//! Provides a Spotify access token using the OAuth authorization code flow //! with PKCE. //! //! Assuming sufficient scopes, the returned access token may be used with Spotify's //! Web API, and/or to establish a new Session with [`librespot_core`]. //! //! The authorization code flow is an interactive process which requires a web browser //! to complete. The resulting code must then be provided back from the browser to this //! library for exchange into an access token. Providing the code can be automatic via //! a spawned http server (mimicking Spotify's client), or manually via stdin. The latter //! is appropriate for headless systems. use log::{error, info, trace}; use oauth2::reqwest::http_client; use oauth2::{ basic::BasicClient, AuthUrl, AuthorizationCode, ClientId, CsrfToken, PkceCodeChallenge, RedirectUrl, Scope, TokenResponse, TokenUrl, }; use std::io; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use std::{ io::{BufRead, BufReader, Write}, net::{SocketAddr, TcpListener}, sync::mpsc, }; use thiserror::Error; use url::Url; #[derive(Debug, Error)] pub enum OAuthError { #[error("Unable to parse redirect URI {uri} ({e})")] AuthCodeBadUri { uri: String, e: url::ParseError }, #[error("Auth code param not found in URI {uri}")] AuthCodeNotFound { uri: String }, #[error("Failed to read redirect URI from stdin")] AuthCodeStdinRead, #[error("Failed to bind server to {addr} ({e})")] AuthCodeListenerBind { addr: SocketAddr, e: io::Error }, #[error("Listener terminated without accepting a connection")] AuthCodeListenerTerminated, #[error("Failed to read redirect URI from HTTP request")] AuthCodeListenerRead, #[error("Failed to parse redirect URI from HTTP request")] AuthCodeListenerParse, #[error("Failed to write HTTP response")] AuthCodeListenerWrite, #[error("Invalid Spotify OAuth URI")] InvalidSpotifyUri, #[error("Invalid Redirect URI {uri} ({e})")] InvalidRedirectUri { uri: String, e: url::ParseError }, #[error("Failed to receive code")] Recv, #[error("Failed to exchange code for access token ({e})")] ExchangeCode { e: String }, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct OAuthToken { pub access_token: String, pub refresh_token: String, pub expires_at: Instant, pub token_type: String, pub scopes: Vec, } /// Return code query-string parameter from the redirect URI. fn get_code(redirect_url: &str) -> Result { let url = Url::parse(redirect_url).map_err(|e| OAuthError::AuthCodeBadUri { uri: redirect_url.to_string(), e, })?; let code = url .query_pairs() .find(|(key, _)| key == "code") .map(|(_, code)| AuthorizationCode::new(code.into_owned())) .ok_or(OAuthError::AuthCodeNotFound { uri: redirect_url.to_string(), })?; Ok(code) } /// Prompt for redirect URI on stdin and return auth code. fn get_authcode_stdin() -> Result { println!("Provide redirect URL"); let mut buffer = String::new(); let stdin = io::stdin(); stdin .read_line(&mut buffer) .map_err(|_| OAuthError::AuthCodeStdinRead)?; get_code(buffer.trim()) } /// Spawn HTTP server at provided socket address to accept OAuth callback and return auth code. fn get_authcode_listener(socket_address: SocketAddr) -> Result { let listener = TcpListener::bind(socket_address).map_err(|e| OAuthError::AuthCodeListenerBind { addr: socket_address, e, })?; info!("OAuth server listening on {:?}", socket_address); // The server will terminate itself after collecting the first code. let mut stream = listener .incoming() .flatten() .next() .ok_or(OAuthError::AuthCodeListenerTerminated)?; let mut reader = BufReader::new(&stream); let mut request_line = String::new(); reader .read_line(&mut request_line) .map_err(|_| OAuthError::AuthCodeListenerRead)?; let redirect_url = request_line .split_whitespace() .nth(1) .ok_or(OAuthError::AuthCodeListenerParse)?; let code = get_code(&("http://localhost".to_string() + redirect_url)); let message = "Go back to your terminal :)"; let response = format!( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\ncontent-length: {}\r\n\r\n{}", message.len(), message ); stream .write_all(response.as_bytes()) .map_err(|_| OAuthError::AuthCodeListenerWrite)?; code } // If the specified `redirect_uri` is HTTP, loopback, and contains a port, // then the corresponding socket address is returned. fn get_socket_address(redirect_uri: &str) -> Option { let url = match Url::parse(redirect_uri) { Ok(u) if u.scheme() == "http" && u.port().is_some() => u, _ => return None, }; let socket_addr = match url.socket_addrs(|| None) { Ok(mut addrs) => addrs.pop(), _ => None, }; if let Some(s) = socket_addr { if s.ip().is_loopback() { return socket_addr; } } None } /// Obtain a Spotify access token using the authorization code with PKCE OAuth flow. /// The redirect_uri must match what is registered to the client ID. pub fn get_access_token( client_id: &str, redirect_uri: &str, scopes: Vec<&str>, ) -> Result { let auth_url = AuthUrl::new("https://accounts.spotify.com/authorize".to_string()) .map_err(|_| OAuthError::InvalidSpotifyUri)?; let token_url = TokenUrl::new("https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token".to_string()) .map_err(|_| OAuthError::InvalidSpotifyUri)?; let redirect_url = RedirectUrl::new(redirect_uri.to_string()).map_err(|e| OAuthError::InvalidRedirectUri { uri: redirect_uri.to_string(), e, })?; let client = BasicClient::new( ClientId::new(client_id.to_string()), None, auth_url, Some(token_url), ) .set_redirect_uri(redirect_url); let (pkce_challenge, pkce_verifier) = PkceCodeChallenge::new_random_sha256(); // Generate the full authorization URL. // Some of these scopes are unavailable for custom client IDs. Which? let request_scopes: Vec = scopes .clone() .into_iter() .map(|s| Scope::new(s.into())) .collect(); let (auth_url, _) = client .authorize_url(CsrfToken::new_random) .add_scopes(request_scopes) .set_pkce_challenge(pkce_challenge) .url(); println!("Browse to: {}", auth_url); let code = match get_socket_address(redirect_uri) { Some(addr) => get_authcode_listener(addr), _ => get_authcode_stdin(), }?; trace!("Exchange {code:?} for access token"); // Do this sync in another thread because I am too stupid to make the async version work. let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(); std::thread::spawn(move || { let resp = client .exchange_code(code) .set_pkce_verifier(pkce_verifier) .request(http_client); if let Err(e) = tx.send(resp) { error!("OAuth channel send error: {e}"); } }); let token_response = rx.recv().map_err(|_| OAuthError::Recv)?; let token = token_response.map_err(|e| OAuthError::ExchangeCode { e: e.to_string() })?; trace!("Obtained new access token: {token:?}"); let token_scopes: Vec = match token.scopes() { Some(s) => s.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect(), _ => scopes.into_iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect(), }; let refresh_token = match token.refresh_token() { Some(t) => t.secret().to_string(), _ => "".to_string(), // Spotify always provides a refresh token. }; Ok(OAuthToken { access_token: token.access_token().secret().to_string(), refresh_token, expires_at: Instant::now() + token .expires_in() .unwrap_or_else(|| Duration::from_secs(3600)), token_type: format!("{:?}", token.token_type()).to_string(), // Urgh!? scopes: token_scopes, }) } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, SocketAddr}; use super::*; #[test] fn get_socket_address_none() { // No port assert_eq!(get_socket_address(""), None); assert_eq!(get_socket_address(""), None); assert_eq!(get_socket_address("http://[::1]/foo"), None); // Not localhost assert_eq!(get_socket_address(""), None); assert_eq!( get_socket_address("http://[3ffe:2a00:100:7031::1]:1234/foo"), None ); // Not http assert_eq!(get_socket_address(""), None); } #[test] fn get_socket_address_localhost() { let localhost_v4 = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), 1234); let localhost_v6 = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)), 8888); assert_eq!( get_socket_address(""), Some(localhost_v4) ); assert_eq!( get_socket_address("http://[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:8888/foo"), Some(localhost_v6) ); assert_eq!( get_socket_address("http://[::1]:8888/foo"), Some(localhost_v6) ); } }