use std::{ env, fs::create_dir_all, ops::RangeInclusive, path::{Path, PathBuf}, pin::Pin, process::exit, str::FromStr, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use futures_util::{future, FutureExt, StreamExt}; use librespot_playback::player::PlayerEvent; use log::{error, info, trace, warn}; use sha1::{Digest, Sha1}; use thiserror::Error; use tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver; use url::Url; use librespot::{ connect::{config::ConnectConfig, spirc::Spirc}, core::{ authentication::Credentials, cache::Cache, config::DeviceType, version, Session, SessionConfig, }, playback::{ audio_backend::{self, SinkBuilder, BACKENDS}, config::{ AudioFormat, Bitrate, NormalisationMethod, NormalisationType, PlayerConfig, VolumeCtrl, }, dither, mixer::{self, MixerConfig, MixerFn}, player::{db_to_ratio, ratio_to_db, Player}, }, }; #[cfg(feature = "alsa-backend")] use librespot::playback::mixer::alsamixer::AlsaMixer; mod player_event_handler; use player_event_handler::{emit_sink_event, run_program_on_events}; fn device_id(name: &str) -> String { hex::encode(Sha1::digest(name.as_bytes())) } fn usage(program: &str, opts: &getopts::Options) -> String { let repo_home = env!("CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY"); let desc = env!("CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION"); let version = get_version_string(); let brief = format!( "{}\n\n{}\n\n{}\n\nUsage: {} []", version, desc, repo_home, program ); opts.usage(&brief) } fn setup_logging(quiet: bool, verbose: bool) { let mut builder = env_logger::Builder::new(); match env::var("RUST_LOG") { Ok(config) => { builder.parse_filters(&config); builder.init(); if verbose { warn!("`--verbose` flag overidden by `RUST_LOG` environment variable"); } else if quiet { warn!("`--quiet` flag overidden by `RUST_LOG` environment variable"); } } Err(_) => { if verbose { builder.parse_filters("libmdns=info,librespot=trace"); } else if quiet { builder.parse_filters("libmdns=warn,librespot=warn"); } else { builder.parse_filters("libmdns=info,librespot=info"); } builder.init(); if verbose && quiet { warn!("`--verbose` and `--quiet` are mutually exclusive. Logging can not be both verbose and quiet. Using verbose mode."); } } } } fn list_backends() { println!("Available backends: "); for (&(name, _), idx) in BACKENDS.iter().zip(0..) { if idx == 0 { println!("- {} (default)", name); } else { println!("- {}", name); } } } #[derive(Debug, Error)] pub enum ParseFileSizeError { #[error("empty argument")] EmptyInput, #[error("invalid suffix")] InvalidSuffix, #[error("invalid number: {0}")] InvalidNumber(#[from] std::num::ParseFloatError), #[error("non-finite number specified")] NotFinite(f64), } pub fn parse_file_size(input: &str) -> Result { use ParseFileSizeError::*; let mut iter = input.chars(); let mut suffix = iter.next_back().ok_or(EmptyInput)?; let mut suffix_len = 0; let iec = matches!(suffix, 'i' | 'I'); if iec { suffix_len += 1; suffix = iter.next_back().ok_or(InvalidSuffix)?; } let base: u64 = if iec { 1024 } else { 1000 }; suffix_len += 1; let exponent = match suffix.to_ascii_uppercase() { '0'..='9' if !iec => { suffix_len -= 1; 0 } 'K' => 1, 'M' => 2, 'G' => 3, 'T' => 4, 'P' => 5, 'E' => 6, 'Z' => 7, 'Y' => 8, _ => return Err(InvalidSuffix), }; let num = { let mut iter = input.chars(); for _ in (&mut iter).rev().take(suffix_len) {} iter.as_str().parse::()? }; if !num.is_finite() { return Err(NotFinite(num)); } Ok((num * base.pow(exponent) as f64) as u64) } fn get_version_string() -> String { #[cfg(debug_assertions)] const BUILD_PROFILE: &str = "debug"; #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] const BUILD_PROFILE: &str = "release"; format!( "librespot {semver} {sha} (Built on {build_date}, Build ID: {build_id}, Profile: {build_profile})", semver = version::SEMVER, sha = version::SHA_SHORT, build_date = version::BUILD_DATE, build_id = version::BUILD_ID, build_profile = BUILD_PROFILE ) } struct Setup { format: AudioFormat, backend: SinkBuilder, device: Option, mixer: MixerFn, cache: Option, player_config: PlayerConfig, session_config: SessionConfig, connect_config: ConnectConfig, mixer_config: MixerConfig, credentials: Option, enable_discovery: bool, zeroconf_port: u16, player_event_program: Option, emit_sink_events: bool, } fn get_setup() -> Setup { const VALID_INITIAL_VOLUME_RANGE: RangeInclusive = 0..=100; const VALID_VOLUME_RANGE: RangeInclusive = 0.0..=100.0; const VALID_NORMALISATION_KNEE_RANGE: RangeInclusive = 0.0..=2.0; const VALID_NORMALISATION_PREGAIN_RANGE: RangeInclusive = -10.0..=10.0; const VALID_NORMALISATION_THRESHOLD_RANGE: RangeInclusive = -10.0..=0.0; const VALID_NORMALISATION_ATTACK_RANGE: RangeInclusive = 1..=500; const VALID_NORMALISATION_RELEASE_RANGE: RangeInclusive = 1..=1000; const AP_PORT: &str = "ap-port"; const BACKEND: &str = "backend"; const BITRATE: &str = "bitrate"; const CACHE: &str = "cache"; const CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT: &str = "cache-size-limit"; const DEVICE: &str = "device"; const DEVICE_TYPE: &str = "device-type"; const DISABLE_AUDIO_CACHE: &str = "disable-audio-cache"; const DISABLE_CREDENTIAL_CACHE: &str = "disable-credential-cache"; const DISABLE_DISCOVERY: &str = "disable-discovery"; const DISABLE_GAPLESS: &str = "disable-gapless"; const DITHER: &str = "dither"; const EMIT_SINK_EVENTS: &str = "emit-sink-events"; const ENABLE_VOLUME_NORMALISATION: &str = "enable-volume-normalisation"; const FORMAT: &str = "format"; const HELP: &str = "help"; const INITIAL_VOLUME: &str = "initial-volume"; const MIXER_TYPE: &str = "mixer"; const ALSA_MIXER_DEVICE: &str = "alsa-mixer-device"; const ALSA_MIXER_INDEX: &str = "alsa-mixer-index"; const ALSA_MIXER_CONTROL: &str = "alsa-mixer-control"; const NAME: &str = "name"; const NORMALISATION_ATTACK: &str = "normalisation-attack"; const NORMALISATION_GAIN_TYPE: &str = "normalisation-gain-type"; const NORMALISATION_KNEE: &str = "normalisation-knee"; const NORMALISATION_METHOD: &str = "normalisation-method"; const NORMALISATION_PREGAIN: &str = "normalisation-pregain"; const NORMALISATION_RELEASE: &str = "normalisation-release"; const NORMALISATION_THRESHOLD: &str = "normalisation-threshold"; const ONEVENT: &str = "onevent"; const PASSTHROUGH: &str = "passthrough"; const PASSWORD: &str = "password"; const PROXY: &str = "proxy"; const QUIET: &str = "quiet"; const SYSTEM_CACHE: &str = "system-cache"; const TEMP_DIR: &str = "tmp"; const USERNAME: &str = "username"; const VERBOSE: &str = "verbose"; const VERSION: &str = "version"; const VOLUME_CTRL: &str = "volume-ctrl"; const VOLUME_RANGE: &str = "volume-range"; const ZEROCONF_PORT: &str = "zeroconf-port"; // Mostly arbitrary. const AP_PORT_SHORT: &str = "a"; const BACKEND_SHORT: &str = "B"; const BITRATE_SHORT: &str = "b"; const SYSTEM_CACHE_SHORT: &str = "C"; const CACHE_SHORT: &str = "c"; const DITHER_SHORT: &str = "D"; const DEVICE_SHORT: &str = "d"; const VOLUME_CTRL_SHORT: &str = "E"; const VOLUME_RANGE_SHORT: &str = "e"; const DEVICE_TYPE_SHORT: &str = "F"; const FORMAT_SHORT: &str = "f"; const DISABLE_AUDIO_CACHE_SHORT: &str = "G"; const DISABLE_GAPLESS_SHORT: &str = "g"; const DISABLE_CREDENTIAL_CACHE_SHORT: &str = "H"; const HELP_SHORT: &str = "h"; const CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT_SHORT: &str = "M"; const MIXER_TYPE_SHORT: &str = "m"; const ENABLE_VOLUME_NORMALISATION_SHORT: &str = "N"; const NAME_SHORT: &str = "n"; const DISABLE_DISCOVERY_SHORT: &str = "O"; const ONEVENT_SHORT: &str = "o"; const PASSTHROUGH_SHORT: &str = "P"; const PASSWORD_SHORT: &str = "p"; const EMIT_SINK_EVENTS_SHORT: &str = "Q"; const QUIET_SHORT: &str = "q"; const INITIAL_VOLUME_SHORT: &str = "R"; const ALSA_MIXER_DEVICE_SHORT: &str = "S"; const ALSA_MIXER_INDEX_SHORT: &str = "s"; const ALSA_MIXER_CONTROL_SHORT: &str = "T"; const TEMP_DIR_SHORT: &str = "t"; const NORMALISATION_ATTACK_SHORT: &str = "U"; const USERNAME_SHORT: &str = "u"; const VERSION_SHORT: &str = "V"; const VERBOSE_SHORT: &str = "v"; const NORMALISATION_GAIN_TYPE_SHORT: &str = "W"; const NORMALISATION_KNEE_SHORT: &str = "w"; const NORMALISATION_METHOD_SHORT: &str = "X"; const PROXY_SHORT: &str = "x"; const NORMALISATION_PREGAIN_SHORT: &str = "Y"; const NORMALISATION_RELEASE_SHORT: &str = "y"; const NORMALISATION_THRESHOLD_SHORT: &str = "Z"; const ZEROCONF_PORT_SHORT: &str = "z"; // Options that have different descriptions // depending on what backends were enabled at build time. #[cfg(feature = "alsa-backend")] const MIXER_TYPE_DESC: &str = "Mixer to use {alsa|softvol}. Defaults to softvol."; #[cfg(not(feature = "alsa-backend"))] const MIXER_TYPE_DESC: &str = "Not supported by the included audio backend(s)."; #[cfg(any( feature = "alsa-backend", feature = "rodio-backend", feature = "portaudio-backend" ))] const DEVICE_DESC: &str = "Audio device to use. Use ? to list options if using alsa, portaudio or rodio. Defaults to the backend's default."; #[cfg(not(any( feature = "alsa-backend", feature = "rodio-backend", feature = "portaudio-backend" )))] const DEVICE_DESC: &str = "Not supported by the included audio backend(s)."; #[cfg(feature = "alsa-backend")] const ALSA_MIXER_CONTROL_DESC: &str = "Alsa mixer control, e.g. PCM, Master or similar. Defaults to PCM."; #[cfg(not(feature = "alsa-backend"))] const ALSA_MIXER_CONTROL_DESC: &str = "Not supported by the included audio backend(s)."; #[cfg(feature = "alsa-backend")] const ALSA_MIXER_DEVICE_DESC: &str = "Alsa mixer device, e.g hw:0 or similar from `aplay -l`. Defaults to `--device` if specified, default otherwise."; #[cfg(not(feature = "alsa-backend"))] const ALSA_MIXER_DEVICE_DESC: &str = "Not supported by the included audio backend(s)."; #[cfg(feature = "alsa-backend")] const ALSA_MIXER_INDEX_DESC: &str = "Alsa index of the cards mixer. Defaults to 0."; #[cfg(not(feature = "alsa-backend"))] const ALSA_MIXER_INDEX_DESC: &str = "Not supported by the included audio backend(s)."; #[cfg(feature = "alsa-backend")] const INITIAL_VOLUME_DESC: &str = "Initial volume in % from 0 - 100. Default for softvol: 50. For the alsa mixer: the current volume."; #[cfg(not(feature = "alsa-backend"))] const INITIAL_VOLUME_DESC: &str = "Initial volume in % from 0 - 100. Defaults to 50."; #[cfg(feature = "alsa-backend")] const VOLUME_RANGE_DESC: &str = "Range of the volume control (dB) from 0.0 to 100.0. Default for softvol: 60.0. For the alsa mixer: what the control supports."; #[cfg(not(feature = "alsa-backend"))] const VOLUME_RANGE_DESC: &str = "Range of the volume control (dB) from 0.0 to 100.0. Defaults to 60.0."; let mut opts = getopts::Options::new(); opts.optflag( HELP_SHORT, HELP, "Print this help menu.", ) .optflag( VERSION_SHORT, VERSION, "Display librespot version string.", ) .optflag( VERBOSE_SHORT, VERBOSE, "Enable verbose log output.", ) .optflag( QUIET_SHORT, QUIET, "Only log warning and error messages.", ) .optflag( DISABLE_AUDIO_CACHE_SHORT, DISABLE_AUDIO_CACHE, "Disable caching of the audio data.", ) .optflag( DISABLE_CREDENTIAL_CACHE_SHORT, DISABLE_CREDENTIAL_CACHE, "Disable caching of credentials.", ) .optflag( DISABLE_DISCOVERY_SHORT, DISABLE_DISCOVERY, "Disable zeroconf discovery mode.", ) .optflag( DISABLE_GAPLESS_SHORT, DISABLE_GAPLESS, "Disable gapless playback.", ) .optflag( EMIT_SINK_EVENTS_SHORT, EMIT_SINK_EVENTS, "Run PROGRAM set by `--onevent` before the sink is opened and after it is closed.", ) .optflag( PASSTHROUGH_SHORT, PASSTHROUGH, "Pass a raw stream to the output. Only works with the pipe and subprocess backends.", ) .optflag( ENABLE_VOLUME_NORMALISATION_SHORT, ENABLE_VOLUME_NORMALISATION, "Play all tracks at approximately the same apparent volume.", ) .optopt( NAME_SHORT, NAME, "Device name. Defaults to Librespot.", "NAME", ) .optopt( BITRATE_SHORT, BITRATE, "Bitrate (kbps) {96|160|320}. Defaults to 160.", "BITRATE", ) .optopt( FORMAT_SHORT, FORMAT, "Output format {F64|F32|S32|S24|S24_3|S16}. Defaults to S16.", "FORMAT", ) .optopt( DITHER_SHORT, DITHER, "Specify the dither algorithm to use {none|gpdf|tpdf|tpdf_hp}. Defaults to tpdf for formats S16, S24, S24_3 and none for other formats.", "DITHER", ) .optopt( DEVICE_TYPE_SHORT, DEVICE_TYPE, "Displayed device type. Defaults to speaker.", "TYPE", ) .optopt( TEMP_DIR_SHORT, TEMP_DIR, "Path to a directory where files will be temporarily stored while downloading.", "PATH", ) .optopt( CACHE_SHORT, CACHE, "Path to a directory where files will be cached after downloading.", "PATH", ) .optopt( SYSTEM_CACHE_SHORT, SYSTEM_CACHE, "Path to a directory where system files (credentials, volume) will be cached. May be different from the `--cache` option value.", "PATH", ) .optopt( CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT_SHORT, CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT, "Limits the size of the cache for audio files. It's possible to use suffixes like K, M or G, e.g. 16G for example.", "SIZE" ) .optopt( BACKEND_SHORT, BACKEND, "Audio backend to use. Use ? to list options.", "NAME", ) .optopt( USERNAME_SHORT, USERNAME, "Username used to sign in with.", "USERNAME", ) .optopt( PASSWORD_SHORT, PASSWORD, "Password used to sign in with.", "PASSWORD", ) .optopt( ONEVENT_SHORT, ONEVENT, "Run PROGRAM when a playback event occurs.", "PROGRAM", ) .optopt( ALSA_MIXER_CONTROL_SHORT, ALSA_MIXER_CONTROL, ALSA_MIXER_CONTROL_DESC, "NAME", ) .optopt( ALSA_MIXER_DEVICE_SHORT, ALSA_MIXER_DEVICE, ALSA_MIXER_DEVICE_DESC, "DEVICE", ) .optopt( ALSA_MIXER_INDEX_SHORT, ALSA_MIXER_INDEX, ALSA_MIXER_INDEX_DESC, "NUMBER", ) .optopt( MIXER_TYPE_SHORT, MIXER_TYPE, MIXER_TYPE_DESC, "MIXER", ) .optopt( DEVICE_SHORT, DEVICE, DEVICE_DESC, "NAME", ) .optopt( INITIAL_VOLUME_SHORT, INITIAL_VOLUME, INITIAL_VOLUME_DESC, "VOLUME", ) .optopt( VOLUME_CTRL_SHORT, VOLUME_CTRL, "Volume control scale type {cubic|fixed|linear|log}. Defaults to log.", "VOLUME_CTRL" ) .optopt( VOLUME_RANGE_SHORT, VOLUME_RANGE, VOLUME_RANGE_DESC, "RANGE", ) .optopt( NORMALISATION_METHOD_SHORT, NORMALISATION_METHOD, "Specify the normalisation method to use {basic|dynamic}. Defaults to dynamic.", "METHOD", ) .optopt( NORMALISATION_GAIN_TYPE_SHORT, NORMALISATION_GAIN_TYPE, "Specify the normalisation gain type to use {track|album|auto}. Defaults to auto.", "TYPE", ) .optopt( NORMALISATION_PREGAIN_SHORT, NORMALISATION_PREGAIN, "Pregain (dB) applied by volume normalisation from -10.0 to 10.0. Defaults to 0.0.", "PREGAIN", ) .optopt( NORMALISATION_THRESHOLD_SHORT, NORMALISATION_THRESHOLD, "Threshold (dBFS) at which point the dynamic limiter engages to prevent clipping from 0.0 to -10.0. Defaults to -2.0.", "THRESHOLD", ) .optopt( NORMALISATION_ATTACK_SHORT, NORMALISATION_ATTACK, "Attack time (ms) in which the dynamic limiter reduces gain from 1 to 500. Defaults to 5.", "TIME", ) .optopt( NORMALISATION_RELEASE_SHORT, NORMALISATION_RELEASE, "Release or decay time (ms) in which the dynamic limiter restores gain from 1 to 1000. Defaults to 100.", "TIME", ) .optopt( NORMALISATION_KNEE_SHORT, NORMALISATION_KNEE, "Knee steepness of the dynamic limiter from 0.0 to 2.0. Defaults to 1.0.", "KNEE", ) .optopt( ZEROCONF_PORT_SHORT, ZEROCONF_PORT, "The port the internal server advertises over zeroconf 1 - 65535. Ports <= 1024 may require root privileges.", "PORT", ) .optopt( PROXY_SHORT, PROXY, "HTTP proxy to use when connecting.", "URL", ) .optopt( AP_PORT_SHORT, AP_PORT, "Connect to an AP with a specified port 1 - 65535. If no AP with that port is present a fallback AP will be used. Available ports are usually 80, 443 and 4070.", "PORT", ); let args: Vec<_> = std::env::args_os() .filter_map(|s| match s.into_string() { Ok(valid) => Some(valid), Err(s) => { eprintln!( "Command line argument was not valid Unicode and will not be evaluated: {:?}", s ); None } }) .collect(); let matches = match opts.parse(&args[1..]) { Ok(m) => m, Err(e) => { eprintln!("Error parsing command line options: {}", e); println!("\n{}", usage(&args[0], &opts)); exit(1); } }; let stripped_env_key = |k: &str| { k.trim_start_matches("LIBRESPOT_") .replace("_", "-") .to_lowercase() }; let env_vars: Vec<_> = env::vars_os().filter_map(|(k, v)| match k.into_string() { Ok(key) if key.starts_with("LIBRESPOT_") => { let stripped_key = stripped_env_key(&key); // We only care about long option/flag names. if stripped_key.chars().count() > 1 && matches.opt_defined(&stripped_key) { match v.into_string() { Ok(value) => Some((key, value)), Err(s) => { eprintln!("Environment variable was not valid Unicode and will not be evaluated: {}={:?}", key, s); None } } } else { None } }, _ => None }) .collect(); let opt_present = |opt| matches.opt_present(opt) || env_vars.iter().any(|(k, _)| stripped_env_key(k) == opt); let opt_str = |opt| { if matches.opt_present(opt) { matches.opt_str(opt) } else { env_vars .iter() .find(|(k, _)| stripped_env_key(k) == opt) .map(|(_, v)| v.to_string()) } }; if opt_present(HELP) { println!("{}", usage(&args[0], &opts)); exit(0); } if opt_present(VERSION) { println!("{}", get_version_string()); exit(0); } setup_logging(opt_present(QUIET), opt_present(VERBOSE)); info!("{}", get_version_string()); if !env_vars.is_empty() { trace!("Environment variable(s):"); for (k, v) in &env_vars { if matches!(k.as_str(), "LIBRESPOT_PASSWORD" | "LIBRESPOT_USERNAME") { trace!("\t\t{}=\"XXXXXXXX\"", k); } else if v.is_empty() { trace!("\t\t{}=", k); } else { trace!("\t\t{}=\"{}\"", k, v); } } } let args_len = args.len(); if args_len > 1 { trace!("Command line argument(s):"); for (index, key) in args.iter().enumerate() { let opt = key.trim_start_matches('-'); if index > 0 && &args[index - 1] != key && matches.opt_defined(opt) && matches.opt_present(opt) { if matches!(opt, PASSWORD | PASSWORD_SHORT | USERNAME | USERNAME_SHORT) { // Don't log creds. trace!("\t\t{} \"XXXXXXXX\"", key); } else { let value = matches.opt_str(opt).unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string()); if value.is_empty() { trace!("\t\t{}", key); } else { trace!("\t\t{} \"{}\"", key, value); } } } } } #[cfg(not(feature = "alsa-backend"))] for a in &[ MIXER_TYPE, ALSA_MIXER_DEVICE, ALSA_MIXER_INDEX, ALSA_MIXER_CONTROL, ] { if opt_present(a) { warn!("Alsa specific options have no effect if the alsa backend is not enabled at build time."); break; } } let backend_name = opt_str(BACKEND); if backend_name == Some("?".into()) { list_backends(); exit(0); } let invalid_error_msg = |long: &str, short: &str, invalid: &str, valid_values: &str, default_value: &str| { error!("Invalid `--{}` / `-{}`: \"{}\"", long, short, invalid); if !valid_values.is_empty() { println!("Valid `--{}` / `-{}` values: {}", long, short, valid_values); } if !default_value.is_empty() { println!("Default: {}", default_value); } }; let empty_string_error_msg = |long: &str, short: &str| { error!("`--{}` / `-{}` can not be an empty string", long, short); exit(1); }; let backend = audio_backend::find(backend_name).unwrap_or_else(|| { invalid_error_msg( BACKEND, BACKEND_SHORT, &opt_str(BACKEND).unwrap_or_default(), "", "", ); list_backends(); exit(1); }); let format = opt_str(FORMAT) .as_deref() .map(|format| { AudioFormat::from_str(format).unwrap_or_else(|_| { let default_value = &format!("{:?}", AudioFormat::default()); invalid_error_msg( FORMAT, FORMAT_SHORT, format, "F64, F32, S32, S24, S24_3, S16", default_value, ); exit(1); }) }) .unwrap_or_default(); #[cfg(any( feature = "alsa-backend", feature = "rodio-backend", feature = "portaudio-backend" ))] let device = opt_str(DEVICE); #[cfg(any( feature = "alsa-backend", feature = "rodio-backend", feature = "portaudio-backend" ))] if let Some(ref value) = device { if value == "?" { backend(device, format); exit(0); } else if value.is_empty() { empty_string_error_msg(DEVICE, DEVICE_SHORT); } } #[cfg(not(any( feature = "alsa-backend", feature = "rodio-backend", feature = "portaudio-backend" )))] let device: Option = None; #[cfg(not(any( feature = "alsa-backend", feature = "rodio-backend", feature = "portaudio-backend" )))] if opt_present(DEVICE) { warn!( "The `--{}` / `-{}` option is not supported by the included audio backend(s), and has no effect.", DEVICE, DEVICE_SHORT, ); } #[cfg(feature = "alsa-backend")] let mixer_type = opt_str(MIXER_TYPE); #[cfg(not(feature = "alsa-backend"))] let mixer_type: Option = None; let mixer = mixer::find(mixer_type.as_deref()).unwrap_or_else(|| { invalid_error_msg( MIXER_TYPE, MIXER_TYPE_SHORT, &opt_str(MIXER_TYPE).unwrap_or_default(), "alsa, softvol", "softvol", ); exit(1); }); let is_alsa_mixer = match mixer_type.as_deref() { #[cfg(feature = "alsa-backend")] Some(AlsaMixer::NAME) => true, _ => false, }; #[cfg(feature = "alsa-backend")] if !is_alsa_mixer { for a in &[ALSA_MIXER_DEVICE, ALSA_MIXER_INDEX, ALSA_MIXER_CONTROL] { if opt_present(a) { warn!("Alsa specific mixer options have no effect if not using the alsa mixer."); break; } } } let mixer_config = { let mixer_default_config = MixerConfig::default(); #[cfg(feature = "alsa-backend")] let index = if !is_alsa_mixer { mixer_default_config.index } else { opt_str(ALSA_MIXER_INDEX) .map(|index| { index.parse::().unwrap_or_else(|_| { invalid_error_msg( ALSA_MIXER_INDEX, ALSA_MIXER_INDEX_SHORT, &index, "", &mixer_default_config.index.to_string(), ); exit(1); }) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| match device { // Look for the dev index portion of --device. // Specifically when --device is :CARD=,DEV= // or :,. // If --device does not contain a ',' it does not contain a dev index. // In the case that the dev index is omitted it is assumed to be 0 (mixer_default_config.index). // Malformed --device values will also fallback to mixer_default_config.index. Some(ref device_name) if device_name.contains(',') => { // Turn :CARD=,DEV= or :, // into DEV= or . let dev = &device_name[device_name.find(',').unwrap_or_default()..] .trim_start_matches(','); // Turn DEV= into (noop if it's already ) // and then parse . // Malformed --device values will fail the parse and fallback to mixer_default_config.index. dev[dev.find('=').unwrap_or_default()..] .trim_start_matches('=') .parse::() .unwrap_or(mixer_default_config.index) } _ => mixer_default_config.index, }) }; #[cfg(not(feature = "alsa-backend"))] let index = mixer_default_config.index; #[cfg(feature = "alsa-backend")] let device = if !is_alsa_mixer { mixer_default_config.device } else { match opt_str(ALSA_MIXER_DEVICE) { Some(mixer_device) => { if mixer_device.is_empty() { empty_string_error_msg(ALSA_MIXER_DEVICE, ALSA_MIXER_DEVICE_SHORT); } mixer_device } None => match device { Some(ref device_name) => { // Look for the card name or card index portion of --device. // Specifically when --device is :CARD=,DEV= // or card index when --device is :,. // --device values like `pulse`, `default`, `jack` may be valid but there is no way to // infer automatically what the mixer should be so they fail auto fallback // so --alsa-mixer-device must be manually specified in those situations. let start_index = device_name.find(':').unwrap_or_default(); let end_index = match device_name.find(',') { Some(index) if index > start_index => index, _ => device_name.len(), }; let card = &device_name[start_index..end_index]; if card.starts_with(':') { // mixers are assumed to be hw:CARD= or hw:. "hw".to_owned() + card } else { error!( "Could not find an alsa mixer for \"{}\", it must be specified with `--{}` / `-{}`", &device.unwrap_or_default(), ALSA_MIXER_DEVICE, ALSA_MIXER_DEVICE_SHORT ); exit(1); } } None => { error!( "`--{}` / `-{}` or `--{}` / `-{}` \ must be specified when `--{}` / `-{}` is set to \"alsa\"", DEVICE, DEVICE_SHORT, ALSA_MIXER_DEVICE, ALSA_MIXER_DEVICE_SHORT, MIXER_TYPE, MIXER_TYPE_SHORT ); exit(1); } }, } }; #[cfg(not(feature = "alsa-backend"))] let device = mixer_default_config.device; #[cfg(feature = "alsa-backend")] let control = opt_str(ALSA_MIXER_CONTROL).unwrap_or(mixer_default_config.control); #[cfg(feature = "alsa-backend")] if control.is_empty() { empty_string_error_msg(ALSA_MIXER_CONTROL, ALSA_MIXER_CONTROL_SHORT); } #[cfg(not(feature = "alsa-backend"))] let control = mixer_default_config.control; let volume_range = opt_str(VOLUME_RANGE) .map(|range| match range.parse::() { Ok(value) if (VALID_VOLUME_RANGE).contains(&value) => value, _ => { let valid_values = &format!( "{} - {}", VALID_VOLUME_RANGE.start(), VALID_VOLUME_RANGE.end() ); #[cfg(feature = "alsa-backend")] let default_value = &format!( "softvol - {}, alsa - what the control supports", VolumeCtrl::DEFAULT_DB_RANGE ); #[cfg(not(feature = "alsa-backend"))] let default_value = &VolumeCtrl::DEFAULT_DB_RANGE.to_string(); invalid_error_msg( VOLUME_RANGE, VOLUME_RANGE_SHORT, &range, valid_values, default_value, ); exit(1); } }) .unwrap_or_else(|| { if is_alsa_mixer { 0.0 } else { VolumeCtrl::DEFAULT_DB_RANGE } }); let volume_ctrl = opt_str(VOLUME_CTRL) .as_deref() .map(|volume_ctrl| { VolumeCtrl::from_str_with_range(volume_ctrl, volume_range).unwrap_or_else(|_| { invalid_error_msg( VOLUME_CTRL, VOLUME_CTRL_SHORT, volume_ctrl, "cubic, fixed, linear, log", "log", ); exit(1); }) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| VolumeCtrl::Log(volume_range)); MixerConfig { device, control, index, volume_ctrl, } }; let tmp_dir = opt_str(TEMP_DIR).map_or(SessionConfig::default().tmp_dir, |p| { let tmp_dir = PathBuf::from(p); if let Err(e) = create_dir_all(&tmp_dir) { error!("could not create or access specified tmp directory: {}", e); exit(1); } tmp_dir }); let cache = { let volume_dir = opt_str(SYSTEM_CACHE) .or_else(|| opt_str(CACHE)) .map(|p| p.into()); let cred_dir = if opt_present(DISABLE_CREDENTIAL_CACHE) { None } else { volume_dir.clone() }; let audio_dir = if opt_present(DISABLE_AUDIO_CACHE) { None } else { opt_str(CACHE) .as_ref() .map(|p| AsRef::::as_ref(p).join("files")) }; let limit = if audio_dir.is_some() { opt_str(CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT) .as_deref() .map(parse_file_size) .map(|e| { e.unwrap_or_else(|e| { invalid_error_msg( CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT, CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT_SHORT, &e.to_string(), "", "", ); exit(1); }) }) } else { None }; if audio_dir.is_none() && opt_present(CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT) { warn!( "Without a `--{}` / `-{}` path, and/or if the `--{}` / `-{}` flag is set, `--{}` / `-{}` has no effect.", CACHE, CACHE_SHORT, DISABLE_AUDIO_CACHE, DISABLE_AUDIO_CACHE_SHORT, CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT, CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT_SHORT ); } match Cache::new(cred_dir, volume_dir, audio_dir, limit) { Ok(cache) => Some(cache), Err(e) => { warn!("Cannot create cache: {}", e); None } } }; let credentials = { let cached_creds = cache.as_ref().and_then(Cache::credentials); if let Some(username) = opt_str(USERNAME) { if username.is_empty() { empty_string_error_msg(USERNAME, USERNAME_SHORT); } if let Some(password) = opt_str(PASSWORD) { if password.is_empty() { empty_string_error_msg(PASSWORD, PASSWORD_SHORT); } Some(Credentials::with_password(username, password)) } else { match cached_creds { Some(creds) if username == creds.username => Some(creds), _ => { let prompt = &format!("Password for {}: ", username); match rpassword::prompt_password_stderr(prompt) { Ok(password) => { if !password.is_empty() { Some(Credentials::with_password(username, password)) } else { trace!("Password was empty."); if cached_creds.is_some() { trace!("Using cached credentials."); } cached_creds } } Err(e) => { warn!("Cannot parse password: {}", e); if cached_creds.is_some() { trace!("Using cached credentials."); } cached_creds } } } } } } else { if cached_creds.is_some() { trace!("Using cached credentials."); } cached_creds } }; let enable_discovery = !opt_present(DISABLE_DISCOVERY); if credentials.is_none() && !enable_discovery { error!("Credentials are required if discovery is disabled."); exit(1); } if !enable_discovery && opt_present(ZEROCONF_PORT) { warn!( "With the `--{}` / `-{}` flag set `--{}` / `-{}` has no effect.", DISABLE_DISCOVERY, DISABLE_DISCOVERY_SHORT, ZEROCONF_PORT, ZEROCONF_PORT_SHORT ); } let zeroconf_port = if enable_discovery { opt_str(ZEROCONF_PORT) .map(|port| match port.parse::() { Ok(value) if value != 0 => value, _ => { let valid_values = &format!("1 - {}", u16::MAX); invalid_error_msg(ZEROCONF_PORT, ZEROCONF_PORT_SHORT, &port, valid_values, ""); exit(1); } }) .unwrap_or(0) } else { 0 }; let connect_config = { let connect_default_config = ConnectConfig::default(); let name = opt_str(NAME).unwrap_or_else(||; if name.is_empty() { empty_string_error_msg(NAME, NAME_SHORT); exit(1); } let initial_volume = opt_str(INITIAL_VOLUME) .map(|initial_volume| { let volume = match initial_volume.parse::() { Ok(value) if (VALID_INITIAL_VOLUME_RANGE).contains(&value) => value, _ => { let valid_values = &format!( "{} - {}", VALID_INITIAL_VOLUME_RANGE.start(), VALID_INITIAL_VOLUME_RANGE.end() ); #[cfg(feature = "alsa-backend")] let default_value = &format!( "{}, or the current value when the alsa mixer is used.", connect_default_config.initial_volume.unwrap_or_default() ); #[cfg(not(feature = "alsa-backend"))] let default_value = &connect_default_config .initial_volume .unwrap_or_default() .to_string(); invalid_error_msg( INITIAL_VOLUME, INITIAL_VOLUME_SHORT, &initial_volume, valid_values, default_value, ); exit(1); } }; (volume as f32 / 100.0 * VolumeCtrl::MAX_VOLUME as f32) as u16 }) .or_else(|| { if is_alsa_mixer { None } else { cache.as_ref().and_then(Cache::volume) } }); let device_type = opt_str(DEVICE_TYPE) .as_deref() .map(|device_type| { DeviceType::from_str(device_type).unwrap_or_else(|_| { invalid_error_msg( DEVICE_TYPE, DEVICE_TYPE_SHORT, device_type, "computer, tablet, smartphone, \ speaker, tv, avr, stb, audiodongle, \ gameconsole, castaudio, castvideo, \ automobile, smartwatch, chromebook, \ carthing, homething", DeviceType::default().into(), ); exit(1); }) }) .unwrap_or_default(); let has_volume_ctrl = !matches!(mixer_config.volume_ctrl, VolumeCtrl::Fixed); ConnectConfig { name, device_type, initial_volume, has_volume_ctrl, } }; let session_config = SessionConfig { device_id: device_id(&, proxy: opt_str(PROXY).or_else(|| std::env::var("http_proxy").ok()).map( |s| { match Url::parse(&s) { Ok(url) => { if || url.port_or_known_default().is_none() { error!("Invalid proxy url, only URLs on the format \"http(s)://host:port\" are allowed"); exit(1); } url }, Err(e) => { error!("Invalid proxy URL: \"{}\", only URLs in the format \"http(s)://host:port\" are allowed", e); exit(1); } } }, ), ap_port: opt_str(AP_PORT).map(|port| match port.parse::() { Ok(value) if value != 0 => value, _ => { let valid_values = &format!("1 - {}", u16::MAX); invalid_error_msg(AP_PORT, AP_PORT_SHORT, &port, valid_values, ""); exit(1); } }), tmp_dir, }; let player_config = { let player_default_config = PlayerConfig::default(); let bitrate = opt_str(BITRATE) .as_deref() .map(|bitrate| { Bitrate::from_str(bitrate).unwrap_or_else(|_| { invalid_error_msg(BITRATE, BITRATE_SHORT, bitrate, "96, 160, 320", "160"); exit(1); }) }) .unwrap_or(player_default_config.bitrate); let gapless = !opt_present(DISABLE_GAPLESS); let normalisation = opt_present(ENABLE_VOLUME_NORMALISATION); let normalisation_method; let normalisation_type; let normalisation_pregain; let normalisation_threshold; let normalisation_attack; let normalisation_release; let normalisation_knee; if !normalisation { for a in &[ NORMALISATION_METHOD, NORMALISATION_GAIN_TYPE, NORMALISATION_PREGAIN, NORMALISATION_THRESHOLD, NORMALISATION_ATTACK, NORMALISATION_RELEASE, NORMALISATION_KNEE, ] { if opt_present(a) { warn!( "Without the `--{}` / `-{}` flag normalisation options have no effect.", ENABLE_VOLUME_NORMALISATION, ENABLE_VOLUME_NORMALISATION_SHORT, ); break; } } normalisation_method = player_default_config.normalisation_method; normalisation_type = player_default_config.normalisation_type; normalisation_pregain = player_default_config.normalisation_pregain; normalisation_threshold = player_default_config.normalisation_threshold; normalisation_attack = player_default_config.normalisation_attack; normalisation_release = player_default_config.normalisation_release; normalisation_knee = player_default_config.normalisation_knee; } else { normalisation_method = opt_str(NORMALISATION_METHOD) .as_deref() .map(|method| { warn!( "`--{}` / `-{}` will be deprecated in a future release.", NORMALISATION_METHOD, NORMALISATION_METHOD_SHORT ); let method = NormalisationMethod::from_str(method).unwrap_or_else(|_| { invalid_error_msg( NORMALISATION_METHOD, NORMALISATION_METHOD_SHORT, method, "basic, dynamic", &format!("{:?}", player_default_config.normalisation_method), ); exit(1); }); if matches!(method, NormalisationMethod::Basic) { warn!( "`--{}` / `-{}` {:?} will be deprecated in a future release.", NORMALISATION_METHOD, NORMALISATION_METHOD_SHORT, method ); } method }) .unwrap_or(player_default_config.normalisation_method); normalisation_type = opt_str(NORMALISATION_GAIN_TYPE) .as_deref() .map(|gain_type| { NormalisationType::from_str(gain_type).unwrap_or_else(|_| { invalid_error_msg( NORMALISATION_GAIN_TYPE, NORMALISATION_GAIN_TYPE_SHORT, gain_type, "track, album, auto", &format!("{:?}", player_default_config.normalisation_type), ); exit(1); }) }) .unwrap_or(player_default_config.normalisation_type); normalisation_pregain = opt_str(NORMALISATION_PREGAIN) .map(|pregain| match pregain.parse::() { Ok(value) if (VALID_NORMALISATION_PREGAIN_RANGE).contains(&value) => value, _ => { let valid_values = &format!( "{} - {}", VALID_NORMALISATION_PREGAIN_RANGE.start(), VALID_NORMALISATION_PREGAIN_RANGE.end() ); invalid_error_msg( NORMALISATION_PREGAIN, NORMALISATION_PREGAIN_SHORT, &pregain, valid_values, &player_default_config.normalisation_pregain.to_string(), ); exit(1); } }) .unwrap_or(player_default_config.normalisation_pregain); normalisation_threshold = opt_str(NORMALISATION_THRESHOLD) .map(|threshold| match threshold.parse::() { Ok(value) if (VALID_NORMALISATION_THRESHOLD_RANGE).contains(&value) => { db_to_ratio(value) } _ => { let valid_values = &format!( "{} - {}", VALID_NORMALISATION_THRESHOLD_RANGE.start(), VALID_NORMALISATION_THRESHOLD_RANGE.end() ); invalid_error_msg( NORMALISATION_THRESHOLD, NORMALISATION_THRESHOLD_SHORT, &threshold, valid_values, &ratio_to_db(player_default_config.normalisation_threshold).to_string(), ); exit(1); } }) .unwrap_or(player_default_config.normalisation_threshold); normalisation_attack = opt_str(NORMALISATION_ATTACK) .map(|attack| match attack.parse::() { Ok(value) if (VALID_NORMALISATION_ATTACK_RANGE).contains(&value) => { Duration::from_millis(value) } _ => { let valid_values = &format!( "{} - {}", VALID_NORMALISATION_ATTACK_RANGE.start(), VALID_NORMALISATION_ATTACK_RANGE.end() ); invalid_error_msg( NORMALISATION_ATTACK, NORMALISATION_ATTACK_SHORT, &attack, valid_values, &player_default_config .normalisation_attack .as_millis() .to_string(), ); exit(1); } }) .unwrap_or(player_default_config.normalisation_attack); normalisation_release = opt_str(NORMALISATION_RELEASE) .map(|release| match release.parse::() { Ok(value) if (VALID_NORMALISATION_RELEASE_RANGE).contains(&value) => { Duration::from_millis(value) } _ => { let valid_values = &format!( "{} - {}", VALID_NORMALISATION_RELEASE_RANGE.start(), VALID_NORMALISATION_RELEASE_RANGE.end() ); invalid_error_msg( NORMALISATION_RELEASE, NORMALISATION_RELEASE_SHORT, &release, valid_values, &player_default_config .normalisation_release .as_millis() .to_string(), ); exit(1); } }) .unwrap_or(player_default_config.normalisation_release); normalisation_knee = opt_str(NORMALISATION_KNEE) .map(|knee| match knee.parse::() { Ok(value) if (VALID_NORMALISATION_KNEE_RANGE).contains(&value) => value, _ => { let valid_values = &format!( "{} - {}", VALID_NORMALISATION_KNEE_RANGE.start(), VALID_NORMALISATION_KNEE_RANGE.end() ); invalid_error_msg( NORMALISATION_KNEE, NORMALISATION_KNEE_SHORT, &knee, valid_values, &player_default_config.normalisation_knee.to_string(), ); exit(1); } }) .unwrap_or(player_default_config.normalisation_knee); } let ditherer_name = opt_str(DITHER); let ditherer = match ditherer_name.as_deref() { Some(value) => match value { "none" => None, _ => match format { AudioFormat::F64 | AudioFormat::F32 => { error!("Dithering is not available with format: {:?}.", format); exit(1); } _ => Some(dither::find_ditherer(ditherer_name).unwrap_or_else(|| { invalid_error_msg( DITHER, DITHER_SHORT, &opt_str(DITHER).unwrap_or_default(), "none, gpdf, tpdf, tpdf_hp for formats S16, S24, S24_3, S32, none for formats F32, F64", "tpdf for formats S16, S24, S24_3 and none for formats S32, F32, F64", ); exit(1); })), }, }, None => match format { AudioFormat::S16 | AudioFormat::S24 | AudioFormat::S24_3 => { player_default_config.ditherer } _ => None, }, }; let passthrough = opt_present(PASSTHROUGH); PlayerConfig { bitrate, gapless, passthrough, normalisation, normalisation_type, normalisation_method, normalisation_pregain, normalisation_threshold, normalisation_attack, normalisation_release, normalisation_knee, ditherer, } }; let player_event_program = opt_str(ONEVENT); let emit_sink_events = opt_present(EMIT_SINK_EVENTS); Setup { format, backend, device, mixer, cache, player_config, session_config, connect_config, mixer_config, credentials, enable_discovery, zeroconf_port, player_event_program, emit_sink_events, } } #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn main() { const RUST_BACKTRACE: &str = "RUST_BACKTRACE"; const RECONNECT_RATE_LIMIT_WINDOW: Duration = Duration::from_secs(600); const RECONNECT_RATE_LIMIT: usize = 5; if env::var(RUST_BACKTRACE).is_err() { env::set_var(RUST_BACKTRACE, "full") } let setup = get_setup(); let mut last_credentials = None; let mut spirc: Option = None; let mut spirc_task: Option> = None; let mut player_event_channel: Option> = None; let mut auto_connect_times: Vec = vec![]; let mut discovery = None; let mut connecting: Pin>> = Box::pin(future::pending()); if setup.enable_discovery { let device_id = setup.session_config.device_id.clone(); discovery = match librespot::discovery::Discovery::builder(device_id) .name( .device_type(setup.connect_config.device_type) .port(setup.zeroconf_port) .launch() { Ok(d) => Some(d), Err(e) => { error!("Discovery Error: {}", e); exit(1); } } } if let Some(credentials) = setup.credentials { last_credentials = Some(credentials.clone()); connecting = Box::pin( Session::connect( setup.session_config.clone(), credentials, setup.cache.clone(), ) .fuse(), ); } loop { tokio::select! { credentials = async { match discovery.as_mut() { Some(d) =>, _ => None } }, if discovery.is_some() => { match credentials { Some(credentials) => { last_credentials = Some(credentials.clone()); auto_connect_times.clear(); if let Some(spirc) = spirc.take() { if let Err(e) = spirc.shutdown() { error!("error sending spirc shutdown message: {}", e); } } if let Some(spirc_task) = spirc_task.take() { // Continue shutdown in its own task tokio::spawn(spirc_task); } connecting = Box::pin(Session::connect( setup.session_config.clone(), credentials, setup.cache.clone(), ).fuse()); }, None => { error!("Discovery stopped unexpectedly"); exit(1); } } }, session = &mut connecting, if !connecting.is_terminated() => match session { Ok(session) => { let mixer_config = setup.mixer_config.clone(); let mixer = (setup.mixer)(mixer_config); let player_config = setup.player_config.clone(); let connect_config = setup.connect_config.clone(); let audio_filter = mixer.get_audio_filter(); let format = setup.format; let backend = setup.backend; let device = setup.device.clone(); let (player, event_channel) = Player::new(player_config, session.clone(), audio_filter, move || { (backend)(device, format) }); if setup.emit_sink_events { if let Some(player_event_program) = setup.player_event_program.clone() { player.set_sink_event_callback(Some(Box::new(move |sink_status| { match emit_sink_event(sink_status, &player_event_program) { Ok(e) if e.success() => (), Ok(e) => { if let Some(code) = e.code() { warn!("Sink event program returned exit code {}", code); } else { warn!("Sink event program returned failure"); } }, Err(e) => { warn!("Emitting sink event failed: {}", e); }, } }))); } }; let (spirc_, spirc_task_) = match Spirc::new(connect_config, session, player, mixer) { Ok((spirc_, spirc_task_)) => (spirc_, spirc_task_), Err(e) => { error!("could not initialize spirc: {}", e); exit(1); } }; spirc = Some(spirc_); spirc_task = Some(Box::pin(spirc_task_)); player_event_channel = Some(event_channel); }, Err(e) => { error!("Connection failed: {}", e); exit(1); } }, _ = async { if let Some(task) = spirc_task.as_mut() { task.await; } }, if spirc_task.is_some() => { spirc_task = None; warn!("Spirc shut down unexpectedly"); let mut reconnect_exceeds_rate_limit = || { auto_connect_times.retain(|&t| t.elapsed() < RECONNECT_RATE_LIMIT_WINDOW); auto_connect_times.len() > RECONNECT_RATE_LIMIT }; match last_credentials.clone() { Some(credentials) if !reconnect_exceeds_rate_limit() => { auto_connect_times.push(Instant::now()); connecting = Box::pin(Session::connect( setup.session_config.clone(), credentials, setup.cache.clone(), ).fuse()); }, _ => { error!("Spirc shut down too often. Not reconnecting automatically."); exit(1); }, } }, event = async { match player_event_channel.as_mut() { Some(p) => p.recv().await, _ => None } }, if player_event_channel.is_some() => match event { Some(event) => { if let Some(program) = &setup.player_event_program { if let Some(child) = run_program_on_events(event, program) { if let Ok(mut child) = child { tokio::spawn(async move { match child.wait().await { Ok(e) if e.success() => (), Ok(e) => { if let Some(code) = e.code() { warn!("On event program returned exit code {}", code); } else { warn!("On event program returned failure"); } }, Err(e) => { warn!("On event program failed: {}", e); }, } }); } else { warn!("On event program failed to start"); } } } }, None => { player_event_channel = None; } }, _ = tokio::signal::ctrl_c() => { break; }, else => break, } } info!("Gracefully shutting down"); // Shutdown spirc if necessary if let Some(spirc) = spirc { if let Err(e) = spirc.shutdown() { error!("error sending spirc shutdown message: {}", e); } if let Some(mut spirc_task) = spirc_task { tokio::select! { _ = tokio::signal::ctrl_c() => (), _ = spirc_task.as_mut() => (), else => (), } } } }