const AP_FALLBACK: &'static str = ""; const APRESOLVE_ENDPOINT: &'static str = ""; use futures::{Future, Stream}; use hyper::client::HttpConnector; use hyper::{self, Client, Method, Request, Uri}; use hyper_proxy::{Intercept, Proxy, ProxyConnector}; use serde_json; use std::str::FromStr; use tokio_core::reactor::Handle; error_chain!{} #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct APResolveData { ap_list: Vec, } fn apresolve(handle: &Handle, proxy: &Option) -> Box> { let url = Uri::from_str(APRESOLVE_ENDPOINT).expect("invalid AP resolve URL"); let use_proxy = proxy.is_some(); let mut req = Request::new(Method::Get, url.clone()); let response = match proxy { &Some(ref val) => { let proxy_url = Uri::from_str(&val).expect("invalid http proxy"); let proxy = Proxy::new(Intercept::All, proxy_url); let connector = HttpConnector::new(4, handle); let proxy_connector = ProxyConnector::from_proxy_unsecured(connector, proxy); if let Some(headers) = proxy_connector.http_headers(&url) { req.headers_mut().extend(headers.iter()); req.set_proxy(true); } let client = Client::configure().connector(proxy_connector).build(handle); client.request(req) } _ => { let client = Client::new(handle); client.request(req) } }; let body = response.and_then(|response| { response.body().fold(Vec::new(), |mut acc, chunk| { acc.extend_from_slice(chunk.as_ref()); Ok::<_, hyper::Error>(acc) }) }); let body = body.then(|result| result.chain_err(|| "HTTP error")); let body = body.and_then(|body| String::from_utf8(body).chain_err(|| "invalid UTF8 in response")); let data = body.and_then(|body| serde_json::from_str::(&body).chain_err(|| "invalid JSON")); let ap = data.and_then(move |data| { let mut aps = data.ap_list.iter().filter(|ap| { if use_proxy { // It is unlikely that the proxy will accept CONNECT on anything other than 443. Uri::from_str(ap) .ok() .map_or(false, |uri| uri.port().map_or(false, |port| port == 443)) } else { true } }); let ap ="empty AP List")?; Ok(ap.clone()) }); Box::new(ap) } pub(crate) fn apresolve_or_fallback( handle: &Handle, proxy: &Option, ) -> Box> where E: 'static, { let ap = apresolve(handle, proxy).or_else(|e| { warn!("Failed to resolve Access Point: {}", e.description()); warn!("Using fallback \"{}\"", AP_FALLBACK); Ok(AP_FALLBACK.into()) }); Box::new(ap) }