mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 02:14:54 +00:00
started connecting state machines to exi
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 143 additions and 37 deletions
@ -32,14 +32,6 @@
# Work in progress: Fork in https://github.com/uhi22/OpenV2Gx, to add a command line interface (and maybe a socket interface).
# Example data:
# (1) From the Ioniq:
# In wireshark: Copy as hex stream
# 01fe8001000000228000dbab9371d3234b71d1b981899189d191818991d26b9b3a232b30020000040040
# remove the 8 bytes V2GTP header
# 8000dbab9371d3234b71d1b981899189d191818991d26b9b3a232b30020000040040
# (2) From OpenV2G main_example.appHandshake()
# 8000ebab9371d34b9b79d189a98989c1d191d191818981d26b9b3a232b30010000040001b75726e3a64696e3a37303132313a323031323a4d73674465660020000100880
@ -51,36 +43,138 @@ import subprocess
import sys
import time
# Example data:
# (1) From the Ioniq:
# In wireshark: Copy as hex stream
# 01fe8001000000228000dbab9371d3234b71d1b981899189d191818991d26b9b3a232b30020000040040
# remove the 8 bytes V2GTP header
# 8000dbab9371d3234b71d1b981899189d191818991d26b9b3a232b30020000040040
# (2) From OpenV2G main_example.appHandshake()
# 8000ebab9371d34b9b79d189a98989c1d191d191818981d26b9b3a232b30010000040001b75726e3a64696e3a37303132313a323031323a4d73674465660020000100880
# Configuration of the exi converter tool
pathToOpenV2GExe = "..\\OpenV2Gx\\Release\\OpenV2G.exe";
# Functions
def exiHexToByteArray(hexString):
# input: a string with the two-byte-hex representation
# output: a byte array with the same data.
# If the convertion fails, we return an empty byte array.
if ((hexlen % 2)!=0):
print("exiHexToByteArray: unplausible length of " + hexString)
return bytearray(0)
exiframe = bytearray(int(hexlen/2)) # two characters in the input string are one byte in the exiframe
for i in range(0, int(hexlen/2)):
x = hexString[2*i: 2*i+2]
#print("valuestring = " + x)
v = int(x, 16)
#print("value " + hex(v))
exiframe[i] = v
print("exiHexToByteArray: unplausible data " + x)
return bytearray(0)
return exiframe
def exiByteArrayToHex(b):
# input: Byte array
# output: a string with the two-byte-hex representation of the byte array
s = ""
for i in range(0, len(b)):
s = s + twoCharHex(b[i])
return s
def addV2GTPHeader(exidata):
print("type is " + str(type(exidata)))
if (str(type(exidata)) == "<class 'str'>"):
print("changing type to bytearray")
exidata = exiHexToByteArray(exidata)
print("type is " + str(type(exidata)))
# takes the bytearray with exidata, and adds a header to it, according to the Vehicle-to-Grid-Transport-Protocol
exiLen = len(exidata)
header = bytearray(8) # V2GTP header has 8 bytes
# 1 byte protocol version
# 1 byte protocol version inverted
# 2 bytes payload type
# 4 byte payload length
header[0] = 0x01 # version
header[1] = 0xfe # version inverted
header[2] = 0x80 # payload type. 0x8001 means "EXI data"
header[3] = 0x01 #
header[4] = (exiLen >> 24) & 0xff # length 4 byte.
header[5] = (exiLen >> 16) & 0xff
header[6] = (exiLen >> 8) & 0xff
header[7] = exiLen & 0xff
return header + exidata
def removeV2GTPHeader(v2gtpData):
return v2gtpData[8:]
def exiDecode(exiHex, prefix="DH"):
# input: exi data. Either hexstring, or bytearray or bytes
# prefix to select the schema
# if the input is a byte array, we convert it into hex string. If it is already a hex string, we take it as it is.
print("type is " + str(type(exiHex)))
if (str(type(exiHex)) == "<class 'bytearray'>"):
print("changing type to hex string")
exiHex = exiByteArrayToHex(exiHex)
if (str(type(exiHex)) == "<class 'bytes'>"):
print("changing type to hex string")
exiHex = exiByteArrayToHex(exiHex)
print("type is " + str(type(exiHex)))
param1 = prefix + exiHex # DH for decode handshake
print("exiDecode: trying to decode " + exiHex + " with schema " + prefix)
result = subprocess.run(
[pathToOpenV2GExe, param1], capture_output=True, text=True)
#print("stdout:", result.stdout)
if (len(result.stderr)>0):
print("exiDecode ERROR. stderr:" + result.stderr)
strConverterResult = result.stdout
return strConverterResult
def exiEncode(strMessageName, params=""):
# todo: handle the schema, the message name and the parameters
param1 = "EH1" # EH for encode handshake, SupportedApplicationProtocolResponse
result = subprocess.run([pathToOpenV2GExe, param1], capture_output=True, text=True)
print("exiEncode stdout:", result.stdout)
if (len(result.stderr)>0):
print("exiEncode ERROR. stderr:" + result.stderr)
strConverterResult = result.stdout
return strConverterResult
def testByteArrayConversion(s):
print("Testing conversion of " + s)
x = exiHexToByteArray(s)
newHexString = exiByteArrayToHex(x)
print("exi as hex=" + newHexString)
exiWithHeader = addV2GTPHeader(x)
exiWithHeaderString = exiByteArrayToHex(exiWithHeader)
print("with V2GTP header=" + exiWithHeaderString)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Example: This is the first message from the EVCC.
# Means: It is an supportedAppProtocolReq message. It provides a list of charging protocols supported by the EVCC.
exiframe = [
0x80, 0x00, 0xdb, 0xab, 0x93, 0x71, 0xd3, 0x23, 0x4b, 0x71, 0xd1, 0xb9, 0x81, 0x89,
0x91, 0x89, 0xd1, 0x91, 0x81, 0x89, 0x91, 0xd2, 0x6b, 0x9b, 0x3a, 0x23, 0x2b, 0x30, 0x02, 0x00,
0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x40 ]
print("Testing the exiConnector...")
pathToOpenV2GExe = "..\\OpenV2Gx\\Release\\OpenV2G.exe";
s = ""
for i in range(0, len(exiframe)):
s = s + twoCharHex(exiframe[i])
print("exi as hex=" + s)
param1 = "DH" + s # DH for decode handshake
start_time = time.time()
for i in range(0, 10):
result = subprocess.run(
[pathToOpenV2GExe, param1], capture_output=True, text=True)
print("Testing exiConnector...")
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
print("stdout:", result.stdout)
print("stderr:", result.stderr)
strConverterResult = result.stdout
print("Testing exiDecode with exiHexDemoSupportedApplicationProtocolRequestIoniq")
print("Testing exiDecode with exiHexDemoSupportedApplicationProtocolRequest2")
strConverterResult = exiDecode(exiHexDemoSupportedApplicationProtocolRequest2)
strConverterResult = exiDecode(exiHexToByteArray(exiHexDemoSupportedApplicationProtocolRequest2))
if (strConverterResult.find("ProtocolNamespace=urn:din")>0):
print("Detected DIN")
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
import pyPlcTcpSocket
import time # for time.sleep()
from exiConnector import * # for EXI data handling/converting
stateWaitForSupportedApplicationProtocolRequest = 0
stateWaitForSessionSetupRequest = 1
@ -30,10 +31,19 @@ class fsmEvse():
def stateFunctionWaitForSupportedApplicationProtocolRequest(self):
if (len(self.rxData)>0):
msg = "ok, you sent " + str(self.rxData)
print("received " + str(self.rxData))
exidata = removeV2GTPHeader(self.rxData)
print("received exi " + str(exidata))
self.rxData = []
print("responding " + msg)
self.Tcp.transmit(bytes(msg, "utf-8"))
strConverterResult = exiDecode(exidata)
if (strConverterResult.find("ProtocolNamespace=urn:din")>0):
# todo: of course we should care for schemaID and prio also here
print("Detected DIN")
msg = addV2GTPHeader(exiEncode("SupportedApplicationProtocolResponse"))
print("responding " + str(msg))
def stateFunctionWaitForSessionSetupRequest(self):
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
import pyPlcTcpSocket
import time # for time.sleep()
from exiConnector import * # for EXI data handling/converting
stateInitialized = 0
stateWaitForSupportedApplicationProtocolResponse = 1
@ -30,7 +31,8 @@ class fsmPev():
def stateFunctionInitialized(self):
if (self.Tcp.isConnected):
self.Tcp.transmit(bytes("TestFromPevInInitialized", "utf-8"))
# self.Tcp.transmit(bytes("TestFromPevInInitialized", "utf-8"))
def stateFunctionWaitForSupportedApplicationProtocolResponse(self):
Reference in a new issue