#![allow(clippy::unused_io_amount)] #[macro_use] extern crate log; #[macro_use] extern crate async_trait; pub mod cover; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::string::FromUtf8Error; use librespot_core::mercury::MercuryError; use librespot_core::session::Session; use librespot_core::spotify_id::{FileId, SpotifyAudioType, SpotifyId, SpotifyIdError}; use librespot_protocol as protocol; use protobuf::Message; pub use crate::protocol::metadata::AudioFile_Format as FileFormat; fn countrylist_contains(list: &str, country: &str) -> bool { list.chunks(2).any(|cc| cc == country) } fn parse_restrictions<'s, I>(restrictions: I, country: &str, catalogue: &str) -> bool where I: IntoIterator, { let mut forbidden = "".to_string(); let mut has_forbidden = false; let mut allowed = "".to_string(); let mut has_allowed = false; let rs = restrictions .into_iter() .filter(|r| r.get_catalogue_str().contains(&catalogue.to_owned())); for r in rs { if r.has_countries_forbidden() { forbidden.push_str(r.get_countries_forbidden()); has_forbidden = true; } if r.has_countries_allowed() { allowed.push_str(r.get_countries_allowed()); has_allowed = true; } } (has_forbidden || has_allowed) && (!has_forbidden || !countrylist_contains(forbidden.as_str(), country)) && (!has_allowed || countrylist_contains(allowed.as_str(), country)) } // A wrapper with fields the player needs #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct AudioItem { pub id: SpotifyId, pub uri: String, pub files: HashMap, pub name: String, pub duration: i32, pub available: bool, pub alternatives: Option>, } impl AudioItem { pub async fn get_audio_item(session: &Session, id: SpotifyId) -> Result { match id.audio_type { SpotifyAudioType::Track => Track::get_audio_item(session, id).await, SpotifyAudioType::Podcast => Episode::get_audio_item(session, id).await, SpotifyAudioType::NonPlayable => Err(MercuryError), } } } #[async_trait] trait AudioFiles { async fn get_audio_item(session: &Session, id: SpotifyId) -> Result; } #[async_trait] impl AudioFiles for Track { async fn get_audio_item(session: &Session, id: SpotifyId) -> Result { match id.to_base62() { Err(e) => { warn!("Invalid Track SpotifyId: {}", e); Err(MercuryError) } Ok(uri) => { let item = Self::get(session, id).await?; Ok(AudioItem { id, uri: format!("spotify:track:{}", uri), files: item.files, name: item.name, duration: item.duration, available: item.available, alternatives: Some(item.alternatives), }) } } } } #[async_trait] impl AudioFiles for Episode { async fn get_audio_item(session: &Session, id: SpotifyId) -> Result { match id.to_base62() { Err(e) => { warn!("Invalid Episode SpotifyId: {}", e); Err(MercuryError) } Ok(uri) => { let item = Self::get(session, id).await?; Ok(AudioItem { id, uri: format!("spotify:episode:{}", uri), files: item.files, name: item.name, duration: item.duration, available: item.available, alternatives: None, }) } } } } #[async_trait] pub trait Metadata: Send + Sized + 'static { type Message: protobuf::Message; fn request_url(id: SpotifyId) -> Result; fn parse(msg: &Self::Message, session: &Session) -> Result; async fn get(session: &Session, id: SpotifyId) -> Result { match Self::request_url(id) { Err(e) => { warn!("Invalid SpotifyId: {}", e); Err(MercuryError) } Ok(uri) => { let response = session.mercury().get(uri).await?; match response.payload.first() { None => { warn!("Empty payload"); Err(MercuryError) } Some(data) => match Self::Message::parse_from_bytes(data) { Err(e) => { warn!("Error parsing message from bytes: {}", e); Err(MercuryError) } Ok(msg) => match Self::parse(&msg, session) { Err(e) => { warn!("Error parsing message: {:?}", e); Err(MercuryError) } Ok(parsed_msg) => Ok(parsed_msg), }, }, } } } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Track { pub id: SpotifyId, pub name: String, pub duration: i32, pub album: SpotifyId, pub artists: Vec, pub files: HashMap, pub alternatives: Vec, pub available: bool, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Album { pub id: SpotifyId, pub name: String, pub artists: Vec, pub tracks: Vec, pub covers: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Episode { pub id: SpotifyId, pub name: String, pub external_url: String, pub duration: i32, pub language: String, pub show: SpotifyId, pub files: HashMap, pub covers: Vec, pub available: bool, pub explicit: bool, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Show { pub id: SpotifyId, pub name: String, pub publisher: String, pub episodes: Vec, pub covers: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Playlist { pub revision: Vec, pub user: String, pub name: String, pub tracks: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Artist { pub id: SpotifyId, pub name: String, pub top_tracks: Vec, } impl Metadata for Track { type Message = protocol::metadata::Track; fn request_url(id: SpotifyId) -> Result { let id = id.to_base16()?; Ok(format!("hm://metadata/3/track/{}", id)) } fn parse(msg: &Self::Message, session: &Session) -> Result { let country = session.country(); let artists = msg .get_artist() .iter() .filter_map(|artist| { if artist.has_gid() { SpotifyId::from_raw(artist.get_gid()).ok() } else { None } }) .collect(); let files = msg .get_file() .iter() .filter_map(|file| { if file.has_file_id() { let mut dst = [0u8; 20]; dst.clone_from_slice(file.get_file_id()); Some((file.get_format(), FileId(dst))) } else { None } }) .collect(); Ok(Track { id: SpotifyId::from_raw(msg.get_gid())?, name: msg.get_name().to_owned(), duration: msg.get_duration(), album: SpotifyId::from_raw(msg.get_album().get_gid())?, artists, files, alternatives: msg .get_alternative() .iter() .filter_map(|alt| SpotifyId::from_raw(alt.get_gid()).ok()) .collect(), available: parse_restrictions(msg.get_restriction(), &country, "premium"), }) } } impl Metadata for Album { type Message = protocol::metadata::Album; fn request_url(id: SpotifyId) -> Result { let id = id.to_base16()?; Ok(format!("hm://metadata/3/album/{}", id)) } fn parse(msg: &Self::Message, _: &Session) -> Result { let artists = msg .get_artist() .iter() .filter_map(|artist| { if artist.has_gid() { SpotifyId::from_raw(artist.get_gid()).ok() } else { None } }) .collect(); let tracks = msg .get_disc() .iter() .flat_map(|disc| disc.get_track()) .filter_map(|track| { if track.has_gid() { SpotifyId::from_raw(track.get_gid()).ok() } else { None } }) .collect(); let covers = msg .get_cover_group() .get_image() .iter() .filter_map(|image| { if image.has_file_id() { let mut dst = [0u8; 20]; dst.clone_from_slice(image.get_file_id()); Some(FileId(dst)) } else { None } }) .collect(); Ok(Album { id: SpotifyId::from_raw(msg.get_gid())?, name: msg.get_name().to_owned(), artists, tracks, covers, }) } } impl Metadata for Playlist { type Message = protocol::playlist4changes::SelectedListContent; fn request_url(id: SpotifyId) -> Result { let id = id.to_base62()?; Ok(format!("hm://playlist/v2/playlist/{}", id)) } fn parse(msg: &Self::Message, _: &Session) -> Result { let tracks = msg .get_contents() .get_items() .iter() .filter_map(|item| { let uri_split = item.get_uri().split(':'); let uri_parts: Vec<&str> = uri_split.collect(); SpotifyId::from_base62(uri_parts[2]).ok() }) .collect::>(); if tracks.len() != msg.get_length() as usize { warn!( "Got {} tracks, but the playlist should contain {} tracks.", tracks.len(), msg.get_length() ); } Ok(Playlist { revision: msg.get_revision().to_vec(), name: msg.get_attributes().get_name().to_owned(), tracks, user: msg.get_owner_username().to_string(), }) } } impl Metadata for Artist { type Message = protocol::metadata::Artist; fn request_url(id: SpotifyId) -> Result { let id = id.to_base16()?; Ok(format!("hm://metadata/3/artist/{}", id)) } fn parse(msg: &Self::Message, session: &Session) -> Result { let country = session.country(); let top_tracks: Vec = match msg .get_top_track() .iter() .find(|tt| !tt.has_country() || countrylist_contains(tt.get_country(), &country)) { Some(tracks) => tracks .get_track() .iter() .filter_map(|track| { if track.has_gid() { SpotifyId::from_raw(track.get_gid()).ok() } else { None } }) .collect(), None => Vec::new(), }; Ok(Artist { id: SpotifyId::from_raw(msg.get_gid())?, name: msg.get_name().to_owned(), top_tracks, }) } } // Podcast impl Metadata for Episode { type Message = protocol::metadata::Episode; fn request_url(id: SpotifyId) -> Result { let id = id.to_base16()?; Ok(format!("hm://metadata/3/episode/{}", id)) } fn parse(msg: &Self::Message, session: &Session) -> Result { let country = session.country(); let files = msg .get_file() .iter() .filter(|file| file.has_file_id()) .map(|file| { let mut dst = [0u8; 20]; dst.clone_from_slice(file.get_file_id()); (file.get_format(), FileId(dst)) }) .collect(); let covers = msg .get_covers() .get_image() .iter() .filter(|image| image.has_file_id()) .map(|image| { let mut dst = [0u8; 20]; dst.clone_from_slice(image.get_file_id()); FileId(dst) }) .collect(); Ok(Episode { id: SpotifyId::from_raw(msg.get_gid()).unwrap(), name: msg.get_name().to_owned(), external_url: msg.get_external_url().to_owned(), duration: msg.get_duration().to_owned(), language: msg.get_language().to_owned(), show: SpotifyId::from_raw(msg.get_show().get_gid()).unwrap(), covers, files, available: parse_restrictions(msg.get_restriction(), &country, "premium"), explicit: msg.get_explicit().to_owned(), }) } } impl Metadata for Show { type Message = protocol::metadata::Show; fn request_url(id: SpotifyId) -> Result { let id = id.to_base16()?; Ok(format!("hm://metadata/3/show/{}", id)) } fn parse(msg: &Self::Message, _: &Session) -> Result { let episodes = msg .get_episode() .iter() .filter_map(|episode| { if episode.has_gid() { SpotifyId::from_raw(episode.get_gid()).ok() } else { None } }) .collect(); let covers = msg .get_covers() .get_image() .iter() .filter(|image| image.has_file_id()) .map(|image| { let mut dst = [0u8; 20]; dst.clone_from_slice(image.get_file_id()); FileId(dst) }) .collect(); Ok(Show { id: SpotifyId::from_raw(msg.get_gid()).unwrap(), name: msg.get_name().to_owned(), publisher: msg.get_publisher().to_owned(), episodes, covers, }) } } struct StrChunks<'s>(&'s str, usize); trait StrChunksExt { fn chunks(&self, size: usize) -> StrChunks; } impl StrChunksExt for str { fn chunks(&self, size: usize) -> StrChunks { StrChunks(self, size) } } impl<'s> Iterator for StrChunks<'s> { type Item = &'s str; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'s str> { let &mut StrChunks(data, size) = self; if data.is_empty() { None } else { let ret = Some(&data[..size]); self.0 = &data[size..]; ret } } }