mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 15:45:01 +00:00

The v0.1.0 points to the last verified changes made by me.
I'm afraid that releases after v0.1.0 may contain completely broken changes like
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525 lines
13 KiB
package fasthttp
import (
// AcquireURI returns an empty URI instance from the pool.
// Release the URI with ReleaseURI after the URI is no longer needed.
// This allows reducing GC load.
func AcquireURI() *URI {
return uriPool.Get().(*URI)
// ReleaseURI releases the URI acquired via AcquireURI.
// The released URI mustn't be used after releasing it, otherwise data races
// may occur.
func ReleaseURI(u *URI) {
var uriPool = &sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return &URI{}
// URI represents URI :) .
// It is forbidden copying URI instances. Create new instance and use CopyTo
// instead.
// URI instance MUST NOT be used from concurrently running goroutines.
type URI struct {
noCopy noCopy
pathOriginal []byte
scheme []byte
path []byte
queryString []byte
hash []byte
host []byte
queryArgs Args
parsedQueryArgs bool
fullURI []byte
requestURI []byte
h *RequestHeader
// CopyTo copies uri contents to dst.
func (u *URI) CopyTo(dst *URI) {
dst.pathOriginal = append(dst.pathOriginal[:0], u.pathOriginal...)
dst.scheme = append(dst.scheme[:0], u.scheme...)
dst.path = append(dst.path[:0], u.path...)
dst.queryString = append(dst.queryString[:0], u.queryString...)
dst.hash = append(dst.hash[:0], u.hash...)
dst.host = append(dst.host[:0], u.host...)
dst.parsedQueryArgs = u.parsedQueryArgs
// fullURI and requestURI shouldn't be copied, since they are created
// from scratch on each FullURI() and RequestURI() call.
dst.h = u.h
// Hash returns URI hash, i.e. qwe of http://aaa.com/foo/bar?baz=123#qwe .
// The returned value is valid until the next URI method call.
func (u *URI) Hash() []byte {
return u.hash
// SetHash sets URI hash.
func (u *URI) SetHash(hash string) {
u.hash = append(u.hash[:0], hash...)
// SetHashBytes sets URI hash.
func (u *URI) SetHashBytes(hash []byte) {
u.hash = append(u.hash[:0], hash...)
// QueryString returns URI query string,
// i.e. baz=123 of http://aaa.com/foo/bar?baz=123#qwe .
// The returned value is valid until the next URI method call.
func (u *URI) QueryString() []byte {
return u.queryString
// SetQueryString sets URI query string.
func (u *URI) SetQueryString(queryString string) {
u.queryString = append(u.queryString[:0], queryString...)
u.parsedQueryArgs = false
// SetQueryStringBytes sets URI query string.
func (u *URI) SetQueryStringBytes(queryString []byte) {
u.queryString = append(u.queryString[:0], queryString...)
u.parsedQueryArgs = false
// Path returns URI path, i.e. /foo/bar of http://aaa.com/foo/bar?baz=123#qwe .
// The returned path is always urldecoded and normalized,
// i.e. '//f%20obar/baz/../zzz' becomes '/f obar/zzz'.
// The returned value is valid until the next URI method call.
func (u *URI) Path() []byte {
path := u.path
if len(path) == 0 {
path = strSlash
return path
// SetPath sets URI path.
func (u *URI) SetPath(path string) {
u.pathOriginal = append(u.pathOriginal[:0], path...)
u.path = normalizePath(u.path, u.pathOriginal)
// SetPathBytes sets URI path.
func (u *URI) SetPathBytes(path []byte) {
u.pathOriginal = append(u.pathOriginal[:0], path...)
u.path = normalizePath(u.path, u.pathOriginal)
// PathOriginal returns the original path from requestURI passed to URI.Parse().
// The returned value is valid until the next URI method call.
func (u *URI) PathOriginal() []byte {
return u.pathOriginal
// Scheme returns URI scheme, i.e. http of http://aaa.com/foo/bar?baz=123#qwe .
// Returned scheme is always lowercased.
// The returned value is valid until the next URI method call.
func (u *URI) Scheme() []byte {
scheme := u.scheme
if len(scheme) == 0 {
scheme = strHTTP
return scheme
// SetScheme sets URI scheme, i.e. http, https, ftp, etc.
func (u *URI) SetScheme(scheme string) {
u.scheme = append(u.scheme[:0], scheme...)
// SetSchemeBytes sets URI scheme, i.e. http, https, ftp, etc.
func (u *URI) SetSchemeBytes(scheme []byte) {
u.scheme = append(u.scheme[:0], scheme...)
// Reset clears uri.
func (u *URI) Reset() {
u.pathOriginal = u.pathOriginal[:0]
u.scheme = u.scheme[:0]
u.path = u.path[:0]
u.queryString = u.queryString[:0]
u.hash = u.hash[:0]
u.host = u.host[:0]
u.parsedQueryArgs = false
// There is no need in u.fullURI = u.fullURI[:0], since full uri
// is calculated on each call to FullURI().
// There is no need in u.requestURI = u.requestURI[:0], since requestURI
// is calculated on each call to RequestURI().
u.h = nil
// Host returns host part, i.e. aaa.com of http://aaa.com/foo/bar?baz=123#qwe .
// Host is always lowercased.
func (u *URI) Host() []byte {
if len(u.host) == 0 && u.h != nil {
u.host = append(u.host[:0], u.h.Host()...)
u.h = nil
return u.host
// SetHost sets host for the uri.
func (u *URI) SetHost(host string) {
u.host = append(u.host[:0], host...)
// SetHostBytes sets host for the uri.
func (u *URI) SetHostBytes(host []byte) {
u.host = append(u.host[:0], host...)
// Parse initializes URI from the given host and uri.
// host may be nil. In this case uri must contain fully qualified uri,
// i.e. with scheme and host. http is assumed if scheme is omitted.
// uri may contain e.g. RequestURI without scheme and host if host is non-empty.
func (u *URI) Parse(host, uri []byte) {
u.parse(host, uri, nil)
func (u *URI) parseQuick(uri []byte, h *RequestHeader, isTLS bool) {
u.parse(nil, uri, h)
if isTLS {
u.scheme = append(u.scheme[:0], strHTTPS...)
func (u *URI) parse(host, uri []byte, h *RequestHeader) {
u.h = h
scheme, host, uri := splitHostURI(host, uri)
u.scheme = append(u.scheme, scheme...)
u.host = append(u.host, host...)
b := uri
queryIndex := bytes.IndexByte(b, '?')
fragmentIndex := bytes.IndexByte(b, '#')
// Ignore query in fragment part
if fragmentIndex >= 0 && queryIndex > fragmentIndex {
queryIndex = -1
if queryIndex < 0 && fragmentIndex < 0 {
u.pathOriginal = append(u.pathOriginal, b...)
u.path = normalizePath(u.path, u.pathOriginal)
if queryIndex >= 0 {
// Path is everything up to the start of the query
u.pathOriginal = append(u.pathOriginal, b[:queryIndex]...)
u.path = normalizePath(u.path, u.pathOriginal)
if fragmentIndex < 0 {
u.queryString = append(u.queryString, b[queryIndex+1:]...)
} else {
u.queryString = append(u.queryString, b[queryIndex+1:fragmentIndex]...)
u.hash = append(u.hash, b[fragmentIndex+1:]...)
// fragmentIndex >= 0 && queryIndex < 0
// Path is up to the start of fragment
u.pathOriginal = append(u.pathOriginal, b[:fragmentIndex]...)
u.path = normalizePath(u.path, u.pathOriginal)
u.hash = append(u.hash, b[fragmentIndex+1:]...)
func normalizePath(dst, src []byte) []byte {
dst = dst[:0]
dst = addLeadingSlash(dst, src)
dst = decodeArgAppendNoPlus(dst, src)
// remove duplicate slashes
b := dst
bSize := len(b)
for {
n := bytes.Index(b, strSlashSlash)
if n < 0 {
b = b[n:]
copy(b, b[1:])
b = b[:len(b)-1]
dst = dst[:bSize]
// remove /./ parts
b = dst
for {
n := bytes.Index(b, strSlashDotSlash)
if n < 0 {
nn := n + len(strSlashDotSlash) - 1
copy(b[n:], b[nn:])
b = b[:len(b)-nn+n]
// remove /foo/../ parts
for {
n := bytes.Index(b, strSlashDotDotSlash)
if n < 0 {
nn := bytes.LastIndexByte(b[:n], '/')
if nn < 0 {
nn = 0
n += len(strSlashDotDotSlash) - 1
copy(b[nn:], b[n:])
b = b[:len(b)-n+nn]
// remove trailing /foo/..
n := bytes.LastIndex(b, strSlashDotDot)
if n >= 0 && n+len(strSlashDotDot) == len(b) {
nn := bytes.LastIndexByte(b[:n], '/')
if nn < 0 {
return strSlash
b = b[:nn+1]
return b
// RequestURI returns RequestURI - i.e. URI without Scheme and Host.
func (u *URI) RequestURI() []byte {
dst := appendQuotedPath(u.requestURI[:0], u.Path())
if u.queryArgs.Len() > 0 {
dst = append(dst, '?')
dst = u.queryArgs.AppendBytes(dst)
} else if len(u.queryString) > 0 {
dst = append(dst, '?')
dst = append(dst, u.queryString...)
if len(u.hash) > 0 {
dst = append(dst, '#')
dst = append(dst, u.hash...)
u.requestURI = dst
return u.requestURI
// LastPathSegment returns the last part of uri path after '/'.
// Examples:
// * For /foo/bar/baz.html path returns baz.html.
// * For /foo/bar/ returns empty byte slice.
// * For /foobar.js returns foobar.js.
func (u *URI) LastPathSegment() []byte {
path := u.Path()
n := bytes.LastIndexByte(path, '/')
if n < 0 {
return path
return path[n+1:]
// Update updates uri.
// The following newURI types are accepted:
// * Absolute, i.e. http://foobar.com/aaa/bb?cc . In this case the original
// uri is replaced by newURI.
// * Absolute without scheme, i.e. //foobar.com/aaa/bb?cc. In this case
// the original scheme is preserved.
// * Missing host, i.e. /aaa/bb?cc . In this case only RequestURI part
// of the original uri is replaced.
// * Relative path, i.e. xx?yy=abc . In this case the original RequestURI
// is updated according to the new relative path.
func (u *URI) Update(newURI string) {
// UpdateBytes updates uri.
// The following newURI types are accepted:
// * Absolute, i.e. http://foobar.com/aaa/bb?cc . In this case the original
// uri is replaced by newURI.
// * Absolute without scheme, i.e. //foobar.com/aaa/bb?cc. In this case
// the original scheme is preserved.
// * Missing host, i.e. /aaa/bb?cc . In this case only RequestURI part
// of the original uri is replaced.
// * Relative path, i.e. xx?yy=abc . In this case the original RequestURI
// is updated according to the new relative path.
func (u *URI) UpdateBytes(newURI []byte) {
u.requestURI = u.updateBytes(newURI, u.requestURI)
func (u *URI) updateBytes(newURI, buf []byte) []byte {
if len(newURI) == 0 {
return buf
n := bytes.Index(newURI, strSlashSlash)
if n >= 0 {
// absolute uri
var b [32]byte
schemeOriginal := b[:0]
if len(u.scheme) > 0 {
schemeOriginal = append([]byte(nil), u.scheme...)
u.Parse(nil, newURI)
if len(schemeOriginal) > 0 && len(u.scheme) == 0 {
u.scheme = append(u.scheme[:0], schemeOriginal...)
return buf
if newURI[0] == '/' {
// uri without host
buf = u.appendSchemeHost(buf[:0])
buf = append(buf, newURI...)
u.Parse(nil, buf)
return buf
// relative path
switch newURI[0] {
case '?':
// query string only update
return append(buf[:0], u.FullURI()...)
case '#':
// update only hash
return append(buf[:0], u.FullURI()...)
// update the last path part after the slash
path := u.Path()
n = bytes.LastIndexByte(path, '/')
if n < 0 {
panic("BUG: path must contain at least one slash")
buf = u.appendSchemeHost(buf[:0])
buf = appendQuotedPath(buf, path[:n+1])
buf = append(buf, newURI...)
u.Parse(nil, buf)
return buf
// FullURI returns full uri in the form {Scheme}://{Host}{RequestURI}#{Hash}.
func (u *URI) FullURI() []byte {
u.fullURI = u.AppendBytes(u.fullURI[:0])
return u.fullURI
// AppendBytes appends full uri to dst and returns the extended dst.
func (u *URI) AppendBytes(dst []byte) []byte {
dst = u.appendSchemeHost(dst)
return append(dst, u.RequestURI()...)
func (u *URI) appendSchemeHost(dst []byte) []byte {
dst = append(dst, u.Scheme()...)
dst = append(dst, strColonSlashSlash...)
return append(dst, u.Host()...)
// WriteTo writes full uri to w.
// WriteTo implements io.WriterTo interface.
func (u *URI) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) {
n, err := w.Write(u.FullURI())
return int64(n), err
// String returns full uri.
func (u *URI) String() string {
return string(u.FullURI())
func splitHostURI(host, uri []byte) ([]byte, []byte, []byte) {
n := bytes.Index(uri, strSlashSlash)
if n < 0 {
return strHTTP, host, uri
scheme := uri[:n]
if bytes.IndexByte(scheme, '/') >= 0 {
return strHTTP, host, uri
if len(scheme) > 0 && scheme[len(scheme)-1] == ':' {
scheme = scheme[:len(scheme)-1]
n += len(strSlashSlash)
uri = uri[n:]
n = bytes.IndexByte(uri, '/')
if n < 0 {
// A hack for bogus urls like foobar.com?a=b without
// slash after host.
if n = bytes.IndexByte(uri, '?'); n >= 0 {
return scheme, uri[:n], uri[n:]
return scheme, uri, strSlash
return scheme, uri[:n], uri[n:]
// QueryArgs returns query args.
func (u *URI) QueryArgs() *Args {
return &u.queryArgs
func (u *URI) parseQueryArgs() {
if u.parsedQueryArgs {
u.parsedQueryArgs = true