mirror of
synced 2024-12-31 15:06:26 +00:00
The v0.1.0 points to the last verified changes made by me.
I'm afraid that releases after v0.1.0 may contain completely broken changes like
534 lines
12 KiB
534 lines
12 KiB
package fasthttp
import (
var zeroTime time.Time
var (
// CookieExpireDelete may be set on Cookie.Expire for expiring the given cookie.
CookieExpireDelete = time.Date(2009, time.November, 10, 23, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
// CookieExpireUnlimited indicates that the cookie doesn't expire.
CookieExpireUnlimited = zeroTime
// CookieSameSite is an enum for the mode in which the SameSite flag should be set for the given cookie.
// See https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-cookie-same-site-00 for details.
type CookieSameSite int
const (
// CookieSameSiteDisabled removes the SameSite flag
CookieSameSiteDisabled CookieSameSite = iota
// CookieSameSiteDefaultMode sets the SameSite flag
// CookieSameSiteLaxMode sets the SameSite flag with the "Lax" parameter
// CookieSameSiteStrictMode sets the SameSite flag with the "Strict" parameter
// AcquireCookie returns an empty Cookie object from the pool.
// The returned object may be returned back to the pool with ReleaseCookie.
// This allows reducing GC load.
func AcquireCookie() *Cookie {
return cookiePool.Get().(*Cookie)
// ReleaseCookie returns the Cookie object acquired with AcquireCookie back
// to the pool.
// Do not access released Cookie object, otherwise data races may occur.
func ReleaseCookie(c *Cookie) {
var cookiePool = &sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return &Cookie{}
// Cookie represents HTTP response cookie.
// Do not copy Cookie objects. Create new object and use CopyTo instead.
// Cookie instance MUST NOT be used from concurrently running goroutines.
type Cookie struct {
noCopy noCopy
key []byte
value []byte
expire time.Time
maxAge int
domain []byte
path []byte
httpOnly bool
secure bool
sameSite CookieSameSite
bufKV argsKV
buf []byte
// CopyTo copies src cookie to c.
func (c *Cookie) CopyTo(src *Cookie) {
c.key = append(c.key[:0], src.key...)
c.value = append(c.value[:0], src.value...)
c.expire = src.expire
c.maxAge = src.maxAge
c.domain = append(c.domain[:0], src.domain...)
c.path = append(c.path[:0], src.path...)
c.httpOnly = src.httpOnly
c.secure = src.secure
c.sameSite = src.sameSite
// HTTPOnly returns true if the cookie is http only.
func (c *Cookie) HTTPOnly() bool {
return c.httpOnly
// SetHTTPOnly sets cookie's httpOnly flag to the given value.
func (c *Cookie) SetHTTPOnly(httpOnly bool) {
c.httpOnly = httpOnly
// Secure returns true if the cookie is secure.
func (c *Cookie) Secure() bool {
return c.secure
// SetSecure sets cookie's secure flag to the given value.
func (c *Cookie) SetSecure(secure bool) {
c.secure = secure
// SameSite returns the SameSite mode.
func (c *Cookie) SameSite() CookieSameSite {
return c.sameSite
// SetSameSite sets the cookie's SameSite flag to the given value.
func (c *Cookie) SetSameSite(mode CookieSameSite) {
c.sameSite = mode
// Path returns cookie path.
func (c *Cookie) Path() []byte {
return c.path
// SetPath sets cookie path.
func (c *Cookie) SetPath(path string) {
c.buf = append(c.buf[:0], path...)
c.path = normalizePath(c.path, c.buf)
// SetPathBytes sets cookie path.
func (c *Cookie) SetPathBytes(path []byte) {
c.buf = append(c.buf[:0], path...)
c.path = normalizePath(c.path, c.buf)
// Domain returns cookie domain.
// The returned domain is valid until the next Cookie modification method call.
func (c *Cookie) Domain() []byte {
return c.domain
// SetDomain sets cookie domain.
func (c *Cookie) SetDomain(domain string) {
c.domain = append(c.domain[:0], domain...)
// SetDomainBytes sets cookie domain.
func (c *Cookie) SetDomainBytes(domain []byte) {
c.domain = append(c.domain[:0], domain...)
// MaxAge returns the seconds until the cookie is meant to expire or 0
// if no max age.
func (c *Cookie) MaxAge() int {
return c.maxAge
// SetMaxAge sets cookie expiration time based on seconds. This takes precedence
// over any absolute expiry set on the cookie
// Set max age to 0 to unset
func (c *Cookie) SetMaxAge(seconds int) {
c.maxAge = seconds
// Expire returns cookie expiration time.
// CookieExpireUnlimited is returned if cookie doesn't expire
func (c *Cookie) Expire() time.Time {
expire := c.expire
if expire.IsZero() {
expire = CookieExpireUnlimited
return expire
// SetExpire sets cookie expiration time.
// Set expiration time to CookieExpireDelete for expiring (deleting)
// the cookie on the client.
// By default cookie lifetime is limited by browser session.
func (c *Cookie) SetExpire(expire time.Time) {
c.expire = expire
// Value returns cookie value.
// The returned value is valid until the next Cookie modification method call.
func (c *Cookie) Value() []byte {
return c.value
// SetValue sets cookie value.
func (c *Cookie) SetValue(value string) {
c.value = append(c.value[:0], value...)
// SetValueBytes sets cookie value.
func (c *Cookie) SetValueBytes(value []byte) {
c.value = append(c.value[:0], value...)
// Key returns cookie name.
// The returned value is valid until the next Cookie modification method call.
func (c *Cookie) Key() []byte {
return c.key
// SetKey sets cookie name.
func (c *Cookie) SetKey(key string) {
c.key = append(c.key[:0], key...)
// SetKeyBytes sets cookie name.
func (c *Cookie) SetKeyBytes(key []byte) {
c.key = append(c.key[:0], key...)
// Reset clears the cookie.
func (c *Cookie) Reset() {
c.key = c.key[:0]
c.value = c.value[:0]
c.expire = zeroTime
c.maxAge = 0
c.domain = c.domain[:0]
c.path = c.path[:0]
c.httpOnly = false
c.secure = false
c.sameSite = CookieSameSiteDisabled
// AppendBytes appends cookie representation to dst and returns
// the extended dst.
func (c *Cookie) AppendBytes(dst []byte) []byte {
if len(c.key) > 0 {
dst = append(dst, c.key...)
dst = append(dst, '=')
dst = append(dst, c.value...)
if c.maxAge > 0 {
dst = append(dst, ';', ' ')
dst = append(dst, strCookieMaxAge...)
dst = append(dst, '=')
dst = AppendUint(dst, c.maxAge)
} else if !c.expire.IsZero() {
c.bufKV.value = AppendHTTPDate(c.bufKV.value[:0], c.expire)
dst = append(dst, ';', ' ')
dst = append(dst, strCookieExpires...)
dst = append(dst, '=')
dst = append(dst, c.bufKV.value...)
if len(c.domain) > 0 {
dst = appendCookiePart(dst, strCookieDomain, c.domain)
if len(c.path) > 0 {
dst = appendCookiePart(dst, strCookiePath, c.path)
if c.httpOnly {
dst = append(dst, ';', ' ')
dst = append(dst, strCookieHTTPOnly...)
if c.secure {
dst = append(dst, ';', ' ')
dst = append(dst, strCookieSecure...)
switch c.sameSite {
case CookieSameSiteDefaultMode:
dst = append(dst, ';', ' ')
dst = append(dst, strCookieSameSite...)
case CookieSameSiteLaxMode:
dst = append(dst, ';', ' ')
dst = append(dst, strCookieSameSite...)
dst = append(dst, '=')
dst = append(dst, strCookieSameSiteLax...)
case CookieSameSiteStrictMode:
dst = append(dst, ';', ' ')
dst = append(dst, strCookieSameSite...)
dst = append(dst, '=')
dst = append(dst, strCookieSameSiteStrict...)
return dst
// Cookie returns cookie representation.
// The returned value is valid until the next call to Cookie methods.
func (c *Cookie) Cookie() []byte {
c.buf = c.AppendBytes(c.buf[:0])
return c.buf
// String returns cookie representation.
func (c *Cookie) String() string {
return string(c.Cookie())
// WriteTo writes cookie representation to w.
// WriteTo implements io.WriterTo interface.
func (c *Cookie) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) {
n, err := w.Write(c.Cookie())
return int64(n), err
var errNoCookies = errors.New("no cookies found")
// Parse parses Set-Cookie header.
func (c *Cookie) Parse(src string) error {
c.buf = append(c.buf[:0], src...)
return c.ParseBytes(c.buf)
// ParseBytes parses Set-Cookie header.
func (c *Cookie) ParseBytes(src []byte) error {
var s cookieScanner
s.b = src
kv := &c.bufKV
if !s.next(kv) {
return errNoCookies
c.key = append(c.key[:0], kv.key...)
c.value = append(c.value[:0], kv.value...)
for s.next(kv) {
if len(kv.key) != 0 {
// Case insensitive switch on first char
switch kv.key[0] | 0x20 {
case 'm':
if caseInsensitiveCompare(strCookieMaxAge, kv.key) {
maxAge, err := ParseUint(kv.value)
if err != nil {
return err
c.maxAge = maxAge
case 'e': // "expires"
if caseInsensitiveCompare(strCookieExpires, kv.key) {
v := b2s(kv.value)
// Try the same two formats as net/http
// See: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/00379be17e63a5b75b3237819392d2dc3b313a27/src/net/http/cookie.go#L133-L135
exptime, err := time.ParseInLocation(time.RFC1123, v, time.UTC)
if err != nil {
exptime, err = time.Parse("Mon, 02-Jan-2006 15:04:05 MST", v)
if err != nil {
return err
c.expire = exptime
case 'd': // "domain"
if caseInsensitiveCompare(strCookieDomain, kv.key) {
c.domain = append(c.domain[:0], kv.value...)
case 'p': // "path"
if caseInsensitiveCompare(strCookiePath, kv.key) {
c.path = append(c.path[:0], kv.value...)
case 's': // "samesite"
if caseInsensitiveCompare(strCookieSameSite, kv.key) {
// Case insensitive switch on first char
switch kv.value[0] | 0x20 {
case 'l': // "lax"
if caseInsensitiveCompare(strCookieSameSiteLax, kv.value) {
c.sameSite = CookieSameSiteLaxMode
case 's': // "strict"
if caseInsensitiveCompare(strCookieSameSiteStrict, kv.value) {
c.sameSite = CookieSameSiteStrictMode
} else if len(kv.value) != 0 {
// Case insensitive switch on first char
switch kv.value[0] | 0x20 {
case 'h': // "httponly"
if caseInsensitiveCompare(strCookieHTTPOnly, kv.value) {
c.httpOnly = true
case 's': // "secure"
if caseInsensitiveCompare(strCookieSecure, kv.value) {
c.secure = true
} else if caseInsensitiveCompare(strCookieSameSite, kv.value) {
c.sameSite = CookieSameSiteDefaultMode
} // else empty or no match
return nil
func appendCookiePart(dst, key, value []byte) []byte {
dst = append(dst, ';', ' ')
dst = append(dst, key...)
dst = append(dst, '=')
return append(dst, value...)
func getCookieKey(dst, src []byte) []byte {
n := bytes.IndexByte(src, '=')
if n >= 0 {
src = src[:n]
return decodeCookieArg(dst, src, false)
func appendRequestCookieBytes(dst []byte, cookies []argsKV) []byte {
for i, n := 0, len(cookies); i < n; i++ {
kv := &cookies[i]
if len(kv.key) > 0 {
dst = append(dst, kv.key...)
dst = append(dst, '=')
dst = append(dst, kv.value...)
if i+1 < n {
dst = append(dst, ';', ' ')
return dst
// For Response we can not use the above function as response cookies
// already contain the key= in the value.
func appendResponseCookieBytes(dst []byte, cookies []argsKV) []byte {
for i, n := 0, len(cookies); i < n; i++ {
kv := &cookies[i]
dst = append(dst, kv.value...)
if i+1 < n {
dst = append(dst, ';', ' ')
return dst
func parseRequestCookies(cookies []argsKV, src []byte) []argsKV {
var s cookieScanner
s.b = src
var kv *argsKV
cookies, kv = allocArg(cookies)
for s.next(kv) {
if len(kv.key) > 0 || len(kv.value) > 0 {
cookies, kv = allocArg(cookies)
return releaseArg(cookies)
type cookieScanner struct {
b []byte
func (s *cookieScanner) next(kv *argsKV) bool {
b := s.b
if len(b) == 0 {
return false
isKey := true
k := 0
for i, c := range b {
switch c {
case '=':
if isKey {
isKey = false
kv.key = decodeCookieArg(kv.key, b[:i], false)
k = i + 1
case ';':
if isKey {
kv.key = kv.key[:0]
kv.value = decodeCookieArg(kv.value, b[k:i], true)
s.b = b[i+1:]
return true
if isKey {
kv.key = kv.key[:0]
kv.value = decodeCookieArg(kv.value, b[k:], true)
s.b = b[len(b):]
return true
func decodeCookieArg(dst, src []byte, skipQuotes bool) []byte {
for len(src) > 0 && src[0] == ' ' {
src = src[1:]
for len(src) > 0 && src[len(src)-1] == ' ' {
src = src[:len(src)-1]
if skipQuotes {
if len(src) > 1 && src[0] == '"' && src[len(src)-1] == '"' {
src = src[1 : len(src)-1]
return append(dst[:0], src...)
// caseInsensitiveCompare does a case insensitive equality comparison of
// two []byte. Assumes only letters need to be matched.
func caseInsensitiveCompare(a, b []byte) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
if a[i]|0x20 != b[i]|0x20 {
return false
return true