use std::{ borrow::Cow, collections::BTreeMap, convert::Infallible, net::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr}, pin::Pin, sync::Arc, task::{Context, Poll}, }; use aes::cipher::{KeyIvInit, StreamCipher}; use base64::engine::general_purpose::STANDARD as BASE64; use base64::engine::Engine as _; use futures_core::Stream; use futures_util::{FutureExt, TryFutureExt}; use hmac::{Hmac, Mac}; use hyper::{ service::{make_service_fn, service_fn}, Body, Method, Request, Response, StatusCode, }; use log::{debug, error, warn}; use serde_json::json; use sha1::{Digest, Sha1}; use tokio::sync::{mpsc, oneshot}; use super::DiscoveryError; use crate::{ core::config::DeviceType, core::{authentication::Credentials, diffie_hellman::DhLocalKeys, Error}, }; type Aes128Ctr = ctr::Ctr128BE; type Params<'a> = BTreeMap, Cow<'a, str>>; pub struct Config { pub name: Cow<'static, str>, pub device_type: DeviceType, pub device_id: String, pub client_id: String, } struct RequestHandler { config: Config, username: Option, keys: DhLocalKeys, tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender, } impl RequestHandler { fn new(config: Config) -> (Self, mpsc::UnboundedReceiver) { let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let discovery = Self { config, username: None, keys: DhLocalKeys::random(&mut rand::thread_rng()), tx, }; (discovery, rx) } fn handle_get_info(&self) -> Response { let public_key = BASE64.encode(self.keys.public_key()); let device_type: &str = self.config.device_type.into(); let mut active_user = String::new(); if let Some(username) = &self.username { active_user = username.to_string(); } // See: let body = json!({ "status": 101, "statusString": "OK", "spotifyError": 0, // departing from the Spotify documentation, Google Cast uses "5.0.0" "version": "2.9.0", "deviceID": (self.config.device_id), "deviceType": (device_type), "remoteName": (, // valid value seen in the wild: "empty" "publicKey": (public_key), "brandDisplayName": "librespot", "modelDisplayName": "librespot", "libraryVersion": crate::core::version::SEMVER, "resolverVersion": "1", "groupStatus": "NONE", // valid value documented & seen in the wild: "accesstoken" // Using it will cause clients to fail to connect. "tokenType": "default", "clientID": (self.config.client_id), "productID": 0, // Other known scope: client-authorization-universal // Comma-separated. "scope": "streaming", "availability": "", "supported_drm_media_formats": [], // TODO: bitmask but what are the flags? "supported_capabilities": 1, // undocumented but should still work "accountReq": "PREMIUM", "activeUser": active_user, // others seen-in-the-wild: // - "deviceAPI_isGroup": False }) .to_string(); Response::new(Body::from(body)) } fn handle_add_user(&self, params: &Params<'_>) -> Result, Error> { let username_key = "userName"; let username = params .get(username_key) .ok_or(DiscoveryError::ParamsError(username_key))? .as_ref(); let blob_key = "blob"; let encrypted_blob = params .get(blob_key) .ok_or(DiscoveryError::ParamsError(blob_key))?; let clientkey_key = "clientKey"; let client_key = params .get(clientkey_key) .ok_or(DiscoveryError::ParamsError(clientkey_key))?; let encrypted_blob = BASE64.decode(encrypted_blob.as_bytes())?; let client_key = BASE64.decode(client_key.as_bytes())?; let shared_key = self.keys.shared_secret(&client_key); let encrypted_blob_len = encrypted_blob.len(); if encrypted_blob_len < 16 { return Err(DiscoveryError::HmacError(encrypted_blob.to_vec()).into()); } let iv = &encrypted_blob[0..16]; let encrypted = &encrypted_blob[16..encrypted_blob_len - 20]; let cksum = &encrypted_blob[encrypted_blob_len - 20..encrypted_blob_len]; let base_key = Sha1::digest(shared_key); let base_key = &base_key[..16]; let checksum_key = { let mut h = Hmac::::new_from_slice(base_key) .map_err(|_| DiscoveryError::HmacError(base_key.to_vec()))?; h.update(b"checksum"); h.finalize().into_bytes() }; let encryption_key = { let mut h = Hmac::::new_from_slice(base_key) .map_err(|_| DiscoveryError::HmacError(base_key.to_vec()))?; h.update(b"encryption"); h.finalize().into_bytes() }; let mut h = Hmac::::new_from_slice(&checksum_key) .map_err(|_| DiscoveryError::HmacError(base_key.to_vec()))?; h.update(encrypted); if h.verify_slice(cksum).is_err() { warn!("Login error for user {:?}: MAC mismatch", username); let result = json!({ "status": 102, "spotifyError": 1, "statusString": "ERROR-MAC" }); let body = result.to_string(); return Ok(Response::new(Body::from(body))); } let decrypted = { let mut data = encrypted.to_vec(); let mut cipher = Aes128Ctr::new_from_slices(&encryption_key[0..16], iv) .map_err(DiscoveryError::AesError)?; cipher.apply_keystream(&mut data); data }; let credentials = Credentials::with_blob(username, decrypted, &self.config.device_id)?; self.tx.send(credentials)?; let result = json!({ "status": 101, "spotifyError": 0, "statusString": "OK", }); let body = result.to_string(); Ok(Response::new(Body::from(body))) } fn not_found(&self) -> Response { let mut res = Response::default(); *res.status_mut() = StatusCode::NOT_FOUND; res } async fn handle( self: Arc, request: Request, ) -> Result>, Error> { let mut params = Params::new(); let (parts, body) = request.into_parts(); if let Some(query) = parts.uri.query() { let query_params = form_urlencoded::parse(query.as_bytes()); params.extend(query_params); } if parts.method != Method::GET { debug!("{:?} {:?} {:?}", parts.method, parts.uri.path(), params); } let body = hyper::body::to_bytes(body).await?; params.extend(form_urlencoded::parse(&body)); let action = params.get("action").map(Cow::as_ref); Ok(Ok(match (parts.method, action) { (Method::GET, Some("getInfo")) => self.handle_get_info(), (Method::POST, Some("addUser")) => self.handle_add_user(¶ms)?, _ => self.not_found(), })) } } pub struct DiscoveryServer { cred_rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, _close_tx: oneshot::Sender, } impl DiscoveryServer { pub fn new(config: Config, port: &mut u16) -> Result, Error> { let (discovery, cred_rx) = RequestHandler::new(config); let discovery = Arc::new(discovery); let (close_tx, close_rx) = oneshot::channel(); let address = SocketAddr::new(Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED.into(), *port); let make_service = make_service_fn(move |_| { let discovery = discovery.clone(); async move { Ok::<_, hyper::Error>(service_fn(move |request| { discovery .clone() .handle(request) .inspect_err(|e| error!("could not handle discovery request: {}", e)) .and_then(|x| async move { Ok(x) }) .map(Result::unwrap) // guaranteed by `and_then` above })) } }); let server = hyper::Server::try_bind(&address)?.serve(make_service); *port = server.local_addr().port(); debug!("Zeroconf server listening on{}", *port); tokio::spawn(async { let result = server .with_graceful_shutdown(async { debug!("Shutting down discovery server"); if close_rx.await.is_ok() { debug!("unable to close discovery Rx channel completely"); } }) .await; if let Err(e) = result { warn!("Discovery server failed: {}", e); } }); Ok(Ok(Self { cred_rx, _close_tx: close_tx, })) } } impl Stream for DiscoveryServer { type Item = Credentials; fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll> { self.cred_rx.poll_recv(cx) } }