diff --git a/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache.h b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache.h
index 8e26b3f953..2ba33543cb 100644
--- a/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache.h
+++ b/src/video_core/buffer_cache/buffer_cache.h
@@ -994,13 +994,13 @@ void BufferCache<P>::BindHostIndexBuffer() {
     const u32 size = index_buffer.size;
     SynchronizeBuffer(buffer, index_buffer.cpu_addr, size);
-        const u32 new_offset = offset + maxwell3d->regs.index_array.first *
-                                            maxwell3d->regs.index_array.FormatSizeInBytes();
+        const u32 new_offset = offset + maxwell3d->regs.index_buffer.first *
+                                            maxwell3d->regs.index_buffer.FormatSizeInBytes();
         runtime.BindIndexBuffer(buffer, new_offset, size);
     } else {
-        runtime.BindIndexBuffer(maxwell3d->regs.draw.topology, maxwell3d->regs.index_array.format,
-                                maxwell3d->regs.index_array.first,
-                                maxwell3d->regs.index_array.count, buffer, offset, size);
+        runtime.BindIndexBuffer(maxwell3d->regs.draw.topology, maxwell3d->regs.index_buffer.format,
+                                maxwell3d->regs.index_buffer.first,
+                                maxwell3d->regs.index_buffer.count, buffer, offset, size);
@@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@ void BufferCache<P>::BindHostVertexBuffers() {
         flags[Dirty::VertexBuffer0 + index] = false;
-        const u32 stride = maxwell3d->regs.vertex_array[index].stride;
+        const u32 stride = maxwell3d->regs.vertex_streams[index].stride;
         const u32 offset = buffer.Offset(binding.cpu_addr);
         runtime.BindVertexBuffer(index, buffer, offset, binding.size, stride);
@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ void BufferCache<P>::BindHostGraphicsTextureBuffers(size_t stage) {
 template <class P>
 void BufferCache<P>::BindHostTransformFeedbackBuffers() {
-    if (maxwell3d->regs.tfb_enabled == 0) {
+    if (maxwell3d->regs.transform_feedback_enabled == 0) {
     for (u32 index = 0; index < NUM_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFERS; ++index) {
@@ -1268,7 +1268,7 @@ template <class P>
 void BufferCache<P>::UpdateIndexBuffer() {
     // We have to check for the dirty flags and index count
     // The index count is currently changed without updating the dirty flags
-    const auto& index_array = maxwell3d->regs.index_array;
+    const auto& index_array = maxwell3d->regs.index_buffer;
     auto& flags = maxwell3d->dirty.flags;
     if (!flags[Dirty::IndexBuffer] && last_index_count == index_array.count) {
@@ -1311,10 +1311,10 @@ void BufferCache<P>::UpdateVertexBuffer(u32 index) {
     if (!maxwell3d->dirty.flags[Dirty::VertexBuffer0 + index]) {
-    const auto& array = maxwell3d->regs.vertex_array[index];
-    const auto& limit = maxwell3d->regs.vertex_array_limit[index];
-    const GPUVAddr gpu_addr_begin = array.StartAddress();
-    const GPUVAddr gpu_addr_end = limit.LimitAddress() + 1;
+    const auto& array = maxwell3d->regs.vertex_streams[index];
+    const auto& limit = maxwell3d->regs.vertex_stream_limits[index];
+    const GPUVAddr gpu_addr_begin = array.Address();
+    const GPUVAddr gpu_addr_end = limit.Address() + 1;
     const std::optional<VAddr> cpu_addr = gpu_memory->GpuToCpuAddress(gpu_addr_begin);
     u32 address_size = static_cast<u32>(
         std::min(gpu_addr_end - gpu_addr_begin, static_cast<u64>(std::numeric_limits<u32>::max())));
@@ -1380,7 +1380,7 @@ void BufferCache<P>::UpdateTextureBuffers(size_t stage) {
 template <class P>
 void BufferCache<P>::UpdateTransformFeedbackBuffers() {
-    if (maxwell3d->regs.tfb_enabled == 0) {
+    if (maxwell3d->regs.transform_feedback_enabled == 0) {
     for (u32 index = 0; index < NUM_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFERS; ++index) {
@@ -1390,11 +1390,11 @@ void BufferCache<P>::UpdateTransformFeedbackBuffers() {
 template <class P>
 void BufferCache<P>::UpdateTransformFeedbackBuffer(u32 index) {
-    const auto& binding = maxwell3d->regs.tfb_bindings[index];
-    const GPUVAddr gpu_addr = binding.Address() + binding.buffer_offset;
-    const u32 size = binding.buffer_size;
+    const auto& binding = maxwell3d->regs.transform_feedback.buffers[index];
+    const GPUVAddr gpu_addr = binding.Address() + binding.start_offset;
+    const u32 size = binding.size;
     const std::optional<VAddr> cpu_addr = gpu_memory->GpuToCpuAddress(gpu_addr);
-    if (binding.buffer_enable == 0 || size == 0 || !cpu_addr) {
+    if (binding.enable == 0 || size == 0 || !cpu_addr) {
         transform_feedback_buffers[index] = NULL_BINDING;
diff --git a/src/video_core/dirty_flags.cpp b/src/video_core/dirty_flags.cpp
index 9dc4341f0e..1039e036fe 100644
--- a/src/video_core/dirty_flags.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/dirty_flags.cpp
@@ -17,21 +17,23 @@ using Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D;
 void SetupDirtyVertexBuffers(Maxwell3D::DirtyState::Tables& tables) {
     static constexpr std::size_t num_array = 3;
     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < Maxwell3D::Regs::NumVertexArrays; ++i) {
-        const std::size_t array_offset = OFF(vertex_array) + i * NUM(vertex_array[0]);
-        const std::size_t limit_offset = OFF(vertex_array_limit) + i * NUM(vertex_array_limit[0]);
+        const std::size_t array_offset = OFF(vertex_streams) + i * NUM(vertex_streams[0]);
+        const std::size_t limit_offset =
+            OFF(vertex_stream_limits) + i * NUM(vertex_stream_limits[0]);
         FillBlock(tables, array_offset, num_array, VertexBuffer0 + i, VertexBuffers);
-        FillBlock(tables, limit_offset, NUM(vertex_array_limit), VertexBuffer0 + i, VertexBuffers);
+        FillBlock(tables, limit_offset, NUM(vertex_stream_limits), VertexBuffer0 + i,
+                  VertexBuffers);
 void SetupIndexBuffer(Maxwell3D::DirtyState::Tables& tables) {
-    FillBlock(tables[0], OFF(index_array), NUM(index_array), IndexBuffer);
+    FillBlock(tables[0], OFF(index_buffer), NUM(index_buffer), IndexBuffer);
 void SetupDirtyDescriptors(Maxwell3D::DirtyState::Tables& tables) {
-    FillBlock(tables[0], OFF(tic), NUM(tic), Descriptors);
-    FillBlock(tables[0], OFF(tsc), NUM(tsc), Descriptors);
+    FillBlock(tables[0], OFF(tex_header), NUM(tex_header), Descriptors);
+    FillBlock(tables[0], OFF(tex_sampler), NUM(tex_sampler), Descriptors);
 void SetupDirtyRenderTargets(Maxwell3D::DirtyState::Tables& tables) {
@@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ void SetupDirtyRenderTargets(Maxwell3D::DirtyState::Tables& tables) {
         FillBlock(tables[0], begin + rt * num_per_rt, num_per_rt, ColorBuffer0 + rt);
     FillBlock(tables[1], begin, num, RenderTargets);
-    FillBlock(tables[0], OFF(render_area), NUM(render_area), RenderTargets);
+    FillBlock(tables[0], OFF(surface_clip), NUM(surface_clip), RenderTargets);
     tables[0][OFF(rt_control)] = RenderTargets;
     tables[1][OFF(rt_control)] = RenderTargetControl;
@@ -52,15 +54,15 @@ void SetupDirtyRenderTargets(Maxwell3D::DirtyState::Tables& tables) {
         const u8 flag = zeta_flags[i];
         auto& table = tables[i];
         table[OFF(zeta_enable)] = flag;
-        table[OFF(zeta_width)] = flag;
-        table[OFF(zeta_height)] = flag;
+        table[OFF(zeta_size.width)] = flag;
+        table[OFF(zeta_size.height)] = flag;
         FillBlock(table, OFF(zeta), NUM(zeta), flag);
 void SetupDirtyShaders(Maxwell3D::DirtyState::Tables& tables) {
-    FillBlock(tables[0], OFF(shader_config[0]),
-              NUM(shader_config[0]) * Maxwell3D::Regs::MaxShaderProgram, Shaders);
+    FillBlock(tables[0], OFF(pipelines), NUM(pipelines) * Maxwell3D::Regs::MaxShaderProgram,
+              Shaders);
 } // Anonymous namespace
diff --git a/src/video_core/engines/maxwell_3d.cpp b/src/video_core/engines/maxwell_3d.cpp
index 3c6e44a252..84c1abf3d0 100644
--- a/src/video_core/engines/maxwell_3d.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/engines/maxwell_3d.cpp
@@ -56,37 +56,37 @@ void Maxwell3D::InitializeRegisterDefaults() {
     // Doom and Bomberman seems to use the uninitialized registers and just enable blend
     // so initialize blend registers with sane values
-    regs.blend.equation_rgb = Regs::Blend::Equation::Add;
-    regs.blend.factor_source_rgb = Regs::Blend::Factor::One;
-    regs.blend.factor_dest_rgb = Regs::Blend::Factor::Zero;
-    regs.blend.equation_a = Regs::Blend::Equation::Add;
-    regs.blend.factor_source_a = Regs::Blend::Factor::One;
-    regs.blend.factor_dest_a = Regs::Blend::Factor::Zero;
-    for (auto& blend : regs.independent_blend) {
-        blend.equation_rgb = Regs::Blend::Equation::Add;
-        blend.factor_source_rgb = Regs::Blend::Factor::One;
-        blend.factor_dest_rgb = Regs::Blend::Factor::Zero;
-        blend.equation_a = Regs::Blend::Equation::Add;
-        blend.factor_source_a = Regs::Blend::Factor::One;
-        blend.factor_dest_a = Regs::Blend::Factor::Zero;
+    regs.blend.color_op = Regs::Blend::Equation::Add_D3D;
+    regs.blend.color_source = Regs::Blend::Factor::One_D3D;
+    regs.blend.color_dest = Regs::Blend::Factor::Zero_D3D;
+    regs.blend.alpha_op = Regs::Blend::Equation::Add_D3D;
+    regs.blend.alpha_source = Regs::Blend::Factor::One_D3D;
+    regs.blend.alpha_dest = Regs::Blend::Factor::Zero_D3D;
+    for (auto& blend : regs.blend_per_target) {
+        blend.color_op = Regs::Blend::Equation::Add_D3D;
+        blend.color_source = Regs::Blend::Factor::One_D3D;
+        blend.color_dest = Regs::Blend::Factor::Zero_D3D;
+        blend.alpha_op = Regs::Blend::Equation::Add_D3D;
+        blend.alpha_source = Regs::Blend::Factor::One_D3D;
+        blend.alpha_dest = Regs::Blend::Factor::Zero_D3D;
-    regs.stencil_front_op_fail = Regs::StencilOp::Keep;
-    regs.stencil_front_op_zfail = Regs::StencilOp::Keep;
-    regs.stencil_front_op_zpass = Regs::StencilOp::Keep;
-    regs.stencil_front_func_func = Regs::ComparisonOp::Always;
-    regs.stencil_front_func_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-    regs.stencil_front_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+    regs.stencil_front_op.fail = Regs::StencilOp::Op::Keep_D3D;
+    regs.stencil_front_op.zfail = Regs::StencilOp::Op::Keep_D3D;
+    regs.stencil_front_op.zpass = Regs::StencilOp::Op::Keep_D3D;
+    regs.stencil_front_op.func = Regs::ComparisonOp::Always_GL;
+    regs.stencil_front_func.func_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+    regs.stencil_front_func.mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
     regs.stencil_two_side_enable = 1;
-    regs.stencil_back_op_fail = Regs::StencilOp::Keep;
-    regs.stencil_back_op_zfail = Regs::StencilOp::Keep;
-    regs.stencil_back_op_zpass = Regs::StencilOp::Keep;
-    regs.stencil_back_func_func = Regs::ComparisonOp::Always;
-    regs.stencil_back_func_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-    regs.stencil_back_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+    regs.stencil_back_op.fail = Regs::StencilOp::Op::Keep_D3D;
+    regs.stencil_back_op.zfail = Regs::StencilOp::Op::Keep_D3D;
+    regs.stencil_back_op.zpass = Regs::StencilOp::Op::Keep_D3D;
+    regs.stencil_back_op.func = Regs::ComparisonOp::Always_GL;
+    regs.stencil_back_func.func_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+    regs.stencil_back_func.mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-    regs.depth_test_func = Regs::ComparisonOp::Always;
-    regs.front_face = Regs::FrontFace::CounterClockWise;
-    regs.cull_face = Regs::CullFace::Back;
+    regs.depth_test_func = Regs::ComparisonOp::Always_GL;
+    regs.gl_front_face = Regs::FrontFace::CounterClockWise;
+    regs.gl_cull_face = Regs::CullFace::Back;
     // TODO(Rodrigo): Most games do not set a point size. I think this is a case of a
     // register carrying a default value. Assume it's OpenGL's default (1).
@@ -107,20 +107,20 @@ void Maxwell3D::InitializeRegisterDefaults() {
     // NVN games expect these values to be enabled at boot
     regs.rasterize_enable = 1;
-    regs.rt_separate_frag_data = 1;
+    regs.color_target_mrt_enable = 1;
     regs.framebuffer_srgb = 1;
     regs.line_width_aliased = 1.0f;
     regs.line_width_smooth = 1.0f;
-    regs.front_face = Maxwell3D::Regs::FrontFace::ClockWise;
+    regs.gl_front_face = Maxwell3D::Regs::FrontFace::ClockWise;
     regs.polygon_mode_back = Maxwell3D::Regs::PolygonMode::Fill;
     regs.polygon_mode_front = Maxwell3D::Regs::PolygonMode::Fill;
     shadow_state = regs;
-    mme_inline[MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(draw.vertex_end_gl)] = true;
-    mme_inline[MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(draw.vertex_begin_gl)] = true;
+    mme_inline[MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(draw.end)] = true;
+    mme_inline[MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(draw.begin)] = true;
     mme_inline[MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(vertex_buffer.count)] = true;
-    mme_inline[MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(index_array.count)] = true;
+    mme_inline[MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(index_buffer.count)] = true;
 void Maxwell3D::ProcessMacro(u32 method, const u32* base_start, u32 amount, bool is_last_call) {
@@ -173,51 +173,56 @@ void Maxwell3D::ProcessMethodCall(u32 method, u32 argument, u32 nonshadow_argume
     case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(shadow_ram_control):
         shadow_state.shadow_ram_control = static_cast<Regs::ShadowRamControl>(nonshadow_argument);
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(macros.upload_address):
-        return macro_engine->ClearCode(regs.macros.upload_address);
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(macros.data):
-        return macro_engine->AddCode(regs.macros.upload_address, argument);
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(macros.bind):
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(load_mme.instruction_ptr):
+        return macro_engine->ClearCode(regs.load_mme.instruction_ptr);
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(load_mme.instruction):
+        return macro_engine->AddCode(regs.load_mme.instruction_ptr, argument);
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(load_mme.start_address):
         return ProcessMacroBind(argument);
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(firmware[4]):
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(falcon[4]):
         return ProcessFirmwareCall4();
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data):
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 1:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 2:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 3:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 4:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 5:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 6:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 7:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 8:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 9:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 10:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 11:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 12:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 13:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 14:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 15:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer):
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 1:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 2:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 3:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 4:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 5:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 6:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 7:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 8:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 9:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 10:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 11:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 12:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 13:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 14:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 15:
         return ProcessCBData(argument);
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(cb_bind[0]):
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(bind_groups[0].raw_config):
         return ProcessCBBind(0);
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(cb_bind[1]):
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(bind_groups[1].raw_config):
         return ProcessCBBind(1);
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(cb_bind[2]):
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(bind_groups[2].raw_config):
         return ProcessCBBind(2);
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(cb_bind[3]):
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(bind_groups[3].raw_config):
         return ProcessCBBind(3);
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(cb_bind[4]):
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(bind_groups[4].raw_config):
         return ProcessCBBind(4);
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(draw.vertex_end_gl):
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(draw.end):
         return DrawArrays();
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(small_index):
-        regs.index_array.count = regs.small_index.count;
-        regs.index_array.first = regs.small_index.first;
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(index_buffer32_first):
+        regs.index_buffer.count = regs.index_buffer32_first.count;
+        regs.index_buffer.first = regs.index_buffer32_first.first;
         dirty.flags[VideoCommon::Dirty::IndexBuffer] = true;
         return DrawArrays();
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(small_index_2):
-        regs.index_array.count = regs.small_index_2.count;
-        regs.index_array.first = regs.small_index_2.first;
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(index_buffer16_first):
+        regs.index_buffer.count = regs.index_buffer16_first.count;
+        regs.index_buffer.first = regs.index_buffer16_first.first;
+        dirty.flags[VideoCommon::Dirty::IndexBuffer] = true;
+        return DrawArrays();
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(index_buffer8_first):
+        regs.index_buffer.count = regs.index_buffer8_first.count;
+        regs.index_buffer.first = regs.index_buffer8_first.first;
         dirty.flags[VideoCommon::Dirty::IndexBuffer] = true;
         // a macro calls this one over and over, should it increase instancing?
         // Used by Hades and likely other Vulkan games.
@@ -225,28 +230,24 @@ void Maxwell3D::ProcessMethodCall(u32 method, u32 argument, u32 nonshadow_argume
     case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(topology_override):
         use_topology_override = true;
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(clear_buffers):
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(clear_surface):
         return ProcessClearBuffers();
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(query.query_get):
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(report_semaphore.query):
         return ProcessQueryGet();
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(condition.mode):
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(render_enable.mode):
         return ProcessQueryCondition();
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(counter_reset):
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(clear_report_value):
         return ProcessCounterReset();
     case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(sync_info):
         return ProcessSyncPoint();
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(exec_upload):
-        return upload_state.ProcessExec(regs.exec_upload.linear != 0);
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(data_upload):
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(launch_dma):
+        return upload_state.ProcessExec(regs.launch_dma.memory_layout.Value() ==
+                                        Regs::LaunchDMA::Layout::Pitch);
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(inline_data):
         upload_state.ProcessData(argument, is_last_call);
     case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(fragment_barrier):
         return rasterizer->FragmentBarrier();
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(invalidate_texture_data_cache):
-        rasterizer->InvalidateGPUCache();
-        return rasterizer->WaitForIdle();
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(tiled_cache_barrier):
-        return rasterizer->TiledCacheBarrier();
@@ -296,25 +297,25 @@ void Maxwell3D::CallMultiMethod(u32 method, const u32* base_start, u32 amount,
     switch (method) {
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data):
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 1:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 2:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 3:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 4:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 5:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 6:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 7:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 8:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 9:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 10:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 11:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 12:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 13:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 14:
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.cb_data) + 15:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer):
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 1:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 2:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 3:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 4:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 5:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 6:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 7:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 8:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 9:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 10:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 11:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 12:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 13:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 14:
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(const_buffer.buffer) + 15:
         ProcessCBMultiData(base_start, amount);
-    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(data_upload):
+    case MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(inline_data):
         upload_state.ProcessData(base_start, static_cast<size_t>(amount));
@@ -353,14 +354,15 @@ void Maxwell3D::CallMethodFromMME(u32 method, u32 method_argument) {
     if (mme_inline[method]) {
         regs.reg_array[method] = method_argument;
         if (method == MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(vertex_buffer.count) ||
-            method == MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(index_array.count)) {
+            method == MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(index_buffer.count)) {
             const MMEDrawMode expected_mode = method == MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(vertex_buffer.count)
                                                   ? MMEDrawMode::Array
                                                   : MMEDrawMode::Indexed;
             StepInstance(expected_mode, method_argument);
-        } else if (method == MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(draw.vertex_begin_gl)) {
+        } else if (method == MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(draw.begin)) {
             mme_draw.instance_mode =
-                (regs.draw.instance_next != 0) || (regs.draw.instance_cont != 0);
+                (regs.draw.instance_id == Maxwell3D::Regs::Draw::InstanceId::Subsequent) ||
+                (regs.draw.instance_id == Maxwell3D::Regs::Draw::InstanceId::Unchanged);
             mme_draw.gl_begin_consume = true;
         } else {
@@ -405,11 +407,12 @@ void Maxwell3D::ProcessTopologyOverride() {
 void Maxwell3D::FlushMMEInlineDraw() {
     LOG_TRACE(HW_GPU, "called, topology={}, count={}", regs.draw.topology.Value(),
-    ASSERT_MSG(!(regs.index_array.count && regs.vertex_buffer.count), "Both indexed and direct?");
+    ASSERT_MSG(!(regs.index_buffer.count && regs.vertex_buffer.count), "Both indexed and direct?");
     ASSERT(mme_draw.instance_count == mme_draw.gl_end_count);
     // Both instance configuration registers can not be set at the same time.
-    ASSERT_MSG(!regs.draw.instance_next || !regs.draw.instance_cont,
+    ASSERT_MSG(regs.draw.instance_id == Maxwell3D::Regs::Draw::InstanceId::First ||
+                   regs.draw.instance_id != Maxwell3D::Regs::Draw::InstanceId::Unchanged,
                "Illegal combination of instancing parameters");
@@ -424,7 +427,7 @@ void Maxwell3D::FlushMMEInlineDraw() {
     // it's possible that it is incorrect and that there is some other register used to specify the
     // drawing mode.
     if (is_indexed) {
-        regs.index_array.count = 0;
+        regs.index_buffer.count = 0;
     } else {
         regs.vertex_buffer.count = 0;
@@ -437,11 +440,11 @@ void Maxwell3D::FlushMMEInlineDraw() {
 void Maxwell3D::ProcessMacroUpload(u32 data) {
-    macro_engine->AddCode(regs.macros.upload_address++, data);
+    macro_engine->AddCode(regs.load_mme.instruction_ptr++, data);
 void Maxwell3D::ProcessMacroBind(u32 data) {
-    macro_positions[regs.macros.entry++] = data;
+    macro_positions[regs.load_mme.start_address_ptr++] = data;
 void Maxwell3D::ProcessFirmwareCall4() {
@@ -449,11 +452,11 @@ void Maxwell3D::ProcessFirmwareCall4() {
     // Firmware call 4 is a blob that changes some registers depending on its parameters.
     // These registers don't affect emulation and so are stubbed by setting 0xd00 to 1.
-    regs.reg_array[0xd00] = 1;
+    regs.shadow_scratch[0] = 1;
 void Maxwell3D::StampQueryResult(u64 payload, bool long_query) {
-    const GPUVAddr sequence_address{regs.query.QueryAddress()};
+    const GPUVAddr sequence_address{regs.report_semaphore.Address()};
     if (long_query) {
         memory_manager.Write<u64>(sequence_address + sizeof(u64), system.GPU().GetTicks());
         memory_manager.Write<u64>(sequence_address, payload);
@@ -464,15 +467,17 @@ void Maxwell3D::StampQueryResult(u64 payload, bool long_query) {
 void Maxwell3D::ProcessQueryGet() {
     // TODO(Subv): Support the other query units.
-    if (regs.query.query_get.unit != Regs::QueryUnit::Crop) {
-        LOG_DEBUG(HW_GPU, "Units other than CROP are unimplemented");
+    if (regs.report_semaphore.query.location != Regs::ReportSemaphore::Location::All) {
+        LOG_DEBUG(HW_GPU, "Locations other than ALL are unimplemented");
-    switch (regs.query.query_get.operation) {
-    case Regs::QueryOperation::Release:
-        if (regs.query.query_get.fence == 1 || regs.query.query_get.short_query != 0) {
-            const GPUVAddr sequence_address{regs.query.QueryAddress()};
-            const u32 payload = regs.query.query_sequence;
+    switch (regs.report_semaphore.query.operation) {
+    case Regs::ReportSemaphore::Operation::Release:
+        if (regs.report_semaphore.query.release ==
+                Regs::ReportSemaphore::Release::AfterAllPreceedingWrites ||
+            regs.report_semaphore.query.short_query != 0) {
+            const GPUVAddr sequence_address{regs.report_semaphore.Address()};
+            const u32 payload = regs.report_semaphore.payload;
             std::function<void()> operation([this, sequence_address, payload] {
                 memory_manager.Write<u32>(sequence_address, payload);
@@ -482,8 +487,8 @@ void Maxwell3D::ProcessQueryGet() {
                 u64_le value;
                 u64_le timestamp;
-            const GPUVAddr sequence_address{regs.query.QueryAddress()};
-            const u32 payload = regs.query.query_sequence;
+            const GPUVAddr sequence_address{regs.report_semaphore.Address()};
+            const u32 payload = regs.report_semaphore.payload;
             std::function<void()> operation([this, sequence_address, payload] {
                 memory_manager.Write<u64>(sequence_address + sizeof(u64), system.GPU().GetTicks());
                 memory_manager.Write<u64>(sequence_address, payload);
@@ -491,19 +496,19 @@ void Maxwell3D::ProcessQueryGet() {
-    case Regs::QueryOperation::Acquire:
+    case Regs::ReportSemaphore::Operation::Acquire:
         // TODO(Blinkhawk): Under this operation, the GPU waits for the CPU to write a value that
         // matches the current payload.
         UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented query operation ACQUIRE");
-    case Regs::QueryOperation::Counter:
+    case Regs::ReportSemaphore::Operation::ReportOnly:
         if (const std::optional<u64> result = GetQueryResult()) {
             // If the query returns an empty optional it means it's cached and deferred.
             // In this case we have a non-empty result, so we stamp it immediately.
-            StampQueryResult(*result, regs.query.query_get.short_query == 0);
+            StampQueryResult(*result, regs.report_semaphore.query.short_query == 0);
-    case Regs::QueryOperation::Trap:
+    case Regs::ReportSemaphore::Operation::Trap:
         UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented query operation TRAP");
@@ -513,31 +518,31 @@ void Maxwell3D::ProcessQueryGet() {
 void Maxwell3D::ProcessQueryCondition() {
-    const GPUVAddr condition_address{regs.condition.Address()};
-    switch (regs.condition.mode) {
-    case Regs::ConditionMode::Always: {
+    const GPUVAddr condition_address{regs.render_enable.Address()};
+    switch (regs.render_enable.mode) {
+    case Regs::RenderEnable::Mode::True: {
         execute_on = true;
-    case Regs::ConditionMode::Never: {
+    case Regs::RenderEnable::Mode::False: {
         execute_on = false;
-    case Regs::ConditionMode::ResNonZero: {
-        Regs::QueryCompare cmp;
+    case Regs::RenderEnable::Mode::Conditional: {
+        Regs::ReportSemaphore::Compare cmp;
         memory_manager.ReadBlock(condition_address, &cmp, sizeof(cmp));
         execute_on = cmp.initial_sequence != 0U && cmp.initial_mode != 0U;
-    case Regs::ConditionMode::Equal: {
-        Regs::QueryCompare cmp;
+    case Regs::RenderEnable::Mode::IfEqual: {
+        Regs::ReportSemaphore::Compare cmp;
         memory_manager.ReadBlock(condition_address, &cmp, sizeof(cmp));
         execute_on =
             cmp.initial_sequence == cmp.current_sequence && cmp.initial_mode == cmp.current_mode;
-    case Regs::ConditionMode::NotEqual: {
-        Regs::QueryCompare cmp;
+    case Regs::RenderEnable::Mode::IfNotEqual: {
+        Regs::ReportSemaphore::Compare cmp;
         memory_manager.ReadBlock(condition_address, &cmp, sizeof(cmp));
         execute_on =
             cmp.initial_sequence != cmp.current_sequence || cmp.initial_mode != cmp.current_mode;
@@ -552,21 +557,21 @@ void Maxwell3D::ProcessQueryCondition() {
 void Maxwell3D::ProcessCounterReset() {
-    switch (regs.counter_reset) {
-    case Regs::CounterReset::SampleCnt:
+    switch (regs.clear_report_value) {
+    case Regs::ClearReport::ZPassPixelCount:
-        LOG_DEBUG(Render_OpenGL, "Unimplemented counter reset={}", regs.counter_reset);
+        LOG_DEBUG(Render_OpenGL, "Unimplemented counter reset={}", regs.clear_report_value);
 void Maxwell3D::ProcessSyncPoint() {
     const u32 sync_point = regs.sync_info.sync_point.Value();
-    const u32 increment = regs.sync_info.increment.Value();
-    [[maybe_unused]] const u32 cache_flush = regs.sync_info.unknown.Value();
-    if (increment) {
+    const auto condition = regs.sync_info.condition.Value();
+    [[maybe_unused]] const u32 cache_flush = regs.sync_info.clean_l2.Value();
+    if (condition == Regs::SyncInfo::Condition::RopWritesDone) {
@@ -574,23 +579,24 @@ void Maxwell3D::ProcessSyncPoint() {
 void Maxwell3D::DrawArrays() {
     LOG_TRACE(HW_GPU, "called, topology={}, count={}", regs.draw.topology.Value(),
-    ASSERT_MSG(!(regs.index_array.count && regs.vertex_buffer.count), "Both indexed and direct?");
+    ASSERT_MSG(!(regs.index_buffer.count && regs.vertex_buffer.count), "Both indexed and direct?");
     // Both instance configuration registers can not be set at the same time.
-    ASSERT_MSG(!regs.draw.instance_next || !regs.draw.instance_cont,
+    ASSERT_MSG(regs.draw.instance_id == Maxwell3D::Regs::Draw::InstanceId::First ||
+                   regs.draw.instance_id != Maxwell3D::Regs::Draw::InstanceId::Unchanged,
                "Illegal combination of instancing parameters");
-    if (regs.draw.instance_next) {
+    if (regs.draw.instance_id == Maxwell3D::Regs::Draw::InstanceId::Subsequent) {
         // Increment the current instance *before* drawing.
-        state.current_instance += 1;
-    } else if (!regs.draw.instance_cont) {
+        state.current_instance++;
+    } else if (regs.draw.instance_id != Maxwell3D::Regs::Draw::InstanceId::Unchanged) {
         // Reset the current instance to 0.
         state.current_instance = 0;
-    const bool is_indexed{regs.index_array.count && !regs.vertex_buffer.count};
+    const bool is_indexed{regs.index_buffer.count && !regs.vertex_buffer.count};
     if (ShouldExecute()) {
         rasterizer->Draw(is_indexed, false);
@@ -600,60 +606,60 @@ void Maxwell3D::DrawArrays() {
     // it's possible that it is incorrect and that there is some other register used to specify the
     // drawing mode.
     if (is_indexed) {
-        regs.index_array.count = 0;
+        regs.index_buffer.count = 0;
     } else {
         regs.vertex_buffer.count = 0;
 std::optional<u64> Maxwell3D::GetQueryResult() {
-    switch (regs.query.query_get.select) {
-    case Regs::QuerySelect::Payload:
-        return regs.query.query_sequence;
-    case Regs::QuerySelect::SamplesPassed:
+    switch (regs.report_semaphore.query.report) {
+    case Regs::ReportSemaphore::Report::Payload:
+        return regs.report_semaphore.payload;
+    case Regs::ReportSemaphore::Report::ZPassPixelCount64:
         // Deferred.
-        rasterizer->Query(regs.query.QueryAddress(), QueryType::SamplesPassed,
+        rasterizer->Query(regs.report_semaphore.Address(), QueryType::SamplesPassed,
         return std::nullopt;
-        LOG_DEBUG(HW_GPU, "Unimplemented query select type {}",
-                  regs.query.query_get.select.Value());
+        LOG_DEBUG(HW_GPU, "Unimplemented query report type {}",
+                  regs.report_semaphore.query.report.Value());
         return 1;
 void Maxwell3D::ProcessCBBind(size_t stage_index) {
     // Bind the buffer currently in CB_ADDRESS to the specified index in the desired shader stage.
-    const auto& bind_data = regs.cb_bind[stage_index];
-    auto& buffer = state.shader_stages[stage_index].const_buffers[bind_data.index];
+    const auto& bind_data = regs.bind_groups[stage_index];
+    auto& buffer = state.shader_stages[stage_index].const_buffers[bind_data.shader_slot];
     buffer.enabled = bind_data.valid.Value() != 0;
-    buffer.address = regs.const_buffer.BufferAddress();
-    buffer.size = regs.const_buffer.cb_size;
+    buffer.address = regs.const_buffer.Address();
+    buffer.size = regs.const_buffer.size;
     const bool is_enabled = bind_data.valid.Value() != 0;
     if (!is_enabled) {
-        rasterizer->DisableGraphicsUniformBuffer(stage_index, bind_data.index);
+        rasterizer->DisableGraphicsUniformBuffer(stage_index, bind_data.shader_slot);
-    const GPUVAddr gpu_addr = regs.const_buffer.BufferAddress();
-    const u32 size = regs.const_buffer.cb_size;
-    rasterizer->BindGraphicsUniformBuffer(stage_index, bind_data.index, gpu_addr, size);
+    const GPUVAddr gpu_addr = regs.const_buffer.Address();
+    const u32 size = regs.const_buffer.size;
+    rasterizer->BindGraphicsUniformBuffer(stage_index, bind_data.shader_slot, gpu_addr, size);
 void Maxwell3D::ProcessCBMultiData(const u32* start_base, u32 amount) {
     // Write the input value to the current const buffer at the current position.
-    const GPUVAddr buffer_address = regs.const_buffer.BufferAddress();
+    const GPUVAddr buffer_address = regs.const_buffer.Address();
     ASSERT(buffer_address != 0);
     // Don't allow writing past the end of the buffer.
-    ASSERT(regs.const_buffer.cb_pos <= regs.const_buffer.cb_size);
+    ASSERT(regs.const_buffer.offset <= regs.const_buffer.size);
-    const GPUVAddr address{buffer_address + regs.const_buffer.cb_pos};
+    const GPUVAddr address{buffer_address + regs.const_buffer.offset};
     const size_t copy_size = amount * sizeof(u32);
     memory_manager.WriteBlock(address, start_base, copy_size);
     // Increment the current buffer position.
-    regs.const_buffer.cb_pos += static_cast<u32>(copy_size);
+    regs.const_buffer.offset += static_cast<u32>(copy_size);
 void Maxwell3D::ProcessCBData(u32 value) {
@@ -661,7 +667,8 @@ void Maxwell3D::ProcessCBData(u32 value) {
 Texture::TICEntry Maxwell3D::GetTICEntry(u32 tic_index) const {
-    const GPUVAddr tic_address_gpu{regs.tic.Address() + tic_index * sizeof(Texture::TICEntry)};
+    const GPUVAddr tic_address_gpu{regs.tex_header.Address() +
+                                   tic_index * sizeof(Texture::TICEntry)};
     Texture::TICEntry tic_entry;
     memory_manager.ReadBlockUnsafe(tic_address_gpu, &tic_entry, sizeof(Texture::TICEntry));
@@ -670,7 +677,8 @@ Texture::TICEntry Maxwell3D::GetTICEntry(u32 tic_index) const {
 Texture::TSCEntry Maxwell3D::GetTSCEntry(u32 tsc_index) const {
-    const GPUVAddr tsc_address_gpu{regs.tsc.Address() + tsc_index * sizeof(Texture::TSCEntry)};
+    const GPUVAddr tsc_address_gpu{regs.tex_sampler.Address() +
+                                   tsc_index * sizeof(Texture::TSCEntry)};
     Texture::TSCEntry tsc_entry;
     memory_manager.ReadBlockUnsafe(tsc_address_gpu, &tsc_entry, sizeof(Texture::TSCEntry));
diff --git a/src/video_core/engines/maxwell_3d.h b/src/video_core/engines/maxwell_3d.h
index 5f9eb208c3..efe1073b06 100644
--- a/src/video_core/engines/maxwell_3d.h
+++ b/src/video_core/engines/maxwell_3d.h
@@ -39,12 +39,15 @@ namespace Tegra::Engines {
  * This Engine is known as GF100_3D. Documentation can be found in:
+ * https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-doc/blob/master/classes/3d/clb197.h
  * https://github.com/envytools/envytools/blob/master/rnndb/graph/gf100_3d.xml
  * https://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/tree/src/gallium/drivers/nouveau/nvc0/nvc0_3d.xml.h
+ *
+ * Note: nVidia have confirmed that their open docs have had parts redacted, so this list is
+ * currently incomplete, and the gaps are still worth exploring.
-#define MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(field_name)                                                            \
-    (offsetof(Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs, field_name) / sizeof(u32))
+#define MAXWELL3D_REG_INDEX(field_name) (offsetof(Maxwell3D::Regs, field_name) / sizeof(u32))
 class Maxwell3D final : public EngineInterface {
@@ -55,7 +58,6 @@ public:
     void BindRasterizer(VideoCore::RasterizerInterface* rasterizer);
     /// Register structure of the Maxwell3D engine.
-    /// TODO(Subv): This structure will need to be made bigger as more registers are discovered.
     struct Regs {
         static constexpr std::size_t NUM_REGS = 0xE00;
@@ -74,90 +76,515 @@ public:
         static constexpr std::size_t MaxConstBuffers = 18;
         static constexpr std::size_t MaxConstBufferSize = 0x10000;
-        enum class QueryOperation : u32 {
-            Release = 0,
-            Acquire = 1,
-            Counter = 2,
-            Trap = 3,
+        struct ID {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> cls;
+                BitField<16, 5, u32> engine;
+            };
-        enum class QueryUnit : u32 {
-            VFetch = 1,
-            VP = 2,
-            Rast = 4,
-            StrmOut = 5,
-            GP = 6,
-            ZCull = 7,
-            Prop = 10,
-            Crop = 15,
+        struct LoadMME {
+            u32 instruction_ptr;
+            u32 instruction;
+            u32 start_address_ptr;
+            u32 start_address;
-        enum class QuerySelect : u32 {
-            Payload = 0,
-            TimeElapsed = 2,
-            TransformFeedbackPrimitivesGenerated = 11,
-            PrimitivesGenerated = 18,
-            SamplesPassed = 21,
-            TransformFeedbackUnknown = 26,
+        struct Notify {
+            u32 address_high;
+            u32 address_low;
+            u32 type;
+            GPUVAddr Address() const {
+                return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) |
+                                             address_low);
+            }
-        struct QueryCompare {
-            u32 initial_sequence;
-            u32 initial_mode;
-            u32 unknown1;
-            u32 unknown2;
-            u32 current_sequence;
-            u32 current_mode;
+        struct PeerSemaphore {
+            u32 address_high;
+            u32 address_low;
+            GPUVAddr Address() const {
+                return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) |
+                                             address_low);
+            }
-        enum class QuerySyncCondition : u32 {
-            NotEqual = 0,
-            GreaterThan = 1,
+        struct GlobalRender {
+            enum class Mode : u32 {
+                False = 0,
+                True = 1,
+                Conditional = 2,
+                IfEqual = 3,
+                IfNotEqual = 4,
+            };
+            u32 offset_high;
+            u32 offset_low;
+            Mode mode;
+            GPUVAddr Address() const {
+                return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(offset_high) << 32) |
+                                             offset_low);
+            }
-        enum class ConditionMode : u32 {
-            Never = 0,
-            Always = 1,
-            ResNonZero = 2,
-            Equal = 3,
-            NotEqual = 4,
+        enum class ReductionOp : u32 {
+            RedAdd = 0,
+            RedMin = 1,
+            RedMax = 2,
+            RedInc = 3,
+            RedDec = 4,
+            RedAnd = 5,
+            RedOr = 6,
+            RedXor = 7,
-        enum class ShaderProgram : u32 {
-            VertexA = 0,
-            VertexB = 1,
-            TesselationControl = 2,
-            TesselationEval = 3,
-            Geometry = 4,
-            Fragment = 5,
+        struct LaunchDMA {
+            enum class Layout : u32 {
+                Blocklinear = 0,
+                Pitch = 1,
+            };
+            enum class CompletionType : u32 {
+                FlushDisable = 0,
+                FlushOnly = 1,
+                Release = 2,
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, Layout> memory_layout;
+                BitField<4, 2, CompletionType> completion_type;
+                BitField<8, 2, u32> interrupt_type;
+                BitField<12, 1, u32> sem_size;
+                BitField<1, 1, u32> reduction_enable;
+                BitField<13, 3, ReductionOp> reduction_op;
+                BitField<2, 2, u32> reduction_format;
+                BitField<6, 1, u32> sysmembar_disable;
+            };
+        };
+        struct I2M {
+            u32 address_high;
+            u32 address_low;
+            u32 payload;
+            u32 nop0;
+            u32 nop1;
+            u32 nop2;
+            u32 nop3;
+        };
+        struct OpportunisticEarlyZ {
+            BitField<0, 5, u32> threshold;
+            u32 Threshold() const {
+                switch (threshold) {
+                case 0x0:
+                    return 0;
+                case 0x1F:
+                    return 0x1F;
+                default:
+                    // Thresholds begin at 0x10 (1 << 4)
+                    // Threshold is in the range 0x1 to 0x13
+                    return 1 << (4 + threshold.Value() - 1);
+                }
+            }
+        };
+        struct GeometryShaderDmFifo {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 13, u32> raster_on;
+                BitField<16, 13, u32> raster_off;
+                BitField<31, 1, u32> spill_enabled;
+            };
+        };
+        struct L2CacheControl {
+            enum class EvictPolicy : u32 {
+                First = 0,
+                Normal = 1,
+                Last = 2,
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<4, 2, EvictPolicy> policy;
+            };
+        };
+        struct InvalidateShaderCache {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> instruction;
+                BitField<4, 1, u32> data;
+                BitField<12, 1, u32> constant;
+                BitField<1, 1, u32> locks;
+                BitField<2, 1, u32> flush_data;
+            };
+        };
+        struct SyncInfo {
+            enum class Condition : u32 {
+                StreamOutWritesDone = 0,
+                RopWritesDone = 1,
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> sync_point;
+                BitField<16, 1, u32> clean_l2;
+                BitField<20, 1, Condition> condition;
+            };
+        };
+        struct SurfaceClipBlockId {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 4, u32> block_width;
+                BitField<4, 4, u32> block_height;
+                BitField<8, 4, u32> block_depth;
+            };
+        };
+        struct DecompressSurface {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 3, u32> mrt_select;
+                BitField<4, 16, u32> rt_array_index;
+            };
+        };
+        struct ZCullRopBypass {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> enable;
+                BitField<4, 1, u32> no_stall;
+                BitField<8, 1, u32> cull_everything;
+                BitField<12, 4, u32> threshold;
+            };
+        };
+        struct ZCullSubregion {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> enable;
+                BitField<4, 24, u32> normalized_aliquots;
+            };
+        };
+        struct RasterBoundingBox {
+            enum class Mode : u32 {
+                BoundingBox = 0,
+                FullViewport = 1,
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, Mode> mode;
+                BitField<4, 8, u32> pad;
+            };
+        };
+        struct IteratedBlendOptimization {
+            enum class Noop : u32 {
+                Never = 0,
+                SourceRGBA0000 = 1,
+                SourceAlpha = 2,
+                SourceRGBA0001 = 3,
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, Noop> noop;
+            };
+        };
+        struct ZCullSubregionAllocation {
+            enum class Format : u32 {
+                Z_16x16x2_4x4 = 0,
+                ZS_16x16_4x4 = 1,
+                Z_16x16_4x2 = 2,
+                Z_16x16_2x4 = 3,
+                Z_16x8_4x4 = 4,
+                Z_8x8_4x2 = 5,
+                Z_8x8_2x4 = 6,
+                Z_16x16_4x8 = 7,
+                Z_4x8_2x2 = 8,
+                ZS_16x8_4x2 = 9,
+                ZS_16x8_2x4 = 10,
+                ZS_8x8_2x2 = 11,
+                Z_4x8_1x1 = 12,
+                None = 15,
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 8, u32> id;
+                BitField<8, 16, u32> aliquots;
+                BitField<24, 4, Format> format;
+            };
+        };
+        enum class ZCullSubregionAlgorithm : u32 {
+            Static = 0,
+            Adaptive = 1,
+        };
+        struct PixelShaderOutputSampleMaskUsage {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> enable;
+                BitField<1, 1, u32> qualify_by_aa;
+            };
+        };
+        struct L1Configuration {
+            enum class AddressableMemory : u32 {
+                Size16Kb = 0,
+                Size48Kb = 3,
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 3, AddressableMemory> direct_addressable_memory;
+            };
+        };
+        struct SPAVersion {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 8, u32> minor;
+                BitField<8, 8, u32> major;
+            };
+        };
+        struct SnapGrid {
+            enum class Location : u32 {
+                Pixel2x2 = 1,
+                Pixel4x4 = 2,
+                Pixel8x8 = 3,
+                Pixel16x16 = 4,
+                Pixel32x32 = 5,
+                Pixel64x64 = 6,
+                Pixel128x128 = 7,
+                Pixel256x256 = 8,
+            };
+            enum class Mode : u32 {
+                RTNE = 0,
+                Tesla = 1,
+            };
+            struct {
+                union {
+                    BitField<0, 4, Location> location;
+                    BitField<8, 1, Mode> rounding_mode;
+                };
+            } line;
+            struct {
+                union {
+                    BitField<0, 4, Location> location;
+                    BitField<8, 1, Mode> rounding_mode;
+                };
+            } non_line;
+        };
+        struct Tessellation {
+            enum class DomainType : u32 {
+                Isolines = 0,
+                Triangles = 1,
+                Quads = 2,
+            };
+            enum class Spacing : u32 {
+                Integer = 0,
+                FractionalOdd = 1,
+                FractionalEven = 2,
+            };
+            enum class OutputPrimitves : u32 {
+                Points = 0,
+                Lines = 1,
+                Triangles_CW = 2,
+                Triangles_CCW = 3,
+            };
+            struct Parameters {
+                union {
+                    BitField<0, 2, DomainType> domain_type;
+                    BitField<4, 2, Spacing> spacing;
+                    BitField<8, 2, OutputPrimitves> output_primitives;
+                };
+            } params;
+            struct LOD {
+                std::array<f32, 4> outer;
+                std::array<f32, 2> inner;
+            } lod;
+            std::array<u32, 9> reserved;
+        };
+        struct SubTilingPerf {
+            struct {
+                union {
+                    BitField<0, 8, u32> spm_triangle_register_file_per;
+                    BitField<8, 8, u32> spm_pixel_output_buffer_per;
+                    BitField<16, 8, u32> spm_triangle_ram_per;
+                    BitField<24, 8, u32> max_quads_per;
+                };
+            } knob_a;
+            struct {
+                union {
+                    BitField<0, 8, u32> max_primitives_per;
+                };
+            } knob_b;
+            u32 knob_c;
+        };
+        struct ZCullSubregionReport {
+            enum class ReportType : u32 {
+                DepthTest = 0,
+                DepthTestNoAccept = 1,
+                DepthTestLateZ = 2,
+                StencilTest = 3,
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> enabled;
+                BitField<4, 8, u32> subregion_id;
+            } to_report;
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> enabled;
+                BitField<4, 3, ReportType> type;
+            } report_type;
+        };
+        struct BalancedPrimitiveWorkload {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> unpartitioned_mode;
+                BitField<4, 1, u32> timesliced_mode;
+            };
+        };
+        struct TransformFeedback {
+            struct Buffer {
+                u32 enable;
+                u32 address_high;
+                u32 address_low;
+                s32 size;
+                s32 start_offset;
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0xC);
+                GPUVAddr Address() const {
+                    return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) |
+                                                 address_low);
+                }
+            };
+            static_assert(sizeof(Buffer) == 0x20);
+            struct Control {
+                u32 stream;
+                u32 varying_count;
+                u32 stride;
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+            };
+            static_assert(sizeof(Control) == 0x10);
+            std::array<TransformFeedback::Buffer, NumTransformFeedbackBuffers> buffers;
+            INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x300);
+            std::array<TransformFeedback::Control, NumTransformFeedbackBuffers> controls;
+        };
+        struct HybridAntiAliasControl {
+            enum class Centroid : u32 {
+                PerFragment = 0,
+                PerPass = 1,
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 4, u32> passes;
+                BitField<4, 1, Centroid> centroid;
+                BitField<5, 1, u32> passes_extended;
+            };
+        };
+        struct ShaderLocalMemory {
+            u32 base_address;
+            u32 address_high;
+            u32 address_low;
+            u32 size_high;
+            u32 size_low;
+            u32 default_size_per_warp;
+            GPUVAddr Address() const {
+                return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) |
+                                             address_low);
+            }
+            u64 Size() const {
+                return (static_cast<u64>(size_high) << 32) | size_low;
+            }
+        };
+        struct ZCullRegion {
+            u32 width;
+            u32 height;
+            u32 depth;
+            u32 offset;
+            u32 fetch_streams_once;
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> start_aliquot;
+                BitField<16, 16, u32> aliquot_count;
+            } location;
+            u32 aliquots_per_layer;
+            u32 storage_address_high;
+            u32 storage_address_low;
+            u32 storage_limit_address_high;
+            u32 storage_limit_address_low;
+            GPUVAddr StorageAddress() const {
+                return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(storage_address_high) << 32) |
+                                             storage_address_low);
+            }
+            GPUVAddr StorageLimitAddress() const {
+                return static_cast<GPUVAddr>(
+                    (static_cast<GPUVAddr>(storage_limit_address_high) << 32) |
+                    storage_limit_address_low);
+            }
+        };
+        struct ZetaReadOnly {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> enable_z;
+                BitField<4, 1, u32> enable_stencil;
+            };
         struct VertexAttribute {
             enum class Size : u32 {
                 Invalid = 0x0,
-                Size_32_32_32_32 = 0x01,
-                Size_32_32_32 = 0x02,
-                Size_16_16_16_16 = 0x03,
-                Size_32_32 = 0x04,
-                Size_16_16_16 = 0x05,
-                Size_8_8_8_8 = 0x0a,
-                Size_16_16 = 0x0f,
-                Size_32 = 0x12,
-                Size_8_8_8 = 0x13,
-                Size_8_8 = 0x18,
-                Size_16 = 0x1b,
-                Size_8 = 0x1d,
-                Size_10_10_10_2 = 0x30,
-                Size_11_11_10 = 0x31,
+                Size_R32_G32_B32_A32 = 0x01,
+                Size_R32_G32_B32 = 0x02,
+                Size_R16_G16_B16_A16 = 0x03,
+                Size_R32_G32 = 0x04,
+                Size_R16_G16_B16 = 0x05,
+                Size_R8_G8_B8_A8 = 0x0A,
+                Size_R16_G16 = 0x0F,
+                Size_R32 = 0x12,
+                Size_R8_G8_B8 = 0x13,
+                Size_R8_G8 = 0x18,
+                Size_R16 = 0x1B,
+                Size_R8 = 0x1D,
+                Size_A2_B10_G10_R10 = 0x30,
+                Size_B10_G11_R11 = 0x31,
+                Size_G8_R8 = 0x32,
+                Size_X8_B8_G8_R8 = 0x33,
+                Size_A8 = 0x34,
             enum class Type : u32 {
-                SignedNorm = 1,
-                UnsignedNorm = 2,
-                SignedInt = 3,
-                UnsignedInt = 4,
-                UnsignedScaled = 5,
-                SignedScaled = 6,
+                UnusedEnumDoNotUseBecauseItWillGoAway = 0,
+                SNorm = 1,
+                UNorm = 2,
+                SInt = 3,
+                UInt = 4,
+                UScaled = 5,
+                SScaled = 6,
                 Float = 7,
@@ -173,33 +600,36 @@ public:
             u32 ComponentCount() const {
                 switch (size) {
-                case Size::Size_32_32_32_32:
+                case Size::Size_R32_G32_B32_A32:
                     return 4;
-                case Size::Size_32_32_32:
+                case Size::Size_R32_G32_B32:
                     return 3;
-                case Size::Size_16_16_16_16:
+                case Size::Size_R16_G16_B16_A16:
                     return 4;
-                case Size::Size_32_32:
+                case Size::Size_R32_G32:
                     return 2;
-                case Size::Size_16_16_16:
+                case Size::Size_R16_G16_B16:
                     return 3;
-                case Size::Size_8_8_8_8:
+                case Size::Size_R8_G8_B8_A8:
+                case Size::Size_X8_B8_G8_R8:
                     return 4;
-                case Size::Size_16_16:
+                case Size::Size_R16_G16:
                     return 2;
-                case Size::Size_32:
+                case Size::Size_R32:
                     return 1;
-                case Size::Size_8_8_8:
+                case Size::Size_R8_G8_B8:
                     return 3;
-                case Size::Size_8_8:
+                case Size::Size_R8_G8:
+                case Size::Size_G8_R8:
                     return 2;
-                case Size::Size_16:
+                case Size::Size_R16:
                     return 1;
-                case Size::Size_8:
+                case Size::Size_R8:
+                case Size::Size_A8:
                     return 1;
-                case Size::Size_10_10_10_2:
+                case Size::Size_A2_B10_G10_R10:
                     return 4;
-                case Size::Size_11_11_10:
+                case Size::Size_B10_G11_R11:
                     return 3;
@@ -209,33 +639,36 @@ public:
             u32 SizeInBytes() const {
                 switch (size) {
-                case Size::Size_32_32_32_32:
+                case Size::Size_R32_G32_B32_A32:
                     return 16;
-                case Size::Size_32_32_32:
+                case Size::Size_R32_G32_B32:
                     return 12;
-                case Size::Size_16_16_16_16:
+                case Size::Size_R16_G16_B16_A16:
                     return 8;
-                case Size::Size_32_32:
+                case Size::Size_R32_G32:
                     return 8;
-                case Size::Size_16_16_16:
+                case Size::Size_R16_G16_B16:
                     return 6;
-                case Size::Size_8_8_8_8:
+                case Size::Size_R8_G8_B8_A8:
+                case Size::Size_X8_B8_G8_R8:
                     return 4;
-                case Size::Size_16_16:
+                case Size::Size_R16_G16:
                     return 4;
-                case Size::Size_32:
+                case Size::Size_R32:
                     return 4;
-                case Size::Size_8_8_8:
+                case Size::Size_R8_G8_B8:
                     return 3;
-                case Size::Size_8_8:
+                case Size::Size_R8_G8:
+                case Size::Size_G8_R8:
                     return 2;
-                case Size::Size_16:
+                case Size::Size_R16:
                     return 2;
-                case Size::Size_8:
+                case Size::Size_R8:
+                case Size::Size_A8:
                     return 1;
-                case Size::Size_10_10_10_2:
+                case Size::Size_A2_B10_G10_R10:
                     return 4;
-                case Size::Size_11_11_10:
+                case Size::Size_B10_G11_R11:
                     return 4;
@@ -245,34 +678,36 @@ public:
             std::string SizeString() const {
                 switch (size) {
-                case Size::Size_32_32_32_32:
+                case Size::Size_R32_G32_B32_A32:
                     return "32_32_32_32";
-                case Size::Size_32_32_32:
+                case Size::Size_R32_G32_B32:
                     return "32_32_32";
-                case Size::Size_16_16_16_16:
+                case Size::Size_R16_G16_B16_A16:
                     return "16_16_16_16";
-                case Size::Size_32_32:
+                case Size::Size_R32_G32:
                     return "32_32";
-                case Size::Size_16_16_16:
+                case Size::Size_R16_G16_B16:
                     return "16_16_16";
-                case Size::Size_8_8_8_8:
+                case Size::Size_R8_G8_B8_A8:
                     return "8_8_8_8";
-                case Size::Size_16_16:
+                case Size::Size_R16_G16:
                     return "16_16";
-                case Size::Size_32:
+                case Size::Size_R32:
                     return "32";
-                case Size::Size_8_8_8:
+                case Size::Size_R8_G8_B8:
                     return "8_8_8";
-                case Size::Size_8_8:
+                case Size::Size_R8_G8:
+                case Size::Size_G8_R8:
                     return "8_8";
-                case Size::Size_16:
+                case Size::Size_R16:
                     return "16";
-                case Size::Size_8:
+                case Size::Size_R8:
+                case Size::Size_A8:
                     return "8";
-                case Size::Size_10_10_10_2:
-                    return "10_10_10_2";
-                case Size::Size_11_11_10:
-                    return "11_11_10";
+                case Size::Size_A2_B10_G10_R10:
+                    return "2_10_10_10";
+                case Size::Size_B10_G11_R11:
+                    return "10_11_12";
                     return {};
@@ -281,17 +716,19 @@ public:
             std::string TypeString() const {
                 switch (type) {
-                case Type::SignedNorm:
+                case Type::UnusedEnumDoNotUseBecauseItWillGoAway:
+                    return "Unused";
+                case Type::SNorm:
                     return "SNORM";
-                case Type::UnsignedNorm:
+                case Type::UNorm:
                     return "UNORM";
-                case Type::SignedInt:
+                case Type::SInt:
                     return "SINT";
-                case Type::UnsignedInt:
+                case Type::UInt:
                     return "UINT";
-                case Type::UnsignedScaled:
+                case Type::UScaled:
                     return "USCALED";
-                case Type::SignedScaled:
+                case Type::SScaled:
                     return "SSCALED";
                 case Type::Float:
                     return "FLOAT";
@@ -301,7 +738,7 @@ public:
             bool IsNormalized() const {
-                return (type == Type::SignedNorm) || (type == Type::UnsignedNorm);
+                return (type == Type::SNorm) || (type == Type::UNorm);
             bool IsValid() const {
@@ -312,6 +749,7 @@ public:
                 return hex < other.hex;
+        static_assert(sizeof(VertexAttribute) == 0x4);
         struct MsaaSampleLocation {
             union {
@@ -342,9 +780,96 @@ public:
-        enum class DepthMode : u32 {
-            MinusOneToOne = 0,
-            ZeroToOne = 1,
+        struct MultisampleCoverageToColor {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> enable;
+                BitField<4, 3, u32> target;
+            };
+        };
+        struct DecompressZetaSurface {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> z_enable;
+                BitField<4, 1, u32> stencil_enable;
+            };
+        };
+        struct ZetaSparse {
+            enum class UnmappedCompare : u32 {
+                Unmapped = 0,
+                FailAlways = 1,
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> enable;
+                BitField<1, 1, UnmappedCompare> unmapped_compare;
+            };
+        };
+        struct RtControl {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 4, u32> count;
+                BitField<4, 3, u32> target0;
+                BitField<7, 3, u32> target1;
+                BitField<10, 3, u32> target2;
+                BitField<13, 3, u32> target3;
+                BitField<16, 3, u32> target4;
+                BitField<19, 3, u32> target5;
+                BitField<22, 3, u32> target6;
+                BitField<25, 3, u32> target7;
+            };
+            u32 Map(std::size_t index) const {
+                const std::array<u32, NumRenderTargets> maps{target0, target1, target2, target3,
+                                                             target4, target5, target6, target7};
+                ASSERT(index < maps.size());
+                return maps[index];
+            }
+        };
+        struct CompressionThresholdSamples {
+            u32 samples;
+            u32 Samples() {
+                if (samples == 0) {
+                    return 0;
+                }
+                return 1 << (samples - 1);
+            }
+        };
+        struct PixelShaderInterlockControl {
+            enum class TileMode : u32 {
+                NoConflictDetect = 0,
+                DetectSampleConflict = 1,
+                DetectPixelConflict = 2,
+            };
+            enum class TileSize : u32 {
+                Size_16x16 = 0,
+                Size_8x8 = 1,
+            };
+            enum class FragmentOrder : u32 {
+                FragmentOrdered = 0,
+                FragmentUnordered = 1,
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 2, TileMode> tile_mode;
+                BitField<2, 1, TileSize> tile_size;
+                BitField<3, 1, FragmentOrder> fragment_order;
+            };
+        };
+        struct ZetaSize {
+            enum class DimensionControl : u32 {
+                DepthDefinesArray = 0,
+                ArraySizeOne = 1,
+            };
+            u32 width;
+            u32 height;
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> depth;
+                BitField<16, 1, DimensionControl> dim_control;
+            };
         enum class PrimitiveTopology : u32 {
@@ -358,15 +883,21 @@ public:
             Quads = 0x7,
             QuadStrip = 0x8,
             Polygon = 0x9,
-            LinesAdjacency = 0xa,
-            LineStripAdjacency = 0xb,
-            TrianglesAdjacency = 0xc,
-            TriangleStripAdjacency = 0xd,
-            Patches = 0xe,
+            LinesAdjacency = 0xA,
+            LineStripAdjacency = 0xB,
+            TrianglesAdjacency = 0xC,
+            TriangleStripAdjacency = 0xD,
+            Patches = 0xE,
+        };
+        struct VertexArray {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> start;
+                BitField<16, 12, u32> count;
+                BitField<28, 3, PrimitiveTopology> topology;
+            };
-        // Constants as from NVC0_3D_UNK1970_D3D
-        // https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/blob/main/src/gallium/drivers/nouveau/nvc0/nvc0_3d.xml.h#L1598
         enum class PrimitiveTopologyOverride : u32 {
             None = 0x0,
             Points = 0x1,
@@ -374,11 +905,32 @@ public:
             LineStrip = 0x3,
             Triangles = 0x4,
             TriangleStrip = 0x5,
-            LinesAdjacency = 0xa,
-            LineStripAdjacency = 0xb,
-            TrianglesAdjacency = 0xc,
-            TriangleStripAdjacency = 0xd,
-            Patches = 0xe,
+            LinesAdjacency = 0xA,
+            LineStripAdjacency = 0xB,
+            TrianglesAdjacency = 0xC,
+            TriangleStripAdjacency = 0xD,
+            Patches = 0xE,
+            LegacyPoints = 0x1001,
+            LegacyIndexedLines = 0x1002,
+            LegacyIndexedTriangles = 0x1003,
+            LegacyLines = 0x100F,
+            LegacyLineStrip = 0x1010,
+            LegacyIndexedLineStrip = 0x1011,
+            LegacyTriangles = 0x1012,
+            LegacyTriangleStrip = 0x1013,
+            LegacyIndexedTriangleStrip = 0x1014,
+            LegacyTriangleFan = 0x1015,
+            LegacyIndexedTriangleFan = 0x1016,
+            LegacyTriangleFanImm = 0x1017,
+            LegacyLinesImm = 0x1018,
+            LegacyIndexedTriangles2 = 0x101A,
+            LegacyIndexedLines2 = 0x101B,
+        };
+        enum class DepthMode : u32 {
+            MinusOneToOne = 0,
+            ZeroToOne = 1,
         enum class IndexFormat : u32 {
@@ -388,183 +940,143 @@ public:
         enum class ComparisonOp : u32 {
-            // These values are used by Nouveau and most games, they correspond to the OpenGL token
-            // values for these operations.
-            Never = 0x200,
-            Less = 0x201,
-            Equal = 0x202,
-            LessEqual = 0x203,
-            Greater = 0x204,
-            NotEqual = 0x205,
-            GreaterEqual = 0x206,
-            Always = 0x207,
+            Never_D3D = 1,
+            Less_D3D = 2,
+            Equal_D3D = 3,
+            LessEqual_D3D = 4,
+            Greater_D3D = 5,
+            NotEqual_D3D = 6,
+            GreaterEqual_D3D = 7,
+            Always_D3D = 8,
-            // These values are used by some games, they seem to be NV04 values.
-            NeverOld = 1,
-            LessOld = 2,
-            EqualOld = 3,
-            LessEqualOld = 4,
-            GreaterOld = 5,
-            NotEqualOld = 6,
-            GreaterEqualOld = 7,
-            AlwaysOld = 8,
+            Never_GL = 0x200,
+            Less_GL = 0x201,
+            Equal_GL = 0x202,
+            LessEqual_GL = 0x203,
+            Greater_GL = 0x204,
+            NotEqual_GL = 0x205,
+            GreaterEqual_GL = 0x206,
+            Always_GL = 0x207,
-        enum class LogicOperation : u32 {
-            Clear = 0x1500,
-            And = 0x1501,
-            AndReverse = 0x1502,
-            Copy = 0x1503,
-            AndInverted = 0x1504,
-            NoOp = 0x1505,
-            Xor = 0x1506,
-            Or = 0x1507,
-            Nor = 0x1508,
-            Equiv = 0x1509,
-            Invert = 0x150A,
-            OrReverse = 0x150B,
-            CopyInverted = 0x150C,
-            OrInverted = 0x150D,
-            Nand = 0x150E,
-            Set = 0x150F,
-        };
-        enum class StencilOp : u32 {
-            Keep = 1,
-            Zero = 2,
-            Replace = 3,
-            Incr = 4,
-            Decr = 5,
-            Invert = 6,
-            IncrWrap = 7,
-            DecrWrap = 8,
-            KeepOGL = 0x1E00,
-            ZeroOGL = 0,
-            ReplaceOGL = 0x1E01,
-            IncrOGL = 0x1E02,
-            DecrOGL = 0x1E03,
-            InvertOGL = 0x150A,
-            IncrWrapOGL = 0x8507,
-            DecrWrapOGL = 0x8508,
-        };
-        enum class CounterReset : u32 {
-            SampleCnt = 0x01,
-            Unk02 = 0x02,
-            Unk03 = 0x03,
-            Unk04 = 0x04,
-            EmittedPrimitives = 0x10, // Not tested
-            Unk11 = 0x11,
-            Unk12 = 0x12,
-            Unk13 = 0x13,
-            Unk15 = 0x15,
-            Unk16 = 0x16,
-            Unk17 = 0x17,
-            Unk18 = 0x18,
-            Unk1A = 0x1A,
-            Unk1B = 0x1B,
-            Unk1C = 0x1C,
-            Unk1D = 0x1D,
-            Unk1E = 0x1E,
-            GeneratedPrimitives = 0x1F,
+        enum class ClearReport : u32 {
+            ZPassPixelCount = 0x01,
+            ZCullStats = 0x02,
+            StreamingPrimitvesNeededMinusSucceeded = 0x03,
+            AlphaBetaClocks = 0x04,
+            StreamingPrimitivesSucceeded = 0x10,
+            StreamingPrimitivesNeeded = 0x11,
+            VerticesGenerated = 0x12,
+            PrimitivesGenerated = 0x13,
+            VertexShaderInvocations = 0x15,
+            TessellationInitInvocations = 0x16,
+            TessellationShaderInvocations = 0x17,
+            TessellationShaderPrimitivesGenerated = 0x18,
+            GeometryShaderInvocations = 0x1A,
+            GeometryShaderPrimitivesGenerated = 0x1B,
+            ClipperInvocations = 0x1C,
+            ClipperPrimitivesGenerated = 0x1D,
+            PixelShaderInvocations = 0x1E,
+            VtgPrimitivesOut = 0x1F,
         enum class FrontFace : u32 {
-            ClockWise = 0x0900,
-            CounterClockWise = 0x0901,
+            ClockWise = 0x900,
+            CounterClockWise = 0x901,
         enum class CullFace : u32 {
-            Front = 0x0404,
-            Back = 0x0405,
-            FrontAndBack = 0x0408,
+            Front = 0x404,
+            Back = 0x405,
+            FrontAndBack = 0x408,
         struct Blend {
             enum class Equation : u32 {
-                Add = 1,
-                Subtract = 2,
-                ReverseSubtract = 3,
-                Min = 4,
-                Max = 5,
+                Add_D3D = 1,
+                Subtract_D3D = 2,
+                ReverseSubtract_D3D = 3,
+                Min_D3D = 4,
+                Max_D3D = 5,
-                // These values are used by Nouveau and some games.
-                AddGL = 0x8006,
-                MinGL = 0x8007,
-                MaxGL = 0x8008,
-                SubtractGL = 0x800a,
-                ReverseSubtractGL = 0x800b
+                Add_GL = 0x8006,
+                Min_GL = 0x8007,
+                Max_GL = 0x8008,
+                Subtract_GL = 0x800A,
+                ReverseSubtract_GL = 0x800B
             enum class Factor : u32 {
-                Zero = 0x1,
-                One = 0x2,
-                SourceColor = 0x3,
-                OneMinusSourceColor = 0x4,
-                SourceAlpha = 0x5,
-                OneMinusSourceAlpha = 0x6,
-                DestAlpha = 0x7,
-                OneMinusDestAlpha = 0x8,
-                DestColor = 0x9,
-                OneMinusDestColor = 0xa,
-                SourceAlphaSaturate = 0xb,
-                Source1Color = 0x10,
-                OneMinusSource1Color = 0x11,
-                Source1Alpha = 0x12,
-                OneMinusSource1Alpha = 0x13,
-                ConstantColor = 0x61,
-                OneMinusConstantColor = 0x62,
-                ConstantAlpha = 0x63,
-                OneMinusConstantAlpha = 0x64,
+                Zero_D3D = 0x1,
+                One_D3D = 0x2,
+                SourceColor_D3D = 0x3,
+                OneMinusSourceColor_D3D = 0x4,
+                SourceAlpha_D3D = 0x5,
+                OneMinusSourceAlpha_D3D = 0x6,
+                DestAlpha_D3D = 0x7,
+                OneMinusDestAlpha_D3D = 0x8,
+                DestColor_D3D = 0x9,
+                OneMinusDestColor_D3D = 0xA,
+                SourceAlphaSaturate_D3D = 0xB,
+                BothSourceAlpha_D3D = 0xC,
+                OneMinusBothSourceAlpha_D3D = 0xD,
+                BlendFactor_D3D = 0xE,
+                OneMinusBlendFactor_D3D = 0xF,
+                Source1Color_D3D = 0x10,
+                OneMinusSource1Color_D3D = 0x11,
+                Source1Alpha_D3D = 0x12,
+                OneMinusSource1Alpha_D3D = 0x13,
-                // These values are used by Nouveau and some games.
-                ZeroGL = 0x4000,
-                OneGL = 0x4001,
-                SourceColorGL = 0x4300,
-                OneMinusSourceColorGL = 0x4301,
-                SourceAlphaGL = 0x4302,
-                OneMinusSourceAlphaGL = 0x4303,
-                DestAlphaGL = 0x4304,
-                OneMinusDestAlphaGL = 0x4305,
-                DestColorGL = 0x4306,
-                OneMinusDestColorGL = 0x4307,
-                SourceAlphaSaturateGL = 0x4308,
-                ConstantColorGL = 0xc001,
-                OneMinusConstantColorGL = 0xc002,
-                ConstantAlphaGL = 0xc003,
-                OneMinusConstantAlphaGL = 0xc004,
-                Source1ColorGL = 0xc900,
-                OneMinusSource1ColorGL = 0xc901,
-                Source1AlphaGL = 0xc902,
-                OneMinusSource1AlphaGL = 0xc903,
+                Zero_GL = 0x4000,
+                One_GL = 0x4001,
+                SourceColor_GL = 0x4300,
+                OneMinusSourceColor_GL = 0x4301,
+                SourceAlpha_GL = 0x4302,
+                OneMinusSourceAlpha_GL = 0x4303,
+                DestAlpha_GL = 0x4304,
+                OneMinusDestAlpha_GL = 0x4305,
+                DestColor_GL = 0x4306,
+                OneMinusDestColor_GL = 0x4307,
+                SourceAlphaSaturate_GL = 0x4308,
+                ConstantColor_GL = 0xC001,
+                OneMinusConstantColor_GL = 0xC002,
+                ConstantAlpha_GL = 0xC003,
+                OneMinusConstantAlpha_GL = 0xC004,
+                Source1Color_GL = 0xC900,
+                OneMinusSource1Color_GL = 0xC901,
+                Source1Alpha_GL = 0xC902,
+                OneMinusSource1Alpha_GL = 0xC903,
             u32 separate_alpha;
-            Equation equation_rgb;
-            Factor factor_source_rgb;
-            Factor factor_dest_rgb;
-            Equation equation_a;
-            Factor factor_source_a;
-            Factor factor_dest_a;
+            Equation color_op;
+            Factor color_source;
+            Factor color_dest;
+            Equation alpha_op;
+            Factor alpha_source;
+            u32 enable_global_color_key;
+            Factor alpha_dest;
+            u32 single_rop_control_enable;
+            u32 enable[NumRenderTargets];
-        enum class TessellationPrimitive : u32 {
-            Isolines = 0,
-            Triangles = 1,
-            Quads = 2,
-        };
-        enum class TessellationSpacing : u32 {
-            Equal = 0,
-            FractionalOdd = 1,
-            FractionalEven = 2,
+        struct BlendPerTarget {
+            u32 separate_alpha;
+            Blend::Equation color_op;
+            Blend::Factor color_source;
+            Blend::Factor color_dest;
+            Blend::Equation alpha_op;
+            Blend::Factor alpha_source;
+            Blend::Factor alpha_dest;
+        static_assert(sizeof(BlendPerTarget) == 0x20);
         enum class PolygonMode : u32 {
-            Point = 0x1b00,
-            Line = 0x1b01,
-            Fill = 0x1b02,
+            Point = 0x1B00,
+            Line = 0x1B01,
+            Fill = 0x1B02,
         enum class ShadowRamControl : u32 {
@@ -589,18 +1101,22 @@ public:
             NegativeW = 7,
-        enum class SamplerIndex : u32 {
+        enum class SamplerBinding : u32 {
             Independently = 0,
-            ViaHeaderIndex = 1,
+            ViaHeaderBinding = 1,
         struct TileMode {
+            enum class DimensionControl : u32 {
+                DepthDefinesArray = 0,
+                DepthDefinesDepth = 1,
+            };
             union {
                 BitField<0, 4, u32> block_width;
                 BitField<4, 4, u32> block_height;
                 BitField<8, 4, u32> block_depth;
                 BitField<12, 1, u32> is_pitch_linear;
-                BitField<16, 1, u32> is_3d;
+                BitField<16, 1, DimensionControl> dim_control;
         static_assert(sizeof(TileMode) == 4);
@@ -616,23 +1132,25 @@ public:
                 BitField<0, 16, u32> depth;
                 BitField<16, 1, u32> volume;
-            u32 layer_stride;
+            u32 array_pitch;
             u32 base_layer;
+            u32 mark_ieee_clean;
             GPUVAddr Address() const {
                 return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) |
+        static_assert(sizeof(RenderTargetConfig) == 0x40);
         struct ColorMask {
             union {
                 u32 raw;
-                BitField<0, 4, u32> R;
-                BitField<4, 4, u32> G;
-                BitField<8, 4, u32> B;
-                BitField<12, 4, u32> A;
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> R;
+                BitField<4, 1, u32> G;
+                BitField<8, 1, u32> B;
+                BitField<12, 1, u32> A;
@@ -643,6 +1161,7 @@ public:
             f32 translate_x;
             f32 translate_y;
             f32 translate_z;
             union {
                 u32 raw;
                 BitField<0, 3, ViewportSwizzle> x;
@@ -650,7 +1169,11 @@ public:
                 BitField<8, 3, ViewportSwizzle> z;
                 BitField<12, 3, ViewportSwizzle> w;
             } swizzle;
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 5, u32> x;
+                BitField<8, 5, u32> y;
+            } snap_grid_precision;
             Common::Rectangle<f32> GetRect() const {
                 return {
@@ -677,21 +1200,14 @@ public:
                 return translate_y + std::fabs(scale_y) - GetY();
+        static_assert(sizeof(ViewportTransform) == 0x20);
-        struct ScissorTest {
-            u32 enable;
-            union {
-                BitField<0, 16, u32> min_x;
-                BitField<16, 16, u32> max_x;
+        struct Viewport {
+            enum class PixelCenter : u32 {
+                HalfIntegers = 0,
+                Integers = 1,
-            union {
-                BitField<0, 16, u32> min_y;
-                BitField<16, 16, u32> max_y;
-            };
-            u32 fill;
-        };
-        struct ViewPort {
             union {
                 BitField<0, 16, u32> x;
                 BitField<16, 16, u32> width;
@@ -703,726 +1219,1822 @@ public:
             float depth_range_near;
             float depth_range_far;
+        static_assert(sizeof(Viewport) == 0x10);
-        struct TransformFeedbackBinding {
-            u32 buffer_enable;
+        struct Window {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> x_min;
+                BitField<16, 16, u32> x_max;
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> y_min;
+                BitField<16, 16, u32> y_max;
+            };
+        };
+        static_assert(sizeof(Window) == 0x8);
+        struct ClipIdExtent {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> x;
+                BitField<16, 16, u32> width;
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> y;
+                BitField<16, 16, u32> height;
+            };
+        };
+        static_assert(sizeof(ClipIdExtent) == 0x8);
+        enum class VisibleCallLimit : u32 {
+            Limit0 = 0,
+            Limit1 = 1,
+            Limit2 = 2,
+            Limit4 = 3,
+            Limit8 = 4,
+            Limit16 = 5,
+            Limit32 = 6,
+            Limit64 = 7,
+            Limit128 = 8,
+            None = 15,
+        };
+        struct StatisticsCounter {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> da_vertices;
+                BitField<1, 1, u32> da_primitives;
+                BitField<2, 1, u32> vs_invocations;
+                BitField<3, 1, u32> gs_invocations;
+                BitField<4, 1, u32> gs_primitives;
+                BitField<5, 1, u32> streaming_primitives_succeeded;
+                BitField<6, 1, u32> streaming_primitives_needed;
+                BitField<7, 1, u32> clipper_invocations;
+                BitField<8, 1, u32> clipper_primitives;
+                BitField<9, 1, u32> ps_invocations;
+                BitField<11, 1, u32> ti_invocations;
+                BitField<12, 1, u32> ts_invocations;
+                BitField<13, 1, u32> ts_primitives;
+                BitField<14, 1, u32> total_streaming_primitives_needed_succeeded;
+                BitField<10, 1, u32> vtg_primitives_out;
+                BitField<15, 1, u32> alpha_beta_clocks;
+            };
+        };
+        struct ClearRect {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> x_min;
+                BitField<16, 16, u32> x_max;
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> y_min;
+                BitField<16, 16, u32> y_max;
+            };
+        };
+        struct VertexBuffer {
+            u32 first;
+            u32 count;
+        };
+        struct InvalidateShaderCacheNoWFI {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> instruction;
+                BitField<4, 1, u32> global_data;
+                BitField<12, 1, u32> constant;
+            };
+        };
+        struct ZCullSerialization {
+            enum class Applied : u32 {
+                Always = 0,
+                LateZ = 1,
+                OutOfGamutZ = 2,
+                LateZOrOutOfGamutZ = 3,
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> enable;
+                BitField<4, 2, Applied> applied;
+            };
+        };
+        struct ZCullDirFormat {
+            enum class Zdir : u32 {
+                Less = 0,
+                Greater = 1,
+            };
+            enum class Zformat : u32 {
+                MSB = 0,
+                FP = 1,
+                Ztrick = 2,
+                Zf32 = 3,
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, Zdir> dir;
+                BitField<16, 16, Zformat> format;
+            };
+        };
+        struct IteratedBlend {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> enable;
+                BitField<1, 1, u32> enable_alpha;
+            };
+            u32 pass_count;
+        };
+        struct ZCullCriterion {
+            enum class Sfunc : u32 {
+                Never = 0,
+                Less = 1,
+                Equal = 2,
+                LessOrEqual = 3,
+                Greater = 4,
+                NotEqual = 5,
+                GreaterOrEqual = 6,
+                Always = 7,
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 8, Sfunc> sfunc;
+                BitField<8, 1, u32> no_invalidate;
+                BitField<9, 1, u32> force_match;
+                BitField<16, 8, u32> sref;
+                BitField<24, 8, u32> smask;
+            };
+        };
+        struct LoadIteratedBlend {
+            enum class Test : u32 {
+                False = 0,
+                True = 1,
+                Equal = 2,
+                NotEqual = 3,
+                LessThan = 4,
+                LessOrEqual = 5,
+                Greater = 6,
+                GreaterOrEqual = 7,
+            };
+            enum class Operation : u32 {
+                AddProducts = 0,
+                SubProducts = 1,
+                Min = 2,
+                Max = 3,
+                Reciprocal = 4,
+                Add = 5,
+                Sub = 6,
+            };
+            enum class OperandA : u32 {
+                SrcRGB = 0,
+                DstRGB = 1,
+                SrcAAA = 2,
+                DstAAA = 3,
+                Temp0_RGB = 4,
+                Temp1_RGB = 5,
+                Temp2_RGB = 6,
+                PBR_RGB = 7,
+            };
+            enum class OperandB : u32 {
+                Zero = 0,
+                One = 1,
+                SrcRGB = 2,
+                SrcAAA = 3,
+                OneMinusSrcAAA = 4,
+                DstRGB = 5,
+                DstAAA = 6,
+                OneMinusDstAAA = 7,
+                Temp0_RGB = 9,
+                Temp1_RGB = 10,
+                Temp2_RGB = 11,
+                PBR_RGB = 12,
+                ConstRGB = 13,
+                ZeroATimesB = 14,
+            };
+            enum class Swizzle : u32 {
+                RGB = 0,
+                GBR = 1,
+                RRR = 2,
+                GGG = 3,
+                BBB = 4,
+                RToA = 5,
+            };
+            enum class WriteMask : u32 {
+                RGB = 0,
+                ROnly = 1,
+                GOnly = 2,
+                BOnly = 3,
+            };
+            enum class Pass : u32 {
+                Temp0 = 0,
+                Temp1 = 1,
+                Temp2 = 2,
+                None = 3,
+            };
+            u32 instruction_ptr;
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 3, Test> test;
+                BitField<3, 3, Operation> operation;
+                BitField<6, 3, u32> const_input;
+                BitField<9, 3, OperandA> operand_a;
+                BitField<12, 4, OperandB> operand_b;
+                BitField<16, 3, OperandA> operand_c;
+                BitField<19, 4, OperandB> operand_d;
+                BitField<23, 3, Swizzle> output_swizzle;
+                BitField<26, 2, WriteMask> output_mask;
+                BitField<28, 2, Pass> output_pass;
+                BitField<31, 1, u32> test_enabled;
+            };
+        };
+        struct ScissorTest {
+            u32 enable;
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> min_x;
+                BitField<16, 16, u32> max_x;
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> min_y;
+                BitField<16, 16, u32> max_y;
+            };
+        };
+        static_assert(sizeof(ScissorTest) == 0x10);
+        struct VPCPerf {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 8, u32> culled_small_lines;
+                BitField<8, 8, u32> culled_small_triangles;
+                BitField<16, 8, u32> nonculled_lines_and_points;
+                BitField<24, 8, u32> nonculled_triangles;
+            };
+        };
+        struct ConstantColorRendering {
+            u32 enabled;
+            u32 red;
+            u32 green;
+            u32 blue;
+            u32 alpha;
+        };
+        struct VertexStreamSubstitute {
             u32 address_high;
             u32 address_low;
-            s32 buffer_size;
-            s32 buffer_offset;
             GPUVAddr Address() const {
                 return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) |
-        static_assert(sizeof(TransformFeedbackBinding) == 32);
-        struct TransformFeedbackLayout {
-            u32 stream;
-            u32 varying_count;
-            u32 stride;
+        struct VTGWarpWatermarks {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> low;
+                BitField<16, 16, u32> high;
+            };
-        static_assert(sizeof(TransformFeedbackLayout) == 16);
-        bool IsShaderConfigEnabled(std::size_t index) const {
-            // The VertexB is always enabled.
-            if (index == static_cast<std::size_t>(Regs::ShaderProgram::VertexB)) {
-                return true;
+        struct SampleMask {
+            struct Target {
+                union {
+                    BitField<0, 1, u32> raster_out;
+                    BitField<4, 1, u32> color_target;
+                };
+                u32 target;
+            };
+            struct Pos {
+                u32 x0_y0;
+                u32 x1_y0;
+                u32 x0_y1;
+                u32 x1_y1;
+            };
+        };
+        enum class NonMultisampledZ : u32 {
+            PerSample = 0,
+            PixelCenter = 1,
+        };
+        enum class TIRMode : u32 {
+            Disabled = 0,
+            RasterNTargetM = 1,
+        };
+        enum class AntiAliasRaster : u32 {
+            Mode1x1 = 0,
+            Mode2x2 = 2,
+            Mode4x2_D3D = 4,
+            Mode2x1_D3D = 5,
+            Mode4x4 = 6,
+        };
+        struct SurfaceClipIDMemory {
+            u32 address_high;
+            u32 address_low;
+            GPUVAddr Address() const {
+                return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) |
+                                             address_low);
-            return shader_config[index].enable != 0;
-        }
+        };
-        bool IsShaderConfigEnabled(Regs::ShaderProgram type) const {
-            return IsShaderConfigEnabled(static_cast<std::size_t>(type));
-        }
+        struct TIRModulation {
+            enum class Component : u32 {
+                None = 0,
+                RGB = 1,
+                AlphaOnly = 2,
+                RGBA = 3,
+            };
+            enum class Function : u32 {
+                Linear = 0,
+                Table = 1,
+            };
+            Component component;
+            Function function;
+        };
-        union {
-            struct {
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x44);
+        struct Zeta {
+            u32 address_high;
+            u32 address_low;
+            Tegra::DepthFormat format;
+            TileMode tile_mode;
+            u32 array_pitch;
-                u32 wait_for_idle;
+            GPUVAddr Address() const {
+                return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) |
+                                             address_low);
+            }
+        };
-                struct {
-                    u32 upload_address;
-                    u32 data;
-                    u32 entry;
-                    u32 bind;
-                } macros;
+        struct SurfaceClip {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> x;
+                BitField<16, 16, u32> width;
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> y;
+                BitField<16, 16, u32> height;
+            };
+        };
-                ShadowRamControl shadow_ram_control;
+        enum class L2CacheControlPolicy : u32 {
+            First = 0,
+            Normal = 1,
+            Last = 2,
+        };
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x16);
+        struct L2CacheVAFRequests {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> system_memory_volatile;
+                BitField<4, 2, L2CacheControlPolicy> policy;
+            };
+        };
-                Upload::Registers upload;
-                struct {
-                    union {
-                        BitField<0, 1, u32> linear;
-                    };
-                } exec_upload;
+        enum class ViewportMulticast : u32 {
+            ViewportOrder = 0,
+            PrimitiveOrder = 1,
+        };
-                u32 data_upload;
+        struct TIRModulationCoeff {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 8, u32> table_v0;
+                BitField<8, 8, u32> table_v1;
+                BitField<16, 8, u32> table_v2;
+                BitField<24, 8, u32> table_v3;
+            };
+        };
+        static_assert(sizeof(TIRModulationCoeff) == 0x4);
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x16);
+        struct ReduceColorThreshold {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 8, u32> all_hit_once;
+                BitField<16, 8, u32> all_covered;
+            };
+        };
-                u32 force_early_fragment_tests;
+        struct ClearControl {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> respect_stencil_mask;
+                BitField<4, 1, u32> use_clear_rect;
+                BitField<8, 1, u32> use_scissor;
+                BitField<12, 1, u32> use_viewport_clip0;
+            };
+        };
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x2D);
-                struct {
-                    union {
-                        BitField<0, 16, u32> sync_point;
-                        BitField<16, 1, u32> unknown;
-                        BitField<20, 1, u32> increment;
-                    };
-                } sync_info;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x15);
+        struct L2CacheRopNonInterlockedReads {
+            union {
+                BitField<4, 2, L2CacheControlPolicy> policy;
+            };
+        };
+        struct VertexOutputAttributeSkipMasks {
+            struct Attributes {
                 union {
-                    BitField<0, 2, TessellationPrimitive> prim;
-                    BitField<4, 2, TessellationSpacing> spacing;
-                    BitField<8, 1, u32> cw;
-                    BitField<9, 1, u32> connected;
-                } tess_mode;
+                    BitField<0, 1, u32> attribute0_comp0;
+                    BitField<1, 1, u32> attribute0_comp1;
+                    BitField<2, 1, u32> attribute0_comp2;
+                    BitField<3, 1, u32> attribute0_comp3;
+                    BitField<4, 1, u32> attribute1_comp0;
+                    BitField<5, 1, u32> attribute1_comp1;
+                    BitField<6, 1, u32> attribute1_comp2;
+                    BitField<7, 1, u32> attribute1_comp3;
+                    BitField<8, 1, u32> attribute2_comp0;
+                    BitField<9, 1, u32> attribute2_comp1;
+                    BitField<10, 1, u32> attribute2_comp2;
+                    BitField<11, 1, u32> attribute2_comp3;
+                    BitField<12, 1, u32> attribute3_comp0;
+                    BitField<13, 1, u32> attribute3_comp1;
+                    BitField<14, 1, u32> attribute3_comp2;
+                    BitField<15, 1, u32> attribute3_comp3;
+                    BitField<16, 1, u32> attribute4_comp0;
+                    BitField<17, 1, u32> attribute4_comp1;
+                    BitField<18, 1, u32> attribute4_comp2;
+                    BitField<19, 1, u32> attribute4_comp3;
+                    BitField<20, 1, u32> attribute5_comp0;
+                    BitField<21, 1, u32> attribute5_comp1;
+                    BitField<22, 1, u32> attribute5_comp2;
+                    BitField<23, 1, u32> attribute5_comp3;
+                    BitField<24, 1, u32> attribute6_comp0;
+                    BitField<25, 1, u32> attribute6_comp1;
+                    BitField<26, 1, u32> attribute6_comp2;
+                    BitField<27, 1, u32> attribute6_comp3;
+                    BitField<28, 1, u32> attribute7_comp0;
+                    BitField<29, 1, u32> attribute7_comp1;
+                    BitField<30, 1, u32> attribute7_comp2;
+                    BitField<31, 1, u32> attribute7_comp3;
+                };
+            };
-                std::array<f32, 4> tess_level_outer;
-                std::array<f32, 2> tess_level_inner;
+            std::array<Attributes, 2> a;
+            std::array<Attributes, 2> b;
+        };
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x10);
+        struct TIRControl {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> z_pass_pixel_count_use_raster_samples;
+                BitField<4, 1, u32> alpha_coverage_use_raster_samples;
+                BitField<1, 1, u32> reduce_coverage;
+            };
+        };
-                u32 rasterize_enable;
+        enum class FillViaTriangleMode : u32 {
+            Disabled = 0,
+            FillAll = 1,
+            FillBoundingBox = 2,
+        };
-                std::array<TransformFeedbackBinding, NumTransformFeedbackBuffers> tfb_bindings;
+        struct PsTicketDispenserValue {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 8, u32> index;
+                BitField<8, 16, u32> value;
+            };
+        };
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0xC0);
+        struct RegisterWatermarks {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> low;
+                BitField<16, 16, u32> high;
+            };
+        };
-                std::array<TransformFeedbackLayout, NumTransformFeedbackBuffers> tfb_layouts;
+        enum class InvalidateCacheLines : u32 {
+            All = 0,
+            One = 1,
+        };
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x1);
+        struct InvalidateTextureDataCacheNoWfi {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, InvalidateCacheLines> lines;
+                BitField<4, 22, u32> tag;
+            };
+        };
-                u32 tfb_enabled;
+        struct ZCullRegionEnable {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> enable_z;
+                BitField<4, 1, u32> enable_stencil;
+                BitField<1, 1, u32> rect_clear;
+                BitField<2, 1, u32> use_rt_array_index;
+                BitField<5, 16, u32> rt_array_index;
+                BitField<3, 1, u32> make_conservative;
+            };
+        };
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x2E);
+        enum class FillMode : u32 {
+            Point = 1,
+            Wireframe = 2,
+            Solid = 3,
+        };
-                std::array<RenderTargetConfig, NumRenderTargets> rt;
+        enum class ShadeMode : u32 {
+            Flat = 0x1,
+            Gouraud = 0x2,
+            GL_Flat = 0x1D00,
+            GL_Smooth = 0x1D01,
+        };
-                std::array<ViewportTransform, NumViewports> viewport_transform;
+        enum class AlphaToCoverageDither : u32 {
+            Footprint_1x1 = 0,
+            Footprint_2x2 = 1,
+            Footprint_1x1_Virtual = 2,
+        };
-                std::array<ViewPort, NumViewports> viewports;
+        struct InlineIndex4x8Align {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 30, u32> count;
+                BitField<30, 2, u32> start;
+            };
+        };
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x1D);
+        struct InlineIndex4x8Index {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 8, u32> index0;
+                BitField<8, 8, u32> index1;
+                BitField<16, 8, u32> index2;
+                BitField<24, 8, u32> index3;
+            };
+        };
-                struct {
-                    u32 first;
-                    u32 count;
-                } vertex_buffer;
+        enum class D3DCullMode : u32 {
+            None = 0,
+            CW = 1,
+            CCW = 2,
+        };
-                DepthMode depth_mode;
+        struct BlendColor {
+            f32 r;
+            f32 g;
+            f32 b;
+            f32 a;
+        };
-                float clear_color[4];
-                float clear_depth;
+        struct StencilOp {
+            enum class Op : u32 {
+                Keep_D3D = 1,
+                Zero_D3D = 2,
+                Replace_D3D = 3,
+                IncrSaturate_D3D = 4,
+                DecrSaturate_D3D = 5,
+                Invert_D3D = 6,
+                Incr_D3D = 7,
+                Decr_D3D = 8,
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x3);
+                Keep_GL = 0x1E00,
+                Zero_GL = 0,
+                Replace_GL = 0x1E01,
+                IncrSaturate_GL = 0x1E02,
+                DecrSaturate_GL = 0x1E03,
+                Invert_GL = 0x150A,
+                Incr_GL = 0x8507,
+                Decr_GL = 0x8508,
+            };
-                s32 clear_stencil;
+            Op fail;
+            Op zfail;
+            Op zpass;
+            ComparisonOp func;
+        };
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x2);
+        struct StencilFunc {
+            s32 ref;
+            u32 func_mask;
+            u32 mask;
+        };
-                PolygonMode polygon_mode_front;
-                PolygonMode polygon_mode_back;
+        struct PsSaturate {
+            // Opposite of DepthMode
+            enum class Depth : u32 {
+                ZeroToOne = 0,
+                MinusOneToOne = 1,
+            };
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x3);
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> output0_enable;
+                BitField<1, 1, Depth> output0_range;
+                BitField<4, 1, u32> output1_enable;
+                BitField<5, 1, Depth> output1_range;
+                BitField<8, 1, u32> output2_enable;
+                BitField<9, 1, Depth> output2_range;
+                BitField<12, 1, u32> output3_enable;
+                BitField<13, 1, Depth> output3_range;
+                BitField<16, 1, u32> output4_enable;
+                BitField<17, 1, Depth> output4_range;
+                BitField<20, 1, u32> output5_enable;
+                BitField<21, 1, Depth> output5_range;
+                BitField<24, 1, u32> output6_enable;
+                BitField<25, 1, Depth> output6_range;
+                BitField<28, 1, u32> output7_enable;
+                BitField<29, 1, Depth> output7_range;
+            };
-                u32 polygon_offset_point_enable;
-                u32 polygon_offset_line_enable;
-                u32 polygon_offset_fill_enable;
+            bool AnyEnabled() const {
+                return output0_enable || output1_enable || output2_enable || output3_enable ||
+                       output4_enable || output5_enable || output6_enable || output7_enable;
+            }
+        };
-                u32 patch_vertices;
+        struct WindowOrigin {
+            enum class Mode : u32 {
+                UpperLeft = 0,
+                LowerLeft = 1,
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, Mode> mode;
+                BitField<4, 1, u32> flip_y;
+            };
+        };
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x4);
-                u32 fragment_barrier;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x7);
-                std::array<ScissorTest, NumViewports> scissor_test;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x15);
-                s32 stencil_back_func_ref;
-                u32 stencil_back_mask;
-                u32 stencil_back_func_mask;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x5);
-                u32 invalidate_texture_data_cache;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x1);
-                u32 tiled_cache_barrier;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x4);
-                u32 color_mask_common;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x2);
-                f32 depth_bounds[2];
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x2);
-                u32 rt_separate_frag_data;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x1);
-                u32 multisample_raster_enable;
-                u32 multisample_raster_samples;
-                std::array<u32, 4> multisample_sample_mask;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x5);
-                struct {
-                    u32 address_high;
-                    u32 address_low;
-                    Tegra::DepthFormat format;
-                    TileMode tile_mode;
-                    u32 layer_stride;
-                    GPUVAddr Address() const {
-                        return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) |
-                                                     address_low);
-                    }
-                } zeta;
-                struct {
-                    union {
-                        BitField<0, 16, u32> x;
-                        BitField<16, 16, u32> width;
-                    };
-                    union {
-                        BitField<0, 16, u32> y;
-                        BitField<16, 16, u32> height;
-                    };
-                } render_area;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x3F);
+        struct IteratedBlendConstants {
+            u32 r;
+            u32 g;
+            u32 b;
+        };
+        static_assert(sizeof(IteratedBlendConstants) == 0x10);
+        struct UserClip {
+            struct Enable {
                 union {
-                    BitField<0, 4, u32> stencil;
-                    BitField<4, 4, u32> unknown;
-                    BitField<8, 4, u32> scissor;
-                    BitField<12, 4, u32> viewport;
-                } clear_flags;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x10);
-                u32 fill_rectangle;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x2);
-                u32 conservative_raster_enable;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x5);
-                std::array<VertexAttribute, NumVertexAttributes> vertex_attrib_format;
-                std::array<MsaaSampleLocation, 4> multisample_sample_locations;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x2);
-                union {
-                    BitField<0, 1, u32> enable;
-                    BitField<4, 3, u32> target;
-                } multisample_coverage_to_color;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x8);
-                struct {
-                    union {
-                        BitField<0, 4, u32> count;
-                        BitField<4, 3, u32> map_0;
-                        BitField<7, 3, u32> map_1;
-                        BitField<10, 3, u32> map_2;
-                        BitField<13, 3, u32> map_3;
-                        BitField<16, 3, u32> map_4;
-                        BitField<19, 3, u32> map_5;
-                        BitField<22, 3, u32> map_6;
-                        BitField<25, 3, u32> map_7;
-                    };
-                    u32 Map(std::size_t index) const {
-                        const std::array<u32, NumRenderTargets> maps{map_0, map_1, map_2, map_3,
-                                                                     map_4, map_5, map_6, map_7};
-                        ASSERT(index < maps.size());
-                        return maps[index];
-                    }
-                } rt_control;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x2);
-                u32 zeta_width;
-                u32 zeta_height;
-                union {
-                    BitField<0, 16, u32> zeta_depth;
-                    BitField<16, 1, u32> zeta_volume;
+                    u32 raw;
+                    BitField<0, 1, u32> plane0;
+                    BitField<1, 1, u32> plane1;
+                    BitField<2, 1, u32> plane2;
+                    BitField<3, 1, u32> plane3;
+                    BitField<4, 1, u32> plane4;
+                    BitField<5, 1, u32> plane5;
+                    BitField<6, 1, u32> plane6;
+                    BitField<7, 1, u32> plane7;
-                SamplerIndex sampler_index;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x2);
-                std::array<u32, 8> gp_passthrough_mask;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x1B);
-                u32 depth_test_enable;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x5);
-                u32 independent_blend_enable;
-                u32 depth_write_enabled;
-                u32 alpha_test_enabled;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x6);
-                u32 d3d_cull_mode;
-                ComparisonOp depth_test_func;
-                float alpha_test_ref;
-                ComparisonOp alpha_test_func;
-                u32 draw_tfb_stride;
-                struct {
-                    float r;
-                    float g;
-                    float b;
-                    float a;
-                } blend_color;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x4);
-                struct {
-                    u32 separate_alpha;
-                    Blend::Equation equation_rgb;
-                    Blend::Factor factor_source_rgb;
-                    Blend::Factor factor_dest_rgb;
-                    Blend::Equation equation_a;
-                    Blend::Factor factor_source_a;
-                    INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(1);
-                    Blend::Factor factor_dest_a;
-                    u32 enable_common;
-                    u32 enable[NumRenderTargets];
-                } blend;
-                u32 stencil_enable;
-                StencilOp stencil_front_op_fail;
-                StencilOp stencil_front_op_zfail;
-                StencilOp stencil_front_op_zpass;
-                ComparisonOp stencil_front_func_func;
-                s32 stencil_front_func_ref;
-                u32 stencil_front_func_mask;
-                u32 stencil_front_mask;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x2);
-                u32 frag_color_clamp;
-                union {
-                    BitField<0, 1, u32> y_negate;
-                    BitField<4, 1, u32> triangle_rast_flip;
-                } screen_y_control;
-                float line_width_smooth;
-                float line_width_aliased;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x1B);
-                u32 invalidate_sampler_cache_no_wfi;
-                u32 invalidate_texture_header_cache_no_wfi;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x2);
-                u32 vb_element_base;
-                u32 vb_base_instance;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x35);
-                u32 clip_distance_enabled;
-                u32 samplecnt_enable;
-                float point_size;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x1);
-                u32 point_sprite_enable;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x3);
-                CounterReset counter_reset;
-                u32 multisample_enable;
-                u32 zeta_enable;
-                union {
-                    BitField<0, 1, u32> alpha_to_coverage;
-                    BitField<4, 1, u32> alpha_to_one;
-                } multisample_control;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x4);
-                struct {
-                    u32 address_high;
-                    u32 address_low;
-                    ConditionMode mode;
-                    GPUVAddr Address() const {
-                        return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) |
-                                                     address_low);
-                    }
-                } condition;
-                struct {
-                    u32 address_high;
-                    u32 address_low;
-                    u32 limit;
-                    GPUVAddr Address() const {
-                        return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) |
-                                                     address_low);
-                    }
-                } tsc;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x1);
-                float polygon_offset_factor;
-                u32 line_smooth_enable;
-                struct {
-                    u32 address_high;
-                    u32 address_low;
-                    u32 limit;
-                    GPUVAddr Address() const {
-                        return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) |
-                                                     address_low);
-                    }
-                } tic;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x5);
-                u32 stencil_two_side_enable;
-                StencilOp stencil_back_op_fail;
-                StencilOp stencil_back_op_zfail;
-                StencilOp stencil_back_op_zpass;
-                ComparisonOp stencil_back_func_func;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x4);
-                u32 framebuffer_srgb;
-                float polygon_offset_units;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x4);
-                Tegra::Texture::MsaaMode multisample_mode;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0xC);
-                union {
-                    BitField<2, 1, u32> coord_origin;
-                    BitField<3, 10, u32> enable;
-                } point_coord_replace;
-                struct {
-                    u32 code_address_high;
-                    u32 code_address_low;
-                    GPUVAddr CodeAddress() const {
-                        return static_cast<GPUVAddr>(
-                            (static_cast<GPUVAddr>(code_address_high) << 32) | code_address_low);
-                    }
-                } code_address;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(1);
-                struct {
-                    u32 vertex_end_gl;
-                    union {
-                        u32 vertex_begin_gl;
-                        BitField<0, 16, PrimitiveTopology> topology;
-                        BitField<26, 1, u32> instance_next;
-                        BitField<27, 1, u32> instance_cont;
-                    };
-                } draw;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0xA);
-                struct {
-                    u32 enabled;
-                    u32 index;
-                } primitive_restart;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0xE);
-                u32 provoking_vertex_last;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x50);
-                struct {
-                    u32 start_addr_high;
-                    u32 start_addr_low;
-                    u32 end_addr_high;
-                    u32 end_addr_low;
-                    IndexFormat format;
-                    u32 first;
-                    u32 count;
-                    unsigned FormatSizeInBytes() const {
-                        switch (format) {
-                        case IndexFormat::UnsignedByte:
-                            return 1;
-                        case IndexFormat::UnsignedShort:
-                            return 2;
-                        case IndexFormat::UnsignedInt:
-                            return 4;
-                        }
-                        ASSERT(false);
-                        return 1;
-                    }
-                    GPUVAddr StartAddress() const {
-                        return static_cast<GPUVAddr>(
-                            (static_cast<GPUVAddr>(start_addr_high) << 32) | start_addr_low);
-                    }
-                    GPUVAddr EndAddress() const {
-                        return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(end_addr_high) << 32) |
-                                                     end_addr_low);
-                    }
-                    /// Adjust the index buffer offset so it points to the first desired index.
-                    GPUVAddr IndexStart() const {
-                        return StartAddress() + static_cast<size_t>(first) *
-                                                    static_cast<size_t>(FormatSizeInBytes());
-                    }
-                } index_array;
-                union {
-                    BitField<0, 16, u32> first;
-                    BitField<16, 16, u32> count;
-                } small_index;
-                union {
-                    BitField<0, 16, u32> first;
-                    BitField<16, 16, u32> count;
-                } small_index_2;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x5);
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x1F);
-                float polygon_offset_clamp;
-                struct {
-                    u32 is_instanced[NumVertexArrays];
-                    /// Returns whether the vertex array specified by index is supposed to be
-                    /// accessed per instance or not.
-                    bool IsInstancingEnabled(std::size_t index) const {
-                        return is_instanced[index];
-                    }
-                } instanced_arrays;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x4);
-                union {
-                    BitField<0, 1, u32> enable;
-                    BitField<4, 8, u32> unk4;
-                } vp_point_size;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(1);
-                u32 cull_test_enabled;
-                FrontFace front_face;
-                CullFace cull_face;
-                u32 pixel_center_integer;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x1);
-                u32 viewport_transform_enabled;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x3);
-                union {
-                    BitField<0, 1, u32> depth_range_0_1;
-                    BitField<3, 1, u32> depth_clamp_near;
-                    BitField<4, 1, u32> depth_clamp_far;
-                    BitField<11, 1, u32> depth_clamp_disabled;
-                } view_volume_clip_control;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0xC);
-                PrimitiveTopologyOverride topology_override;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x12);
-                u32 depth_bounds_enable;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(1);
-                struct {
-                    u32 enable;
-                    LogicOperation operation;
-                } logic_op;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x1);
+                bool AnyEnabled() const {
+                    return plane0 || plane1 || plane2 || plane3 || plane4 || plane5 || plane6 ||
+                           plane7;
+                }
+            };
+            struct Op {
+                enum class ClipOrCull : u32 {
+                    Clip = 0,
+                    Cull = 1,
+                };
                 union {
                     u32 raw;
-                    BitField<0, 1, u32> Z;
-                    BitField<1, 1, u32> S;
-                    BitField<2, 1, u32> R;
-                    BitField<3, 1, u32> G;
-                    BitField<4, 1, u32> B;
-                    BitField<5, 1, u32> A;
-                    BitField<6, 4, u32> RT;
-                    BitField<10, 11, u32> layer;
-                } clear_buffers;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0xB);
-                std::array<ColorMask, NumRenderTargets> color_mask;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x38);
+                    BitField<0, 1, ClipOrCull> plane0;
+                    BitField<4, 1, ClipOrCull> plane1;
+                    BitField<8, 1, ClipOrCull> plane2;
+                    BitField<12, 1, ClipOrCull> plane3;
+                    BitField<16, 1, ClipOrCull> plane4;
+                    BitField<20, 1, ClipOrCull> plane5;
+                    BitField<24, 1, ClipOrCull> plane6;
+                    BitField<28, 1, ClipOrCull> plane7;
+                };
+            };
+        };
-                struct {
-                    u32 query_address_high;
-                    u32 query_address_low;
-                    u32 query_sequence;
-                    union {
-                        u32 raw;
-                        BitField<0, 2, QueryOperation> operation;
-                        BitField<4, 1, u32> fence;
-                        BitField<12, 4, QueryUnit> unit;
-                        BitField<16, 1, QuerySyncCondition> sync_cond;
-                        BitField<23, 5, QuerySelect> select;
-                        BitField<28, 1, u32> short_query;
-                    } query_get;
+        struct AntiAliasAlphaControl {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> alpha_to_coverage;
+                BitField<4, 1, u32> alpha_to_one;
+            };
+        };
-                    GPUVAddr QueryAddress() const {
-                        return static_cast<GPUVAddr>(
-                            (static_cast<GPUVAddr>(query_address_high) << 32) | query_address_low);
-                    }
-                } query;
+        struct RenderEnable {
+            enum class Override : u32 {
+                UseRenderEnable = 0,
+                AlwaysRender = 1,
+                NeverRender = 2,
+            };
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x3C);
+            enum class Mode : u32 {
+                False = 0,
+                True = 1,
+                Conditional = 2,
+                IfEqual = 3,
+                IfNotEqual = 4,
+            };
-                struct {
-                    union {
-                        BitField<0, 12, u32> stride;
-                        BitField<12, 1, u32> enable;
-                    };
-                    u32 start_high;
-                    u32 start_low;
-                    u32 divisor;
+            u32 address_high;
+            u32 address_low;
+            Mode mode;
-                    GPUVAddr StartAddress() const {
-                        return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(start_high) << 32) |
-                                                     start_low);
-                    }
+            GPUVAddr Address() const {
+                return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) |
+                                             address_low);
+            }
+        };
-                    bool IsEnabled() const {
-                        return enable != 0 && StartAddress() != 0;
-                    }
+        struct TexSampler {
+            u32 address_high;
+            u32 address_low;
+            u32 limit;
-                } vertex_array[NumVertexArrays];
+            GPUVAddr Address() const {
+                return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) |
+                                             address_low);
+            }
+        };
-                Blend independent_blend[NumRenderTargets];
+        struct TexHeader {
+            u32 address_high;
+            u32 address_low;
+            u32 limit;
-                struct {
-                    u32 limit_high;
-                    u32 limit_low;
+            GPUVAddr Address() const {
+                return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) |
+                                             address_low);
+            }
+        };
-                    GPUVAddr LimitAddress() const {
-                        return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(limit_high) << 32) |
-                                                     limit_low);
-                    }
-                } vertex_array_limit[NumVertexArrays];
+        enum class ZCullRegionFormat : u32 {
+            Z_4x4 = 0,
+            ZS_4x4 = 1,
+            Z_4x2 = 2,
+            Z_2x4 = 3,
+            Z_16x8_4x4 = 4,
+            Z_8x8_4x2 = 5,
+            Z_8x8_2x4 = 6,
+            Z_16x16_4x8 = 7,
+            Z_4x8_2x2 = 8,
+            ZS_16x8_4x2 = 9,
+            ZS_16x8_2x4 = 10,
+            ZS_8x8_2x2 = 11,
+            Z_4x8_1x1 = 12,
+        };
-                struct {
-                    union {
-                        BitField<0, 1, u32> enable;
-                        BitField<4, 4, ShaderProgram> program;
-                    };
-                    u32 offset;
-                    INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(14);
-                } shader_config[MaxShaderProgram];
+        struct RtLayer {
+            enum class Control {
+                LayerSelectsLayer = 0,
+                GeometryShaderSelectsLayer = 1,
+            };
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x60);
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> layer;
+                BitField<16, 1, u32> control;
+            };
+        };
-                u32 firmware[0x20];
+        struct InlineIndex2x16 {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 31, u32> count;
+                BitField<31, 1, u32> start_odd;
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> even;
+                BitField<16, 16, u32> odd;
+            };
+        };
-                struct {
-                    u32 cb_size;
-                    u32 cb_address_high;
-                    u32 cb_address_low;
-                    u32 cb_pos;
-                    std::array<u32, NumCBData> cb_data;
+        struct VertexGlobalBaseOffset {
+            u32 address_high;
+            u32 address_low;
-                    GPUVAddr BufferAddress() const {
-                        return static_cast<GPUVAddr>(
-                            (static_cast<GPUVAddr>(cb_address_high) << 32) | cb_address_low);
-                    }
-                } const_buffer;
+            GPUVAddr Address() const {
+                return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) |
+                                             address_low);
+            }
+        };
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x10);
+        struct ZCullRegionPixelOffset {
+            u32 width;
+            u32 height;
+        };
-                struct {
-                    union {
-                        u32 raw_config;
-                        BitField<0, 1, u32> valid;
-                        BitField<4, 5, u32> index;
-                    };
-                    INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(7);
-                } cb_bind[MaxShaderStage];
+        struct PointSprite {
+            enum class RMode : u32 {
+                Zero = 0,
+                FromR = 1,
+                FromS = 2,
+            };
+            enum class Origin : u32 {
+                Bottom = 0,
+                Top = 1,
+            };
+            enum class Texture : u32 {
+                Passthrough = 0,
+                Generate = 1,
+            };
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x56);
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 2, RMode> rmode;
+                BitField<2, 1, Origin> origin;
+                BitField<3, 1, Texture> texture0;
+                BitField<4, 1, Texture> texture1;
+                BitField<5, 1, Texture> texture2;
+                BitField<6, 1, Texture> texture3;
+                BitField<7, 1, Texture> texture4;
+                BitField<8, 1, Texture> texture5;
+                BitField<9, 1, Texture> texture6;
+                BitField<10, 1, Texture> texture7;
+                BitField<11, 1, Texture> texture8;
+                BitField<12, 1, Texture> texture9;
+            };
+        };
-                u32 tex_cb_index;
+        struct ProgramRegion {
+            u32 address_high;
+            u32 address_low;
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x7D);
+            GPUVAddr Address() const {
+                return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) |
+                                             address_low);
+            }
+        };
-                std::array<std::array<u8, 128>, NumTransformFeedbackBuffers> tfb_varying_locs;
+        struct DefaultAttributes {
+            enum class Diffuse : u32 {
+                Vector_0001 = 0,
+                Vector_1111 = 1,
+            };
+            enum class Specular : u32 {
+                Vector_0000 = 0,
+                Vector_0001 = 1,
+            };
+            enum class Vector : u32 {
+                Vector_0000 = 0,
+                Vector_0001 = 1,
+            };
+            enum class FixedFncTexture : u32 {
+                Vector_0000 = 0,
+                Vector_0001 = 1,
+            };
+            enum class DX9Color0 : u32 {
+                Vector_0000 = 0,
+                Vector_1111 = 1,
+            };
+            enum class DX9Color1To15 : u32 {
+                Vector_0000 = 0,
+                Vector_0001 = 1,
+            };
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x298);
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, Diffuse> color_front_diffuse;
+                BitField<1, 1, Specular> color_front_specular;
+                BitField<2, 1, Vector> generic_vector;
+                BitField<3, 1, FixedFncTexture> fixed_fnc_texture;
+                BitField<4, 1, DX9Color0> dx9_color0;
+                BitField<5, 1, DX9Color1To15> dx9_color1_to_15;
+            };
+        };
-                struct {
-                    /// Compressed address of a buffer that holds information about bound SSBOs.
-                    /// This address is usually bound to c0 in the shaders.
-                    u32 buffer_address;
+        struct Draw {
+            enum class PrimitiveId : u32 {
+                First = 0,
+                Unchanged = 1,
+            };
+            enum class InstanceId : u32 {
+                First = 0,
+                Subsequent = 1,
+                Unchanged = 2,
+            };
+            enum class SplitMode : u32 {
+                NormalBeginNormal = 0,
+                NormalBeginOpen = 1,
+                OpenBeginOpen = 2,
+                OpenBeginNormal = 3,
+            };
-                    GPUVAddr BufferAddress() const {
-                        return static_cast<GPUVAddr>(buffer_address) << 8;
-                    }
-                } ssbo_info;
+            u32 end;
+            union {
+                u32 begin;
+                BitField<0, 16, PrimitiveTopology> topology;
+                BitField<24, 1, PrimitiveId> primitive_id;
+                BitField<26, 2, InstanceId> instance_id;
+                BitField<29, 2, SplitMode> split_mode;
+            };
+        };
-                INSERT_PADDING_WORDS_NOINIT(0x11);
+        struct VertexIdCopy {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> enable;
+                BitField<4, 8, u32> attribute_slot;
+            };
+        };
-                struct {
-                    u32 address[MaxShaderStage];
-                    u32 size[MaxShaderStage];
-                } tex_info_buffers;
+        struct ShaderBasedCull {
+            union {
+                BitField<1, 1, u32> batch_cull_enable;
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> before_fetch_enable;
+            };
+        };
+        struct ClassVersion {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> current;
+                BitField<16, 16, u32> oldest_supported;
+            };
+        };
+        struct PrimitiveRestart {
+            u32 enabled;
+            u32 index;
+        };
+        struct OutputVertexId {
+            union {
+                BitField<12, 1, u32> uses_array_start;
+            };
+        };
+        enum class PointCenterMode : u32 {
+            GL = 0,
+            D3D = 1,
+        };
+        enum class LineSmoothParams : u32 {
+            Falloff_1_00 = 0,
+            Falloff_1_33 = 1,
+            Falloff_1_66 = 2,
+        };
+        struct LineSmoothEdgeTable {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 8, u32> v0;
+                BitField<8, 8, u32> v1;
+                BitField<16, 8, u32> v2;
+                BitField<24, 8, u32> v3;
+            };
+        };
+        struct LineStippleParams {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 8, u32> factor;
+                BitField<8, 16, u32> pattern;
+            };
+        };
+        enum class ProvokingVertex : u32 {
+            First = 0,
+            Last = 1,
+        };
+        struct ShaderControl {
+            enum class Partial : u32 {
+                Zero = 0,
+                Infinity = 1,
+            };
+            enum class FP32NanBehavior : u32 {
+                Legacy = 0,
+                FP64Compatible = 1,
+            };
+            enum class FP32F2INanBehavior : u32 {
+                PassZero = 0,
+                PassIndefinite = 1,
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, Partial> default_partial;
+                BitField<1, 1, FP32NanBehavior> fp32_nan_behavior;
+                BitField<2, 1, FP32F2INanBehavior> fp32_f2i_nan_behavior;
+            };
+        };
+        struct SphVersion {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> current;
+                BitField<16, 16, u32> oldest_supported;
+            };
+        };
+        struct AlphaToCoverageOverride {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> qualify_by_anti_alias_enable;
+                BitField<1, 1, u32> qualify_by_ps_sample_mask_enable;
+            };
+        };
+        struct AamVersion {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> current;
+                BitField<16, 16, u32> oldest_supported;
+            };
+        };
+        struct IndexBuffer {
+            u32 start_addr_high;
+            u32 start_addr_low;
+            u32 limit_addr_high;
+            u32 limit_addr_low;
+            IndexFormat format;
+            u32 first;
+            u32 count;
+            unsigned FormatSizeInBytes() const {
+                switch (format) {
+                case IndexFormat::UnsignedByte:
+                    return 1;
+                case IndexFormat::UnsignedShort:
+                    return 2;
+                case IndexFormat::UnsignedInt:
+                    return 4;
+                }
+                ASSERT(false);
+                return 1;
+            }
+            GPUVAddr StartAddress() const {
+                return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(start_addr_high) << 32) |
+                                             start_addr_low);
+            }
+            GPUVAddr EndAddress() const {
+                return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(limit_addr_high) << 32) |
+                                             limit_addr_low);
+            }
+            /// Adjust the index buffer offset so it points to the first desired index.
+            GPUVAddr IndexStart() const {
+                return StartAddress() +
+                       static_cast<size_t>(first) * static_cast<size_t>(FormatSizeInBytes());
+            }
+        };
+        struct IndexBufferSmall {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 16, u32> first;
+                BitField<16, 12, u32> count;
+                BitField<28, 4, PrimitiveTopology> topology;
+            };
+        };
+        struct VertexStreamInstances {
+            std::array<u32, NumVertexArrays> is_instanced;
+            /// Returns whether the vertex array specified by index is supposed to be
+            /// accessed per instance or not.
+            bool IsInstancingEnabled(std::size_t index) const {
+                return is_instanced[index];
+            }
+        };
+        struct AttributePointSize {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> enabled;
+                BitField<4, 8, u32> slot;
+            };
+        };
+        struct ViewportClipControl {
+            enum class GeometryGuardband : u32 {
+                Scale256 = 0,
+                Scale1 = 1,
+            };
+            enum class GeometryClip : u32 {
+                WZero = 0,
+                Passthrough = 1,
+                FrustumXY = 2,
+                FrustumXYZ = 3,
+                WZeroNoZCull = 4,
+                FrustumZ = 5,
+                WZeroTriFillOrClip = 6,
+            };
+            enum class GeometryGuardbandZ : u32 {
+                SameAsXY = 0,
+                Scale256 = 1,
+                Scale1 = 2,
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> depth_0_to_1;
+                BitField<3, 1, u32> pixel_min_z;
+                BitField<4, 1, u32> pixel_max_z;
+                BitField<7, 1, GeometryGuardband> geometry_guardband;
+                BitField<11, 3, GeometryClip> geometry_clip;
+                BitField<1, 2, GeometryGuardbandZ> geometry_guardband_z;
+            };
+        };
+        enum class PrimitiveTopologyControl : u32 {
+            UseInBeginMethods = 0,
+            UseSeparateState = 1,
+        };
+        struct WindowClip {
+            enum class Type : u32 {
+                Inclusive = 0,
+                Exclusive = 1,
+                ClipAll = 2,
+            };
+            u32 enable;
+            Type type;
+        };
+        enum class InvalidateZCull : u32 {
+            Invalidate = 0,
+        };
+        struct ZCull {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> z_enable;
+                BitField<1, 1, u32> stencil_enable;
+            };
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> z_min_enbounded;
+                BitField<1, 1, u32> z_max_unbounded;
+            };
+        };
+        struct LogicOp {
+            enum class Op : u32 {
+                Clear = 0x1500,
+                And = 0x1501,
+                AndReverse = 0x1502,
+                Copy = 0x1503,
+                AndInverted = 0x1504,
+                NoOp = 0x1505,
+                Xor = 0x1506,
+                Or = 0x1507,
+                Nor = 0x1508,
+                Equiv = 0x1509,
+                Invert = 0x150A,
+                OrReverse = 0x150B,
+                CopyInverted = 0x150C,
+                OrInverted = 0x150D,
+                Nand = 0x150E,
+                Set = 0x150F,
+            };
+            u32 enable;
+            Op op;
+        };
+        struct ClearSurface {
+            union {
+                u32 raw;
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> Z;
+                BitField<1, 1, u32> S;
+                BitField<2, 1, u32> R;
+                BitField<3, 1, u32> G;
+                BitField<4, 1, u32> B;
+                BitField<5, 1, u32> A;
+                BitField<6, 4, u32> RT;
+                BitField<10, 16, u32> layer;
+            };
+        };
+        struct ReportSemaphore {
+            struct Compare {
+                u32 initial_sequence;
+                u32 initial_mode;
+                u32 unknown1;
+                u32 unknown2;
+                u32 current_sequence;
+                u32 current_mode;
+            };
+            enum class Operation : u32 {
+                Release = 0,
+                Acquire = 1,
+                ReportOnly = 2,
+                Trap = 3,
+            };
+            enum class Release : u32 {
+                AfterAllPreceedingReads = 0,
+                AfterAllPreceedingWrites = 1,
+            };
+            enum class Acquire : u32 {
+                BeforeAnyFollowingWrites = 0,
+                BeforeAnyFollowingReads = 1,
+            };
+            enum class Location : u32 {
+                None = 0,
+                VertexFetch = 1,
+                VertexShader = 2,
+                VPC = 4,
+                StreamingOutput = 5,
+                GeometryShader = 6,
+                ZCull = 7,
+                TessellationInit = 8,
+                TessellationShader = 9,
+                PixelShader = 10,
+                DepthTest = 12,
+                All = 15,
+            };
+            enum class Comparison : u32 {
+                NotEqual = 0,
+                GreaterOrEqual = 1,
+            };
+            enum class Report : u32 {
+                Payload = 0, // "None" in docs, but confirmed via hardware to return the payload
+                VerticesGenerated = 1,
+                ZPassPixelCount = 2,
+                PrimitivesGenerated = 3,
+                AlphaBetaClocks = 4,
+                VertexShaderInvocations = 5,
+                StreamingPrimitivesNeededMinusSucceeded = 6,
+                GeometryShaderInvocations = 7,
+                GeometryShaderPrimitivesGenerated = 9,
+                ZCullStats0 = 10,
+                StreamingPrimitivesSucceeded = 11,
+                ZCullStats1 = 12,
+                StreamingPrimitivesNeeded = 13,
+                ZCullStats2 = 14,
+                ClipperInvocations = 15,
+                ZCullStats3 = 16,
+                ClipperPrimitivesGenerated = 17,
+                VtgPrimitivesOut = 18,
+                PixelShaderInvocations = 19,
+                ZPassPixelCount64 = 21,
+                IEEECleanColorTarget = 24,
+                IEEECleanZetaTarget = 25,
+                StreamingByteCount = 26,
+                TessellationInitInvocations = 27,
+                BoundingRectangle = 28,
+                TessellationShaderInvocations = 29,
+                TotalStreamingPrimitivesNeededMinusSucceeded = 30,
+                TessellationShaderPrimitivesGenerated = 31,
+            };
+            u32 address_high;
+            u32 address_low;
+            u32 payload;
+            union {
+                u32 raw;
+                BitField<0, 2, Operation> operation;
+                BitField<4, 1, Release> release;
+                BitField<8, 1, Acquire> acquire;
+                BitField<12, 4, Location> location;
+                BitField<16, 1, Comparison> comparison;
+                BitField<20, 1, u32> awaken_enable;
+                BitField<23, 5, Report> report;
+                BitField<28, 1, u32> short_query;
+                BitField<5, 3, u32> sub_report;
+                BitField<21, 1, u32> dword_number;
+                BitField<2, 1, u32> disable_flush;
+                BitField<3, 1, u32> reduction_enable;
+                BitField<9, 3, ReductionOp> reduction_op;
+                BitField<17, 2, u32> format_signed;
+            } query;
+            GPUVAddr Address() const {
+                return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) |
+                                             address_low);
+            }
+        };
+        struct VertexStream {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 12, u32> stride;
+                BitField<12, 1, u32> enable;
+            };
+            u32 address_high;
+            u32 address_low;
+            u32 frequency;
+            GPUVAddr Address() const {
+                return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) |
+                                             address_low);
+            }
+            bool IsEnabled() const {
+                return enable != 0 && Address() != 0;
+            }
+        };
+        static_assert(sizeof(VertexStream) == 0x10);
+        struct VertexStreamLimit {
+            u32 address_high;
+            u32 address_low;
+            GPUVAddr Address() const {
+                return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) |
+                                             address_low);
+            }
+        };
+        static_assert(sizeof(VertexStreamLimit) == 0x8);
+        enum class ShaderType : u32 {
+            VertexA = 0,
+            VertexB = 1,
+            TessellationInit = 2,
+            Tessellation = 3,
+            Geometry = 4,
+            Pixel = 5,
+        };
+        struct Pipeline {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> enable;
+                BitField<4, 4, ShaderType> program;
+            };
+            u32 offset;
+            u32 reservedA;
+            u32 register_count;
+            u32 binding_group;
+            std::array<u32, 4> reserved;
+        };
+        static_assert(sizeof(Pipeline) == 0x40);
+        bool IsShaderConfigEnabled(std::size_t index) const {
+            // The VertexB is always enabled.
+            if (index == static_cast<std::size_t>(ShaderType::VertexB)) {
+                return true;
+            }
+            return pipelines[index].enable != 0;
+        }
+        bool IsShaderConfigEnabled(ShaderType type) const {
+            return IsShaderConfigEnabled(static_cast<std::size_t>(type));
+        }
+        struct ConstantBuffer {
+            u32 size;
+            u32 address_high;
+            u32 address_low;
+            u32 offset;
+            std::array<u32, NumCBData> buffer;
+            GPUVAddr Address() const {
+                return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) |
+                                             address_low);
+            }
+        };
+        struct BindGroup {
+            std::array<u32, 4> reserved;
+            union {
+                u32 raw_config;
+                BitField<0, 1, u32> valid;
+                BitField<4, 5, u32> shader_slot;
+            };
+        };
+        static_assert(sizeof(BindGroup) == 0x20);
+        struct StreamOutLayout {
+            union {
+                BitField<0, 8, u32> attribute0;
+                BitField<8, 8, u32> attribute1;
+                BitField<16, 8, u32> attribute2;
+                BitField<24, 8, u32> attribute3;
+            };
+        };
+        struct ShaderPerformance {
+            struct ControlA {
+                union {
+                    BitField<0, 2, u32> event0;
+                    BitField<2, 3, u32> bit0;
+                    BitField<5, 2, u32> event1;
+                    BitField<7, 3, u32> bit1;
+                    BitField<10, 2, u32> event2;
+                    BitField<12, 3, u32> bit2;
+                    BitField<15, 2, u32> event3;
+                    BitField<17, 3, u32> bit3;
+                    BitField<20, 2, u32> event4;
+                    BitField<22, 3, u32> bit4;
+                    BitField<25, 2, u32> event5;
+                    BitField<27, 3, u32> bit5;
+                    BitField<30, 2, u32> spare;
+                };
+            };
+            struct ControlB {
+                union {
+                    BitField<0, 1, u32> edge;
+                    BitField<1, 2, u32> mode;
+                    BitField<3, 1, u32> windowed;
+                    BitField<4, 16, u32> func;
+                };
+            };
+            std::array<u32, 8> values_upper;
+            std::array<u32, 8> values;
+            std::array<u32, 8> events;
+            std::array<ControlA, 8> control_a;
+            std::array<ControlB, 8> control_b;
+            u32 trap_control_mask;
+            u32 start_shader_mask;
+            u32 stop_shader_mask;
+        };
+        // clang-format off
+        union {
+            struct {
+                ID object_id;                                                          ///< 0x0000
+                u32 nop;                                                               ///< 0x0100
+                Notify notify;                                                         ///< 0x0104
+                u32 wait_for_idle;                                                     ///< 0x0110
+                LoadMME load_mme;                                                      ///< 0x0114
+                ShadowRamControl shadow_ram_control;                                   ///< 0x0124
+                PeerSemaphore peer;                                                    ///< 0x0128
+                GlobalRender global_render;                                            ///< 0x0130
+                u32 go_idle;                                                           ///< 0x013C
+                u32 trigger;                                                           ///< 0x0140
+                u32 trigger_wfi;                                                       ///< 0x0144
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x8);
+                u32 instrumentation_method_header;                                     ///< 0x0150
+                u32 instrumentation_method_data;                                       ///< 0x0154
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x28);
+                Upload::Registers upload;                                              ///< 0x0180
+                LaunchDMA launch_dma;                                                  ///< 0x01B0
+                u32 inline_data;                                                       ///< 0x01B4
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x24);
+                I2M i2m;                                                               ///< 0x01DC
+                u32 run_ds_now;                                                        ///< 0x0200
+                OpportunisticEarlyZ opportunistic_early_z;                             ///< 0x0204
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                u32 aliased_line_width_enabled;                                        ///< 0x020C
+                u32 mandated_early_z;                                                  ///< 0x0210
+                GeometryShaderDmFifo gs_dm_fifo;                                       ///< 0x0214
+                L2CacheControl l2_cache_control;                                       ///< 0x0218
+                InvalidateShaderCache invalidate_shader_cache;                         ///< 0x021C
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0xA8);
+                SyncInfo sync_info; ///< 0x02C8
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                u32 prim_circular_buffer_throttle;                                     ///< 0x02D0
+                u32 flush_invalidate_rop_mini_cache;                                   ///< 0x02D4
+                SurfaceClipBlockId surface_clip_block_id;                              ///< 0x02D8
+                u32 alpha_circular_buffer_size;                                        ///< 0x02DC
+                DecompressSurface decompress_surface;                                  ///< 0x02E0
+                ZCullRopBypass zcull_rop_bypass;                                       ///< 0x02E4
+                ZCullSubregion zcull_subregion;                                        ///< 0x02E8
+                RasterBoundingBox raster_bounding_box;                                 ///< 0x02EC
+                u32 peer_semaphore_release;                                            ///< 0x02F0
+                u32 iterated_blend_optimization;                                       ///< 0x02F4
+                ZCullSubregionAllocation zcull_subregion_allocation;                   ///< 0x02F8
+                ZCullSubregionAlgorithm zcull_subregion_algorithm;                     ///< 0x02FC
+                PixelShaderOutputSampleMaskUsage ps_output_sample_mask_usage;          ///< 0x0300
+                u32 draw_zero_index;                                                   ///< 0x0304
+                L1Configuration l1_configuration;                                      ///< 0x0308
+                u32 render_enable_control_load_const_buffer;                           ///< 0x030C
+                SPAVersion spa_version;                                                ///< 0x0310
+                u32 ieee_clean_update;                                                 ///< 0x0314
+                SnapGrid snap_grid;                                                    ///< 0x0318
+                Tessellation tessellation;                                             ///< 0x0320
+                SubTilingPerf sub_tiling_perf;                                         ///< 0x0360
+                ZCullSubregionReport zcull_subregion_report;                           ///< 0x036C
+                BalancedPrimitiveWorkload balanced_primitive_workload;                 ///< 0x0374
+                u32 max_patches_per_batch;                                             ///< 0x0378
+                u32 rasterize_enable;                                                  ///< 0x037C
+                TransformFeedback transform_feedback;                                  ///< 0x0380
+                u32 raster_input;                                                      ///< 0x0740
+                u32 transform_feedback_enabled;                                        ///< 0x0744
+                u32 primitive_restart_topology_change_enable;                          ///< 0x0748
+                u32 alpha_fraction;                                                    ///< 0x074C
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                HybridAntiAliasControl hybrid_aa_control;                              ///< 0x0754
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x24);
+                ShaderLocalMemory shader_local_memory;                                 ///< 0x077C
+                u32 color_zero_bandwidth_clear;                                        ///< 0x07A4
+                u32 z_zero_bandwidth_clear;                                            ///< 0x07A8
+                u32 isbe_save_restore_program_offset;                                  ///< 0x07AC
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x10);
+                ZCullRegion zcull_region;                                              ///< 0x07C0
+                ZetaReadOnly zeta_read_only;                                           ///< 0x07F8
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                std::array<RenderTargetConfig, NumRenderTargets> rt;                   ///< 0x0800
+                std::array<ViewportTransform, NumViewports> viewport_transform;        ///< 0x0A00
+                std::array<Viewport, NumViewports> viewports;                          ///< 0x0C00
+                std::array<Window, 8> windows;                                         ///< 0x0D00
+                std::array<ClipIdExtent, 4> clip_id_extent;                            ///< 0x0D40
+                u32 max_geometry_instances_per_task;                                   ///< 0x0D60
+                VisibleCallLimit visible_call_limit;                                   ///< 0x0D64
+                StatisticsCounter statistics_count;                                    ///< 0x0D68
+                ClearRect clear_rect;                                                  ///< 0x0D6C
+                VertexBuffer vertex_buffer;                                            ///< 0x0D74
+                DepthMode depth_mode;                                                  ///< 0x0D7C
+                std::array<f32, 4> clear_color;                                        ///< 0x0D80
+                f32 clear_depth;                                                       ///< 0x0D90
+                u32 shader_cache_icache_prefetch;                                      ///< 0x0D94
+                u32 force_transition_to_beta;                                          ///< 0x0D98
+                u32 reduce_colour_thresholds;                                          ///< 0x0D9C
+                s32 clear_stencil;                                                     ///< 0x0DA0
+                InvalidateShaderCacheNoWFI invalidate_shader_cache_no_wfi;             ///< 0x0DA4
+                ZCullSerialization zcull_serialization;                                ///< 0x0DA8
+                PolygonMode polygon_mode_front;                                        ///< 0x0DAC
+                PolygonMode polygon_mode_back;                                         ///< 0x0DB0
+                u32 polygon_smooth;                                                    ///< 0x0DB4
+                u32 zeta_mark_clean_ieee;                                              ///< 0x0DB8
+                ZCullDirFormat zcull_dir_format;                                       ///< 0x0DBC
+                u32 polygon_offset_point_enable;                                       ///< 0x0DC0
+                u32 polygon_offset_line_enable;                                        ///< 0x0DC4
+                u32 polygon_offset_fill_enable;                                        ///< 0x0DC8
+                u32 patch_vertices;                                                    ///< 0x0DCC
+                IteratedBlend iterated_blend;                                          ///< 0x0DD0
+                ZCullCriterion zcull_criteria;                                         ///< 0x0DD8
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                u32 fragment_barrier;                                                  ///< 0x0DE0
+                u32 sm_timeout;                                                        ///< 0x0DE4
+                u32 primitive_restart_array;                                           ///< 0x0DE8
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                LoadIteratedBlend load_iterated_blend;                                 ///< 0x0DF0
+                u32 window_offset_x;                                                   ///< 0x0DF8
+                u32 window_offset_y;                                                   ///< 0x0DFC
+                std::array<ScissorTest, NumViewports> scissor_test;                    ///< 0x0E00
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x10);
+                u32 select_texture_headers;                                            ///< 0x0F10
+                VPCPerf vpc_perf;                                                      ///< 0x0F14
+                u32 pm_local_trigger;                                                  ///< 0x0F18
+                u32 post_z_pixel_imask;                                                ///< 0x0F1C
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x20);
+                ConstantColorRendering const_color_rendering;                          ///< 0x0F40
+                StencilFunc stencil_back_func;                                         ///< 0x0F54
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x24);
+                VertexStreamSubstitute vertex_stream_substitute;                       ///< 0x0F84
+                u32 line_mode_clip_generated_edge_do_not_draw;                         ///< 0x0F8C
+                u32 color_mask_common;                                                 ///< 0x0F90
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                VTGWarpWatermarks vtg_warp_watermarks;                                 ///< 0x0F98
+                f32 depth_bounds[2];                                                   ///< 0x0F9C
+                SampleMask::Target sample_mask_target;                                 ///< 0x0FA4
+                u32 color_target_mrt_enable;                                           ///< 0x0FAC
+                NonMultisampledZ non_multisampled_z;                                   ///< 0x0FB0
+                TIRMode tir_mode;                                                      ///< 0x0FB4
+                AntiAliasRaster anti_alias_raster;                                     ///< 0x0FB8
+                SampleMask::Pos sample_mask_pos;                                       ///< 0x0FBC
+                SurfaceClipIDMemory surface_clip_id_memory;                            ///< 0x0FCC
+                TIRModulation tir_modulation;                                          ///< 0x0FD4
+                u32 blend_control_allow_float_pixel_kills;                             ///< 0x0FDC
+                Zeta zeta;                                                             ///< 0x0FE0
+                SurfaceClip surface_clip;                                              ///< 0x0FF4
+                u32 tiled_cache_treat_heavy_as_light;                                  ///< 0x0FFC
+                L2CacheVAFRequests l2_cache_vaf;                                       ///< 0x1000
+                ViewportMulticast viewport_multicast;                                  ///< 0x1004
+                u32 tessellation_cut_height;                                           ///< 0x1008
+                u32 max_gs_instances_per_task;                                         ///< 0x100C
+                u32 max_gs_output_vertices_per_task;                                   ///< 0x1010
+                u32 reserved_sw_method0;                                               ///< 0x1014
+                u32 gs_output_cb_storage_multiplier;                                   ///< 0x1018
+                u32 beta_cb_storage_constant;                                          ///< 0x101C
+                u32 ti_output_cb_storage_multiplier;                                   ///< 0x1020
+                u32 alpha_cb_storage_constraint;                                       ///< 0x1024
+                u32 reserved_sw_method1;                                               ///< 0x1028
+                u32 reserved_sw_method2;                                               ///< 0x102C
+                std::array<TIRModulationCoeff, 5> tir_modulation_coeff;                ///< 0x1030
+                std::array<u32, 15> spare_nop;                                         ///< 0x1044
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x30);
+                std::array<u32, 7> reserved_sw_method3_to_7;                           ///< 0x10B0
+                ReduceColorThreshold reduce_color_thresholds_unorm8;                   ///< 0x10CC
+                std::array<u32, 4> reserved_sw_method10_to_13;                         ///< 0x10D0
+                ReduceColorThreshold reduce_color_thresholds_unorm10;                  ///< 0x10E0
+                ReduceColorThreshold reduce_color_thresholds_unorm16;                  ///< 0x10E4
+                ReduceColorThreshold reduce_color_thresholds_fp11;                     ///< 0x10E8
+                ReduceColorThreshold reduce_color_thresholds_fp16;                     ///< 0x10EC
+                ReduceColorThreshold reduce_color_thresholds_srgb8;                    ///< 0x10F0
+                u32 unbind_all_constant_buffers;                                       ///< 0x10F4
+                ClearControl clear_control;                                            ///< 0x10F8
+                L2CacheRopNonInterlockedReads l2_cache_rop_non_interlocked_reads;      ///< 0x10FC
+                u32 reserved_sw_method14;                                              ///< 0x1100
+                u32 reserved_sw_method15;                                              ///< 0x1104
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                u32 no_operation_data_high;                                            ///< 0x110C
+                u32 depth_bias_control;                                                ///< 0x1110
+                u32 pm_trigger_end;                                                    ///< 0x1114
+                u32 vertex_id_base;                                                    ///< 0x1118
+                u32 stencil_compression_enabled;                                       ///< 0x111C
+                VertexOutputAttributeSkipMasks vertex_output_attribute_skip_masks;     ///< 0x1120
+                TIRControl tir_control;                                                ///< 0x1130
+                u32 mutable_method_treat_mutable_as_heavy;                             ///< 0x1134
+                u32 post_ps_use_pre_ps_coverage;                                       ///< 0x1138
+                FillViaTriangleMode fill_via_triangle_mode;                            ///< 0x113C
+                u32 blend_per_format_snorm8_unorm16_snorm16_enabled;                   ///< 0x1140
+                u32 flush_pending_writes_sm_gloal_store;                               ///< 0x1144
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x18);
+                std::array<VertexAttribute, NumVertexAttributes> vertex_attrib_format; ///< 0x1160
+                std::array<MsaaSampleLocation, 4> multisample_sample_locations;        ///< 0x11E0
+                u32 offset_render_target_index_by_viewport_index;                      ///< 0x11F0
+                u32 force_heavy_method_sync;                                           ///< 0x11F4
+                MultisampleCoverageToColor multisample_coverage_to_color;              ///< 0x11F8
+                DecompressZetaSurface decompress_zeta_surface;                         ///< 0x11FC
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x8);
+                ZetaSparse zeta_sparse;                                                ///< 0x1208
+                u32 invalidate_sampler_cache;                                          ///< 0x120C
+                u32 invalidate_texture_header_cache;                                   ///< 0x1210
+                VertexArray vertex_array_instance_first;                               ///< 0x1214
+                VertexArray vertex_array_instance_subsequent;                          ///< 0x1218
+                RtControl rt_control;                                                  ///< 0x121C
+                CompressionThresholdSamples compression_threshold_samples;             ///< 0x1220
+                PixelShaderInterlockControl ps_interlock_control;                      ///< 0x1224
+                ZetaSize zeta_size;                                                    ///< 0x1228
+                SamplerBinding sampler_binding;                                        ///< 0x1234
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                u32 draw_auto_byte_count;                                              ///< 0x123C
+                std::array<u32, 8> post_vtg_shader_attrib_skip_mask;                   ///< 0x1240
+                PsTicketDispenserValue ps_ticket_dispenser_value;                      ///< 0x1260
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x1C);
+                u32 circular_buffer_size;                                              ///< 0x1280
+                RegisterWatermarks vtg_register_watermarks;                            ///< 0x1284
+                InvalidateTextureDataCacheNoWfi invalidate_texture_cache_no_wfi;       ///< 0x1288
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                L2CacheRopNonInterlockedReads l2_cache_rop_interlocked_reads;          ///< 0x1290
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x10);
+                u32 primitive_restart_topology_change_index;                           ///< 0x12A4
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x20);
+                ZCullRegionEnable zcull_region_enable;                                 ///< 0x12C8
+                u32 depth_test_enable;                                                 ///< 0x12CC
+                FillMode fill_mode;                                                    ///< 0x12D0
+                ShadeMode shade_mode;                                                  ///< 0x12D4
+                L2CacheRopNonInterlockedReads l2_cache_rop_non_interlocked_writes;     ///< 0x12D8
+                L2CacheRopNonInterlockedReads l2_cache_rop_interlocked_writes;         ///< 0x12DC
+                AlphaToCoverageDither alpha_to_coverage_dither;                        ///< 0x12E0
+                u32 blend_per_target_enabled;                                          ///< 0x12E4
+                u32 depth_write_enabled;                                               ///< 0x12E8
+                u32 alpha_test_enabled;                                                ///< 0x12EC
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x10);
+                InlineIndex4x8Align inline_index_4x8_align;                            ///< 0x1300
+                InlineIndex4x8Index inline_index_4x8_index;                            ///< 0x1304
+                D3DCullMode d3d_cull_mode;                                             ///< 0x1308
+                ComparisonOp depth_test_func;                                          ///< 0x130C
+                f32 alpha_test_ref;                                                    ///< 0x1310
+                ComparisonOp alpha_test_func;                                          ///< 0x1314
+                u32 draw_auto_stride;                                                  ///< 0x1318
+                BlendColor blend_color;                                                ///< 0x131C
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                InvalidateCacheLines invalidate_sampler_cache_lines;                   ///< 0x1330
+                InvalidateCacheLines invalidate_texture_header_cache_lines;            ///< 0x1334
+                InvalidateCacheLines invalidate_texture_data_cache_lines;              ///< 0x1338
+                Blend blend;                                                           ///< 0x133C
+                u32 stencil_enable;                                                    ///< 0x1380
+                StencilOp stencil_front_op;                                            ///< 0x1384
+                StencilFunc stencil_front_func;                                        ///< 0x1394
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                u32 draw_auto_start_byte_count;                                        ///< 0x13A4
+                PsSaturate frag_color_clamp;                                           ///< 0x13A8
+                WindowOrigin window_origin;                                            ///< 0x13AC
+                f32 line_width_smooth;                                                 ///< 0x13B0
+                f32 line_width_aliased;                                                ///< 0x13B4
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x60);
+                u32 line_override_multisample;                                         ///< 0x1418
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                u32 alpha_hysteresis_rounds;                                           ///< 0x1420
+                InvalidateCacheLines invalidate_sampler_cache_no_wfi;                  ///< 0x1424
+                InvalidateCacheLines invalidate_texture_header_cache_no_wfi;           ///< 0x1428
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x8);
+                u32 global_base_vertex_index;                                          ///< 0x1434
+                u32 global_base_instance_index;                                        ///< 0x1438
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x14);
+                RegisterWatermarks ps_warp_watermarks;                                 ///< 0x1450
+                RegisterWatermarks ps_regster_watermarks;                              ///< 0x1454
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0xC);
+                u32 store_zcull;                                                       ///< 0x1464
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x18);
+                std::array<IteratedBlendConstants, NumRenderTargets>
+                    iterated_blend_constants;                                          ///< 0x1480
+                u32 load_zcull;                                                        ///< 0x1500
+                u32 surface_clip_id_height;                                            ///< 0x1504
+                Window surface_clip_id_clear_rect;                                     ///< 0x1508
+                UserClip::Enable user_clip_enable;                                     ///< 0x1510
+                u32 zpass_pixel_count_enable;                                          ///< 0x1514
+                f32 point_size;                                                        ///< 0x1518
+                u32 zcull_stats_enable;                                                ///< 0x151C
+                u32 point_sprite_enable;                                               ///< 0x1520
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                u32 shader_exceptions_enable;                                          ///< 0x1528
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                ClearReport clear_report_value;                                        ///< 0x1530
+                u32 anti_alias_enable;                                                 ///< 0x1534
+                u32 zeta_enable;                                                       ///< 0x1538
+                AntiAliasAlphaControl anti_alias_alpha_control;                        ///< 0x153C
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x10);
+                RenderEnable render_enable;                                            ///< 0x1550
+                TexSampler tex_sampler;                                                ///< 0x155C
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                f32 slope_scale_depth_bias;                                            ///< 0x156C
+                u32 line_anti_alias_enable;                                            ///< 0x1570
+                TexHeader tex_header;                                                  ///< 0x1574
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x10);
+                u32 active_zcull_region_id;                                            ///< 0x1590
+                u32 stencil_two_side_enable;                                           ///< 0x1594
+                StencilOp stencil_back_op;                                             ///< 0x1598
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x10);
+                u32 framebuffer_srgb;                                                  ///< 0x15B8
+                f32 depth_bias;                                                        ///< 0x15BC
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x8);
+                ZCullRegionFormat zcull_region_format;                                 ///< 0x15C8
+                RtLayer rt_layer;                                                      ///< 0x15CC
+                Tegra::Texture::MsaaMode anti_alias_samples_mode;                      ///< 0x15D0
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x10);
+                u32 edge_flag;                                                         ///< 0x15E4
+                u32 draw_inline_index;                                                 ///< 0x15E8
+                InlineIndex2x16 inline_index_2x16;                                     ///< 0x15EC
+                VertexGlobalBaseOffset vertex_global_base_offset;                      ///< 0x15F4
+                ZCullRegionPixelOffset zcull_region_pixel_offset;                      ///< 0x15FC
+                PointSprite point_sprite;                                              ///< 0x1604
+                ProgramRegion program_region;                                          ///< 0x1608
+                DefaultAttributes default_attributes;                                  ///< 0x1610
+                Draw draw;                                                             ///< 0x1614
+                VertexIdCopy vertex_id_copy;                                           ///< 0x161C
+                u32 add_to_primitive_id;                                               ///< 0x1620
+                u32 load_to_primitive_id;                                              ///< 0x1624
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                ShaderBasedCull shader_based_cull;                                     ///< 0x162C
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x8);
+                ClassVersion class_version;                                            ///< 0x1638
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x8);
+                PrimitiveRestart primitive_restart;                                    ///< 0x1644
+                OutputVertexId output_vertex_id;                                       ///< 0x164C
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x8);
+                u32 anti_alias_point_enable;                                           ///< 0x1658
+                PointCenterMode point_center_mode;                                     ///< 0x165C
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x8);
+                LineSmoothParams line_smooth_params;                                   ///< 0x1668
+                u32 line_stipple_enable;                                               ///< 0x166C
+                std::array<LineSmoothEdgeTable, 4> line_smooth_edge_table;             ///< 0x1670
+                LineStippleParams line_stipple_params;                                 ///< 0x1680
+                ProvokingVertex provoking_vertex;                                      ///< 0x1684
+                u32 two_sided_light_enabled;                                           ///< 0x1688
+                u32 polygon_stipple_enabled;                                           ///< 0x168C
+                ShaderControl shader_control;                                          ///< 0x1690
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0xC);
+                ClassVersion class_version_check;                                      ///< 0x16A0
+                SphVersion sph_version;                                                ///< 0x16A4
+                SphVersion sph_version_check;                                          ///< 0x16A8
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x8);
+                AlphaToCoverageOverride alpha_to_coverage_override;                    ///< 0x16B4
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x48);
+                std::array<u32, 32> polygon_stipple_pattern;                           ///< 0x1700
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x10);
+                AamVersion aam_version;                                                ///< 0x1790
+                AamVersion aam_version_check;                                          ///< 0x1794
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                u32 zeta_layer_offset;                                                 ///< 0x179C
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x28);
+                IndexBuffer index_buffer;                                              ///< 0x17C8
+                IndexBufferSmall index_buffer32_first;                                 ///< 0x17E4
+                IndexBufferSmall index_buffer16_first;                                 ///< 0x17E8
+                IndexBufferSmall index_buffer8_first;                                  ///< 0x17EC
+                IndexBufferSmall index_buffer32_subsequent;                            ///< 0x17F0
+                IndexBufferSmall index_buffer16_subsequent;                            ///< 0x17F4
+                IndexBufferSmall index_buffer8_subsequent;                             ///< 0x17F8
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x80);
+                f32 depth_bias_clamp;                                                  ///< 0x187C
+                VertexStreamInstances vertex_stream_instances;                         ///< 0x1880
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x10);
+                AttributePointSize point_size_attribute;                               ///< 0x1910
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                u32 gl_cull_test_enabled;                                              ///< 0x1918
+                FrontFace gl_front_face;                                               ///< 0x191C
+                CullFace gl_cull_face;                                                 ///< 0x1920
+                Viewport::PixelCenter viewport_pixel_center;                           ///< 0x1924
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                u32 viewport_scale_offset_enbled;                                      ///< 0x192C
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0xC);
+                ViewportClipControl viewport_clip_control;                             ///< 0x193C
+                UserClip::Op user_clip_op;                                             ///< 0x1940
+                RenderEnable::Override render_enable_override;                         ///< 0x1944
+                PrimitiveTopologyControl primitive_topology_control;                   ///< 0x1948
+                WindowClip window_clip_enable;                                         ///< 0x194C
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                InvalidateZCull invalidate_zcull;                                      ///< 0x1958
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0xC);
+                ZCull zcull;                                                           ///< 0x1968
+                PrimitiveTopologyOverride topology_override;                           ///< 0x1970
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                u32 zcull_sync;                                                        ///< 0x1978
+                u32 clip_id_test_enable;                                               ///< 0x197C
+                u32 surface_clip_id_width;                                             ///< 0x1980
+                u32 clip_id;                                                           ///< 0x1984
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x34);
+                u32 depth_bounds_enable;                                               ///< 0x19BC
+                u32 blend_float_zero_times_anything_is_zero;                           ///< 0x19C0
+                LogicOp logic_op;                                                      ///< 0x19C4
+                u32 z_compression_enable;                                              ///< 0x19CC
+                ClearSurface clear_surface;                                            ///< 0x19D0
+                u32 clear_clip_id_surface;                                             ///< 0x19D4
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x8);
+                std::array<u32, NumRenderTargets> color_compression_enable;            ///< 0x19E0
+                std::array<ColorMask, NumRenderTargets> color_mask;                    ///< 0x1A00
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0xC);
+                u32 pipe_nop;                                                          ///< 0x1A2C
+                std::array<u32, 4> spare;                                              ///< 0x1A30
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0xC0);
+                ReportSemaphore report_semaphore;                                      ///< 0x1B00
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0xF0);
+                std::array<VertexStream, NumVertexArrays> vertex_streams;              ///< 0x1C00
+                BlendPerTarget blend_per_target[NumRenderTargets];                     ///< 0x1E00
+                std::array<VertexStreamLimit, NumVertexArrays> vertex_stream_limits;   ///< 0x1F00
+                std::array<Pipeline, MaxShaderProgram> pipelines;                      ///< 0x2000
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x180);
+                u32 falcon[32];                                                        ///< 0x2300
+                ConstantBuffer const_buffer;                                           ///< 0x2380
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x30);
+                BindGroup bind_groups[MaxShaderStage];                                 ///< 0x2400
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x160);
+                u32 color_clamp_enable;                                                ///< 0x2600
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x4);
+                u32 bindless_texture_const_buffer_slot;                                ///< 0x2608
+                u32 trap_handler;                                                      ///< 0x260C
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x1F0);
+                std::array<std::array<StreamOutLayout, 32>, NumTransformFeedbackBuffers>
+                    stream_out_layout;                                                 ///< 0x2800
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x93C);
+                ShaderPerformance shader_performance;                                  ///< 0x333C
+                INSERT_PADDING_BYTES_NOINIT(0x18);
+                std::array<u32, 0x100> shadow_scratch;                                 ///< 0x3400
             std::array<u32, NUM_REGS> reg_array;
+    // clang-format on
     Regs regs{};
@@ -1591,147 +3203,346 @@ private:
 #define ASSERT_REG_POSITION(field_name, position)                                                  \
-    static_assert(offsetof(Maxwell3D::Regs, field_name) == position * 4,                           \
+    static_assert(offsetof(Maxwell3D::Regs, field_name) == position,                               \
                   "Field " #field_name " has invalid position")
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(wait_for_idle, 0x44);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(macros, 0x45);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(shadow_ram_control, 0x49);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(upload, 0x60);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(exec_upload, 0x6C);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(data_upload, 0x6D);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(force_early_fragment_tests, 0x84);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(sync_info, 0xB2);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tess_mode, 0xC8);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tess_level_outer, 0xC9);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tess_level_inner, 0xCD);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(rasterize_enable, 0xDF);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tfb_bindings, 0xE0);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tfb_layouts, 0x1C0);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tfb_enabled, 0x1D1);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(viewport_transform, 0x280);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(viewports, 0x300);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_buffer, 0x35D);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_mode, 0x35F);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clear_color[0], 0x360);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clear_depth, 0x364);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clear_stencil, 0x368);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_mode_front, 0x36B);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_mode_back, 0x36C);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_offset_point_enable, 0x370);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_offset_line_enable, 0x371);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_offset_fill_enable, 0x372);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(patch_vertices, 0x373);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(fragment_barrier, 0x378);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(scissor_test, 0x380);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_back_func_ref, 0x3D5);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_back_mask, 0x3D6);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_back_func_mask, 0x3D7);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_texture_data_cache, 0x3DD);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tiled_cache_barrier, 0x3DF);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(color_mask_common, 0x3E4);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_bounds, 0x3E7);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(rt_separate_frag_data, 0x3EB);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(multisample_raster_enable, 0x3ED);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(multisample_raster_samples, 0x3EE);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(multisample_sample_mask, 0x3EF);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(render_area, 0x3FD);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clear_flags, 0x43E);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(fill_rectangle, 0x44F);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(conservative_raster_enable, 0x452);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_attrib_format, 0x458);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(multisample_sample_locations, 0x478);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(multisample_coverage_to_color, 0x47E);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(rt_control, 0x487);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zeta_width, 0x48a);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zeta_height, 0x48b);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zeta_depth, 0x48c);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(sampler_index, 0x48D);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(gp_passthrough_mask, 0x490);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_test_enable, 0x4B3);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(independent_blend_enable, 0x4B9);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_write_enabled, 0x4BA);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(alpha_test_enabled, 0x4BB);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(d3d_cull_mode, 0x4C2);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_test_func, 0x4C3);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(alpha_test_ref, 0x4C4);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(alpha_test_func, 0x4C5);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(draw_tfb_stride, 0x4C6);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(blend_color, 0x4C7);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_enable, 0x4E0);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_front_op_fail, 0x4E1);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_front_op_zfail, 0x4E2);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_front_op_zpass, 0x4E3);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_front_func_func, 0x4E4);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_front_func_ref, 0x4E5);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_front_func_mask, 0x4E6);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_front_mask, 0x4E7);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(frag_color_clamp, 0x4EA);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(screen_y_control, 0x4EB);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(line_width_smooth, 0x4EC);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(line_width_aliased, 0x4ED);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_sampler_cache_no_wfi, 0x509);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_texture_header_cache_no_wfi, 0x50A);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vb_element_base, 0x50D);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vb_base_instance, 0x50E);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clip_distance_enabled, 0x544);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(samplecnt_enable, 0x545);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(point_size, 0x546);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(point_sprite_enable, 0x548);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(counter_reset, 0x54C);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(multisample_enable, 0x54D);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zeta_enable, 0x54E);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(multisample_control, 0x54F);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(condition, 0x554);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_offset_factor, 0x55B);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(line_smooth_enable, 0x55C);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_two_side_enable, 0x565);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_back_op_fail, 0x566);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_back_op_zfail, 0x567);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_back_op_zpass, 0x568);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_back_func_func, 0x569);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(framebuffer_srgb, 0x56E);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_offset_units, 0x56F);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(multisample_mode, 0x574);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(point_coord_replace, 0x581);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(code_address, 0x582);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(draw, 0x585);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(primitive_restart, 0x591);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(provoking_vertex_last, 0x5A1);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(index_array, 0x5F2);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(small_index, 0x5F9);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_offset_clamp, 0x61F);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(instanced_arrays, 0x620);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vp_point_size, 0x644);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(cull_test_enabled, 0x646);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(front_face, 0x647);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(cull_face, 0x648);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(pixel_center_integer, 0x649);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(viewport_transform_enabled, 0x64B);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(view_volume_clip_control, 0x64F);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(topology_override, 0x65C);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_bounds_enable, 0x66F);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(logic_op, 0x671);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clear_buffers, 0x674);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(color_mask, 0x680);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_array[0], 0x700);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(independent_blend, 0x780);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_array_limit[0], 0x7C0);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(shader_config[0], 0x800);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(firmware, 0x8C0);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(const_buffer, 0x8E0);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(cb_bind[0], 0x904);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tex_cb_index, 0x982);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tfb_varying_locs, 0xA00);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(ssbo_info, 0xD18);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tex_info_buffers.address[0], 0xD2A);
-ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tex_info_buffers.size[0], 0xD2F);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(object_id, 0x0000);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(nop, 0x0100);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(notify, 0x0104);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(wait_for_idle, 0x0110);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(load_mme, 0x0114);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(shadow_ram_control, 0x0124);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(peer, 0x0128);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(global_render, 0x0130);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(go_idle, 0x013C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(trigger, 0x0140);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(trigger_wfi, 0x0144);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(instrumentation_method_header, 0x0150);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(instrumentation_method_data, 0x0154);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(upload, 0x0180);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(launch_dma, 0x01B0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(inline_data, 0x01B4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(run_ds_now, 0x0200);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(opportunistic_early_z, 0x0204);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(aliased_line_width_enabled, 0x020C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(mandated_early_z, 0x0210);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(gs_dm_fifo, 0x0214);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(l2_cache_control, 0x0218);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_shader_cache, 0x021C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(sync_info, 0x02C8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(prim_circular_buffer_throttle, 0x02D0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(flush_invalidate_rop_mini_cache, 0x02D4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(surface_clip_block_id, 0x02D8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(alpha_circular_buffer_size, 0x02DC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(decompress_surface, 0x02E0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_rop_bypass, 0x02E4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_subregion, 0x02E8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(raster_bounding_box, 0x02EC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(peer_semaphore_release, 0x02F0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(iterated_blend_optimization, 0x02F4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_subregion_allocation, 0x02F8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_subregion_algorithm, 0x02FC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(ps_output_sample_mask_usage, 0x0300);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(draw_zero_index, 0x0304);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(l1_configuration, 0x0308);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(render_enable_control_load_const_buffer, 0x030C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(spa_version, 0x0310);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(ieee_clean_update, 0x0314);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(snap_grid, 0x0318);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tessellation, 0x0320);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(sub_tiling_perf, 0x0360);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_subregion_report, 0x036C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(balanced_primitive_workload, 0x0374);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(max_patches_per_batch, 0x0378);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(rasterize_enable, 0x037C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(transform_feedback, 0x0380);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(transform_feedback.controls, 0x0700);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(raster_input, 0x0740);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(transform_feedback_enabled, 0x0744);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(primitive_restart_topology_change_enable, 0x0748);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(alpha_fraction, 0x074C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(hybrid_aa_control, 0x0754);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(shader_local_memory, 0x077C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(color_zero_bandwidth_clear, 0x07A4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(z_zero_bandwidth_clear, 0x07A8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(isbe_save_restore_program_offset, 0x07AC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_region, 0x07C0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zeta_read_only, 0x07F8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(viewport_transform, 0x0A00);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(viewports, 0x0C00);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(windows, 0x0D00);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clip_id_extent, 0x0D40);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(max_geometry_instances_per_task, 0x0D60);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(visible_call_limit, 0x0D64);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(statistics_count, 0x0D68);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clear_rect, 0x0D6C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_buffer, 0x0D74);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_mode, 0x0D7C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clear_color, 0x0D80);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clear_depth, 0x0D90);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(shader_cache_icache_prefetch, 0x0D94);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(force_transition_to_beta, 0x0D98);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reduce_colour_thresholds, 0x0D9C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clear_stencil, 0x0DA0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_shader_cache_no_wfi, 0x0DA4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_serialization, 0x0DA8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_mode_front, 0x0DAC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_mode_back, 0x0DB0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_smooth, 0x0DB4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zeta_mark_clean_ieee, 0x0DB8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_dir_format, 0x0DBC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_offset_point_enable, 0x0DC0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_offset_line_enable, 0x0DC4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_offset_fill_enable, 0x0DC8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(patch_vertices, 0x0DCC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(iterated_blend, 0x0DD0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_criteria, 0x0DD8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(fragment_barrier, 0x0DE0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(sm_timeout, 0x0DE4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(primitive_restart_array, 0x0DE8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(load_iterated_blend, 0x0DF0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(window_offset_x, 0x0DF8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(window_offset_y, 0x0DFC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(scissor_test, 0x0E00);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(select_texture_headers, 0x0F10);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vpc_perf, 0x0F14);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(pm_local_trigger, 0x0F18);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(post_z_pixel_imask, 0x0F1C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(const_color_rendering, 0x0F40);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_back_func, 0x0F54);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_stream_substitute, 0x0F84);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(line_mode_clip_generated_edge_do_not_draw, 0x0F8C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(color_mask_common, 0x0F90);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vtg_warp_watermarks, 0x0F98);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_bounds, 0x0F9C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(sample_mask_target, 0x0FA4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(color_target_mrt_enable, 0x0FAC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(non_multisampled_z, 0x0FB0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tir_mode, 0x0FB4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(anti_alias_raster, 0x0FB8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(sample_mask_pos, 0x0FBC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(surface_clip_id_memory, 0x0FCC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tir_modulation, 0x0FD4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(blend_control_allow_float_pixel_kills, 0x0FDC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(surface_clip, 0x0FF4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tiled_cache_treat_heavy_as_light, 0x0FFC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(l2_cache_vaf, 0x1000);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(viewport_multicast, 0x1004);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tessellation_cut_height, 0x1008);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(max_gs_instances_per_task, 0x100C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(max_gs_output_vertices_per_task, 0x1010);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reserved_sw_method0, 0x1014);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(gs_output_cb_storage_multiplier, 0x1018);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(beta_cb_storage_constant, 0x101C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(ti_output_cb_storage_multiplier, 0x1020);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(alpha_cb_storage_constraint, 0x1024);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reserved_sw_method1, 0x1028);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reserved_sw_method2, 0x102C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tir_modulation_coeff, 0x1030);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(spare_nop, 0x1044);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reserved_sw_method3_to_7, 0x10B0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reduce_color_thresholds_unorm8, 0x10CC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reserved_sw_method10_to_13, 0x10D0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reduce_color_thresholds_unorm10, 0x10E0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reduce_color_thresholds_unorm16, 0x10E4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reduce_color_thresholds_fp11, 0x10E8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reduce_color_thresholds_fp16, 0x10EC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reduce_color_thresholds_srgb8, 0x10F0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(unbind_all_constant_buffers, 0x10F4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clear_control, 0x10F8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(l2_cache_rop_non_interlocked_reads, 0x10FC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reserved_sw_method14, 0x1100);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(reserved_sw_method15, 0x1104);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(no_operation_data_high, 0x110C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_bias_control, 0x1110);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(pm_trigger_end, 0x1114);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_id_base, 0x1118);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_compression_enabled, 0x111C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_output_attribute_skip_masks, 0x1120);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tir_control, 0x1130);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(mutable_method_treat_mutable_as_heavy, 0x1134);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(post_ps_use_pre_ps_coverage, 0x1138);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(fill_via_triangle_mode, 0x113C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(blend_per_format_snorm8_unorm16_snorm16_enabled, 0x1140);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(flush_pending_writes_sm_gloal_store, 0x1144);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_attrib_format, 0x1160);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(multisample_sample_locations, 0x11E0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(offset_render_target_index_by_viewport_index, 0x11F0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(force_heavy_method_sync, 0x11F4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(multisample_coverage_to_color, 0x11F8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(decompress_zeta_surface, 0x11FC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zeta_sparse, 0x1208);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_sampler_cache, 0x120C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_texture_header_cache, 0x1210);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_array_instance_first, 0x1214);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_array_instance_subsequent, 0x1218);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(rt_control, 0x121C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(compression_threshold_samples, 0x1220);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(ps_interlock_control, 0x1224);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zeta_size, 0x1228);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(sampler_binding, 0x1234);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(draw_auto_byte_count, 0x123C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(post_vtg_shader_attrib_skip_mask, 0x1240);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(ps_ticket_dispenser_value, 0x1260);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(circular_buffer_size, 0x1280);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vtg_register_watermarks, 0x1284);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_texture_cache_no_wfi, 0x1288);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(l2_cache_rop_interlocked_reads, 0x1290);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(primitive_restart_topology_change_index, 0x12A4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_region_enable, 0x12C8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_test_enable, 0x12CC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(fill_mode, 0x12D0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(shade_mode, 0x12D4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(l2_cache_rop_non_interlocked_writes, 0x12D8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(l2_cache_rop_interlocked_writes, 0x12DC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(alpha_to_coverage_dither, 0x12E0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(blend_per_target_enabled, 0x12E4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_write_enabled, 0x12E8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(alpha_test_enabled, 0x12EC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(inline_index_4x8_align, 0x1300);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(inline_index_4x8_index, 0x1304);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(d3d_cull_mode, 0x1308);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_test_func, 0x130C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(alpha_test_ref, 0x1310);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(alpha_test_func, 0x1314);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(draw_auto_stride, 0x1318);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(blend_color, 0x131C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_sampler_cache_lines, 0x1330);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_texture_header_cache_lines, 0x1334);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_texture_data_cache_lines, 0x1338);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(blend, 0x133C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_enable, 0x1380);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_front_op, 0x1384);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_front_func, 0x1394);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(draw_auto_start_byte_count, 0x13A4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(frag_color_clamp, 0x13A8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(window_origin, 0x13AC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(line_width_smooth, 0x13B0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(line_width_aliased, 0x13B4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(line_override_multisample, 0x1418);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(alpha_hysteresis_rounds, 0x1420);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_sampler_cache_no_wfi, 0x1424);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_texture_header_cache_no_wfi, 0x1428);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(global_base_vertex_index, 0x1434);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(global_base_instance_index, 0x1438);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(ps_warp_watermarks, 0x1450);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(ps_regster_watermarks, 0x1454);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(store_zcull, 0x1464);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(iterated_blend_constants, 0x1480);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(load_zcull, 0x1500);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(surface_clip_id_height, 0x1504);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(surface_clip_id_clear_rect, 0x1508);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(user_clip_enable, 0x1510);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zpass_pixel_count_enable, 0x1514);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(point_size, 0x1518);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_stats_enable, 0x151C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(point_sprite_enable, 0x1520);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(shader_exceptions_enable, 0x1528);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clear_report_value, 0x1530);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(anti_alias_enable, 0x1534);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zeta_enable, 0x1538);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(anti_alias_alpha_control, 0x153C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(render_enable, 0x1550);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tex_sampler, 0x155C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(slope_scale_depth_bias, 0x156C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(line_anti_alias_enable, 0x1570);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(tex_header, 0x1574);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(active_zcull_region_id, 0x1590);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_two_side_enable, 0x1594);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stencil_back_op, 0x1598);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(framebuffer_srgb, 0x15B8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_bias, 0x15BC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_region_format, 0x15C8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(rt_layer, 0x15CC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(anti_alias_samples_mode, 0x15D0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(edge_flag, 0x15E4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(draw_inline_index, 0x15E8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(inline_index_2x16, 0x15EC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_global_base_offset, 0x15F4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_region_pixel_offset, 0x15FC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(point_sprite, 0x1604);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(program_region, 0x1608);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(default_attributes, 0x1610);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(draw, 0x1614);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_id_copy, 0x161C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(add_to_primitive_id, 0x1620);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(load_to_primitive_id, 0x1624);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(shader_based_cull, 0x162C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(class_version, 0x1638);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(primitive_restart, 0x1644);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(output_vertex_id, 0x164C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(anti_alias_point_enable, 0x1658);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(point_center_mode, 0x165C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(line_smooth_params, 0x1668);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(line_stipple_enable, 0x166C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(line_smooth_edge_table, 0x1670);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(line_stipple_params, 0x1680);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(provoking_vertex, 0x1684);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(two_sided_light_enabled, 0x1688);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_stipple_enabled, 0x168C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(shader_control, 0x1690);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(class_version_check, 0x16A0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(sph_version, 0x16A4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(sph_version_check, 0x16A8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(alpha_to_coverage_override, 0x16B4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(polygon_stipple_pattern, 0x1700);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(aam_version, 0x1790);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(aam_version_check, 0x1794);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zeta_layer_offset, 0x179C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(index_buffer, 0x17C8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(index_buffer32_first, 0x17E4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(index_buffer16_first, 0x17E8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(index_buffer8_first, 0x17EC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(index_buffer32_subsequent, 0x17F0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(index_buffer16_subsequent, 0x17F4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(index_buffer8_subsequent, 0x17F8);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_bias_clamp, 0x187C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_stream_instances, 0x1880);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(point_size_attribute, 0x1910);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(gl_cull_test_enabled, 0x1918);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(gl_front_face, 0x191C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(gl_cull_face, 0x1920);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(viewport_pixel_center, 0x1924);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(viewport_scale_offset_enbled, 0x192C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(viewport_clip_control, 0x193C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(user_clip_op, 0x1940);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(render_enable_override, 0x1944);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(primitive_topology_control, 0x1948);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(window_clip_enable, 0x194C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(invalidate_zcull, 0x1958);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull, 0x1968);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(topology_override, 0x1970);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(zcull_sync, 0x1978);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clip_id_test_enable, 0x197C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(surface_clip_id_width, 0x1980);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clip_id, 0x1984);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(depth_bounds_enable, 0x19BC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(blend_float_zero_times_anything_is_zero, 0x19C0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(logic_op, 0x19C4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(z_compression_enable, 0x19CC);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clear_surface, 0x19D0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(clear_clip_id_surface, 0x19D4);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(color_compression_enable, 0x19E0);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(color_mask, 0x1A00);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(pipe_nop, 0x1A2C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(spare, 0x1A30);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(report_semaphore, 0x1B00);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_streams, 0x1C00);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(blend_per_target, 0x1E00);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(vertex_stream_limits, 0x1F00);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(pipelines, 0x2000);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(falcon, 0x2300);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(const_buffer, 0x2380);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(bind_groups, 0x2400);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(color_clamp_enable, 0x2600);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(bindless_texture_const_buffer_slot, 0x2608);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(trap_handler, 0x260C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(stream_out_layout, 0x2800);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(shader_performance, 0x333C);
+ASSERT_REG_POSITION(shadow_scratch, 0x3400);
diff --git a/src/video_core/gpu.h b/src/video_core/gpu.h
index 0a4a8b14fa..d0709dc696 100644
--- a/src/video_core/gpu.h
+++ b/src/video_core/gpu.h
@@ -24,11 +24,15 @@ namespace Tegra {
 class DmaPusher;
 struct CommandList;
+// TODO: Implement the commented ones
 enum class RenderTargetFormat : u32 {
     NONE = 0x0,
     R32B32G32A32_FLOAT = 0xC0,
     R32G32B32A32_SINT = 0xC1,
     R32G32B32A32_UINT = 0xC2,
+    // R32G32B32X32_FLOAT = 0xC3,
+    // R32G32B32X32_SINT = 0xC4,
+    // R32G32B32X32_UINT = 0xC5,
     R16G16B16A16_UNORM = 0xC6,
     R16G16B16A16_SNORM = 0xC7,
     R16G16B16A16_SINT = 0xC8,
@@ -38,8 +42,8 @@ enum class RenderTargetFormat : u32 {
     R32G32_SINT = 0xCC,
     R32G32_UINT = 0xCD,
     R16G16B16X16_FLOAT = 0xCE,
-    B8G8R8A8_UNORM = 0xCF,
-    B8G8R8A8_SRGB = 0xD0,
+    A8R8G8B8_UNORM = 0xCF,
+    A8R8G8B8_SRGB = 0xD0,
     A2B10G10R10_UNORM = 0xD1,
     A2B10G10R10_UINT = 0xD2,
     A8B8G8R8_UNORM = 0xD5,
@@ -52,10 +56,13 @@ enum class RenderTargetFormat : u32 {
     R16G16_SINT = 0xDC,
     R16G16_UINT = 0xDD,
     R16G16_FLOAT = 0xDE,
+    // A2R10G10B10_UNORM = 0xDF,
     B10G11R11_FLOAT = 0xE0,
     R32_SINT = 0xE3,
     R32_UINT = 0xE4,
     R32_FLOAT = 0xE5,
+    // X8R8G8B8_UNORM = 0xE6,
+    // X8R8G8B8_SRGB = 0xE7,
     R5G6B5_UNORM = 0xE8,
     A1R5G5B5_UNORM = 0xE9,
     R8G8_UNORM = 0xEA,
@@ -71,17 +78,42 @@ enum class RenderTargetFormat : u32 {
     R8_SNORM = 0xF4,
     R8_SINT = 0xF5,
     R8_UINT = 0xF6,
+    /*
+    A8_UNORM = 0xF7,
+    X1R5G5B5_UNORM = 0xF8,
+    X8B8G8R8_UNORM = 0xF9,
+    X8B8G8R8_SRGB = 0xFA,
+    Z1R5G5B5_UNORM = 0xFB,
+    O1R5G5B5_UNORM = 0xFC,
+    Z8R8G8B8_UNORM = 0xFD,
+    O8R8G8B8_UNORM = 0xFE,
+    R32_UNORM = 0xFF,
+    A16_UNORM = 0x40,
+    A16_FLOAT = 0x41,
+    A32_FLOAT = 0x42,
+    A8R8_UNORM = 0x43,
+    R16A16_UNORM = 0x44,
+    R16A16_FLOAT = 0x45,
+    R32A32_FLOAT = 0x46,
+    B8G8R8A8_UNORM = 0x47,
+    */
 enum class DepthFormat : u32 {
-    D32_FLOAT = 0xA,
-    D16_UNORM = 0x13,
-    S8_UINT_Z24_UNORM = 0x14,
-    D24X8_UNORM = 0x15,
-    D24S8_UNORM = 0x16,
+    Z32_FLOAT = 0xA,
+    Z16_UNORM = 0x13,
+    Z24_UNORM_S8_UINT = 0x14,
+    X8Z24_UNORM = 0x15,
+    S8Z24_UNORM = 0x16,
     S8_UINT = 0x17,
-    D24C8_UNORM = 0x18,
-    D32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT = 0x19,
+    V8Z24_UNORM = 0x18,
+    Z32_FLOAT_X24S8_UINT = 0x19,
+    /*
+    X8Z24_UNORM_X16V8S8_UINT = 0x1D,
+    Z32_FLOAT_X16V8X8_UINT = 0x1E,
+    Z32_FLOAT_X16V8S8_UINT = 0x1F,
+    */
 namespace Engines {
diff --git a/src/video_core/macro/macro_hle.cpp b/src/video_core/macro/macro_hle.cpp
index cabe8dcbf1..8a8adbb42f 100644
--- a/src/video_core/macro/macro_hle.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/macro/macro_hle.cpp
@@ -21,16 +21,16 @@ void HLE_771BB18C62444DA0(Engines::Maxwell3D& maxwell3d, const std::vector<u32>&
         static_cast<Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::PrimitiveTopology>(parameters[0] & 0x3ffffff));
-    maxwell3d.regs.vb_base_instance = parameters[5];
+    maxwell3d.regs.global_base_instance_index = parameters[5];
     maxwell3d.mme_draw.instance_count = instance_count;
-    maxwell3d.regs.vb_element_base = parameters[3];
-    maxwell3d.regs.index_array.count = parameters[1];
-    maxwell3d.regs.index_array.first = parameters[4];
+    maxwell3d.regs.global_base_vertex_index = parameters[3];
+    maxwell3d.regs.index_buffer.count = parameters[1];
+    maxwell3d.regs.index_buffer.first = parameters[4];
     if (maxwell3d.ShouldExecute()) {
         maxwell3d.Rasterizer().Draw(true, true);
-    maxwell3d.regs.index_array.count = 0;
+    maxwell3d.regs.index_buffer.count = 0;
     maxwell3d.mme_draw.instance_count = 0;
     maxwell3d.mme_draw.current_mode = Engines::Maxwell3D::MMEDrawMode::Undefined;
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ void HLE_0D61FC9FAAC9FCAD(Engines::Maxwell3D& maxwell3d, const std::vector<u32>&
     maxwell3d.regs.vertex_buffer.first = parameters[3];
     maxwell3d.regs.vertex_buffer.count = parameters[1];
-    maxwell3d.regs.vb_base_instance = parameters[4];
+    maxwell3d.regs.global_base_instance_index = parameters[4];
     maxwell3d.mme_draw.instance_count = count;
@@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ void HLE_0217920100488FF7(Engines::Maxwell3D& maxwell3d, const std::vector<u32>&
     const u32 instance_count = (maxwell3d.GetRegisterValue(0xD1B) & parameters[2]);
     const u32 element_base = parameters[4];
     const u32 base_instance = parameters[5];
-    maxwell3d.regs.index_array.first = parameters[3];
-    maxwell3d.regs.reg_array[0x446] = element_base; // vertex id base?
-    maxwell3d.regs.index_array.count = parameters[1];
+    maxwell3d.regs.index_buffer.first = parameters[3];
+    maxwell3d.regs.vertex_id_base = element_base;
+    maxwell3d.regs.index_buffer.count = parameters[1];
     maxwell3d.dirty.flags[VideoCommon::Dirty::IndexBuffer] = true;
-    maxwell3d.regs.vb_element_base = element_base;
-    maxwell3d.regs.vb_base_instance = base_instance;
+    maxwell3d.regs.global_base_vertex_index = element_base;
+    maxwell3d.regs.global_base_instance_index = base_instance;
     maxwell3d.mme_draw.instance_count = instance_count;
     maxwell3d.CallMethodFromMME(0x8e3, 0x640);
     maxwell3d.CallMethodFromMME(0x8e4, element_base);
@@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ void HLE_0217920100488FF7(Engines::Maxwell3D& maxwell3d, const std::vector<u32>&
     if (maxwell3d.ShouldExecute()) {
         maxwell3d.Rasterizer().Draw(true, true);
-    maxwell3d.regs.reg_array[0x446] = 0x0; // vertex id base?
-    maxwell3d.regs.index_array.count = 0;
-    maxwell3d.regs.vb_element_base = 0x0;
-    maxwell3d.regs.vb_base_instance = 0x0;
+    maxwell3d.regs.vertex_id_base = 0x0;
+    maxwell3d.regs.index_buffer.count = 0;
+    maxwell3d.regs.global_base_vertex_index = 0x0;
+    maxwell3d.regs.global_base_instance_index = 0x0;
     maxwell3d.mme_draw.instance_count = 0;
     maxwell3d.CallMethodFromMME(0x8e3, 0x640);
     maxwell3d.CallMethodFromMME(0x8e4, 0x0);
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ void HLE_0217920100488FF7(Engines::Maxwell3D& maxwell3d, const std::vector<u32>&
 void HLE_3F5E74B9C9A50164(Engines::Maxwell3D& maxwell3d, const std::vector<u32>& parameters) {
         // Clean everything.
-        maxwell3d.regs.reg_array[0x446] = 0x0; // vertex id base?
-        maxwell3d.regs.index_array.count = 0;
-        maxwell3d.regs.vb_element_base = 0x0;
-        maxwell3d.regs.vb_base_instance = 0x0;
+        maxwell3d.regs.vertex_id_base = 0x0;
+        maxwell3d.regs.index_buffer.count = 0;
+        maxwell3d.regs.global_base_vertex_index = 0x0;
+        maxwell3d.regs.global_base_instance_index = 0x0;
         maxwell3d.mme_draw.instance_count = 0;
         maxwell3d.CallMethodFromMME(0x8e3, 0x640);
         maxwell3d.CallMethodFromMME(0x8e4, 0x0);
@@ -122,11 +122,11 @@ void HLE_3F5E74B9C9A50164(Engines::Maxwell3D& maxwell3d, const std::vector<u32>&
         const u32 first_index = parameters[base + 2];
         const u32 base_vertex = parameters[base + 3];
         const u32 base_instance = parameters[base + 4];
-        maxwell3d.regs.index_array.first = first_index;
-        maxwell3d.regs.reg_array[0x446] = base_vertex;
-        maxwell3d.regs.index_array.count = num_vertices;
-        maxwell3d.regs.vb_element_base = base_vertex;
-        maxwell3d.regs.vb_base_instance = base_instance;
+        maxwell3d.regs.index_buffer.first = first_index;
+        maxwell3d.regs.vertex_id_base = base_vertex;
+        maxwell3d.regs.index_buffer.count = num_vertices;
+        maxwell3d.regs.global_base_vertex_index = base_vertex;
+        maxwell3d.regs.global_base_instance_index = base_instance;
         maxwell3d.mme_draw.instance_count = instance_count;
         maxwell3d.CallMethodFromMME(0x8e3, 0x640);
         maxwell3d.CallMethodFromMME(0x8e4, base_vertex);
diff --git a/src/video_core/query_cache.h b/src/video_core/query_cache.h
index b0ebe71b74..00ce53e3e6 100644
--- a/src/video_core/query_cache.h
+++ b/src/video_core/query_cache.h
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ public:
         std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
         if (maxwell3d) {
             const auto& regs = maxwell3d->regs;
-            Stream(VideoCore::QueryType::SamplesPassed).Update(regs.samplecnt_enable);
+            Stream(VideoCore::QueryType::SamplesPassed).Update(regs.zpass_pixel_count_enable);
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_graphics_pipeline.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_graphics_pipeline.cpp
index 41493a7da2..1d20a79ec6 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_graphics_pipeline.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_graphics_pipeline.cpp
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ GLenum AssemblyStage(size_t stage_index) {
 /// @param location Hardware location
 /// @return Pair of ARB_transform_feedback3 token stream first and third arguments
 /// @note Read https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL/extensions/ARB/ARB_transform_feedback3.txt
-std::pair<GLint, GLint> TransformFeedbackEnum(u8 location) {
-    const u8 index = location / 4;
+std::pair<GLint, GLint> TransformFeedbackEnum(u32 location) {
+    const auto index = location / 4;
     if (index >= 8 && index <= 39) {
         return {GL_GENERIC_ATTRIB_NV, index - 8};
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ void GraphicsPipeline::ConfigureImpl(bool is_indexed) {
     const auto& regs{maxwell3d->regs};
-    const bool via_header_index{regs.sampler_index == Maxwell::SamplerIndex::ViaHeaderIndex};
+    const bool via_header_index{regs.sampler_binding == Maxwell::SamplerBinding::ViaHeaderBinding};
     const auto config_stage{[&](size_t stage) LAMBDA_FORCEINLINE {
         const Shader::Info& info{stage_infos[stage]};
@@ -557,10 +557,25 @@ void GraphicsPipeline::GenerateTransformFeedbackState() {
         const auto& locations = key.xfb_state.varyings[feedback];
-        std::optional<u8> current_index;
+        std::optional<u32> current_index;
         for (u32 offset = 0; offset < layout.varying_count; ++offset) {
-            const u8 location = locations[offset];
-            const u8 index = location / 4;
+            const auto get_attribute = [&locations](u32 index) -> u32 {
+                switch (index % 4) {
+                case 0:
+                    return locations[index / 4].attribute0.Value();
+                case 1:
+                    return locations[index / 4].attribute1.Value();
+                case 2:
+                    return locations[index / 4].attribute2.Value();
+                case 3:
+                    return locations[index / 4].attribute3.Value();
+                }
+                UNREACHABLE();
+                return 0;
+            };
+            const auto attribute{get_attribute(offset)};
+            const auto index = attribute / 4U;
             if (current_index == index) {
                 // Increase number of components of the previous attachment
@@ -569,7 +584,7 @@ void GraphicsPipeline::GenerateTransformFeedbackState() {
             current_index = index;
-            std::tie(cursor[0], cursor[2]) = TransformFeedbackEnum(location);
+            std::tie(cursor[0], cursor[2]) = TransformFeedbackEnum(attribute);
             cursor[1] = 1;
             cursor += XFB_ENTRY_STRIDE;
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_graphics_pipeline.h b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_graphics_pipeline.h
index a0f0e63cba..ea53ddb460 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_graphics_pipeline.h
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_graphics_pipeline.h
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ struct GraphicsPipelineKey {
         BitField<0, 1, u32> xfb_enabled;
         BitField<1, 1, u32> early_z;
         BitField<2, 4, Maxwell::PrimitiveTopology> gs_input_topology;
-        BitField<6, 2, Maxwell::TessellationPrimitive> tessellation_primitive;
-        BitField<8, 2, Maxwell::TessellationSpacing> tessellation_spacing;
+        BitField<6, 2, Maxwell::Tessellation::DomainType> tessellation_primitive;
+        BitField<8, 2, Maxwell::Tessellation::Spacing> tessellation_spacing;
         BitField<10, 1, u32> tessellation_clockwise;
     std::array<u32, 3> padding;
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.cpp
index c2d80605d2..cce00cea8b 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.cpp
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncVertexFormats() {
         flags[Dirty::VertexFormat0 + index] = false;
-        const auto attrib = maxwell3d->regs.vertex_attrib_format[index];
+        const auto& attrib = maxwell3d->regs.vertex_attrib_format[index];
         const auto gl_index = static_cast<GLuint>(index);
         // Disable constant attributes.
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncVertexFormats() {
-        if (attrib.type == Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::SignedInt ||
-            attrib.type == Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UnsignedInt) {
+        if (attrib.type == Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::SInt ||
+            attrib.type == Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UInt) {
             glVertexAttribIFormat(gl_index, attrib.ComponentCount(),
                                   MaxwellToGL::VertexFormat(attrib), attrib.offset);
         } else {
@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncVertexInstances() {
         flags[Dirty::VertexInstance0 + index] = false;
         const auto gl_index = static_cast<GLuint>(index);
-        const bool instancing_enabled = regs.instanced_arrays.IsInstancingEnabled(gl_index);
-        const GLuint divisor = instancing_enabled ? regs.vertex_array[index].divisor : 0;
+        const bool instancing_enabled = regs.vertex_stream_instances.IsInstancingEnabled(gl_index);
+        const GLuint divisor = instancing_enabled ? regs.vertex_streams[index].frequency : 0;
         glVertexBindingDivisor(gl_index, divisor);
@@ -147,27 +147,27 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::Clear() {
     bool use_depth{};
     bool use_stencil{};
-    if (regs.clear_buffers.R || regs.clear_buffers.G || regs.clear_buffers.B ||
-        regs.clear_buffers.A) {
+    if (regs.clear_surface.R || regs.clear_surface.G || regs.clear_surface.B ||
+        regs.clear_surface.A) {
         use_color = true;
-        const GLuint index = regs.clear_buffers.RT;
+        const GLuint index = regs.clear_surface.RT;
-        glColorMaski(index, regs.clear_buffers.R != 0, regs.clear_buffers.G != 0,
-                     regs.clear_buffers.B != 0, regs.clear_buffers.A != 0);
+        glColorMaski(index, regs.clear_surface.R != 0, regs.clear_surface.G != 0,
+                     regs.clear_surface.B != 0, regs.clear_surface.A != 0);
         // TODO(Rodrigo): Determine if clamping is used on clears
-    if (regs.clear_buffers.Z) {
+    if (regs.clear_surface.Z) {
         ASSERT_MSG(regs.zeta_enable != 0, "Tried to clear Z but buffer is not enabled!");
         use_depth = true;
-    if (regs.clear_buffers.S) {
+    if (regs.clear_surface.S) {
         ASSERT_MSG(regs.zeta_enable, "Tried to clear stencil but buffer is not enabled!");
         use_stencil = true;
@@ -184,16 +184,16 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::Clear() {
-    if (regs.clear_flags.scissor) {
+    if (regs.clear_control.use_scissor) {
     } else {
         glDisablei(GL_SCISSOR_TEST, 0);
-    UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(regs.clear_flags.viewport);
+    UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(regs.clear_control.use_viewport_clip0);
     if (use_color) {
-        glClearBufferfv(GL_COLOR, regs.clear_buffers.RT, regs.clear_color);
+        glClearBufferfv(GL_COLOR, regs.clear_surface.RT, regs.clear_color.data());
     if (use_depth && use_stencil) {
         glClearBufferfi(GL_DEPTH_STENCIL, 0, regs.clear_depth, regs.clear_stencil);
@@ -227,14 +227,14 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::Draw(bool is_indexed, bool is_instanced) {
     const GLenum primitive_mode = MaxwellToGL::PrimitiveTopology(maxwell3d->regs.draw.topology);
     BeginTransformFeedback(pipeline, primitive_mode);
-    const GLuint base_instance = static_cast<GLuint>(maxwell3d->regs.vb_base_instance);
+    const GLuint base_instance = static_cast<GLuint>(maxwell3d->regs.global_base_instance_index);
     const GLsizei num_instances =
         static_cast<GLsizei>(is_instanced ? maxwell3d->mme_draw.instance_count : 1);
     if (is_indexed) {
-        const GLint base_vertex = static_cast<GLint>(maxwell3d->regs.vb_element_base);
-        const GLsizei num_vertices = static_cast<GLsizei>(maxwell3d->regs.index_array.count);
+        const GLint base_vertex = static_cast<GLint>(maxwell3d->regs.global_base_vertex_index);
+        const GLsizei num_vertices = static_cast<GLsizei>(maxwell3d->regs.index_buffer.count);
         const GLvoid* const offset = buffer_cache_runtime.IndexOffset();
-        const GLenum format = MaxwellToGL::IndexFormat(maxwell3d->regs.index_array.format);
+        const GLenum format = MaxwellToGL::IndexFormat(maxwell3d->regs.index_buffer.format);
         if (num_instances == 1 && base_instance == 0 && base_vertex == 0) {
             glDrawElements(primitive_mode, num_vertices, format, offset);
         } else if (num_instances == 1 && base_instance == 0) {
@@ -555,9 +555,9 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncViewport() {
     if (dirty_viewport || dirty_clip_control || flags[Dirty::FrontFace]) {
         flags[Dirty::FrontFace] = false;
-        GLenum mode = MaxwellToGL::FrontFace(regs.front_face);
+        GLenum mode = MaxwellToGL::FrontFace(regs.gl_front_face);
         bool flip_faces = true;
-        if (regs.screen_y_control.triangle_rast_flip != 0) {
+        if (regs.window_origin.flip_y != 0) {
             flip_faces = !flip_faces;
         if (regs.viewport_transform[0].scale_y < 0.0f) {
@@ -582,14 +582,15 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncViewport() {
         if (regs.viewport_transform[0].scale_y < 0.0f) {
             flip_y = !flip_y;
-        if (regs.screen_y_control.y_negate != 0) {
+        const bool lower_left{regs.window_origin.mode != Maxwell::WindowOrigin::Mode::UpperLeft};
+        if (lower_left) {
             flip_y = !flip_y;
         const bool is_zero_to_one = regs.depth_mode == Maxwell::DepthMode::ZeroToOne;
         const GLenum origin = flip_y ? GL_UPPER_LEFT : GL_LOWER_LEFT;
         const GLenum depth = is_zero_to_one ? GL_ZERO_TO_ONE : GL_NEGATIVE_ONE_TO_ONE;
         state_tracker.ClipControl(origin, depth);
-        state_tracker.SetYNegate(regs.screen_y_control.y_negate != 0);
+        state_tracker.SetYNegate(lower_left);
     const bool is_rescaling{texture_cache.IsRescaling()};
     const float scale = is_rescaling ? Settings::values.resolution_info.up_factor : 1.0f;
@@ -657,7 +658,8 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncDepthClamp() {
     flags[Dirty::DepthClampEnabled] = false;
-    oglEnable(GL_DEPTH_CLAMP, maxwell3d->regs.view_volume_clip_control.depth_clamp_disabled == 0);
+    oglEnable(GL_DEPTH_CLAMP, maxwell3d->regs.viewport_clip_control.geometry_clip !=
+                                  Maxwell::ViewportClipControl::GeometryClip::Passthrough);
 void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncClipEnabled(u32 clip_mask) {
@@ -667,7 +669,7 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncClipEnabled(u32 clip_mask) {
     flags[Dirty::ClipDistances] = false;
-    clip_mask &= maxwell3d->regs.clip_distance_enabled;
+    clip_mask &= maxwell3d->regs.user_clip_enable.raw;
     if (clip_mask == last_clip_distance_mask) {
@@ -689,9 +691,9 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncCullMode() {
     if (flags[Dirty::CullTest]) {
         flags[Dirty::CullTest] = false;
-        if (regs.cull_test_enabled) {
+        if (regs.gl_cull_test_enabled) {
-            glCullFace(MaxwellToGL::CullFace(regs.cull_face));
+            glCullFace(MaxwellToGL::CullFace(regs.gl_cull_face));
         } else {
@@ -743,20 +745,20 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncStencilTestState() {
     const auto& regs = maxwell3d->regs;
     oglEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST, regs.stencil_enable);
-    glStencilFuncSeparate(GL_FRONT, MaxwellToGL::ComparisonOp(regs.stencil_front_func_func),
-                          regs.stencil_front_func_ref, regs.stencil_front_func_mask);
-    glStencilOpSeparate(GL_FRONT, MaxwellToGL::StencilOp(regs.stencil_front_op_fail),
-                        MaxwellToGL::StencilOp(regs.stencil_front_op_zfail),
-                        MaxwellToGL::StencilOp(regs.stencil_front_op_zpass));
-    glStencilMaskSeparate(GL_FRONT, regs.stencil_front_mask);
+    glStencilFuncSeparate(GL_FRONT, MaxwellToGL::ComparisonOp(regs.stencil_front_op.func),
+                          regs.stencil_front_func.ref, regs.stencil_front_func.func_mask);
+    glStencilOpSeparate(GL_FRONT, MaxwellToGL::StencilOp(regs.stencil_front_op.fail),
+                        MaxwellToGL::StencilOp(regs.stencil_front_op.zfail),
+                        MaxwellToGL::StencilOp(regs.stencil_front_op.zpass));
+    glStencilMaskSeparate(GL_FRONT, regs.stencil_front_func.mask);
     if (regs.stencil_two_side_enable) {
-        glStencilFuncSeparate(GL_BACK, MaxwellToGL::ComparisonOp(regs.stencil_back_func_func),
-                              regs.stencil_back_func_ref, regs.stencil_back_func_mask);
-        glStencilOpSeparate(GL_BACK, MaxwellToGL::StencilOp(regs.stencil_back_op_fail),
-                            MaxwellToGL::StencilOp(regs.stencil_back_op_zfail),
-                            MaxwellToGL::StencilOp(regs.stencil_back_op_zpass));
-        glStencilMaskSeparate(GL_BACK, regs.stencil_back_mask);
+        glStencilFuncSeparate(GL_BACK, MaxwellToGL::ComparisonOp(regs.stencil_back_op.func),
+                              regs.stencil_back_func.ref, regs.stencil_back_func.mask);
+        glStencilOpSeparate(GL_BACK, MaxwellToGL::StencilOp(regs.stencil_back_op.fail),
+                            MaxwellToGL::StencilOp(regs.stencil_back_op.zfail),
+                            MaxwellToGL::StencilOp(regs.stencil_back_op.zpass));
+        glStencilMaskSeparate(GL_BACK, regs.stencil_back_func.mask);
     } else {
         glStencilFuncSeparate(GL_BACK, GL_ALWAYS, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF);
         glStencilOpSeparate(GL_BACK, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP);
@@ -782,7 +784,7 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncPolygonModes() {
     flags[Dirty::PolygonModes] = false;
     const auto& regs = maxwell3d->regs;
-    if (regs.fill_rectangle) {
+    if (regs.fill_via_triangle_mode != Maxwell::FillViaTriangleMode::Disabled) {
         if (!GLAD_GL_NV_fill_rectangle) {
             LOG_ERROR(Render_OpenGL, "GL_NV_fill_rectangle used and not supported");
             glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
@@ -855,8 +857,8 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncMultiSampleState() {
     flags[Dirty::MultisampleControl] = false;
     const auto& regs = maxwell3d->regs;
-    oglEnable(GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE, regs.multisample_control.alpha_to_coverage);
-    oglEnable(GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE, regs.multisample_control.alpha_to_one);
+    oglEnable(GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE, regs.anti_alias_alpha_control.alpha_to_coverage);
+    oglEnable(GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE, regs.anti_alias_alpha_control.alpha_to_one);
 void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncFragmentColorClampState() {
@@ -866,7 +868,8 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncFragmentColorClampState() {
     flags[Dirty::FragmentClampColor] = false;
-    glClampColor(GL_CLAMP_FRAGMENT_COLOR, maxwell3d->regs.frag_color_clamp ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE);
+                 maxwell3d->regs.frag_color_clamp.AnyEnabled() ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE);
 void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncBlendState() {
@@ -886,18 +889,18 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncBlendState() {
     flags[Dirty::BlendStates] = false;
-    if (!regs.independent_blend_enable) {
+    if (!regs.blend_per_target_enabled) {
         if (!regs.blend.enable[0]) {
-        glBlendFuncSeparate(MaxwellToGL::BlendFunc(regs.blend.factor_source_rgb),
-                            MaxwellToGL::BlendFunc(regs.blend.factor_dest_rgb),
-                            MaxwellToGL::BlendFunc(regs.blend.factor_source_a),
-                            MaxwellToGL::BlendFunc(regs.blend.factor_dest_a));
-        glBlendEquationSeparate(MaxwellToGL::BlendEquation(regs.blend.equation_rgb),
-                                MaxwellToGL::BlendEquation(regs.blend.equation_a));
+        glBlendFuncSeparate(MaxwellToGL::BlendFunc(regs.blend.color_source),
+                            MaxwellToGL::BlendFunc(regs.blend.color_dest),
+                            MaxwellToGL::BlendFunc(regs.blend.alpha_source),
+                            MaxwellToGL::BlendFunc(regs.blend.alpha_dest));
+        glBlendEquationSeparate(MaxwellToGL::BlendEquation(regs.blend.color_op),
+                                MaxwellToGL::BlendEquation(regs.blend.alpha_op));
@@ -916,14 +919,13 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncBlendState() {
         glEnablei(GL_BLEND, static_cast<GLuint>(i));
-        const auto& src = regs.independent_blend[i];
-        glBlendFuncSeparatei(static_cast<GLuint>(i), MaxwellToGL::BlendFunc(src.factor_source_rgb),
-                             MaxwellToGL::BlendFunc(src.factor_dest_rgb),
-                             MaxwellToGL::BlendFunc(src.factor_source_a),
-                             MaxwellToGL::BlendFunc(src.factor_dest_a));
-        glBlendEquationSeparatei(static_cast<GLuint>(i),
-                                 MaxwellToGL::BlendEquation(src.equation_rgb),
-                                 MaxwellToGL::BlendEquation(src.equation_a));
+        const auto& src = regs.blend_per_target[i];
+        glBlendFuncSeparatei(static_cast<GLuint>(i), MaxwellToGL::BlendFunc(src.color_source),
+                             MaxwellToGL::BlendFunc(src.color_dest),
+                             MaxwellToGL::BlendFunc(src.alpha_source),
+                             MaxwellToGL::BlendFunc(src.alpha_dest));
+        glBlendEquationSeparatei(static_cast<GLuint>(i), MaxwellToGL::BlendEquation(src.color_op),
+                                 MaxwellToGL::BlendEquation(src.alpha_op));
@@ -937,7 +939,7 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncLogicOpState() {
     const auto& regs = maxwell3d->regs;
     if (regs.logic_op.enable) {
-        glLogicOp(MaxwellToGL::LogicOp(regs.logic_op.operation));
+        glLogicOp(MaxwellToGL::LogicOp(regs.logic_op.op));
     } else {
@@ -996,7 +998,7 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncPointState() {
     flags[Dirty::PointSize] = false;
     oglEnable(GL_POINT_SPRITE, maxwell3d->regs.point_sprite_enable);
-    oglEnable(GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE, maxwell3d->regs.vp_point_size.enable);
+    oglEnable(GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE, maxwell3d->regs.point_size_attribute.enabled);
     const bool is_rescaling{texture_cache.IsRescaling()};
     const float scale = is_rescaling ? Settings::values.resolution_info.up_factor : 1.0f;
     glPointSize(std::max(1.0f, maxwell3d->regs.point_size * scale));
@@ -1010,8 +1012,8 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncLineState() {
     flags[Dirty::LineWidth] = false;
     const auto& regs = maxwell3d->regs;
-    oglEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH, regs.line_smooth_enable);
-    glLineWidth(regs.line_smooth_enable ? regs.line_width_smooth : regs.line_width_aliased);
+    oglEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH, regs.line_anti_alias_enable);
+    glLineWidth(regs.line_anti_alias_enable ? regs.line_width_smooth : regs.line_width_aliased);
 void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncPolygonOffset() {
@@ -1029,8 +1031,8 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncPolygonOffset() {
     if (regs.polygon_offset_fill_enable || regs.polygon_offset_line_enable ||
         regs.polygon_offset_point_enable) {
         // Hardware divides polygon offset units by two
-        glPolygonOffsetClamp(regs.polygon_offset_factor, regs.polygon_offset_units / 2.0f,
-                             regs.polygon_offset_clamp);
+        glPolygonOffsetClamp(regs.slope_scale_depth_bias, regs.depth_bias / 2.0f,
+                             regs.depth_bias_clamp);
@@ -1062,14 +1064,14 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncFramebufferSRGB() {
 void RasterizerOpenGL::BeginTransformFeedback(GraphicsPipeline* program, GLenum primitive_mode) {
     const auto& regs = maxwell3d->regs;
-    if (regs.tfb_enabled == 0) {
+    if (regs.transform_feedback_enabled == 0) {
-    UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(regs.IsShaderConfigEnabled(Maxwell::ShaderProgram::TesselationControl) ||
-                     regs.IsShaderConfigEnabled(Maxwell::ShaderProgram::TesselationEval) ||
-                     regs.IsShaderConfigEnabled(Maxwell::ShaderProgram::Geometry));
+    UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(regs.IsShaderConfigEnabled(Maxwell::ShaderType::TessellationInit) ||
+                     regs.IsShaderConfigEnabled(Maxwell::ShaderType::Tessellation) ||
+                     regs.IsShaderConfigEnabled(Maxwell::ShaderType::Geometry));
     UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(primitive_mode != GL_POINTS);
     // We may have to call BeginTransformFeedbackNV here since they seem to call different
@@ -1080,7 +1082,7 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::BeginTransformFeedback(GraphicsPipeline* program, GLenum
 void RasterizerOpenGL::EndTransformFeedback() {
-    if (maxwell3d->regs.tfb_enabled != 0) {
+    if (maxwell3d->regs.transform_feedback_enabled != 0) {
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_cache.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_cache.cpp
index 5a29a41d21..6bdb0b6452 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_cache.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_cache.cpp
@@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ Shader::RuntimeInfo MakeRuntimeInfo(const GraphicsPipelineKey& key,
         info.tess_clockwise = key.tessellation_clockwise != 0;
         info.tess_primitive = [&key] {
             switch (key.tessellation_primitive) {
-            case Maxwell::TessellationPrimitive::Isolines:
+            case Maxwell::Tessellation::DomainType::Isolines:
                 return Shader::TessPrimitive::Isolines;
-            case Maxwell::TessellationPrimitive::Triangles:
+            case Maxwell::Tessellation::DomainType::Triangles:
                 return Shader::TessPrimitive::Triangles;
-            case Maxwell::TessellationPrimitive::Quads:
+            case Maxwell::Tessellation::DomainType::Quads:
                 return Shader::TessPrimitive::Quads;
@@ -90,11 +90,11 @@ Shader::RuntimeInfo MakeRuntimeInfo(const GraphicsPipelineKey& key,
         info.tess_spacing = [&] {
             switch (key.tessellation_spacing) {
-            case Maxwell::TessellationSpacing::Equal:
+            case Maxwell::Tessellation::Spacing::Integer:
                 return Shader::TessSpacing::Equal;
-            case Maxwell::TessellationSpacing::FractionalOdd:
+            case Maxwell::Tessellation::Spacing::FractionalOdd:
                 return Shader::TessSpacing::FractionalOdd;
-            case Maxwell::TessellationSpacing::FractionalEven:
+            case Maxwell::Tessellation::Spacing::FractionalEven:
                 return Shader::TessSpacing::FractionalEven;
@@ -139,14 +139,15 @@ Shader::RuntimeInfo MakeRuntimeInfo(const GraphicsPipelineKey& key,
 void SetXfbState(VideoCommon::TransformFeedbackState& state, const Maxwell& regs) {
-    std::ranges::transform(regs.tfb_layouts, state.layouts.begin(), [](const auto& layout) {
-        return VideoCommon::TransformFeedbackState::Layout{
-            .stream = layout.stream,
-            .varying_count = layout.varying_count,
-            .stride = layout.stride,
-        };
-    });
-    state.varyings = regs.tfb_varying_locs;
+    std::ranges::transform(regs.transform_feedback.controls, state.layouts.begin(),
+                           [](const auto& layout) {
+                               return VideoCommon::TransformFeedbackState::Layout{
+                                   .stream = layout.stream,
+                                   .varying_count = layout.varying_count,
+                                   .stride = layout.stride,
+                               };
+                           });
+    state.varyings = regs.stream_out_layout;
 } // Anonymous namespace
@@ -309,14 +310,16 @@ GraphicsPipeline* ShaderCache::CurrentGraphicsPipeline() {
     const auto& regs{maxwell3d->regs};
     graphics_key.raw = 0;
-    graphics_key.early_z.Assign(regs.force_early_fragment_tests != 0 ? 1 : 0);
+    graphics_key.early_z.Assign(regs.mandated_early_z != 0 ? 1 : 0);
     graphics_key.gs_input_topology.Assign(graphics_key.unique_hashes[4] != 0
                                               ? regs.draw.topology.Value()
                                               : Maxwell::PrimitiveTopology{});
-    graphics_key.tessellation_primitive.Assign(regs.tess_mode.prim.Value());
-    graphics_key.tessellation_spacing.Assign(regs.tess_mode.spacing.Value());
-    graphics_key.tessellation_clockwise.Assign(regs.tess_mode.cw.Value());
-    graphics_key.xfb_enabled.Assign(regs.tfb_enabled != 0 ? 1 : 0);
+    graphics_key.tessellation_primitive.Assign(regs.tessellation.params.domain_type.Value());
+    graphics_key.tessellation_spacing.Assign(regs.tessellation.params.spacing.Value());
+    graphics_key.tessellation_clockwise.Assign(
+        regs.tessellation.params.output_primitives.Value() !=
+        Maxwell::Tessellation::OutputPrimitves::Triangles_CCW);
+    graphics_key.xfb_enabled.Assign(regs.transform_feedback_enabled != 0 ? 1 : 0);
     if (graphics_key.xfb_enabled) {
         SetXfbState(graphics_key.xfb_state, regs);
@@ -354,7 +357,7 @@ GraphicsPipeline* ShaderCache::BuiltPipeline(GraphicsPipeline* pipeline) const n
     // If games are using a small index count, we can assume these are full screen quads.
     // Usually these shaders are only used once for building textures so we can assume they
     // can't be built async
-    if (maxwell3d->regs.index_array.count <= 6 || maxwell3d->regs.vertex_buffer.count <= 6) {
+    if (maxwell3d->regs.index_buffer.count <= 6 || maxwell3d->regs.vertex_buffer.count <= 6) {
         return pipeline;
     return nullptr;
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_state_tracker.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_state_tracker.cpp
index a8f3a0f57b..e2c709aac4 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_state_tracker.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_state_tracker.cpp
@@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ void SetupDirtyColorMasks(Tables& tables) {
 void SetupDirtyVertexInstances(Tables& tables) {
     static constexpr std::size_t instance_base_offset = 3;
     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < Regs::NumVertexArrays; ++i) {
-        const std::size_t array_offset = OFF(vertex_array) + i * NUM(vertex_array[0]);
+        const std::size_t array_offset = OFF(vertex_streams) + i * NUM(vertex_streams[0]);
         const std::size_t instance_array_offset = array_offset + instance_base_offset;
         tables[0][instance_array_offset] = static_cast<u8>(VertexInstance0 + i);
         tables[1][instance_array_offset] = VertexInstances;
-        const std::size_t instance_offset = OFF(instanced_arrays) + i;
+        const std::size_t instance_offset = OFF(vertex_stream_instances) + i;
         tables[0][instance_offset] = static_cast<u8>(VertexInstance0 + i);
         tables[1][instance_offset] = VertexInstances;
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ void SetupDirtyViewports(Tables& tables) {
     FillBlock(tables[1], OFF(viewport_transform), NUM(viewport_transform), Viewports);
     FillBlock(tables[1], OFF(viewports), NUM(viewports), Viewports);
-    tables[0][OFF(viewport_transform_enabled)] = ViewportTransform;
-    tables[1][OFF(viewport_transform_enabled)] = Viewports;
+    tables[0][OFF(viewport_scale_offset_enbled)] = ViewportTransform;
+    tables[1][OFF(viewport_scale_offset_enbled)] = Viewports;
 void SetupDirtyScissors(Tables& tables) {
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ void SetupDirtyPolygonModes(Tables& tables) {
     tables[1][OFF(polygon_mode_front)] = PolygonModes;
     tables[1][OFF(polygon_mode_back)] = PolygonModes;
-    tables[0][OFF(fill_rectangle)] = PolygonModes;
+    tables[0][OFF(fill_via_triangle_mode)] = PolygonModes;
 void SetupDirtyDepthTest(Tables& tables) {
@@ -100,12 +100,14 @@ void SetupDirtyDepthTest(Tables& tables) {
 void SetupDirtyStencilTest(Tables& tables) {
     static constexpr std::array offsets = {
-        OFF(stencil_enable),          OFF(stencil_front_func_func), OFF(stencil_front_func_ref),
-        OFF(stencil_front_func_mask), OFF(stencil_front_op_fail),   OFF(stencil_front_op_zfail),
-        OFF(stencil_front_op_zpass),  OFF(stencil_front_mask),      OFF(stencil_two_side_enable),
-        OFF(stencil_back_func_func),  OFF(stencil_back_func_ref),   OFF(stencil_back_func_mask),
-        OFF(stencil_back_op_fail),    OFF(stencil_back_op_zfail),   OFF(stencil_back_op_zpass),
-        OFF(stencil_back_mask)};
+        OFF(stencil_enable),          OFF(stencil_front_op.func),
+        OFF(stencil_front_func.ref),  OFF(stencil_front_func.func_mask),
+        OFF(stencil_front_op.fail),   OFF(stencil_front_op.zfail),
+        OFF(stencil_front_op.zpass),  OFF(stencil_front_func.mask),
+        OFF(stencil_two_side_enable), OFF(stencil_back_op.func),
+        OFF(stencil_back_func.ref),   OFF(stencil_back_func.func_mask),
+        OFF(stencil_back_op.fail),    OFF(stencil_back_op.zfail),
+        OFF(stencil_back_op.zpass),   OFF(stencil_back_func.mask)};
     for (const auto offset : offsets) {
         tables[0][offset] = StencilTest;
@@ -121,15 +123,15 @@ void SetupDirtyAlphaTest(Tables& tables) {
 void SetupDirtyBlend(Tables& tables) {
     FillBlock(tables[0], OFF(blend_color), NUM(blend_color), BlendColor);
-    tables[0][OFF(independent_blend_enable)] = BlendIndependentEnabled;
+    tables[0][OFF(blend_per_target_enabled)] = BlendIndependentEnabled;
     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < Regs::NumRenderTargets; ++i) {
-        const std::size_t offset = OFF(independent_blend) + i * NUM(independent_blend[0]);
-        FillBlock(tables[0], offset, NUM(independent_blend[0]), BlendState0 + i);
+        const std::size_t offset = OFF(blend_per_target) + i * NUM(blend_per_target[0]);
+        FillBlock(tables[0], offset, NUM(blend_per_target[0]), BlendState0 + i);
         tables[0][OFF(blend.enable) + i] = static_cast<u8>(BlendState0 + i);
-    FillBlock(tables[1], OFF(independent_blend), NUM(independent_blend), BlendStates);
+    FillBlock(tables[1], OFF(blend_per_target), NUM(blend_per_target), BlendStates);
     FillBlock(tables[1], OFF(blend), NUM(blend), BlendStates);
@@ -142,13 +144,14 @@ void SetupDirtyPolygonOffset(Tables& tables) {
     table[OFF(polygon_offset_fill_enable)] = PolygonOffset;
     table[OFF(polygon_offset_line_enable)] = PolygonOffset;
     table[OFF(polygon_offset_point_enable)] = PolygonOffset;
-    table[OFF(polygon_offset_factor)] = PolygonOffset;
-    table[OFF(polygon_offset_units)] = PolygonOffset;
-    table[OFF(polygon_offset_clamp)] = PolygonOffset;
+    table[OFF(slope_scale_depth_bias)] = PolygonOffset;
+    table[OFF(depth_bias)] = PolygonOffset;
+    table[OFF(depth_bias_clamp)] = PolygonOffset;
 void SetupDirtyMultisampleControl(Tables& tables) {
-    FillBlock(tables[0], OFF(multisample_control), NUM(multisample_control), MultisampleControl);
+    FillBlock(tables[0], OFF(anti_alias_alpha_control), NUM(anti_alias_alpha_control),
+              MultisampleControl);
 void SetupDirtyRasterizeEnable(Tables& tables) {
@@ -168,7 +171,7 @@ void SetupDirtyFragmentClampColor(Tables& tables) {
 void SetupDirtyPointSize(Tables& tables) {
-    tables[0][OFF(vp_point_size)] = PointSize;
+    tables[0][OFF(point_size_attribute)] = PointSize;
     tables[0][OFF(point_size)] = PointSize;
     tables[0][OFF(point_sprite_enable)] = PointSize;
@@ -176,28 +179,28 @@ void SetupDirtyPointSize(Tables& tables) {
 void SetupDirtyLineWidth(Tables& tables) {
     tables[0][OFF(line_width_smooth)] = LineWidth;
     tables[0][OFF(line_width_aliased)] = LineWidth;
-    tables[0][OFF(line_smooth_enable)] = LineWidth;
+    tables[0][OFF(line_anti_alias_enable)] = LineWidth;
 void SetupDirtyClipControl(Tables& tables) {
     auto& table = tables[0];
-    table[OFF(screen_y_control)] = ClipControl;
+    table[OFF(window_origin)] = ClipControl;
     table[OFF(depth_mode)] = ClipControl;
 void SetupDirtyDepthClampEnabled(Tables& tables) {
-    tables[0][OFF(view_volume_clip_control)] = DepthClampEnabled;
+    tables[0][OFF(viewport_clip_control)] = DepthClampEnabled;
 void SetupDirtyMisc(Tables& tables) {
     auto& table = tables[0];
-    table[OFF(clip_distance_enabled)] = ClipDistances;
+    table[OFF(user_clip_enable)] = ClipDistances;
-    table[OFF(front_face)] = FrontFace;
+    table[OFF(gl_front_face)] = FrontFace;
-    table[OFF(cull_test_enabled)] = CullTest;
-    table[OFF(cull_face)] = CullTest;
+    table[OFF(gl_cull_test_enabled)] = CullTest;
+    table[OFF(gl_cull_face)] = CullTest;
 } // Anonymous namespace
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/maxwell_to_gl.h b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/maxwell_to_gl.h
index 0044212365..e14f9b2db2 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/maxwell_to_gl.h
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/maxwell_to_gl.h
@@ -126,51 +126,60 @@ inline const FormatTuple& GetFormatTuple(VideoCore::Surface::PixelFormat pixel_f
 inline GLenum VertexFormat(Maxwell::VertexAttribute attrib) {
     switch (attrib.type) {
-    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UnsignedNorm:
-    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UnsignedScaled:
-    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UnsignedInt:
+    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UnusedEnumDoNotUseBecauseItWillGoAway:
+        ASSERT_MSG(false, "Invalid vertex attribute type!");
+        break;
+    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UNorm:
+    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UScaled:
+    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UInt:
         switch (attrib.size) {
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8_8:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8_8_8:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_A8:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_G8_R8:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8_B8:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8_B8_A8:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_X8_B8_G8_R8:
             return GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16_16:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16_16_16:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16_B16:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16_B16_A16:
             return GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32_32:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32_32_32:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32_32_32_32:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32_G32:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32_G32_B32:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32_G32_B32_A32:
             return GL_UNSIGNED_INT;
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_10_10_10_2:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_A2_B10_G10_R10:
             return GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV;
-    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::SignedNorm:
-    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::SignedScaled:
-    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::SignedInt:
+    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::SNorm:
+    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::SScaled:
+    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::SInt:
         switch (attrib.size) {
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8_8:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8_8_8:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_A8:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_G8_R8:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8_B8:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8_B8_A8:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_X8_B8_G8_R8:
             return GL_BYTE;
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16_16:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16_16_16:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16_B16:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16_B16_A16:
             return GL_SHORT;
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32_32:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32_32_32:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32_32_32_32:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32_G32:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32_G32_B32:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32_G32_B32_A32:
             return GL_INT;
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_10_10_10_2:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_A2_B10_G10_R10:
             return GL_INT_2_10_10_10_REV;
@@ -178,17 +187,17 @@ inline GLenum VertexFormat(Maxwell::VertexAttribute attrib) {
     case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::Float:
         switch (attrib.size) {
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16_16:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16_16_16:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16_B16:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16_B16_A16:
             return GL_HALF_FLOAT;
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32_32:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32_32_32:
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32_32_32_32:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32_G32:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32_G32_B32:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32_G32_B32_A32:
             return GL_FLOAT;
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_11_11_10:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_B10_G11_R11:
             return GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV;
@@ -335,20 +344,20 @@ inline GLenum DepthCompareFunc(Tegra::Texture::DepthCompareFunc func) {
 inline GLenum BlendEquation(Maxwell::Blend::Equation equation) {
     switch (equation) {
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Add:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::AddGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Add_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Add_GL:
         return GL_FUNC_ADD;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Subtract:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::SubtractGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Subtract_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Subtract_GL:
         return GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::ReverseSubtract:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::ReverseSubtractGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::ReverseSubtract_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::ReverseSubtract_GL:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Min:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::MinGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Min_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Min_GL:
         return GL_MIN;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Max:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::MaxGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Max_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Max_GL:
         return GL_MAX;
     UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented blend equation={}", equation);
@@ -357,62 +366,62 @@ inline GLenum BlendEquation(Maxwell::Blend::Equation equation) {
 inline GLenum BlendFunc(Maxwell::Blend::Factor factor) {
     switch (factor) {
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Zero:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ZeroGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Zero_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Zero_GL:
         return GL_ZERO;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::One:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::One_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::One_GL:
         return GL_ONE;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceColor:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceColor_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceColor_GL:
         return GL_SRC_COLOR;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceColor:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceColor_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceColor_GL:
         return GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlpha_GL:
         return GL_SRC_ALPHA;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceAlpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceAlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceAlpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceAlpha_GL:
         return GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestAlpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestAlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestAlpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestAlpha_GL:
         return GL_DST_ALPHA;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestAlpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestAlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestAlpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestAlpha_GL:
         return GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestColor:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestColor_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestColor_GL:
         return GL_DST_COLOR;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestColor:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestColor_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestColor_GL:
         return GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlphaSaturate:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlphaSaturateGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlphaSaturate_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlphaSaturate_GL:
         return GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Color:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1ColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Color_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Color_GL:
         return GL_SRC1_COLOR;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Color:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1ColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Color_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Color_GL:
         return GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC1_COLOR;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Alpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1AlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Alpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Alpha_GL:
         return GL_SRC1_ALPHA;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Alpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1AlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Alpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Alpha_GL:
         return GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC1_ALPHA;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ConstantColor:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ConstantColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::BlendFactor_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ConstantColor_GL:
         return GL_CONSTANT_COLOR;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusConstantColor:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusConstantColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusBlendFactor_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusConstantColor_GL:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ConstantAlpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ConstantAlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::BothSourceAlpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ConstantAlpha_GL:
         return GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusConstantAlpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusConstantAlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusBothSourceAlpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusConstantAlpha_GL:
     UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented blend factor={}", factor);
@@ -421,60 +430,60 @@ inline GLenum BlendFunc(Maxwell::Blend::Factor factor) {
 inline GLenum ComparisonOp(Maxwell::ComparisonOp comparison) {
     switch (comparison) {
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Never:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::NeverOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Never_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Never_GL:
         return GL_NEVER;
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Less:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::LessOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Less_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Less_GL:
         return GL_LESS;
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Equal:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::EqualOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Equal_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Equal_GL:
         return GL_EQUAL;
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::LessEqual:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::LessEqualOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::LessEqual_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::LessEqual_GL:
         return GL_LEQUAL;
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Greater:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::GreaterOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Greater_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Greater_GL:
         return GL_GREATER;
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::NotEqual:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::NotEqualOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::NotEqual_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::NotEqual_GL:
         return GL_NOTEQUAL;
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::GreaterEqual:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::GreaterEqualOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::GreaterEqual_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::GreaterEqual_GL:
         return GL_GEQUAL;
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Always:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::AlwaysOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Always_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Always_GL:
         return GL_ALWAYS;
     UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented comparison op={}", comparison);
     return GL_ALWAYS;
-inline GLenum StencilOp(Maxwell::StencilOp stencil) {
+inline GLenum StencilOp(Maxwell::StencilOp::Op stencil) {
     switch (stencil) {
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Keep:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::KeepOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Keep_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Keep_GL:
         return GL_KEEP;
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Zero:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::ZeroOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Zero_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Zero_GL:
         return GL_ZERO;
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Replace:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::ReplaceOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Replace_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Replace_GL:
         return GL_REPLACE;
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Incr:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::IncrOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::IncrSaturate_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::IncrSaturate_GL:
         return GL_INCR;
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Decr:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::DecrOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::DecrSaturate_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::DecrSaturate_GL:
         return GL_DECR;
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Invert:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::InvertOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Invert_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Invert_GL:
         return GL_INVERT;
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::IncrWrap:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::IncrWrapOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Incr_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Incr_GL:
         return GL_INCR_WRAP;
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::DecrWrap:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::DecrWrapOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Decr_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Decr_GL:
         return GL_DECR_WRAP;
     UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented stencil op={}", stencil);
@@ -505,39 +514,39 @@ inline GLenum CullFace(Maxwell::CullFace cull_face) {
     return GL_BACK;
-inline GLenum LogicOp(Maxwell::LogicOperation operation) {
+inline GLenum LogicOp(Maxwell::LogicOp::Op operation) {
     switch (operation) {
-    case Maxwell::LogicOperation::Clear:
+    case Maxwell::LogicOp::Op::Clear:
         return GL_CLEAR;
-    case Maxwell::LogicOperation::And:
+    case Maxwell::LogicOp::Op::And:
         return GL_AND;
-    case Maxwell::LogicOperation::AndReverse:
+    case Maxwell::LogicOp::Op::AndReverse:
         return GL_AND_REVERSE;
-    case Maxwell::LogicOperation::Copy:
+    case Maxwell::LogicOp::Op::Copy:
         return GL_COPY;
-    case Maxwell::LogicOperation::AndInverted:
+    case Maxwell::LogicOp::Op::AndInverted:
         return GL_AND_INVERTED;
-    case Maxwell::LogicOperation::NoOp:
+    case Maxwell::LogicOp::Op::NoOp:
         return GL_NOOP;
-    case Maxwell::LogicOperation::Xor:
+    case Maxwell::LogicOp::Op::Xor:
         return GL_XOR;
-    case Maxwell::LogicOperation::Or:
+    case Maxwell::LogicOp::Op::Or:
         return GL_OR;
-    case Maxwell::LogicOperation::Nor:
+    case Maxwell::LogicOp::Op::Nor:
         return GL_NOR;
-    case Maxwell::LogicOperation::Equiv:
+    case Maxwell::LogicOp::Op::Equiv:
         return GL_EQUIV;
-    case Maxwell::LogicOperation::Invert:
+    case Maxwell::LogicOp::Op::Invert:
         return GL_INVERT;
-    case Maxwell::LogicOperation::OrReverse:
+    case Maxwell::LogicOp::Op::OrReverse:
         return GL_OR_REVERSE;
-    case Maxwell::LogicOperation::CopyInverted:
+    case Maxwell::LogicOp::Op::CopyInverted:
         return GL_COPY_INVERTED;
-    case Maxwell::LogicOperation::OrInverted:
+    case Maxwell::LogicOp::Op::OrInverted:
         return GL_OR_INVERTED;
-    case Maxwell::LogicOperation::Nand:
+    case Maxwell::LogicOp::Op::Nand:
         return GL_NAND;
-    case Maxwell::LogicOperation::Set:
+    case Maxwell::LogicOp::Op::Set:
         return GL_SET;
     UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented logic operation={}", operation);
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/fixed_pipeline_state.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/fixed_pipeline_state.cpp
index 733b454de7..eb7c22fd5a 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/fixed_pipeline_state.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/fixed_pipeline_state.cpp
@@ -34,14 +34,15 @@ constexpr std::array POLYGON_OFFSET_ENABLE_LUT = {
 void RefreshXfbState(VideoCommon::TransformFeedbackState& state, const Maxwell& regs) {
-    std::ranges::transform(regs.tfb_layouts, state.layouts.begin(), [](const auto& layout) {
-        return VideoCommon::TransformFeedbackState::Layout{
-            .stream = layout.stream,
-            .varying_count = layout.varying_count,
-            .stride = layout.stride,
-        };
-    });
-    state.varyings = regs.tfb_varying_locs;
+    std::ranges::transform(regs.transform_feedback.controls, state.layouts.begin(),
+                           [](const auto& layout) {
+                               return VideoCommon::TransformFeedbackState::Layout{
+                                   .stream = layout.stream,
+                                   .varying_count = layout.varying_count,
+                                   .stride = layout.stride,
+                               };
+                           });
+    state.varyings = regs.stream_out_layout;
 } // Anonymous namespace
@@ -58,33 +59,34 @@ void FixedPipelineState::Refresh(Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D& maxwell3d,
     raw1 = 0;
     extended_dynamic_state.Assign(has_extended_dynamic_state ? 1 : 0);
     dynamic_vertex_input.Assign(has_dynamic_vertex_input ? 1 : 0);
-    xfb_enabled.Assign(regs.tfb_enabled != 0);
+    xfb_enabled.Assign(regs.transform_feedback_enabled != 0);
     primitive_restart_enable.Assign(regs.primitive_restart.enabled != 0 ? 1 : 0);
     depth_bias_enable.Assign(enabled_lut[POLYGON_OFFSET_ENABLE_LUT[topology_index]] != 0 ? 1 : 0);
-    depth_clamp_disabled.Assign(regs.view_volume_clip_control.depth_clamp_disabled.Value());
+    depth_clamp_disabled.Assign(regs.viewport_clip_control.geometry_clip ==
+                                Maxwell::ViewportClipControl::GeometryClip::Passthrough);
     ndc_minus_one_to_one.Assign(regs.depth_mode == Maxwell::DepthMode::MinusOneToOne ? 1 : 0);
     patch_control_points_minus_one.Assign(regs.patch_vertices - 1);
-    tessellation_primitive.Assign(static_cast<u32>(regs.tess_mode.prim.Value()));
-    tessellation_spacing.Assign(static_cast<u32>(regs.tess_mode.spacing.Value()));
-    tessellation_clockwise.Assign(regs.tess_mode.cw.Value());
+    tessellation_primitive.Assign(static_cast<u32>(regs.tessellation.params.domain_type.Value()));
+    tessellation_spacing.Assign(static_cast<u32>(regs.tessellation.params.spacing.Value()));
+    tessellation_clockwise.Assign(regs.tessellation.params.output_primitives.Value() !=
+                                  Maxwell::Tessellation::OutputPrimitves::Triangles_CCW);
     logic_op_enable.Assign(regs.logic_op.enable != 0 ? 1 : 0);
-    logic_op.Assign(PackLogicOp(regs.logic_op.operation));
+    logic_op.Assign(PackLogicOp(regs.logic_op.op));
-    msaa_mode.Assign(regs.multisample_mode);
+    msaa_mode.Assign(regs.anti_alias_samples_mode);
     raw2 = 0;
     rasterize_enable.Assign(regs.rasterize_enable != 0 ? 1 : 0);
     const auto test_func =
-        regs.alpha_test_enabled != 0 ? regs.alpha_test_func : Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Always;
+        regs.alpha_test_enabled != 0 ? regs.alpha_test_func : Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Always_GL;
-    early_z.Assign(regs.force_early_fragment_tests != 0 ? 1 : 0);
+    early_z.Assign(regs.mandated_early_z != 0 ? 1 : 0);
     depth_enabled.Assign(regs.zeta_enable != 0 ? 1 : 0);
-    y_negate.Assign(regs.screen_y_control.y_negate != 0 ? 1 : 0);
-    provoking_vertex_last.Assign(regs.provoking_vertex_last != 0 ? 1 : 0);
-    conservative_raster_enable.Assign(regs.conservative_raster_enable != 0 ? 1 : 0);
-    smooth_lines.Assign(regs.line_smooth_enable != 0 ? 1 : 0);
+    y_negate.Assign(regs.window_origin.mode != Maxwell::WindowOrigin::Mode::UpperLeft ? 1 : 0);
+    provoking_vertex_last.Assign(regs.provoking_vertex == Maxwell::ProvokingVertex::Last ? 1 : 0);
+    smooth_lines.Assign(regs.line_anti_alias_enable != 0 ? 1 : 0);
     for (size_t i = 0; i < regs.rt.size(); ++i) {
         color_formats[i] = static_cast<u8>(regs.rt[i].format);
@@ -116,8 +118,8 @@ void FixedPipelineState::Refresh(Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D& maxwell3d,
             maxwell3d.dirty.flags[Dirty::VertexInput] = false;
             enabled_divisors = 0;
             for (size_t index = 0; index < Maxwell::NumVertexArrays; ++index) {
-                const bool is_enabled = regs.instanced_arrays.IsInstancingEnabled(index);
-                binding_divisors[index] = is_enabled ? regs.vertex_array[index].divisor : 0;
+                const bool is_enabled = regs.vertex_stream_instances.IsInstancingEnabled(index);
+                binding_divisors[index] = is_enabled ? regs.vertex_streams[index].frequency : 0;
                 enabled_divisors |= (is_enabled ? u64{1} : 0) << index;
             for (size_t index = 0; index < Maxwell::NumVertexAttributes; ++index) {
@@ -164,17 +166,17 @@ void FixedPipelineState::BlendingAttachment::Refresh(const Maxwell& regs, size_t
     // TODO: C++20 Use templated lambda to deduplicate code
-    if (!regs.independent_blend_enable) {
-        const auto& src = regs.blend;
-        if (!src.enable[index]) {
+    if (!regs.blend_per_target_enabled) {
+        if (!regs.blend.enable[index]) {
-        equation_rgb.Assign(PackBlendEquation(src.equation_rgb));
-        equation_a.Assign(PackBlendEquation(src.equation_a));
-        factor_source_rgb.Assign(PackBlendFactor(src.factor_source_rgb));
-        factor_dest_rgb.Assign(PackBlendFactor(src.factor_dest_rgb));
-        factor_source_a.Assign(PackBlendFactor(src.factor_source_a));
-        factor_dest_a.Assign(PackBlendFactor(src.factor_dest_a));
+        const auto& src = regs.blend;
+        equation_rgb.Assign(PackBlendEquation(src.color_op));
+        equation_a.Assign(PackBlendEquation(src.alpha_op));
+        factor_source_rgb.Assign(PackBlendFactor(src.color_source));
+        factor_dest_rgb.Assign(PackBlendFactor(src.color_dest));
+        factor_source_a.Assign(PackBlendFactor(src.alpha_source));
+        factor_dest_a.Assign(PackBlendFactor(src.alpha_dest));
@@ -182,34 +184,34 @@ void FixedPipelineState::BlendingAttachment::Refresh(const Maxwell& regs, size_t
     if (!regs.blend.enable[index]) {
-    const auto& src = regs.independent_blend[index];
-    equation_rgb.Assign(PackBlendEquation(src.equation_rgb));
-    equation_a.Assign(PackBlendEquation(src.equation_a));
-    factor_source_rgb.Assign(PackBlendFactor(src.factor_source_rgb));
-    factor_dest_rgb.Assign(PackBlendFactor(src.factor_dest_rgb));
-    factor_source_a.Assign(PackBlendFactor(src.factor_source_a));
-    factor_dest_a.Assign(PackBlendFactor(src.factor_dest_a));
+    const auto& src = regs.blend_per_target[index];
+    equation_rgb.Assign(PackBlendEquation(src.color_op));
+    equation_a.Assign(PackBlendEquation(src.alpha_op));
+    factor_source_rgb.Assign(PackBlendFactor(src.color_source));
+    factor_dest_rgb.Assign(PackBlendFactor(src.color_dest));
+    factor_source_a.Assign(PackBlendFactor(src.alpha_source));
+    factor_dest_a.Assign(PackBlendFactor(src.alpha_dest));
 void FixedPipelineState::DynamicState::Refresh(const Maxwell& regs) {
-    u32 packed_front_face = PackFrontFace(regs.front_face);
-    if (regs.screen_y_control.triangle_rast_flip != 0) {
+    u32 packed_front_face = PackFrontFace(regs.gl_front_face);
+    if (regs.window_origin.flip_y != 0) {
         // Flip front face
         packed_front_face = 1 - packed_front_face;
     raw1 = 0;
     raw2 = 0;
-    front.action_stencil_fail.Assign(PackStencilOp(regs.stencil_front_op_fail));
-    front.action_depth_fail.Assign(PackStencilOp(regs.stencil_front_op_zfail));
-    front.action_depth_pass.Assign(PackStencilOp(regs.stencil_front_op_zpass));
-    front.test_func.Assign(PackComparisonOp(regs.stencil_front_func_func));
+    front.action_stencil_fail.Assign(PackStencilOp(regs.stencil_front_op.fail));
+    front.action_depth_fail.Assign(PackStencilOp(regs.stencil_front_op.zfail));
+    front.action_depth_pass.Assign(PackStencilOp(regs.stencil_front_op.zpass));
+    front.test_func.Assign(PackComparisonOp(regs.stencil_front_op.func));
     if (regs.stencil_two_side_enable) {
-        back.action_stencil_fail.Assign(PackStencilOp(regs.stencil_back_op_fail));
-        back.action_depth_fail.Assign(PackStencilOp(regs.stencil_back_op_zfail));
-        back.action_depth_pass.Assign(PackStencilOp(regs.stencil_back_op_zpass));
-        back.test_func.Assign(PackComparisonOp(regs.stencil_back_func_func));
+        back.action_stencil_fail.Assign(PackStencilOp(regs.stencil_back_op.fail));
+        back.action_depth_fail.Assign(PackStencilOp(regs.stencil_back_op.zfail));
+        back.action_depth_pass.Assign(PackStencilOp(regs.stencil_back_op.zpass));
+        back.test_func.Assign(PackComparisonOp(regs.stencil_back_op.func));
     } else {
@@ -222,9 +224,9 @@ void FixedPipelineState::DynamicState::Refresh(const Maxwell& regs) {
-    cull_face.Assign(PackCullFace(regs.cull_face));
-    cull_enable.Assign(regs.cull_test_enabled != 0 ? 1 : 0);
-    std::ranges::transform(regs.vertex_array, vertex_strides.begin(), [](const auto& array) {
+    cull_face.Assign(PackCullFace(regs.gl_cull_face));
+    cull_enable.Assign(regs.gl_cull_test_enabled != 0 ? 1 : 0);
+    std::ranges::transform(regs.vertex_streams, vertex_strides.begin(), [](const auto& array) {
         return static_cast<u16>(array.stride.Value());
@@ -251,41 +253,42 @@ Maxwell::ComparisonOp FixedPipelineState::UnpackComparisonOp(u32 packed) noexcep
     return static_cast<Maxwell::ComparisonOp>(packed + 1);
-u32 FixedPipelineState::PackStencilOp(Maxwell::StencilOp op) noexcept {
+u32 FixedPipelineState::PackStencilOp(Maxwell::StencilOp::Op op) noexcept {
     switch (op) {
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Keep:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::KeepOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Keep_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Keep_GL:
         return 0;
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Zero:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::ZeroOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Zero_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Zero_GL:
         return 1;
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Replace:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::ReplaceOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Replace_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Replace_GL:
         return 2;
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Incr:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::IncrOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::IncrSaturate_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::IncrSaturate_GL:
         return 3;
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Decr:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::DecrOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::DecrSaturate_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::DecrSaturate_GL:
         return 4;
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Invert:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::InvertOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Invert_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Invert_GL:
         return 5;
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::IncrWrap:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::IncrWrapOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Incr_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Incr_GL:
         return 6;
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::DecrWrap:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::DecrWrapOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Decr_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Decr_GL:
         return 7;
     return 0;
-Maxwell::StencilOp FixedPipelineState::UnpackStencilOp(u32 packed) noexcept {
-    static constexpr std::array LUT = {Maxwell::StencilOp::Keep,     Maxwell::StencilOp::Zero,
-                                       Maxwell::StencilOp::Replace,  Maxwell::StencilOp::Incr,
-                                       Maxwell::StencilOp::Decr,     Maxwell::StencilOp::Invert,
-                                       Maxwell::StencilOp::IncrWrap, Maxwell::StencilOp::DecrWrap};
+Maxwell::StencilOp::Op FixedPipelineState::UnpackStencilOp(u32 packed) noexcept {
+    static constexpr std::array LUT = {
+        Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Keep_D3D,         Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Zero_D3D,
+        Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Replace_D3D,      Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::IncrSaturate_D3D,
+        Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::DecrSaturate_D3D, Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Invert_D3D,
+        Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Incr_D3D,         Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Decr_D3D};
     return LUT[packed];
@@ -318,30 +321,30 @@ Maxwell::PolygonMode FixedPipelineState::UnpackPolygonMode(u32 packed) noexcept
     return static_cast<Maxwell::PolygonMode>(packed + 0x1B00);
-u32 FixedPipelineState::PackLogicOp(Maxwell::LogicOperation op) noexcept {
+u32 FixedPipelineState::PackLogicOp(Maxwell::LogicOp::Op op) noexcept {
     return static_cast<u32>(op) - 0x1500;
-Maxwell::LogicOperation FixedPipelineState::UnpackLogicOp(u32 packed) noexcept {
-    return static_cast<Maxwell::LogicOperation>(packed + 0x1500);
+Maxwell::LogicOp::Op FixedPipelineState::UnpackLogicOp(u32 packed) noexcept {
+    return static_cast<Maxwell::LogicOp::Op>(packed + 0x1500);
 u32 FixedPipelineState::PackBlendEquation(Maxwell::Blend::Equation equation) noexcept {
     switch (equation) {
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Add:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::AddGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Add_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Add_GL:
         return 0;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Subtract:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::SubtractGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Subtract_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Subtract_GL:
         return 1;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::ReverseSubtract:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::ReverseSubtractGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::ReverseSubtract_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::ReverseSubtract_GL:
         return 2;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Min:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::MinGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Min_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Min_GL:
         return 3;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Max:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::MaxGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Max_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Max_GL:
         return 4;
     return 0;
@@ -349,97 +352,99 @@ u32 FixedPipelineState::PackBlendEquation(Maxwell::Blend::Equation equation) noe
 Maxwell::Blend::Equation FixedPipelineState::UnpackBlendEquation(u32 packed) noexcept {
     static constexpr std::array LUT = {
-        Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Add, Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Subtract,
-        Maxwell::Blend::Equation::ReverseSubtract, Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Min,
-        Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Max};
+        Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Add_D3D, Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Subtract_D3D,
+        Maxwell::Blend::Equation::ReverseSubtract_D3D, Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Min_D3D,
+        Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Max_D3D};
     return LUT[packed];
 u32 FixedPipelineState::PackBlendFactor(Maxwell::Blend::Factor factor) noexcept {
     switch (factor) {
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Zero:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ZeroGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Zero_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Zero_GL:
         return 0;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::One:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::One_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::One_GL:
         return 1;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceColor:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceColor_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceColor_GL:
         return 2;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceColor:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceColor_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceColor_GL:
         return 3;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlpha_GL:
         return 4;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceAlpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceAlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceAlpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceAlpha_GL:
         return 5;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestAlpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestAlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestAlpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestAlpha_GL:
         return 6;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestAlpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestAlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestAlpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestAlpha_GL:
         return 7;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestColor:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestColor_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestColor_GL:
         return 8;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestColor:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestColor_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestColor_GL:
         return 9;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlphaSaturate:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlphaSaturateGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlphaSaturate_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlphaSaturate_GL:
         return 10;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Color:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1ColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Color_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Color_GL:
         return 11;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Color:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1ColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Color_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Color_GL:
         return 12;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Alpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1AlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Alpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Alpha_GL:
         return 13;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Alpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1AlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Alpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Alpha_GL:
         return 14;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ConstantColor:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ConstantColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::BlendFactor_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ConstantColor_GL:
         return 15;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusConstantColor:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusConstantColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusBlendFactor_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusConstantColor_GL:
         return 16;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ConstantAlpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ConstantAlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::BothSourceAlpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ConstantAlpha_GL:
         return 17;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusConstantAlpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusConstantAlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusBothSourceAlpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusConstantAlpha_GL:
         return 18;
+    UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unknown blend factor {}", static_cast<u32>(factor));
     return 0;
 Maxwell::Blend::Factor FixedPipelineState::UnpackBlendFactor(u32 packed) noexcept {
     static constexpr std::array LUT = {
-        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Zero,
-        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::One,
-        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceColor,
-        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceColor,
-        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlpha,
-        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceAlpha,
-        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestAlpha,
-        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestAlpha,
-        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestColor,
-        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestColor,
-        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlphaSaturate,
-        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Color,
-        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Color,
-        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Alpha,
-        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Alpha,
-        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ConstantColor,
-        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusConstantColor,
-        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ConstantAlpha,
-        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusConstantAlpha,
+        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Zero_D3D,
+        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::One_D3D,
+        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceColor_D3D,
+        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceColor_D3D,
+        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlpha_D3D,
+        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceAlpha_D3D,
+        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestAlpha_D3D,
+        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestAlpha_D3D,
+        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestColor_D3D,
+        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestColor_D3D,
+        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlphaSaturate_D3D,
+        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Color_D3D,
+        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Color_D3D,
+        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Alpha_D3D,
+        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Alpha_D3D,
+        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::BlendFactor_D3D,
+        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusBlendFactor_D3D,
+        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::BothSourceAlpha_D3D,
+        Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusBothSourceAlpha_D3D,
+    ASSERT(packed < LUT.size());
     return LUT[packed];
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/fixed_pipeline_state.h b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/fixed_pipeline_state.h
index 9d60756e55..43441209c2 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/fixed_pipeline_state.h
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/fixed_pipeline_state.h
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ struct FixedPipelineState {
     static u32 PackComparisonOp(Maxwell::ComparisonOp op) noexcept;
     static Maxwell::ComparisonOp UnpackComparisonOp(u32 packed) noexcept;
-    static u32 PackStencilOp(Maxwell::StencilOp op) noexcept;
-    static Maxwell::StencilOp UnpackStencilOp(u32 packed) noexcept;
+    static u32 PackStencilOp(Maxwell::StencilOp::Op op) noexcept;
+    static Maxwell::StencilOp::Op UnpackStencilOp(u32 packed) noexcept;
     static u32 PackCullFace(Maxwell::CullFace cull) noexcept;
     static Maxwell::CullFace UnpackCullFace(u32 packed) noexcept;
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ struct FixedPipelineState {
     static u32 PackPolygonMode(Maxwell::PolygonMode mode) noexcept;
     static Maxwell::PolygonMode UnpackPolygonMode(u32 packed) noexcept;
-    static u32 PackLogicOp(Maxwell::LogicOperation op) noexcept;
-    static Maxwell::LogicOperation UnpackLogicOp(u32 packed) noexcept;
+    static u32 PackLogicOp(Maxwell::LogicOp::Op op) noexcept;
+    static Maxwell::LogicOp::Op UnpackLogicOp(u32 packed) noexcept;
     static u32 PackBlendEquation(Maxwell::Blend::Equation equation) noexcept;
     static Maxwell::Blend::Equation UnpackBlendEquation(u32 packed) noexcept;
@@ -113,15 +113,15 @@ struct FixedPipelineState {
         BitField<Position + 6, 3, u32> action_depth_pass;
         BitField<Position + 9, 3, u32> test_func;
-        Maxwell::StencilOp ActionStencilFail() const noexcept {
+        Maxwell::StencilOp::Op ActionStencilFail() const noexcept {
             return UnpackStencilOp(action_stencil_fail);
-        Maxwell::StencilOp ActionDepthFail() const noexcept {
+        Maxwell::StencilOp::Op ActionDepthFail() const noexcept {
             return UnpackStencilOp(action_depth_fail);
-        Maxwell::StencilOp ActionDepthPass() const noexcept {
+        Maxwell::StencilOp::Op ActionDepthPass() const noexcept {
             return UnpackStencilOp(action_depth_pass);
@@ -193,7 +193,6 @@ struct FixedPipelineState {
         BitField<6, 5, u32> depth_format;
         BitField<11, 1, u32> y_negate;
         BitField<12, 1, u32> provoking_vertex_last;
-        BitField<13, 1, u32> conservative_raster_enable;
         BitField<14, 1, u32> smooth_lines;
     std::array<u8, Maxwell::NumRenderTargets> color_formats;
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.cpp
index e7104d377c..5c156087b8 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.cpp
@@ -323,161 +323,182 @@ VkFormat VertexFormat(const Device& device, Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type type,
                       Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size size) {
     const VkFormat format{([&]() {
         switch (type) {
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UnsignedNorm:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UnusedEnumDoNotUseBecauseItWillGoAway:
+            ASSERT_MSG(false, "Invalid vertex attribute type!");
+            break;
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UNorm:
             switch (size) {
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_A8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8_UNORM;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_G8_R8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8_B8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8_UNORM;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8_8_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8_B8_A8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_X8_B8_G8_R8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16_UNORM;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16G16_UNORM;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16_B16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16_UNORM;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16_16_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16_B16_A16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_10_10_10_2:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_A2_B10_G10_R10:
                 return VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_UNORM_PACK32;
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::SignedNorm:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::SNorm:
             switch (size) {
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_A8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8_SNORM;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_G8_R8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8G8_SNORM;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8_B8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8_SNORM;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8_8_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8_B8_A8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_X8_B8_G8_R8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16_SNORM;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16G16_SNORM;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16_B16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16_SNORM;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16_16_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16_B16_A16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SNORM;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_10_10_10_2:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_A2_B10_G10_R10:
                 return VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_SNORM_PACK32;
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UnsignedScaled:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UScaled:
             switch (size) {
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_A8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8_USCALED;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_G8_R8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8G8_USCALED;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8_B8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8_USCALED;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8_8_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8_B8_A8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_X8_B8_G8_R8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_USCALED;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16_USCALED;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16G16_USCALED;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16_B16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16_USCALED;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16_16_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16_B16_A16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_USCALED;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_10_10_10_2:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_A2_B10_G10_R10:
                 return VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_USCALED_PACK32;
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::SignedScaled:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::SScaled:
             switch (size) {
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_A8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8_SSCALED;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_G8_R8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8G8_SSCALED;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8_B8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8_SSCALED;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8_8_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8_B8_A8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_X8_B8_G8_R8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SSCALED;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16_SSCALED;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16G16_SSCALED;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16_B16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16_SSCALED;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16_16_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16_B16_A16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SSCALED;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_10_10_10_2:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_A2_B10_G10_R10:
                 return VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_SSCALED_PACK32;
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UnsignedInt:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UInt:
             switch (size) {
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_A8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8_UINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_G8_R8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8G8_UINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8_B8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8_UINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8_8_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8_B8_A8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_X8_B8_G8_R8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16_UINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16G16_UINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16_B16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16_UINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16_16_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16_B16_A16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R32_UINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32_32:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32_G32:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32_32_32:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32_G32_B32:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32_32_32_32:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32_G32_B32_A32:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_10_10_10_2:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_A2_B10_G10_R10:
                 return VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_UINT_PACK32;
-        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::SignedInt:
+        case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::SInt:
             switch (size) {
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_A8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8_SINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_G8_R8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8G8_SINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8_B8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8_SINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_8_8_8_8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R8_G8_B8_A8:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_X8_B8_G8_R8:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16_SINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16G16_SINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16_B16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16_SINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16_16_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16_B16_A16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R32_SINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32_32:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32_G32:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R32G32_SINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32_32_32:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32_G32_B32:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32_32_32_32:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32_G32_B32_A32:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SINT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_10_10_10_2:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_A2_B10_G10_R10:
                 return VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_SINT_PACK32;
@@ -485,23 +506,23 @@ VkFormat VertexFormat(const Device& device, Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type type,
         case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::Float:
             switch (size) {
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16_SFLOAT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16G16_SFLOAT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16_B16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16_SFLOAT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_16_16_16_16:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R16_G16_B16_A16:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R32_SFLOAT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32_32:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32_G32:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R32G32_SFLOAT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32_32_32:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32_G32_B32:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SFLOAT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_32_32_32_32:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_R32_G32_B32_A32:
                 return VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT;
-            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_11_11_10:
+            case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size::Size_B10_G11_R11:
                 return VK_FORMAT_B10G11R11_UFLOAT_PACK32;
@@ -521,29 +542,29 @@ VkFormat VertexFormat(const Device& device, Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type type,
 VkCompareOp ComparisonOp(Maxwell::ComparisonOp comparison) {
     switch (comparison) {
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Never:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::NeverOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Never_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Never_GL:
         return VK_COMPARE_OP_NEVER;
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Less:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::LessOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Less_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Less_GL:
         return VK_COMPARE_OP_LESS;
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Equal:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::EqualOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Equal_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Equal_GL:
         return VK_COMPARE_OP_EQUAL;
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::LessEqual:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::LessEqualOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::LessEqual_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::LessEqual_GL:
         return VK_COMPARE_OP_LESS_OR_EQUAL;
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Greater:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::GreaterOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Greater_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Greater_GL:
         return VK_COMPARE_OP_GREATER;
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::NotEqual:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::NotEqualOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::NotEqual_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::NotEqual_GL:
         return VK_COMPARE_OP_NOT_EQUAL;
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::GreaterEqual:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::GreaterEqualOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::GreaterEqual_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::GreaterEqual_GL:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Always:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::AlwaysOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Always_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Always_GL:
         return VK_COMPARE_OP_ALWAYS;
     UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented comparison op={}", comparison);
@@ -563,31 +584,31 @@ VkIndexType IndexFormat(Maxwell::IndexFormat index_format) {
     return {};
-VkStencilOp StencilOp(Maxwell::StencilOp stencil_op) {
+VkStencilOp StencilOp(Maxwell::StencilOp::Op stencil_op) {
     switch (stencil_op) {
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Keep:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::KeepOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Keep_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Keep_GL:
         return VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP;
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Zero:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::ZeroOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Zero_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Zero_GL:
         return VK_STENCIL_OP_ZERO;
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Replace:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::ReplaceOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Replace_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Replace_GL:
         return VK_STENCIL_OP_REPLACE;
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Incr:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::IncrOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::IncrSaturate_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::IncrSaturate_GL:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Decr:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::DecrOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::DecrSaturate_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::DecrSaturate_GL:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Invert:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::InvertOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Invert_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Invert_GL:
         return VK_STENCIL_OP_INVERT;
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::IncrWrap:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::IncrWrapOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Incr_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Incr_GL:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::DecrWrap:
-    case Maxwell::StencilOp::DecrWrapOGL:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Decr_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::StencilOp::Op::Decr_GL:
     UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented stencil op={}", stencil_op);
@@ -596,20 +617,20 @@ VkStencilOp StencilOp(Maxwell::StencilOp stencil_op) {
 VkBlendOp BlendEquation(Maxwell::Blend::Equation equation) {
     switch (equation) {
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Add:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::AddGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Add_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Add_GL:
         return VK_BLEND_OP_ADD;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Subtract:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::SubtractGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Subtract_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Subtract_GL:
         return VK_BLEND_OP_SUBTRACT;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::ReverseSubtract:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::ReverseSubtractGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::ReverseSubtract_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::ReverseSubtract_GL:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Min:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::MinGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Min_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Min_GL:
         return VK_BLEND_OP_MIN;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Max:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::MaxGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Max_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Equation::Max_GL:
         return VK_BLEND_OP_MAX;
     UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented blend equation={}", equation);
@@ -618,62 +639,62 @@ VkBlendOp BlendEquation(Maxwell::Blend::Equation equation) {
 VkBlendFactor BlendFactor(Maxwell::Blend::Factor factor) {
     switch (factor) {
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Zero:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ZeroGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Zero_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Zero_GL:
         return VK_BLEND_FACTOR_ZERO;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::One:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::One_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::One_GL:
         return VK_BLEND_FACTOR_ONE;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceColor:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceColor_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceColor_GL:
         return VK_BLEND_FACTOR_SRC_COLOR;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceColor:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceColor_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceColor_GL:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlpha_GL:
         return VK_BLEND_FACTOR_SRC_ALPHA;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceAlpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceAlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceAlpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSourceAlpha_GL:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestAlpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestAlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestAlpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestAlpha_GL:
         return VK_BLEND_FACTOR_DST_ALPHA;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestAlpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestAlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestAlpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestAlpha_GL:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestColor:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestColor_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::DestColor_GL:
         return VK_BLEND_FACTOR_DST_COLOR;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestColor:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestColor_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusDestColor_GL:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlphaSaturate:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlphaSaturateGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlphaSaturate_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::SourceAlphaSaturate_GL:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Color:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1ColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Color_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Color_GL:
         return VK_BLEND_FACTOR_SRC1_COLOR;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Color:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1ColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Color_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Color_GL:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Alpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1AlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Alpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::Source1Alpha_GL:
         return VK_BLEND_FACTOR_SRC1_ALPHA;
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Alpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1AlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Alpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusSource1Alpha_GL:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ConstantColor:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ConstantColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::BlendFactor_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ConstantColor_GL:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusConstantColor:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusConstantColorGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusBlendFactor_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusConstantColor_GL:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ConstantAlpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ConstantAlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::BothSourceAlpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::ConstantAlpha_GL:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusConstantAlpha:
-    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusConstantAlphaGL:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusBothSourceAlpha_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::Blend::Factor::OneMinusConstantAlpha_GL:
     UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented blend factor={}", factor);
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.h b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.h
index 356d46292b..6f65502d61 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.h
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/maxwell_to_vk.h
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ VkCompareOp ComparisonOp(Maxwell::ComparisonOp comparison);
 VkIndexType IndexFormat(Maxwell::IndexFormat index_format);
-VkStencilOp StencilOp(Maxwell::StencilOp stencil_op);
+VkStencilOp StencilOp(Maxwell::StencilOp::Op stencil_op);
 VkBlendOp BlendEquation(Maxwell::Blend::Equation equation);
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_graphics_pipeline.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_graphics_pipeline.cpp
index f47786f48f..c3f66c8a38 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_graphics_pipeline.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_graphics_pipeline.cpp
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ void GraphicsPipeline::ConfigureImpl(bool is_indexed) {
     buffer_cache.SetUniformBuffersState(enabled_uniform_buffer_masks, &uniform_buffer_sizes);
     const auto& regs{maxwell3d->regs};
-    const bool via_header_index{regs.sampler_index == Maxwell::SamplerIndex::ViaHeaderIndex};
+    const bool via_header_index{regs.sampler_binding == Maxwell::SamplerBinding::ViaHeaderBinding};
     const auto config_stage{[&](size_t stage) LAMBDA_FORCEINLINE {
         const Shader::Info& info{stage_infos[stage]};
@@ -664,15 +664,6 @@ void GraphicsPipeline::MakePipeline(VkRenderPass render_pass) {
         .lineStippleFactor = 0,
         .lineStipplePattern = 0,
-    VkPipelineRasterizationConservativeStateCreateInfoEXT conservative_raster{
-        .pNext = nullptr,
-        .flags = 0,
-        .conservativeRasterizationMode = key.state.conservative_raster_enable != 0
-                                             ? VK_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_MODE_OVERESTIMATE_EXT
-                                             : VK_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_MODE_DISABLED_EXT,
-        .extraPrimitiveOverestimationSize = 0.0f,
-    };
     VkPipelineRasterizationProvokingVertexStateCreateInfoEXT provoking_vertex{
         .pNext = nullptr,
@@ -683,9 +674,6 @@ void GraphicsPipeline::MakePipeline(VkRenderPass render_pass) {
     if (IsLine(input_assembly_topology) && device.IsExtLineRasterizationSupported()) {
         line_state.pNext = std::exchange(rasterization_ci.pNext, &line_state);
-    if (device.IsExtConservativeRasterizationSupported()) {
-        conservative_raster.pNext = std::exchange(rasterization_ci.pNext, &conservative_raster);
-    }
     if (device.IsExtProvokingVertexSupported()) {
         provoking_vertex.pNext = std::exchange(rasterization_ci.pNext, &provoking_vertex);
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_pipeline_cache.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_pipeline_cache.cpp
index 732e7b6f24..20f1d65846 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_pipeline_cache.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_pipeline_cache.cpp
@@ -62,29 +62,29 @@ auto MakeSpan(Container& container) {
 Shader::CompareFunction MaxwellToCompareFunction(Maxwell::ComparisonOp comparison) {
     switch (comparison) {
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Never:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::NeverOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Never_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Never_GL:
         return Shader::CompareFunction::Never;
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Less:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::LessOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Less_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Less_GL:
         return Shader::CompareFunction::Less;
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Equal:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::EqualOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Equal_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Equal_GL:
         return Shader::CompareFunction::Equal;
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::LessEqual:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::LessEqualOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::LessEqual_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::LessEqual_GL:
         return Shader::CompareFunction::LessThanEqual;
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Greater:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::GreaterOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Greater_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Greater_GL:
         return Shader::CompareFunction::Greater;
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::NotEqual:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::NotEqualOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::NotEqual_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::NotEqual_GL:
         return Shader::CompareFunction::NotEqual;
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::GreaterEqual:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::GreaterEqualOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::GreaterEqual_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::GreaterEqual_GL:
         return Shader::CompareFunction::GreaterThanEqual;
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Always:
-    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::AlwaysOld:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Always_D3D:
+    case Maxwell::ComparisonOp::Always_GL:
         return Shader::CompareFunction::Always;
     UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented comparison op={}", comparison);
@@ -96,15 +96,18 @@ Shader::AttributeType CastAttributeType(const FixedPipelineState::VertexAttribut
         return Shader::AttributeType::Disabled;
     switch (attr.Type()) {
-    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::SignedNorm:
-    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UnsignedNorm:
-    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UnsignedScaled:
-    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::SignedScaled:
+    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UnusedEnumDoNotUseBecauseItWillGoAway:
+        ASSERT_MSG(false, "Invalid vertex attribute type!");
+        return Shader::AttributeType::Disabled;
+    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::SNorm:
+    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UNorm:
+    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UScaled:
+    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::SScaled:
     case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::Float:
         return Shader::AttributeType::Float;
-    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::SignedInt:
+    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::SInt:
         return Shader::AttributeType::SignedInt;
-    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UnsignedInt:
+    case Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type::UInt:
         return Shader::AttributeType::UnsignedInt;
     return Shader::AttributeType::Float;
@@ -162,16 +165,14 @@ Shader::RuntimeInfo MakeRuntimeInfo(std::span<const Shader::IR::Program> program
     case Shader::Stage::TessellationEval:
-        // We have to flip tessellation clockwise for some reason...
-        info.tess_clockwise = key.state.tessellation_clockwise == 0;
         info.tess_primitive = [&key] {
             const u32 raw{key.state.tessellation_primitive.Value()};
-            switch (static_cast<Maxwell::TessellationPrimitive>(raw)) {
-            case Maxwell::TessellationPrimitive::Isolines:
+            switch (static_cast<Maxwell::Tessellation::DomainType>(raw)) {
+            case Maxwell::Tessellation::DomainType::Isolines:
                 return Shader::TessPrimitive::Isolines;
-            case Maxwell::TessellationPrimitive::Triangles:
+            case Maxwell::Tessellation::DomainType::Triangles:
                 return Shader::TessPrimitive::Triangles;
-            case Maxwell::TessellationPrimitive::Quads:
+            case Maxwell::Tessellation::DomainType::Quads:
                 return Shader::TessPrimitive::Quads;
@@ -179,12 +180,12 @@ Shader::RuntimeInfo MakeRuntimeInfo(std::span<const Shader::IR::Program> program
         info.tess_spacing = [&] {
             const u32 raw{key.state.tessellation_spacing};
-            switch (static_cast<Maxwell::TessellationSpacing>(raw)) {
-            case Maxwell::TessellationSpacing::Equal:
+            switch (static_cast<Maxwell::Tessellation::Spacing>(raw)) {
+            case Maxwell::Tessellation::Spacing::Integer:
                 return Shader::TessSpacing::Equal;
-            case Maxwell::TessellationSpacing::FractionalOdd:
+            case Maxwell::Tessellation::Spacing::FractionalOdd:
                 return Shader::TessSpacing::FractionalOdd;
-            case Maxwell::TessellationSpacing::FractionalEven:
+            case Maxwell::Tessellation::Spacing::FractionalEven:
                 return Shader::TessSpacing::FractionalEven;
@@ -490,7 +491,7 @@ GraphicsPipeline* PipelineCache::BuiltPipeline(GraphicsPipeline* pipeline) const
     // If games are using a small index count, we can assume these are full screen quads.
     // Usually these shaders are only used once for building textures so we can assume they
     // can't be built async
-    if (maxwell3d->regs.index_array.count <= 6 || maxwell3d->regs.vertex_buffer.count <= 6) {
+    if (maxwell3d->regs.index_buffer.count <= 6 || maxwell3d->regs.vertex_buffer.count <= 6) {
         return pipeline;
     return nullptr;
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_rasterizer.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_rasterizer.cpp
index acfd5da7d6..892cd94a30 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_rasterizer.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_rasterizer.cpp
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ VkViewport GetViewportState(const Device& device, const Maxwell& regs, size_t in
     const float width = conv(src.scale_x * 2.0f);
     float y = conv(src.translate_y - src.scale_y);
     float height = conv(src.scale_y * 2.0f);
-    bool y_negate = regs.screen_y_control.y_negate;
+    bool y_negate = regs.window_origin.mode != Maxwell::WindowOrigin::Mode::UpperLeft;
     if (!device.IsNvViewportSwizzleSupported()) {
         y_negate = y_negate != (src.swizzle.y == Maxwell::ViewportSwizzle::NegativeY);
@@ -130,11 +130,11 @@ VkRect2D GetScissorState(const Maxwell& regs, size_t index, u32 up_scale = 1, u3
 DrawParams MakeDrawParams(const Maxwell& regs, u32 num_instances, bool is_instanced,
                           bool is_indexed) {
     DrawParams params{
-        .base_instance = regs.vb_base_instance,
+        .base_instance = regs.global_base_instance_index,
         .num_instances = is_instanced ? num_instances : 1,
-        .base_vertex = is_indexed ? regs.vb_element_base : regs.vertex_buffer.first,
-        .num_vertices = is_indexed ? regs.index_array.count : regs.vertex_buffer.count,
-        .first_index = is_indexed ? regs.index_array.first : 0,
+        .base_vertex = is_indexed ? regs.global_base_vertex_index : regs.vertex_buffer.first,
+        .num_vertices = is_indexed ? regs.index_buffer.count : regs.vertex_buffer.count,
+        .first_index = is_indexed ? regs.index_buffer.first : 0,
         .is_indexed = is_indexed,
     if (regs.draw.topology == Maxwell::PrimitiveTopology::Quads) {
@@ -225,10 +225,10 @@ void RasterizerVulkan::Clear() {
     auto& regs = maxwell3d->regs;
-    const bool use_color = regs.clear_buffers.R || regs.clear_buffers.G || regs.clear_buffers.B ||
-                           regs.clear_buffers.A;
-    const bool use_depth = regs.clear_buffers.Z;
-    const bool use_stencil = regs.clear_buffers.S;
+    const bool use_color = regs.clear_surface.R || regs.clear_surface.G || regs.clear_surface.B ||
+                           regs.clear_surface.A;
+    const bool use_depth = regs.clear_surface.Z;
+    const bool use_stencil = regs.clear_surface.S;
     if (!use_color && !use_depth && !use_stencil) {
@@ -254,9 +254,9 @@ void RasterizerVulkan::Clear() {
     default_scissor.extent.height = std::numeric_limits<s32>::max();
     VkClearRect clear_rect{
-        .rect = regs.clear_flags.scissor ? GetScissorState(regs, 0, up_scale, down_shift)
-                                         : default_scissor,
-        .baseArrayLayer = regs.clear_buffers.layer,
+        .rect = regs.clear_control.use_scissor ? GetScissorState(regs, 0, up_scale, down_shift)
+                                               : default_scissor,
+        .baseArrayLayer = regs.clear_surface.layer,
         .layerCount = 1,
     if (clear_rect.rect.extent.width == 0 || clear_rect.rect.extent.height == 0) {
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ void RasterizerVulkan::Clear() {
         .height = std::min(clear_rect.rect.extent.height, render_area.height),
-    const u32 color_attachment = regs.clear_buffers.RT;
+    const u32 color_attachment = regs.clear_surface.RT;
     if (use_color && framebuffer->HasAspectColorBit(color_attachment)) {
         VkClearValue clear_value;
         bool is_integer = false;
@@ -289,7 +289,8 @@ void RasterizerVulkan::Clear() {
         if (!is_integer) {
-            std::memcpy(clear_value.color.float32, regs.clear_color, sizeof(regs.clear_color));
+            std::memcpy(clear_value.color.float32, regs.clear_color.data(),
+                        regs.clear_color.size() * sizeof(f32));
         } else if (!is_signed) {
             for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                 clear_value.color.uint32[i] = static_cast<u32>(
@@ -648,23 +649,23 @@ void RasterizerVulkan::UpdateDynamicStates() {
 void RasterizerVulkan::BeginTransformFeedback() {
     const auto& regs = maxwell3d->regs;
-    if (regs.tfb_enabled == 0) {
+    if (regs.transform_feedback_enabled == 0) {
     if (!device.IsExtTransformFeedbackSupported()) {
         LOG_ERROR(Render_Vulkan, "Transform feedbacks used but not supported");
-    UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(regs.IsShaderConfigEnabled(Maxwell::ShaderProgram::TesselationControl) ||
-                     regs.IsShaderConfigEnabled(Maxwell::ShaderProgram::TesselationEval) ||
-                     regs.IsShaderConfigEnabled(Maxwell::ShaderProgram::Geometry));
+    UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(regs.IsShaderConfigEnabled(Maxwell::ShaderType::TessellationInit) ||
+                     regs.IsShaderConfigEnabled(Maxwell::ShaderType::Tessellation) ||
+                     regs.IsShaderConfigEnabled(Maxwell::ShaderType::Geometry));
         [](vk::CommandBuffer cmdbuf) { cmdbuf.BeginTransformFeedbackEXT(0, 0, nullptr, nullptr); });
 void RasterizerVulkan::EndTransformFeedback() {
     const auto& regs = maxwell3d->regs;
-    if (regs.tfb_enabled == 0) {
+    if (regs.transform_feedback_enabled == 0) {
     if (!device.IsExtTransformFeedbackSupported()) {
@@ -728,11 +729,11 @@ void RasterizerVulkan::UpdateDepthBias(Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs& regs) {
     if (!state_tracker.TouchDepthBias()) {
-    float units = regs.polygon_offset_units / 2.0f;
-    const bool is_d24 = regs.zeta.format == Tegra::DepthFormat::S8_UINT_Z24_UNORM ||
-                        regs.zeta.format == Tegra::DepthFormat::D24X8_UNORM ||
-                        regs.zeta.format == Tegra::DepthFormat::D24S8_UNORM ||
-                        regs.zeta.format == Tegra::DepthFormat::D24C8_UNORM;
+    float units = regs.depth_bias / 2.0f;
+    const bool is_d24 = regs.zeta.format == Tegra::DepthFormat::Z24_UNORM_S8_UINT ||
+                        regs.zeta.format == Tegra::DepthFormat::X8Z24_UNORM ||
+                        regs.zeta.format == Tegra::DepthFormat::S8Z24_UNORM ||
+                        regs.zeta.format == Tegra::DepthFormat::V8Z24_UNORM;
     if (is_d24 && !device.SupportsD24DepthBuffer()) {
         // the base formulas can be obtained from here:
         //   https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3d11/d3d10-graphics-programming-guide-output-merger-stage-depth-bias
@@ -740,8 +741,8 @@ void RasterizerVulkan::UpdateDepthBias(Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs& regs) {
             static_cast<double>(1ULL << (32 - 24)) / (static_cast<double>(0x1.ep+127));
         units = static_cast<float>(static_cast<double>(units) * rescale_factor);
-    scheduler.Record([constant = units, clamp = regs.polygon_offset_clamp,
-                      factor = regs.polygon_offset_factor](vk::CommandBuffer cmdbuf) {
+    scheduler.Record([constant = units, clamp = regs.depth_bias_clamp,
+                      factor = regs.slope_scale_depth_bias](vk::CommandBuffer cmdbuf) {
         cmdbuf.SetDepthBias(constant, clamp, factor);
@@ -771,10 +772,11 @@ void RasterizerVulkan::UpdateStencilFaces(Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs& regs)
     if (regs.stencil_two_side_enable) {
         // Separate values per face
-            [front_ref = regs.stencil_front_func_ref, front_write_mask = regs.stencil_front_mask,
-             front_test_mask = regs.stencil_front_func_mask, back_ref = regs.stencil_back_func_ref,
-             back_write_mask = regs.stencil_back_mask,
-             back_test_mask = regs.stencil_back_func_mask](vk::CommandBuffer cmdbuf) {
+            [front_ref = regs.stencil_front_func.ref,
+             front_write_mask = regs.stencil_front_func.mask,
+             front_test_mask = regs.stencil_front_func.func_mask,
+             back_ref = regs.stencil_back_func.ref, back_write_mask = regs.stencil_back_func.mask,
+             back_test_mask = regs.stencil_back_func.func_mask](vk::CommandBuffer cmdbuf) {
                 // Front face
                 cmdbuf.SetStencilReference(VK_STENCIL_FACE_FRONT_BIT, front_ref);
                 cmdbuf.SetStencilWriteMask(VK_STENCIL_FACE_FRONT_BIT, front_write_mask);
@@ -787,8 +789,9 @@ void RasterizerVulkan::UpdateStencilFaces(Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs& regs)
     } else {
         // Front face defines both faces
-        scheduler.Record([ref = regs.stencil_front_func_ref, write_mask = regs.stencil_front_mask,
-                          test_mask = regs.stencil_front_func_mask](vk::CommandBuffer cmdbuf) {
+        scheduler.Record([ref = regs.stencil_front_func.ref,
+                          write_mask = regs.stencil_front_func.mask,
+                          test_mask = regs.stencil_front_func.func_mask](vk::CommandBuffer cmdbuf) {
             cmdbuf.SetStencilReference(VK_STENCIL_FACE_FRONT_AND_BACK, ref);
             cmdbuf.SetStencilWriteMask(VK_STENCIL_FACE_FRONT_AND_BACK, write_mask);
             cmdbuf.SetStencilCompareMask(VK_STENCIL_FACE_FRONT_AND_BACK, test_mask);
@@ -800,7 +803,8 @@ void RasterizerVulkan::UpdateLineWidth(Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs& regs) {
     if (!state_tracker.TouchLineWidth()) {
-    const float width = regs.line_smooth_enable ? regs.line_width_smooth : regs.line_width_aliased;
+    const float width =
+        regs.line_anti_alias_enable ? regs.line_width_smooth : regs.line_width_aliased;
     scheduler.Record([width](vk::CommandBuffer cmdbuf) { cmdbuf.SetLineWidth(width); });
@@ -808,10 +812,10 @@ void RasterizerVulkan::UpdateCullMode(Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs& regs) {
     if (!state_tracker.TouchCullMode()) {
-    scheduler.Record(
-        [enabled = regs.cull_test_enabled, cull_face = regs.cull_face](vk::CommandBuffer cmdbuf) {
-            cmdbuf.SetCullModeEXT(enabled ? MaxwellToVK::CullFace(cull_face) : VK_CULL_MODE_NONE);
-        });
+    scheduler.Record([enabled = regs.gl_cull_test_enabled,
+                      cull_face = regs.gl_cull_face](vk::CommandBuffer cmdbuf) {
+        cmdbuf.SetCullModeEXT(enabled ? MaxwellToVK::CullFace(cull_face) : VK_CULL_MODE_NONE);
+    });
 void RasterizerVulkan::UpdateDepthBoundsTestEnable(Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs& regs) {
@@ -860,8 +864,8 @@ void RasterizerVulkan::UpdateFrontFace(Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs& regs) {
-    VkFrontFace front_face = MaxwellToVK::FrontFace(regs.front_face);
-    if (regs.screen_y_control.triangle_rast_flip != 0) {
+    VkFrontFace front_face = MaxwellToVK::FrontFace(regs.gl_front_face);
+    if (regs.window_origin.flip_y != 0) {
                                                            : VK_FRONT_FACE_CLOCKWISE;
@@ -873,16 +877,16 @@ void RasterizerVulkan::UpdateStencilOp(Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs& regs) {
     if (!state_tracker.TouchStencilOp()) {
-    const Maxwell::StencilOp fail = regs.stencil_front_op_fail;
-    const Maxwell::StencilOp zfail = regs.stencil_front_op_zfail;
-    const Maxwell::StencilOp zpass = regs.stencil_front_op_zpass;
-    const Maxwell::ComparisonOp compare = regs.stencil_front_func_func;
+    const Maxwell::StencilOp::Op fail = regs.stencil_front_op.fail;
+    const Maxwell::StencilOp::Op zfail = regs.stencil_front_op.zfail;
+    const Maxwell::StencilOp::Op zpass = regs.stencil_front_op.zpass;
+    const Maxwell::ComparisonOp compare = regs.stencil_front_op.func;
     if (regs.stencil_two_side_enable) {
         // Separate stencil op per face
-        const Maxwell::StencilOp back_fail = regs.stencil_back_op_fail;
-        const Maxwell::StencilOp back_zfail = regs.stencil_back_op_zfail;
-        const Maxwell::StencilOp back_zpass = regs.stencil_back_op_zpass;
-        const Maxwell::ComparisonOp back_compare = regs.stencil_back_func_func;
+        const Maxwell::StencilOp::Op back_fail = regs.stencil_back_op.fail;
+        const Maxwell::StencilOp::Op back_zfail = regs.stencil_back_op.zfail;
+        const Maxwell::StencilOp::Op back_zpass = regs.stencil_back_op.zpass;
+        const Maxwell::ComparisonOp back_compare = regs.stencil_back_op.func;
         scheduler.Record([fail, zfail, zpass, compare, back_fail, back_zfail, back_zpass,
                           back_compare](vk::CommandBuffer cmdbuf) {
             cmdbuf.SetStencilOpEXT(VK_STENCIL_FACE_FRONT_BIT, MaxwellToVK::StencilOp(fail),
@@ -954,15 +958,15 @@ void RasterizerVulkan::UpdateVertexInput(Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs& regs)
         dirty[Dirty::VertexBinding0 + index] = false;
         const u32 binding{static_cast<u32>(index)};
-        const auto& input_binding{regs.vertex_array[binding]};
-        const bool is_instanced{regs.instanced_arrays.IsInstancingEnabled(binding)};
+        const auto& input_binding{regs.vertex_streams[binding]};
+        const bool is_instanced{regs.vertex_stream_instances.IsInstancingEnabled(binding)};
             .pNext = nullptr,
             .binding = binding,
             .stride = input_binding.stride,
             .inputRate = is_instanced ? VK_VERTEX_INPUT_RATE_INSTANCE : VK_VERTEX_INPUT_RATE_VERTEX,
-            .divisor = is_instanced ? input_binding.divisor : 1,
+            .divisor = is_instanced ? input_binding.frequency : 1,
     scheduler.Record([bindings, attributes](vk::CommandBuffer cmdbuf) {
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_state_tracker.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_state_tracker.cpp
index f234e1a310..ed98c83701 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_state_tracker.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_state_tracker.cpp
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ Flags MakeInvalidationFlags() {
 void SetupDirtyViewports(Tables& tables) {
     FillBlock(tables[0], OFF(viewport_transform), NUM(viewport_transform), Viewports);
     FillBlock(tables[0], OFF(viewports), NUM(viewports), Viewports);
-    tables[0][OFF(viewport_transform_enabled)] = Viewports;
-    tables[1][OFF(screen_y_control)] = Viewports;
+    tables[0][OFF(viewport_scale_offset_enbled)] = Viewports;
+    tables[1][OFF(window_origin)] = Viewports;
 void SetupDirtyScissors(Tables& tables) {
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ void SetupDirtyScissors(Tables& tables) {
 void SetupDirtyDepthBias(Tables& tables) {
     auto& table = tables[0];
-    table[OFF(polygon_offset_units)] = DepthBias;
-    table[OFF(polygon_offset_clamp)] = DepthBias;
-    table[OFF(polygon_offset_factor)] = DepthBias;
+    table[OFF(depth_bias)] = DepthBias;
+    table[OFF(depth_bias_clamp)] = DepthBias;
+    table[OFF(slope_scale_depth_bias)] = DepthBias;
 void SetupDirtyBlendConstants(Tables& tables) {
@@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ void SetupDirtyDepthBounds(Tables& tables) {
 void SetupDirtyStencilProperties(Tables& tables) {
     auto& table = tables[0];
     table[OFF(stencil_two_side_enable)] = StencilProperties;
-    table[OFF(stencil_front_func_ref)] = StencilProperties;
-    table[OFF(stencil_front_mask)] = StencilProperties;
-    table[OFF(stencil_front_func_mask)] = StencilProperties;
-    table[OFF(stencil_back_func_ref)] = StencilProperties;
-    table[OFF(stencil_back_mask)] = StencilProperties;
-    table[OFF(stencil_back_func_mask)] = StencilProperties;
+    table[OFF(stencil_front_func.ref)] = StencilProperties;
+    table[OFF(stencil_front_func.mask)] = StencilProperties;
+    table[OFF(stencil_front_func.func_mask)] = StencilProperties;
+    table[OFF(stencil_back_func.ref)] = StencilProperties;
+    table[OFF(stencil_back_func.mask)] = StencilProperties;
+    table[OFF(stencil_back_func.func_mask)] = StencilProperties;
 void SetupDirtyLineWidth(Tables& tables) {
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ void SetupDirtyLineWidth(Tables& tables) {
 void SetupDirtyCullMode(Tables& tables) {
     auto& table = tables[0];
-    table[OFF(cull_face)] = CullMode;
-    table[OFF(cull_test_enabled)] = CullMode;
+    table[OFF(gl_cull_face)] = CullMode;
+    table[OFF(gl_cull_test_enabled)] = CullMode;
 void SetupDirtyDepthBoundsEnable(Tables& tables) {
@@ -114,20 +114,20 @@ void SetupDirtyDepthCompareOp(Tables& tables) {
 void SetupDirtyFrontFace(Tables& tables) {
     auto& table = tables[0];
-    table[OFF(front_face)] = FrontFace;
-    table[OFF(screen_y_control)] = FrontFace;
+    table[OFF(gl_front_face)] = FrontFace;
+    table[OFF(window_origin)] = FrontFace;
 void SetupDirtyStencilOp(Tables& tables) {
     auto& table = tables[0];
-    table[OFF(stencil_front_op_fail)] = StencilOp;
-    table[OFF(stencil_front_op_zfail)] = StencilOp;
-    table[OFF(stencil_front_op_zpass)] = StencilOp;
-    table[OFF(stencil_front_func_func)] = StencilOp;
-    table[OFF(stencil_back_op_fail)] = StencilOp;
-    table[OFF(stencil_back_op_zfail)] = StencilOp;
-    table[OFF(stencil_back_op_zpass)] = StencilOp;
-    table[OFF(stencil_back_func_func)] = StencilOp;
+    table[OFF(stencil_front_op.fail)] = StencilOp;
+    table[OFF(stencil_front_op.zfail)] = StencilOp;
+    table[OFF(stencil_front_op.zpass)] = StencilOp;
+    table[OFF(stencil_front_op.func)] = StencilOp;
+    table[OFF(stencil_back_op.fail)] = StencilOp;
+    table[OFF(stencil_back_op.zfail)] = StencilOp;
+    table[OFF(stencil_back_op.zpass)] = StencilOp;
+    table[OFF(stencil_back_op.func)] = StencilOp;
     // Table 0 is used by StencilProperties
     tables[1][OFF(stencil_two_side_enable)] = StencilOp;
@@ -139,10 +139,10 @@ void SetupDirtyStencilTestEnable(Tables& tables) {
 void SetupDirtyBlending(Tables& tables) {
     tables[0][OFF(color_mask_common)] = Blending;
-    tables[0][OFF(independent_blend_enable)] = Blending;
+    tables[0][OFF(blend_per_target_enabled)] = Blending;
     FillBlock(tables[0], OFF(color_mask), NUM(color_mask), Blending);
     FillBlock(tables[0], OFF(blend), NUM(blend), Blending);
-    FillBlock(tables[0], OFF(independent_blend), NUM(independent_blend), Blending);
+    FillBlock(tables[0], OFF(blend_per_target), NUM(blend_per_target), Blending);
 void SetupDirtyViewportSwizzles(Tables& tables) {
@@ -166,10 +166,10 @@ void SetupDirtyVertexBindings(Tables& tables) {
     static constexpr size_t divisor_offset = 3;
     for (size_t i = 0; i < Regs::NumVertexArrays; ++i) {
         const u8 flag = static_cast<u8>(VertexBinding0 + i);
-        tables[0][OFF(instanced_arrays) + i] = VertexInput;
-        tables[1][OFF(instanced_arrays) + i] = flag;
-        tables[0][OFF(vertex_array) + i * NUM(vertex_array[0]) + divisor_offset] = VertexInput;
-        tables[1][OFF(vertex_array) + i * NUM(vertex_array[0]) + divisor_offset] = flag;
+        tables[0][OFF(vertex_stream_instances) + i] = VertexInput;
+        tables[1][OFF(vertex_stream_instances) + i] = flag;
+        tables[0][OFF(vertex_streams) + i * NUM(vertex_streams[0]) + divisor_offset] = VertexInput;
+        tables[1][OFF(vertex_streams) + i * NUM(vertex_streams[0]) + divisor_offset] = flag;
 } // Anonymous namespace
diff --git a/src/video_core/shader_cache.cpp b/src/video_core/shader_cache.cpp
index f530665794..d9482371bc 100644
--- a/src/video_core/shader_cache.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/shader_cache.cpp
@@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ bool ShaderCache::RefreshStages(std::array<u64, 6>& unique_hashes) {
     dirty[VideoCommon::Dirty::Shaders] = false;
-    const GPUVAddr base_addr{maxwell3d->regs.code_address.CodeAddress()};
+    const GPUVAddr base_addr{maxwell3d->regs.program_region.Address()};
     for (size_t index = 0; index < Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::MaxShaderProgram; ++index) {
         if (!maxwell3d->regs.IsShaderConfigEnabled(index)) {
             unique_hashes[index] = 0;
-        const auto& shader_config{maxwell3d->regs.shader_config[index]};
-        const auto program{static_cast<Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderProgram>(index)};
+        const auto& shader_config{maxwell3d->regs.pipelines[index]};
+        const auto program{static_cast<Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderType>(index)};
         const GPUVAddr shader_addr{base_addr + shader_config.offset};
         const std::optional<VAddr> cpu_shader_addr{gpu_memory->GpuToCpuAddress(shader_addr)};
         if (!cpu_shader_addr) {
@@ -90,14 +90,14 @@ const ShaderInfo* ShaderCache::ComputeShader() {
 void ShaderCache::GetGraphicsEnvironments(GraphicsEnvironments& result,
                                           const std::array<u64, NUM_PROGRAMS>& unique_hashes) {
     size_t env_index{};
-    const GPUVAddr base_addr{maxwell3d->regs.code_address.CodeAddress()};
+    const GPUVAddr base_addr{maxwell3d->regs.program_region.Address()};
     for (size_t index = 0; index < NUM_PROGRAMS; ++index) {
         if (unique_hashes[index] == 0) {
-        const auto program{static_cast<Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderProgram>(index)};
+        const auto program{static_cast<Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderType>(index)};
         auto& env{result.envs[index]};
-        const u32 start_address{maxwell3d->regs.shader_config[index].offset};
+        const u32 start_address{maxwell3d->regs.pipelines[index].offset};
         env = GraphicsEnvironment{*maxwell3d, *gpu_memory, program, base_addr, start_address};
         result.env_ptrs[env_index++] = &env;
diff --git a/src/video_core/shader_environment.cpp b/src/video_core/shader_environment.cpp
index 5f76259470..fbabb32194 100644
--- a/src/video_core/shader_environment.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/shader_environment.cpp
@@ -250,34 +250,34 @@ Shader::TextureType GenericEnvironment::ReadTextureTypeImpl(GPUVAddr tic_addr, u
 GraphicsEnvironment::GraphicsEnvironment(Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D& maxwell3d_,
                                          Tegra::MemoryManager& gpu_memory_,
-                                         Maxwell::ShaderProgram program, GPUVAddr program_base_,
+                                         Maxwell::ShaderType program, GPUVAddr program_base_,
                                          u32 start_address_)
     : GenericEnvironment{gpu_memory_, program_base_, start_address_}, maxwell3d{&maxwell3d_} {
     gpu_memory->ReadBlock(program_base + start_address, &sph, sizeof(sph));
     initial_offset = sizeof(sph);
-    gp_passthrough_mask = maxwell3d->regs.gp_passthrough_mask;
+    gp_passthrough_mask = maxwell3d->regs.post_vtg_shader_attrib_skip_mask;
     switch (program) {
-    case Maxwell::ShaderProgram::VertexA:
+    case Maxwell::ShaderType::VertexA:
         stage = Shader::Stage::VertexA;
         stage_index = 0;
-    case Maxwell::ShaderProgram::VertexB:
+    case Maxwell::ShaderType::VertexB:
         stage = Shader::Stage::VertexB;
         stage_index = 0;
-    case Maxwell::ShaderProgram::TesselationControl:
+    case Maxwell::ShaderType::TessellationInit:
         stage = Shader::Stage::TessellationControl;
         stage_index = 1;
-    case Maxwell::ShaderProgram::TesselationEval:
+    case Maxwell::ShaderType::Tessellation:
         stage = Shader::Stage::TessellationEval;
         stage_index = 2;
-    case Maxwell::ShaderProgram::Geometry:
+    case Maxwell::ShaderType::Geometry:
         stage = Shader::Stage::Geometry;
         stage_index = 3;
-    case Maxwell::ShaderProgram::Fragment:
+    case Maxwell::ShaderType::Pixel:
         stage = Shader::Stage::Fragment;
         stage_index = 4;
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ GraphicsEnvironment::GraphicsEnvironment(Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D& maxwell3d_,
     const u64 local_size{sph.LocalMemorySize()};
     ASSERT(local_size <= std::numeric_limits<u32>::max());
     local_memory_size = static_cast<u32>(local_size) + sph.common3.shader_local_memory_crs_size;
-    texture_bound = maxwell3d->regs.tex_cb_index;
+    texture_bound = maxwell3d->regs.bindless_texture_const_buffer_slot;
 u32 GraphicsEnvironment::ReadCbufValue(u32 cbuf_index, u32 cbuf_offset) {
@@ -304,8 +304,9 @@ u32 GraphicsEnvironment::ReadCbufValue(u32 cbuf_index, u32 cbuf_offset) {
 Shader::TextureType GraphicsEnvironment::ReadTextureType(u32 handle) {
     const auto& regs{maxwell3d->regs};
-    const bool via_header_index{regs.sampler_index == Maxwell::SamplerIndex::ViaHeaderIndex};
-    return ReadTextureTypeImpl(regs.tic.Address(), regs.tic.limit, via_header_index, handle);
+    const bool via_header_index{regs.sampler_binding == Maxwell::SamplerBinding::ViaHeaderBinding};
+    return ReadTextureTypeImpl(regs.tex_header.Address(), regs.tex_header.limit, via_header_index,
+                               handle);
 ComputeEnvironment::ComputeEnvironment(Tegra::Engines::KeplerCompute& kepler_compute_,
diff --git a/src/video_core/shader_environment.h b/src/video_core/shader_environment.h
index 5a145f33a6..8b3b8e9f54 100644
--- a/src/video_core/shader_environment.h
+++ b/src/video_core/shader_environment.h
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public:
     explicit GraphicsEnvironment() = default;
     explicit GraphicsEnvironment(Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D& maxwell3d_,
                                  Tegra::MemoryManager& gpu_memory_,
-                                 Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderProgram program,
+                                 Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderType program,
                                  GPUVAddr program_base_, u32 start_address_);
     ~GraphicsEnvironment() override = default;
diff --git a/src/video_core/surface.cpp b/src/video_core/surface.cpp
index a2bf082941..6bd133d103 100644
--- a/src/video_core/surface.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/surface.cpp
@@ -73,17 +73,17 @@ bool SurfaceTargetIsArray(SurfaceTarget target) {
 PixelFormat PixelFormatFromDepthFormat(Tegra::DepthFormat format) {
     switch (format) {
-    case Tegra::DepthFormat::S8_UINT_Z24_UNORM:
+    case Tegra::DepthFormat::Z24_UNORM_S8_UINT:
         return PixelFormat::S8_UINT_D24_UNORM;
-    case Tegra::DepthFormat::D24S8_UNORM:
+    case Tegra::DepthFormat::S8Z24_UNORM:
         return PixelFormat::D24_UNORM_S8_UINT;
-    case Tegra::DepthFormat::D32_FLOAT:
+    case Tegra::DepthFormat::Z32_FLOAT:
         return PixelFormat::D32_FLOAT;
-    case Tegra::DepthFormat::D16_UNORM:
+    case Tegra::DepthFormat::Z16_UNORM:
         return PixelFormat::D16_UNORM;
     case Tegra::DepthFormat::S8_UINT:
         return PixelFormat::S8_UINT;
-    case Tegra::DepthFormat::D32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT:
+    case Tegra::DepthFormat::Z32_FLOAT_X24S8_UINT:
         return PixelFormat::D32_FLOAT_S8_UINT;
         UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented format={}", format);
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ PixelFormat PixelFormatFromRenderTargetFormat(Tegra::RenderTargetFormat format)
         return PixelFormat::R32G32_UINT;
     case Tegra::RenderTargetFormat::R16G16B16X16_FLOAT:
         return PixelFormat::R16G16B16X16_FLOAT;
-    case Tegra::RenderTargetFormat::B8G8R8A8_UNORM:
+    case Tegra::RenderTargetFormat::A8R8G8B8_UNORM:
         return PixelFormat::B8G8R8A8_UNORM;
-    case Tegra::RenderTargetFormat::B8G8R8A8_SRGB:
+    case Tegra::RenderTargetFormat::A8R8G8B8_SRGB:
         return PixelFormat::B8G8R8A8_SRGB;
     case Tegra::RenderTargetFormat::A2B10G10R10_UNORM:
         return PixelFormat::A2B10G10R10_UNORM;
diff --git a/src/video_core/texture_cache/image_info.cpp b/src/video_core/texture_cache/image_info.cpp
index 6c073ee57b..852ec25194 100644
--- a/src/video_core/texture_cache/image_info.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/texture_cache/image_info.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2020 yuzu Emulator Project
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+#include <fmt/format.h>
 #include "common/assert.h"
 #include "video_core/surface.h"
 #include "video_core/texture_cache/format_lookup_table.h"
@@ -12,6 +14,7 @@
 namespace VideoCommon {
+using Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D;
 using Tegra::Texture::TextureType;
 using Tegra::Texture::TICEntry;
 using VideoCore::Surface::PixelFormat;
@@ -107,12 +110,13 @@ ImageInfo::ImageInfo(const TICEntry& config) noexcept {
-ImageInfo::ImageInfo(const Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs& regs, size_t index) noexcept {
+ImageInfo::ImageInfo(const Maxwell3D::Regs& regs, size_t index) noexcept {
     const auto& rt = regs.rt[index];
     format = VideoCore::Surface::PixelFormatFromRenderTargetFormat(rt.format);
     rescaleable = false;
     if (rt.tile_mode.is_pitch_linear) {
-        ASSERT(rt.tile_mode.is_3d == 0);
+        ASSERT(rt.tile_mode.dim_control ==
+               Maxwell3D::Regs::TileMode::DimensionControl::DepthDefinesArray);
         type = ImageType::Linear;
         pitch = rt.width;
         size = Extent3D{
@@ -124,15 +128,16 @@ ImageInfo::ImageInfo(const Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs& regs, size_t index)
     size.width = rt.width;
     size.height = rt.height;
-    layer_stride = rt.layer_stride * 4;
+    layer_stride = rt.array_pitch * 4;
     maybe_unaligned_layer_stride = layer_stride;
-    num_samples = NumSamples(regs.multisample_mode);
+    num_samples = NumSamples(regs.anti_alias_samples_mode);
     block = Extent3D{
         .width = rt.tile_mode.block_width,
         .height = rt.tile_mode.block_height,
         .depth = rt.tile_mode.block_depth,
-    if (rt.tile_mode.is_3d) {
+    if (rt.tile_mode.dim_control ==
+        Maxwell3D::Regs::TileMode::DimensionControl::DepthDefinesDepth) {
         type = ImageType::e3D;
         size.depth = rt.depth;
     } else {
@@ -146,31 +151,37 @@ ImageInfo::ImageInfo(const Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs& regs, size_t index)
 ImageInfo::ImageInfo(const Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs& regs) noexcept {
     format = VideoCore::Surface::PixelFormatFromDepthFormat(regs.zeta.format);
-    size.width = regs.zeta_width;
-    size.height = regs.zeta_height;
+    size.width = regs.zeta_size.width;
+    size.height = regs.zeta_size.height;
     rescaleable = false;
     resources.levels = 1;
-    layer_stride = regs.zeta.layer_stride * 4;
+    layer_stride = regs.zeta.array_pitch * 4;
     maybe_unaligned_layer_stride = layer_stride;
-    num_samples = NumSamples(regs.multisample_mode);
+    num_samples = NumSamples(regs.anti_alias_samples_mode);
     block = Extent3D{
         .width = regs.zeta.tile_mode.block_width,
         .height = regs.zeta.tile_mode.block_height,
         .depth = regs.zeta.tile_mode.block_depth,
     if (regs.zeta.tile_mode.is_pitch_linear) {
-        ASSERT(regs.zeta.tile_mode.is_3d == 0);
+        ASSERT(regs.zeta.tile_mode.dim_control ==
+               Maxwell3D::Regs::TileMode::DimensionControl::DepthDefinesArray);
         type = ImageType::Linear;
         pitch = size.width * BytesPerBlock(format);
-    } else if (regs.zeta.tile_mode.is_3d) {
+    } else if (regs.zeta.tile_mode.dim_control ==
+               Maxwell3D::Regs::TileMode::DimensionControl::DepthDefinesDepth) {
         ASSERT(regs.zeta.tile_mode.is_pitch_linear == 0);
+        ASSERT(regs.zeta_size.dim_control ==
+               Maxwell3D::Regs::ZetaSize::DimensionControl::ArraySizeOne);
         type = ImageType::e3D;
-        size.depth = regs.zeta_depth;
+        size.depth = regs.zeta_size.depth;
     } else {
+        ASSERT(regs.zeta_size.dim_control ==
+               Maxwell3D::Regs::ZetaSize::DimensionControl::DepthDefinesArray);
         rescaleable = block.depth == 0;
         downscaleable = size.height > 512;
         type = ImageType::e2D;
-        resources.layers = regs.zeta_depth;
+        resources.layers = regs.zeta_size.depth;
diff --git a/src/video_core/texture_cache/texture_cache.h b/src/video_core/texture_cache/texture_cache.h
index eaf4a1c959..413baf730d 100644
--- a/src/video_core/texture_cache/texture_cache.h
+++ b/src/video_core/texture_cache/texture_cache.h
@@ -189,15 +189,16 @@ typename P::Sampler* TextureCache<P>::GetComputeSampler(u32 index) {
 template <class P>
 void TextureCache<P>::SynchronizeGraphicsDescriptors() {
-    using SamplerIndex = Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::SamplerIndex;
-    const bool linked_tsc = maxwell3d->regs.sampler_index == SamplerIndex::ViaHeaderIndex;
-    const u32 tic_limit = maxwell3d->regs.tic.limit;
-    const u32 tsc_limit = linked_tsc ? tic_limit : maxwell3d->regs.tsc.limit;
-    if (channel_state->graphics_sampler_table.Synchornize(maxwell3d->regs.tsc.Address(),
+    using SamplerBinding = Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::SamplerBinding;
+    const bool linked_tsc = maxwell3d->regs.sampler_binding == SamplerBinding::ViaHeaderBinding;
+    const u32 tic_limit = maxwell3d->regs.tex_header.limit;
+    const u32 tsc_limit = linked_tsc ? tic_limit : maxwell3d->regs.tex_sampler.limit;
+    if (channel_state->graphics_sampler_table.Synchornize(maxwell3d->regs.tex_sampler.Address(),
                                                           tsc_limit)) {
         channel_state->graphics_sampler_ids.resize(tsc_limit + 1, CORRUPT_ID);
-    if (channel_state->graphics_image_table.Synchornize(maxwell3d->regs.tic.Address(), tic_limit)) {
+    if (channel_state->graphics_image_table.Synchornize(maxwell3d->regs.tex_header.Address(),
+                                                        tic_limit)) {
         channel_state->graphics_image_view_ids.resize(tic_limit + 1, CORRUPT_ID);
@@ -352,8 +353,8 @@ void TextureCache<P>::UpdateRenderTargets(bool is_clear) {
         down_shift = Settings::values.resolution_info.down_shift;
     render_targets.size = Extent2D{
-        (maxwell3d->regs.render_area.width * up_scale) >> down_shift,
-        (maxwell3d->regs.render_area.height * up_scale) >> down_shift,
+        (maxwell3d->regs.surface_clip.width * up_scale) >> down_shift,
+        (maxwell3d->regs.surface_clip.height * up_scale) >> down_shift,
     render_targets.is_rescaled = is_rescaling;
@@ -1980,7 +1981,7 @@ bool TextureCache<P>::IsFullClear(ImageViewId id) {
         // Images with multiple resources can't be cleared in a single call
         return false;
-    if (regs.clear_flags.scissor == 0) {
+    if (regs.clear_control.use_scissor == 0) {
         // If scissor testing is disabled, the clear is always full
         return true;
diff --git a/src/video_core/transform_feedback.cpp b/src/video_core/transform_feedback.cpp
index 7e605981c3..45071185ad 100644
--- a/src/video_core/transform_feedback.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/transform_feedback.cpp
@@ -15,51 +15,51 @@ namespace VideoCommon {
 std::vector<Shader::TransformFeedbackVarying> MakeTransformFeedbackVaryings(
     const TransformFeedbackState& state) {
     static constexpr std::array VECTORS{
-        28,  // gl_Position
-        32,  // Generic 0
-        36,  // Generic 1
-        40,  // Generic 2
-        44,  // Generic 3
-        48,  // Generic 4
-        52,  // Generic 5
-        56,  // Generic 6
-        60,  // Generic 7
-        64,  // Generic 8
-        68,  // Generic 9
-        72,  // Generic 10
-        76,  // Generic 11
-        80,  // Generic 12
-        84,  // Generic 13
-        88,  // Generic 14
-        92,  // Generic 15
-        96,  // Generic 16
-        100, // Generic 17
-        104, // Generic 18
-        108, // Generic 19
-        112, // Generic 20
-        116, // Generic 21
-        120, // Generic 22
-        124, // Generic 23
-        128, // Generic 24
-        132, // Generic 25
-        136, // Generic 26
-        140, // Generic 27
-        144, // Generic 28
-        148, // Generic 29
-        152, // Generic 30
-        156, // Generic 31
-        160, // gl_FrontColor
-        164, // gl_FrontSecondaryColor
-        160, // gl_BackColor
-        164, // gl_BackSecondaryColor
-        192, // gl_TexCoord[0]
-        196, // gl_TexCoord[1]
-        200, // gl_TexCoord[2]
-        204, // gl_TexCoord[3]
-        208, // gl_TexCoord[4]
-        212, // gl_TexCoord[5]
-        216, // gl_TexCoord[6]
-        220, // gl_TexCoord[7]
+        28U,  // gl_Position
+        32U,  // Generic 0
+        36U,  // Generic 1
+        40U,  // Generic 2
+        44U,  // Generic 3
+        48U,  // Generic 4
+        52U,  // Generic 5
+        56U,  // Generic 6
+        60U,  // Generic 7
+        64U,  // Generic 8
+        68U,  // Generic 9
+        72U,  // Generic 10
+        76U,  // Generic 11
+        80U,  // Generic 12
+        84U,  // Generic 13
+        88U,  // Generic 14
+        92U,  // Generic 15
+        96U,  // Generic 16
+        100U, // Generic 17
+        104U, // Generic 18
+        108U, // Generic 19
+        112U, // Generic 20
+        116U, // Generic 21
+        120U, // Generic 22
+        124U, // Generic 23
+        128U, // Generic 24
+        132U, // Generic 25
+        136U, // Generic 26
+        140U, // Generic 27
+        144U, // Generic 28
+        148U, // Generic 29
+        152U, // Generic 30
+        156U, // Generic 31
+        160U, // gl_FrontColor
+        164U, // gl_FrontSecondaryColor
+        160U, // gl_BackColor
+        164U, // gl_BackSecondaryColor
+        192U, // gl_TexCoord[0]
+        196U, // gl_TexCoord[1]
+        200U, // gl_TexCoord[2]
+        204U, // gl_TexCoord[3]
+        208U, // gl_TexCoord[4]
+        212U, // gl_TexCoord[5]
+        216U, // gl_TexCoord[6]
+        220U, // gl_TexCoord[7]
     std::vector<Shader::TransformFeedbackVarying> xfb(256);
     for (size_t buffer = 0; buffer < state.layouts.size(); ++buffer) {
@@ -68,8 +68,20 @@ std::vector<Shader::TransformFeedbackVarying> MakeTransformFeedbackVaryings(
         const u32 varying_count = layout.varying_count;
         u32 highest = 0;
         for (u32 offset = 0; offset < varying_count; ++offset) {
-            const u32 base_offset = offset;
-            const u8 location = locations[offset];
+            const auto get_attribute = [&locations](u32 index) -> u32 {
+                switch (index % 4) {
+                case 0:
+                    return locations[index / 4].attribute0.Value();
+                case 1:
+                    return locations[index / 4].attribute1.Value();
+                case 2:
+                    return locations[index / 4].attribute2.Value();
+                case 3:
+                    return locations[index / 4].attribute3.Value();
+                }
+                UNREACHABLE();
+                return 0;
+            };
             UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(layout.stream != 0, "Stream is not zero: {}", layout.stream);
             Shader::TransformFeedbackVarying varying{
@@ -78,16 +90,18 @@ std::vector<Shader::TransformFeedbackVarying> MakeTransformFeedbackVaryings(
                 .offset = offset * 4,
                 .components = 1,
-            if (std::ranges::find(VECTORS, Common::AlignDown(location, 4)) != VECTORS.end()) {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(location % 4 != 0, "Unaligned TFB");
+            const u32 base_offset = offset;
+            const auto attribute{get_attribute(offset)};
+            if (std::ranges::find(VECTORS, Common::AlignDown(attribute, 4)) != VECTORS.end()) {
+                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(attribute % 4 != 0, "Unaligned TFB {}", attribute);
-                const u8 base_index = location / 4;
-                while (offset + 1 < varying_count && base_index == locations[offset + 1] / 4) {
+                const auto base_index = attribute / 4;
+                while (offset + 1 < varying_count && base_index == get_attribute(offset + 1) / 4) {
-            xfb[location] = varying;
+            xfb[attribute] = varying;
             highest = std::max(highest, (base_offset + varying.components) * 4);
         UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(highest != layout.stride);
diff --git a/src/video_core/transform_feedback.h b/src/video_core/transform_feedback.h
index a519adb59e..d13eb16c39 100644
--- a/src/video_core/transform_feedback.h
+++ b/src/video_core/transform_feedback.h
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ struct TransformFeedbackState {
         u32 stride;
     std::array<Layout, Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::NumTransformFeedbackBuffers> layouts;
-    std::array<std::array<u8, 128>, Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::NumTransformFeedbackBuffers>
+    std::array<std::array<Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::StreamOutLayout, 32>,
+               Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::NumTransformFeedbackBuffers>