diff --git a/src/core/file_sys/submission_package.cpp b/src/core/file_sys/submission_package.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..660771cf8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/file_sys/submission_package.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+// Copyright 2018 yuzu emulator team
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include <fmt/ostream.h>
+#include "common/assert.h"
+#include "common/hex_util.h"
+#include "core/file_sys/content_archive.h"
+#include "core/file_sys/nca_metadata.h"
+#include "core/file_sys/submission_package.h"
+#include "core/loader/loader.h"
+namespace FileSys {
+NSP::NSP(VirtualFile file_)
+    : file(std::move(file_)),
+      pfs(std::make_shared<PartitionFilesystem>(file)), status{Loader::ResultStatus::Success} {
+    if (pfs->GetStatus() != Loader::ResultStatus::Success) {
+        status = pfs->GetStatus();
+        return;
+    }
+    if (IsDirectoryExeFS(pfs)) {
+        extracted = true;
+        exefs = pfs;
+        const auto& files = pfs->GetFiles();
+        const auto romfs_iter =
+            std::find_if(files.begin(), files.end(), [](const FileSys::VirtualFile& file) {
+                return file->GetName().find(".romfs") != std::string::npos;
+            });
+        if (romfs_iter != files.end())
+            romfs = *romfs_iter;
+        return;
+    }
+    extracted = false;
+    const auto files = pfs->GetFiles();
+    Core::Crypto::KeyManager keys;
+    for (const auto& ticket_file : files) {
+        if (ticket_file->GetExtension() == "tik") {
+            if (ticket_file == nullptr ||
+                ticket_file->GetSize() <
+                    Core::Crypto::TICKET_FILE_TITLEKEY_OFFSET + sizeof(Core::Crypto::Key128)) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            Core::Crypto::Key128 key{};
+            ticket_file->Read(key.data(), key.size(), Core::Crypto::TICKET_FILE_TITLEKEY_OFFSET);
+            std::string_view name_only(ticket_file->GetName());
+            name_only.remove_suffix(4);
+            const auto rights_id_raw = Common::HexStringToArray<16>(name_only);
+            u128 rights_id;
+            std::memcpy(rights_id.data(), rights_id_raw.data(), sizeof(u128));
+            keys.SetKey(Core::Crypto::S128KeyType::Titlekey, key, rights_id[1], rights_id[0]);
+        }
+    }
+    for (const auto& outer_file : files) {
+        if (outer_file->GetName().substr(outer_file->GetName().size() - 9) == ".cnmt.nca") {
+            const auto nca = std::make_shared<NCA>(outer_file);
+            if (nca->GetStatus() != Loader::ResultStatus::Success)
+                continue;
+            const auto section0 = nca->GetSubdirectories()[0];
+            for (const auto& inner_file : section0->GetFiles()) {
+                if (inner_file->GetExtension() != "cnmt")
+                    continue;
+                const CNMT cnmt(inner_file);
+                auto& ncas_title = ncas[cnmt.GetTitleID()];
+                ncas_title[ContentRecordType::Meta] = nca;
+                for (const auto& rec : cnmt.GetContentRecords()) {
+                    const auto next_file = pfs->GetFile(
+                        fmt::format("{}.nca", Common::HexArrayToString(rec.nca_id, false)));
+                    if (next_file == nullptr) {
+                        LOG_WARNING(Service_FS,
+                                    "NCA with ID {}.nca is listed in content metadata, but cannot "
+                                    "be found in PFS. NSP appears to be corrupted.",
+                                    Common::HexArrayToString(rec.nca_id, false));
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    const auto next_nca = std::make_shared<NCA>(next_file);
+                    if (next_nca->GetType() == NCAContentType::Program)
+                        program_status[cnmt.GetTitleID()] = next_nca->GetStatus();
+                    if (next_nca->GetStatus() == Loader::ResultStatus::Success)
+                        ncas_title[rec.type] = next_nca;
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+Loader::ResultStatus NSP::GetStatus() const {
+    return status;
+Loader::ResultStatus NSP::GetProgramStatus(u64 title_id) const {
+    if (program_status.find(title_id) != program_status.end())
+        return program_status.at(title_id);
+    return Loader::ResultStatus::ErrorNSPMissingProgramNCA;
+u64 NSP::GetFirstTitleID() const {
+    if (program_status.empty())
+        return 0;
+    return program_status.begin()->first;
+u64 NSP::GetProgramTitleID() const {
+    auto out = GetFirstTitleID();
+    for (const auto other_tid : GetTitleIDs()) {
+        if ((out & 0x800) != 0)
+            out = other_tid;
+    }
+    return out;
+std::vector<u64> NSP::GetTitleIDs() const {
+    std::vector<u64> out;
+    for (const auto& kv : ncas)
+        out.push_back(kv.first);
+    return out;
+bool NSP::IsExtractedType() const {
+    return extracted;
+VirtualFile NSP::GetRomFS() const {
+    return romfs;
+VirtualDir NSP::GetExeFS() const {
+    return exefs;
+std::vector<std::shared_ptr<NCA>> NSP::GetNCAsCollapsed() const {
+    if (extracted)
+        LOG_WARNING(Service_FS, "called on an NSP that is of type extracted.");
+    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<NCA>> out;
+    for (const auto& map : ncas) {
+        for (const auto& inner_map : map.second)
+            out.push_back(inner_map.second);
+    }
+    return out;
+std::multimap<u64, std::shared_ptr<NCA>> NSP::GetNCAsByTitleID() const {
+    if (extracted)
+        LOG_WARNING(Service_FS, "called on an NSP that is of type extracted.");
+    std::multimap<u64, std::shared_ptr<NCA>> out;
+    for (const auto& map : ncas) {
+        for (const auto& inner_map : map.second)
+            out.insert({map.first, inner_map.second});
+    }
+    return out;
+std::map<u64, std::map<ContentRecordType, std::shared_ptr<NCA>>> NSP::GetNCAs() const {
+    return ncas;
+std::shared_ptr<NCA> NSP::GetNCA(u64 title_id, ContentRecordType type) const {
+    if (extracted)
+        LOG_WARNING(Service_FS, "called on an NSP that is of type extracted.");
+    if (ncas.find(title_id) != ncas.end()) {
+        const auto& inner_map = ncas.at(title_id);
+        if (inner_map.find(type) != inner_map.end())
+            return inner_map.at(type);
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+VirtualFile NSP::GetNCAFile(u64 title_id, ContentRecordType type) const {
+    if (extracted)
+        LOG_WARNING(Service_FS, "called on an NSP that is of type extracted.");
+    const auto nca = GetNCA(title_id, type);
+    if (nca != nullptr)
+        return nca->GetBaseFile();
+    return nullptr;
+std::vector<Core::Crypto::Key128> NSP::GetTitlekey() const {
+    if (extracted)
+        LOG_WARNING(Service_FS, "called on an NSP that is of type extracted.");
+    std::vector<Core::Crypto::Key128> out;
+    for (const auto& ticket_file : ticket_files) {
+        if (ticket_file == nullptr ||
+            ticket_file->GetSize() <
+                Core::Crypto::TICKET_FILE_TITLEKEY_OFFSET + sizeof(Core::Crypto::Key128)) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        Core::Crypto::Key128 key{};
+        ticket_file->Read(key.data(), key.size(), Core::Crypto::TICKET_FILE_TITLEKEY_OFFSET);
+        out.push_back(key);
+    }
+    return out;
+std::vector<VirtualFile> NSP::GetFiles() const {
+    return pfs->GetFiles();
+std::vector<VirtualDir> NSP::GetSubdirectories() const {
+    return pfs->GetSubdirectories();
+std::string NSP::GetName() const {
+    return file->GetName();
+VirtualDir NSP::GetParentDirectory() const {
+    return file->GetContainingDirectory();
+bool NSP::ReplaceFileWithSubdirectory(VirtualFile file, VirtualDir dir) {
+    return false;
+} // namespace FileSys
diff --git a/src/core/file_sys/submission_package.h b/src/core/file_sys/submission_package.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b520df57a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/file_sys/submission_package.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// Copyright 2018 yuzu emulator team
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#pragma once
+#include <array>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include "common/common_types.h"
+#include "common/swap.h"
+#include "core/file_sys/content_archive.h"
+#include "core/file_sys/vfs.h"
+#include "core/loader/loader.h"
+#include "romfs_factory.h"
+namespace FileSys {
+class NSP : public ReadOnlyVfsDirectory {
+    explicit NSP(VirtualFile file);
+    Loader::ResultStatus GetStatus() const;
+    Loader::ResultStatus GetProgramStatus(u64 title_id) const;
+    // Should only be used when one title id can be assured.
+    u64 GetFirstTitleID() const;
+    u64 GetProgramTitleID() const;
+    std::vector<u64> GetTitleIDs() const;
+    bool IsExtractedType() const;
+    // Common (Can be safely called on both types)
+    VirtualFile GetRomFS() const;
+    VirtualDir GetExeFS() const;
+    // Type 0 Only (Collection of NCAs + Certificate + Ticket + Meta XML)
+    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<NCA>> GetNCAsCollapsed() const;
+    std::multimap<u64, std::shared_ptr<NCA>> GetNCAsByTitleID() const;
+    std::map<u64, std::map<ContentRecordType, std::shared_ptr<NCA>>> GetNCAs() const;
+    std::shared_ptr<NCA> GetNCA(u64 title_id, ContentRecordType type) const;
+    VirtualFile GetNCAFile(u64 title_id, ContentRecordType type) const;
+    std::vector<Core::Crypto::Key128> GetTitlekey() const;
+    std::vector<VirtualFile> GetFiles() const override;
+    std::vector<VirtualDir> GetSubdirectories() const override;
+    std::string GetName() const override;
+    VirtualDir GetParentDirectory() const override;
+    bool ReplaceFileWithSubdirectory(VirtualFile file, VirtualDir dir) override;
+    VirtualFile file;
+    bool extracted;
+    Loader::ResultStatus status;
+    std::map<u64, Loader::ResultStatus> program_status;
+    std::shared_ptr<PartitionFilesystem> pfs;
+    // Map title id -> {map type -> NCA}
+    std::map<u64, std::map<ContentRecordType, std::shared_ptr<NCA>>> ncas;
+    std::vector<VirtualFile> ticket_files;
+    VirtualFile romfs;
+    VirtualDir exefs;
+} // namespace FileSys