mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 15:45:01 +00:00

This should prevent from double counting for time series at the time when it changes label. The most common case is in K8S, which changes pod uid label with each new deployment. Updates https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/issues/748
1802 lines
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1802 lines
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package promql
import (
var minStalenessInterval = flag.Duration("search.minStalenessInterval", 0, "The mimimum interval for staleness calculations. "+
"This flag could be useful for removing gaps on graphs generated from time series with irregular intervals between samples. "+
"See also '-search.maxStalenessInterval'")
var rollupFuncs = map[string]newRollupFunc{
// Standard rollup funcs from PromQL.
// See funcs accepting range-vector on https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/functions/ .
"changes": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupChanges),
"delta": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupDelta),
"deriv": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupDerivSlow),
"deriv_fast": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupDerivFast),
"holt_winters": newRollupHoltWinters,
"idelta": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupIdelta),
"increase": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupDelta), // + rollupFuncsRemoveCounterResets
"irate": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupIderiv), // + rollupFuncsRemoveCounterResets
"predict_linear": newRollupPredictLinear,
"rate": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupDerivFast), // + rollupFuncsRemoveCounterResets
"resets": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupResets),
"avg_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupAvg),
"min_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupMin),
"max_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupMax),
"sum_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupSum),
"count_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupCount),
"quantile_over_time": newRollupQuantile,
"stddev_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupStddev),
"stdvar_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupStdvar),
"absent_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupAbsent),
// Additional rollup funcs.
"default_rollup": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupDefault), // default rollup func
"range_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupRange),
"sum2_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupSum2),
"geomean_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupGeomean),
"first_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupFirst),
"last_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupLast),
"distinct_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupDistinct),
"increases_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupIncreases),
"decreases_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupDecreases),
"integrate": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupIntegrate),
"ideriv": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupIderiv),
"lifetime": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupLifetime),
"lag": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupLag),
"scrape_interval": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupScrapeInterval),
"tmin_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupTmin),
"tmax_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupTmax),
"share_le_over_time": newRollupShareLE,
"share_gt_over_time": newRollupShareGT,
"count_le_over_time": newRollupCountLE,
"count_gt_over_time": newRollupCountGT,
"histogram_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupHistogram),
"rollup": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupFake),
"rollup_rate": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupFake), // + rollupFuncsRemoveCounterResets
"rollup_deriv": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupFake),
"rollup_delta": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupFake),
"rollup_increase": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupFake), // + rollupFuncsRemoveCounterResets
"rollup_candlestick": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupFake),
"aggr_over_time": newRollupFuncTwoArgs(rollupFake),
"hoeffding_bound_upper": newRollupHoeffdingBoundUpper,
"hoeffding_bound_lower": newRollupHoeffdingBoundLower,
"ascent_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupAscentOverTime),
"descent_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupDescentOverTime),
"zscore_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupZScoreOverTime),
// `timestamp` function must return timestamp for the last datapoint on the current window
// in order to properly handle offset and timestamps unaligned to the current step.
// See https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/issues/415 for details.
"timestamp": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupTimestamp),
// See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mode_(statistics)
"mode_over_time": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupModeOverTime),
"rate_over_sum": newRollupFuncOneArg(rollupRateOverSum),
// rollupAggrFuncs are functions that can be passed to `aggr_over_time()`
var rollupAggrFuncs = map[string]rollupFunc{
// Standard rollup funcs from PromQL.
"changes": rollupChanges,
"delta": rollupDelta,
"deriv": rollupDerivSlow,
"deriv_fast": rollupDerivFast,
"idelta": rollupIdelta,
"increase": rollupDelta, // + rollupFuncsRemoveCounterResets
"irate": rollupIderiv, // + rollupFuncsRemoveCounterResets
"rate": rollupDerivFast, // + rollupFuncsRemoveCounterResets
"resets": rollupResets,
"avg_over_time": rollupAvg,
"min_over_time": rollupMin,
"max_over_time": rollupMax,
"sum_over_time": rollupSum,
"count_over_time": rollupCount,
"stddev_over_time": rollupStddev,
"stdvar_over_time": rollupStdvar,
"absent_over_time": rollupAbsent,
// Additional rollup funcs.
"range_over_time": rollupRange,
"sum2_over_time": rollupSum2,
"geomean_over_time": rollupGeomean,
"first_over_time": rollupFirst,
"last_over_time": rollupLast,
"distinct_over_time": rollupDistinct,
"increases_over_time": rollupIncreases,
"decreases_over_time": rollupDecreases,
"integrate": rollupIntegrate,
"ideriv": rollupIderiv,
"lifetime": rollupLifetime,
"lag": rollupLag,
"scrape_interval": rollupScrapeInterval,
"tmin_over_time": rollupTmin,
"tmax_over_time": rollupTmax,
"ascent_over_time": rollupAscentOverTime,
"descent_over_time": rollupDescentOverTime,
"zscore_over_time": rollupZScoreOverTime,
"timestamp": rollupTimestamp,
"mode_over_time": rollupModeOverTime,
"rate_over_sum": rollupRateOverSum,
var rollupFuncsCannotAdjustWindow = map[string]bool{
"changes": true,
"delta": true,
"holt_winters": true,
"idelta": true,
"increase": true,
"predict_linear": true,
"resets": true,
"avg_over_time": true,
"sum_over_time": true,
"count_over_time": true,
"quantile_over_time": true,
"stddev_over_time": true,
"stdvar_over_time": true,
"absent_over_time": true,
"sum2_over_time": true,
"geomean_over_time": true,
"distinct_over_time": true,
"increases_over_time": true,
"decreases_over_time": true,
"integrate": true,
"ascent_over_time": true,
"descent_over_time": true,
"zscore_over_time": true,
var rollupFuncsRemoveCounterResets = map[string]bool{
"increase": true,
"irate": true,
"rate": true,
"rollup_rate": true,
"rollup_increase": true,
var rollupFuncsKeepMetricGroup = map[string]bool{
"holt_winters": true,
"predict_linear": true,
"default_rollup": true,
"avg_over_time": true,
"min_over_time": true,
"max_over_time": true,
"quantile_over_time": true,
"rollup": true,
"geomean_over_time": true,
"hoeffding_bound_lower": true,
"hoeffding_bound_upper": true,
"first_over_time": true,
"last_over_time": true,
"mode_over_time": true,
func getRollupAggrFuncNames(expr metricsql.Expr) ([]string, error) {
afe, ok := expr.(*metricsql.AggrFuncExpr)
if ok {
// This is for incremental aggregate function case:
// sum(aggr_over_time(...))
// See aggr_incremental.go for details.
expr = afe.Args[0]
fe, ok := expr.(*metricsql.FuncExpr)
if !ok {
logger.Panicf("BUG: unexpected expression; want metricsql.FuncExpr; got %T; value: %s", expr, expr.AppendString(nil))
if fe.Name != "aggr_over_time" {
logger.Panicf("BUG: unexpected function name: %q; want `aggr_over_time`", fe.Name)
if len(fe.Args) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected number of args to aggr_over_time(); got %d; want %d", len(fe.Args), 2)
arg := fe.Args[0]
var aggrFuncNames []string
if se, ok := arg.(*metricsql.StringExpr); ok {
aggrFuncNames = append(aggrFuncNames, se.S)
} else {
fe, ok := arg.(*metricsql.FuncExpr)
if !ok || fe.Name != "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s cannot be passed to aggr_over_time(); expecting quoted aggregate function name or a list of quoted aggregate function names",
for _, e := range fe.Args {
se, ok := e.(*metricsql.StringExpr)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s cannot be passed here; expecting quoted aggregate function name", e.AppendString(nil))
aggrFuncNames = append(aggrFuncNames, se.S)
if len(aggrFuncNames) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("aggr_over_time() must contain at least a single aggregate function name")
for _, s := range aggrFuncNames {
if rollupAggrFuncs[s] == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%q cannot be used in `aggr_over_time` function; expecting quoted aggregate function name", s)
return aggrFuncNames, nil
func getRollupArgIdx(funcName string) int {
funcName = strings.ToLower(funcName)
if rollupFuncs[funcName] == nil {
logger.Panicf("BUG: getRollupArgIdx is called for non-rollup func %q", funcName)
switch funcName {
case "quantile_over_time", "aggr_over_time",
"hoeffding_bound_lower", "hoeffding_bound_upper":
return 1
return 0
func getRollupConfigs(name string, rf rollupFunc, expr metricsql.Expr, start, end, step, window int64, lookbackDelta int64, sharedTimestamps []int64) (
func(values []float64, timestamps []int64), []*rollupConfig, error) {
preFunc := func(values []float64, timestamps []int64) {}
if rollupFuncsRemoveCounterResets[name] {
preFunc = func(values []float64, timestamps []int64) {
newRollupConfig := func(rf rollupFunc, tagValue string) *rollupConfig {
return &rollupConfig{
TagValue: tagValue,
Func: rf,
Start: start,
End: end,
Step: step,
Window: window,
MayAdjustWindow: !rollupFuncsCannotAdjustWindow[name],
LookbackDelta: lookbackDelta,
Timestamps: sharedTimestamps,
appendRollupConfigs := func(dst []*rollupConfig) []*rollupConfig {
dst = append(dst, newRollupConfig(rollupMin, "min"))
dst = append(dst, newRollupConfig(rollupMax, "max"))
dst = append(dst, newRollupConfig(rollupAvg, "avg"))
return dst
var rcs []*rollupConfig
switch name {
case "rollup":
rcs = appendRollupConfigs(rcs)
case "rollup_rate", "rollup_deriv":
preFuncPrev := preFunc
preFunc = func(values []float64, timestamps []int64) {
preFuncPrev(values, timestamps)
derivValues(values, timestamps)
rcs = appendRollupConfigs(rcs)
case "rollup_increase", "rollup_delta":
preFuncPrev := preFunc
preFunc = func(values []float64, timestamps []int64) {
preFuncPrev(values, timestamps)
rcs = appendRollupConfigs(rcs)
case "rollup_candlestick":
rcs = append(rcs, newRollupConfig(rollupOpen, "open"))
rcs = append(rcs, newRollupConfig(rollupClose, "close"))
rcs = append(rcs, newRollupConfig(rollupLow, "low"))
rcs = append(rcs, newRollupConfig(rollupHigh, "high"))
case "aggr_over_time":
aggrFuncNames, err := getRollupAggrFuncNames(expr)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid args to %s: %w", expr.AppendString(nil), err)
for _, aggrFuncName := range aggrFuncNames {
if rollupFuncsRemoveCounterResets[aggrFuncName] {
// There is no need to save the previous preFunc, since it is either empty or the same.
preFunc = func(values []float64, timestamps []int64) {
rf := rollupAggrFuncs[aggrFuncName]
rcs = append(rcs, newRollupConfig(rf, aggrFuncName))
rcs = append(rcs, newRollupConfig(rf, ""))
return preFunc, rcs, nil
func getRollupFunc(funcName string) newRollupFunc {
funcName = strings.ToLower(funcName)
return rollupFuncs[funcName]
type rollupFuncArg struct {
prevValue float64
prevTimestamp int64
values []float64
timestamps []int64
currTimestamp int64
idx int
window int64
tsm *timeseriesMap
func (rfa *rollupFuncArg) reset() {
rfa.prevValue = 0
rfa.prevTimestamp = 0
rfa.values = nil
rfa.timestamps = nil
rfa.currTimestamp = 0
rfa.idx = 0
rfa.window = 0
rfa.tsm = nil
// rollupFunc must return rollup value for the given rfa.
// prevValue may be nan, values and timestamps may be empty.
type rollupFunc func(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64
type rollupConfig struct {
// This tag value must be added to "rollup" tag if non-empty.
TagValue string
Func rollupFunc
Start int64
End int64
Step int64
Window int64
// Whether window may be adjusted to 2 x interval between data points.
// This is needed for functions which have dt in the denominator
// such as rate, deriv, etc.
// Without the adjustement their value would jump in unexpected directions
// when using window smaller than 2 x scrape_interval.
MayAdjustWindow bool
Timestamps []int64
// LoookbackDelta is the analog to `-query.lookback-delta` from Prometheus world.
LookbackDelta int64
var (
nan = math.NaN()
inf = math.Inf(1)
// The maximum interval without previous rows.
const maxSilenceInterval = 5 * 60 * 1000
type timeseriesMap struct {
origin *timeseries
labelName string
h metrics.Histogram
m map[string]*timeseries
func newTimeseriesMap(funcName string, sharedTimestamps []int64, mnSrc *storage.MetricName) *timeseriesMap {
if funcName != "histogram_over_time" {
return nil
values := make([]float64, len(sharedTimestamps))
for i := range values {
values[i] = nan
var origin timeseries
origin.Timestamps = sharedTimestamps
origin.Values = values
return ×eriesMap{
origin: &origin,
labelName: "vmrange",
m: make(map[string]*timeseries),
func (tsm *timeseriesMap) AppendTimeseriesTo(dst []*timeseries) []*timeseries {
for _, ts := range tsm.m {
dst = append(dst, ts)
return dst
func (tsm *timeseriesMap) GetOrCreateTimeseries(labelValue string) *timeseries {
ts := tsm.m[labelValue]
if ts != nil {
return ts
ts = ×eries{}
ts.MetricName.AddTag(tsm.labelName, labelValue)
tsm.m[labelValue] = ts
return ts
// Do calculates rollups for the given timestamps and values, appends
// them to dstValues and returns results.
// rc.Timestamps are used as timestamps for dstValues.
// timestamps must cover time range [rc.Start - rc.Window - maxSilenceInterval ... rc.End].
// Do cannot be called from concurrent goroutines.
func (rc *rollupConfig) Do(dstValues []float64, values []float64, timestamps []int64) []float64 {
return rc.doInternal(dstValues, nil, values, timestamps)
// DoTimeseriesMap calculates rollups for the given timestamps and values and puts them to tsm.
func (rc *rollupConfig) DoTimeseriesMap(tsm *timeseriesMap, values []float64, timestamps []int64) {
ts := getTimeseries()
ts.Values = rc.doInternal(ts.Values[:0], tsm, values, timestamps)
func (rc *rollupConfig) doInternal(dstValues []float64, tsm *timeseriesMap, values []float64, timestamps []int64) []float64 {
// Sanity checks.
if rc.Step <= 0 {
logger.Panicf("BUG: Step must be bigger than 0; got %d", rc.Step)
if rc.Start > rc.End {
logger.Panicf("BUG: Start cannot exceed End; got %d vs %d", rc.Start, rc.End)
if rc.Window < 0 {
logger.Panicf("BUG: Window must be non-negative; got %d", rc.Window)
if err := ValidateMaxPointsPerTimeseries(rc.Start, rc.End, rc.Step); err != nil {
logger.Panicf("BUG: %s; this must be validated before the call to rollupConfig.Do", err)
// Extend dstValues in order to remove mallocs below.
dstValues = decimal.ExtendFloat64sCapacity(dstValues, len(rc.Timestamps))
scrapeInterval := getScrapeInterval(timestamps)
maxPrevInterval := getMaxPrevInterval(scrapeInterval)
if rc.LookbackDelta > 0 && maxPrevInterval > rc.LookbackDelta {
maxPrevInterval = rc.LookbackDelta
if *minStalenessInterval > 0 {
if msi := minStalenessInterval.Milliseconds(); msi > 0 && maxPrevInterval < msi {
maxPrevInterval = msi
window := rc.Window
if window <= 0 {
window = rc.Step
if rc.LookbackDelta > 0 && window > rc.LookbackDelta {
// Implicitly set window exceeds -search.maxStalenessInterval, so limit it to -search.maxStalenessInterval
// according to https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/issues/784
window = rc.LookbackDelta
if rc.MayAdjustWindow && window < maxPrevInterval {
window = maxPrevInterval
rfa := getRollupFuncArg()
rfa.idx = 0
rfa.window = window
rfa.tsm = tsm
i := 0
j := 0
ni := 0
nj := 0
stalenessInterval := int64(float64(scrapeInterval) * 0.9)
for _, tEnd := range rc.Timestamps {
tStart := tEnd - window
ni = seekFirstTimestampIdxAfter(timestamps[i:], tStart, ni)
i += ni
if j < i {
j = i
nj = seekFirstTimestampIdxAfter(timestamps[j:], tEnd, nj)
j += nj
rfa.prevValue = nan
rfa.prevTimestamp = tStart - maxPrevInterval
if i < len(timestamps) && i > 0 && timestamps[i-1] > rfa.prevTimestamp {
rfa.prevValue = values[i-1]
rfa.prevTimestamp = timestamps[i-1]
rfa.values = values[i:j]
rfa.timestamps = timestamps[i:j]
if j == len(timestamps) && i < j && tEnd-timestamps[j-1] > stalenessInterval {
// Do not take into account the last data point in time series if the distance between this data point
// and tEnd exceeds stalenessInterval.
// This should prevent from double counting when a label changes in time series (for instance,
// during new deployment in K8S). See https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/issues/748
rfa.prevValue = nan
rfa.values = nil
rfa.timestamps = nil
rfa.currTimestamp = tEnd
value := rc.Func(rfa)
dstValues = append(dstValues, value)
return dstValues
func seekFirstTimestampIdxAfter(timestamps []int64, seekTimestamp int64, nHint int) int {
if len(timestamps) == 0 || timestamps[0] > seekTimestamp {
return 0
startIdx := nHint - 2
if startIdx < 0 {
startIdx = 0
if startIdx >= len(timestamps) {
startIdx = len(timestamps) - 1
endIdx := nHint + 2
if endIdx > len(timestamps) {
endIdx = len(timestamps)
if startIdx > 0 && timestamps[startIdx] <= seekTimestamp {
timestamps = timestamps[startIdx:]
endIdx -= startIdx
} else {
startIdx = 0
if endIdx < len(timestamps) && timestamps[endIdx] > seekTimestamp {
timestamps = timestamps[:endIdx]
if len(timestamps) < 16 {
// Fast path: the number of timestamps to search is small, so scan them all.
for i, timestamp := range timestamps {
if timestamp > seekTimestamp {
return startIdx + i
return startIdx + len(timestamps)
// Slow path: too big len(timestamps), so use binary search.
i := binarySearchInt64(timestamps, seekTimestamp+1)
return startIdx + int(i)
func binarySearchInt64(a []int64, v int64) uint {
// Copy-pasted sort.Search from https://golang.org/src/sort/search.go?s=2246:2286#L49
i, j := uint(0), uint(len(a))
for i < j {
h := (i + j) >> 1
if h < uint(len(a)) && a[h] < v {
i = h + 1
} else {
j = h
return i
func getScrapeInterval(timestamps []int64) int64 {
if len(timestamps) < 2 {
return int64(maxSilenceInterval)
// Estimate scrape interval as 0.6 quantile for the first 100 intervals.
h := histogram.GetFast()
tsPrev := timestamps[0]
timestamps = timestamps[1:]
if len(timestamps) > 100 {
timestamps = timestamps[:100]
for _, ts := range timestamps {
h.Update(float64(ts - tsPrev))
tsPrev = ts
scrapeInterval := int64(h.Quantile(0.6))
if scrapeInterval <= 0 {
return int64(maxSilenceInterval)
return scrapeInterval
func getMaxPrevInterval(scrapeInterval int64) int64 {
// Increase scrapeInterval more for smaller scrape intervals in order to hide possible gaps
// when high jitter is present.
// See https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/issues/139 .
if scrapeInterval <= 2*1000 {
return scrapeInterval + 4*scrapeInterval
if scrapeInterval <= 4*1000 {
return scrapeInterval + 2*scrapeInterval
if scrapeInterval <= 8*1000 {
return scrapeInterval + scrapeInterval
if scrapeInterval <= 16*1000 {
return scrapeInterval + scrapeInterval/2
if scrapeInterval <= 32*1000 {
return scrapeInterval + scrapeInterval/4
return scrapeInterval + scrapeInterval/8
func removeCounterResets(values []float64) {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they are impossible
// on values from vmstorage.
if len(values) == 0 {
var correction float64
prevValue := values[0]
for i, v := range values {
d := v - prevValue
if d < 0 {
if (-d * 8) < prevValue {
// This is likely jitter from `Prometheus HA pairs`.
// Just substitute v with prevValue.
v = prevValue
} else {
correction += prevValue
prevValue = v
values[i] = v + correction
func deltaValues(values []float64) {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they are impossible
// on values from vmstorage.
if len(values) == 0 {
prevDelta := float64(0)
prevValue := values[0]
for i, v := range values[1:] {
prevDelta = v - prevValue
values[i] = prevDelta
prevValue = v
values[len(values)-1] = prevDelta
func derivValues(values []float64, timestamps []int64) {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they are impossible
// on values from vmstorage.
if len(values) == 0 {
prevDeriv := float64(0)
prevValue := values[0]
prevTs := timestamps[0]
for i, v := range values[1:] {
ts := timestamps[i+1]
if ts == prevTs {
// Use the previous value for duplicate timestamps.
values[i] = prevDeriv
dt := float64(ts-prevTs) / 1e3
prevDeriv = (v - prevValue) / dt
values[i] = prevDeriv
prevValue = v
prevTs = ts
values[len(values)-1] = prevDeriv
type newRollupFunc func(args []interface{}) (rollupFunc, error)
func newRollupFuncOneArg(rf rollupFunc) newRollupFunc {
return func(args []interface{}) (rollupFunc, error) {
if err := expectRollupArgsNum(args, 1); err != nil {
return nil, err
return rf, nil
func newRollupFuncTwoArgs(rf rollupFunc) newRollupFunc {
return func(args []interface{}) (rollupFunc, error) {
if err := expectRollupArgsNum(args, 2); err != nil {
return nil, err
return rf, nil
func newRollupHoltWinters(args []interface{}) (rollupFunc, error) {
if err := expectRollupArgsNum(args, 3); err != nil {
return nil, err
sfs, err := getScalar(args[1], 1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tfs, err := getScalar(args[2], 2)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rf := func(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
if len(values) == 0 {
return rfa.prevValue
sf := sfs[rfa.idx]
if sf <= 0 || sf >= 1 {
return nan
tf := tfs[rfa.idx]
if tf <= 0 || tf >= 1 {
return nan
// See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_smoothing#Double_exponential_smoothing .
// TODO: determine whether this shit really works.
s0 := rfa.prevValue
if math.IsNaN(s0) {
s0 = values[0]
values = values[1:]
if len(values) == 0 {
return s0
b0 := values[0] - s0
for _, v := range values {
s1 := sf*v + (1-sf)*(s0+b0)
b1 := tf*(s1-s0) + (1-tf)*b0
s0 = s1
b0 = b1
return s0
return rf, nil
func newRollupPredictLinear(args []interface{}) (rollupFunc, error) {
if err := expectRollupArgsNum(args, 2); err != nil {
return nil, err
secs, err := getScalar(args[1], 1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rf := func(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
v, k := linearRegression(rfa)
if math.IsNaN(v) {
return nan
sec := secs[rfa.idx]
return v + k*sec
return rf, nil
func linearRegression(rfa *rollupFuncArg) (float64, float64) {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
timestamps := rfa.timestamps
if len(values) == 0 {
return rfa.prevValue, 0
// See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_linear_regression#Numerical_example
tFirst := rfa.prevTimestamp
vSum := rfa.prevValue
tSum := float64(0)
tvSum := float64(0)
ttSum := float64(0)
n := 1.0
if math.IsNaN(rfa.prevValue) {
tFirst = timestamps[0]
vSum = 0
n = 0
for i, v := range values {
dt := float64(timestamps[i]-tFirst) / 1e3
vSum += v
tSum += dt
tvSum += dt * v
ttSum += dt * dt
n += float64(len(values))
if n == 1 {
return vSum, 0
k := (n*tvSum - tSum*vSum) / (n*ttSum - tSum*tSum)
v := (vSum - k*tSum) / n
// Adjust v to the last timestamp on the given time range.
v += k * (float64(timestamps[len(timestamps)-1]-tFirst) / 1e3)
return v, k
func newRollupShareLE(args []interface{}) (rollupFunc, error) {
return newRollupShareFilter(args, countFilterLE)
func countFilterLE(values []float64, le float64) int {
n := 0
for _, v := range values {
if v <= le {
return n
func newRollupShareGT(args []interface{}) (rollupFunc, error) {
return newRollupShareFilter(args, countFilterGT)
func countFilterGT(values []float64, gt float64) int {
n := 0
for _, v := range values {
if v > gt {
return n
func newRollupShareFilter(args []interface{}, countFilter func(values []float64, limit float64) int) (rollupFunc, error) {
rf, err := newRollupCountFilter(args, countFilter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return func(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
n := rf(rfa)
return n / float64(len(rfa.values))
}, nil
func newRollupCountLE(args []interface{}) (rollupFunc, error) {
return newRollupCountFilter(args, countFilterLE)
func newRollupCountGT(args []interface{}) (rollupFunc, error) {
return newRollupCountFilter(args, countFilterGT)
func newRollupCountFilter(args []interface{}, countFilter func(values []float64, limit float64) int) (rollupFunc, error) {
if err := expectRollupArgsNum(args, 2); err != nil {
return nil, err
limits, err := getScalar(args[1], 1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rf := func(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
if len(values) == 0 {
return nan
limit := limits[rfa.idx]
return float64(countFilter(values, limit))
return rf, nil
func newRollupHoeffdingBoundLower(args []interface{}) (rollupFunc, error) {
if err := expectRollupArgsNum(args, 2); err != nil {
return nil, err
phis, err := getScalar(args[0], 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rf := func(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
bound, avg := rollupHoeffdingBoundInternal(rfa, phis)
return avg - bound
return rf, nil
func newRollupHoeffdingBoundUpper(args []interface{}) (rollupFunc, error) {
if err := expectRollupArgsNum(args, 2); err != nil {
return nil, err
phis, err := getScalar(args[0], 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rf := func(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
bound, avg := rollupHoeffdingBoundInternal(rfa, phis)
return avg + bound
return rf, nil
func rollupHoeffdingBoundInternal(rfa *rollupFuncArg, phis []float64) (float64, float64) {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
if len(values) == 0 {
return nan, nan
if len(values) == 1 {
return 0, values[0]
vMax := rollupMax(rfa)
vMin := rollupMin(rfa)
vAvg := rollupAvg(rfa)
vRange := vMax - vMin
if vRange <= 0 {
return 0, vAvg
phi := phis[rfa.idx]
if phi >= 1 {
return inf, vAvg
if phi <= 0 {
return 0, vAvg
// See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoeffding%27s_inequality
// and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UwcqiNsZ8U&feature=youtu.be&t=1237
bound := vRange * math.Sqrt(math.Log(1/(1-phi))/(2*float64(len(values))))
return bound, vAvg
func newRollupQuantile(args []interface{}) (rollupFunc, error) {
if err := expectRollupArgsNum(args, 2); err != nil {
return nil, err
phis, err := getScalar(args[0], 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rf := func(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
if len(values) == 0 {
return rfa.prevValue
if len(values) == 1 {
// Fast path - only a single value.
return values[0]
hf := histogram.GetFast()
for _, v := range values {
phi := phis[rfa.idx]
qv := hf.Quantile(phi)
return qv
return rf, nil
func rollupHistogram(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
values := rfa.values
tsm := rfa.tsm
for _, v := range values {
idx := rfa.idx
tsm.h.VisitNonZeroBuckets(func(vmrange string, count uint64) {
ts := tsm.GetOrCreateTimeseries(vmrange)
ts.Values[idx] = float64(count)
return nan
func rollupAvg(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// Do not use `Rapid calculation methods` at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_deviation,
// since it is slower and has no significant benefits in precision.
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
if len(values) == 0 {
// Do not take into account rfa.prevValue, since it may lead
// to inconsistent results comparing to Prometheus on broken time series
// with irregular data points.
return nan
var sum float64
for _, v := range values {
sum += v
return sum / float64(len(values))
func rollupMin(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
if len(values) == 0 {
// Do not take into account rfa.prevValue, since it may lead
// to inconsistent results comparing to Prometheus on broken time series
// with irregular data points.
return nan
minValue := values[0]
for _, v := range values {
if v < minValue {
minValue = v
return minValue
func rollupMax(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
if len(values) == 0 {
// Do not take into account rfa.prevValue, since it may lead
// to inconsistent results comparing to Prometheus on broken time series
// with irregular data points.
return nan
maxValue := values[0]
for _, v := range values {
if v > maxValue {
maxValue = v
return maxValue
func rollupTmin(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
timestamps := rfa.timestamps
if len(values) == 0 {
return nan
minValue := values[0]
minTimestamp := timestamps[0]
for i, v := range values {
if v < minValue {
minValue = v
minTimestamp = timestamps[i]
return float64(minTimestamp) / 1e3
func rollupTmax(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
timestamps := rfa.timestamps
if len(values) == 0 {
return nan
maxValue := values[0]
maxTimestamp := timestamps[0]
for i, v := range values {
if v > maxValue {
maxValue = v
maxTimestamp = timestamps[i]
return float64(maxTimestamp) / 1e3
func rollupSum(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
if len(values) == 0 {
if math.IsNaN(rfa.prevValue) {
return nan
return 0
var sum float64
for _, v := range values {
sum += v
return sum
func rollupRateOverSum(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
timestamps := rfa.timestamps
if len(timestamps) == 0 {
if math.IsNaN(rfa.prevValue) {
return nan
// Assume that the value didn't change since rfa.prevValue.
return 0
dt := rfa.window
if !math.IsNaN(rfa.prevValue) {
dt = timestamps[len(timestamps)-1] - rfa.prevTimestamp
sum := float64(0)
for _, v := range rfa.values {
sum += v
return sum / (float64(dt) / 1e3)
func rollupRange(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
max := rollupMax(rfa)
min := rollupMin(rfa)
return max - min
func rollupSum2(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
if len(values) == 0 {
return rfa.prevValue * rfa.prevValue
var sum2 float64
for _, v := range values {
sum2 += v * v
return sum2
func rollupGeomean(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
if len(values) == 0 {
return rfa.prevValue
p := 1.0
for _, v := range values {
p *= v
return math.Pow(p, 1/float64(len(values)))
func rollupAbsent(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
if len(rfa.values) == 0 {
return 1
return nan
func rollupCount(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
if len(values) == 0 {
if math.IsNaN(rfa.prevValue) {
return nan
return 0
return float64(len(values))
func rollupStddev(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
stdvar := rollupStdvar(rfa)
return math.Sqrt(stdvar)
func rollupStdvar(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// See `Rapid calculation methods` at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_deviation
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
if len(values) == 0 {
if math.IsNaN(rfa.prevValue) {
return nan
return 0
if len(values) == 1 {
// Fast path.
return values[0]
var avg float64
var count float64
var q float64
for _, v := range values {
avgNew := avg + (v-avg)/count
q += (v - avg) * (v - avgNew)
avg = avgNew
return q / count
func rollupDelta(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
prevValue := rfa.prevValue
if math.IsNaN(prevValue) {
if len(values) == 0 {
return nan
// Assume that the previous non-existing value was 0
// only if the first value doesn't exceed too much the delta with the next value.
// This should prevent from improper increase() results for os-level counters
// such as cpu time or bytes sent over the network interface.
// These counters may start long ago before the first value appears in the db.
// This also should prevent from improper increase() results when a part of label values are changed
// without counter reset.
d := float64(10)
if len(values) > 1 {
d = values[1] - values[0]
if math.Abs(values[0]) < 10*(math.Abs(d)+1) {
prevValue = 0
} else {
prevValue = values[0]
values = values[1:]
if len(values) == 0 {
// Assume that the value didn't change on the given interval.
return 0
return values[len(values)-1] - prevValue
func rollupIdelta(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
if len(values) == 0 {
if math.IsNaN(rfa.prevValue) {
return nan
// Assume that the value didn't change on the given interval.
return 0
lastValue := values[len(values)-1]
values = values[:len(values)-1]
if len(values) == 0 {
prevValue := rfa.prevValue
if math.IsNaN(prevValue) {
// Assume that the previous non-existing value was 0.
return lastValue
return lastValue - prevValue
return lastValue - values[len(values)-1]
func rollupDerivSlow(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// Use linear regression like Prometheus does.
// See https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/issues/73
_, k := linearRegression(rfa)
return k
func rollupDerivFast(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
timestamps := rfa.timestamps
prevValue := rfa.prevValue
prevTimestamp := rfa.prevTimestamp
if math.IsNaN(prevValue) {
if len(values) == 0 {
return nan
if len(values) == 1 {
// It is impossible to determine the duration during which the value changed
// from 0 to the current value.
// The following attempts didn't work well:
// - using scrape interval as the duration. It fails on Prometheus restarts when it
// skips scraping for the counter. This results in too high rate() value for the first point
// after Prometheus restarts.
// - using window or step as the duration. It results in too small rate() values for the first
// points of time series.
// So just return nan
return nan
prevValue = values[0]
prevTimestamp = timestamps[0]
} else if len(values) == 0 {
// Assume that the value didn't change on the given interval.
return 0
vEnd := values[len(values)-1]
tEnd := timestamps[len(timestamps)-1]
dv := vEnd - prevValue
dt := float64(tEnd-prevTimestamp) / 1e3
return dv / dt
func rollupIderiv(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
timestamps := rfa.timestamps
if len(values) < 2 {
if len(values) == 0 {
return nan
if math.IsNaN(rfa.prevValue) {
// It is impossible to determine the duration during which the value changed
// from 0 to the current value.
// The following attempts didn't work well:
// - using scrape interval as the duration. It fails on Prometheus restarts when it
// skips scraping for the counter. This results in too high rate() value for the first point
// after Prometheus restarts.
// - using window or step as the duration. It results in too small rate() values for the first
// points of time series.
// So just return nan
return nan
return (values[0] - rfa.prevValue) / (float64(timestamps[0]-rfa.prevTimestamp) / 1e3)
vEnd := values[len(values)-1]
tEnd := timestamps[len(timestamps)-1]
values = values[:len(values)-1]
timestamps = timestamps[:len(timestamps)-1]
// Skip data points with duplicate timestamps.
for len(timestamps) > 0 && timestamps[len(timestamps)-1] >= tEnd {
timestamps = timestamps[:len(timestamps)-1]
var tStart int64
var vStart float64
if len(timestamps) == 0 {
if math.IsNaN(rfa.prevValue) {
return 0
tStart = rfa.prevTimestamp
vStart = rfa.prevValue
} else {
tStart = timestamps[len(timestamps)-1]
vStart = values[len(timestamps)-1]
dv := vEnd - vStart
dt := tEnd - tStart
return dv / (float64(dt) / 1e3)
func rollupLifetime(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// Calculate the duration between the first and the last data points.
timestamps := rfa.timestamps
if math.IsNaN(rfa.prevValue) {
if len(timestamps) < 2 {
return nan
return float64(timestamps[len(timestamps)-1]-timestamps[0]) / 1e3
if len(timestamps) == 0 {
return nan
return float64(timestamps[len(timestamps)-1]-rfa.prevTimestamp) / 1e3
func rollupLag(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// Calculate the duration between the current timestamp and the last data point.
timestamps := rfa.timestamps
if len(timestamps) == 0 {
if math.IsNaN(rfa.prevValue) {
return nan
return float64(rfa.currTimestamp-rfa.prevTimestamp) / 1e3
return float64(rfa.currTimestamp-timestamps[len(timestamps)-1]) / 1e3
func rollupScrapeInterval(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// Calculate the average interval between data points.
timestamps := rfa.timestamps
if math.IsNaN(rfa.prevValue) {
if len(timestamps) < 2 {
return nan
return (float64(timestamps[len(timestamps)-1]-timestamps[0]) / 1e3) / float64(len(timestamps)-1)
if len(timestamps) == 0 {
return nan
return (float64(timestamps[len(timestamps)-1]-rfa.prevTimestamp) / 1e3) / float64(len(timestamps))
func rollupChanges(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
prevValue := rfa.prevValue
n := 0
if math.IsNaN(prevValue) {
if len(values) == 0 {
return nan
prevValue = values[0]
values = values[1:]
for _, v := range values {
if v != prevValue {
prevValue = v
return float64(n)
func rollupIncreases(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
if len(values) == 0 {
if math.IsNaN(rfa.prevValue) {
return nan
return 0
prevValue := rfa.prevValue
if math.IsNaN(prevValue) {
prevValue = values[0]
values = values[1:]
if len(values) == 0 {
return 0
n := 0
for _, v := range values {
if v > prevValue {
prevValue = v
return float64(n)
// `decreases_over_time` logic is the same as `resets` logic.
var rollupDecreases = rollupResets
func rollupResets(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
if len(values) == 0 {
if math.IsNaN(rfa.prevValue) {
return nan
return 0
prevValue := rfa.prevValue
if math.IsNaN(prevValue) {
prevValue = values[0]
values = values[1:]
if len(values) == 0 {
return 0
n := 0
for _, v := range values {
if v < prevValue {
prevValue = v
return float64(n)
// getCandlestickValues returns a subset of rfa.values suitable for rollup_candlestick
// See https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/issues/309 for details.
func getCandlestickValues(rfa *rollupFuncArg) []float64 {
currTimestamp := rfa.currTimestamp
timestamps := rfa.timestamps
for len(timestamps) > 0 && timestamps[len(timestamps)-1] >= currTimestamp {
timestamps = timestamps[:len(timestamps)-1]
if len(timestamps) == 0 {
return nil
return rfa.values[:len(timestamps)]
func getFirstValueForCandlestick(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
if rfa.prevTimestamp+rfa.window >= rfa.currTimestamp {
return rfa.prevValue
return nan
func rollupOpen(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
v := getFirstValueForCandlestick(rfa)
if !math.IsNaN(v) {
return v
values := getCandlestickValues(rfa)
if len(values) == 0 {
return nan
return values[0]
func rollupClose(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
values := getCandlestickValues(rfa)
if len(values) == 0 {
return getFirstValueForCandlestick(rfa)
return values[len(values)-1]
func rollupHigh(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
values := getCandlestickValues(rfa)
max := getFirstValueForCandlestick(rfa)
if math.IsNaN(max) {
if len(values) == 0 {
return nan
max = values[0]
values = values[1:]
for _, v := range values {
if v > max {
max = v
return max
func rollupLow(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
values := getCandlestickValues(rfa)
min := getFirstValueForCandlestick(rfa)
if math.IsNaN(min) {
if len(values) == 0 {
return nan
min = values[0]
values = values[1:]
for _, v := range values {
if v < min {
min = v
return min
func rollupTimestamp(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
timestamps := rfa.timestamps
if len(timestamps) == 0 {
// Do not take into account rfa.prevTimestamp, since it may lead
// to inconsistent results comparing to Prometheus on broken time series
// with irregular data points.
return nan
return float64(timestamps[len(timestamps)-1]) / 1e3
func rollupModeOverTime(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
// Copy rfa.values to a.A, since modeNoNaNs modifies a.A contents.
a := float64sPool.Get().(*float64s)
a.A = append(a.A[:0], rfa.values...)
result := modeNoNaNs(rfa.prevValue, a.A)
return result
var float64sPool = &sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return &float64s{}
type float64s struct {
A []float64
func rollupAscentOverTime(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
prevValue := rfa.prevValue
if math.IsNaN(prevValue) {
if len(values) == 0 {
return nan
prevValue = values[0]
values = values[1:]
s := float64(0)
for _, v := range values {
d := v - prevValue
if d > 0 {
s += d
prevValue = v
return s
func rollupDescentOverTime(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
prevValue := rfa.prevValue
if math.IsNaN(prevValue) {
if len(values) == 0 {
return nan
prevValue = values[0]
values = values[1:]
s := float64(0)
for _, v := range values {
d := prevValue - v
if d > 0 {
s += d
prevValue = v
return s
func rollupZScoreOverTime(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// See https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2019/07/23/anomaly-detection-using-prometheus/#using-z-score-for-anomaly-detection
scrapeInterval := rollupScrapeInterval(rfa)
lag := rollupLag(rfa)
if math.IsNaN(scrapeInterval) || math.IsNaN(lag) || lag > scrapeInterval {
return nan
d := rollupLast(rfa) - rollupAvg(rfa)
if d == 0 {
return 0
return d / rollupStddev(rfa)
func rollupFirst(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
if len(values) == 0 {
// Do not take into account rfa.prevValue, since it may lead
// to inconsistent results comparing to Prometheus on broken time series
// with irregular data points.
return nan
return values[0]
var rollupDefault = rollupLast
func rollupLast(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
if len(values) == 0 {
// Do not take into account rfa.prevValue, since it may lead
// to inconsistent results comparing to Prometheus on broken time series
// with irregular data points.
return nan
return values[len(values)-1]
func rollupDistinct(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
if len(values) == 0 {
if math.IsNaN(rfa.prevValue) {
return nan
return 0
m := make(map[float64]struct{})
for _, v := range values {
m[v] = struct{}{}
return float64(len(m))
func rollupIntegrate(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
// There is no need in handling NaNs here, since they must be cleaned up
// before calling rollup funcs.
values := rfa.values
timestamps := rfa.timestamps
prevValue := rfa.prevValue
prevTimestamp := rfa.currTimestamp - rfa.window
if math.IsNaN(prevValue) {
if len(values) == 0 {
return nan
prevValue = values[0]
prevTimestamp = timestamps[0]
values = values[1:]
timestamps = timestamps[1:]
var sum float64
for i, v := range values {
timestamp := timestamps[i]
dt := float64(timestamp-prevTimestamp) / 1e3
sum += prevValue * dt
prevTimestamp = timestamp
prevValue = v
dt := float64(rfa.currTimestamp-prevTimestamp) / 1e3
sum += prevValue * dt
return sum
func rollupFake(rfa *rollupFuncArg) float64 {
logger.Panicf("BUG: rollupFake shouldn't be called")
return 0
func getScalar(arg interface{}, argNum int) ([]float64, error) {
ts, ok := arg.([]*timeseries)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`unexpected type for arg #%d; got %T; want %T`, argNum+1, arg, ts)
if len(ts) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`arg #%d must contain a single timeseries; got %d timeseries`, argNum+1, len(ts))
return ts[0].Values, nil
func getString(tss []*timeseries, argNum int) (string, error) {
if len(tss) != 1 {
return "", fmt.Errorf(`arg #%d must contain a single timeseries; got %d timeseries`, argNum+1, len(tss))
ts := tss[0]
for _, v := range ts.Values {
if !math.IsNaN(v) {
return "", fmt.Errorf(`arg #%d contains non-string timeseries`, argNum+1)
return string(ts.MetricName.MetricGroup), nil
func expectRollupArgsNum(args []interface{}, expectedNum int) error {
if len(args) == expectedNum {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf(`unexpected number of args; got %d; want %d`, len(args), expectedNum)
func getRollupFuncArg() *rollupFuncArg {
v := rfaPool.Get()
if v == nil {
return &rollupFuncArg{}
return v.(*rollupFuncArg)
func putRollupFuncArg(rfa *rollupFuncArg) {
var rfaPool sync.Pool