From 1fe9b0b82eb2478f8930d18843c959c3e85dde1e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yuri Kunde Schlesner <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2015 03:26:04 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] VideoCore: Fix values of unset components in input attribute

If an input attribute array had a field with less than 4 components, the
remaining components were left unset if not specified by a default
vertex attribute. If neither mechanism would set a component, it would
assume a garbage value.

It has been verified that the hardware behavior is to instead to set the
missing components from the fixed default of (0 0 0 1). The default
vertex attribute values aren't used at all if a vertex array is
specified for that attribute.

Fixes UI graphics on Fire Emblem: Awakening, a small texturing glitch
when selecting a character in Cubic Ninja, as well as eliminating the
unset-W hack which was required for Ocarina of Time to not have
garbled triangles.

This change has been tested against hardware.
 src/video_core/command_processor.cpp | 80 +++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/video_core/command_processor.cpp b/src/video_core/command_processor.cpp
index 8b10d73404..bbe7e63dc6 100644
--- a/src/video_core/command_processor.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/command_processor.cpp
@@ -217,57 +217,53 @@ static inline void WritePicaReg(u32 id, u32 value, u32 mask) {
                 // Initialize data for the current vertex
                 VertexShader::InputVertex input;
-                // Load a debugging token to check whether this gets loaded by the running
-                // application or not.
-                static const float24 debug_token = float24::FromRawFloat24(0x00abcdef);
-                input.attr[0].w = debug_token;
                 for (int i = 0; i < attribute_config.GetNumTotalAttributes(); ++i) {
-                    // Load the default attribute if we're configured to do so, this data will be overwritten by the loader data if it's set
-                    if (attribute_config.IsDefaultAttribute(i)) {
+                    if (vertex_attribute_elements[i] != 0) {
+                        // Default attribute values set if array elements have < 4 components. This
+                        // is *not* carried over from the default attribute settings even if they're
+                        // enabled for this attribute.
+                        static const float24 zero = float24::FromFloat32(0.0f);
+                        static const float24 one = float24::FromFloat32(1.0f);
+                        input.attr[i] = Math::Vec4<float24>(zero, zero, zero, one);
+                        // Load per-vertex data from the loader arrays
+                        for (unsigned int comp = 0; comp < vertex_attribute_elements[i]; ++comp) {
+                            u32 source_addr = vertex_attribute_sources[i] + vertex_attribute_strides[i] * vertex + comp * vertex_attribute_element_size[i];
+                            const u8* srcdata = Memory::GetPhysicalPointer(source_addr);
+                            if (g_debug_context && Pica::g_debug_context->recorder) {
+                                memory_accesses.AddAccess(source_addr,
+                                    (vertex_attribute_formats[i] == Regs::VertexAttributeFormat::FLOAT) ? 4
+                                    : (vertex_attribute_formats[i] == Regs::VertexAttributeFormat::SHORT) ? 2 : 1);
+                            }
+                            const float srcval = (vertex_attribute_formats[i] == Regs::VertexAttributeFormat::BYTE) ? *(s8*)srcdata :
+                                (vertex_attribute_formats[i] == Regs::VertexAttributeFormat::UBYTE) ? *(u8*)srcdata :
+                                (vertex_attribute_formats[i] == Regs::VertexAttributeFormat::SHORT) ? *(s16*)srcdata :
+                                *(float*)srcdata;
+                            input.attr[i][comp] = float24::FromFloat32(srcval);
+                            LOG_TRACE(HW_GPU, "Loaded component %x of attribute %x for vertex %x (index %x) from 0x%08x + 0x%08lx + 0x%04lx: %f",
+                                comp, i, vertex, index,
+                                attribute_config.GetPhysicalBaseAddress(),
+                                vertex_attribute_sources[i] - base_address,
+                                vertex_attribute_strides[i] * vertex + comp * vertex_attribute_element_size[i],
+                                input.attr[i][comp].ToFloat32());
+                        }
+                    } else if (attribute_config.IsDefaultAttribute(i)) {
+                        // Load the default attribute if we're configured to do so
                         input.attr[i] = g_state.vs.default_attributes[i];
                         LOG_TRACE(HW_GPU, "Loaded default attribute %x for vertex %x (index %x): (%f, %f, %f, %f)",
                                   i, vertex, index,
                                   input.attr[i][0].ToFloat32(), input.attr[i][1].ToFloat32(),
                                   input.attr[i][2].ToFloat32(), input.attr[i][3].ToFloat32());
-                    }
-                    // Load per-vertex data from the loader arrays
-                    for (unsigned int comp = 0; comp < vertex_attribute_elements[i]; ++comp) {
-                        u32 source_addr = vertex_attribute_sources[i] + vertex_attribute_strides[i] * vertex + comp * vertex_attribute_element_size[i];
-                        const u8* srcdata = Memory::GetPhysicalPointer(source_addr);
-                        if (g_debug_context && Pica::g_debug_context->recorder) {
-                            memory_accesses.AddAccess(source_addr,
-                                    (vertex_attribute_formats[i] == Regs::VertexAttributeFormat::FLOAT) ? 4
-                                    : (vertex_attribute_formats[i] == Regs::VertexAttributeFormat::SHORT) ? 2 : 1);
-                        }
-                        const float srcval = (vertex_attribute_formats[i] == Regs::VertexAttributeFormat::BYTE) ? *(s8*)srcdata :
-                            (vertex_attribute_formats[i] == Regs::VertexAttributeFormat::UBYTE) ? *(u8*)srcdata :
-                            (vertex_attribute_formats[i] == Regs::VertexAttributeFormat::SHORT) ? *(s16*)srcdata :
-                            *(float*)srcdata;
-                        input.attr[i][comp] = float24::FromFloat32(srcval);
-                        LOG_TRACE(HW_GPU, "Loaded component %x of attribute %x for vertex %x (index %x) from 0x%08x + 0x%08lx + 0x%04lx: %f",
-                            comp, i, vertex, index,
-                            attribute_config.GetPhysicalBaseAddress(),
-                            vertex_attribute_sources[i] - base_address,
-                            vertex_attribute_strides[i] * vertex + comp * vertex_attribute_element_size[i],
-                            input.attr[i][comp].ToFloat32());
+                    } else {
+                        // TODO(yuriks): In this case, no data gets loaded and the vertex remains
+                        //              with the last value it had. This isn't currently maintained
+                        //              as global state, however, and so won't work in Cita yet.
-                // HACK: Some games do not initialize the vertex position's w component. This leads
-                //       to critical issues since it messes up perspective division. As a
-                //       workaround, we force the fourth component to 1.0 if we find this to be the
-                //       case.
-                //       To do this, we additionally have to assume that the first input attribute
-                //       is the vertex position, since there's no information about this other than
-                //       the empiric observation that this is usually the case.
-                if (input.attr[0].w == debug_token)
-                    input.attr[0].w = float24::FromFloat32(1.0);
                 if (g_debug_context)
                     g_debug_context->OnEvent(DebugContext::Event::VertexLoaded, (void*)&input);