From cb5fe12ee1f1537caea2fced30d14a812082440b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maide <>
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2021 00:07:38 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [game_list] Correct light theme loading (#6408)

Correct light theme loading

The setLayout call in game list instantiation will call resizing signals with default values in light theme, which was then being erroneously saved. setLayout doesn't seem to call resizing for any other theme, so I'm not sure why that happens.
 src/yuzu/game_list.cpp | 6 +-----
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/yuzu/game_list.cpp b/src/yuzu/game_list.cpp
index c2e84ef797..9308cfef83 100644
--- a/src/yuzu/game_list.cpp
+++ b/src/yuzu/game_list.cpp
@@ -341,11 +341,7 @@ GameList::GameList(FileSys::VirtualFilesystem vfs, FileSys::ManualContentProvide
     connect(tree_view, &QTreeView::customContextMenuRequested, this, &GameList::PopupContextMenu);
     connect(tree_view, &QTreeView::expanded, this, &GameList::OnItemExpanded);
     connect(tree_view, &QTreeView::collapsed, this, &GameList::OnItemExpanded);
-    connect(tree_view->header(), &QHeaderView::sectionResized, this,
-            &GameList::SaveInterfaceLayout);
-    connect(tree_view->header(), &QHeaderView::sectionMoved, this, &GameList::SaveInterfaceLayout);
-    connect(tree_view->header(), &QHeaderView::sortIndicatorChanged, this,
-            &GameList::SaveInterfaceLayout);
     // We must register all custom types with the Qt Automoc system so that we are able to use
     // it with signals/slots. In this case, QList falls under the umbrells of custom types.