diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f184e0f..e947095 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ Controled via both RS-485 and 16x2 display with buttons.
 ## Applications:
 | Usage. |	Brief description. | 	Application examples	| Available protections	|
 | ---------- | ------------------ | ------------------ | -------------------- |
-| 1. Thermostat.	|  Precision thermostat. Simple and cheap. Only 1 relay and 1 temperature sensor required.<br> | Room heat control. Chicken coop climate control. Distillation column or Yogurt maker t. control. Else. | N/A	|
+| 1. Thermostat.	|  Precision thermostat. Simple and cheap. Only 1 relay and 1 temperature sensor required.<br> | Room heat control. Chicken coop climate control. Distillation column. Else. | N/A	|
 | 2. Heat pump (HP) control. | Controller drives HP system components: compressor, Cold and Hot side Circulating Pumps (CP). Protects system from overload, overheat and freezing up. Drives EEV to optimize running conditions. | DIY heat pump system. Repair module for commercial system. Water heater, house heating systems and same. | Compressor: cold start or overheat. Discharge and suction lines protection. Short-term power loss. Anti-freeze. Power overload protection. |
+| 3. EEV controller. | Only drives EEV, no relays, only 2 T sensors. | Upgrade your system from capilary tube to EEV | Protects from liquid at suction line by design |
 For more information about Heap Pumps look at [Wikipedia about HP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_pump)