Aliaksandr Valialkin fae3040868
lib/blockcache: split the cache into multiple shards
This should reduce contention on cache mutex on hosts with many CPU cores,
which, in turn, should increase overall throughput for the cache.

This should help
2022-02-08 19:48:32 +02:00

318 lines
7.8 KiB

package blockcache
import (
// Cache caches Block entries.
// Call NewCache() for creating new Cache.
type Cache struct {
shards []*cache
// NewCache creates new cache.
// Cache size in bytes is limited by the value returned by getMaxSizeBytes() callback.
func NewCache(getMaxSizeBytes func() int) *Cache {
shardsCount := cgroup.AvailableCPUs()
shards := make([]*cache, shardsCount)
getMaxShardBytes := func() int {
n := getMaxSizeBytes()
return n / shardsCount
for i := range shards {
shards[i] = newCache(getMaxShardBytes)
return &Cache{
shards: shards,
// RemoveBlocksForPart removes all the blocks for the given part from the cache.
func (c *Cache) RemoveBlocksForPart(p interface{}) {
for _, shard := range c.shards {
// GetBlock returns a block for the given key k from c.
func (c *Cache) GetBlock(k Key) Block {
h := fastHashUint64(k.Offset)
idx := h % uint64(len(c.shards))
shard := c.shards[idx]
return shard.GetBlock(k)
// PutBlock puts the given block b under the given key k into c.
func (c *Cache) PutBlock(k Key, b Block) {
h := fastHashUint64(k.Offset)
idx := h % uint64(len(c.shards))
shard := c.shards[idx]
shard.PutBlock(k, b)
// Len returns the number of blocks in the cache c.
func (c *Cache) Len() int {
n := 0
for _, shard := range c.shards {
n += shard.Len()
return n
// SizeBytes returns an approximate size in bytes of all the blocks stored in the cache c.
func (c *Cache) SizeBytes() int {
n := 0
for _, shard := range c.shards {
n += shard.SizeBytes()
return n
// SizeMaxBytes returns the max allowed size in bytes for c.
func (c *Cache) SizeMaxBytes() int {
n := 0
for _, shard := range c.shards {
n += shard.SizeMaxBytes()
return n
// Requests returns the number of requests served by c.
func (c *Cache) Requests() uint64 {
n := uint64(0)
for _, shard := range c.shards {
n += shard.Requests()
return n
// Misses returns the number of cache misses for c.
func (c *Cache) Misses() uint64 {
n := uint64(0)
for _, shard := range c.shards {
n += shard.Misses()
return n
func fastHashUint64(x uint64) uint64 {
x ^= x >> 12 // a
x ^= x << 25 // b
x ^= x >> 27 // c
return x * 2685821657736338717
type cache struct {
// Atomically updated fields must go first in the struct, so they are properly
// aligned to 8 bytes on 32-bit architectures.
// See
requests uint64
misses uint64
// sizeBytes contains an approximate size for all the blocks stored in the cache.
sizeBytes int64
// getMaxSizeBytes() is a callback, which returns the maximum allowed cache size in bytes.
getMaxSizeBytes func() int
// mu protects all the fields below.
mu sync.RWMutex
// m contains cached blocks keyed by Key.Part and then by Key.Offset
m map[interface{}]map[uint64]*cacheEntry
// perKeyMisses contains per-block cache misses.
// Blocks with less than 2 cache misses aren't stored in the cache in order to prevent from eviction for frequently accessed items.
perKeyMisses map[Key]int
// Key represents a key, which uniquely identifies the Block.
type Key struct {
// Part must contain a pointer to part structure where the block belongs to.
Part interface{}
// Offset is the offset of the block in the part.
Offset uint64
// Block is an item, which may be cached in the Cache.
type Block interface {
// SizeBytes must return the approximate size of the given block in bytes
SizeBytes() int
type cacheEntry struct {
// Atomically updated fields must go first in the struct, so they are properly
// aligned to 8 bytes on 32-bit architectures.
// See
lastAccessTime uint64
// block contains the cached block.
block Block
func newCache(getMaxSizeBytes func() int) *cache {
var c cache
c.getMaxSizeBytes = getMaxSizeBytes
c.m = make(map[interface{}]map[uint64]*cacheEntry)
c.perKeyMisses = make(map[Key]int)
go c.cleaner()
return &c
func (c *cache) RemoveBlocksForPart(p interface{}) {
sizeBytes := 0
for _, e := range c.m[p] {
sizeBytes += e.block.SizeBytes()
// do not delete the entry from c.perKeyMisses, since it is removed by cache.cleaner later.
delete(c.m, p)
func (c *cache) updateSizeBytes(n int) {
atomic.AddInt64(&c.sizeBytes, int64(n))
func (c *cache) cleaner() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(57 * time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
perKeyMissesTicker := time.NewTicker(2 * time.Minute)
defer perKeyMissesTicker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
case <-perKeyMissesTicker.C:
c.perKeyMisses = make(map[Key]int, len(c.perKeyMisses))
func (c *cache) cleanByTimeout() {
// Delete items accessed more than five minutes ago.
// This time should be enough for repeated queries.
lastAccessTime := fasttime.UnixTimestamp() - 5*60
for _, pes := range c.m {
for offset, e := range pes {
if lastAccessTime > atomic.LoadUint64(&e.lastAccessTime) {
delete(pes, offset)
// do not delete the entry from c.perKeyMisses, since it is removed by cache.cleaner later.
func (c *cache) GetBlock(k Key) Block {
atomic.AddUint64(&c.requests, 1)
var e *cacheEntry
pes := c.m[k.Part]
if pes != nil {
e = pes[k.Offset]
if e != nil {
// Fast path - the block already exists in the cache, so return it to the caller.
currentTime := fasttime.UnixTimestamp()
if atomic.LoadUint64(&e.lastAccessTime) != currentTime {
atomic.StoreUint64(&e.lastAccessTime, currentTime)
return e.block
// Slow path - the entry is missing in the cache.
atomic.AddUint64(&c.misses, 1)
return nil
func (c *cache) PutBlock(k Key, b Block) {
// If the entry wasn't accessed yet (e.g. c.perKeyMisses[k] == 0), then cache it, since it is likely it will be accessed soon.
// Do not cache the entry only if there was only a single unsuccessful attempt to access it.
// This may be one-time-wonders entry, which won't be accessed more, so there is no need in caching it.
doNotCache := c.perKeyMisses[k] == 1
if doNotCache {
// Do not cache b if it has been requested only once (aka one-time-wonders items).
// This should reduce memory usage for the cache.
// Store b in the cache.
pes := c.m[k.Part]
if pes == nil {
pes = make(map[uint64]*cacheEntry)
c.m[k.Part] = pes
} else if pes[k.Offset] != nil {
// The block has been already registered by concurrent goroutine.
e := &cacheEntry{
lastAccessTime: fasttime.UnixTimestamp(),
block: b,
pes[k.Offset] = e
maxSizeBytes := c.getMaxSizeBytes()
if c.SizeBytes() > maxSizeBytes {
// Entries in the cache occupy too much space. Free up space by deleting some entries.
for _, pes := range c.m {
for offset, e := range pes {
delete(pes, offset)
// do not delete the entry from c.perKeyMisses, since it is removed by cache.cleaner later.
if c.SizeBytes() < maxSizeBytes {
func (c *cache) Len() int {
n := 0
for _, m := range c.m {
n += len(m)
return n
func (c *cache) SizeBytes() int {
return int(atomic.LoadInt64(&c.sizeBytes))
func (c *cache) SizeMaxBytes() int {
return c.getMaxSizeBytes()
func (c *cache) Requests() uint64 {
return atomic.LoadUint64(&c.requests)
func (c *cache) Misses() uint64 {
return atomic.LoadUint64(&c.misses)