# claralogConverter # # This little helper tool reads a text log file containing V2G messages (e.g. from https://github.com/uhi22/ccs32clara) and # interprets the content of the EXI data. # # Preconditions: # 1. You have a log file which contains V2G traffic (e.g. from https://openinverter.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=64655#p64655) # 2. You cloned and compiled the OpenV2Gx EXI decoder from https://github.com/uhi22/OpenV2Gx # # Limitations: # - Only DIN is supported at the moment. # - The script treats all V2G EXI messages as DIN messages. This means, the ApplHandshake messages at # the begin of the charging session will lead to wrong or not decoded data. # - The path where the script look for pcap files needs to be configured in the code. # # Possible improvements / Todos: # - Show also the SLAC, NeigborDiscovery and SDP. # - Add flexibility to also decode the ApplHandshake messages. # - Add ISO support. # - Configure the path where to look for pcap files via command line # import exiConnector import os from helpers import combineValueAndMultiplier import json # The path where the script will search for pcap files: directory = 'local/pcaps_to_convert' # stop the evaluation after this number of packets. Set to zero to have no limit. nLimitNumberOfPackets = -1 # Examples of the decoder result: #"EVSEPresentVoltage.Multiplier": "0", #"EVSEPresentVoltage.Value": "318", #"EVSEPresentVoltage.Unit": "V", #"DC_EVStatus.EVRESSSOC": "53", def convertClaralogToTxt(inputFileName): global nLimitNumberOfPackets global directory fileIn = open(inputFileName, 'r') fileOut = open(inputFileName + '.decoded.txt', 'w') print("# generated by claralogConverter.py", file=fileOut) print("# https://github.com/uhi22/pyPLC", file=fileOut) fileOutValues = open(inputFileName + '.values.txt', 'w') print("# generated by claralogConverter.py", file=fileOutValues) print("# https://github.com/uhi22/pyPLC", file=fileOutValues) fileOutStatistics = open(directory + '/pcap_statistics.txt', 'a') print("# statistics for " + inputFileName, file=fileOutStatistics) t1CableCheckBegin = 0 t2PreChargeBegin = 0 t3CurrentDemandBegin = 0 numberOfPackets=0 Lines = fileIn.readlines() for line in Lines: numberOfPackets+=1 #print(packet) print(line.strip(), file=fileOut) posTcpPayload = line.find(": 01 fe 80 01 00") if posTcpPayload>0: # we found the V2GTP header. tcppayload = line[posTcpPayload + 2:] # everything until the end of the line is the data # this gives a string of hex values, separated by " ", e.g. "01 fe 80 01" s = tcppayload.replace(" ", "") # remove spaces if (s[0:8]=="01fe8001"): # it is a V2GTP header with EXI content strExi = s[16:] # remove V2GTP header (8 bytes, means 16 hex characters) pre = "DD" # decode DIN decoded=exiConnector.exiDecode(strExi, pre) #print(decoded) print(decoded, file=fileOut) print(decoded) strTimeStamp = line[line.find("[")+1 : line.find("]")] print(strTimeStamp) try: jsondict = json.loads(decoded) try: u = combineValueAndMultiplier(jsondict["EVSEPresentVoltage.Value"], jsondict["EVSEPresentVoltage.Multiplier"]) print("[" + strTimeStamp + "] EVSEPresentVoltage=" + str(u), file=fileOutValues) i = combineValueAndMultiplier(jsondict["EVSEPresentCurrent.Value"], jsondict["EVSEPresentCurrent.Multiplier"]) print("[" + strTimeStamp + "] EVSEPresentCurrent=" + str(i), file=fileOutValues) except: print("no present voltage") pass try: u = combineValueAndMultiplier(jsondict["EVTargetVoltage.Value"], jsondict["EVTargetVoltage.Multiplier"]) print("[" + strTimeStamp + "] EVTargetVoltage=" + str(u), file=fileOutValues) i = combineValueAndMultiplier(jsondict["EVTargetCurrent.Value"], jsondict["EVTargetCurrent.Multiplier"]) print("[" + strTimeStamp + "] EVTargetCurrent=" + str(i), file=fileOutValues) except: pass try: soc = jsondict["DC_EVStatus.EVRESSSOC"] print("[" + strTimeStamp + "] EVRESSSOC=" + str(soc), file=fileOutValues) except: pass except: pass if ((numberOfPackets % 100)==0): print(str(numberOfPackets) + " packets") if ((nLimitNumberOfPackets>0) and (numberOfPackets>=nLimitNumberOfPackets)): break # Statistics of the timing: #print("t1CableCheckBegin " + str(t1CableCheckBegin)) #print("t2PreChargeBegin " + str(t2PreChargeBegin)) #print("t3CurrentDemandBegin " + str(t3CurrentDemandBegin)) if ((t1CableCheckBegin>0) and (t2PreChargeBegin>t1CableCheckBegin) and (t3CurrentDemandBegin>t2PreChargeBegin)): print("charger MAC " + chargerMAC + " " + getManufacturerFromMAC(chargerMAC)) timeForCableCheck = t2PreChargeBegin - t1CableCheckBegin timeForPreCharge = t3CurrentDemandBegin - t2PreChargeBegin print("timeForCableCheck= " + ("%.3f" % timeForCableCheck)) print("timeForPreCharge= " + ("%.3f" % timeForPreCharge)) print(chargerMAC + ";" + getManufacturerFromMAC(chargerMAC) + ";" + \ "timeForCableCheck;" + ("%.3f" % timeForCableCheck) + ";" + \ "timeForPreCharge; " + ("%.3f" % timeForPreCharge), file=fileOutStatistics) fileOutStatistics.close() fileOut.close() fileOutValues.close() fileIn.close() # iterate over files in the directory for filename in os.listdir(directory): strFileNameWithPath = os.path.join(directory, filename) # checking if it is a file if os.path.isfile(strFileNameWithPath): print(strFileNameWithPath) # check the file extension: if (strFileNameWithPath[-9:]==".claralog"): print("Will decode " + strFileNameWithPath) convertClaralogToTxt(strFileNameWithPath)