extern crate env_logger; extern crate futures; extern crate getopts; extern crate librespot; #[macro_use] extern crate log; extern crate hex; extern crate rpassword; extern crate sha1; extern crate tokio_core; extern crate tokio_io; extern crate tokio_process; extern crate tokio_signal; extern crate url; use futures::sync::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver; use futures::{Async, Future, Poll, Stream}; use sha1::{Digest, Sha1}; use std::env; use std::io::{self, stderr, Write}; use std::mem; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::exit; use std::str::FromStr; use tokio_core::reactor::{Core, Handle}; use tokio_io::IoStream; use url::Url; use std::time::Instant; use librespot::core::authentication::{get_credentials, Credentials}; use librespot::core::cache::Cache; use librespot::core::config::{ConnectConfig, DeviceType, SessionConfig}; use librespot::core::session::Session; use librespot::core::version; use librespot::connect::discovery::{discovery, DiscoveryStream}; use librespot::connect::spirc::{Spirc, SpircTask}; use librespot::playback::audio_backend::{self, Sink, BACKENDS}; use librespot::playback::config::{Bitrate, PlayerConfig}; use librespot::playback::mixer::{self, Mixer, MixerConfig}; use librespot::playback::player::{Player, PlayerEvent}; mod player_event_handler; use player_event_handler::run_program_on_events; fn device_id(name: &str) -> String { hex::encode(Sha1::digest(name.as_bytes())) } fn usage(program: &str, opts: &getopts::Options) -> String { let brief = format!("Usage: {} [options]", program); opts.usage(&brief) } fn setup_logging(verbose: bool) { let mut builder = env_logger::Builder::new(); match env::var("RUST_LOG") { Ok(config) => { builder.parse_filters(&config); builder.init(); if verbose { warn!("`--verbose` flag overidden by `RUST_LOG` environment variable"); } } Err(_) => { if verbose { builder.parse_filters("mdns=info,librespot=trace"); } else { builder.parse_filters("mdns=info,librespot=info"); } builder.init(); } } } fn list_backends() { println!("Available Backends : "); for (&(name, _), idx) in BACKENDS.iter().zip(0..) { if idx == 0 { println!("- {} (default)", name); } else { println!("- {}", name); } } } #[derive(Clone)] struct Setup { backend: fn(Option) -> Box, device: Option, mixer: fn(Option) -> Box, cache: Option, player_config: PlayerConfig, session_config: SessionConfig, connect_config: ConnectConfig, mixer_config: MixerConfig, credentials: Option, enable_discovery: bool, zeroconf_port: u16, player_event_program: Option, } fn setup(args: &[String]) -> Setup { let mut opts = getopts::Options::new(); opts.optopt( "c", "cache", "Path to a directory where files will be cached.", "CACHE", ).optflag("", "disable-audio-cache", "Disable caching of the audio data.") .reqopt("n", "name", "Device name", "NAME") .optopt("", "device-type", "Displayed device type", "DEVICE_TYPE") .optopt( "b", "bitrate", "Bitrate (96, 160 or 320). Defaults to 160", "BITRATE", ) .optopt( "", "onevent", "Run PROGRAM when playback is about to begin.", "PROGRAM", ) .optflag("v", "verbose", "Enable verbose output") .optopt("u", "username", "Username to sign in with", "USERNAME") .optopt("p", "password", "Password", "PASSWORD") .optopt("", "proxy", "HTTP proxy to use when connecting", "PROXY") .optopt("", "ap-port", "Connect to AP with specified port. If no AP with that port are present fallback AP will be used. Available ports are usually 80, 443 and 4070", "AP_PORT") .optflag("", "disable-discovery", "Disable discovery mode") .optopt( "", "backend", "Audio backend to use. Use '?' to list options", "BACKEND", ) .optopt( "", "device", "Audio device to use. Use '?' to list options if using portaudio or alsa", "DEVICE", ) .optopt("", "mixer", "Mixer to use (alsa or softmixer)", "MIXER") .optopt( "m", "mixer-name", "Alsa mixer name, e.g \"PCM\" or \"Master\". Defaults to 'PCM'", "MIXER_NAME", ) .optopt( "", "mixer-card", "Alsa mixer card, e.g \"hw:0\" or similar from `aplay -l`. Defaults to 'default' ", "MIXER_CARD", ) .optopt( "", "mixer-index", "Alsa mixer index, Index of the cards mixer. Defaults to 0", "MIXER_INDEX", ) .optopt( "", "initial-volume", "Initial volume in %, once connected (must be from 0 to 100)", "VOLUME", ) .optopt( "", "zeroconf-port", "The port the internal server advertised over zeroconf uses.", "ZEROCONF_PORT", ) .optflag( "", "enable-volume-normalisation", "Play all tracks at the same volume", ) .optopt( "", "normalisation-pregain", "Pregain (dB) applied by volume normalisation", "PREGAIN", ) .optflag( "", "linear-volume", "increase volume linear instead of logarithmic.", ) .optflag( "", "autoplay", "autoplay similar songs when your music ends.", ); let matches = match opts.parse(&args[1..]) { Ok(m) => m, Err(f) => { writeln!(stderr(), "error: {}\n{}", f.to_string(), usage(&args[0], &opts)).unwrap(); exit(1); } }; let verbose = matches.opt_present("verbose"); setup_logging(verbose); info!( "librespot {} ({}). Built on {}. Build ID: {}", version::short_sha(), version::commit_date(), version::short_now(), version::build_id() ); let backend_name = matches.opt_str("backend"); if backend_name == Some("?".into()) { list_backends(); exit(0); } let backend = audio_backend::find(backend_name).expect("Invalid backend"); let device = matches.opt_str("device"); if device == Some("?".into()) { backend(device); exit(0); } let mixer_name = matches.opt_str("mixer"); let mixer = mixer::find(mixer_name.as_ref()).expect("Invalid mixer"); let mixer_config = MixerConfig { card: matches.opt_str("mixer-card").unwrap_or(String::from("default")), mixer: matches.opt_str("mixer-name").unwrap_or(String::from("PCM")), index: matches .opt_str("mixer-index") .map(|index| index.parse::().unwrap()) .unwrap_or(0), }; let use_audio_cache = !matches.opt_present("disable-audio-cache"); let cache = matches .opt_str("c") .map(|cache_location| Cache::new(PathBuf::from(cache_location), use_audio_cache)); let initial_volume = matches .opt_str("initial-volume") .map(|volume| { let volume = volume.parse::().unwrap(); if volume > 100 { panic!("Initial volume must be in the range 0-100"); } (volume as i32 * 0xFFFF / 100) as u16 }) .or_else(|| cache.as_ref().and_then(Cache::volume)) .unwrap_or(0x8000); let zeroconf_port = matches .opt_str("zeroconf-port") .map(|port| port.parse::().unwrap()) .unwrap_or(0); let name = matches.opt_str("name").unwrap(); let credentials = { let cached_credentials = cache.as_ref().and_then(Cache::credentials); let password = |username: &String| -> String { write!(stderr(), "Password for {}: ", username).unwrap(); stderr().flush().unwrap(); rpassword::read_password().unwrap() }; get_credentials( matches.opt_str("username"), matches.opt_str("password"), cached_credentials, password, ) }; let session_config = { let device_id = device_id(&name); SessionConfig { user_agent: version::version_string(), device_id: device_id, proxy: matches.opt_str("proxy").or(std::env::var("http_proxy").ok()).map( |s| { match Url::parse(&s) { Ok(url) => { if url.host().is_none() || url.port().is_none() { panic!("Invalid proxy url, only urls on the format \"http://host:port\" are allowed"); } if url.scheme() != "http" { panic!("Only unsecure http:// proxies are supported"); } url }, Err(err) => panic!("Invalid proxy url: {}, only urls on the format \"http://host:port\" are allowed", err) } }, ), ap_port: matches .opt_str("ap-port") .map(|port| port.parse::().expect("Invalid port")), } }; let player_config = { let bitrate = matches .opt_str("b") .as_ref() .map(|bitrate| Bitrate::from_str(bitrate).expect("Invalid bitrate")) .unwrap_or(Bitrate::default()); PlayerConfig { bitrate: bitrate, normalisation: matches.opt_present("enable-volume-normalisation"), normalisation_pregain: matches .opt_str("normalisation-pregain") .map(|pregain| pregain.parse::().expect("Invalid pregain float value")) .unwrap_or(PlayerConfig::default().normalisation_pregain), } }; let connect_config = { let device_type = matches .opt_str("device-type") .as_ref() .map(|device_type| DeviceType::from_str(device_type).expect("Invalid device type")) .unwrap_or(DeviceType::default()); ConnectConfig { name: name, device_type: device_type, volume: initial_volume, linear_volume: matches.opt_present("linear-volume"), autoplay: matches.opt_present("autoplay"), } }; let enable_discovery = !matches.opt_present("disable-discovery"); Setup { backend: backend, cache: cache, session_config: session_config, player_config: player_config, connect_config: connect_config, credentials: credentials, device: device, enable_discovery: enable_discovery, zeroconf_port: zeroconf_port, mixer: mixer, mixer_config: mixer_config, player_event_program: matches.opt_str("onevent"), } } struct Main { cache: Option, player_config: PlayerConfig, session_config: SessionConfig, connect_config: ConnectConfig, backend: fn(Option) -> Box, device: Option, mixer: fn(Option) -> Box, mixer_config: MixerConfig, handle: Handle, discovery: Option, signal: IoStream<()>, spirc: Option, spirc_task: Option, connect: Box>, shutdown: bool, last_credentials: Option, auto_connect_times: Vec, player_event_channel: Option>, player_event_program: Option, } impl Main { fn new(handle: Handle, setup: Setup) -> Main { let mut task = Main { handle: handle.clone(), cache: setup.cache, session_config: setup.session_config, player_config: setup.player_config, connect_config: setup.connect_config, backend: setup.backend, device: setup.device, mixer: setup.mixer, mixer_config: setup.mixer_config, connect: Box::new(futures::future::empty()), discovery: None, spirc: None, spirc_task: None, shutdown: false, last_credentials: None, auto_connect_times: Vec::new(), signal: Box::new(tokio_signal::ctrl_c().flatten_stream()), player_event_channel: None, player_event_program: setup.player_event_program, }; if setup.enable_discovery { let config = task.connect_config.clone(); let device_id = task.session_config.device_id.clone(); task.discovery = Some(discovery(&handle, config, device_id, setup.zeroconf_port).unwrap()); } if let Some(credentials) = setup.credentials { task.credentials(credentials); } task } fn credentials(&mut self, credentials: Credentials) { self.last_credentials = Some(credentials.clone()); let config = self.session_config.clone(); let handle = self.handle.clone(); let connection = Session::connect(config, credentials, self.cache.clone(), handle); self.connect = connection; self.spirc = None; let task = mem::replace(&mut self.spirc_task, None); if let Some(task) = task { self.handle.spawn(task); } } } impl Future for Main { type Item = (); type Error = (); fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<(), ()> { loop { let mut progress = false; if let Some(Async::Ready(Some(creds))) = self.discovery.as_mut().map(|d| d.poll().unwrap()) { if let Some(ref spirc) = self.spirc { spirc.shutdown(); } self.auto_connect_times.clear(); self.credentials(creds); progress = true; } if let Async::Ready(session) = self.connect.poll().unwrap() { self.connect = Box::new(futures::future::empty()); let mixer_config = self.mixer_config.clone(); let mixer = (self.mixer)(Some(mixer_config)); let player_config = self.player_config.clone(); let connect_config = self.connect_config.clone(); let audio_filter = mixer.get_audio_filter(); let backend = self.backend; let device = self.device.clone(); let (player, event_channel) = Player::new(player_config, session.clone(), audio_filter, move || { (backend)(device) }); let (spirc, spirc_task) = Spirc::new(connect_config, session, player, mixer); self.spirc = Some(spirc); self.spirc_task = Some(spirc_task); self.player_event_channel = Some(event_channel); progress = true; } if let Async::Ready(Some(())) = self.signal.poll().unwrap() { trace!("Ctrl-C received"); if !self.shutdown { if let Some(ref spirc) = self.spirc { spirc.shutdown(); } else { return Ok(Async::Ready(())); } self.shutdown = true; } else { return Ok(Async::Ready(())); } progress = true; } if let Some(ref mut spirc_task) = self.spirc_task { if let Async::Ready(()) = spirc_task.poll().unwrap() { if self.shutdown { return Ok(Async::Ready(())); } else { warn!("Spirc shut down unexpectedly"); self.spirc_task = None; while (!self.auto_connect_times.is_empty()) && ((Instant::now() - self.auto_connect_times[0]).as_secs() > 600) { let _ = self.auto_connect_times.remove(0); } if self.auto_connect_times.len() >= 5 { error!("Spirc shut down too often. Exiting to avoid too many login attempts."); return Ok(Async::Ready(())); } if let Some(credentials) = self.last_credentials.clone() { self.auto_connect_times.push(Instant::now()); self.credentials(credentials); progress = true; } } } } if let Some(ref mut player_event_channel) = self.player_event_channel { if let Async::Ready(Some(event)) = player_event_channel.poll().unwrap() { if let Some(ref program) = self.player_event_program { let child = run_program_on_events(event, program) .expect("program failed to start") .map(|status| { if !status.success() { error!("child exited with status {:?}", status.code()); } }) .map_err(|e| error!("failed to wait on child process: {}", e)); self.handle.spawn(child); } } } if !progress { return Ok(Async::NotReady); } } } } fn main() { if env::var("RUST_BACKTRACE").is_err() { env::set_var("RUST_BACKTRACE", "full") } let mut core = Core::new().unwrap(); let handle = core.handle(); let args: Vec = std::env::args().collect(); core.run(Main::new(handle, setup(&args))).unwrap() }