use std::{ convert::{TryFrom, TryInto}, ops::{Deref, DerefMut}, }; use chrono::Local; use protobuf::Message; use thiserror::Error; use url::Url; use super::{date::Date, Error, FileId, Session}; use librespot_protocol as protocol; use protocol::storage_resolve::StorageResolveResponse as CdnUrlMessage; use protocol::storage_resolve::StorageResolveResponse_Result; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct MaybeExpiringUrl(pub String, pub Option); #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct MaybeExpiringUrls(pub Vec); impl Deref for MaybeExpiringUrls { type Target = Vec; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl DerefMut for MaybeExpiringUrls { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.0 } } #[derive(Debug, Error)] pub enum CdnUrlError { #[error("all URLs expired")] Expired, #[error("resolved storage is not for CDN")] Storage, #[error("no URLs resolved")] Unresolved, } impl From for Error { fn from(err: CdnUrlError) -> Self { match err { CdnUrlError::Expired => Error::deadline_exceeded(err), CdnUrlError::Storage | CdnUrlError::Unresolved => Error::unavailable(err), } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct CdnUrl { pub file_id: FileId, urls: MaybeExpiringUrls, } impl CdnUrl { pub fn new(file_id: FileId) -> Self { Self { file_id, urls: MaybeExpiringUrls(Vec::new()), } } pub async fn resolve_audio(&self, session: &Session) -> Result { let file_id = self.file_id; let response = session.spclient().get_audio_storage(file_id).await?; let msg = CdnUrlMessage::parse_from_bytes(&response)?; let urls = MaybeExpiringUrls::try_from(msg)?; let cdn_url = Self { file_id, urls }; trace!("Resolved CDN storage: {:#?}", cdn_url); Ok(cdn_url) } pub fn try_get_url(&self) -> Result<&str, Error> { if self.urls.is_empty() { return Err(CdnUrlError::Unresolved.into()); } let now = Local::now(); let url = self.urls.iter().find(|url| match url.1 { Some(expiry) => now < expiry.as_utc(), None => true, }); if let Some(url) = url { Ok(&url.0) } else { Err(CdnUrlError::Expired.into()) } } } impl TryFrom for MaybeExpiringUrls { type Error = crate::Error; fn try_from(msg: CdnUrlMessage) -> Result { if !matches!(msg.get_result(), StorageResolveResponse_Result::CDN) { return Err(CdnUrlError::Storage.into()); } let is_expiring = !msg.get_fileid().is_empty(); let result = msg .get_cdnurl() .iter() .map(|cdn_url| { let url = Url::parse(cdn_url)?; if is_expiring { let expiry_str = if let Some(token) = url .query_pairs() .into_iter() .find(|(key, _value)| key == "__token__") { if let Some(mut start) = token.1.find("exp=") { start += 4; if token.1.len() >= start { let slice = &token.1[start..]; if let Some(end) = slice.find('~') { // this is the only valid invariant for String::from(&slice[..end]) } else { String::from(slice) } } else { String::new() } } else { String::new() } } else if let Some(query) = url.query() { let mut items = query.split('_'); if let Some(first) = { // this is the only valid invariant for String::from(first) } else { String::new() } } else { String::new() }; let mut expiry: i64 = expiry_str.parse()?; expiry -= 5 * 60; // seconds Ok(MaybeExpiringUrl( cdn_url.to_owned(), Some(expiry.try_into()?), )) } else { Ok(MaybeExpiringUrl(cdn_url.to_owned(), None)) } }) .collect::, Error>>()?; Ok(Self(result)) } }