Jason Gray ceebb374f0
Remove unsafe code ()
Remove unsafe code
2022-01-23 19:02:04 +01:00

428 lines
13 KiB

use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::fmt;
use std::string::FromUtf8Error;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum SpotifyAudioType {
impl From<&str> for SpotifyAudioType {
fn from(v: &str) -> Self {
match v {
"track" => SpotifyAudioType::Track,
"episode" => SpotifyAudioType::Podcast,
_ => SpotifyAudioType::NonPlayable,
impl From<SpotifyAudioType> for &str {
fn from(audio_type: SpotifyAudioType) -> &'static str {
match audio_type {
SpotifyAudioType::Track => "track",
SpotifyAudioType::Podcast => "episode",
SpotifyAudioType::NonPlayable => "unknown",
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct SpotifyId {
pub id: u128,
pub audio_type: SpotifyAudioType,
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct SpotifyIdError;
const BASE62_DIGITS: &[u8; 62] = b"0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
const BASE16_DIGITS: &[u8; 16] = b"0123456789abcdef";
impl SpotifyId {
const SIZE: usize = 16;
const SIZE_BASE16: usize = 32;
const SIZE_BASE62: usize = 22;
fn track(n: u128) -> SpotifyId {
SpotifyId {
id: n,
audio_type: SpotifyAudioType::Track,
/// Parses a base16 (hex) encoded [Spotify ID] into a `SpotifyId`.
/// `src` is expected to be 32 bytes long and encoded using valid characters.
/// [Spotify ID]:
pub fn from_base16(src: &str) -> Result<SpotifyId, SpotifyIdError> {
let mut dst: u128 = 0;
for c in src.as_bytes() {
let p = match c {
b'0'..=b'9' => c - b'0',
b'a'..=b'f' => c - b'a' + 10,
_ => return Err(SpotifyIdError),
} as u128;
dst <<= 4;
dst += p;
/// Parses a base62 encoded [Spotify ID] into a `SpotifyId`.
/// `src` is expected to be 22 bytes long and encoded using valid characters.
/// [Spotify ID]:
pub fn from_base62(src: &str) -> Result<SpotifyId, SpotifyIdError> {
let mut dst: u128 = 0;
for c in src.as_bytes() {
let p = match c {
b'0'..=b'9' => c - b'0',
b'a'..=b'z' => c - b'a' + 10,
b'A'..=b'Z' => c - b'A' + 36,
_ => return Err(SpotifyIdError),
} as u128;
dst *= 62;
dst += p;
/// Creates a `SpotifyId` from a copy of `SpotifyId::SIZE` (16) bytes in big-endian order.
/// The resulting `SpotifyId` will default to a `SpotifyAudioType::TRACK`.
pub fn from_raw(src: &[u8]) -> Result<SpotifyId, SpotifyIdError> {
match src.try_into() {
Ok(dst) => Ok(SpotifyId::track(u128::from_be_bytes(dst))),
Err(_) => Err(SpotifyIdError),
/// Parses a [Spotify URI] into a `SpotifyId`.
/// `uri` is expected to be in the canonical form `spotify:{type}:{id}`, where `{type}`
/// can be arbitrary while `{id}` is a 22-character long, base62 encoded Spotify ID.
/// [Spotify URI]:
pub fn from_uri(src: &str) -> Result<SpotifyId, SpotifyIdError> {
let src = src.strip_prefix("spotify:").ok_or(SpotifyIdError)?;
if src.len() <= SpotifyId::SIZE_BASE62 {
return Err(SpotifyIdError);
let colon_index = src.len() - SpotifyId::SIZE_BASE62 - 1;
if src.as_bytes()[colon_index] != b':' {
return Err(SpotifyIdError);
let mut id = SpotifyId::from_base62(&src[colon_index + 1..])?;
id.audio_type = src[..colon_index].into();
/// Returns the `SpotifyId` as a base16 (hex) encoded, `SpotifyId::SIZE_BASE16` (32)
/// character long `String`.
pub fn to_base16(&self) -> Result<String, FromUtf8Error> {
to_base16(&self.to_raw(), &mut [0u8; SpotifyId::SIZE_BASE16])
/// Returns the `SpotifyId` as a [canonically] base62 encoded, `SpotifyId::SIZE_BASE62` (22)
/// character long `String`.
/// [canonically]:
pub fn to_base62(&self) -> Result<String, FromUtf8Error> {
let mut dst = [0u8; 22];
let mut i = 0;
let n =;
// The algorithm is based on:
// We are not using naive division of as it is an u128 and div + mod are software
// emulated at runtime (and unoptimized into mul + shift) on non-128bit platforms,
// making them very expensive.
// Trezor's algorithm allows us to stick to arithmetic on native registers making this
// an order of magnitude faster. Additionally, as our sizes are known, instead of
// dealing with the ID on a byte by byte basis, we decompose it into four u32s and
// use 64-bit arithmetic on them for an additional speedup.
for shift in &[96, 64, 32, 0] {
let mut carry = (n >> shift) as u32 as u64;
for b in &mut dst[..i] {
carry += (*b as u64) << 32;
*b = (carry % 62) as u8;
carry /= 62;
while carry > 0 {
dst[i] = (carry % 62) as u8;
carry /= 62;
i += 1;
for b in &mut dst {
*b = BASE62_DIGITS[*b as usize];
/// Returns a copy of the `SpotifyId` as an array of `SpotifyId::SIZE` (16) bytes in
/// big-endian order.
pub fn to_raw(&self) -> [u8; SpotifyId::SIZE] {
/// Returns the `SpotifyId` as a [Spotify URI] in the canonical form `spotify:{type}:{id}`,
/// where `{type}` is an arbitrary string and `{id}` is a 22-character long, base62 encoded
/// Spotify ID.
/// If the `SpotifyId` has an associated type unrecognized by the library, `{type}` will
/// be encoded as `unknown`.
/// [Spotify URI]:
pub fn to_uri(&self) -> Result<String, FromUtf8Error> {
// 8 chars for the "spotify:" prefix + 1 colon + 22 chars base62 encoded ID = 31
// + unknown size audio_type.
let audio_type: &str = self.audio_type.into();
let mut dst = String::with_capacity(31 + audio_type.len());
let base62 = self.to_base62()?;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct FileId(pub [u8; 20]);
impl FileId {
pub fn to_base16(&self) -> Result<String, FromUtf8Error> {
to_base16(&self.0, &mut [0u8; 40])
impl fmt::Debug for FileId {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl fmt::Display for FileId {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fn to_base16(src: &[u8], buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<String, FromUtf8Error> {
let mut i = 0;
for v in src {
buf[i] = BASE16_DIGITS[(v >> 4) as usize];
buf[i + 1] = BASE16_DIGITS[(v & 0x0f) as usize];
i += 2;
mod tests {
use super::*;
struct ConversionCase {
id: u128,
kind: SpotifyAudioType,
uri: &'static str,
base16: &'static str,
base62: &'static str,
raw: &'static [u8],
static CONV_VALID: [ConversionCase; 4] = [
ConversionCase {
id: 238762092608182713602505436543891614649,
kind: SpotifyAudioType::Track,
uri: "spotify:track:5sWHDYs0csV6RS48xBl0tH",
base16: "b39fe8081e1f4c54be38e8d6f9f12bb9",
base62: "5sWHDYs0csV6RS48xBl0tH",
raw: &[
179, 159, 232, 8, 30, 31, 76, 84, 190, 56, 232, 214, 249, 241, 43, 185,
ConversionCase {
id: 204841891221366092811751085145916697048,
kind: SpotifyAudioType::Track,
uri: "spotify:track:4GNcXTGWmnZ3ySrqvol3o4",
base16: "9a1b1cfbc6f244569ae0356c77bbe9d8",
base62: "4GNcXTGWmnZ3ySrqvol3o4",
raw: &[
154, 27, 28, 251, 198, 242, 68, 86, 154, 224, 53, 108, 119, 187, 233, 216,
ConversionCase {
id: 204841891221366092811751085145916697048,
kind: SpotifyAudioType::Podcast,
uri: "spotify:episode:4GNcXTGWmnZ3ySrqvol3o4",
base16: "9a1b1cfbc6f244569ae0356c77bbe9d8",
base62: "4GNcXTGWmnZ3ySrqvol3o4",
raw: &[
154, 27, 28, 251, 198, 242, 68, 86, 154, 224, 53, 108, 119, 187, 233, 216,
ConversionCase {
id: 204841891221366092811751085145916697048,
kind: SpotifyAudioType::NonPlayable,
uri: "spotify:unknown:4GNcXTGWmnZ3ySrqvol3o4",
base16: "9a1b1cfbc6f244569ae0356c77bbe9d8",
base62: "4GNcXTGWmnZ3ySrqvol3o4",
raw: &[
154, 27, 28, 251, 198, 242, 68, 86, 154, 224, 53, 108, 119, 187, 233, 216,
static CONV_INVALID: [ConversionCase; 3] = [
ConversionCase {
id: 0,
kind: SpotifyAudioType::NonPlayable,
// Invalid ID in the URI.
uri: "spotify:arbitrarywhatever:5sWHDYs0Bl0tH",
base16: "ZZZZZ8081e1f4c54be38e8d6f9f12bb9",
base62: "!!!!!Ys0csV6RS48xBl0tH",
raw: &[
// Invalid length.
154, 27, 28, 251, 198, 242, 68, 86, 154, 224, 5, 3, 108, 119, 187, 233, 216, 255,
ConversionCase {
id: 0,
kind: SpotifyAudioType::NonPlayable,
// Missing colon between ID and type.
uri: "spotify:arbitrarywhatever5sWHDYs0csV6RS48xBl0tH",
base16: "--------------------",
base62: "....................",
raw: &[
// Invalid length.
154, 27, 28, 251,
ConversionCase {
id: 0,
kind: SpotifyAudioType::NonPlayable,
// Uri too short
uri: "spotify:azb:aRS48xBl0tH",
base16: "--------------------",
base62: "....................",
raw: &[
// Invalid length.
154, 27, 28, 251,
fn from_base62() {
for c in &CONV_VALID {
for c in &CONV_INVALID {
assert_eq!(SpotifyId::from_base62(c.base62), Err(SpotifyIdError));
fn to_base62() {
for c in &CONV_VALID {
let id = SpotifyId {
audio_type: c.kind,
assert_eq!(id.to_base62().unwrap(), c.base62);
fn from_base16() {
for c in &CONV_VALID {
for c in &CONV_INVALID {
assert_eq!(SpotifyId::from_base16(c.base16), Err(SpotifyIdError));
fn to_base16() {
for c in &CONV_VALID {
let id = SpotifyId {
audio_type: c.kind,
assert_eq!(id.to_base16().unwrap(), c.base16);
fn from_uri() {
for c in &CONV_VALID {
let actual = SpotifyId::from_uri(c.uri).unwrap();
assert_eq!(actual.audio_type, c.kind);
for c in &CONV_INVALID {
assert_eq!(SpotifyId::from_uri(c.uri), Err(SpotifyIdError));
fn to_uri() {
for c in &CONV_VALID {
let id = SpotifyId {
audio_type: c.kind,
assert_eq!(id.to_uri().unwrap(), c.uri);
fn from_raw() {
for c in &CONV_VALID {
for c in &CONV_INVALID {
assert_eq!(SpotifyId::from_raw(c.raw), Err(SpotifyIdError));