# Scope # Shows data in the style of an oscilloscope. # # Todos: # - use correct time axis # - allow the user to change the scaling # - use functions intead of copy&paste code # - support more channels # - (and more) # from tkinter import * import time import sys # for argv def addChannelNameToChannel(s): global channelNames blAlreadyPresent=0 for i in range(len(channelNames)): if (channelNames[i]==s): blAlreadyPresent=1 if (blAlreadyPresent==1): #print("The name " + s + " is already present in the channel names. Nothing to do.") return # The new name is not known yet. Search an empty channel and store it there. for i in range(len(channelNames)): if (channelNames[i]==""): channelNames[i]=s print("Stored " + s + " as channel name for channel " + str(i)) return # if we come here, there was no free channel, and we discard the new name. print("Discarding name " + s) def addChannelData(name, time, value): # adds a data point to the channel with the given name global channelNames global channelData for i in range(len(channelNames)): if (channelNames[i]==name): channelData[i].append([time, float(value)]) return root = Tk() root.geometry("750x500") lastKey = '' lblHelp = Label(root, justify= "left") lblHelp['text']="press ctrl C to exit" lblHelp.pack() canvas_width = 750 canvas_height = 400 divisionsPerScreen = 10 c = Canvas(root, width=canvas_width, height=canvas_height) c.pack() x0Scope = 10 y0Scope = 45 xSizeScope = canvas_width-30 ySizeScope = canvas_height-50 # osci background c.create_rectangle(x0Scope, y0Scope, x0Scope+xSizeScope, y0Scope+ySizeScope, fill="black") # osci divisions for i in range(1, divisionsPerScreen): dx= i*xSizeScope/divisionsPerScreen c.create_line(x0Scope+dx, y0Scope, x0Scope+dx, y0Scope+ySizeScope, fill="#404040") dy= i*ySizeScope/divisionsPerScreen c.create_line(x0Scope, y0Scope+dy, x0Scope+xSizeScope, y0Scope+dy, fill="#404040") # osci outer border c.create_line(x0Scope, y0Scope, x0Scope+xSizeScope, y0Scope, fill="#FFFFFF") c.create_line(x0Scope, y0Scope, x0Scope, y0Scope+ySizeScope, fill="#FFFFFF") c.create_line(x0Scope+xSizeScope, y0Scope+ySizeScope, x0Scope+xSizeScope, y0Scope, fill="#FFFFFF") c.create_line(x0Scope+xSizeScope, y0Scope+ySizeScope, x0Scope, y0Scope+ySizeScope, fill="#FFFFFF") #inputFileName = "local/pcaps_to_convert/ccm_spi_ioniq_compleo_full_charge_sequence_ended_on_charger.txt.pcap.values.txt" inputFileName = "local/pcaps_to_convert/johu_2023-12-10_log_ionity.claralog.values.txt" fileIn = open(inputFileName, 'r') Lines = fileIn.readlines() # yellow green blue red orange #channelColors = ["#FFFF00", "#10FF10", "#4040FF", "#FF4040", "#FFC000" ] channelColors = ["#FFFF00", "#10FF10", "#4040FF" ] numberOfChannels = len(channelColors) print(str(numberOfChannels) + " channels") channelNames = [] channelData = [] for i in range(numberOfChannels): channelNames.append("") # empty string for each channel channelData.append([]) # empty list for each channel channelOffsets = [] # will be appended dynamically below channelPerDivs = [] # will be appended dynamically below count = 0 for line in Lines: count += 1 p1 = line.find("[") p2 = line.find("] ") p3 = line.find("=") if (p1>=0) and (p2>p1) and (p3>p2+3): strName = line[p2+2:p3] addChannelNameToChannel(strName) # assign the found variable name to a channel, if not yet assigned strVal=line[p3+1:].strip() strTime=line[p1+1:p2].strip() #print("Time >"+strTime+"<") addChannelData(strName, strTime, strVal) #print("Line{}: {}".format(count, line.strip())) fileIn.close() print("The channel names") for i in range(numberOfChannels): print(str(i) + " " + channelNames[i]) #print("The channel data") #for i in range(numberOfChannels): # print(str(i) + " " + channelNames[i]) # for k in range(len(channelData[i])): # t = channelData[i][k][0] # y = channelData[i][k][1] # print("t= " + t + " y= " + str(y) ) # Hack: look which channel has the most samples. # Todo: This is not correct, because we have to use the time stamp instead of the sample number. maxSamples = 1 for i in range(numberOfChannels): if maxSamplesvMax): vMax = v[1] print("For channel " + str(i) + " we have min " + str(vMin) + " and max " + str(vMax)) vDelta = vMax - vMin perDiv = 1 if (vDelta/perDiv>10): perDiv=2 if (vDelta/perDiv>10): perDiv=5 if (vDelta/perDiv>10): perDiv=10 if (vDelta/perDiv>10): perDiv=20 if (vDelta/perDiv>10): perDiv=50 if (vDelta/perDiv>10): perDiv=100 print("Scale: " + str(perDiv) + "/div") offs = 0 while ((offs+perDiv)