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# This module handles the IPv6 related functionality of the communication between charging station and car.
# It has the following sub-functionalities:
# - IP.UDP.SDP: listen to requests from the car, and responding to them.
# Abbreviations:
# SECC: Supply Equipment Communication Controller. The "computer" of the charging station.
# EVCC: Electric Vehicle Communication Controller. The "computer" of the vehicle.
# SDP: SECC Discovery Protocol. The UDP based protocol to find out the IP address of the charging station.
# SLAAC: Stateless auto address configuration (not SLAC!). A method to automatically set IPv6 address, based
# on the 6 byte MAC address.
from helpers import showAsHex
class ipv6handler():
def fillMac(self, macbytearray, position=6): # position 6 is the source MAC
for i in range(0, 6):
self.EthResponse[6+i] = macbytearray[i]
def packResponseIntoEthernet(self, buffer):
# packs the IP packet into an ethernet packet
self.EthResponse = bytearray(len(buffer) + 6 + 6 + 2) # Ethernet header needs 14 bytes:
# 6 bytes MAC
# 6 bytes MAC
# 2 bytes EtherType
self.EthResponse[0] = 0x33 # destination MAC. We use multicast. Todo: Better use the PEV MAC.
self.EthResponse[1] = 0x33
self.EthResponse[2] = 0x00
self.EthResponse[3] = 0x00
self.EthResponse[4] = 0x00
self.EthResponse[5] = 0x01
self.fillMac(self.ownMac) # bytes 6 to 11 are the source MAC
self.EthResponse[12] = 0x86 # 86dd is IPv6
self.EthResponse[13] = 0xdd
for i in range(0, len(buffer)):
self.EthResponse[14+i] = buffer[i]
def packResponseIntoIp(self, buffer):
# embeds the (SDP) response into the lower-layer-protocol: IP, Ethernet
self.IpResponse = bytearray(len(buffer) + 8 + 16 + 16) # IP6 needs 40 bytes:
# 4 bytes traffic class, flow
# 2 bytes destination port
# 2 bytes length (incl checksum)
# 2 bytes checksum
self.IpResponse[0] = 0x60 # traffic class, flow
self.IpResponse[1] = 0
self.IpResponse[2] = 0
self.IpResponse[3] = 0
plen = len(buffer) # length of the payload. Without headers.
self.IpResponse[4] = plen >> 8
self.IpResponse[5] = plen & 0xFF
self.IpResponse[6] = 0x11 # next level protocol, 0x11 = UDP in this case
self.IpResponse[7] = 0x0A # hop limit
for i in range(0, 16):
self.IpResponse[8+i] = self.SeccIp[i] # source IP address
for i in range(0, 16):
self.IpResponse[24+i] = self.EvccIp[i] # destination IP address
for i in range(0, len(buffer)):
self.IpResponse[40+i] = buffer[i]
showAsHex(self.IpResponse, "IP response ")
def packResponseIntoUdp(self, buffer):
# embeds the (SDP) response into the lower-layer-protocol: UDP
self.UdpResponse = bytearray(len(buffer) + 8) # UDP needs 8 bytes:
# 2 bytes source port
# 2 bytes destination port
# 2 bytes length (incl checksum)
# 2 bytes checksum
self.UdpResponse[0] = 15118 >> 8
self.UdpResponse[1] = 15118 & 0xFF
self.UdpResponse[2] = self.evccPort >> 8
self.UdpResponse[3] = self.evccPort & 0xFF
lenInclChecksum = len(buffer) + 8
self.UdpResponse[4] = lenInclChecksum >> 8
self.UdpResponse[5] = lenInclChecksum & 0xFF
checksum = 0x1234 # todo: calculate this checksum
self.UdpResponse[6] = checksum >> 8
self.UdpResponse[7] = checksum & 0xFF
for i in range(0, len(buffer)):
self.UdpResponse[8+i] = buffer[i]
showAsHex(self.UdpResponse, "UDP response ")
def prepareSdpResponse(self):
# SECC Discovery Response.
# The response from the charger to the EV, which tells the chargers IPv6 address to the EV.
self.SdpPayload = bytearray(20)
for i in range(0, 16):
self.SdpPayload[i] = self.SeccIp[i] # 16 bytes IP address of the charger
self.SdpPayload[16] = 15118 >> 8 # SECC port high byte. Port is always 15118.
self.SdpPayload[17] = 15118 & 0xFF # SECC port low byte. Port is always 15118.
self.SdpPayload[18] = 0x10 # security. We only support "no transport layer security, 0x10".
self.SdpPayload[19] = 0x00 # transport protocol. We only support "TCP, 0x00".
showAsHex(self.SdpPayload, "SDP payload ")
# add the SDP header
lenSdp = len(self.SdpPayload)
self.V2Gframe = bytearray(lenSdp + 8) # V2GTP header needs 8 bytes:
# 1 byte protocol version
# 1 byte protocol version inverted
# 2 bytes payload type
# 4 byte payload length
self.V2Gframe[0] = 0x01 # version
self.V2Gframe[1] = 0xfe # version inverted
self.V2Gframe[2] = 0x90 # payload type. 0x9001 is the SDP response message
self.V2Gframe[3] = 0x01 #
self.V2Gframe[4] = (lenSdp >> 24) & 0xff # length 4 byte.
self.V2Gframe[5] = (lenSdp >> 16) & 0xff
self.V2Gframe[6] = (lenSdp >> 8) & 0xff
self.V2Gframe[7] = lenSdp & 0xff
for i in range(0, lenSdp):
self.V2Gframe[8+i] = self.SdpPayload[i]
showAsHex(self.V2Gframe, "V2Gframe ")
def evaluateUdp(self):
if (self.destinationport == 15118): # port for the SECC
if ((self.udpPayload[0]==0x01) and (self.udpPayload[1]==0xFE)): # protocol version 1 and inverted
# it is a V2GTP message
self.evccPort = self.sourceport
v2gptPayloadType = self.udpPayload[2] * 256 + self.udpPayload[3]
# 0x8001 EXI encoded V2G message
# 0x9000 SDP request message (SECC Discovery)
# 0x9001 SDP response message (SECC response to the EVCC)
if (v2gptPayloadType == 0x9000):
v2gptPayloadLen = self.udpPayload[4] * 256 ** 3 + self.udpPayload[5] * 256 ** 2 + self.udpPayload[6] * 256 + self.udpPayload[7]
if (v2gptPayloadLen == 2):
# 2 is the only valid length for a SDP request.
seccDiscoveryReqSecurity = self.udpPayload[8] # normally 0x10 for "no transport layer security". Or 0x00 for "TLS".
seccDiscoveryReqTransportProtocol = self.udpPayload[9] # normally 0x00 for TCP
if (seccDiscoveryReqSecurity!=0x10):
print("seccDiscoveryReqSecurity " + str(seccDiscoveryReqSecurity) + " is not supported")
if (seccDiscoveryReqTransportProtocol!=0x00):
print("seccDiscoveryReqTransportProtocol " + str(seccDiscoveryReqTransportProtocol) + " is not supported")
# This was a valid SDP request. Let's respond.
showAsHex(self.udpPayload, "udp payload ")
print("ok, this was a valid SDP request. Will respond.")
print("v2gptPayloadLen on SDP request is " + str(v2gptPayloadLen) + " not supported")
print("v2gptPayloadType " + hex(v2gptPayloadType) + " not supported")
def evaluateReceivedPacket(self, pkt):
if (len(pkt)>60):
self.myreceivebuffer = pkt
self.nextheader = self.myreceivebuffer[20]
if (self.nextheader == 0x11): # it is an UDP frame
self.sourceport = self.myreceivebuffer[54] * 256 + self.myreceivebuffer[55]
self.destinationport = self.myreceivebuffer[56] * 256 + self.myreceivebuffer[57]
self.udplen = self.myreceivebuffer[58] * 256 + self.myreceivebuffer[59]
self.udpsum = self.myreceivebuffer[60] * 256 + self.myreceivebuffer[61]
# udplen is including 8 bytes header at the begin
if (self.udplen>8):
self.udpPayload = bytearray(self.udplen-8)
print("self.udplen=" + str(self.udplen))
print("self.myreceivebuffer len=" + str(len(self.myreceivebuffer)))
for i in range(0, self.udplen-8):
#print("index " + str(i) + " " + hex(self.myreceivebuffer[62+i]))
self.udpPayload[i] = self.myreceivebuffer[62+i]
def __init__(self, transmitCallback):
self.transmit = transmitCallback
self.SeccIp = [ 0xfe, 0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x06, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xff, 0xfe, 0, 0xaa, 0xaa ] # 16 bytes, a default IPv6 address for the charging station
self.EvccIp = [ 0xfe, 0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x06, 0x65, 0x65, 0xff, 0xfe, 0, 0x64, 0xC3 ] # 16 bytes, a default IPv6 address for the vehicle
self.ownMac = [ 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06 ] # 6 bytes own MAC default. Should be overwritten before use.