# Preconditions: # Library pcap-ct (not libpcap, not pylibpcap, not pypcap) # # Version 2022-08-14: # - Selection of interfaces ok # - Sniffing of the SLAC-request ok # - Transmission of a demo message ok # # Test results 2022-10-15 # 1. GET_SW.REQ broadcast is answered by both TPlinks, while the first is connected to eth, the other via PLC at the first. # 2. Step 1 works also, if we use a different MAC address than the original laptop ethernet MAC. # 3. CM_SET_KEY addressed to the correct destination works, with the following results: # - there were cases, when the TPlink responded "negative", but with a "valid" none (each time it used a new mynonce, and correctly # reflected our mynonce. # - but also there is "positive" response, also with correct nonces. # - also the Devolo reponds positive and with correct nonces. # - not yet checked, whether the NMK is really set # 4. CM_GET_KEY with wrong NID is refused by the devolo. But at least it delivers the NID (e.g. d57c1fe9544e01), and if we use this NID in the next # request, it responds with KEY_GRANTED, Keytype=NMK, and a key 7f19ba0261892d59b7ea42aed875d2320000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # This key delivers exactly the NMK, which we have set in the CM_SET_KEY. # But: There are some pitfalls: # The CM_SET_KEY responds in some cases (wrong request) positive, but does not apply the NMK. # If the CM_SET_KEY is well-formatted, including the correct NID, we get a false-negative response, and # we see the LEDs on the adaptor shortly going completely off, completely on, and back to normal state. This # is the sign, that the new key was accepted. It means, the # adaptor is making a reset, to apply the new key. # 5. CM_SET_KEY and CM_GET_KEY works also when sent to broadcast address. For both, devolo and tpLink. # 2022-10-18 further tests # 6. The devolo reports the SLAC_PARAM from the standalone-IONIQ to the wirkshark. Even in the case, when the devolo is paired to a tpLink. # 7. The tpLink does NOT report the SLAC_PARAM to ethernet. Bad. # 8. The tpLink has software from 2017, maybe the SLAC was removed at this version. # 9. Article regarding firmware- and configuration update: https://fitzcarraldoblog.wordpress.com/2020/07/22/updating-the-powerline-adapters-in-my-home-network/ import pcap import pyPlcIpv6 import udplog import time from helpers import * # prettyMac etc from pyPlcModes import * from mytestsuite import * from random import random MAC_BROADCAST = [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF ] CM_SET_KEY = 0x6008 CM_GET_KEY = 0x600C CM_SC_JOIN = 0x6010 CM_CHAN_EST = 0x6014 CM_TM_UPDATE = 0x6018 CM_AMP_MAP = 0x601C CM_BRG_INFO = 0x6020 CM_CONN_NEW = 0x6024 CM_CONN_REL = 0x6028 CM_CONN_MOD = 0x602C CM_CONN_INFO = 0x6030 CM_STA_CAP = 0x6034 CM_NW_INFO = 0x6038 CM_GET_BEACON = 0x603C CM_HFID = 0x6040 CM_MME_ERROR = 0x6044 CM_NW_STATS = 0x6048 CM_SLAC_PARAM = 0x6064 CM_START_ATTEN_CHAR = 0x6068 CM_ATTEN_CHAR = 0x606C CM_PKCS_CERT = 0x6070 CM_MNBC_SOUND = 0x6074 CM_VALIDATE = 0x6078 CM_SLAC_MATCH = 0x607C CM_SLAC_USER_DATA = 0x6080 CM_ATTEN_PROFILE = 0x6084 CM_GET_SW = 0xA000 MMTYPE_REQ = 0x0000 MMTYPE_CNF = 0x0001 MMTYPE_IND = 0x0002 MMTYPE_RSP = 0x0003 STATE_INITIAL = 0 STATE_MODEM_SEARCH_ONGOING = 1 STATE_READY_FOR_SLAC = 2 STATE_WAITING_FOR_MODEM_RESTARTED = 3 STATE_WAITING_FOR_SLAC_PARAM_CNF = 4 STATE_SLAC_PARAM_CNF_RECEIVED = 5 STATE_BEFORE_START_ATTEN_CHAR = 6 STATE_SOUNDING = 7 STATE_WAIT_FOR_ATTEN_CHAR_IND = 8 STATE_ATTEN_CHAR_IND_RECEIVED = 9 STATE_DELAY_BEFORE_MATCH = 10 STATE_WAITING_FOR_SLAC_MATCH_CNF = 11 STATE_WAITING_FOR_RESTART2 = 12 STATE_FIND_MODEMS2 = 13 STATE_WAITING_FOR_SW_VERSIONS = 14 STATE_READY_FOR_SDP = 15 STATE_SDP = 16 class pyPlcHomeplug(): def showIpAddresses(self, mybytearray): addr = lambda pkt, offset: '.'.join(str(pkt[i]) for i in range(offset, offset + 4)) self.addToTrace('SRC %-16s\tDST %-16s' % (addr(mybytearray, self.sniffer.dloff + 12), addr(mybytearray, self.sniffer.dloff + 16))) def showMacAddresses(self, mybytearray): strDestMac = "" for i in range(0, 6): strDestMac = strDestMac + twoCharHex(mybytearray[i]) + ":" strSourceMac = "" for i in range(5, 12): strSourceMac = strSourceMac + twoCharHex(mybytearray[i]) + ":" lastThreeOfSource = mybytearray[6]*256*256 + mybytearray[7]*256 + mybytearray[8] strSourceFriendlyName = "" if (lastThreeOfSource == 0x0a663a): strSourceFriendlyName="Fritzbox" if (lastThreeOfSource == 0x0064c3): strSourceFriendlyName="Ioniq" self.addToTrace("From " + strSourceMac + strSourceFriendlyName + " to " + strDestMac) def getEtherType(self, messagebufferbytearray): etherType=0 if len(messagebufferbytearray)>(6+6+2): etherType=messagebufferbytearray[12]*256 + messagebufferbytearray[13] return etherType def fillSourceMac(self, mac, offset=6): # at offset 6 in the ethernet frame, we have the source MAC # we can give a different offset, to re-use the MAC also in the data area for i in range(0, 6): self.mytransmitbuffer[offset+i]=mac[i] def fillDestinationMac(self, mac, offset=0): # at offset 0 in the ethernet frame, we have the destination MAC # we can give a different offset, to re-use the MAC also in the data area for i in range(0, 6): self.mytransmitbuffer[offset+i]=mac[i] def fillRunId(self, offset): # at the given offset in the transmit buffer, fill the 8-bytes-RunId. for i in range(0, 8): self.mytransmitbuffer[offset+i]=self.pevRunId[i] def cleanTransmitBuffer(self): # fill the complete ethernet transmit buffer with 0x00 for i in range(0, len(self.mytransmitbuffer)): self.mytransmitbuffer[i]=0 def setNmkAt(self, index): # sets the Network Membership Key (NMK) at a certain position in the transmit buffer for i in range(0, 16): if (self.iAmEvse): # In EvseMode, the NMK is freely chosen: self.mytransmitbuffer[index+i]=self.NMK_EVSE_random[i] # NMK else: # In PevMode, the NMK is the one which was received in the SlacMatchConf. Or a default, if we did not receive any. self.mytransmitbuffer[index+i]=self.NMK[i] # NMK def setNidAt(self, index): # (b0f2e695666b03 was NID of TPlink) # copies the network ID (NID, 7 bytes) into the wished position in the transmit buffer for i in range(0, 7): self.mytransmitbuffer[index+i]=self.NID[i] def getManagementMessageType(self): # calculates the MMTYPE (base value + lower two bits), see Table 11-2 of homeplug spec return (self.myreceivebuffer[16]<<8) + self.myreceivebuffer[15] def composeGetSwReq(self): # GET_SW.REQ request, as used by the win10 laptop self.mytransmitbuffer = bytearray(60) self.cleanTransmitBuffer() # Destination MAC self.fillDestinationMac(MAC_BROADCAST) # Source MAC self.fillSourceMac(self.myMAC) # Protocol self.mytransmitbuffer[12]=0x88 # Protocol HomeplugAV self.mytransmitbuffer[13]=0xE1 self.mytransmitbuffer[14]=0x00 # version self.mytransmitbuffer[15]=0x00 # GET_SW.REQ self.mytransmitbuffer[16]=0xA0 # self.mytransmitbuffer[17]=0x00 # Vendor OUI self.mytransmitbuffer[18]=0xB0 # self.mytransmitbuffer[19]=0x52 # def composeGetSwWithRamdomMac(self): # GET_SW.REQ request, as used by the win10 laptop self.mytransmitbuffer = bytearray(60) self.cleanTransmitBuffer() # Destination MAC self.fillDestinationMac(MAC_BROADCAST) # Source MAC self.fillSourceMac(self.myMAC) # patch the lower three bytes of the MAC with a random value self.mytransmitbuffer[8] = self.randomMac & 0xff self.mytransmitbuffer[9] = (self.randomMac>>16) & 0xff self.mytransmitbuffer[10] = (self.randomMac>>8) & 0xff self.mytransmitbuffer[11] = self.randomMac & 0xff if (1): if ((self.randomMac%16)==0): self.fillSourceMac([0xb8, 0x27, 0xeb, 0xa3, 0xaf, 0x34 ]) if ((self.randomMac%16)==1): self.fillSourceMac([0xb8, 0x27, 0xeb, 0x72, 0x66, 0x06 ]) self.randomMac += 1 # new MAC for the next round # Protocol self.mytransmitbuffer[12]=0x88 # Protocol HomeplugAV self.mytransmitbuffer[13]=0xE1 self.mytransmitbuffer[14]=0x00 # version self.mytransmitbuffer[15]=0x00 # GET_SW.REQ self.mytransmitbuffer[16]=0xA0 # self.mytransmitbuffer[17]=0x00 # Vendor OUI self.mytransmitbuffer[18]=0xB0 # self.mytransmitbuffer[19]=0x52 # def composeSetKey(self, variation=0): # CM_SET_KEY.REQ request # From example trace from catphish https://openinverter.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=40558&sid=9c23d8c3842e95c4cf42173996803241#p40558 # Table 11-88 in the homeplug_av21_specification_final_public.pdf self.mytransmitbuffer = bytearray(60) self.cleanTransmitBuffer() # Destination MAC #self.fillDestinationMac(MAC_DEVOLO_26) #self.fillDestinationMac(MAC_TPLINK_E4) self.fillDestinationMac(MAC_BROADCAST) # Source MAC self.fillSourceMac(self.myMAC) # Protocol self.mytransmitbuffer[12]=0x88 # Protocol HomeplugAV self.mytransmitbuffer[13]=0xE1 self.mytransmitbuffer[14]=0x01 # version self.mytransmitbuffer[15]=0x08 # CM_SET_KEY.REQ self.mytransmitbuffer[16]=0x60 # self.mytransmitbuffer[17]=0x00 # frag_index self.mytransmitbuffer[18]=0x00 # frag_seqnum self.mytransmitbuffer[19]=0x01 # 0 key info type self.mytransmitbuffer[20]=0xaa # 1 my nonce self.mytransmitbuffer[21]=0xaa # 2 self.mytransmitbuffer[22]=0xaa # 3 self.mytransmitbuffer[23]=0xaa # 4 self.mytransmitbuffer[24]=0x00 # 5 your nonce self.mytransmitbuffer[25]=0x00 # 6 self.mytransmitbuffer[26]=0x00 # 7 self.mytransmitbuffer[27]=0x00 # 8 self.mytransmitbuffer[28]=0x04 # 9 nw info pid self.mytransmitbuffer[29]=0x00 # 10 info prn self.mytransmitbuffer[30]=0x00 # 11 self.mytransmitbuffer[31]=0x00 # 12 pmn self.mytransmitbuffer[32]=0x00 # 13 cco cap self.setNidAt(33) # 14-20 nid 7 bytes from 33 to 39 # Network ID to be associated with the key distributed herein. # The 54 LSBs of this field contain the NID (refer to Section The # two MSBs shall be set to 0b00. self.mytransmitbuffer[40]=0x01 # 21 peks (payload encryption key select) Table 11-83. 01 is NMK. We had 02 here, why??? # with 0x0F we could choose "no key, payload is sent in the clear" self.setNmkAt(41) self.mytransmitbuffer[41]+=variation # to try different NMKs # and three remaining zeros def composeGetKey(self): # CM_GET_KEY.REQ request # from https://github.com/uhi22/plctool2/blob/master/listen_to_eth.c # and homeplug_av21_specification_final_public.pdf self.mytransmitbuffer = bytearray(60) self.cleanTransmitBuffer() # Destination MAC #self.fillDestinationMac(MAC_DEVOLO_26) #self.fillDestinationMac(MAC_TPLINK_E4) self.fillDestinationMac(MAC_BROADCAST) # Source MAC self.fillSourceMac(self.myMAC) # Protocol self.mytransmitbuffer[12]=0x88 # Protocol HomeplugAV self.mytransmitbuffer[13]=0xE1 self.mytransmitbuffer[14]=0x01 # version self.mytransmitbuffer[15]=0x0C # CM_GET_KEY.REQ https://github.com/uhi22/plctool2/blob/master/plc_homeplug.h self.mytransmitbuffer[16]=0x60 # self.mytransmitbuffer[17]=0x00 # 2 bytes fragmentation information. 0000 means: unfragmented. self.mytransmitbuffer[18]=0x00 # self.mytransmitbuffer[19]=0x00 # 0 Request Type 0=direct self.mytransmitbuffer[20]=0x01 # 1 RequestedKeyType only "NMK" is permitted over the H1 interface. # value see HomeplugAV2.1 spec table 11-89. 1 means AES-128. self.setNidAt(21)# NID starts here (table 11-91 Homeplug spec is wrong. Verified by accepted command.) self.mytransmitbuffer[28]=0xaa # 10-13 mynonce. The position at 28 is verified by the response of the devolo. self.mytransmitbuffer[29]=0xaa # self.mytransmitbuffer[30]=0xaa # self.mytransmitbuffer[31]=0xaa # self.mytransmitbuffer[32]=0x04 # 14 PID. According to ISO15118-3 fix value 4, "HLE protocol" self.mytransmitbuffer[33]=0x00 # 15-16 PRN Protocol run number self.mytransmitbuffer[34]=0x00 # self.mytransmitbuffer[35]=0x00 # 17 PMN Protocol message number def composeSlacParamReq(self): # SLAC_PARAM request, as it was recorded 2021-12-17 WP charger 2 self.mytransmitbuffer = bytearray(60) self.cleanTransmitBuffer() # Destination MAC self.fillDestinationMac(MAC_BROADCAST) # Source MAC self.fillSourceMac(self.pevMac) # Protocol self.mytransmitbuffer[12]=0x88 # Protocol HomeplugAV self.mytransmitbuffer[13]=0xE1 self.mytransmitbuffer[14]=0x01 # version self.mytransmitbuffer[15]=0x64 # SLAC_PARAM.REQ self.mytransmitbuffer[16]=0x60 # self.mytransmitbuffer[17]=0x00 # 2 bytes fragmentation information. 0000 means: unfragmented. self.mytransmitbuffer[18]=0x00 # self.mytransmitbuffer[19]=0x00 # self.mytransmitbuffer[20]=0x00 # self.fillRunId(21) # 21 to 28: 8 bytes runid. The Ioniq uses the PEV mac plus 00 00. Tesla uses "TESLA EV". # rest is 00 def composeSlacParamCnf(self): self.mytransmitbuffer = bytearray(60) self.cleanTransmitBuffer() # Destination MAC self.fillDestinationMac(self.pevMac) # Source MAC self.fillSourceMac(self.myMAC) # Protocol self.mytransmitbuffer[12]=0x88 # Protocol HomeplugAV self.mytransmitbuffer[13]=0xE1 self.mytransmitbuffer[14]=0x01 # version self.mytransmitbuffer[15]=0x65 # SLAC_PARAM.confirm self.mytransmitbuffer[16]=0x60 # self.mytransmitbuffer[17]=0x00 # 2 bytes fragmentation information. 0000 means: unfragmented. self.mytransmitbuffer[18]=0x00 # self.mytransmitbuffer[19]=0xff # 19-24 sound target self.mytransmitbuffer[20]=0xff # self.mytransmitbuffer[21]=0xff # self.mytransmitbuffer[22]=0xff # self.mytransmitbuffer[23]=0xff # self.mytransmitbuffer[24]=0xff # self.mytransmitbuffer[25]=0x0A # sound count self.mytransmitbuffer[26]=0x06 # timeout self.mytransmitbuffer[27]=0x01 # resptype self.fillDestinationMac(self.pevMac, 28) # forwarding_sta, same as PEV MAC, plus 2 bytes 00 00 self.mytransmitbuffer[34]=0x00 # self.mytransmitbuffer[35]=0x00 # self.fillRunId(36) # 36 to 43 runid 8 bytes # rest is 00 def composeStartAttenCharInd(self): # reference: see wireshark interpreted frame from ioniq self.mytransmitbuffer = bytearray(60) self.cleanTransmitBuffer() # Destination MAC self.fillDestinationMac(MAC_BROADCAST) # Source MAC self.fillSourceMac(self.myMAC) # Protocol self.mytransmitbuffer[12]=0x88 # Protocol HomeplugAV self.mytransmitbuffer[13]=0xE1 self.mytransmitbuffer[14]=0x01 # version self.mytransmitbuffer[15]=0x6A # START_ATTEN_CHAR.IND self.mytransmitbuffer[16]=0x60 # self.mytransmitbuffer[17]=0x00 # 2 bytes fragmentation information. 0000 means: unfragmented. self.mytransmitbuffer[18]=0x00 # self.mytransmitbuffer[19]=0x00 # apptype self.mytransmitbuffer[20]=0x00 # sectype self.mytransmitbuffer[21]=0x0a # number of sounds: 10 self.mytransmitbuffer[22]=6 # timeout N*100ms. Normally 6, means in 600ms all sounds must have been tranmitted. # Todo: As long we are a little bit slow, lets give 1000ms instead of 600, so that the # charger is able to catch it all. self.mytransmitbuffer[23]=0x01 # response type self.fillSourceMac(self.myMAC, 24) # 24 to 29: sound_forwarding_sta, MAC of the PEV self.fillRunId(30) # 30 to 37: runid 8 bytes # rest is 00 def composeNmbcSoundInd(self): # reference: see wireshark interpreted frame from Ioniq self.mytransmitbuffer = bytearray(71) self.cleanTransmitBuffer() # Destination MAC self.fillDestinationMac(MAC_BROADCAST) # Source MAC self.fillSourceMac(self.myMAC) # Protocol self.mytransmitbuffer[12]=0x88 # Protocol HomeplugAV self.mytransmitbuffer[13]=0xE1 self.mytransmitbuffer[14]=0x01 # version self.mytransmitbuffer[15]=0x76 # NMBC_SOUND.IND self.mytransmitbuffer[16]=0x60 # self.mytransmitbuffer[17]=0x00 # 2 bytes fragmentation information. 0000 means: unfragmented. self.mytransmitbuffer[18]=0x00 # self.mytransmitbuffer[19]=0x00 # apptype self.mytransmitbuffer[20]=0x00 # sectype self.mytransmitbuffer[21]=0x00 # 21 to 37 sender ID, all 00 self.mytransmitbuffer[38]=self.remainingNumberOfSounds # countdown. Remaining number of sounds. Starts with 9 and counts down to 0. self.fillRunId(39) # 39 to 46: runid self.mytransmitbuffer[47]=0x00 # 47 to 54: reserved, all 00 # 55 to 70: random number. All 0xff in the ioniq message. for i in range(55, 71): self.mytransmitbuffer[i]=0xFF def composeAttenCharInd(self): self.mytransmitbuffer = bytearray(129) self.cleanTransmitBuffer() # Destination MAC self.fillDestinationMac(self.pevMac) # Source MAC self.fillSourceMac(self.myMAC) # Protocol self.mytransmitbuffer[12]=0x88 # Protocol HomeplugAV self.mytransmitbuffer[13]=0xE1 self.mytransmitbuffer[14]=0x01 # version self.mytransmitbuffer[15]=0x6E # ATTEN_CHAR.IND self.mytransmitbuffer[16]=0x60 # self.mytransmitbuffer[17]=0x00 # 2 bytes fragmentation information. 0000 means: unfragmented. self.mytransmitbuffer[18]=0x00 # self.mytransmitbuffer[19]=0x00 # apptype self.mytransmitbuffer[20]=0x00 # security self.fillDestinationMac(self.pevMac, 21) # The wireshark calls it source_mac, but alpitronic fills it with PEV mac. We use the PEV MAC. self.fillRunId(27) # runid 8 bytes self.mytransmitbuffer[35]=0x00 # 35 - 51 source_id, 17 bytes. The alpitronic fills it with 00 self.mytransmitbuffer[52]=0x00 # 52 - 68 response_id, 17 bytes. The alpitronic fills it with 00. self.mytransmitbuffer[69]=0x0A # Number of sounds. 10 in normal case. Should this be more flexible, e.g. using the counter from first MNBC_SOUND? self.mytransmitbuffer[70]=0x3A # Number of groups = 58. Should this be more flexible? for i in range(71, 129): # 71 to 128: The group attenuation for the 58 announced groups. self.mytransmitbuffer[i]=9 # Typical values are between 1 and 0x19. Since we have no real measurements from the AR7020, # we just simulate something. 0 seems to be interpreted as "defect", the IONIQ does not send # a positive response in this case. # higher attenuation for the higher frequencies, to be a little bit realistic (real data from alpitronic trace) self.mytransmitbuffer[126]=0x0f self.mytransmitbuffer[127]=0x13 self.mytransmitbuffer[128]=0x19 def composeAttenCharRsp(self): # reference: see wireshark interpreted frame from Ioniq self.mytransmitbuffer = bytearray(70) self.cleanTransmitBuffer() # Destination MAC self.fillDestinationMac(self.evseMac) # Source MAC self.fillSourceMac(self.myMAC) # Protocol self.mytransmitbuffer[12]=0x88 # Protocol HomeplugAV self.mytransmitbuffer[13]=0xE1 self.mytransmitbuffer[14]=0x01 # version self.mytransmitbuffer[15]=0x6F # ATTEN_CHAR.RSP self.mytransmitbuffer[16]=0x60 # self.mytransmitbuffer[17]=0x00 # 2 bytes fragmentation information. 0000 means: unfragmented. self.mytransmitbuffer[18]=0x00 # self.mytransmitbuffer[19]=0x00 # apptype self.mytransmitbuffer[20]=0x00 # sectype self.fillSourceMac(self.myMAC, 21) # 21 to 26: source MAC self.fillRunId(27) # 27 to 34: runid # 35 to 51: source_id, all 00 # 52 to 68: resp_id, all 00 # 69: result. 0 is ok def composeSlacMatchReq(self): # reference: see wireshark interpreted frame from Ioniq self.mytransmitbuffer = bytearray(85) self.cleanTransmitBuffer() # Destination MAC self.fillDestinationMac(self.evseMac) # Source MAC self.fillSourceMac(self.myMAC) # Protocol self.mytransmitbuffer[12]=0x88 # Protocol HomeplugAV self.mytransmitbuffer[13]=0xE1 self.mytransmitbuffer[14]=0x01 # version self.mytransmitbuffer[15]=0x7C # SLAC_MATCH.REQ self.mytransmitbuffer[16]=0x60 # self.mytransmitbuffer[17]=0x00 # 2 bytes fragmentation information. 0000 means: unfragmented. self.mytransmitbuffer[18]=0x00 # self.mytransmitbuffer[19]=0x00 # apptype self.mytransmitbuffer[20]=0x00 # sectype self.mytransmitbuffer[21]=0x3E # 21 to 22: length self.mytransmitbuffer[22]=0x00 # # 23 to 39: pev_id, all 00 self.fillSourceMac(self.myMAC, 40) # 40 to 45: PEV MAC # 46 to 62: evse_id, all 00 self.fillDestinationMac(self.evseMac, 63) # 63 to 68: EVSE MAC self.fillRunId(69) # 69 to 76: runid # 77 to 84: reserved, all 00 def composeSlacMatchCnf(self): self.mytransmitbuffer = bytearray(109) self.cleanTransmitBuffer() # Destination MAC self.fillDestinationMac(self.pevMac) # Source MAC self.fillSourceMac(self.myMAC) # Protocol self.mytransmitbuffer[12]=0x88 # Protocol HomeplugAV self.mytransmitbuffer[13]=0xE1 self.mytransmitbuffer[14]=0x01 # version self.mytransmitbuffer[15]=0x7D # SLAC_MATCH.CNF self.mytransmitbuffer[16]=0x60 # self.mytransmitbuffer[17]=0x00 # 2 bytes fragmentation information. 0000 means: unfragmented. self.mytransmitbuffer[18]=0x00 # self.mytransmitbuffer[19]=0x00 # apptype self.mytransmitbuffer[20]=0x00 # security self.mytransmitbuffer[21]=0x56 # length 2 byte self.mytransmitbuffer[22]=0x00 # # 23 - 39: pev_id 17 bytes. All zero in alpi/Ioniq trace. self.fillDestinationMac(self.pevMac, 40) # 40 - 45 pev_mac # 46 - 62: evse_id 17 bytes. All zero in alpi/Ioniq trace. self.fillSourceMac(self.myMAC, 63) # 63 - 68 evse_mac self.fillRunId(69) # runid 8 bytes 69-76 run_id. Is the ioniq mac plus 00 00. # 77 to 84 reserved 0 self.setNidAt(85) # 85-91 NID. We can nearly freely choose this, but the upper two bits need to be zero # 92 reserved 0 self.setNmkAt(93) # 93 to 108 NMK. We can freely choose this. Normally we should use a random number. def sendTestFrame(self, selection): if (selection=="1"): self.composeSlacParamReq() self.addToTrace("transmitting SLAC_PARAM.REQ...") self.transmit(self.mytransmitbuffer) if (selection=="2"): self.composeSlacParamCnf() self.addToTrace("transmitting SLAC_PARAM.CNF...") self.transmit(self.mytransmitbuffer) if (selection=="S"): self.composeGetSwReq() self.addToTrace("transmitting GetSwReq...") self.transmit(self.mytransmitbuffer) if (selection=="s"): self.composeSetKey(0) self.addToTrace("transmitting SET_KEY.REQ (key 0)") self.transmit(self.mytransmitbuffer) if (selection=="t"): self.composeSetKey(2) # set key with modified content self.addToTrace("transmitting SET_KEY.REQ (key 2)") self.transmit(self.mytransmitbuffer) if (selection=="G"): self.composeGetKey() self.addToTrace("transmitting GET_KEY") self.transmit(self.mytransmitbuffer) if (selection=="M"): self.composeGetSwWithRamdomMac() self.addToTrace("transmitting GetSwWithRamdomMac") self.transmit(self.mytransmitbuffer) def transmit(self, pkt): self.sniffer.sendpacket(bytes(pkt)) def evaluateGetKeyCnf(self): self.addToTrace("received GET_KEY.CNF") self.numberOfFoundModems += 1 sourceMac=bytearray(6) for i in range(0, 6): sourceMac[i] = self.myreceivebuffer[6+i] strMac=prettyMac(sourceMac) result = self.myreceivebuffer[19] # 0 in case of success if (result==0): strResult="(OK)" else: strResult="(NOK)" self.addToTrace("Modem #" + str(self.numberOfFoundModems) + " has " + strMac + " and result code is " + str(result) + strResult) if (self.numberOfFoundModems>1): self.addToTrace("Info: NOK is normal for remote modems.") # We observed the following cases: # (A) Result=1 (NOK), NID all 00, key all 00: We requested the key with the wrong NID. # (B) Result=0 (OK), NID all 00, key non-zero: We used the correct NID for the request. # It is the local TPlink adaptor. A fresh started non-coordinator, like the PEV side. # (C) Result=0 (OK), NID non-zero, key non-zero: We used the correct NID for the request. # It is the local TPlink adaptor. # (D) Result=1 (NOK), NID non-zero, key all 00: It was a remote device. They are rejecting the GET_KEY. if (result==0): # The ok case is for sure the local modem. Let's store its data. self.localModemMac = sourceMac self.localModemCurrentKey=bytearray(16) s="" for i in range(0, 16): # NMK has 16 bytes self.localModemCurrentKey[i] = self.myreceivebuffer[41+i] s=s+hex(self.localModemCurrentKey[i])+ " " self.addToTrace("The local modem has key " + s) if (self.localModemCurrentKey == bytearray(self.NMKdevelopment)): self.addToTrace("This is the developer NMK.") self.isDeveloperLocalKey = 1 else: self.addToTrace("This is NOT the developer NMK.") s = "" # The getkey response contains the Network ID (NID), even if the request was rejected. We store the NID, # to have it available for the next request. Use case: A fresh started, unconnected non-Coordinator # modem has the default-NID all 00. On the other hand, a fresh started coordinator has the # NID which he was configured before. We want to be able to cover both cases. That's why we # ask GET_KEY, it will tell the NID (even if response code is 1 (NOK), and we will use this # received NID for the next request. This will be ansered positive (for the local modem). for i in range(0, 7): # NID has 7 bytes self.NID[i] = self.myreceivebuffer[29+i] s=s+hex(self.NID[i])+ " " self.addToTrace("From GetKeyCnf, got network ID (NID) " + s) def evaluateSetKeyCnf(self): # The Setkey confirmation # In spec, the result 0 means "success". But in reality, the 0 means: did not work. When it works, # then the LEDs are blinking (device is restarting), and the response is 1. self.addToTrace("received SET_KEY.CNF") result = self.myreceivebuffer[19] if (result == 0): self.addToTrace("SetKeyCnf says 0, this would be a bad sign for local modem, but normal for remote.") else: self.addToTrace("SetKeyCnf says " + str(result) + ", this is formally 'rejected', but indeed ok.") self.publishStatus("modem is", "restarting") self.connMgr.SlacOk() def evaluateGetSwCnf(self): # The GET_SW confirmation. This contains the software version of the homeplug modem. # Reference: see wireshark interpreted frame from TPlink, Ioniq and Alpitronic charger self.addToTrace("[SNIFFER] received GET_SW.CNF") self.numberOfSoftwareVersionResponses+=1 sourceMac=bytearray(6) for i in range(0, 6): sourceMac[i] = self.myreceivebuffer[6+i] strMac=prettyMac(sourceMac) verLen = self.myreceivebuffer[22] strVersion = "" if ((verLen>0) and (verLen<0x30)): for i in range(0, verLen): x = self.myreceivebuffer[23+i] if (x<0x20): x=0x20 # make unprintable character to space. strVersion+=chr(x) # convert ASCII code to string self.addToTrace("[SNIFFER] For " + strMac + " the software version is " + strVersion) def evaluateSlacParamReq(self): # We received a SLAC_PARAM request from the PEV. This is the initiation of a SLAC procedure. # We extract the pev MAC from it. if (self.iAmEvse==1): self.addToTrace("received SLAC_PARAM.REQ") for i in range(0, 6): self.pevMac[i] = self.myreceivebuffer[6+i] self.addressManager.setPevMac(self.pevMac) self.showStatus(prettyMac(self.pevMac), "pevmac") # extract the RunId from the SlacParamReq, and store it for later use for i in range(0, 8): self.pevRunId[i] = self.myreceivebuffer[21+i] # We are EVSE, we want to answer. self.showStatus("SLAC started", "evseState") self.composeSlacParamCnf() self.addToTrace("[EVSE] transmitting CM_SLAC_PARAM.CNF") self.sniffer.sendpacket(bytes(self.mytransmitbuffer)) def evaluateSlacParamCnf(self): # As PEV, we receive the first response from the charger. self.addToTrace("Checkpoint102: received SLAC_PARAM.CNF") if (self.iAmPev==1): if (self.pevSequenceState==STATE_WAITING_FOR_SLAC_PARAM_CNF): # we were waiting for the SlacParamCnf self.pevSequenceDelayCycles = 4 # original Ioniq is waiting 200ms self.enterState(STATE_SLAC_PARAM_CNF_RECEIVED) # enter next state. Will be handled in the cyclic runPevSequencer def evaluateMnbcSoundInd(self): # We received MNBC_SOUND.IND from the PEV. Normally this happens 10times, with a countdown (remaining number of sounds) # running from 9 to 0. If the countdown is 0, this is the last message. In case we are the EVSE, we need # to answer with a ATTEN_CHAR.IND, which normally contains the attenuation for 10 sounds, 58 groups. self.addToTrace("received MNBC_SOUND.IND") if (self.iAmEvse==1): self.showStatus("SLAC 2", "evseState") countdown = self.myreceivebuffer[38] if (countdown == 0): self.composeAttenCharInd() self.addToTrace("[EVSE] transmitting ATTEN_CHAR.IND") self.sniffer.sendpacket(bytes(self.mytransmitbuffer)) def evaluateAttenCharInd(self): self.addToTrace("received ATTEN_CHAR.IND") if (self.iAmPev==1): self.addToTrace("[PEVSLAC] received AttenCharInd in state " + str(self.pevSequenceState)) if (self.pevSequenceState==STATE_WAIT_FOR_ATTEN_CHAR_IND): # we were waiting for the AttenCharInd # todo: Handle the case when we receive multiple responses from different chargers. # Wait a certain time, and compare the attenuation profiles. Decide for the nearest charger. # Take the MAC of the charger from the frame, and store it for later use. for i in range(0, 6): self.evseMac[i] = self.myreceivebuffer[6+i] # source MAC starts at offset 6 self.addressManager.setEvseMac(self.evseMac) self.AttenCharIndNumberOfSounds = self.myreceivebuffer[69] self.addToTrace("[PEVSLAC] number of sounds reported by the EVSE (should be 10): " + str(self.AttenCharIndNumberOfSounds)) self.composeAttenCharRsp() self.addToTrace("[PEVSLAC] transmitting ATTEN_CHAR.RSP...") self.transmit(self.mytransmitbuffer) self.pevSequenceState=STATE_ATTEN_CHAR_IND_RECEIVED # enter next state. Will be handled in the cyclic runPevSequencer def evaluateSlacMatchReq(self): # We received SLAC_MATCH.REQ from the PEV. # If we are EVSE, we send the response. self.addToTrace("received SLAC_MATCH.REQ") if (self.iAmEvse==1): self.showStatus("SLAC match", "evseState") self.composeSlacMatchCnf() self.addToTrace("[EVSE] transmitting SLAC_MATCH.CNF") self.sniffer.sendpacket(bytes(self.mytransmitbuffer)) def evaluateSlacMatchCnf(self): # The SLAC_MATCH.CNF contains the NMK and the NID. # We extract this information, so that we can use it for the CM_SET_KEY afterwards. # References: https://github.com/qca/open-plc-utils/blob/master/slac/evse_cm_slac_match.c # 2021-12-16_HPC_säule1_full_slac.pcapng if (self.iAmEvse==1): # If we are EVSE, nothing to do. We have sent the match.CNF by our own. # The SET_KEY was already done at startup. pass else: self.addToTrace("received SLAC_MATCH.CNF") s = "" for i in range(0, 7): # NID has 7 bytes self.NID[i] = self.myreceivebuffer[85+i] s=s+hex(self.NID[i])+ " " self.addToTrace("From SlacMatchCnf, got network ID (NID) " + s) s = "" for i in range(0, 16): self.NMK[i] = self.myreceivebuffer[93+i] s=s+hex(self.NMK[i])+ " " self.addToTrace("From SlacMatchCnf, got network membership key (NMK) " + s) # use the extracted NMK and NID to set the key in the adaptor: self.composeSetKey(0) self.addToTrace("Checkpoint170: transmitting CM_SET_KEY.REQ") self.sniffer.sendpacket(bytes(self.mytransmitbuffer)) if (self.pevSequenceState==STATE_WAITING_FOR_SLAC_MATCH_CNF): # we were waiting for finishing the SLAC_MATCH.CNF and SET_KEY.REQ if (self.isSimulationMode!=0): # In simulation mode, we pretend a successful SetKey response: self.connMgr.SlacOk() self.enterState(STATE_WAITING_FOR_RESTART2) def evaluateReceivedHomeplugPacket(self): mmt = self.getManagementMessageType() # print(hex(mmt)) if (mmt == CM_GET_KEY + MMTYPE_CNF): self.evaluateGetKeyCnf() if (mmt == CM_SLAC_MATCH + MMTYPE_REQ): self.evaluateSlacMatchReq() if (mmt == CM_SLAC_MATCH + MMTYPE_CNF): self.evaluateSlacMatchCnf() if (mmt == CM_SLAC_PARAM + MMTYPE_REQ): self.evaluateSlacParamReq() if (mmt == CM_SLAC_PARAM + MMTYPE_CNF): self.evaluateSlacParamCnf() if (mmt == CM_MNBC_SOUND + MMTYPE_IND): self.evaluateMnbcSoundInd() if (mmt == CM_ATTEN_CHAR + MMTYPE_IND): self.evaluateAttenCharInd() if (mmt == CM_SET_KEY + MMTYPE_CNF): self.evaluateSetKeyCnf() if (mmt == CM_GET_SW + MMTYPE_CNF): self.evaluateGetSwCnf() def isEvseModemFound(self): #return 0 # todo: look whether the MAC of the EVSE modem is in the list of detected modems return self.numberOfFoundModems>1 def enterState(self, n): self.addToTrace("[PEVSLAC] from " + str(self.pevSequenceState) + " entering " + str(n)) self.pevSequenceState = n self.pevSequenceCyclesInState = 0 def isTooLong(self): # The timeout handling function. return (self.pevSequenceCyclesInState > 500) def runEvseSlacHandler(self): if (self.evseSlacHandlerState==0): # we did not yet configure our EVSE modem with the random key. Do it now. # Fill some of the bytes of the NMK with random numbers. The others stay at 0x77 for easy visibility. self.NMK_EVSE_random[2] = int(random()*255) self.NMK_EVSE_random[3] = int(random()*255) self.composeSetKey(0) self.addToTrace("transmitting SET_KEY.REQ, to configure the EVSE modem with random NMK") self.transmit(self.mytransmitbuffer) self.evseSlacHandlerState = 1 # setkey was done return def publishStatus(self, s1, s2="", s3=""): self.showStatus(s1+s2+s3, "pevState") def modemFinder_Mainfunction(self): if ((self.connMgr.getConnectionLevel()==5) and (self.mofi_state==0)): # We want the modem search only, if no connection is present at all. if (self.isSimulationMode!=0): self.addToTrace("[ModemFinder] We are in SimulationMode. Pretending that one modem is present.") self.composeGetSwReq() # Send a GetSoftwareVersionRequest never the less. Just to have it in the trace. self.transmit(self.mytransmitbuffer) self.numberOfSoftwareVersionResponses = 1 # One pretended modem self.connMgr.ModemFinderOk(self.numberOfSoftwareVersionResponses) # report "success" to the connection manager self.mofi_state=2 return self.addToTrace("[ModemFinder] Starting modem search") self.publishStatus("Modem search") self.composeGetSwReq() self.transmit(self.mytransmitbuffer) self.numberOfSoftwareVersionResponses = 0 # we want to count the modems. Start from zero. self.mofi_stateDelay = 15 # 0.5s should be sufficient to receive the software versions from the modems self.mofi_state = 1 return if (self.mofi_state==1): # waiting for responses of the modems if (self.mofi_stateDelay>0): self.mofi_stateDelay-=1 return # waiting time is expired. Lets look how many responses we got. self.addToTrace("[ModemFinder] Number of modems:" + str(self.numberOfSoftwareVersionResponses)) self.publishStatus("Modems:", str(self.numberOfSoftwareVersionResponses)) if (self.numberOfSoftwareVersionResponses>0): self.connMgr.ModemFinderOk(self.numberOfSoftwareVersionResponses) self.mofi_stateDelay = 15 # 0.5s to show the number of modems, before we start a new search if necessary self.mofi_state=2 return if (self.mofi_state==2): # just waiting, to give the user time to read the result. if (self.mofi_stateDelay>0): self.mofi_stateDelay-=1 return self.mofi_state=0 # back to idle state def runPevSequencer(self): # in PevMode, check whether homeplug modem is connected, run the SLAC and SDP self.pevSequenceCyclesInState+=1 if (self.connMgr.getConnectionLevel()<10): # we have no modem seen. --> nothing to do for the SLAC if (self.pevSequenceState!=STATE_INITIAL): self.enterState(STATE_INITIAL) return if (self.connMgr.getConnectionLevel()>=20): # we have two modems in the AVLN. This means, the modem pairing is already done. --> nothing to do for the SLAC if (self.pevSequenceState!=STATE_INITIAL): self.enterState(STATE_INITIAL) return if (self.pevSequenceState==STATE_INITIAL): # Initial state. # In real life we would check whether we see 5% PWM on the pilot line. We skip this check. self.isSDPDone = 0 self.isDeveloperLocalKey = 0 self.nEvseModemMissingCounter = 0 self.enterState(STATE_READY_FOR_SLAC) return if (self.pevSequenceState==STATE_READY_FOR_SLAC): if (self.isSimulationMode!=0): self.showStatus("Simu SLAC", "pevState") else: self.showStatus("Starting SLAC", "pevState") self.addToTrace("[PEVSLAC] Checkpoint100: Sending SLAC_PARAM.REQ...") self.composeSlacParamReq() self.transmit(self.mytransmitbuffer) self.enterState(STATE_WAITING_FOR_SLAC_PARAM_CNF) return if (self.pevSequenceState==STATE_WAITING_FOR_SLAC_PARAM_CNF): # Waiting for slac_param confirmation. if (self.pevSequenceCyclesInState>=30): # No response for 1s, this is an error. self.addToTrace("[PEVSLAC] Timeout while waiting for SLAC_PARAM.CNF") self.enterState(STATE_INITIAL) # (the normal state transition is done in the reception handler) return if (self.pevSequenceState==STATE_SLAC_PARAM_CNF_RECEIVED): # slac_param confirmation was received. self.pevSequenceDelayCycles = 1 # 1*30=30ms as preparation for the next state. # Between the SLAC_PARAM.CNF and the first START_ATTEN_CHAR.IND the Ioniq waits 100ms. # The allowed time TP_match_sequence is 0 to 100ms. # Alpitronic and ABB chargers are more tolerant, they worked with a delay of approx # 250ms. In contrast, Supercharger and Compleo do not respond anymore if we # wait so long. self.nRemainingStartAttenChar = 3 # There shall be 3 START_ATTEN_CHAR messages. self.enterState(STATE_BEFORE_START_ATTEN_CHAR) return if (self.pevSequenceState==STATE_BEFORE_START_ATTEN_CHAR): # received SLAC_PARAM.CNF. Multiple transmissions of START_ATTEN_CHAR. if (self.pevSequenceDelayCycles>0): self.pevSequenceDelayCycles-=1 return # The delay time is over. Let's transmit. if (self.nRemainingStartAttenChar>0): self.nRemainingStartAttenChar-=1 self.composeStartAttenCharInd() self.addToTrace("[PEVSLAC] transmitting START_ATTEN_CHAR.IND...") self.transmit(self.mytransmitbuffer) self.pevSequenceDelayCycles = 0 # original from ioniq is 20ms between the START_ATTEN_CHAR. Shall be 20ms to 50ms. So we set to 0 and the normal 30ms call cycle is perfect. return else: # all three START_ATTEN_CHAR.IND are finished. Now we send 10 MNBC_SOUND.IND self.pevSequenceDelayCycles = 0 # original from ioniq is 40ms after the last START_ATTEN_CHAR.IND. # Shall be 20ms to 50ms. So we set to 0 and the normal 30ms call cycle is perfect. self.remainingNumberOfSounds = 10 # We shall transmit 10 sound messages. self.enterState(STATE_SOUNDING) return if (self.pevSequenceState==STATE_SOUNDING): # Multiple transmissions of MNBC_SOUND.IND. if (self.pevSequenceDelayCycles>0): self.pevSequenceDelayCycles-=1 return if (self.remainingNumberOfSounds>0): self.remainingNumberOfSounds-=1 self.composeNmbcSoundInd() self.addToTrace("[PEVSLAC] transmitting MNBC_SOUND.IND...") # original from ioniq is 40ms after the last START_ATTEN_CHAR.IND self.transmit(self.mytransmitbuffer) if (self.remainingNumberOfSounds==0): self.enterState(STATE_WAIT_FOR_ATTEN_CHAR_IND) # move fast to the next state, so that a fast response is catched in the correct state self.pevSequenceDelayCycles = 0 # original from ioniq is 20ms between the messages. # Shall be 20ms to 50ms. So we set to 0 and the normal 30ms call cycle is perfect. return if (self.pevSequenceState==STATE_WAIT_FOR_ATTEN_CHAR_IND): # waiting for ATTEN_CHAR.IND # todo: it is possible that we receive this message from multiple chargers. We need # to select the charger with the loudest reported signals. if (self.isTooLong()): self.enterState(STATE_INITIAL) return #(the normal state transition is done in the reception handler) if (self.pevSequenceState==STATE_ATTEN_CHAR_IND_RECEIVED): # ATTEN_CHAR.IND was received and the # nearest charger decided and the # ATTEN_CHAR.RSP was sent. self.enterState(STATE_DELAY_BEFORE_MATCH) self.pevSequenceDelayCycles = 30 # original from ioniq is 860ms to 980ms from ATTEN_CHAR.RSP to SLAC_MATCH.REQ return if (self.pevSequenceState==STATE_DELAY_BEFORE_MATCH): # Waiting time before SLAC_MATCH.REQ if (self.pevSequenceDelayCycles>0): self.pevSequenceDelayCycles-=1 return self.composeSlacMatchReq() self.showStatus("SLAC match", "pevState") self.addToTrace("[PEVSLAC] Checkpoint150: transmitting SLAC_MATCH.REQ...") self.transmit(self.mytransmitbuffer) self.enterState(STATE_WAITING_FOR_SLAC_MATCH_CNF) return if (self.pevSequenceState==STATE_WAITING_FOR_SLAC_MATCH_CNF): # waiting for SLAC_MATCH.CNF if (self.isTooLong()): self.enterState(STATE_INITIAL) return self.pevSequenceDelayCycles = 100 # 3s reset wait time (may be a little bit too short, need a retry) # (the normal state transition is done in the receive handler of SLAC_MATCH.CNF, # including the transmission of SET_KEY.REQ) return if (self.pevSequenceState==STATE_WAITING_FOR_RESTART2): # SLAC is finished, SET_KEY.REQ was # transmitted. The homeplug modem makes # the reset and we need to wait until it # is up with the new key. if (self.pevSequenceDelayCycles>0): self.pevSequenceDelayCycles-=1 return self.addToTrace("[PEVSLAC] Checking whether the pairing worked, by GET_KEY.REQ...") self.numberOfFoundModems = 0 # reset the number, we want to count the modems newly. self.composeGetKey() self.transmit(self.mytransmitbuffer) self.enterState(STATE_FIND_MODEMS2) return if (self.pevSequenceState==STATE_FIND_MODEMS2): # Waiting for the modems to answer. if (self.pevSequenceCyclesInState>=10): # It was sufficient time to get the answers from the modems. if (self.isSimulationMode!=0): self.addToTrace("[PEVSLAC] Simulating that both modems are present now.") self.nEvseModemMissingCounter=0 self.connMgr.ModemFinderOk(2) # Two modems were found. # This is the end of the SLAC. # The simulated AVLN is established, we have at least two modems in the network. self.enterState(STATE_INITIAL) return self.addToTrace("[PEVSLAC] It was sufficient time to get the answers from the modems.") # Let's see what we received. if (not self.isEvseModemFound()): self.nEvseModemMissingCounter+=1 self.addToTrace("[PEVSLAC] No EVSE seen (yet). Still waiting for it.") # At the Alpitronic we measured, that it takes 7s between the SlacMatchResponse and # the chargers modem reacts to GetKeyRequest. So we should wait here at least 10s. if (self.nEvseModemMissingCounter>10): # We lost the connection to the EVSE modem. Back to the beginning. self.addToTrace("[PEVSLAC] We lost the connection to the EVSE modem. Back to the beginning.") self.enterState(STATE_INITIAL) return # The EVSE modem is (shortly) not seen. Ask again. self.pevSequenceDelayCycles=30 self.enterState(STATE_WAITING_FOR_RESTART2) return # The EVSE modem is present self.addToTrace("[PEVSLAC] EVSE is up, pairing successful.") self.nEvseModemMissingCounter=0 self.connMgr.ModemFinderOk(2) # Two modems were found. # This is the end of the SLAC. # The AVLN is established, we have at least two modems in the network. self.enterState(STATE_INITIAL) return # invalid state is reached. As robustness measure, go to initial state. self.enterState(STATE_INITIAL) def runSdpStateMachine(self): if (self.connMgr.getConnectionLevel()<20): # We have no AVLN established. It does not make sense to start SDP. self.sdp_state = 0 return if (self.connMgr.getConnectionLevel()>20): # SDP was already successful. No need to run it again. self.sdp_state = 0 return # The ConnectionLevel demands the SDP. if (self.sdp_state==0): # Next step is to discover the chargers communication controller (SECC) using discovery protocol (SDP). self.publishStatus("SDP ongoing") self.addToTrace("[SDP] Checkpoint200: Starting SDP.") self.pevSequenceDelayCycles=0 self.SdpRepetitionCounter = 50 # prepare the number of retries for the SDP. The more the better. self.sdp_state = 1 return if (self.sdp_state == 1): # SDP request transmission and waiting for SDP response. # The normal state transition in case of received SDP response is done in # the IPv6 receive handler. This will inform the ConnectionManager, and we will stop here # because of the increased ConnectionLevel. if (self.pevSequenceDelayCycles>0): # just waiting until next action self.pevSequenceDelayCycles-=1 return if (self.SdpRepetitionCounter>0): # Reference: The Ioniq waits 4.1s from the slac_match.cnf to the SDP request. # Here we send the SdpRequest. Maybe too early, but we will retry if there is no response. self.ipv6.initiateSdpRequest() self.SdpRepetitionCounter-=1 self.pevSequenceDelayCycles = 15 # e.g. half-a-second delay until re-try of the SDP return # All repetitions are over, no SDP response was seen. Back to the beginning. self.addToTrace("[SDP] ERROR: Did not receive SDP response. Giving up.") self.sdp_state = 0 def findEthernetAdaptor(self): self.strInterfaceName="eth1" # default, if the real is not found #print("Interfaces:\n" + '\n'.join(pcap.findalldevs())) for i in range(0, 10): strInterfaceName = pcap.ex_name("eth"+str(i)) if (strInterfaceName == '\\Device\\NPF_{E4B8176C-8516-4D48-88BC-85225ABCF259}'): #print("This is the wanted Ethernet adaptor.") self.strInterfaceName="eth"+str(i) #print("eth"+ str(i) + " is " + strInterfaceName) def enterPevMode(self): self.iAmEvse = 0 # not emulating a charging station self.iAmPev = 1 # emulating a vehicle self.ipv6.enterPevMode() self.showStatus("PEV mode", "mode") def enterEvseMode(self): self.iAmEvse = 1 # emulating a charging station self.iAmPev = 0 # not emulating a vehicle self.ipv6.enterEvseMode() self.showStatus("EVSE mode", "mode") def enterListenMode(self): self.iAmEvse = 0 # not emulating a charging station self.iAmPev = 0 # not emulating a vehicle self.ipv6.enterListenMode() self.showStatus("LISTEN mode", "mode") def printToUdp(self, s): udplog.udplog_log(s) def __init__(self, callbackAddToTrace=None, callbackShowStatus=None, mode=C_LISTEN_MODE, addrMan=None, connMgr=None, isSimulationMode=0): self.mytransmitbuffer = bytearray("Hallo das ist ein Test", 'UTF-8') self.nPacketsReceived = 0 self.callbackAddToTrace = callbackAddToTrace self.callbackShowStatus = callbackShowStatus self.addressManager = addrMan self.connMgr = connMgr self.randomMac = 0 self.pevSequenceState = 0 self.pevSequenceCyclesInState = 0 self.evseSlacHandlerState = 0 self.numberOfSoftwareVersionResponses = 0 self.numberOfFoundModems = 0 self.mofi_state = 0 self.mofi_stateDelay = 0 self.isSimulationMode = isSimulationMode # simulation without homeplug modem #self.sniffer = pcap.pcap(name=None, promisc=True, immediate=True, timeout_ms=50) # eth3 means: Third entry from back, in the list of interfaces, which is provided by pcap.findalldevs. # Improvement necessary: select the interface based on the name. # For debugging of the interface names, we can patch the file # C:\Users\uwemi\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python310\site-packages\pcap\_pcap_ex.py, # in the function # def name(name: bytes) -> bytes: # in the place after # if i == idx: # print("index match at " + str(i) + " dev name=" + str(dev.name) + " dev.description=" + str(dev.description)) # This will print the description of the used interface. # # Patch for non-blocking read-iteration: # in _pcap.py, function def __next__(self), in the case of timeout (if n==0), we need to "raise StopIteration" instead of "continue". # self.findEthernetAdaptor() self.sniffer = pcap.pcap(name=self.strInterfaceName, promisc=True, immediate=True, timeout_ms=50) self.sniffer.setnonblock(True) self.NMKdevelopment = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ] # network key for development access self.NMK = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ] # a default network key. Will be overwritten later. self.NMK_EVSE_random = [ 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77 ] # In EvseMode, we use this key. self.NID = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] # a default network ID self.pevMac = [0xDC, 0x0E, 0xA1, 0x11, 0x67, 0x08 ] # a default pev MAC. Will be overwritten later. self.evseMac = [0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA ] # a default evse MAC. Will be overwritten later. # a default pev RunId. Will be overwritten later, if we are evse. If we are the pev, we are free to choose a # RunID, e.g. the Ioniq uses the MAC plus 0x00 0x00 padding, the Tesla uses "TESLA EV". self.pevRunId = [0xDC, 0x0E, 0xA1, 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0x55 ] self.myMAC = self.addressManager.getLocalMacAddress() self.runningCounter=0 self.ipv6 = pyPlcIpv6.ipv6handler(self.transmit, self.addressManager, self.connMgr, self.callbackShowStatus) self.ipv6.ownMac = self.myMAC udplog.udplog_init(self.transmit, self.addressManager) udplog.udplog_log("Test message to verify the syslog. pyPlcHomeplug.py is in the init function.", "initalive") if (mode == C_LISTEN_MODE): self.enterListenMode() if (mode == C_EVSE_MODE): self.enterEvseMode() if (mode == C_PEV_MODE): self.enterPevMode() self.pevMac = self.myMAC self.showStatus(prettyMac(self.pevMac), "pevmac") print("sniffer created at " + self.strInterfaceName) # we use print, because addToLog does not yet work at this stage in the init. def addToTrace(self, s): self.callbackAddToTrace(s) def showStatus(self, s, selection=""): self.callbackShowStatus(s, selection) def receiveCallback(self, timestamp, pkt, *args): self.nPacketsReceived+=1 # print('%d' % (ts)) # the time stamp # We received an ethernet package. Determine its type, and dispatch it to the related handler. etherType = self.getEtherType(pkt) if (etherType == 0x88E1): # it is a HomePlug message self.myreceivebuffer = pkt self.evaluateReceivedHomeplugPacket() if (etherType == 0x86dd): # it is an IPv6 frame self.ipv6.evaluateReceivedPacket(pkt) if (etherType == 0x0800): # it is an IPv4 frame testsuite_evaluateIpv4Packet(pkt) def mainfunction(self): # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31305712/how-do-i-make-libpcap-pcap-loop-non-blocking # Tell the sniffer to give max 100 received packets to the callback function: self.sniffer.dispatch(100, self.receiveCallback, None) self.showStatus("nPacketsReceived=" + str(self.nPacketsReceived)) if (self.iAmPev==1): self.modemFinder_Mainfunction() # run the modem finder cyclic function self.runPevSequencer() # run the SLAC message sequencer for the PEV side self.runSdpStateMachine() # run the SDP state machine if (self.iAmEvse==1): self.runEvseSlacHandler(); # run the SLAC state machine on EVSE side def close(self): self.sniffer.close()