diff --git a/src/core/hle/service/acc/acc.cpp b/src/core/hle/service/acc/acc.cpp
index cfac8ca9a6..d7cc193619 100644
--- a/src/core/hle/service/acc/acc.cpp
+++ b/src/core/hle/service/acc/acc.cpp
@@ -319,46 +319,37 @@ void Module::Interface::IsUserRegistrationRequestPermitted(Kernel::HLERequestCon
 void Module::Interface::InitializeApplicationInfo(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
     IPC::RequestParser rp{ctx};
-    auto pid = rp.Pop<u64>();
-    LOG_DEBUG(Service_ACC, "called, process_id={}", pid);
+    LOG_DEBUG(Service_ACC, "called");
     IPC::ResponseBuilder rb{ctx, 2};
-    rb.Push(InitializeApplicationInfoBase(pid));
+    rb.Push(InitializeApplicationInfoBase());
 void Module::Interface::InitializeApplicationInfoRestricted(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
     IPC::RequestParser rp{ctx};
-    auto pid = rp.Pop<u64>();
-    LOG_WARNING(Service_ACC, "(Partial implementation) called, process_id={}", pid);
+    LOG_WARNING(Service_ACC, "(Partial implementation) called");
     // TODO(ogniK): We require checking if the user actually owns the title and what not. As of
     // currently, we assume the user owns the title. InitializeApplicationInfoBase SHOULD be called
     // first then we do extra checks if the game is a digital copy.
     IPC::ResponseBuilder rb{ctx, 2};
-    rb.Push(InitializeApplicationInfoBase(pid));
+    rb.Push(InitializeApplicationInfoBase());
-ResultCode Module::Interface::InitializeApplicationInfoBase(u64 process_id) {
+ResultCode Module::Interface::InitializeApplicationInfoBase() {
     if (application_info) {
         LOG_ERROR(Service_ACC, "Application already initialized");
-    const auto& list = system.Kernel().GetProcessList();
-    const auto iter = std::find_if(list.begin(), list.end(), [&process_id](const auto& process) {
-        return process->GetProcessID() == process_id;
-    });
-    if (iter == list.end()) {
-        LOG_ERROR(Service_ACC, "Failed to find process ID");
-        application_info.application_type = ApplicationType::Unknown;
-    }
-    const auto launch_property = system.GetARPManager().GetLaunchProperty((*iter)->GetTitleID());
+    // TODO(ogniK): This should be changed to reflect the target process for when we have multiple
+    // processes emulated. As we don't actually have pid support we should assume we're just using
+    // our own process
+    const auto& current_process = system.Kernel().CurrentProcess();
+    const auto launch_property =
+        system.GetARPManager().GetLaunchProperty(current_process->GetTitleID());
     if (launch_property.Failed()) {
         LOG_ERROR(Service_ACC, "Failed to get launch property");
@@ -372,10 +363,12 @@ ResultCode Module::Interface::InitializeApplicationInfoBase(u64 process_id) {
     case FileSys::StorageId::Host:
     case FileSys::StorageId::NandUser:
     case FileSys::StorageId::SdCard:
+    case FileSys::StorageId::None: // Yuzu specific, differs from hardware
         application_info.application_type = ApplicationType::Digital;
-        LOG_ERROR(Service_ACC, "Invalid game storage ID");
+        LOG_ERROR(Service_ACC, "Invalid game storage ID! storage_id={}",
+                  launch_property->base_game_storage_id);
diff --git a/src/core/hle/service/acc/acc.h b/src/core/hle/service/acc/acc.h
index 7a7dc9ec62..c79aea16a3 100644
--- a/src/core/hle/service/acc/acc.h
+++ b/src/core/hle/service/acc/acc.h
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public:
         void GetProfileEditor(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx);
-        ResultCode InitializeApplicationInfoBase(u64 process_id);
+        ResultCode InitializeApplicationInfoBase();
         enum class ApplicationType : u32_le {
             GameCard = 0,