.debugItemsString())
return nil
case marshalTypeZSTD:
// it is handled below.
return fmt.Errorf("unknown marshalType=%d", mt)
// Unmarshal mt = marshalTypeZSTD
bb := bbPool.Get()
defer bbPool.Put(bb)
var err error
// Unmarshal lens data.
bb.B, err = encoding.DecompressZSTD(bb.B[:0], sb.lensData)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot decompress lensData: %s", err)
lb := getLensBuffer(int(2 * itemsCount))
defer putLensBuffer(lb)
prefixLens := lb.lens[:itemsCount]
lens := lb.lens[itemsCount:]
is := encoding.GetUint64s(int(itemsCount) - 1)
defer encoding.PutUint64s(is)
// Unmarshal prefixLens
tail, err := encoding.UnmarshalVarUint64s(is.A, bb.B)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal prefixLens from lensData: %s", err)
prefixLens[0] = 0
for i, xLen := range is.A {
prefixLens[i+1] = xLen ^ prefixLens[i]
// Unmarshal lens
tail, err = encoding.UnmarshalVarUint64s(is.A, tail)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal lens from lensData: %s", err)
if len(tail) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected tail left unmarshaling %d lens; tail size=%d; contents=%X", itemsCount, len(tail), tail)
lens[0] = uint64(len(firstItem) - len(commonPrefix))
dataLen := uint64(len(commonPrefix) * int(itemsCount))
dataLen += lens[0]
for i, xLen := range is.A {
itemLen := xLen ^ lens[i]
lens[i+1] = itemLen
dataLen += itemLen
// Unmarshal items data.
bb.B, err = encoding.DecompressZSTD(bb.B[:0], sb.itemsData)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot decompress lensData: %s", err)
data := bytesutil.Resize(ib.data, maxInmemoryBlockSize)
if n := int(itemsCount) - cap(ib.items); n > 0 {
ib.items = append(ib.items[:cap(ib.items)], make([][]byte, n)...)
ib.items = ib.items[:itemsCount]
data = append(data[:0], firstItem...)
ib.items[0] = data
prevItem := data[len(commonPrefix):]
b := bb.B
for i := 1; i < int(itemsCount); i++ {
itemLen := lens[i]
prefixLen := prefixLens[i]
if prefixLen > itemLen {
return fmt.Errorf("prefixLen=%d exceeds itemLen=%d", prefixLen, itemLen)
suffixLen := itemLen - prefixLen
if uint64(len(b)) < suffixLen {
return fmt.Errorf("not enough data for decoding item from itemsData; want %d bytes; remained %d bytes", suffixLen, len(b))
data = append(data, commonPrefix...)
if prefixLen > uint64(len(prevItem)) {
return fmt.Errorf("prefixLen cannot exceed %d; got %d", len(prevItem), prefixLen)
data = append(data, prevItem[:prefixLen]...)
data = append(data, b[:suffixLen]...)
item := data[len(data)-int(itemLen)-len(commonPrefix):]
ib.items[i] = item
b = b[suffixLen:]
prevItem = item[len(commonPrefix):]
if len(b) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected tail left after itemsData with len %d: %q", len(b), b)
if uint64(len(data)) != dataLen {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected data len; got %d; want %d", len(data), dataLen)
if !ib.isSorted() {
return fmt.Errorf("decoded data block contains unsorted items; items:\n%s", ib.debugItemsString())
ib.data = data
return nil
var bbPool bytesutil.ByteBufferPool
func (ib *inmemoryBlock) marshalDataPlain(sb *storageBlock) {
// Marshal items data.
// There is no need in marshaling the first item, since it is returned
// to the caller in marshalData.
cpLen := len(ib.commonPrefix)
b := sb.itemsData[:0]
for _, item := range ib.items[1:] {
b = append(b, item[cpLen:]...)
sb.itemsData = b
// Marshal length data.
b = sb.lensData[:0]
for _, item := range ib.items[1:] {
b = encoding.MarshalUint64(b, uint64(len(item)-cpLen))
sb.lensData = b
func (ib *inmemoryBlock) unmarshalDataPlain(sb *storageBlock, firstItem []byte, itemsCount uint32) error {
commonPrefix := ib.commonPrefix
// Unmarshal lens data.
lb := getLensBuffer(int(itemsCount))
defer putLensBuffer(lb)
lb.lens[0] = uint64(len(firstItem) - len(commonPrefix))
b := sb.lensData
for i := 1; i < int(itemsCount); i++ {
if len(b) < 8 {
return fmt.Errorf("too short tail for decoding len from lensData; got %d bytes; want at least %d bytes", len(b), 8)
iLen := encoding.UnmarshalUint64(b)
b = b[8:]
lb.lens[i] = iLen
if len(b) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected tail left after lensData with len %d: %q", len(b), b)
// Unmarshal items data.
ib.data = bytesutil.Resize(ib.data, len(firstItem)+len(sb.itemsData)+len(commonPrefix)*int(itemsCount))
ib.data = append(ib.data[:0], firstItem...)
ib.items = append(ib.items[:0], ib.data)
b = sb.itemsData
for i := 1; i < int(itemsCount); i++ {
itemLen := lb.lens[i]
if uint64(len(b)) < itemLen {
return fmt.Errorf("not enough data for decoding item from itemsData; want %d bytes; remained %d bytes", itemLen, len(b))
ib.data = append(ib.data, commonPrefix...)
ib.data = append(ib.data, b[:itemLen]...)
item := ib.data[len(ib.data)-int(itemLen)-len(commonPrefix):]
ib.items = append(ib.items, item)
b = b[itemLen:]
if len(b) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected tail left after itemsData with len %d: %q", len(b), b)
return nil
type lensBuffer struct {
lens []uint64
var lensBufferPool sync.Pool
func getLensBuffer(n int) *lensBuffer {
v := lensBufferPool.Get()
if v == nil {
v = &lensBuffer{}
lb := v.(*lensBuffer)
if nn := n - cap(lb.lens); nn > 0 {
lb.lens = append(lb.lens[:cap(lb.lens)], make([]uint64, nn)...)
lb.lens = lb.lens[:n]
return lb
func putLensBuffer(lb *lensBuffer) {
func getInmemoryBlock() *inmemoryBlock {
v := ibPool.Get()
if v == nil {
return &inmemoryBlock{}
return v.(*inmemoryBlock)
func putInmemoryBlock(ib *inmemoryBlock) {
var ibPool sync.Pool