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# pcap Converter
# This little helper tool reads a network trace (e.g. recorded with wireshark) and
# interprets the content of the EXI.V2GTP.TCP.IPv6 data.
# Preconditions:
# 1. You have a capture file with contains V2G traffic (pcap or pcapng file).
# 2. You installed the python library pyshark, according to
# pip install pyshark
# 3. You cloned and compiled the OpenV2Gx EXI decoder from
# Limitations:
# - Only DIN is supported at the moment.
# - The script treats all V2G EXI messages as DIN messages. This means, the ApplHandshake messages at
# the begin of the charging session will lead to wrong or not decoded data.
# - The path where the script look for pcap files needs to be configured in the code.
# Possible improvements / Todos:
# - Show also the SLAC, NeigborDiscovery and SDP.
# - Add flexibility to also decode the ApplHandshake messages.
# - Add ISO support.
# - Configure the path where to look for pcap files via command line
import pyshark
import exiConnector
import os
# The path where the script will search for pcap files:
directory = '../temp'
def convertPcapToTxt(inputFileName):
cap = pyshark.FileCapture(inputFileName, display_filter="ipv6")
fileOut = open(inputFileName + '.decoded.txt', 'w')
print("# generated by", file=fileOut)
print("#", file=fileOut)
# Example how to access the data:
#print(cap[1].sniff_time) # readable time
#print(cap[1].sniff_timestamp) # epoch time
for packet in cap:
if 'TCP' in packet:
if ('payload' in packet.tcp.field_names):
tcppayload = packet.tcp.payload # this gives a string of hex values, separated by ":", e.g. "01:fe:80:01"
s = tcppayload.replace(":", "") # remove colons
if (s[0:8]=="01fe8001"):
# it is a V2GTP header with EXI content
strExi = s[16:] # remove V2GTP header (8 bytes, means 16 hex characters)
sHeader = "Packet #" + str(numberOfPackets) + " [" + str(packet.sniff_time) + "] " + strExi + " means:"
pre = "DD" # decode DIN
decoded=exiConnector.exiDecode(strExi, pre)
print(sHeader, file=fileOut)
print(decoded, file=fileOut)
# iterate over files in the directory
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
strFileNameWithPath = os.path.join(directory, filename)
# checking if it is a file
if os.path.isfile(strFileNameWithPath):
# check the file extension:
if (strFileNameWithPath[-5:]==".pcap") or (strFileNameWithPath[-7:]==".pcapng"):
print("Will decode " + strFileNameWithPath)