mirror of
synced 2024-12-31 15:06:26 +00:00
The v0.1.0 points to the last verified changes made by me.
I'm afraid that releases after v0.1.0 may contain completely broken changes like
588 lines
13 KiB
588 lines
13 KiB
package fasthttp
import (
const (
argsNoValue = true
argsHasValue = false
// AcquireArgs returns an empty Args object from the pool.
// The returned Args may be returned to the pool with ReleaseArgs
// when no longer needed. This allows reducing GC load.
func AcquireArgs() *Args {
return argsPool.Get().(*Args)
// ReleaseArgs returns the object acquired via AcquireArgs to the pool.
// Do not access the released Args object, otherwise data races may occur.
func ReleaseArgs(a *Args) {
var argsPool = &sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return &Args{}
// Args represents query arguments.
// It is forbidden copying Args instances. Create new instances instead
// and use CopyTo().
// Args instance MUST NOT be used from concurrently running goroutines.
type Args struct {
noCopy noCopy
args []argsKV
buf []byte
type argsKV struct {
key []byte
value []byte
noValue bool
// Reset clears query args.
func (a *Args) Reset() {
a.args = a.args[:0]
// CopyTo copies all args to dst.
func (a *Args) CopyTo(dst *Args) {
dst.args = copyArgs(dst.args, a.args)
// VisitAll calls f for each existing arg.
// f must not retain references to key and value after returning.
// Make key and/or value copies if you need storing them after returning.
func (a *Args) VisitAll(f func(key, value []byte)) {
visitArgs(a.args, f)
// Len returns the number of query args.
func (a *Args) Len() int {
return len(a.args)
// Parse parses the given string containing query args.
func (a *Args) Parse(s string) {
a.buf = append(a.buf[:0], s...)
// ParseBytes parses the given b containing query args.
func (a *Args) ParseBytes(b []byte) {
var s argsScanner
s.b = b
var kv *argsKV
a.args, kv = allocArg(a.args)
for s.next(kv) {
if len(kv.key) > 0 || len(kv.value) > 0 {
a.args, kv = allocArg(a.args)
a.args = releaseArg(a.args)
// String returns string representation of query args.
func (a *Args) String() string {
return string(a.QueryString())
// QueryString returns query string for the args.
// The returned value is valid until the next call to Args methods.
func (a *Args) QueryString() []byte {
a.buf = a.AppendBytes(a.buf[:0])
return a.buf
// Sort sorts Args by key and then value using 'f' as comparison function.
// For example args.Sort(bytes.Compare)
func (a *Args) Sort(f func(x, y []byte) int) {
sort.SliceStable(a.args, func(i, j int) bool {
n := f(a.args[i].key, a.args[j].key)
if n == 0 {
return f(a.args[i].value, a.args[j].value) == -1
return n == -1
// AppendBytes appends query string to dst and returns the extended dst.
func (a *Args) AppendBytes(dst []byte) []byte {
for i, n := 0, len(a.args); i < n; i++ {
kv := &a.args[i]
dst = AppendQuotedArg(dst, kv.key)
if !kv.noValue {
dst = append(dst, '=')
if len(kv.value) > 0 {
dst = AppendQuotedArg(dst, kv.value)
if i+1 < n {
dst = append(dst, '&')
return dst
// WriteTo writes query string to w.
// WriteTo implements io.WriterTo interface.
func (a *Args) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) {
n, err := w.Write(a.QueryString())
return int64(n), err
// Del deletes argument with the given key from query args.
func (a *Args) Del(key string) {
a.args = delAllArgs(a.args, key)
// DelBytes deletes argument with the given key from query args.
func (a *Args) DelBytes(key []byte) {
a.args = delAllArgs(a.args, b2s(key))
// Add adds 'key=value' argument.
// Multiple values for the same key may be added.
func (a *Args) Add(key, value string) {
a.args = appendArg(a.args, key, value, argsHasValue)
// AddBytesK adds 'key=value' argument.
// Multiple values for the same key may be added.
func (a *Args) AddBytesK(key []byte, value string) {
a.args = appendArg(a.args, b2s(key), value, argsHasValue)
// AddBytesV adds 'key=value' argument.
// Multiple values for the same key may be added.
func (a *Args) AddBytesV(key string, value []byte) {
a.args = appendArg(a.args, key, b2s(value), argsHasValue)
// AddBytesKV adds 'key=value' argument.
// Multiple values for the same key may be added.
func (a *Args) AddBytesKV(key, value []byte) {
a.args = appendArg(a.args, b2s(key), b2s(value), argsHasValue)
// AddNoValue adds only 'key' as argument without the '='.
// Multiple values for the same key may be added.
func (a *Args) AddNoValue(key string) {
a.args = appendArg(a.args, key, "", argsNoValue)
// AddBytesKNoValue adds only 'key' as argument without the '='.
// Multiple values for the same key may be added.
func (a *Args) AddBytesKNoValue(key []byte) {
a.args = appendArg(a.args, b2s(key), "", argsNoValue)
// Set sets 'key=value' argument.
func (a *Args) Set(key, value string) {
a.args = setArg(a.args, key, value, argsHasValue)
// SetBytesK sets 'key=value' argument.
func (a *Args) SetBytesK(key []byte, value string) {
a.args = setArg(a.args, b2s(key), value, argsHasValue)
// SetBytesV sets 'key=value' argument.
func (a *Args) SetBytesV(key string, value []byte) {
a.args = setArg(a.args, key, b2s(value), argsHasValue)
// SetBytesKV sets 'key=value' argument.
func (a *Args) SetBytesKV(key, value []byte) {
a.args = setArgBytes(a.args, key, value, argsHasValue)
// SetNoValue sets only 'key' as argument without the '='.
// Only key in argumemt, like key1&key2
func (a *Args) SetNoValue(key string) {
a.args = setArg(a.args, key, "", argsNoValue)
// SetBytesKNoValue sets 'key' argument.
func (a *Args) SetBytesKNoValue(key []byte) {
a.args = setArg(a.args, b2s(key), "", argsNoValue)
// Peek returns query arg value for the given key.
// Returned value is valid until the next Args call.
func (a *Args) Peek(key string) []byte {
return peekArgStr(a.args, key)
// PeekBytes returns query arg value for the given key.
// Returned value is valid until the next Args call.
func (a *Args) PeekBytes(key []byte) []byte {
return peekArgBytes(a.args, key)
// PeekMulti returns all the arg values for the given key.
func (a *Args) PeekMulti(key string) [][]byte {
var values [][]byte
a.VisitAll(func(k, v []byte) {
if string(k) == key {
values = append(values, v)
return values
// PeekMultiBytes returns all the arg values for the given key.
func (a *Args) PeekMultiBytes(key []byte) [][]byte {
return a.PeekMulti(b2s(key))
// Has returns true if the given key exists in Args.
func (a *Args) Has(key string) bool {
return hasArg(a.args, key)
// HasBytes returns true if the given key exists in Args.
func (a *Args) HasBytes(key []byte) bool {
return hasArg(a.args, b2s(key))
// ErrNoArgValue is returned when Args value with the given key is missing.
var ErrNoArgValue = errors.New("no Args value for the given key")
// GetUint returns uint value for the given key.
func (a *Args) GetUint(key string) (int, error) {
value := a.Peek(key)
if len(value) == 0 {
return -1, ErrNoArgValue
return ParseUint(value)
// SetUint sets uint value for the given key.
func (a *Args) SetUint(key string, value int) {
bb := bytebufferpool.Get()
bb.B = AppendUint(bb.B[:0], value)
a.SetBytesV(key, bb.B)
// SetUintBytes sets uint value for the given key.
func (a *Args) SetUintBytes(key []byte, value int) {
a.SetUint(b2s(key), value)
// GetUintOrZero returns uint value for the given key.
// Zero (0) is returned on error.
func (a *Args) GetUintOrZero(key string) int {
n, err := a.GetUint(key)
if err != nil {
n = 0
return n
// GetUfloat returns ufloat value for the given key.
func (a *Args) GetUfloat(key string) (float64, error) {
value := a.Peek(key)
if len(value) == 0 {
return -1, ErrNoArgValue
return ParseUfloat(value)
// GetUfloatOrZero returns ufloat value for the given key.
// Zero (0) is returned on error.
func (a *Args) GetUfloatOrZero(key string) float64 {
f, err := a.GetUfloat(key)
if err != nil {
f = 0
return f
// GetBool returns boolean value for the given key.
// true is returned for "1", "t", "T", "true", "TRUE", "True", "y", "yes", "Y", "YES", "Yes",
// otherwise false is returned.
func (a *Args) GetBool(key string) bool {
switch b2s(a.Peek(key)) {
// Support the same true cases as strconv.ParseBool
// See: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/4e1b11e2c9bdb0ddea1141eed487be1a626ff5be/src/strconv/atob.go#L12
// and Y and Yes versions.
case "1", "t", "T", "true", "TRUE", "True", "y", "yes", "Y", "YES", "Yes":
return true
return false
func visitArgs(args []argsKV, f func(k, v []byte)) {
for i, n := 0, len(args); i < n; i++ {
kv := &args[i]
f(kv.key, kv.value)
func copyArgs(dst, src []argsKV) []argsKV {
if cap(dst) < len(src) {
tmp := make([]argsKV, len(src))
copy(tmp, dst)
dst = tmp
n := len(src)
dst = dst[:n]
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
dstKV := &dst[i]
srcKV := &src[i]
dstKV.key = append(dstKV.key[:0], srcKV.key...)
if srcKV.noValue {
dstKV.value = dstKV.value[:0]
} else {
dstKV.value = append(dstKV.value[:0], srcKV.value...)
dstKV.noValue = srcKV.noValue
return dst
func delAllArgsBytes(args []argsKV, key []byte) []argsKV {
return delAllArgs(args, b2s(key))
func delAllArgs(args []argsKV, key string) []argsKV {
for i, n := 0, len(args); i < n; i++ {
kv := &args[i]
if key == string(kv.key) {
tmp := *kv
copy(args[i:], args[i+1:])
args[n] = tmp
args = args[:n]
return args
func setArgBytes(h []argsKV, key, value []byte, noValue bool) []argsKV {
return setArg(h, b2s(key), b2s(value), noValue)
func setArg(h []argsKV, key, value string, noValue bool) []argsKV {
n := len(h)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
kv := &h[i]
if key == string(kv.key) {
if noValue {
kv.value = kv.value[:0]
} else {
kv.value = append(kv.value[:0], value...)
kv.noValue = noValue
return h
return appendArg(h, key, value, noValue)
func appendArgBytes(h []argsKV, key, value []byte, noValue bool) []argsKV {
return appendArg(h, b2s(key), b2s(value), noValue)
func appendArg(args []argsKV, key, value string, noValue bool) []argsKV {
var kv *argsKV
args, kv = allocArg(args)
kv.key = append(kv.key[:0], key...)
if noValue {
kv.value = kv.value[:0]
} else {
kv.value = append(kv.value[:0], value...)
kv.noValue = noValue
return args
func allocArg(h []argsKV) ([]argsKV, *argsKV) {
n := len(h)
if cap(h) > n {
h = h[:n+1]
} else {
h = append(h, argsKV{})
return h, &h[n]
func releaseArg(h []argsKV) []argsKV {
return h[:len(h)-1]
func hasArg(h []argsKV, key string) bool {
for i, n := 0, len(h); i < n; i++ {
kv := &h[i]
if key == string(kv.key) {
return true
return false
func peekArgBytes(h []argsKV, k []byte) []byte {
for i, n := 0, len(h); i < n; i++ {
kv := &h[i]
if bytes.Equal(kv.key, k) {
return kv.value
return nil
func peekArgStr(h []argsKV, k string) []byte {
for i, n := 0, len(h); i < n; i++ {
kv := &h[i]
if string(kv.key) == k {
return kv.value
return nil
type argsScanner struct {
b []byte
func (s *argsScanner) next(kv *argsKV) bool {
if len(s.b) == 0 {
return false
kv.noValue = argsHasValue
isKey := true
k := 0
for i, c := range s.b {
switch c {
case '=':
if isKey {
isKey = false
kv.key = decodeArgAppend(kv.key[:0], s.b[:i])
k = i + 1
case '&':
if isKey {
kv.key = decodeArgAppend(kv.key[:0], s.b[:i])
kv.value = kv.value[:0]
kv.noValue = argsNoValue
} else {
kv.value = decodeArgAppend(kv.value[:0], s.b[k:i])
s.b = s.b[i+1:]
return true
if isKey {
kv.key = decodeArgAppend(kv.key[:0], s.b)
kv.value = kv.value[:0]
kv.noValue = argsNoValue
} else {
kv.value = decodeArgAppend(kv.value[:0], s.b[k:])
s.b = s.b[len(s.b):]
return true
func decodeArgAppend(dst, src []byte) []byte {
if bytes.IndexByte(src, '%') < 0 && bytes.IndexByte(src, '+') < 0 {
// fast path: src doesn't contain encoded chars
return append(dst, src...)
// slow path
for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ {
c := src[i]
if c == '%' {
if i+2 >= len(src) {
return append(dst, src[i:]...)
x2 := hex2intTable[src[i+2]]
x1 := hex2intTable[src[i+1]]
if x1 == 16 || x2 == 16 {
dst = append(dst, '%')
} else {
dst = append(dst, x1<<4|x2)
i += 2
} else if c == '+' {
dst = append(dst, ' ')
} else {
dst = append(dst, c)
return dst
// decodeArgAppendNoPlus is almost identical to decodeArgAppend, but it doesn't
// substitute '+' with ' '.
// The function is copy-pasted from decodeArgAppend due to the performance
// reasons only.
func decodeArgAppendNoPlus(dst, src []byte) []byte {
if bytes.IndexByte(src, '%') < 0 {
// fast path: src doesn't contain encoded chars
return append(dst, src...)
// slow path
for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ {
c := src[i]
if c == '%' {
if i+2 >= len(src) {
return append(dst, src[i:]...)
x2 := hex2intTable[src[i+2]]
x1 := hex2intTable[src[i+1]]
if x1 == 16 || x2 == 16 {
dst = append(dst, '%')
} else {
dst = append(dst, x1<<4|x2)
i += 2
} else {
dst = append(dst, c)
return dst