mirror of
synced 2025-01-29 01:54:03 +00:00
feature: integrated celeron55s hardwareinterface. Improved pev timeouts.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 191 additions and 16 deletions
@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
@ -75,3 +75,8 @@ serial_baud = 115200
# 11 * 6 * 4.1V = 66 * 4.1V = 270V
charge_target_voltage = 270
# By using an external manager script, this is useful for splitting charging
# into separately logged sessions and avoiding logging when not connected to a
# charger
exit_on_session_end = False
@ -180,7 +180,9 @@ class fsmPev():
def isTooLong(self):
# The timeout handling function.
limit = 33 # number of call cycles until timeout. Default 33 cycles with 30ms, means approx. 1 second.
limit = 66 # number of call cycles until timeout. Default 66 cycles with 30ms, means approx. 2 seconds.
# This 2s is the specified timeout time for many messages, fitting to the
# performance time of 1.5s. Exceptions see below.
if (self.state==stateWaitForChargeParameterDiscoveryResponse):
limit = 5*33 # On some charger models, the chargeParameterDiscovery needs more than a second. Wait at least 5s.
if (self.state==stateWaitForCableCheckResponse):
@ -188,7 +190,11 @@ class fsmPev():
if (self.state==stateWaitForPreChargeResponse):
limit = 30*33 # PreCharge may need some time. Wait at least 30s.
if (self.state==stateWaitForPowerDeliveryResponse):
limit = 5*33 # PowerDelivery may need some time. Wait at least 5s. On Compleo charger, observed more than 1s until response.
limit = 6*33 # PowerDelivery may need some time. Wait at least 6s. On Compleo charger, observed more than 1s until response.
# specified performance time is 4.5s (ISO)
if (self.state==stateWaitForCurrentDemandResponse):
limit = 5*33 # Test with 5s timeout. Just experimental.
# The specified performance time is 25ms (ISO), the specified timeout 250ms.
return (self.cyclesInState > limit)
def stateFunctionNotYetInitialized(self):
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import serial # the pyserial
from serial.tools.list_ports import comports
from time import sleep
from configmodule import getConfigValue, getConfigValueBool
import sys # For exit_on_session_end hack
if (getConfigValue("digital_output_device")=="beaglebone"):
# In case we run on beaglebone, we want to use GPIO ports.
@ -24,11 +25,31 @@ class hardwareInterface():
return True # a "dieter" output device is expected to be connected on serial port.
if (getConfigValue("analog_input_device")=="dieter"):
return True # a "dieter" input device is expected to be connected on serial port.
if (getConfigValue("digital_output_device")=="celeron55device"):
return True
if (getConfigValue("analog_input_device")=="celeron55device"):
return True
return False # non of the functionalities need a serial port.
def findSerialPort(self):
baud = int(getConfigValue("serial_baud"))
if (getConfigValue("serial_port")!="auto"):
port = getConfigValue("serial_port")
self.addToTrace("Using serial port " + port)
self.ser = serial.Serial(port, baud, timeout=0)
self.isSerialInterfaceOk = True
if (self.needsSerial()):
self.addToTrace("ERROR: Could not open serial port.")
self.addToTrace("Could not open serial port, but also do not need it. Ok.")
self.ser = None
self.isSerialInterfaceOk = False
ports = []
self.addToTrace('Available serial ports:')
self.addToTrace('Auto detection of serial ports. Available serial ports:')
for n, (port, desc, hwid) in enumerate(sorted(comports()), 1):
if (port=="/dev/ttyAMA0"):
self.addToTrace("ignoring /dev/ttyAMA0, because this is not an USB serial port")
@ -47,7 +68,7 @@ class hardwareInterface():
self.addToTrace("ok, we take the first port, " + ports[0])
self.ser = serial.Serial(ports[0], 19200, timeout=0)
self.ser = serial.Serial(ports[0], baud, timeout=0)
self.isSerialInterfaceOk = True
self.addToTrace("ERROR: Could not open serial port.")
@ -61,24 +82,32 @@ class hardwareInterface():
self.addToTrace("Setting CP line into state B.")
if (getConfigValue("digital_output_device")=="beaglebone"):
GPIO.output("P8_18", GPIO.LOW)
if (getConfigValue("digital_output_device")=="celeron55device"):
self.ser.write(bytes("cp=0\n", "utf-8"))
self.outvalue &= ~1
def setStateC(self):
self.addToTrace("Setting CP line into state C.")
if (getConfigValue("digital_output_device")=="beaglebone"):
GPIO.output("P8_18", GPIO.HIGH)
if (getConfigValue("digital_output_device")=="celeron55device"):
self.ser.write(bytes("cp=1\n", "utf-8"))
self.outvalue |= 1
def setPowerRelayOn(self):
self.addToTrace("Switching PowerRelay ON.")
if (getConfigValue("digital_output_device")=="beaglebone"):
GPIO.output("P8_16", GPIO.HIGH)
if (getConfigValue("digital_output_device")=="celeron55device"):
self.ser.write(bytes("contactor=1\n", "utf-8"))
self.outvalue |= 2
def setPowerRelayOff(self):
self.addToTrace("Switching PowerRelay OFF.")
if (getConfigValue("digital_output_device")=="beaglebone"):
GPIO.output("P8_16", GPIO.LOW)
if (getConfigValue("digital_output_device")=="celeron55device"):
self.ser.write(bytes("contactor=0\n", "utf-8"))
self.outvalue &= ~2
def setRelay2On(self):
@ -90,17 +119,26 @@ class hardwareInterface():
self.outvalue &= ~4
def getPowerRelayConfirmation(self):
if (getConfigValue("digital_output_device")=="celeron55device"):
return self.contactor_confirmed
return 1 # todo: self.contactor_confirmed
def triggerConnectorLocking(self):
self.addToTrace("Locking the connector")
if (getConfigValue("digital_output_device")=="celeron55device"):
self.ser.write(bytes("lock\n", "utf-8"))
# todo control the lock motor into lock direction until the end (time based or current based stopping?)
def triggerConnectorUnlocking(self):
self.addToTrace("Unocking the connector")
if (getConfigValue("digital_output_device")=="celeron55device"):
self.ser.write(bytes("unlock\n", "utf-8"))
# todo control the lock motor into unlock direction until the end (time based or current based stopping?)
def isConnectorLocked(self):
# TODO: Read the lock= value from the hardware so that this works
#if (getConfigValue("digital_output_device")=="celeron55device"):
# return self.lock_confirmed
return 1 # todo: use the real connector lock feedback
def getInletVoltage(self):
@ -109,26 +147,45 @@ class hardwareInterface():
return self.inletVoltage
def getAccuVoltage(self):
if (getConfigValue("digital_output_device")=="celeron55device"):
return self.accuVoltage
#todo: get real measured voltage from the accu
self.accuVoltage = 230
return self.accuVoltage
def getAccuMaxCurrent(self):
if (getConfigValue("digital_output_device")=="celeron55device"):
# The overall current limit is currently hardcoded in
# OpenV2Gx/src/test/main_commandlineinterface.c
EVMaximumCurrentLimit = 250
if self.accuMaxCurrent >= EVMaximumCurrentLimit:
return EVMaximumCurrentLimit
return self.accuMaxCurrent
#todo: get max charging current from the BMS
self.accuMaxCurrent = 10
return self.accuMaxCurrent
def getAccuMaxVoltage(self):
#todo: get max charging voltage from the BMS
self.accuMaxVoltage = 230
if getConfigValue("charge_target_voltage"):
self.accuMaxVoltage = getConfigValue("charge_target_voltage")
#todo: get max charging voltage from the BMS
self.accuMaxVoltage = 230
return self.accuMaxVoltage
def getIsAccuFull(self):
#todo: get "full" indication from the BMS
self.IsAccuFull = (self.simulatedSoc >= 98)
if (getConfigValue("digital_output_device")=="celeron55device"):
self.IsAccuFull = (self.soc_percent >= 98)
#todo: get "full" indication from the BMS
self.IsAccuFull = (self.simulatedSoc >= 98)
return self.IsAccuFull
def getSoc(self):
if self.callbackShowStatus:
self.callbackShowStatus(format(self.soc_percent,".1f"), "soc")
if (getConfigValue("digital_output_device")=="celeron55device"):
return self.soc_percent
#todo: get SOC from the BMS
self.callbackShowStatus(format(self.simulatedSoc,".1f"), "soc")
return self.simulatedSoc
@ -142,14 +199,32 @@ class hardwareInterface():
def __init__(self, callbackAddToTrace=None, callbackShowStatus=None):
self.callbackAddToTrace = callbackAddToTrace
self.callbackShowStatus = callbackShowStatus
self.loopcounter = 0
self.outvalue = 0
self.simulatedSoc = 20.0 # percent
self.inletVoltage = 0.0 # volts
self.accuVoltage = 0.0
self.lock_confirmed = False # Confirmation from hardware
self.cp_pwm = 0.0
self.soc_percent = 0.0
self.accuMaxCurrent = 0.0
self.contactor_confirmed = False # Confirmation from hardware
self.plugged_in = None # None means "not known yet"
self.logged_inlet_voltage = None
self.logged_dc_link_voltage = None
self.logged_cp_pwm = None
self.logged_max_charge_a = None
self.logged_soc_percent = None
self.logged_contactor_confirmed = None
self.logged_plugged_in = None
self.rxbuffer = ""
def resetSimulation(self):
self.simulatedInletVoltage = 0.0 # volts
@ -162,8 +237,8 @@ class hardwareInterface():
def close(self):
if (self.isSerialInterfaceOk):
def evaluateReceivedData(self, s):
def evaluateReceivedData_dieter(self, s):
self.rxbuffer += s
if (x>=0):
@ -179,11 +254,76 @@ class hardwareInterface():
#self.addToTrace("RX data ok " + s)
self.rxbuffer = self.rxbuffer[x+3:] # consume the receive buffer entry
def evaluateReceivedData_celeron55device(self, s):
self.rxbuffer += s
while True:
x = self.rxbuffer.find("\n")
if x < 0:
line = self.rxbuffer[0:x].strip()
self.rxbuffer = self.rxbuffer[x+1:]
#self.addToTrace("Received line: \""+line+"\"")
if line.startswith("inlet_v="):
self.inletVoltage = int(line[8:])
if self.logged_inlet_voltage != self.inletVoltage:
self.logged_inlet_voltage = self.inletVoltage
self.addToTrace("<< inlet_voltage="+str(self.inletVoltage))
if self.callbackShowStatus:
self.callbackShowStatus(format(self.inletVoltage,".1f"), "uInlet")
elif line.startswith("dc_link_v="):
self.accuVoltage = int(line[10:])
if self.logged_dc_link_voltage != self.accuVoltage:
self.logged_dc_link_voltage = self.accuVoltage
self.addToTrace("<< dc_link_voltage="+str(self.accuVoltage))
elif line.startswith("cp_pwm="):
self.cp_pwm = int(line[7:])
if self.logged_cp_pwm != self.cp_pwm:
self.logged_cp_pwm = self.cp_pwm
self.addToTrace("<< cp_pwm="+str(self.cp_pwm))
elif line.startswith("cp_output_state="):
state = int(line[len("cp_output_state="):])
if bool(state) == ((self.outvalue & 1)!=0):
self.addToTrace("<< CP state confirmed")
self.addToTrace("<< CP state MISMATCH")
elif line.startswith("ccs_contactor_wanted_closed="):
state = int(line[len("ccs_contactor_wanted_closed="):])
if bool(state) == ((self.outvalue & 2)!=0):
self.addToTrace("<< Contactor request confirmed")
self.addToTrace("<< Contactor request MISMATCH")
elif line.startswith("max_charge_a="):
self.accuMaxCurrent = int(line[13:])
if self.logged_max_charge_a != self.accuMaxCurrent:
self.logged_max_charge_a = self.accuMaxCurrent
self.addToTrace("<< max_charge_a="+str(self.accuMaxCurrent))
elif line.startswith("soc_percent="):
self.soc_percent = int(line[12:])
if self.logged_soc_percent != self.soc_percent:
self.logged_soc_percent = self.soc_percent
self.addToTrace("<< soc_percent="+str(self.soc_percent))
elif line.startswith("contactor_confirmed="):
self.contactor_confirmed = bool(int(line[20:]))
if self.logged_contactor_confirmed != self.contactor_confirmed:
self.logged_contactor_confirmed = self.contactor_confirmed
self.addToTrace("<< contactor_confirmed="+str(self.contactor_confirmed))
elif line.startswith("plugged_in="):
self.plugged_in = bool(int(line[11:]))
if self.logged_plugged_in != self.plugged_in:
self.logged_plugged_in = self.plugged_in
self.addToTrace("<< plugged_in="+str(self.plugged_in))
self.addToTrace("Received unknown line: \""+line+"\"")
def showOnDisplay(self, s1, s2, s3):
# show the given string s on the display which is connected to the serial port
if (getConfigValueBool("display_via_serial") and self.isSerialInterfaceOk):
s = "lc" + s1 + "\n" + "lc" + s2 + "\n" + "lc" + s3 + "\n"
self.ser.write(bytes(s, "utf-8"))
if (getConfigValue("digital_output_device")=="celeron55device"):
s = "disp0=" + s1 + "\n" + "disp1=" + s2 + "\n" + "disp2=" + s3 + "\n"
self.ser.write(bytes(s, "utf-8"))
s = "lc" + s1 + "\n" + "lc" + s2 + "\n" + "lc" + s3 + "\n"
self.ser.write(bytes(s, "utf-8"))
def mainfunction(self):
if (getConfigValueBool("soc_simulation")):
@ -192,7 +332,20 @@ class hardwareInterface():
# while the relay is closed, simulate increasing SOC
self.simulatedSoc = self.simulatedSoc + 0.01
if (getConfigValue("digital_output_device")=="dieter"):
if (getConfigValue("digital_output_device")=="celeron55device"):
if getConfigValueBool("exit_on_session_end"):
# TODO: This is a hack. Do this in fsmPev instead and publish some
# of these values into there if needed.
if (self.plugged_in is not None and self.plugged_in == False and
self.inletVoltage < 50):
def mainfunction_dieter(self):
if (self.isSerialInterfaceOk):
if (self.loopcounter>15):
@ -207,7 +360,18 @@ class hardwareInterface():
s = "" # for the case we received corrupted data (not convertable as utf-8)
self.addToTrace(str(len(s)) + " bytes received: " + s)
def mainfunction_celeron55device(self):
if (self.isSerialInterfaceOk):
s = self.ser.read(100)
if (len(s)>0):
s = str(s, 'utf-8')
s = "" # for the case we received corrupted data (not convertable as utf-8)
#self.addToTrace(str(len(s)) + " bytes received: " + s)
def myPrintfunction(s):
print("myprint " + s)
Reference in a new issue