use aes_ctr::stream_cipher::generic_array::GenericArray; use aes_ctr::stream_cipher::{NewStreamCipher, SyncStreamCipher}; use aes_ctr::Aes128Ctr; use base64; use futures::sync::mpsc; use futures::{Future, Poll, Stream}; use hmac::{Hmac, Mac}; use hyper::server::{Http, Request, Response, Service}; use hyper::{self, Get, Post, StatusCode}; use sha1::{Digest, Sha1}; #[cfg(feature = "with-dns-sd")] use dns_sd::DNSService; #[cfg(not(feature = "with-dns-sd"))] use libmdns; use num_bigint::BigUint; use rand; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::io; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio_core::reactor::Handle; use url; use librespot_core::authentication::Credentials; use librespot_core::config::ConnectConfig; use librespot_core::diffie_hellman::{DH_GENERATOR, DH_PRIME}; use librespot_core::util; type HmacSha1 = Hmac; #[derive(Clone)] struct Discovery(Arc); struct DiscoveryInner { config: ConnectConfig, device_id: String, private_key: BigUint, public_key: BigUint, tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender, } impl Discovery { fn new( config: ConnectConfig, device_id: String, ) -> (Discovery, mpsc::UnboundedReceiver) { let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded(); let key_data = util::rand_vec(&mut rand::thread_rng(), 95); let private_key = BigUint::from_bytes_be(&key_data); let public_key = util::powm(&DH_GENERATOR, &private_key, &DH_PRIME); let discovery = Discovery(Arc::new(DiscoveryInner { config: config, device_id: device_id, private_key: private_key, public_key: public_key, tx: tx, })); (discovery, rx) } } impl Discovery { fn handle_get_info( &self, _params: &BTreeMap, ) -> ::futures::Finished { let public_key = self.0.public_key.to_bytes_be(); let public_key = base64::encode(&public_key); let result = json!({ "status": 101, "statusString": "ERROR-OK", "spotifyError": 0, "version": "2.7.1", "deviceID": (self.0.device_id), "remoteName": (, "activeUser": "", "publicKey": (public_key), "deviceType": (self.0.config.device_type.to_string().to_uppercase()), "libraryVersion": "0.1.0", "accountReq": "PREMIUM", "brandDisplayName": "librespot", "modelDisplayName": "librespot", "resolverVersion": "0", "groupStatus": "NONE", "voiceSupport": "NO", }); let body = result.to_string(); ::futures::finished(Response::new().with_body(body)) } fn handle_add_user( &self, params: &BTreeMap, ) -> ::futures::Finished { let username = params.get("userName").unwrap(); let encrypted_blob = params.get("blob").unwrap(); let client_key = params.get("clientKey").unwrap(); let encrypted_blob = base64::decode(encrypted_blob).unwrap(); let client_key = base64::decode(client_key).unwrap(); let client_key = BigUint::from_bytes_be(&client_key); let shared_key = util::powm(&client_key, &self.0.private_key, &DH_PRIME); let iv = &encrypted_blob[0..16]; let encrypted = &encrypted_blob[16..encrypted_blob.len() - 20]; let cksum = &encrypted_blob[encrypted_blob.len() - 20..encrypted_blob.len()]; let base_key = Sha1::digest(&shared_key.to_bytes_be()); let base_key = &base_key[..16]; let checksum_key = { let mut h = HmacSha1::new_varkey(base_key).expect("HMAC can take key of any size"); h.input(b"checksum"); h.result().code() }; let encryption_key = { let mut h = HmacSha1::new_varkey(&base_key).expect("HMAC can take key of any size"); h.input(b"encryption"); h.result().code() }; let mut h = HmacSha1::new_varkey(&checksum_key).expect("HMAC can take key of any size"); h.input(encrypted); if let Err(_) = h.verify(cksum) { warn!("Login error for user {:?}: MAC mismatch", username); let result = json!({ "status": 102, "spotifyError": 1, "statusString": "ERROR-MAC" }); let body = result.to_string(); return ::futures::finished(Response::new().with_body(body)); } let decrypted = { let mut data = encrypted.to_vec(); let mut cipher = Aes128Ctr::new( &GenericArray::from_slice(&encryption_key[0..16]), &GenericArray::from_slice(iv), ); cipher.apply_keystream(&mut data); String::from_utf8(data).unwrap() }; let credentials = Credentials::with_blob(username.to_owned(), &decrypted, &self.0.device_id); self.0.tx.unbounded_send(credentials).unwrap(); let result = json!({ "status": 101, "spotifyError": 0, "statusString": "ERROR-OK" }); let body = result.to_string(); ::futures::finished(Response::new().with_body(body)) } fn not_found(&self) -> ::futures::Finished { ::futures::finished(Response::new().with_status(StatusCode::NotFound)) } } impl Service for Discovery { type Request = Request; type Response = Response; type Error = hyper::Error; type Future = Box>; fn call(&self, request: Request) -> Self::Future { let mut params = BTreeMap::new(); let (method, uri, _, _, body) = request.deconstruct(); if let Some(query) = uri.query() { params.extend(url::form_urlencoded::parse(query.as_bytes()).into_owned()); } if method != Get { debug!("{:?} {:?} {:?}", method, uri.path(), params); } let this = self.clone(); Box::new( body.fold(Vec::new(), |mut acc, chunk| { acc.extend_from_slice(chunk.as_ref()); Ok::<_, hyper::Error>(acc) }) .map(move |body| { params.extend(url::form_urlencoded::parse(&body).into_owned()); params }) .and_then(move |params| { match (method, params.get("action").map(AsRef::as_ref)) { (Get, Some("getInfo")) => this.handle_get_info(¶ms), (Post, Some("addUser")) => this.handle_add_user(¶ms), _ => this.not_found(), } }), ) } } #[cfg(feature = "with-dns-sd")] pub struct DiscoveryStream { credentials: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, _svc: DNSService, } #[cfg(not(feature = "with-dns-sd"))] pub struct DiscoveryStream { credentials: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, _svc: libmdns::Service, } pub fn discovery( handle: &Handle, config: ConnectConfig, device_id: String, port: u16, ) -> io::Result { let (discovery, creds_rx) = Discovery::new(config.clone(), device_id); let serve = { let http = Http::new(); http.serve_addr_handle( &format!("{}", port).parse().unwrap(), &handle, move || Ok(discovery.clone()), ) .unwrap() }; let s_port = serve.incoming_ref().local_addr().port(); debug!("Zeroconf server listening on{}", s_port); let server_future = { let handle = handle.clone(); serve .for_each(move |connection| { handle.spawn(connection.then(|_| Ok(()))); Ok(()) }) .then(|_| Ok(())) }; handle.spawn(server_future); #[cfg(feature = "with-dns-sd")] let svc = DNSService::register( Some(&*, "_spotify-connect._tcp", None, None, s_port, &["VERSION=1.0", "CPath=/"], ) .unwrap(); #[cfg(not(feature = "with-dns-sd"))] let responder = libmdns::Responder::spawn(&handle)?; #[cfg(not(feature = "with-dns-sd"))] let svc = responder.register( "_spotify-connect._tcp".to_owned(),, s_port, &["VERSION=1.0", "CPath=/"], ); Ok(DiscoveryStream { credentials: creds_rx, _svc: svc, }) } impl Stream for DiscoveryStream { type Item = Credentials; type Error = (); fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll, Self::Error> { self.credentials.poll() } }