mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 17:21:52 +00:00
A build script is used to ensure the source files haven’t been modified.
183 lines
4.1 KiB
Protocol Buffer
183 lines
4.1 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto2";
message Credential {
optional string facebook_uid = 0x1;
optional string access_token = 0x2;
message EnableRequest {
optional Credential credential = 0x1;
message EnableReply {
optional Credential credential = 0x1;
message DisableRequest {
optional Credential credential = 0x1;
message RevokeRequest {
optional Credential credential = 0x1;
message InspectCredentialRequest {
optional Credential credential = 0x1;
message InspectCredentialReply {
optional Credential alternative_credential = 0x1;
optional bool app_user = 0x2;
optional bool permanent_error = 0x3;
optional bool transient_error = 0x4;
message UserState {
optional Credential credential = 0x1;
message UpdateUserStateRequest {
optional Credential credential = 0x1;
message OpenGraphError {
repeated string permanent = 0x1;
repeated string invalid_token = 0x2;
repeated string retries = 0x3;
message OpenGraphScrobble {
optional int32 create_delay = 0x1;
message OpenGraphConfig {
optional OpenGraphError error = 0x1;
optional OpenGraphScrobble scrobble = 0x2;
message AuthConfig {
optional string url = 0x1;
repeated string permissions = 0x2;
repeated string blacklist = 0x3;
repeated string whitelist = 0x4;
repeated string cancel = 0x5;
message ConfigReply {
optional string domain = 0x1;
optional string app_id = 0x2;
optional string app_namespace = 0x3;
optional AuthConfig auth = 0x4;
optional OpenGraphConfig og = 0x5;
message UserFields {
optional bool app_user = 0x1;
optional bool display_name = 0x2;
optional bool first_name = 0x3;
optional bool middle_name = 0x4;
optional bool last_name = 0x5;
optional bool picture_large = 0x6;
optional bool picture_square = 0x7;
optional bool gender = 0x8;
optional bool email = 0x9;
message UserOptions {
optional bool cache_is_king = 0x1;
message UserRequest {
optional UserOptions options = 0x1;
optional UserFields fields = 0x2;
message User {
optional string spotify_username = 0x1;
optional string facebook_uid = 0x2;
optional bool app_user = 0x3;
optional string display_name = 0x4;
optional string first_name = 0x5;
optional string middle_name = 0x6;
optional string last_name = 0x7;
optional string picture_large = 0x8;
optional string picture_square = 0x9;
optional string gender = 0xa;
optional string email = 0xb;
message FriendsFields {
optional bool app_user = 0x1;
optional bool display_name = 0x2;
optional bool picture_large = 0x6;
message FriendsOptions {
optional int32 limit = 0x1;
optional int32 offset = 0x2;
optional bool cache_is_king = 0x3;
optional bool app_friends = 0x4;
optional bool non_app_friends = 0x5;
message FriendsRequest {
optional FriendsOptions options = 0x1;
optional FriendsFields fields = 0x2;
message FriendsReply {
repeated User friends = 0x1;
optional bool more = 0x2;
message ShareRequest {
optional Credential credential = 0x1;
optional string uri = 0x2;
optional string message_text = 0x3;
message ShareReply {
optional string post_id = 0x1;
message InboxRequest {
optional Credential credential = 0x1;
repeated string facebook_uids = 0x3;
optional string message_text = 0x4;
optional string message_link = 0x5;
message InboxReply {
optional string message_id = 0x1;
optional string thread_id = 0x2;
message PermissionsOptions {
optional bool cache_is_king = 0x1;
message PermissionsRequest {
optional Credential credential = 0x1;
optional PermissionsOptions options = 0x2;
message PermissionsReply {
repeated string permissions = 0x1;
message GrantPermissionsRequest {
optional Credential credential = 0x1;
repeated string permissions = 0x2;
message GrantPermissionsReply {
repeated string granted = 0x1;
repeated string failed = 0x2;
message TransferRequest {
optional Credential credential = 0x1;
optional string source_username = 0x2;
optional string target_username = 0x3;