# PLC EVSE For use together with pyPLC. This is a KiCad 8 project. Only the schematic, no board. ### BOM * C1, C2, C3: elcap, 100µF, 25V * C20: ceramic, 1nF (something between 1nF and 2.2nF is fine) * U1: op-amp LF355 * U2, U3: isolated DCDC converter, 5V to 12V, 1W, e.g. B0512S-1WR3 * R1: 1k * R2: 270ohm * R5: 56k * R6: 100k * R7: 220k * R8, R9: 120k (does not really matter, also 100k would be fine) * R20: 180ohm (does not really matter. Something between 100ohm and 330ohm.) * D1, D2: LEDs WS2812B. Also one would be sufficient. * RV1: potentiometer e.g. 10k linear (also 1k or 22k would be fine) * A1: Arduino Nano * Prototyping board 100mm x 106mm * Housing 3D printed, FreeCad mini-evse-housing.FCStd, or step: mini-evse-housing.step * For power supply: USB A cable, cutted and soldered to the board.