From a59ae5e702a9fed1626e8815b2208acc7f373e22 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Morph <>
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2021 12:54:06 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] common: logging: backend: Close the file after exceeding the
 write limit

There's no point in keeping the file open after the write limit is exceeded. This allows the file to be committed to the disk shortly after it is closed and avoids redundantly checking whether or not the write limit is exceeded.
 src/common/logging/backend.cpp | 21 ++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/common/logging/backend.cpp b/src/common/logging/backend.cpp
index b6fa4affb8..61dddab3f5 100644
--- a/src/common/logging/backend.cpp
+++ b/src/common/logging/backend.cpp
@@ -171,19 +171,22 @@ FileBackend::FileBackend(const std::filesystem::path& filename) {
 FileBackend::~FileBackend() = default;
 void FileBackend::Write(const Entry& entry) {
-    using namespace Common::Literals;
-    // prevent logs from going over the maximum size (in case its spamming and the user doesn't
-    // know)
-    constexpr std::size_t MAX_BYTES_WRITTEN = 100_MiB;
-    constexpr std::size_t MAX_BYTES_WRITTEN_EXTENDED = 1_GiB;
     if (!file->IsOpen()) {
-    if (Settings::values.extended_logging && bytes_written > MAX_BYTES_WRITTEN_EXTENDED) {
-        return;
-    } else if (!Settings::values.extended_logging && bytes_written > MAX_BYTES_WRITTEN) {
+    using namespace Common::Literals;
+    // Prevent logs from exceeding a set maximum size in the event that log entries are spammed.
+    constexpr std::size_t MAX_BYTES_WRITTEN = 100_MiB;
+    constexpr std::size_t MAX_BYTES_WRITTEN_EXTENDED = 1_GiB;
+    const bool write_limit_exceeded =
+        bytes_written > MAX_BYTES_WRITTEN_EXTENDED ||
+        (bytes_written > MAX_BYTES_WRITTEN && !Settings::values.extended_logging);
+    // Close the file after the write limit is exceeded.
+    if (write_limit_exceeded) {
+        file->Close();