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synced 2025-03-21 15:45:01 +00:00

It is better developing vmctl tool in VictoriaMetrics repository, so it could be released together with the rest of vmutils tools such as vmalert, vmagent, vmbackup, vmrestore and vmauth.
290 lines
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290 lines
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package pb
import (
const (
adElPlaceholder = "%_ad_el_%"
adElPlaceholderLen = len(adElPlaceholder)
var (
defaultBarEls = [5]string{"[", "-", ">", "_", "]"}
// Element is an interface for bar elements
type Element interface {
ProgressElement(state *State, args ...string) string
// ElementFunc type implements Element interface and created for simplify elements
type ElementFunc func(state *State, args ...string) string
// ProgressElement just call self func
func (e ElementFunc) ProgressElement(state *State, args ...string) string {
return e(state, args...)
var elementsM sync.Mutex
var elements = map[string]Element{
"percent": ElementPercent,
"counters": ElementCounters,
"bar": adaptiveWrap(ElementBar),
"speed": ElementSpeed,
"rtime": ElementRemainingTime,
"etime": ElementElapsedTime,
"string": ElementString,
"cycle": ElementCycle,
// RegisterElement give you a chance to use custom elements
func RegisterElement(name string, el Element, adaptive bool) {
if adaptive {
el = adaptiveWrap(el)
elements[name] = el
type argsHelper []string
func (args argsHelper) getOr(n int, value string) string {
if len(args) > n {
return args[n]
return value
func (args argsHelper) getNotEmptyOr(n int, value string) (v string) {
if v = args.getOr(n, value); v == "" {
return value
func adaptiveWrap(el Element) Element {
return ElementFunc(func(state *State, args ...string) string {
state.recalc = append(state.recalc, ElementFunc(func(s *State, _ ...string) (result string) {
s.adaptive = true
result = el.ProgressElement(s, args...)
s.adaptive = false
return adElPlaceholder
// ElementPercent shows current percent of progress.
// Optionally can take one or two string arguments.
// First string will be used as value for format float64, default is "%.02f%%".
// Second string will be used when percent can't be calculated, default is "?%"
// In template use as follows: {{percent .}} or {{percent . "%.03f%%"}} or {{percent . "%.03f%%" "?"}}
var ElementPercent ElementFunc = func(state *State, args ...string) string {
argsh := argsHelper(args)
if state.Total() > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf(
argsh.getNotEmptyOr(0, "%.02f%%"),
return argsh.getOr(1, "?%")
// ElementCounters shows current and total values.
// Optionally can take one or two string arguments.
// First string will be used as format value when Total is present (>0). Default is "%s / %s"
// Second string will be used when total <= 0. Default is "%[1]s"
// In template use as follows: {{counters .}} or {{counters . "%s/%s"}} or {{counters . "%s/%s" "%s/?"}}
var ElementCounters ElementFunc = func(state *State, args ...string) string {
var f string
if state.Total() > 0 {
f = argsHelper(args).getNotEmptyOr(0, "%s / %s")
} else {
f = argsHelper(args).getNotEmptyOr(1, "%[1]s")
return fmt.Sprintf(f, state.Format(state.Value()), state.Format(state.Total()))
type elementKey int
const (
barObj elementKey = iota
type bar struct {
eb [5][]byte // elements in bytes
cc [5]int // cell counts
buf *bytes.Buffer
func (p *bar) write(state *State, eln, width int) int {
repeat := width / p.cc[eln]
for i := 0; i < repeat; i++ {
StripStringToBuffer(string(p.eb[eln]), width%p.cc[eln], p.buf)
return width
func getProgressObj(state *State, args ...string) (p *bar) {
var ok bool
if p, ok = state.Get(barObj).(*bar); !ok {
p = &bar{
buf: bytes.NewBuffer(nil),
state.Set(barObj, p)
argsH := argsHelper(args)
for i := range p.eb {
arg := argsH.getNotEmptyOr(i, defaultBarEls[i])
if string(p.eb[i]) != arg {
p.cc[i] = CellCount(arg)
p.eb[i] = []byte(arg)
if p.cc[i] == 0 {
p.cc[i] = 1
p.eb[i] = []byte(" ")
// ElementBar make progress bar view [-->__]
// Optionally can take up to 5 string arguments. Defaults is "[", "-", ">", "_", "]"
// In template use as follows: {{bar . }} or {{bar . "<" "oOo" "|" "~" ">"}}
// Color args: {{bar . (red "[") (green "-") ...
var ElementBar ElementFunc = func(state *State, args ...string) string {
// init
var p = getProgressObj(state, args...)
total, value := state.Total(), state.Value()
if total < 0 {
total = -total
if value < 0 {
value = -value
// check for overflow
if total != 0 && value > total {
total = value
var widthLeft = state.AdaptiveElWidth()
if widthLeft <= 0 || !state.IsAdaptiveWidth() {
widthLeft = 30
// write left border
if p.cc[0] < widthLeft {
widthLeft -= p.write(state, 0, p.cc[0])
} else {
p.write(state, 0, widthLeft)
return p.buf.String()
// check right border size
if p.cc[4] < widthLeft {
// write later
widthLeft -= p.cc[4]
} else {
p.write(state, 4, widthLeft)
return p.buf.String()
var curCount int
if total > 0 {
// calculate count of currenct space
curCount = int(math.Ceil((float64(value) / float64(total)) * float64(widthLeft)))
// write bar
if total == value && state.IsFinished() {
widthLeft -= p.write(state, 1, curCount)
} else if toWrite := curCount - p.cc[2]; toWrite > 0 {
widthLeft -= p.write(state, 1, toWrite)
widthLeft -= p.write(state, 2, p.cc[2])
} else if curCount > 0 {
widthLeft -= p.write(state, 2, curCount)
if widthLeft > 0 {
widthLeft -= p.write(state, 3, widthLeft)
// write right border
p.write(state, 4, p.cc[4])
// cut result and return string
return p.buf.String()
// ElementRemainingTime calculates remaining time based on speed (EWMA)
// Optionally can take one or two string arguments.
// First string will be used as value for format time duration string, default is "%s".
// Second string will be used when bar finished and value indicates elapsed time, default is "%s"
// Third string will be used when value not available, default is "?"
// In template use as follows: {{rtime .}} or {{rtime . "%s remain"}} or {{rtime . "%s remain" "%s total" "???"}}
var ElementRemainingTime ElementFunc = func(state *State, args ...string) string {
var rts string
sp := getSpeedObj(state).value(state)
if !state.IsFinished() {
if sp > 0 {
remain := float64(state.Total() - state.Value())
remainDur := time.Duration(remain/sp) * time.Second
rts = remainDur.String()
} else {
return argsHelper(args).getOr(2, "?")
} else {
rts = state.Time().Truncate(time.Second).Sub(state.StartTime().Truncate(time.Second)).String()
return fmt.Sprintf(argsHelper(args).getOr(1, "%s"), rts)
return fmt.Sprintf(argsHelper(args).getOr(0, "%s"), rts)
// ElementElapsedTime shows elapsed time
// Optionally cat take one argument - it's format for time string.
// In template use as follows: {{etime .}} or {{etime . "%s elapsed"}}
var ElementElapsedTime ElementFunc = func(state *State, args ...string) string {
etm := state.Time().Truncate(time.Second).Sub(state.StartTime().Truncate(time.Second))
return fmt.Sprintf(argsHelper(args).getOr(0, "%s"), etm.String())
// ElementString get value from bar by given key and print them
// bar.Set("myKey", "string to print")
// In template use as follows: {{string . "myKey"}}
var ElementString ElementFunc = func(state *State, args ...string) string {
if len(args) == 0 {
return ""
v := state.Get(args[0])
if v == nil {
return ""
return fmt.Sprint(v)
// ElementCycle return next argument for every call
// In template use as follows: {{cycle . "1" "2" "3"}}
// Or mix width other elements: {{ bar . "" "" (cycle . "↖" "↗" "↘" "↙" )}}
var ElementCycle ElementFunc = func(state *State, args ...string) string {
if len(args) == 0 {
return ""
n, _ := state.Get(cycleObj).(int)
if n >= len(args) {
n = 0
state.Set(cycleObj, n+1)
return args[n]