use byteorder::{LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt}; use futures; use futures::sync::oneshot; use futures::{future, Future}; use std; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::io::{Read, Result, Seek, SeekFrom}; use std::mem; use std::sync::mpsc::{RecvError, RecvTimeoutError, TryRecvError}; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; use config::{Bitrate, PlayerConfig}; use librespot_core::session::Session; use librespot_core::spotify_id::SpotifyId; use audio::{AudioDecrypt, AudioFile}; use audio::{VorbisDecoder, VorbisPacket}; use audio_backend::Sink; use metadata::{AudioItem, FileFormat}; use mixer::AudioFilter; pub struct Player { commands: Option>, thread_handle: Option>, } struct PlayerInternal { session: Session, config: PlayerConfig, commands: std::sync::mpsc::Receiver, state: PlayerState, sink: Box, sink_running: bool, audio_filter: Option>, event_sender: futures::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender, } enum PlayerCommand { Load(SpotifyId, bool, u32, oneshot::Sender<()>), Play, Pause, Stop, Seek(u32), } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum PlayerEvent { Started { track_id: SpotifyId, }, Changed { old_track_id: SpotifyId, new_track_id: SpotifyId, }, Stopped { track_id: SpotifyId, }, } type PlayerEventChannel = futures::sync::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver; #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] struct NormalisationData { track_gain_db: f32, track_peak: f32, album_gain_db: f32, album_peak: f32, } impl NormalisationData { fn parse_from_file(mut file: T) -> Result { const SPOTIFY_NORMALIZATION_HEADER_START_OFFSET: u64 = 144; .unwrap(); let track_gain_db = file.read_f32::().unwrap(); let track_peak = file.read_f32::().unwrap(); let album_gain_db = file.read_f32::().unwrap(); let album_peak = file.read_f32::().unwrap(); let r = NormalisationData { track_gain_db: track_gain_db, track_peak: track_peak, album_gain_db: album_gain_db, album_peak: album_peak, }; Ok(r) } fn get_factor(config: &PlayerConfig, data: NormalisationData) -> f32 { let mut normalisation_factor = f32::powf(10.0, (data.track_gain_db + config.normalisation_pregain) / 20.0); if normalisation_factor * data.track_peak > 1.0 { warn!("Reducing normalisation factor to prevent clipping. Please add negative pregain to avoid."); normalisation_factor = 1.0 / data.track_peak; } debug!("Normalisation Data: {:?}", data); debug!("Applied normalisation factor: {}", normalisation_factor); normalisation_factor } } impl Player { pub fn new( config: PlayerConfig, session: Session, audio_filter: Option>, sink_builder: F, ) -> (Player, PlayerEventChannel) where F: FnOnce() -> Box + Send + 'static, { let (cmd_tx, cmd_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); let (event_sender, event_receiver) = futures::sync::mpsc::unbounded(); let handle = thread::spawn(move || { debug!("new Player[{}]", session.session_id()); let internal = PlayerInternal { session: session, config: config, commands: cmd_rx, state: PlayerState::Stopped, sink: sink_builder(), sink_running: false, audio_filter: audio_filter, event_sender: event_sender, };; }); ( Player { commands: Some(cmd_tx), thread_handle: Some(handle), }, event_receiver, ) } fn command(&self, cmd: PlayerCommand) { self.commands.as_ref().unwrap().send(cmd).unwrap(); } pub fn load( &self, track: SpotifyId, start_playing: bool, position_ms: u32, ) -> oneshot::Receiver<()> { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); self.command(PlayerCommand::Load(track, start_playing, position_ms, tx)); rx } pub fn play(&self) { self.command(PlayerCommand::Play) } pub fn pause(&self) { self.command(PlayerCommand::Pause) } pub fn stop(&self) { self.command(PlayerCommand::Stop) } pub fn seek(&self, position_ms: u32) { self.command(PlayerCommand::Seek(position_ms)); } } impl Drop for Player { fn drop(&mut self) { debug!("Shutting down player thread ..."); self.commands = None; if let Some(handle) = self.thread_handle.take() { match handle.join() { Ok(_) => (), Err(_) => error!("Player thread panicked!"), } } } } type Decoder = VorbisDecoder>>; enum PlayerState { Stopped, Paused { track_id: SpotifyId, decoder: Decoder, end_of_track: oneshot::Sender<()>, normalisation_factor: f32, }, Playing { track_id: SpotifyId, decoder: Decoder, end_of_track: oneshot::Sender<()>, normalisation_factor: f32, }, EndOfTrack { track_id: SpotifyId, }, Invalid, } impl PlayerState { fn is_playing(&self) -> bool { use self::PlayerState::*; match *self { Stopped | EndOfTrack { .. } | Paused { .. } => false, Playing { .. } => true, Invalid => panic!("invalid state"), } } fn decoder(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Decoder> { use self::PlayerState::*; match *self { Stopped | EndOfTrack { .. } => None, Paused { ref mut decoder, .. } | Playing { ref mut decoder, .. } => Some(decoder), Invalid => panic!("invalid state"), } } fn playing_to_end_of_track(&mut self) { use self::PlayerState::*; match mem::replace(self, Invalid) { Playing { track_id, end_of_track, .. } => { let _ = end_of_track.send(()); *self = EndOfTrack { track_id }; } _ => panic!("Called playing_to_end_of_track in non-playing state."), } } fn paused_to_playing(&mut self) { use self::PlayerState::*; match ::std::mem::replace(self, Invalid) { Paused { track_id, decoder, end_of_track, normalisation_factor, } => { *self = Playing { track_id: track_id, decoder: decoder, end_of_track: end_of_track, normalisation_factor: normalisation_factor, }; } _ => panic!("invalid state"), } } fn playing_to_paused(&mut self) { use self::PlayerState::*; match ::std::mem::replace(self, Invalid) { Playing { track_id, decoder, end_of_track, normalisation_factor, } => { *self = Paused { track_id: track_id, decoder: decoder, end_of_track: end_of_track, normalisation_factor: normalisation_factor, }; } _ => panic!("invalid state"), } } } impl PlayerInternal { fn run(mut self) { loop { let cmd = if self.state.is_playing() { if self.sink_running { match self.commands.try_recv() { Ok(cmd) => Some(cmd), Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => None, Err(TryRecvError::Disconnected) => return, } } else { match self.commands.recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(5)) { Ok(cmd) => Some(cmd), Err(RecvTimeoutError::Timeout) => None, Err(RecvTimeoutError::Disconnected) => return, } } } else { match self.commands.recv() { Ok(cmd) => Some(cmd), Err(RecvError) => return, } }; if let Some(cmd) = cmd { self.handle_command(cmd); } if self.state.is_playing() && !self.sink_running { self.start_sink(); } if self.sink_running { let mut current_normalisation_factor: f32 = 1.0; let packet = if let PlayerState::Playing { ref mut decoder, normalisation_factor, .. } = self.state { current_normalisation_factor = normalisation_factor; Some(decoder.next_packet().expect("Vorbis error")) } else { None }; if let Some(packet) = packet { self.handle_packet(packet, current_normalisation_factor); } } if self.session.is_invalid() { return; } } } fn start_sink(&mut self) { match self.sink.start() { Ok(()) => self.sink_running = true, Err(err) => error!("Could not start audio: {}", err), } } fn stop_sink_if_running(&mut self) { if self.sink_running { self.stop_sink(); } } fn stop_sink(&mut self) { self.sink.stop().unwrap(); self.sink_running = false; } fn handle_packet(&mut self, packet: Option, normalisation_factor: f32) { match packet { Some(mut packet) => { if > 0 { if let Some(ref editor) = self.audio_filter { editor.modify_stream(&mut packet.data_mut()) }; if self.config.normalisation && normalisation_factor != 1.0 { for x in packet.data_mut().iter_mut() { *x = (*x as f32 * normalisation_factor) as i16; } } if let Err(err) = self.sink.write(& { error!("Could not write audio: {}", err); self.stop_sink(); } } } None => { self.stop_sink(); self.state.playing_to_end_of_track(); } } } fn handle_command(&mut self, cmd: PlayerCommand) { debug!("command={:?}", cmd); match cmd { PlayerCommand::Load(track_id, play, position, end_of_track) => { if self.state.is_playing() { self.stop_sink_if_running(); } match self.load_track(track_id, position as i64) { Some((decoder, normalisation_factor)) => { if play { match self.state { PlayerState::Playing { track_id: old_track_id, .. } | PlayerState::EndOfTrack { track_id: old_track_id, .. } => self.send_event(PlayerEvent::Changed { old_track_id: old_track_id, new_track_id: track_id, }), _ => self.send_event(PlayerEvent::Started { track_id }), } self.start_sink(); self.state = PlayerState::Playing { track_id: track_id, decoder: decoder, end_of_track: end_of_track, normalisation_factor: normalisation_factor, }; } else { self.state = PlayerState::Paused { track_id: track_id, decoder: decoder, end_of_track: end_of_track, normalisation_factor: normalisation_factor, }; match self.state { PlayerState::Playing { track_id: old_track_id, .. } | PlayerState::EndOfTrack { track_id: old_track_id, .. } => self.send_event(PlayerEvent::Changed { old_track_id: old_track_id, new_track_id: track_id, }), _ => (), } self.send_event(PlayerEvent::Stopped { track_id }); } } None => { let _ = end_of_track.send(()); } } } PlayerCommand::Seek(position) => { if let Some(decoder) = self.state.decoder() { match as i64) { Ok(_) => (), Err(err) => error!("Vorbis error: {:?}", err), } } else { warn!("Player::seek called from invalid state"); } } PlayerCommand::Play => { if let PlayerState::Paused { track_id, .. } = self.state { self.state.paused_to_playing(); self.send_event(PlayerEvent::Started { track_id }); self.start_sink(); } else { warn!("Player::play called from invalid state"); } } PlayerCommand::Pause => { if let PlayerState::Playing { track_id, .. } = self.state { self.state.playing_to_paused(); self.stop_sink_if_running(); self.send_event(PlayerEvent::Stopped { track_id }); } else { warn!("Player::pause called from invalid state"); } } PlayerCommand::Stop => match self.state { PlayerState::Playing { track_id, .. } | PlayerState::Paused { track_id, .. } | PlayerState::EndOfTrack { track_id } => { self.stop_sink_if_running(); self.send_event(PlayerEvent::Stopped { track_id }); self.state = PlayerState::Stopped; } PlayerState::Stopped => { warn!("Player::stop called from invalid state"); } PlayerState::Invalid => panic!("invalid state"), }, } } fn send_event(&mut self, event: PlayerEvent) { let _ = self.event_sender.unbounded_send(event.clone()); } fn find_available_alternative<'a>(&self, audio: &'a AudioItem) -> Option> { if audio.available { Some(Cow::Borrowed(audio)) } else { if let Some(alternatives) = &audio.alternatives { let alternatives = alternatives .iter() .map(|alt_id| AudioItem::get_audio_item(&self.session, *alt_id)); let alternatives = future::join_all(alternatives).wait().unwrap(); alternatives.into_iter().find(|alt| alt.available).map(Cow::Owned) } else { None } } } fn load_track(&self, spotify_id: SpotifyId, position: i64) -> Option<(Decoder, f32)> { let audio = AudioItem::get_audio_item(&self.session, spotify_id) .wait() .unwrap(); info!("Loading <{}> with Spotify URI <{}>",, audio.uri); let audio = match self.find_available_alternative(&audio) { Some(audio) => audio, None => { warn!("<{}> is not available", audio.uri); return None; } }; // (Most) podcasts seem to support only 96 bit Vorbis, so fall back to it let formats = match self.config.bitrate { Bitrate::Bitrate96 => [ FileFormat::OGG_VORBIS_96, FileFormat::OGG_VORBIS_160, FileFormat::OGG_VORBIS_320, ], Bitrate::Bitrate160 => [ FileFormat::OGG_VORBIS_160, FileFormat::OGG_VORBIS_96, FileFormat::OGG_VORBIS_320, ], Bitrate::Bitrate320 => [ FileFormat::OGG_VORBIS_320, FileFormat::OGG_VORBIS_160, FileFormat::OGG_VORBIS_96, ], }; let format = formats .iter() .find(|format| audio.files.contains_key(format)) .unwrap(); let file_id = match audio.files.get(&format) { Some(&file_id) => file_id, None => { warn!("<{}> in not available in format {:?}",, format); return None; } }; let key = self.session.audio_key().request(spotify_id, file_id); let encrypted_file = AudioFile::open(&self.session, file_id); let encrypted_file = encrypted_file.wait().unwrap(); let key = key.wait().unwrap(); let mut decrypted_file = AudioDecrypt::new(key, encrypted_file); let normalisation_factor = match NormalisationData::parse_from_file(&mut decrypted_file) { Ok(normalisation_data) => NormalisationData::get_factor(&self.config, normalisation_data), Err(_) => { warn!("Unable to extract normalisation data, using default value."); 1.0 as f32 } }; let audio_file = Subfile::new(decrypted_file, 0xa7); let mut decoder = VorbisDecoder::new(audio_file).unwrap(); if position != 0 { match { Ok(_) => (), Err(err) => error!("Vorbis error: {:?}", err), } } info!("<{}> loaded",; Some((decoder, normalisation_factor)) } } impl Drop for PlayerInternal { fn drop(&mut self) { debug!("drop Player[{}]", self.session.session_id()); } } impl ::std::fmt::Debug for PlayerCommand { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result { match *self { PlayerCommand::Load(track, play, position, _) => f .debug_tuple("Load") .field(&track) .field(&play) .field(&position) .finish(), PlayerCommand::Play => f.debug_tuple("Play").finish(), PlayerCommand::Pause => f.debug_tuple("Pause").finish(), PlayerCommand::Stop => f.debug_tuple("Stop").finish(), PlayerCommand::Seek(position) => f.debug_tuple("Seek").field(&position).finish(), } } } struct Subfile { stream: T, offset: u64, } impl Subfile { pub fn new(mut stream: T, offset: u64) -> Subfile {; Subfile { stream: stream, offset: offset, } } } impl Read for Subfile { fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result { } } impl Seek for Subfile { fn seek(&mut self, mut pos: SeekFrom) -> Result { pos = match pos { SeekFrom::Start(offset) => SeekFrom::Start(offset + self.offset), x => x, }; let newpos = try!(; if newpos > self.offset { Ok(newpos - self.offset) } else { Ok(0) } } }