#!/bin/bash WORKINGDIR="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )" cd $WORKINGDIR crates=( "protocol" "core" "audio" "metadata" "playback" "connect" "librespot" ) function switchBranch { # You are expected to have committed/stashed your changes before running this. echo "Switching to master branch and merging development." git checkout master git pull git merge dev } function updateVersion { for CRATE in "${crates[@]}" do if [ "$CRATE" = "librespot" ] then CRATE='' fi crate_path="$WORKINGDIR/$CRATE/Cargo.toml" crate_path=${crate_path//\/\///} sed -i '' "s/^version.*/version = \"$1\"/g" "$crate_path" echo "Path is $crate_path" if [ "$CRATE" = "librespot" ] then cargo update fi done } function commitAndTag { git commit -a -m "Update version numbers to $1" git tag "v$1" -a -m "Update to version $1" } function get_crate_name { awk -v FS="name = " 'NF>1{print $2; exit}' Cargo.toml } function remoteWait() { IFS=: secs=${1} while [ $secs -gt 0 ] do sleep 1 & printf "\rSleeping to allow packages to propagate on crates.io servers. Continuing in %2d second(s)." ${secs} secs=$(( $secs - 1 )) wait done echo } function publishCrates { for CRATE in "${crates[@]}" do if [ "$CRATE" = "librespot" ] then CRATE='' fi crate_path="$WORKINGDIR/$CRATE" crate_path=${crate_path//\/\///} cd $crate_path # Also need to update Cargo.lock in root directory crate_name=`echo $( awk -v FS="name = " 'NF>1{print $2; exit}' Cargo.toml )` echo "Publishing $crate_name to crates.io" if [ "$CRATE" == "protocol" ] then # Protocol crate needs --no-verify option due to build.rs modification. cargo publish --no-verify else cargo publish fi echo "Successfully published $crate_name to crates.io" remoteWait 30 done } function updateRepo { cd $WORKINGDIR echo "Pushing to master branch of repo." git push origin master echo "Pushing v$1 tag to master branch of repo." git push origin v$1 } function run { switchBranch updateVersion $1 commitAndTag $1 publishCrates updateRepo $1 echo "Successfully published v$1 to crates.io and uploaded changes to repo." } # First argument is new version number. run $1