From e704da91929b06e5d65959c78e88e570d707a773 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vortex <>
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 2021 00:18:53 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] externals: httplib: replace custom httplib header with
 upstream as submodule.

This also includes a minor change to web_service.cpp - to fix compatibility with upstream changes.
 .gitmodules                     |    3 +
 externals/CMakeLists.txt        |    2 +-
 externals/cpp-httplib           |    1 +
 externals/httplib/     |   15 -
 externals/httplib/httplib.h     | 6714 -------------------------------
 src/web_service/web_backend.cpp |    3 +-
 6 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 6731 deletions(-)
 create mode 160000 externals/cpp-httplib
 delete mode 100644 externals/httplib/
 delete mode 100644 externals/httplib/httplib.h

diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index d294e850d0..749cd0408d 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -43,3 +43,6 @@
 [submodule "SDL"]
 	path = externals/SDL
 	url =
+[submodule "externals/cpp-httplib"]
+	path = externals/cpp-httplib
+	url =
diff --git a/externals/CMakeLists.txt b/externals/CMakeLists.txt
index d1d1436da6..fd427a912d 100644
--- a/externals/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/externals/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ if (ENABLE_WEB_SERVICE)
     # httplib
     add_library(httplib INTERFACE)
-    target_include_directories(httplib INTERFACE ./httplib)
+    target_include_directories(httplib INTERFACE ./cpp-httplib)
     target_compile_definitions(httplib INTERFACE -DCPPHTTPLIB_OPENSSL_SUPPORT)
     target_link_libraries(httplib INTERFACE ${OPENSSL_LIBRARIES})
     if (WIN32)
diff --git a/externals/cpp-httplib b/externals/cpp-httplib
new file mode 160000
index 0000000000..9648f950f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/externals/cpp-httplib
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 9648f950f5a8a41d18833cf4a85f5821b1bcac54
diff --git a/externals/httplib/ b/externals/httplib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1940e446c7..0000000000
--- a/externals/httplib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-From with
-MIT License
-A C++11 header-only HTTP library.
-It's extremely easy to setup. Just include httplib.h file in your code!
-Inspired by Sinatra and express.
-© 2017 Yuji Hirose
diff --git a/externals/httplib/httplib.h b/externals/httplib/httplib.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8982054e25..0000000000
--- a/externals/httplib/httplib.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6714 +0,0 @@
-//  httplib.h
-//  Copyright (c) 2020 Yuji Hirose. All rights reserved.
-//  MIT License
- * Configuration
- */
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#define CPPHTTPLIB_PAYLOAD_MAX_LENGTH ((std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max)())
-#define CPPHTTPLIB_RECV_BUFSIZ size_t(4096u)
-#define CPPHTTPLIB_THREAD_POOL_COUNT                                           \
-  ((std::max)(8u, std::thread::hardware_concurrency() > 0                      \
-                      ? std::thread::hardware_concurrency() - 1                \
-                      : 0))
- * Headers
- */
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#ifdef _WIN64
-using ssize_t = __int64;
-using ssize_t = int;
-#if _MSC_VER < 1900
-#define snprintf _snprintf_s
-#endif // _MSC_VER
-#ifndef S_ISREG
-#define S_ISREG(m) (((m)&S_IFREG) == S_IFREG)
-#endif // S_ISREG
-#ifndef S_ISDIR
-#define S_ISDIR(m) (((m)&S_IFDIR) == S_IFDIR)
-#endif // S_ISDIR
-#ifndef NOMINMAX
-#define NOMINMAX
-#endif // NOMINMAX
-#include <io.h>
-#include <winsock2.h>
-#include <wincrypt.h>
-#include <ws2tcpip.h>
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")
-#pragma comment(lib, "crypt32.lib")
-#pragma comment(lib, "cryptui.lib")
-#ifndef strcasecmp
-#define strcasecmp _stricmp
-#endif // strcasecmp
-using socket_t = SOCKET;
-#define poll(fds, nfds, timeout) WSAPoll(fds, nfds, timeout)
-#else // not _WIN32
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <ifaddrs.h>
-#include <netdb.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#ifdef __linux__
-#include <resolv.h>
-#include <netinet/tcp.h>
-#include <poll.h>
-#include <csignal>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <sys/select.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-using socket_t = int;
-#define INVALID_SOCKET (-1)
-#endif //_WIN32
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <array>
-#include <atomic>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <cctype>
-#include <climits>
-#include <condition_variable>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <functional>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <list>
-#include <map>
-#include <memory>
-#include <mutex>
-#include <random>
-#include <regex>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <thread>
-#include <openssl/err.h>
-#include <openssl/md5.h>
-#include <openssl/ssl.h>
-#include <openssl/x509v3.h>
-#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(OPENSSL_USE_APPLINK)
-#include <openssl/applink.c>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#error Sorry, OpenSSL versions prior to 1.1.1 are not supported
-#include <openssl/crypto.h>
-inline const unsigned char *ASN1_STRING_get0_data(const ASN1_STRING *asn1) {
-  return M_ASN1_STRING_data(asn1);
-#include <zlib.h>
-#include <brotli/decode.h>
-#include <brotli/encode.h>
- * Declaration
- */
-namespace httplib {
-namespace detail {
- * Backport std::make_unique from C++14.
- *
- * NOTE: This code came up with the following stackoverflow post:
- *
- *
- */
-template <class T, class... Args>
-typename std::enable_if<!std::is_array<T>::value, std::unique_ptr<T>>::type
-make_unique(Args &&... args) {
-  return std::unique_ptr<T>(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
-template <class T>
-typename std::enable_if<std::is_array<T>::value, std::unique_ptr<T>>::type
-make_unique(std::size_t n) {
-  typedef typename std::remove_extent<T>::type RT;
-  return std::unique_ptr<T>(new RT[n]);
-struct ci {
-  bool operator()(const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2) const {
-    return std::lexicographical_compare(
-        s1.begin(), s1.end(), s2.begin(), s2.end(),
-        [](char c1, char c2) { return ::tolower(c1) < ::tolower(c2); });
-  }
-} // namespace detail
-using Headers = std::multimap<std::string, std::string, detail::ci>;
-using Params = std::multimap<std::string, std::string>;
-using Match = std::smatch;
-using Progress = std::function<bool(uint64_t current, uint64_t total)>;
-struct Response;
-using ResponseHandler = std::function<bool(const Response &response)>;
-struct MultipartFormData {
-  std::string name;
-  std::string content;
-  std::string filename;
-  std::string content_type;
-using MultipartFormDataItems = std::vector<MultipartFormData>;
-using MultipartFormDataMap = std::multimap<std::string, MultipartFormData>;
-class DataSink {
-  DataSink() : os(&sb_), sb_(*this) {}
-  DataSink(const DataSink &) = delete;
-  DataSink &operator=(const DataSink &) = delete;
-  DataSink(DataSink &&) = delete;
-  DataSink &operator=(DataSink &&) = delete;
-  std::function<void(const char *data, size_t data_len)> write;
-  std::function<void()> done;
-  std::function<bool()> is_writable;
-  std::ostream os;
-  class data_sink_streambuf : public std::streambuf {
-  public:
-    explicit data_sink_streambuf(DataSink &sink) : sink_(sink) {}
-  protected:
-    std::streamsize xsputn(const char *s, std::streamsize n) {
-      sink_.write(s, static_cast<size_t>(n));
-      return n;
-    }
-  private:
-    DataSink &sink_;
-  };
-  data_sink_streambuf sb_;
-using ContentProvider =
-    std::function<bool(size_t offset, size_t length, DataSink &sink)>;
-using ContentProviderWithoutLength =
-    std::function<bool(size_t offset, DataSink &sink)>;
-using ContentReceiverWithProgress =
-    std::function<bool(const char *data, size_t data_length, uint64_t offset,
-                       uint64_t total_length)>;
-using ContentReceiver =
-    std::function<bool(const char *data, size_t data_length)>;
-using MultipartContentHeader =
-    std::function<bool(const MultipartFormData &file)>;
-class ContentReader {
-  using Reader = std::function<bool(ContentReceiver receiver)>;
-  using MultipartReader = std::function<bool(MultipartContentHeader header,
-                                             ContentReceiver receiver)>;
-  ContentReader(Reader reader, MultipartReader multipart_reader)
-      : reader_(std::move(reader)),
-        multipart_reader_(std::move(multipart_reader)) {}
-  bool operator()(MultipartContentHeader header,
-                  ContentReceiver receiver) const {
-    return multipart_reader_(std::move(header), std::move(receiver));
-  }
-  bool operator()(ContentReceiver receiver) const {
-    return reader_(std::move(receiver));
-  }
-  Reader reader_;
-  MultipartReader multipart_reader_;
-using Range = std::pair<ssize_t, ssize_t>;
-using Ranges = std::vector<Range>;
-struct Request {
-  std::string method;
-  std::string path;
-  Headers headers;
-  std::string body;
-  std::string remote_addr;
-  int remote_port = -1;
-  // for server
-  std::string version;
-  std::string target;
-  Params params;
-  MultipartFormDataMap files;
-  Ranges ranges;
-  Match matches;
-  // for client
-  size_t redirect_count = CPPHTTPLIB_REDIRECT_MAX_COUNT;
-  ResponseHandler response_handler;
-  ContentReceiverWithProgress content_receiver;
-  size_t content_length = 0;
-  ContentProvider content_provider;
-  Progress progress;
-  const SSL *ssl;
-  bool has_header(const char *key) const;
-  std::string get_header_value(const char *key, size_t id = 0) const;
-  template <typename T>
-  T get_header_value(const char *key, size_t id = 0) const;
-  size_t get_header_value_count(const char *key) const;
-  void set_header(const char *key, const char *val);
-  void set_header(const char *key, const std::string &val);
-  bool has_param(const char *key) const;
-  std::string get_param_value(const char *key, size_t id = 0) const;
-  size_t get_param_value_count(const char *key) const;
-  bool is_multipart_form_data() const;
-  bool has_file(const char *key) const;
-  MultipartFormData get_file_value(const char *key) const;
-  // private members...
-  size_t authorization_count_ = 0;
-struct Response {
-  std::string version;
-  int status = -1;
-  std::string reason;
-  Headers headers;
-  std::string body;
-  bool has_header(const char *key) const;
-  std::string get_header_value(const char *key, size_t id = 0) const;
-  template <typename T>
-  T get_header_value(const char *key, size_t id = 0) const;
-  size_t get_header_value_count(const char *key) const;
-  void set_header(const char *key, const char *val);
-  void set_header(const char *key, const std::string &val);
-  void set_redirect(const char *url, int status = 302);
-  void set_redirect(const std::string &url, int status = 302);
-  void set_content(const char *s, size_t n, const char *content_type);
-  void set_content(std::string s, const char *content_type);
-  void set_content_provider(
-      size_t length, const char *content_type, ContentProvider provider,
-      const std::function<void()> &resource_releaser = nullptr);
-  void set_content_provider(
-      const char *content_type, ContentProviderWithoutLength provider,
-      const std::function<void()> &resource_releaser = nullptr);
-  void set_chunked_content_provider(
-      const char *content_type, ContentProviderWithoutLength provider,
-      const std::function<void()> &resource_releaser = nullptr);
-  Response() = default;
-  Response(const Response &) = default;
-  Response &operator=(const Response &) = default;
-  Response(Response &&) = default;
-  Response &operator=(Response &&) = default;
-  ~Response() {
-    if (content_provider_resource_releaser_) {
-      content_provider_resource_releaser_();
-    }
-  }
-  // private members...
-  size_t content_length_ = 0;
-  ContentProvider content_provider_;
-  std::function<void()> content_provider_resource_releaser_;
-  bool is_chunked_content_provider = false;
-class Stream {
-  virtual ~Stream() = default;
-  virtual bool is_readable() const = 0;
-  virtual bool is_writable() const = 0;
-  virtual ssize_t read(char *ptr, size_t size) = 0;
-  virtual ssize_t write(const char *ptr, size_t size) = 0;
-  virtual void get_remote_ip_and_port(std::string &ip, int &port) const = 0;
-  template <typename... Args>
-  ssize_t write_format(const char *fmt, const Args &... args);
-  ssize_t write(const char *ptr);
-  ssize_t write(const std::string &s);
-class TaskQueue {
-  TaskQueue() = default;
-  virtual ~TaskQueue() = default;
-  virtual void enqueue(std::function<void()> fn) = 0;
-  virtual void shutdown() = 0;
-  virtual void on_idle(){};
-class ThreadPool : public TaskQueue {
-  explicit ThreadPool(size_t n) : shutdown_(false) {
-    while (n) {
-      threads_.emplace_back(worker(*this));
-      n--;
-    }
-  }
-  ThreadPool(const ThreadPool &) = delete;
-  ~ThreadPool() override = default;
-  void enqueue(std::function<void()> fn) override {
-    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
-    jobs_.push_back(std::move(fn));
-    cond_.notify_one();
-  }
-  void shutdown() override {
-    // Stop all worker threads...
-    {
-      std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
-      shutdown_ = true;
-    }
-    cond_.notify_all();
-    // Join...
-    for (auto &t : threads_) {
-      t.join();
-    }
-  }
-  struct worker {
-    explicit worker(ThreadPool &pool) : pool_(pool) {}
-    void operator()() {
-      for (;;) {
-        std::function<void()> fn;
-        {
-          std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(pool_.mutex_);
-          pool_.cond_.wait(
-              lock, [&] { return !pool_.jobs_.empty() || pool_.shutdown_; });
-          if (pool_.shutdown_ && pool_.jobs_.empty()) { break; }
-          fn = pool_.jobs_.front();
-          pool_.jobs_.pop_front();
-        }
-        assert(true == static_cast<bool>(fn));
-        fn();
-      }
-    }
-    ThreadPool &pool_;
-  };
-  friend struct worker;
-  std::vector<std::thread> threads_;
-  std::list<std::function<void()>> jobs_;
-  bool shutdown_;
-  std::condition_variable cond_;
-  std::mutex mutex_;
-using Logger = std::function<void(const Request &, const Response &)>;
-using SocketOptions = std::function<void(socket_t sock)>;
-inline void default_socket_options(socket_t sock) {
-  int yes = 1;
-#ifdef _WIN32
-  setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&yes),
-             sizeof(yes));
-             reinterpret_cast<char *>(&yes), sizeof(yes));
-  setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, reinterpret_cast<void *>(&yes),
-             sizeof(yes));
-  setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, reinterpret_cast<void *>(&yes),
-             sizeof(yes));
-class Server {
-  using Handler = std::function<void(const Request &, Response &)>;
-  using HandlerWithContentReader = std::function<void(
-      const Request &, Response &, const ContentReader &content_reader)>;
-  using Expect100ContinueHandler =
-      std::function<int(const Request &, Response &)>;
-  Server();
-  virtual ~Server();
-  virtual bool is_valid() const;
-  Server &Get(const char *pattern, Handler handler);
-  Server &Post(const char *pattern, Handler handler);
-  Server &Post(const char *pattern, HandlerWithContentReader handler);
-  Server &Put(const char *pattern, Handler handler);
-  Server &Put(const char *pattern, HandlerWithContentReader handler);
-  Server &Patch(const char *pattern, Handler handler);
-  Server &Patch(const char *pattern, HandlerWithContentReader handler);
-  Server &Delete(const char *pattern, Handler handler);
-  Server &Delete(const char *pattern, HandlerWithContentReader handler);
-  Server &Options(const char *pattern, Handler handler);
-  bool set_base_dir(const char *dir, const char *mount_point = nullptr);
-  bool set_mount_point(const char *mount_point, const char *dir,
-                       Headers headers = Headers());
-  bool remove_mount_point(const char *mount_point);
-  void set_file_extension_and_mimetype_mapping(const char *ext,
-                                               const char *mime);
-  void set_file_request_handler(Handler handler);
-  void set_error_handler(Handler handler);
-  void set_expect_100_continue_handler(Expect100ContinueHandler handler);
-  void set_logger(Logger logger);
-  void set_tcp_nodelay(bool on);
-  void set_socket_options(SocketOptions socket_options);
-  void set_keep_alive_max_count(size_t count);
-  void set_keep_alive_timeout(time_t sec);
-  void set_read_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec = 0);
-  void set_write_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec = 0);
-  void set_idle_interval(time_t sec, time_t usec = 0);
-  void set_payload_max_length(size_t length);
-  bool bind_to_port(const char *host, int port, int socket_flags = 0);
-  int bind_to_any_port(const char *host, int socket_flags = 0);
-  bool listen_after_bind();
-  bool listen(const char *host, int port, int socket_flags = 0);
-  bool is_running() const;
-  void stop();
-  std::function<TaskQueue *(void)> new_task_queue;
-  bool process_request(Stream &strm, bool close_connection,
-                       bool &connection_closed,
-                       const std::function<void(Request &)> &setup_request);
-  std::atomic<socket_t> svr_sock_;
-  size_t keep_alive_max_count_ = CPPHTTPLIB_KEEPALIVE_MAX_COUNT;
-  time_t keep_alive_timeout_sec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT_SECOND;
-  time_t read_timeout_sec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_READ_TIMEOUT_SECOND;
-  time_t read_timeout_usec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_READ_TIMEOUT_USECOND;
-  time_t write_timeout_sec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_WRITE_TIMEOUT_SECOND;
-  time_t write_timeout_usec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_WRITE_TIMEOUT_USECOND;
-  time_t idle_interval_sec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_IDLE_INTERVAL_SECOND;
-  time_t idle_interval_usec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_IDLE_INTERVAL_USECOND;
-  size_t payload_max_length_ = CPPHTTPLIB_PAYLOAD_MAX_LENGTH;
-  using Handlers = std::vector<std::pair<std::regex, Handler>>;
-  using HandlersForContentReader =
-      std::vector<std::pair<std::regex, HandlerWithContentReader>>;
-  socket_t create_server_socket(const char *host, int port, int socket_flags,
-                                SocketOptions socket_options) const;
-  int bind_internal(const char *host, int port, int socket_flags);
-  bool listen_internal();
-  bool routing(Request &req, Response &res, Stream &strm);
-  bool handle_file_request(Request &req, Response &res, bool head = false);
-  bool dispatch_request(Request &req, Response &res, const Handlers &handlers);
-  bool
-  dispatch_request_for_content_reader(Request &req, Response &res,
-                                      ContentReader content_reader,
-                                      const HandlersForContentReader &handlers);
-  bool parse_request_line(const char *s, Request &req);
-  bool write_response(Stream &strm, bool close_connection, const Request &req,
-                      Response &res);
-  bool write_content_with_provider(Stream &strm, const Request &req,
-                                   Response &res, const std::string &boundary,
-                                   const std::string &content_type);
-  bool read_content(Stream &strm, Request &req, Response &res);
-  bool
-  read_content_with_content_receiver(Stream &strm, Request &req, Response &res,
-                                     ContentReceiver receiver,
-                                     MultipartContentHeader multipart_header,
-                                     ContentReceiver multipart_receiver);
-  bool read_content_core(Stream &strm, Request &req, Response &res,
-                         ContentReceiver receiver,
-                         MultipartContentHeader mulitpart_header,
-                         ContentReceiver multipart_receiver);
-  virtual bool process_and_close_socket(socket_t sock);
-  struct MountPointEntry {
-    std::string mount_point;
-    std::string base_dir;
-    Headers headers;
-  };
-  std::vector<MountPointEntry> base_dirs_;
-  std::atomic<bool> is_running_;
-  std::map<std::string, std::string> file_extension_and_mimetype_map_;
-  Handler file_request_handler_;
-  Handlers get_handlers_;
-  Handlers post_handlers_;
-  HandlersForContentReader post_handlers_for_content_reader_;
-  Handlers put_handlers_;
-  HandlersForContentReader put_handlers_for_content_reader_;
-  Handlers patch_handlers_;
-  HandlersForContentReader patch_handlers_for_content_reader_;
-  Handlers delete_handlers_;
-  HandlersForContentReader delete_handlers_for_content_reader_;
-  Handlers options_handlers_;
-  Handler error_handler_;
-  Logger logger_;
-  Expect100ContinueHandler expect_100_continue_handler_;
-  bool tcp_nodelay_ = CPPHTTPLIB_TCP_NODELAY;
-  SocketOptions socket_options_ = default_socket_options;
-enum Error {
-  Success = 0,
-  Unknown,
-  Connection,
-  BindIPAddress,
-  Read,
-  Write,
-  ExceedRedirectCount,
-  Canceled,
-  SSLConnection,
-  SSLLoadingCerts,
-  SSLServerVerification,
-  UnsupportedMultipartBoundaryChars
-class Result {
-  Result(std::unique_ptr<Response> res, Error err)
-      : res_(std::move(res)), err_(err) {}
-  operator bool() const { return res_ != nullptr; }
-  bool operator==(std::nullptr_t) const { return res_ == nullptr; }
-  bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t) const { return res_ != nullptr; }
-  const Response &value() const { return *res_; }
-  Response &value() { return *res_; }
-  const Response &operator*() const { return *res_; }
-  Response &operator*() { return *res_; }
-  const Response *operator->() const { return res_.get(); }
-  Response *operator->() { return res_.get(); }
-  Error error() const { return err_; }
-  std::unique_ptr<Response> res_;
-  Error err_;
-class ClientImpl {
-  explicit ClientImpl(const std::string &host);
-  explicit ClientImpl(const std::string &host, int port);
-  explicit ClientImpl(const std::string &host, int port,
-                      const std::string &client_cert_path,
-                      const std::string &client_key_path);
-  virtual ~ClientImpl();
-  virtual bool is_valid() const;
-  Result Get(const char *path);
-  Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers);
-  Result Get(const char *path, Progress progress);
-  Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers, Progress progress);
-  Result Get(const char *path, ContentReceiver content_receiver);
-  Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-             ContentReceiver content_receiver);
-  Result Get(const char *path, ContentReceiver content_receiver,
-             Progress progress);
-  Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-             ContentReceiver content_receiver, Progress progress);
-  Result Get(const char *path, ResponseHandler response_handler,
-             ContentReceiver content_receiver);
-  Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-             ResponseHandler response_handler,
-             ContentReceiver content_receiver);
-  Result Get(const char *path, ResponseHandler response_handler,
-             ContentReceiver content_receiver, Progress progress);
-  Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-             ResponseHandler response_handler, ContentReceiver content_receiver,
-             Progress progress);
-  Result Head(const char *path);
-  Result Head(const char *path, const Headers &headers);
-  Result Post(const char *path);
-  Result Post(const char *path, const std::string &body,
-              const char *content_type);
-  Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const std::string &body,
-              const char *content_type);
-  Result Post(const char *path, size_t content_length,
-              ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
-  Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers, size_t content_length,
-              ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
-  Result Post(const char *path, const Params &params);
-  Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const Params &params);
-  Result Post(const char *path, const MultipartFormDataItems &items);
-  Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-              const MultipartFormDataItems &items);
-  Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-              const MultipartFormDataItems &items, const std::string &boundary);
-  Result Put(const char *path);
-  Result Put(const char *path, const std::string &body,
-             const char *content_type);
-  Result Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const std::string &body,
-             const char *content_type);
-  Result Put(const char *path, size_t content_length,
-             ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
-  Result Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers, size_t content_length,
-             ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
-  Result Put(const char *path, const Params &params);
-  Result Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const Params &params);
-  Result Patch(const char *path, const std::string &body,
-               const char *content_type);
-  Result Patch(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-               const std::string &body, const char *content_type);
-  Result Patch(const char *path, size_t content_length,
-               ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
-  Result Patch(const char *path, const Headers &headers, size_t content_length,
-               ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
-  Result Delete(const char *path);
-  Result Delete(const char *path, const std::string &body,
-                const char *content_type);
-  Result Delete(const char *path, const Headers &headers);
-  Result Delete(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                const std::string &body, const char *content_type);
-  Result Options(const char *path);
-  Result Options(const char *path, const Headers &headers);
-  bool send(const Request &req, Response &res);
-  size_t is_socket_open() const;
-  void stop();
-  void set_default_headers(Headers headers);
-  void set_tcp_nodelay(bool on);
-  void set_socket_options(SocketOptions socket_options);
-  void set_connection_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec = 0);
-  void set_read_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec = 0);
-  void set_write_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec = 0);
-  void set_basic_auth(const char *username, const char *password);
-  void set_bearer_token_auth(const char *token);
-  void set_digest_auth(const char *username, const char *password);
-  void set_keep_alive(bool on);
-  void set_follow_location(bool on);
-  void set_compress(bool on);
-  void set_decompress(bool on);
-  void set_interface(const char *intf);
-  void set_proxy(const char *host, int port);
-  void set_proxy_basic_auth(const char *username, const char *password);
-  void set_proxy_bearer_token_auth(const char *token);
-  void set_proxy_digest_auth(const char *username, const char *password);
-  void enable_server_certificate_verification(bool enabled);
-  void set_logger(Logger logger);
-  struct Socket {
-    socket_t sock = INVALID_SOCKET;
-    SSL *ssl = nullptr;
-    bool is_open() const { return sock != INVALID_SOCKET; }
-  };
-  virtual bool create_and_connect_socket(Socket &socket);
-  // All of:
-  //   shutdown_ssl
-  //   shutdown_socket
-  //   close_socket
-  // should ONLY be called when socket_mutex_ is locked.
-  // Also, shutdown_ssl and close_socket should also NOT be called concurrently
-  // with a DIFFERENT thread sending requests using that socket.
-  virtual void shutdown_ssl(Socket &socket, bool shutdown_gracefully);
-  void shutdown_socket(Socket &socket);
-  void close_socket(Socket &socket);
-  // Similar to shutdown_ssl and close_socket, this should NOT be called
-  // concurrently with a DIFFERENT thread sending requests from the socket
-  void lock_socket_and_shutdown_and_close();
-  bool process_request(Stream &strm, const Request &req, Response &res,
-                       bool close_connection);
-  Error get_last_error() const;
-  void copy_settings(const ClientImpl &rhs);
-  // Error state
-  mutable std::atomic<Error> error_;
-  // Socket endoint information
-  const std::string host_;
-  const int port_;
-  const std::string host_and_port_;
-  // Current open socket
-  Socket socket_;
-  mutable std::mutex socket_mutex_;
-  std::recursive_mutex request_mutex_;
-  // These are all protected under socket_mutex
-  int socket_requests_in_flight_ = 0;
-  std::thread::id socket_requests_are_from_thread_ = std::thread::id();
-  bool socket_should_be_closed_when_request_is_done_ = false;
-  // Default headers
-  Headers default_headers_;
-  // Settings
-  std::string client_cert_path_;
-  std::string client_key_path_;
-  time_t connection_timeout_sec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_SECOND;
-  time_t connection_timeout_usec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_USECOND;
-  time_t read_timeout_sec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_READ_TIMEOUT_SECOND;
-  time_t read_timeout_usec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_READ_TIMEOUT_USECOND;
-  time_t write_timeout_sec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_WRITE_TIMEOUT_SECOND;
-  time_t write_timeout_usec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_WRITE_TIMEOUT_USECOND;
-  std::string basic_auth_username_;
-  std::string basic_auth_password_;
-  std::string bearer_token_auth_token_;
-  std::string digest_auth_username_;
-  std::string digest_auth_password_;
-  bool keep_alive_ = false;
-  bool follow_location_ = false;
-  bool tcp_nodelay_ = CPPHTTPLIB_TCP_NODELAY;
-  SocketOptions socket_options_ = nullptr;
-  bool compress_ = false;
-  bool decompress_ = true;
-  std::string interface_;
-  std::string proxy_host_;
-  int proxy_port_ = -1;
-  std::string proxy_basic_auth_username_;
-  std::string proxy_basic_auth_password_;
-  std::string proxy_bearer_token_auth_token_;
-  std::string proxy_digest_auth_username_;
-  std::string proxy_digest_auth_password_;
-  bool server_certificate_verification_ = true;
-  Logger logger_;
-  socket_t create_client_socket() const;
-  bool read_response_line(Stream &strm, Response &res);
-  bool write_request(Stream &strm, const Request &req, bool close_connection);
-  bool redirect(const Request &req, Response &res);
-  bool handle_request(Stream &strm, const Request &req, Response &res,
-                      bool close_connection);
-  std::unique_ptr<Response> send_with_content_provider(
-      const char *method, const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-      const std::string &body, size_t content_length,
-      ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
-  // socket is const because this function is called when socket_mutex_ is not locked
-  virtual bool process_socket(const Socket &socket,
-                              std::function<bool(Stream &strm)> callback);
-  virtual bool is_ssl() const;
-class Client {
-  // Universal interface
-  explicit Client(const char *scheme_host_port);
-  explicit Client(const char *scheme_host_port,
-                  const std::string &client_cert_path,
-                  const std::string &client_key_path);
-  // HTTP only interface
-  explicit Client(const std::string &host, int port);
-  explicit Client(const std::string &host, int port,
-                  const std::string &client_cert_path,
-                  const std::string &client_key_path);
-  ~Client();
-  bool is_valid() const;
-  Result Get(const char *path);
-  Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers);
-  Result Get(const char *path, Progress progress);
-  Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers, Progress progress);
-  Result Get(const char *path, ContentReceiver content_receiver);
-  Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-             ContentReceiver content_receiver);
-  Result Get(const char *path, ContentReceiver content_receiver,
-             Progress progress);
-  Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-             ContentReceiver content_receiver, Progress progress);
-  Result Get(const char *path, ResponseHandler response_handler,
-             ContentReceiver content_receiver);
-  Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-             ResponseHandler response_handler,
-             ContentReceiver content_receiver);
-  Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-             ResponseHandler response_handler, ContentReceiver content_receiver,
-             Progress progress);
-  Result Get(const char *path, ResponseHandler response_handler,
-             ContentReceiver content_receiver, Progress progress);
-  Result Head(const char *path);
-  Result Head(const char *path, const Headers &headers);
-  Result Post(const char *path);
-  Result Post(const char *path, const std::string &body,
-              const char *content_type);
-  Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const std::string &body,
-              const char *content_type);
-  Result Post(const char *path, size_t content_length,
-              ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
-  Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers, size_t content_length,
-              ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
-  Result Post(const char *path, const Params &params);
-  Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const Params &params);
-  Result Post(const char *path, const MultipartFormDataItems &items);
-  Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-              const MultipartFormDataItems &items);
-  Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-              const MultipartFormDataItems &items, const std::string &boundary);
-  Result Put(const char *path);
-  Result Put(const char *path, const std::string &body,
-             const char *content_type);
-  Result Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const std::string &body,
-             const char *content_type);
-  Result Put(const char *path, size_t content_length,
-             ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
-  Result Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers, size_t content_length,
-             ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
-  Result Put(const char *path, const Params &params);
-  Result Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const Params &params);
-  Result Patch(const char *path, const std::string &body,
-               const char *content_type);
-  Result Patch(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-               const std::string &body, const char *content_type);
-  Result Patch(const char *path, size_t content_length,
-               ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
-  Result Patch(const char *path, const Headers &headers, size_t content_length,
-               ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
-  Result Delete(const char *path);
-  Result Delete(const char *path, const std::string &body,
-                const char *content_type);
-  Result Delete(const char *path, const Headers &headers);
-  Result Delete(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                const std::string &body, const char *content_type);
-  Result Options(const char *path);
-  Result Options(const char *path, const Headers &headers);
-  bool send(const Request &req, Response &res);
-  size_t is_socket_open() const;
-  void stop();
-  void set_default_headers(Headers headers);
-  void set_tcp_nodelay(bool on);
-  void set_socket_options(SocketOptions socket_options);
-  void set_connection_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec = 0);
-  void set_read_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec = 0);
-  void set_write_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec = 0);
-  void set_basic_auth(const char *username, const char *password);
-  void set_bearer_token_auth(const char *token);
-  void set_digest_auth(const char *username, const char *password);
-  void set_keep_alive(bool on);
-  void set_follow_location(bool on);
-  void set_compress(bool on);
-  void set_decompress(bool on);
-  void set_interface(const char *intf);
-  void set_proxy(const char *host, int port);
-  void set_proxy_basic_auth(const char *username, const char *password);
-  void set_proxy_bearer_token_auth(const char *token);
-  void set_proxy_digest_auth(const char *username, const char *password);
-  void enable_server_certificate_verification(bool enabled);
-  void set_logger(Logger logger);
-  // SSL
-  void set_ca_cert_path(const char *ca_cert_file_path,
-                        const char *ca_cert_dir_path = nullptr);
-  void set_ca_cert_store(X509_STORE *ca_cert_store);
-  long get_openssl_verify_result() const;
-  SSL_CTX *ssl_context() const;
-  std::unique_ptr<ClientImpl> cli_;
-  bool is_ssl_ = false;
-}; // namespace httplib
-class SSLServer : public Server {
-  SSLServer(const char *cert_path, const char *private_key_path,
-            const char *client_ca_cert_file_path = nullptr,
-            const char *client_ca_cert_dir_path = nullptr);
-  SSLServer(X509 *cert, EVP_PKEY *private_key,
-            X509_STORE *client_ca_cert_store = nullptr);
-  ~SSLServer() override;
-  bool is_valid() const override;
-  bool process_and_close_socket(socket_t sock) override;
-  SSL_CTX *ctx_;
-  std::mutex ctx_mutex_;
-class SSLClient : public ClientImpl {
-  explicit SSLClient(const std::string &host);
-  explicit SSLClient(const std::string &host, int port);
-  explicit SSLClient(const std::string &host, int port,
-                     const std::string &client_cert_path,
-                     const std::string &client_key_path);
-  explicit SSLClient(const std::string &host, int port, X509 *client_cert,
-                     EVP_PKEY *client_key);
-  ~SSLClient() override;
-  bool is_valid() const override;
-  void set_ca_cert_path(const char *ca_cert_file_path,
-                        const char *ca_cert_dir_path = nullptr);
-  void set_ca_cert_store(X509_STORE *ca_cert_store);
-  long get_openssl_verify_result() const;
-  SSL_CTX *ssl_context() const;
-  bool create_and_connect_socket(Socket &socket) override;
-  void shutdown_ssl(Socket &socket, bool shutdown_gracefully) override;
-  bool process_socket(const Socket &socket,
-                      std::function<bool(Stream &strm)> callback) override;
-  bool is_ssl() const override;
-  bool connect_with_proxy(Socket &sock, Response &res, bool &success);
-  bool initialize_ssl(Socket &socket);
-  bool load_certs();
-  bool verify_host(X509 *server_cert) const;
-  bool verify_host_with_subject_alt_name(X509 *server_cert) const;
-  bool verify_host_with_common_name(X509 *server_cert) const;
-  bool check_host_name(const char *pattern, size_t pattern_len) const;
-  SSL_CTX *ctx_;
-  std::mutex ctx_mutex_;
-  std::once_flag initialize_cert_;
-  std::vector<std::string> host_components_;
-  std::string ca_cert_file_path_;
-  std::string ca_cert_dir_path_;
-  long verify_result_ = 0;
-  friend class ClientImpl;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Implementation
- */
-namespace detail {
-inline bool is_hex(char c, int &v) {
-  if (0x20 <= c && isdigit(c)) {
-    v = c - '0';
-    return true;
-  } else if ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') {
-    v = c - 'A' + 10;
-    return true;
-  } else if ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') {
-    v = c - 'a' + 10;
-    return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-inline bool from_hex_to_i(const std::string &s, size_t i, size_t cnt,
-                          int &val) {
-  if (i >= s.size()) { return false; }
-  val = 0;
-  for (; cnt; i++, cnt--) {
-    if (!s[i]) { return false; }
-    int v = 0;
-    if (is_hex(s[i], v)) {
-      val = val * 16 + v;
-    } else {
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-inline std::string from_i_to_hex(size_t n) {
-  const char *charset = "0123456789abcdef";
-  std::string ret;
-  do {
-    ret = charset[n & 15] + ret;
-    n >>= 4;
-  } while (n > 0);
-  return ret;
-inline bool start_with(const std::string &a, const std::string &b) {
-  if (a.size() < b.size()) { return false; }
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < b.size(); i++) {
-    if (::tolower(a[i]) != ::tolower(b[i])) { return false; }
-  }
-  return true;
-inline size_t to_utf8(int code, char *buff) {
-  if (code < 0x0080) {
-    buff[0] = (code & 0x7F);
-    return 1;
-  } else if (code < 0x0800) {
-    buff[0] = static_cast<char>(0xC0 | ((code >> 6) & 0x1F));
-    buff[1] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | (code & 0x3F));
-    return 2;
-  } else if (code < 0xD800) {
-    buff[0] = static_cast<char>(0xE0 | ((code >> 12) & 0xF));
-    buff[1] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3F));
-    buff[2] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | (code & 0x3F));
-    return 3;
-  } else if (code < 0xE000) { // D800 - DFFF is invalid...
-    return 0;
-  } else if (code < 0x10000) {
-    buff[0] = static_cast<char>(0xE0 | ((code >> 12) & 0xF));
-    buff[1] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3F));
-    buff[2] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | (code & 0x3F));
-    return 3;
-  } else if (code < 0x110000) {
-    buff[0] = static_cast<char>(0xF0 | ((code >> 18) & 0x7));
-    buff[1] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | ((code >> 12) & 0x3F));
-    buff[2] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3F));
-    buff[3] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | (code & 0x3F));
-    return 4;
-  }
-  return 0;
-// NOTE: This code came up with the following stackoverflow post:
-inline std::string base64_encode(const std::string &in) {
-  static const auto lookup =
-      "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
-  std::string out;
-  out.reserve(in.size());
-  int val = 0;
-  int valb = -6;
-  for (auto c : in) {
-    val = (val << 8) + static_cast<uint8_t>(c);
-    valb += 8;
-    while (valb >= 0) {
-      out.push_back(lookup[(val >> valb) & 0x3F]);
-      valb -= 6;
-    }
-  }
-  if (valb > -6) { out.push_back(lookup[((val << 8) >> (valb + 8)) & 0x3F]); }
-  while (out.size() % 4) {
-    out.push_back('=');
-  }
-  return out;
-inline bool is_file(const std::string &path) {
-  struct stat st;
-  return stat(path.c_str(), &st) >= 0 && S_ISREG(st.st_mode);
-inline bool is_dir(const std::string &path) {
-  struct stat st;
-  return stat(path.c_str(), &st) >= 0 && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode);
-inline bool is_valid_path(const std::string &path) {
-  size_t level = 0;
-  size_t i = 0;
-  // Skip slash
-  while (i < path.size() && path[i] == '/') {
-    i++;
-  }
-  while (i < path.size()) {
-    // Read component
-    auto beg = i;
-    while (i < path.size() && path[i] != '/') {
-      i++;
-    }
-    auto len = i - beg;
-    assert(len > 0);
-    if (!, len, ".")) {
-      ;
-    } else if (!, len, "..")) {
-      if (level == 0) { return false; }
-      level--;
-    } else {
-      level++;
-    }
-    // Skip slash
-    while (i < path.size() && path[i] == '/') {
-      i++;
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-inline std::string encode_url(const std::string &s) {
-  std::string result;
-  for (size_t i = 0; s[i]; i++) {
-    switch (s[i]) {
-    case ' ': result += "%20"; break;
-    case '+': result += "%2B"; break;
-    case '\r': result += "%0D"; break;
-    case '\n': result += "%0A"; break;
-    case '\'': result += "%27"; break;
-    case ',': result += "%2C"; break;
-    // case ':': result += "%3A"; break; // ok? probably...
-    case ';': result += "%3B"; break;
-    default:
-      auto c = static_cast<uint8_t>(s[i]);
-      if (c >= 0x80) {
-        result += '%';
-        char hex[4];
-        auto len = snprintf(hex, sizeof(hex) - 1, "%02X", c);
-        assert(len == 2);
-        result.append(hex, static_cast<size_t>(len));
-      } else {
-        result += s[i];
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  return result;
-inline std::string decode_url(const std::string &s,
-                              bool convert_plus_to_space) {
-  std::string result;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
-    if (s[i] == '%' && i + 1 < s.size()) {
-      if (s[i + 1] == 'u') {
-        int val = 0;
-        if (from_hex_to_i(s, i + 2, 4, val)) {
-          // 4 digits Unicode codes
-          char buff[4];
-          size_t len = to_utf8(val, buff);
-          if (len > 0) { result.append(buff, len); }
-          i += 5; // 'u0000'
-        } else {
-          result += s[i];
-        }
-      } else {
-        int val = 0;
-        if (from_hex_to_i(s, i + 1, 2, val)) {
-          // 2 digits hex codes
-          result += static_cast<char>(val);
-          i += 2; // '00'
-        } else {
-          result += s[i];
-        }
-      }
-    } else if (convert_plus_to_space && s[i] == '+') {
-      result += ' ';
-    } else {
-      result += s[i];
-    }
-  }
-  return result;
-inline void read_file(const std::string &path, std::string &out) {
-  std::ifstream fs(path, std::ios_base::binary);
-  fs.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end);
-  auto size = fs.tellg();
-  fs.seekg(0);
-  out.resize(static_cast<size_t>(size));
-[0], static_cast<std::streamsize>(size));
-inline std::string file_extension(const std::string &path) {
-  std::smatch m;
-  static auto re = std::regex("\\.([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$");
-  if (std::regex_search(path, m, re)) { return m[1].str(); }
-  return std::string();
-inline bool is_space_or_tab(char c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t'; }
-inline std::pair<size_t, size_t> trim(const char *b, const char *e, size_t left,
-                                      size_t right) {
-  while (b + left < e && is_space_or_tab(b[left])) {
-    left++;
-  }
-  while (right > 0 && is_space_or_tab(b[right - 1])) {
-    right--;
-  }
-  return std::make_pair(left, right);
-inline std::string trim_copy(const std::string &s) {
-  auto r = trim(, + s.size(), 0, s.size());
-  return s.substr(r.first, r.second - r.first);
-template <class Fn> void split(const char *b, const char *e, char d, Fn fn) {
-  size_t i = 0;
-  size_t beg = 0;
-  while (e ? (b + i < e) : (b[i] != '\0')) {
-    if (b[i] == d) {
-      auto r = trim(b, e, beg, i);
-      if (r.first < r.second) { fn(&b[r.first], &b[r.second]); }
-      beg = i + 1;
-    }
-    i++;
-  }
-  if (i) {
-    auto r = trim(b, e, beg, i);
-    if (r.first < r.second) { fn(&b[r.first], &b[r.second]); }
-  }
-// NOTE: until the read size reaches `fixed_buffer_size`, use `fixed_buffer`
-// to store data. The call can set memory on stack for performance.
-class stream_line_reader {
-  stream_line_reader(Stream &strm, char *fixed_buffer, size_t fixed_buffer_size)
-      : strm_(strm), fixed_buffer_(fixed_buffer),
-        fixed_buffer_size_(fixed_buffer_size) {}
-  const char *ptr() const {
-    if (glowable_buffer_.empty()) {
-      return fixed_buffer_;
-    } else {
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  size_t size() const {
-    if (glowable_buffer_.empty()) {
-      return fixed_buffer_used_size_;
-    } else {
-      return glowable_buffer_.size();
-    }
-  }
-  bool end_with_crlf() const {
-    auto end = ptr() + size();
-    return size() >= 2 && end[-2] == '\r' && end[-1] == '\n';
-  }
-  bool getline() {
-    fixed_buffer_used_size_ = 0;
-    glowable_buffer_.clear();
-    for (size_t i = 0;; i++) {
-      char byte;
-      auto n =, 1);
-      if (n < 0) {
-        return false;
-      } else if (n == 0) {
-        if (i == 0) {
-          return false;
-        } else {
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      append(byte);
-      if (byte == '\n') { break; }
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  void append(char c) {
-    if (fixed_buffer_used_size_ < fixed_buffer_size_ - 1) {
-      fixed_buffer_[fixed_buffer_used_size_++] = c;
-      fixed_buffer_[fixed_buffer_used_size_] = '\0';
-    } else {
-      if (glowable_buffer_.empty()) {
-        assert(fixed_buffer_[fixed_buffer_used_size_] == '\0');
-        glowable_buffer_.assign(fixed_buffer_, fixed_buffer_used_size_);
-      }
-      glowable_buffer_ += c;
-    }
-  }
-  Stream &strm_;
-  char *fixed_buffer_;
-  const size_t fixed_buffer_size_;
-  size_t fixed_buffer_used_size_ = 0;
-  std::string glowable_buffer_;
-inline int close_socket(socket_t sock) {
-#ifdef _WIN32
-  return closesocket(sock);
-  return close(sock);
-template <typename T> inline ssize_t handle_EINTR(T fn) {
-  ssize_t res = false;
-  while (true) {
-    res = fn();
-    if (res < 0 && errno == EINTR) { continue; }
-    break;
-  }
-  return res;
-inline ssize_t select_read(socket_t sock, time_t sec, time_t usec) {
-  struct pollfd pfd_read;
-  pfd_read.fd = sock;
-  auto timeout = static_cast<int>(sec * 1000 + usec / 1000);
-  return handle_EINTR([&]() { return poll(&pfd_read, 1, timeout); });
-  fd_set fds;
-  FD_ZERO(&fds);
-  FD_SET(sock, &fds);
-  timeval tv;
-  tv.tv_sec = static_cast<long>(sec);
-  tv.tv_usec = static_cast<decltype(tv.tv_usec)>(usec);
-  return handle_EINTR([&]() {
-    return select(static_cast<int>(sock + 1), &fds, nullptr, nullptr, &tv);
-  });
-inline ssize_t select_write(socket_t sock, time_t sec, time_t usec) {
-  struct pollfd pfd_read;
-  pfd_read.fd = sock;
-  auto timeout = static_cast<int>(sec * 1000 + usec / 1000);
-  return handle_EINTR([&]() { return poll(&pfd_read, 1, timeout); });
-  fd_set fds;
-  FD_ZERO(&fds);
-  FD_SET(sock, &fds);
-  timeval tv;
-  tv.tv_sec = static_cast<long>(sec);
-  tv.tv_usec = static_cast<decltype(tv.tv_usec)>(usec);
-  return handle_EINTR([&]() {
-    return select(static_cast<int>(sock + 1), nullptr, &fds, nullptr, &tv);
-  });
-inline bool wait_until_socket_is_ready(socket_t sock, time_t sec, time_t usec) {
-  struct pollfd pfd_read;
-  pfd_read.fd = sock;
-  auto timeout = static_cast<int>(sec * 1000 + usec / 1000);
-  auto poll_res = handle_EINTR([&]() { return poll(&pfd_read, 1, timeout); });
-  if (poll_res > 0 && pfd_read.revents & (POLLIN | POLLOUT)) {
-    int error = 0;
-    socklen_t len = sizeof(error);
-    auto res = getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR,
-                          reinterpret_cast<char *>(&error), &len);
-    return res >= 0 && !error;
-  }
-  return false;
-  fd_set fdsr;
-  FD_ZERO(&fdsr);
-  FD_SET(sock, &fdsr);
-  auto fdsw = fdsr;
-  auto fdse = fdsr;
-  timeval tv;
-  tv.tv_sec = static_cast<long>(sec);
-  tv.tv_usec = static_cast<decltype(tv.tv_usec)>(usec);
-  auto ret = handle_EINTR([&]() {
-    return select(static_cast<int>(sock + 1), &fdsr, &fdsw, &fdse, &tv);
-  });
-  if (ret > 0 && (FD_ISSET(sock, &fdsr) || FD_ISSET(sock, &fdsw))) {
-    int error = 0;
-    socklen_t len = sizeof(error);
-    return getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR,
-                      reinterpret_cast<char *>(&error), &len) >= 0 &&
-           !error;
-  }
-  return false;
-class SocketStream : public Stream {
-  SocketStream(socket_t sock, time_t read_timeout_sec, time_t read_timeout_usec,
-               time_t write_timeout_sec, time_t write_timeout_usec);
-  ~SocketStream() override;
-  bool is_readable() const override;
-  bool is_writable() const override;
-  ssize_t read(char *ptr, size_t size) override;
-  ssize_t write(const char *ptr, size_t size) override;
-  void get_remote_ip_and_port(std::string &ip, int &port) const override;
-  socket_t sock_;
-  time_t read_timeout_sec_;
-  time_t read_timeout_usec_;
-  time_t write_timeout_sec_;
-  time_t write_timeout_usec_;
-class SSLSocketStream : public Stream {
-  SSLSocketStream(socket_t sock, SSL *ssl, time_t read_timeout_sec,
-                  time_t read_timeout_usec, time_t write_timeout_sec,
-                  time_t write_timeout_usec);
-  ~SSLSocketStream() override;
-  bool is_readable() const override;
-  bool is_writable() const override;
-  ssize_t read(char *ptr, size_t size) override;
-  ssize_t write(const char *ptr, size_t size) override;
-  void get_remote_ip_and_port(std::string &ip, int &port) const override;
-  socket_t sock_;
-  SSL *ssl_;
-  time_t read_timeout_sec_;
-  time_t read_timeout_usec_;
-  time_t write_timeout_sec_;
-  time_t write_timeout_usec_;
-class BufferStream : public Stream {
-  BufferStream() = default;
-  ~BufferStream() override = default;
-  bool is_readable() const override;
-  bool is_writable() const override;
-  ssize_t read(char *ptr, size_t size) override;
-  ssize_t write(const char *ptr, size_t size) override;
-  void get_remote_ip_and_port(std::string &ip, int &port) const override;
-  const std::string &get_buffer() const;
-  std::string buffer;
-  size_t position = 0;
-inline bool keep_alive(socket_t sock, time_t keep_alive_timeout_sec) {
-  using namespace std::chrono;
-  auto start = steady_clock::now();
-  while (true) {
-    auto val = select_read(sock, 0, 10000);
-    if (val < 0) {
-      return false;
-    } else if (val == 0) {
-      auto current = steady_clock::now();
-      auto duration = duration_cast<milliseconds>(current - start);
-      auto timeout = keep_alive_timeout_sec * 1000;
-      if (duration.count() > timeout) { return false; }
-      std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1));
-    } else {
-      return true;
-    }
-  }
-template <typename T>
-inline bool
-process_server_socket_core(socket_t sock, size_t keep_alive_max_count,
-                           time_t keep_alive_timeout_sec, T callback) {
-  assert(keep_alive_max_count > 0);
-  auto ret = false;
-  auto count = keep_alive_max_count;
-  while (count > 0 && keep_alive(sock, keep_alive_timeout_sec)) {
-    auto close_connection = count == 1;
-    auto connection_closed = false;
-    ret = callback(close_connection, connection_closed);
-    if (!ret || connection_closed) { break; }
-    count--;
-  }
-  return ret;
-template <typename T>
-inline bool
-process_server_socket(socket_t sock, size_t keep_alive_max_count,
-                      time_t keep_alive_timeout_sec, time_t read_timeout_sec,
-                      time_t read_timeout_usec, time_t write_timeout_sec,
-                      time_t write_timeout_usec, T callback) {
-  return process_server_socket_core(
-      sock, keep_alive_max_count, keep_alive_timeout_sec,
-      [&](bool close_connection, bool &connection_closed) {
-        SocketStream strm(sock, read_timeout_sec, read_timeout_usec,
-                          write_timeout_sec, write_timeout_usec);
-        return callback(strm, close_connection, connection_closed);
-      });
-template <typename T>
-inline bool process_client_socket(socket_t sock, time_t read_timeout_sec,
-                                  time_t read_timeout_usec,
-                                  time_t write_timeout_sec,
-                                  time_t write_timeout_usec, T callback) {
-  SocketStream strm(sock, read_timeout_sec, read_timeout_usec,
-                    write_timeout_sec, write_timeout_usec);
-  return callback(strm);
-inline int shutdown_socket(socket_t sock) {
-#ifdef _WIN32
-  return shutdown(sock, SD_BOTH);
-  return shutdown(sock, SHUT_RDWR);
-template <typename BindOrConnect>
-socket_t create_socket(const char *host, int port, int socket_flags,
-                       bool tcp_nodelay, SocketOptions socket_options,
-                       BindOrConnect bind_or_connect) {
-  // Get address info
-  struct addrinfo hints;
-  struct addrinfo *result;
-  memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo));
-  hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
-  hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
-  hints.ai_flags = socket_flags;
-  hints.ai_protocol = 0;
-  auto service = std::to_string(port);
-  if (getaddrinfo(host, service.c_str(), &hints, &result)) {
-#ifdef __linux__
-    res_init();
-    return INVALID_SOCKET;
-  }
-  for (auto rp = result; rp; rp = rp->ai_next) {
-    // Create a socket
-#ifdef _WIN32
-    auto sock = WSASocketW(rp->ai_family, rp->ai_socktype, rp->ai_protocol,
-                           nullptr, 0, WSA_FLAG_NO_HANDLE_INHERIT);
-    /**
-     * Since the WSA_FLAG_NO_HANDLE_INHERIT is only supported on Windows 7 SP1
-     * and above the socket creation fails on older Windows Systems.
-     *
-     * Let's try to create a socket the old way in this case.
-     *
-     * Reference:
-     *
-     *
-     * This flag is supported on Windows 7 with SP1, Windows Server 2008 R2 with
-     * SP1, and later
-     *
-     */
-    if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) {
-      sock = socket(rp->ai_family, rp->ai_socktype, rp->ai_protocol);
-    }
-    auto sock = socket(rp->ai_family, rp->ai_socktype, rp->ai_protocol);
-    if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { continue; }
-#ifndef _WIN32
-    if (fcntl(sock, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) == -1) { continue; }
-    if (tcp_nodelay) {
-      int yes = 1;
-      setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&yes),
-                 sizeof(yes));
-    }
-    if (socket_options) { socket_options(sock); }
-    if (rp->ai_family == AF_INET6) {
-      int no = 0;
-      setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&no),
-                 sizeof(no));
-    }
-    // bind or connect
-    if (bind_or_connect(sock, *rp)) {
-      freeaddrinfo(result);
-      return sock;
-    }
-    close_socket(sock);
-  }
-  freeaddrinfo(result);
-inline void set_nonblocking(socket_t sock, bool nonblocking) {
-#ifdef _WIN32
-  auto flags = nonblocking ? 1UL : 0UL;
-  ioctlsocket(sock, FIONBIO, &flags);
-  auto flags = fcntl(sock, F_GETFL, 0);
-  fcntl(sock, F_SETFL,
-        nonblocking ? (flags | O_NONBLOCK) : (flags & (~O_NONBLOCK)));
-inline bool is_connection_error() {
-#ifdef _WIN32
-  return WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK;
-  return errno != EINPROGRESS;
-inline bool bind_ip_address(socket_t sock, const char *host) {
-  struct addrinfo hints;
-  struct addrinfo *result;
-  memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo));
-  hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
-  hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
-  hints.ai_protocol = 0;
-  if (getaddrinfo(host, "0", &hints, &result)) { return false; }
-  auto ret = false;
-  for (auto rp = result; rp; rp = rp->ai_next) {
-    const auto &ai = *rp;
-    if (!::bind(sock, ai.ai_addr, static_cast<socklen_t>(ai.ai_addrlen))) {
-      ret = true;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  freeaddrinfo(result);
-  return ret;
-#if !defined _WIN32 && !defined ANDROID
-#define USE_IF2IP
-#ifdef USE_IF2IP
-inline std::string if2ip(const std::string &ifn) {
-  struct ifaddrs *ifap;
-  getifaddrs(&ifap);
-  for (auto ifa = ifap; ifa; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) {
-    if (ifa->ifa_addr && ifn == ifa->ifa_name) {
-      if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) {
-        auto sa = reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr_in *>(ifa->ifa_addr);
-        char buf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
-        if (inet_ntop(AF_INET, &sa->sin_addr, buf, INET_ADDRSTRLEN)) {
-          freeifaddrs(ifap);
-          return std::string(buf, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  freeifaddrs(ifap);
-  return std::string();
-inline socket_t create_client_socket(const char *host, int port,
-                                     bool tcp_nodelay,
-                                     SocketOptions socket_options,
-                                     time_t timeout_sec, time_t timeout_usec,
-                                     const std::string &intf, std::atomic<Error> &error) {
-  auto sock = create_socket(
-      host, port, 0, tcp_nodelay, std::move(socket_options),
-      [&](socket_t sock, struct addrinfo &ai) -> bool {
-        if (!intf.empty()) {
-#ifdef USE_IF2IP
-          auto ip = if2ip(intf);
-          if (ip.empty()) { ip = intf; }
-          if (!bind_ip_address(sock, ip.c_str())) {
-            error = Error::BindIPAddress;
-            return false;
-          }
-        }
-        set_nonblocking(sock, true);
-        auto ret =
-            ::connect(sock, ai.ai_addr, static_cast<socklen_t>(ai.ai_addrlen));
-        if (ret < 0) {
-          if (is_connection_error() ||
-              !wait_until_socket_is_ready(sock, timeout_sec, timeout_usec)) {
-            close_socket(sock);
-            error = Error::Connection;
-            return false;
-          }
-        }
-        set_nonblocking(sock, false);
-        error = Error::Success;
-        return true;
-      });
-  if (sock != INVALID_SOCKET) {
-    error = Error::Success;
-  } else {
-    if (error == Error::Success) { error = Error::Connection; }
-  }
-  return sock;
-inline void get_remote_ip_and_port(const struct sockaddr_storage &addr,
-                                   socklen_t addr_len, std::string &ip,
-                                   int &port) {
-  if (addr.ss_family == AF_INET) {
-    port = ntohs(reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr_in *>(&addr)->sin_port);
-  } else if (addr.ss_family == AF_INET6) {
-    port =
-        ntohs(reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr_in6 *>(&addr)->sin6_port);
-  }
-  std::array<char, NI_MAXHOST> ipstr{};
-  if (!getnameinfo(reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr *>(&addr), addr_len,
-         , static_cast<socklen_t>(ipstr.size()), nullptr,
-                   0, NI_NUMERICHOST)) {
-    ip =;
-  }
-inline void get_remote_ip_and_port(socket_t sock, std::string &ip, int &port) {
-  struct sockaddr_storage addr;
-  socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(addr);
-  if (!getpeername(sock, reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr *>(&addr),
-                   &addr_len)) {
-    get_remote_ip_and_port(addr, addr_len, ip, port);
-  }
-inline const char *
-find_content_type(const std::string &path,
-                  const std::map<std::string, std::string> &user_data) {
-  auto ext = file_extension(path);
-  auto it = user_data.find(ext);
-  if (it != user_data.end()) { return it->second.c_str(); }
-  if (ext == "txt") {
-    return "text/plain";
-  } else if (ext == "html" || ext == "htm") {
-    return "text/html";
-  } else if (ext == "css") {
-    return "text/css";
-  } else if (ext == "jpeg" || ext == "jpg") {
-    return "image/jpg";
-  } else if (ext == "png") {
-    return "image/png";
-  } else if (ext == "gif") {
-    return "image/gif";
-  } else if (ext == "svg") {
-    return "image/svg+xml";
-  } else if (ext == "ico") {
-    return "image/x-icon";
-  } else if (ext == "json") {
-    return "application/json";
-  } else if (ext == "pdf") {
-    return "application/pdf";
-  } else if (ext == "js") {
-    return "application/javascript";
-  } else if (ext == "wasm") {
-    return "application/wasm";
-  } else if (ext == "xml") {
-    return "application/xml";
-  } else if (ext == "xhtml") {
-    return "application/xhtml+xml";
-  }
-  return nullptr;
-inline const char *status_message(int status) {
-  switch (status) {
-  case 100: return "Continue";
-  case 101: return "Switching Protocol";
-  case 102: return "Processing";
-  case 103: return "Early Hints";
-  case 200: return "OK";
-  case 201: return "Created";
-  case 202: return "Accepted";
-  case 203: return "Non-Authoritative Information";
-  case 204: return "No Content";
-  case 205: return "Reset Content";
-  case 206: return "Partial Content";
-  case 207: return "Multi-Status";
-  case 208: return "Already Reported";
-  case 226: return "IM Used";
-  case 300: return "Multiple Choice";
-  case 301: return "Moved Permanently";
-  case 302: return "Found";
-  case 303: return "See Other";
-  case 304: return "Not Modified";
-  case 305: return "Use Proxy";
-  case 306: return "unused";
-  case 307: return "Temporary Redirect";
-  case 308: return "Permanent Redirect";
-  case 400: return "Bad Request";
-  case 401: return "Unauthorized";
-  case 402: return "Payment Required";
-  case 403: return "Forbidden";
-  case 404: return "Not Found";
-  case 405: return "Method Not Allowed";
-  case 406: return "Not Acceptable";
-  case 407: return "Proxy Authentication Required";
-  case 408: return "Request Timeout";
-  case 409: return "Conflict";
-  case 410: return "Gone";
-  case 411: return "Length Required";
-  case 412: return "Precondition Failed";
-  case 413: return "Payload Too Large";
-  case 414: return "URI Too Long";
-  case 415: return "Unsupported Media Type";
-  case 416: return "Range Not Satisfiable";
-  case 417: return "Expectation Failed";
-  case 418: return "I'm a teapot";
-  case 421: return "Misdirected Request";
-  case 422: return "Unprocessable Entity";
-  case 423: return "Locked";
-  case 424: return "Failed Dependency";
-  case 425: return "Too Early";
-  case 426: return "Upgrade Required";
-  case 428: return "Precondition Required";
-  case 429: return "Too Many Requests";
-  case 431: return "Request Header Fields Too Large";
-  case 451: return "Unavailable For Legal Reasons";
-  case 501: return "Not Implemented";
-  case 502: return "Bad Gateway";
-  case 503: return "Service Unavailable";
-  case 504: return "Gateway Timeout";
-  case 505: return "HTTP Version Not Supported";
-  case 506: return "Variant Also Negotiates";
-  case 507: return "Insufficient Storage";
-  case 508: return "Loop Detected";
-  case 510: return "Not Extended";
-  case 511: return "Network Authentication Required";
-  default:
-  case 500: return "Internal Server Error";
-  }
-inline bool can_compress_content_type(const std::string &content_type) {
-  return (!content_type.find("text/") && content_type != "text/event-stream") ||
-         content_type == "image/svg+xml" ||
-         content_type == "application/javascript" ||
-         content_type == "application/json" ||
-         content_type == "application/xml" ||
-         content_type == "application/xhtml+xml";
-enum class EncodingType { None = 0, Gzip, Brotli };
-inline EncodingType encoding_type(const Request &req, const Response &res) {
-  auto ret =
-      detail::can_compress_content_type(res.get_header_value("Content-Type"));
-  if (!ret) { return EncodingType::None; }
-  const auto &s = req.get_header_value("Accept-Encoding");
-  (void)(s);
-  // TODO: 'Accept-Encoding' has br, not br;q=0
-  ret = s.find("br") != std::string::npos;
-  if (ret) { return EncodingType::Brotli; }
-  // TODO: 'Accept-Encoding' has gzip, not gzip;q=0
-  ret = s.find("gzip") != std::string::npos;
-  if (ret) { return EncodingType::Gzip; }
-  return EncodingType::None;
-class compressor {
-  virtual ~compressor(){};
-  typedef std::function<bool(const char *data, size_t data_len)> Callback;
-  virtual bool compress(const char *data, size_t data_length, bool last,
-                        Callback callback) = 0;
-class decompressor {
-  virtual ~decompressor() {}
-  virtual bool is_valid() const = 0;
-  typedef std::function<bool(const char *data, size_t data_len)> Callback;
-  virtual bool decompress(const char *data, size_t data_length,
-                          Callback callback) = 0;
-class nocompressor : public compressor {
-  ~nocompressor(){};
-  bool compress(const char *data, size_t data_length, bool /*last*/,
-                Callback callback) override {
-    if (!data_length) { return true; }
-    return callback(data, data_length);
-  }
-class gzip_compressor : public compressor {
-  gzip_compressor() {
-    std::memset(&strm_, 0, sizeof(strm_));
-    strm_.zalloc = Z_NULL;
-    strm_.zfree = Z_NULL;
-    strm_.opaque = Z_NULL;
-    is_valid_ = deflateInit2(&strm_, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, Z_DEFLATED, 31, 8,
-                             Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY) == Z_OK;
-  }
-  ~gzip_compressor() { deflateEnd(&strm_); }
-  bool compress(const char *data, size_t data_length, bool last,
-                Callback callback) override {
-    assert(is_valid_);
-    auto flush = last ? Z_FINISH : Z_NO_FLUSH;
-    strm_.avail_in = static_cast<decltype(strm_.avail_in)>(data_length);
-    strm_.next_in = const_cast<Bytef *>(reinterpret_cast<const Bytef *>(data));
-    int ret = Z_OK;
-    std::array<char, CPPHTTPLIB_COMPRESSION_BUFSIZ> buff{};
-    do {
-      strm_.avail_out = buff.size();
-      strm_.next_out = reinterpret_cast<Bytef *>(;
-      ret = deflate(&strm_, flush);
-      assert(ret != Z_STREAM_ERROR);
-      if (!callback(, buff.size() - strm_.avail_out)) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    } while (strm_.avail_out == 0);
-    assert((last && ret == Z_STREAM_END) || (!last && ret == Z_OK));
-    assert(strm_.avail_in == 0);
-    return true;
-  }
-  bool is_valid_ = false;
-  z_stream strm_;
-class gzip_decompressor : public decompressor {
-  gzip_decompressor() {
-    std::memset(&strm_, 0, sizeof(strm_));
-    strm_.zalloc = Z_NULL;
-    strm_.zfree = Z_NULL;
-    strm_.opaque = Z_NULL;
-    // 15 is the value of wbits, which should be at the maximum possible value
-    // to ensure that any gzip stream can be decoded. The offset of 32 specifies
-    // that the stream type should be automatically detected either gzip or
-    // deflate.
-    is_valid_ = inflateInit2(&strm_, 32 + 15) == Z_OK;
-  }
-  ~gzip_decompressor() { inflateEnd(&strm_); }
-  bool is_valid() const override { return is_valid_; }
-  bool decompress(const char *data, size_t data_length,
-                  Callback callback) override {
-    assert(is_valid_);
-    int ret = Z_OK;
-    strm_.avail_in = static_cast<decltype(strm_.avail_in)>(data_length);
-    strm_.next_in = const_cast<Bytef *>(reinterpret_cast<const Bytef *>(data));
-    std::array<char, CPPHTTPLIB_COMPRESSION_BUFSIZ> buff{};
-    while (strm_.avail_in > 0) {
-      strm_.avail_out = buff.size();
-      strm_.next_out = reinterpret_cast<Bytef *>(;
-      ret = inflate(&strm_, Z_NO_FLUSH);
-      assert(ret != Z_STREAM_ERROR);
-      switch (ret) {
-      case Z_NEED_DICT:
-      case Z_DATA_ERROR:
-      case Z_MEM_ERROR: inflateEnd(&strm_); return false;
-      }
-      if (!callback(, buff.size() - strm_.avail_out)) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    return ret == Z_OK || ret == Z_STREAM_END;
-  }
-  bool is_valid_ = false;
-  z_stream strm_;
-class brotli_compressor : public compressor {
-  brotli_compressor() {
-    state_ = BrotliEncoderCreateInstance(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
-  }
-  ~brotli_compressor() { BrotliEncoderDestroyInstance(state_); }
-  bool compress(const char *data, size_t data_length, bool last,
-                Callback callback) override {
-    std::array<uint8_t, CPPHTTPLIB_COMPRESSION_BUFSIZ> buff{};
-    auto available_in = data_length;
-    auto next_in = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(data);
-    for (;;) {
-      if (last) {
-        if (BrotliEncoderIsFinished(state_)) { break; }
-      } else {
-        if (!available_in) { break; }
-      }
-      auto available_out = buff.size();
-      auto next_out =;
-      if (!BrotliEncoderCompressStream(state_, operation, &available_in,
-                                       &next_in, &available_out, &next_out,
-                                       nullptr)) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      auto output_bytes = buff.size() - available_out;
-      if (output_bytes) {
-        callback(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(, output_bytes);
-      }
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  BrotliEncoderState *state_ = nullptr;
-class brotli_decompressor : public decompressor {
-  brotli_decompressor() {
-    decoder_s = BrotliDecoderCreateInstance(0, 0, 0);
-    decoder_r = decoder_s ? BROTLI_DECODER_RESULT_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT
-                          : BROTLI_DECODER_RESULT_ERROR;
-  }
-  ~brotli_decompressor() {
-    if (decoder_s) { BrotliDecoderDestroyInstance(decoder_s); }
-  }
-  bool is_valid() const override { return decoder_s; }
-  bool decompress(const char *data, size_t data_length,
-                  Callback callback) override {
-    if (decoder_r == BROTLI_DECODER_RESULT_SUCCESS ||
-        decoder_r == BROTLI_DECODER_RESULT_ERROR) {
-      return 0;
-    }
-    const uint8_t *next_in = (const uint8_t *)data;
-    size_t avail_in = data_length;
-    size_t total_out;
-    std::array<char, CPPHTTPLIB_COMPRESSION_BUFSIZ> buff{};
-      char *next_out =;
-      size_t avail_out = buff.size();
-      decoder_r = BrotliDecoderDecompressStream(
-          decoder_s, &avail_in, &next_in, &avail_out,
-          reinterpret_cast<uint8_t **>(&next_out), &total_out);
-      if (decoder_r == BROTLI_DECODER_RESULT_ERROR) { return false; }
-      if (!callback(, buff.size() - avail_out)) { return false; }
-    }
-    return decoder_r == BROTLI_DECODER_RESULT_SUCCESS ||
-  }
-  BrotliDecoderResult decoder_r;
-  BrotliDecoderState *decoder_s = nullptr;
-inline bool has_header(const Headers &headers, const char *key) {
-  return headers.find(key) != headers.end();
-inline const char *get_header_value(const Headers &headers, const char *key,
-                                    size_t id = 0, const char *def = nullptr) {
-  auto rng = headers.equal_range(key);
-  auto it = rng.first;
-  std::advance(it, static_cast<ssize_t>(id));
-  if (it != rng.second) { return it->second.c_str(); }
-  return def;
-template <typename T>
-inline T get_header_value(const Headers & /*headers*/, const char * /*key*/,
-                          size_t /*id*/ = 0, uint64_t /*def*/ = 0) {}
-template <>
-inline uint64_t get_header_value<uint64_t>(const Headers &headers,
-                                           const char *key, size_t id,
-                                           uint64_t def) {
-  auto rng = headers.equal_range(key);
-  auto it = rng.first;
-  std::advance(it, static_cast<ssize_t>(id));
-  if (it != rng.second) {
-    return std::strtoull(it->, nullptr, 10);
-  }
-  return def;
-template <typename T>
-inline bool parse_header(const char *beg, const char *end, T fn) {
-  // Skip trailing spaces and tabs.
-  while (beg < end && is_space_or_tab(end[-1])) {
-    end--;
-  }
-  auto p = beg;
-  while (p < end && *p != ':') {
-    p++;
-  }
-  if (p == end) { return false; }
-  auto key_end = p;
-  if (*p++ != ':') { return false; }
-  while (p < end && is_space_or_tab(*p)) {
-    p++;
-  }
-  if (p < end) {
-    fn(std::string(beg, key_end), decode_url(std::string(p, end), false));
-    return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-inline bool read_headers(Stream &strm, Headers &headers) {
-  const auto bufsiz = 2048;
-  char buf[bufsiz];
-  stream_line_reader line_reader(strm, buf, bufsiz);
-  for (;;) {
-    if (!line_reader.getline()) { return false; }
-    // Check if the line ends with CRLF.
-    if (line_reader.end_with_crlf()) {
-      // Blank line indicates end of headers.
-      if (line_reader.size() == 2) { break; }
-    } else {
-      continue; // Skip invalid line.
-    }
-    // Exclude CRLF
-    auto end = line_reader.ptr() + line_reader.size() - 2;
-    parse_header(line_reader.ptr(), end,
-                 [&](std::string &&key, std::string &&val) {
-                   headers.emplace(std::move(key), std::move(val));
-                 });
-  }
-  return true;
-inline bool read_content_with_length(Stream &strm, uint64_t len,
-                                     Progress progress,
-                                     ContentReceiverWithProgress out) {
-  uint64_t r = 0;
-  while (r < len) {
-    auto read_len = static_cast<size_t>(len - r);
-    auto n =, (std::min)(read_len, CPPHTTPLIB_RECV_BUFSIZ));
-    if (n <= 0) { return false; }
-    if (!out(buf, static_cast<size_t>(n), r, len)) { return false; }
-    r += static_cast<uint64_t>(n);
-    if (progress) {
-      if (!progress(r, len)) { return false; }
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-inline void skip_content_with_length(Stream &strm, uint64_t len) {
-  uint64_t r = 0;
-  while (r < len) {
-    auto read_len = static_cast<size_t>(len - r);
-    auto n =, (std::min)(read_len, CPPHTTPLIB_RECV_BUFSIZ));
-    if (n <= 0) { return; }
-    r += static_cast<uint64_t>(n);
-  }
-inline bool read_content_without_length(Stream &strm,
-                                        ContentReceiverWithProgress out) {
-  uint64_t r = 0;
-  for (;;) {
-    if (n < 0) {
-      return false;
-    } else if (n == 0) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    if (!out(buf, static_cast<size_t>(n), r, 0)) { return false; }
-    r += static_cast<uint64_t>(n);
-  }
-  return true;
-inline bool read_content_chunked(Stream &strm,
-                                 ContentReceiverWithProgress out) {
-  const auto bufsiz = 16;
-  char buf[bufsiz];
-  stream_line_reader line_reader(strm, buf, bufsiz);
-  if (!line_reader.getline()) { return false; }
-  unsigned long chunk_len;
-  while (true) {
-    char *end_ptr;
-    chunk_len = std::strtoul(line_reader.ptr(), &end_ptr, 16);
-    if (end_ptr == line_reader.ptr()) { return false; }
-    if (chunk_len == ULONG_MAX) { return false; }
-    if (chunk_len == 0) { break; }
-    if (!read_content_with_length(strm, chunk_len, nullptr, out)) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (!line_reader.getline()) { return false; }
-    if (strcmp(line_reader.ptr(), "\r\n")) { break; }
-    if (!line_reader.getline()) { return false; }
-  }
-  if (chunk_len == 0) {
-    // Reader terminator after chunks
-    if (!line_reader.getline() || strcmp(line_reader.ptr(), "\r\n"))
-      return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-inline bool is_chunked_transfer_encoding(const Headers &headers) {
-  return !strcasecmp(get_header_value(headers, "Transfer-Encoding", 0, ""),
-                     "chunked");
-template <typename T, typename U>
-bool prepare_content_receiver(T &x, int &status,
-                              ContentReceiverWithProgress receiver,
-                              bool decompress, U callback) {
-  if (decompress) {
-    std::string encoding = x.get_header_value("Content-Encoding");
-    std::unique_ptr<decompressor> decompressor;
-    if (encoding.find("gzip") != std::string::npos ||
-        encoding.find("deflate") != std::string::npos) {
-      decompressor = detail::make_unique<gzip_decompressor>();
-      status = 415;
-      return false;
-    } else if (encoding.find("br") != std::string::npos) {
-      decompressor = detail::make_unique<brotli_decompressor>();
-      status = 415;
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (decompressor) {
-      if (decompressor->is_valid()) {
-        ContentReceiverWithProgress out = [&](const char *buf, size_t n,
-                                              uint64_t off, uint64_t len) {
-          return decompressor->decompress(buf, n,
-                                          [&](const char *buf, size_t n) {
-                                            return receiver(buf, n, off, len);
-                                          });
-        };
-        return callback(std::move(out));
-      } else {
-        status = 500;
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  ContentReceiverWithProgress out = [&](const char *buf, size_t n, uint64_t off,
-                                        uint64_t len) {
-    return receiver(buf, n, off, len);
-  };
-  return callback(std::move(out));
-template <typename T>
-bool read_content(Stream &strm, T &x, size_t payload_max_length, int &status,
-                  Progress progress, ContentReceiverWithProgress receiver,
-                  bool decompress) {
-  return prepare_content_receiver(
-      x, status, std::move(receiver), decompress,
-      [&](const ContentReceiverWithProgress &out) {
-        auto ret = true;
-        auto exceed_payload_max_length = false;
-        if (is_chunked_transfer_encoding(x.headers)) {
-          ret = read_content_chunked(strm, out);
-        } else if (!has_header(x.headers, "Content-Length")) {
-          ret = read_content_without_length(strm, out);
-        } else {
-          auto len = get_header_value<uint64_t>(x.headers, "Content-Length");
-          if (len > payload_max_length) {
-            exceed_payload_max_length = true;
-            skip_content_with_length(strm, len);
-            ret = false;
-          } else if (len > 0) {
-            ret = read_content_with_length(strm, len, std::move(progress), out);
-          }
-        }
-        if (!ret) { status = exceed_payload_max_length ? 413 : 400; }
-        return ret;
-      });
-template <typename T>
-inline ssize_t write_headers(Stream &strm, const T &info,
-                             const Headers &headers) {
-  ssize_t write_len = 0;
-  for (const auto &x : info.headers) {
-    if (x.first == "EXCEPTION_WHAT") { continue; }
-    auto len =
-        strm.write_format("%s: %s\r\n", x.first.c_str(), x.second.c_str());
-    if (len < 0) { return len; }
-    write_len += len;
-  }
-  for (const auto &x : headers) {
-    auto len =
-        strm.write_format("%s: %s\r\n", x.first.c_str(), x.second.c_str());
-    if (len < 0) { return len; }
-    write_len += len;
-  }
-  auto len = strm.write("\r\n");
-  if (len < 0) { return len; }
-  write_len += len;
-  return write_len;
-inline bool write_data(Stream &strm, const char *d, size_t l) {
-  size_t offset = 0;
-  while (offset < l) {
-    auto length = strm.write(d + offset, l - offset);
-    if (length < 0) { return false; }
-    offset += static_cast<size_t>(length);
-  }
-  return true;
-template <typename T>
-inline ssize_t write_content(Stream &strm, ContentProvider content_provider,
-                             size_t offset, size_t length, T is_shutting_down) {
-  size_t begin_offset = offset;
-  size_t end_offset = offset + length;
-  auto ok = true;
-  DataSink data_sink;
-  data_sink.write = [&](const char *d, size_t l) {
-    if (ok) {
-      offset += l;
-      if (!write_data(strm, d, l)) { ok = false; }
-    }
-  };
-  data_sink.is_writable = [&](void) { return ok && strm.is_writable(); };
-  while (offset < end_offset && !is_shutting_down()) {
-    if (!content_provider(offset, end_offset - offset, data_sink)) {
-      return -1;
-    }
-    if (!ok) { return -1; }
-  }
-  return static_cast<ssize_t>(offset - begin_offset);
-template <typename T>
-inline ssize_t write_content_without_length(Stream &strm,
-                                            ContentProvider content_provider,
-                                            T is_shutting_down) {
-  size_t offset = 0;
-  auto data_available = true;
-  auto ok = true;
-  DataSink data_sink;
-  data_sink.write = [&](const char *d, size_t l) {
-    if (ok) {
-      offset += l;
-      if (!write_data(strm, d, l)) { ok = false; }
-    }
-  };
-  data_sink.done = [&](void) { data_available = false; };
-  data_sink.is_writable = [&](void) { return ok && strm.is_writable(); };
-  while (data_available && !is_shutting_down()) {
-    if (!content_provider(offset, 0, data_sink)) { return -1; }
-    if (!ok) { return -1; }
-  }
-  return static_cast<ssize_t>(offset);
-template <typename T, typename U>
-inline ssize_t write_content_chunked(Stream &strm,
-                                     ContentProvider content_provider,
-                                     T is_shutting_down, U &compressor) {
-  size_t offset = 0;
-  auto data_available = true;
-  ssize_t total_written_length = 0;
-  auto ok = true;
-  DataSink data_sink;
-  data_sink.write = [&](const char *d, size_t l) {
-    if (!ok) { return; }
-    data_available = l > 0;
-    offset += l;
-    std::string payload;
-    if (!compressor.compress(d, l, false,
-                             [&](const char *data, size_t data_len) {
-                               payload.append(data, data_len);
-                               return true;
-                             })) {
-      ok = false;
-      return;
-    }
-    if (!payload.empty()) {
-      // Emit chunked response header and footer for each chunk
-      auto chunk = from_i_to_hex(payload.size()) + "\r\n" + payload + "\r\n";
-      if (write_data(strm,, chunk.size())) {
-        total_written_length += chunk.size();
-      } else {
-        ok = false;
-        return;
-      }
-    }
-  };
-  data_sink.done = [&](void) {
-    if (!ok) { return; }
-    data_available = false;
-    std::string payload;
-    if (!compressor.compress(nullptr, 0, true,
-                             [&](const char *data, size_t data_len) {
-                               payload.append(data, data_len);
-                               return true;
-                             })) {
-      ok = false;
-      return;
-    }
-    if (!payload.empty()) {
-      // Emit chunked response header and footer for each chunk
-      auto chunk = from_i_to_hex(payload.size()) + "\r\n" + payload + "\r\n";
-      if (write_data(strm,, chunk.size())) {
-        total_written_length += chunk.size();
-      } else {
-        ok = false;
-        return;
-      }
-    }
-    static const std::string done_marker("0\r\n\r\n");
-    if (write_data(strm,, done_marker.size())) {
-      total_written_length += done_marker.size();
-    } else {
-      ok = false;
-    }
-  };
-  data_sink.is_writable = [&](void) { return ok && strm.is_writable(); };
-  while (data_available && !is_shutting_down()) {
-    if (!content_provider(offset, 0, data_sink)) { return -1; }
-    if (!ok) { return -1; }
-  }
-  return total_written_length;
-template <typename T>
-inline bool redirect(T &cli, const Request &req, Response &res,
-                     const std::string &path) {
-  Request new_req = req;
-  new_req.path = path;
-  new_req.redirect_count -= 1;
-  if (res.status == 303 && (req.method != "GET" && req.method != "HEAD")) {
-    new_req.method = "GET";
-    new_req.body.clear();
-    new_req.headers.clear();
-  }
-  Response new_res;
-  auto ret = cli.send(new_req, new_res);
-  if (ret) { res = new_res; }
-  return ret;
-inline std::string params_to_query_str(const Params &params) {
-  std::string query;
-  for (auto it = params.begin(); it != params.end(); ++it) {
-    if (it != params.begin()) { query += "&"; }
-    query += it->first;
-    query += "=";
-    query += encode_url(it->second);
-  }
-  return query;
-inline void parse_query_text(const std::string &s, Params &params) {
-  split(, + s.size(), '&', [&](const char *b, const char *e) {
-    std::string key;
-    std::string val;
-    split(b, e, '=', [&](const char *b2, const char *e2) {
-      if (key.empty()) {
-        key.assign(b2, e2);
-      } else {
-        val.assign(b2, e2);
-      }
-    });
-    if (!key.empty()) {
-      params.emplace(decode_url(key, true), decode_url(val, true));
-    }
-  });
-inline bool parse_multipart_boundary(const std::string &content_type,
-                                     std::string &boundary) {
-  auto pos = content_type.find("boundary=");
-  if (pos == std::string::npos) { return false; }
-  boundary = content_type.substr(pos + 9);
-  if (boundary.length() >= 2 && boundary.front() == '"' &&
-      boundary.back() == '"') {
-    boundary = boundary.substr(1, boundary.size() - 2);
-  }
-  return !boundary.empty();
-inline bool parse_range_header(const std::string &s, Ranges &ranges) try {
-  static auto re_first_range = std::regex(R"(bytes=(\d*-\d*(?:,\s*\d*-\d*)*))");
-  std::smatch m;
-  if (std::regex_match(s, m, re_first_range)) {
-    auto pos = static_cast<size_t>(m.position(1));
-    auto len = static_cast<size_t>(m.length(1));
-    bool all_valid_ranges = true;
-    split(&s[pos], &s[pos + len], ',', [&](const char *b, const char *e) {
-      if (!all_valid_ranges) return;
-      static auto re_another_range = std::regex(R"(\s*(\d*)-(\d*))");
-      std::cmatch cm;
-      if (std::regex_match(b, e, cm, re_another_range)) {
-        ssize_t first = -1;
-        if (!cm.str(1).empty()) {
-          first = static_cast<ssize_t>(std::stoll(cm.str(1)));
-        }
-        ssize_t last = -1;
-        if (!cm.str(2).empty()) {
-          last = static_cast<ssize_t>(std::stoll(cm.str(2)));
-        }
-        if (first != -1 && last != -1 && first > last) {
-          all_valid_ranges = false;
-          return;
-        }
-        ranges.emplace_back(std::make_pair(first, last));
-      }
-    });
-    return all_valid_ranges;
-  }
-  return false;
-} catch (...) { return false; }
-class MultipartFormDataParser {
-  MultipartFormDataParser() = default;
-  void set_boundary(std::string &&boundary) { boundary_ = boundary; }
-  bool is_valid() const { return is_valid_; }
-  template <typename T, typename U>
-  bool parse(const char *buf, size_t n, const T &content_callback,
-             const U &header_callback) {
-    static const std::regex re_content_disposition(
-        "^Content-Disposition:\\s*form-data;\\s*name=\"(.*?)\"(?:;\\s*filename="
-        "\"(.*?)\")?\\s*$",
-        std::regex_constants::icase);
-    static const std::string dash_ = "--";
-    static const std::string crlf_ = "\r\n";
-    buf_.append(buf, n); // TODO: performance improvement
-    while (!buf_.empty()) {
-      switch (state_) {
-      case 0: { // Initial boundary
-        auto pattern = dash_ + boundary_ + crlf_;
-        if (pattern.size() > buf_.size()) { return true; }
-        auto pos = buf_.find(pattern);
-        if (pos != 0) { return false; }
-        buf_.erase(0, pattern.size());
-        off_ += pattern.size();
-        state_ = 1;
-        break;
-      }
-      case 1: { // New entry
-        clear_file_info();
-        state_ = 2;
-        break;
-      }
-      case 2: { // Headers
-        auto pos = buf_.find(crlf_);
-        while (pos != std::string::npos) {
-          // Empty line
-          if (pos == 0) {
-            if (!header_callback(file_)) {
-              is_valid_ = false;
-              return false;
-            }
-            buf_.erase(0, crlf_.size());
-            off_ += crlf_.size();
-            state_ = 3;
-            break;
-          }
-          static const std::string header_name = "content-type:";
-          const auto header = buf_.substr(0, pos);
-          if (start_with(header, header_name)) {
-            file_.content_type = trim_copy(header.substr(header_name.size()));
-          } else {
-            std::smatch m;
-            if (std::regex_match(header, m, re_content_disposition)) {
-     = m[1];
-              file_.filename = m[2];
-            }
-          }
-          buf_.erase(0, pos + crlf_.size());
-          off_ += pos + crlf_.size();
-          pos = buf_.find(crlf_);
-        }
-        if (state_ != 3) { return true; }
-        break;
-      }
-      case 3: { // Body
-        {
-          auto pattern = crlf_ + dash_;
-          if (pattern.size() > buf_.size()) { return true; }
-          auto pos = buf_.find(pattern);
-          if (pos == std::string::npos) {
-            pos = buf_.size();
-            while (pos > 0) {
-              auto c = buf_[pos - 1];
-              if (c != '\r' && c != '\n' && c != '-') { break; }
-              pos--;
-            }
-          }
-          if (!content_callback(, pos)) {
-            is_valid_ = false;
-            return false;
-          }
-          off_ += pos;
-          buf_.erase(0, pos);
-        }
-        {
-          auto pattern = crlf_ + dash_ + boundary_;
-          if (pattern.size() > buf_.size()) { return true; }
-          auto pos = buf_.find(pattern);
-          if (pos != std::string::npos) {
-            if (!content_callback(, pos)) {
-              is_valid_ = false;
-              return false;
-            }
-            off_ += pos + pattern.size();
-            buf_.erase(0, pos + pattern.size());
-            state_ = 4;
-          } else {
-            if (!content_callback(, pattern.size())) {
-              is_valid_ = false;
-              return false;
-            }
-            off_ += pattern.size();
-            buf_.erase(0, pattern.size());
-          }
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-      case 4: { // Boundary
-        if (crlf_.size() > buf_.size()) { return true; }
-        if (, crlf_.size(), crlf_) == 0) {
-          buf_.erase(0, crlf_.size());
-          off_ += crlf_.size();
-          state_ = 1;
-        } else {
-          auto pattern = dash_ + crlf_;
-          if (pattern.size() > buf_.size()) { return true; }
-          if (, pattern.size(), pattern) == 0) {
-            buf_.erase(0, pattern.size());
-            off_ += pattern.size();
-            is_valid_ = true;
-            state_ = 5;
-          } else {
-            return true;
-          }
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-      case 5: { // Done
-        is_valid_ = false;
-        return false;
-      }
-      }
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  void clear_file_info() {
-    file_.filename.clear();
-    file_.content_type.clear();
-  }
-  std::string boundary_;
-  std::string buf_;
-  size_t state_ = 0;
-  bool is_valid_ = false;
-  size_t off_ = 0;
-  MultipartFormData file_;
-inline std::string to_lower(const char *beg, const char *end) {
-  std::string out;
-  auto it = beg;
-  while (it != end) {
-    out += static_cast<char>(::tolower(*it));
-    it++;
-  }
-  return out;
-inline std::string make_multipart_data_boundary() {
-  static const char data[] =
-      "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
-  // std::random_device might actually be deterministic on some
-  // platforms, but due to lack of support in the c++ standard library,
-  // doing better requires either some ugly hacks or breaking portability.
-  std::random_device seed_gen;
-  // Request 128 bits of entropy for initialization
-  std::seed_seq seed_sequence{seed_gen(), seed_gen(), seed_gen(), seed_gen()};
-  std::mt19937 engine(seed_sequence);
-  std::string result = "--cpp-httplib-multipart-data-";
-  for (auto i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
-    result += data[engine() % (sizeof(data) - 1)];
-  }
-  return result;
-inline std::pair<size_t, size_t>
-get_range_offset_and_length(const Request &req, size_t content_length,
-                            size_t index) {
-  auto r = req.ranges[index];
-  if (r.first == -1 && r.second == -1) {
-    return std::make_pair(0, content_length);
-  }
-  auto slen = static_cast<ssize_t>(content_length);
-  if (r.first == -1) {
-    r.first = (std::max)(static_cast<ssize_t>(0), slen - r.second);
-    r.second = slen - 1;
-  }
-  if (r.second == -1) { r.second = slen - 1; }
-  return std::make_pair(r.first, r.second - r.first + 1);
-inline std::string make_content_range_header_field(size_t offset, size_t length,
-                                                   size_t content_length) {
-  std::string field = "bytes ";
-  field += std::to_string(offset);
-  field += "-";
-  field += std::to_string(offset + length - 1);
-  field += "/";
-  field += std::to_string(content_length);
-  return field;
-template <typename SToken, typename CToken, typename Content>
-bool process_multipart_ranges_data(const Request &req, Response &res,
-                                   const std::string &boundary,
-                                   const std::string &content_type,
-                                   SToken stoken, CToken ctoken,
-                                   Content content) {
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < req.ranges.size(); i++) {
-    ctoken("--");
-    stoken(boundary);
-    ctoken("\r\n");
-    if (!content_type.empty()) {
-      ctoken("Content-Type: ");
-      stoken(content_type);
-      ctoken("\r\n");
-    }
-    auto offsets = get_range_offset_and_length(req, res.body.size(), i);
-    auto offset = offsets.first;
-    auto length = offsets.second;
-    ctoken("Content-Range: ");
-    stoken(make_content_range_header_field(offset, length, res.body.size()));
-    ctoken("\r\n");
-    ctoken("\r\n");
-    if (!content(offset, length)) { return false; }
-    ctoken("\r\n");
-  }
-  ctoken("--");
-  stoken(boundary);
-  ctoken("--\r\n");
-  return true;
-inline std::string make_multipart_ranges_data(const Request &req, Response &res,
-                                              const std::string &boundary,
-                                              const std::string &content_type) {
-  std::string data;
-  process_multipart_ranges_data(
-      req, res, boundary, content_type,
-      [&](const std::string &token) { data += token; },
-      [&](const char *token) { data += token; },
-      [&](size_t offset, size_t length) {
-        data += res.body.substr(offset, length);
-        return true;
-      });
-  return data;
-inline size_t
-get_multipart_ranges_data_length(const Request &req, Response &res,
-                                 const std::string &boundary,
-                                 const std::string &content_type) {
-  size_t data_length = 0;
-  process_multipart_ranges_data(
-      req, res, boundary, content_type,
-      [&](const std::string &token) { data_length += token.size(); },
-      [&](const char *token) { data_length += strlen(token); },
-      [&](size_t /*offset*/, size_t length) {
-        data_length += length;
-        return true;
-      });
-  return data_length;
-template <typename T>
-inline bool write_multipart_ranges_data(Stream &strm, const Request &req,
-                                        Response &res,
-                                        const std::string &boundary,
-                                        const std::string &content_type,
-                                        T is_shutting_down) {
-  return process_multipart_ranges_data(
-      req, res, boundary, content_type,
-      [&](const std::string &token) { strm.write(token); },
-      [&](const char *token) { strm.write(token); },
-      [&](size_t offset, size_t length) {
-        return write_content(strm, res.content_provider_, offset, length,
-                             is_shutting_down) >= 0;
-      });
-inline std::pair<size_t, size_t>
-get_range_offset_and_length(const Request &req, const Response &res,
-                            size_t index) {
-  auto r = req.ranges[index];
-  if (r.second == -1) {
-    r.second = static_cast<ssize_t>(res.content_length_) - 1;
-  }
-  return std::make_pair(r.first, r.second - r.first + 1);
-inline bool expect_content(const Request &req) {
-  if (req.method == "POST" || req.method == "PUT" || req.method == "PATCH" ||
-      req.method == "PRI" || req.method == "DELETE") {
-    return true;
-  }
-  // TODO: check if Content-Length is set
-  return false;
-inline bool has_crlf(const char *s) {
-  auto p = s;
-  while (*p) {
-    if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') { return true; }
-    p++;
-  }
-  return false;
-template <typename CTX, typename Init, typename Update, typename Final>
-inline std::string message_digest(const std::string &s, Init init,
-                                  Update update, Final final,
-                                  size_t digest_length) {
-  using namespace std;
-  std::vector<unsigned char> md(digest_length, 0);
-  CTX ctx;
-  init(&ctx);
-  update(&ctx,, s.size());
-  final(, &ctx);
-  stringstream ss;
-  for (auto c : md) {
-    ss << setfill('0') << setw(2) << hex << (unsigned int)c;
-  }
-  return ss.str();
-inline std::string MD5(const std::string &s) {
-  return message_digest<MD5_CTX>(s, MD5_Init, MD5_Update, MD5_Final,
-                                 MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);
-inline std::string SHA_256(const std::string &s) {
-  return message_digest<SHA256_CTX>(s, SHA256_Init, SHA256_Update, SHA256_Final,
-                                    SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
-inline std::string SHA_512(const std::string &s) {
-  return message_digest<SHA512_CTX>(s, SHA512_Init, SHA512_Update, SHA512_Final,
-                                    SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH);
-#ifdef _WIN32
-// NOTE: This code came up with the following stackoverflow post:
-inline bool load_system_certs_on_windows(X509_STORE *store) {
-  auto hStore = CertOpenSystemStoreW((HCRYPTPROV_LEGACY)NULL, L"ROOT");
-  if (!hStore) { return false; }
-  while (pContext = CertEnumCertificatesInStore(hStore, pContext)) {
-    auto encoded_cert =
-        static_cast<const unsigned char *>(pContext->pbCertEncoded);
-    auto x509 = d2i_X509(NULL, &encoded_cert, pContext->cbCertEncoded);
-    if (x509) {
-      X509_STORE_add_cert(store, x509);
-      X509_free(x509);
-    }
-  }
-  CertFreeCertificateContext(pContext);
-  CertCloseStore(hStore, 0);
-  return true;
-class WSInit {
-  WSInit() {
-    WSADATA wsaData;
-    WSAStartup(0x0002, &wsaData);
-  }
-  ~WSInit() { WSACleanup(); }
-static WSInit wsinit_;
-inline std::pair<std::string, std::string> make_digest_authentication_header(
-    const Request &req, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &auth,
-    size_t cnonce_count, const std::string &cnonce, const std::string &username,
-    const std::string &password, bool is_proxy = false) {
-  using namespace std;
-  string nc;
-  {
-    stringstream ss;
-    ss << setfill('0') << setw(8) << hex << cnonce_count;
-    nc = ss.str();
-  }
-  auto qop ="qop");
-  if (qop.find("auth-int") != std::string::npos) {
-    qop = "auth-int";
-  } else {
-    qop = "auth";
-  }
-  std::string algo = "MD5";
-  if (auth.find("algorithm") != auth.end()) { algo ="algorithm"); }
-  string response;
-  {
-    auto H = algo == "SHA-256"
-                 ? detail::SHA_256
-                 : algo == "SHA-512" ? detail::SHA_512 : detail::MD5;
-    auto A1 = username + ":" +"realm") + ":" + password;
-    auto A2 = req.method + ":" + req.path;
-    if (qop == "auth-int") { A2 += ":" + H(req.body); }
-    response = H(H(A1) + ":" +"nonce") + ":" + nc + ":" + cnonce +
-                 ":" + qop + ":" + H(A2));
-  }
-  auto field = "Digest username=\"" + username + "\", realm=\"" +
-     "realm") + "\", nonce=\"" +"nonce") +
-               "\", uri=\"" + req.path + "\", algorithm=" + algo +
-               ", qop=" + qop + ", nc=\"" + nc + "\", cnonce=\"" + cnonce +
-               "\", response=\"" + response + "\"";
-  auto key = is_proxy ? "Proxy-Authorization" : "Authorization";
-  return std::make_pair(key, field);
-inline bool parse_www_authenticate(const Response &res,
-                                   std::map<std::string, std::string> &auth,
-                                   bool is_proxy) {
-  auto auth_key = is_proxy ? "Proxy-Authenticate" : "WWW-Authenticate";
-  if (res.has_header(auth_key)) {
-    static auto re = std::regex(R"~((?:(?:,\s*)?(.+?)=(?:"(.*?)"|([^,]*))))~");
-    auto s = res.get_header_value(auth_key);
-    auto pos = s.find(' ');
-    if (pos != std::string::npos) {
-      auto type = s.substr(0, pos);
-      if (type == "Basic") {
-        return false;
-      } else if (type == "Digest") {
-        s = s.substr(pos + 1);
-        auto beg = std::sregex_iterator(s.begin(), s.end(), re);
-        for (auto i = beg; i != std::sregex_iterator(); ++i) {
-          auto m = *i;
-          auto key = s.substr(static_cast<size_t>(m.position(1)),
-                              static_cast<size_t>(m.length(1)));
-          auto val = m.length(2) > 0
-                         ? s.substr(static_cast<size_t>(m.position(2)),
-                                    static_cast<size_t>(m.length(2)))
-                         : s.substr(static_cast<size_t>(m.position(3)),
-                                    static_cast<size_t>(m.length(3)));
-          auth[key] = val;
-        }
-        return true;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return false;
-inline std::string random_string(size_t length) {
-  auto randchar = []() -> char {
-    const char charset[] = "0123456789"
-                           "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
-                           "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
-    const size_t max_index = (sizeof(charset) - 1);
-    return charset[static_cast<size_t>(rand()) % max_index];
-  };
-  std::string str(length, 0);
-  std::generate_n(str.begin(), length, randchar);
-  return str;
-class ContentProviderAdapter {
-  explicit ContentProviderAdapter(
-      ContentProviderWithoutLength &&content_provider)
-      : content_provider_(content_provider) {}
-  bool operator()(size_t offset, size_t, DataSink &sink) {
-    return content_provider_(offset, sink);
-  }
-  ContentProviderWithoutLength content_provider_;
-} // namespace detail
-// Header utilities
-inline std::pair<std::string, std::string> make_range_header(Ranges ranges) {
-  std::string field = "bytes=";
-  auto i = 0;
-  for (auto r : ranges) {
-    if (i != 0) { field += ", "; }
-    if (r.first != -1) { field += std::to_string(r.first); }
-    field += '-';
-    if (r.second != -1) { field += std::to_string(r.second); }
-    i++;
-  }
-  return std::make_pair("Range", std::move(field));
-inline std::pair<std::string, std::string>
-make_basic_authentication_header(const std::string &username,
-                                 const std::string &password,
-                                 bool is_proxy = false) {
-  auto field = "Basic " + detail::base64_encode(username + ":" + password);
-  auto key = is_proxy ? "Proxy-Authorization" : "Authorization";
-  return std::make_pair(key, std::move(field));
-inline std::pair<std::string, std::string>
-make_bearer_token_authentication_header(const std::string &token,
-                                        bool is_proxy = false) {
-  auto field = "Bearer " + token;
-  auto key = is_proxy ? "Proxy-Authorization" : "Authorization";
-  return std::make_pair(key, std::move(field));
-// Request implementation
-inline bool Request::has_header(const char *key) const {
-  return detail::has_header(headers, key);
-inline std::string Request::get_header_value(const char *key, size_t id) const {
-  return detail::get_header_value(headers, key, id, "");
-template <typename T>
-inline T Request::get_header_value(const char *key, size_t id) const {
-  return detail::get_header_value<T>(headers, key, id, 0);
-inline size_t Request::get_header_value_count(const char *key) const {
-  auto r = headers.equal_range(key);
-  return static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(r.first, r.second));
-inline void Request::set_header(const char *key, const char *val) {
-  if (!detail::has_crlf(key) && !detail::has_crlf(val)) {
-    headers.emplace(key, val);
-  }
-inline void Request::set_header(const char *key, const std::string &val) {
-  if (!detail::has_crlf(key) && !detail::has_crlf(val.c_str())) {
-    headers.emplace(key, val);
-  }
-inline bool Request::has_param(const char *key) const {
-  return params.find(key) != params.end();
-inline std::string Request::get_param_value(const char *key, size_t id) const {
-  auto rng = params.equal_range(key);
-  auto it = rng.first;
-  std::advance(it, static_cast<ssize_t>(id));
-  if (it != rng.second) { return it->second; }
-  return std::string();
-inline size_t Request::get_param_value_count(const char *key) const {
-  auto r = params.equal_range(key);
-  return static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(r.first, r.second));
-inline bool Request::is_multipart_form_data() const {
-  const auto &content_type = get_header_value("Content-Type");
-  return !content_type.find("multipart/form-data");
-inline bool Request::has_file(const char *key) const {
-  return files.find(key) != files.end();
-inline MultipartFormData Request::get_file_value(const char *key) const {
-  auto it = files.find(key);
-  if (it != files.end()) { return it->second; }
-  return MultipartFormData();
-// Response implementation
-inline bool Response::has_header(const char *key) const {
-  return headers.find(key) != headers.end();
-inline std::string Response::get_header_value(const char *key,
-                                              size_t id) const {
-  return detail::get_header_value(headers, key, id, "");
-template <typename T>
-inline T Response::get_header_value(const char *key, size_t id) const {
-  return detail::get_header_value<T>(headers, key, id, 0);
-inline size_t Response::get_header_value_count(const char *key) const {
-  auto r = headers.equal_range(key);
-  return static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(r.first, r.second));
-inline void Response::set_header(const char *key, const char *val) {
-  if (!detail::has_crlf(key) && !detail::has_crlf(val)) {
-    headers.emplace(key, val);
-  }
-inline void Response::set_header(const char *key, const std::string &val) {
-  if (!detail::has_crlf(key) && !detail::has_crlf(val.c_str())) {
-    headers.emplace(key, val);
-  }
-inline void Response::set_redirect(const char *url, int stat) {
-  if (!detail::has_crlf(url)) {
-    set_header("Location", url);
-    if (300 <= stat && stat < 400) {
-      this->status = stat;
-    } else {
-      this->status = 302;
-    }
-  }
-inline void Response::set_redirect(const std::string &url, int stat) {
-  set_redirect(url.c_str(), stat);
-inline void Response::set_content(const char *s, size_t n,
-                                  const char *content_type) {
-  body.assign(s, n);
-  set_header("Content-Type", content_type);
-inline void Response::set_content(std::string s, const char *content_type) {
-  body = std::move(s);
-  set_header("Content-Type", content_type);
-inline void
-Response::set_content_provider(size_t in_length, const char *content_type,
-                               ContentProvider provider,
-                               const std::function<void()> &resource_releaser) {
-  assert(in_length > 0);
-  set_header("Content-Type", content_type);
-  content_length_ = in_length;
-  content_provider_ = std::move(provider);
-  content_provider_resource_releaser_ = resource_releaser;
-  is_chunked_content_provider = false;
-inline void
-Response::set_content_provider(const char *content_type,
-                               ContentProviderWithoutLength provider,
-                               const std::function<void()> &resource_releaser) {
-  set_header("Content-Type", content_type);
-  content_length_ = 0;
-  content_provider_ = detail::ContentProviderAdapter(std::move(provider));
-  content_provider_resource_releaser_ = resource_releaser;
-  is_chunked_content_provider = false;
-inline void Response::set_chunked_content_provider(
-    const char *content_type, ContentProviderWithoutLength provider,
-    const std::function<void()> &resource_releaser) {
-  set_header("Content-Type", content_type);
-  content_length_ = 0;
-  content_provider_ = detail::ContentProviderAdapter(std::move(provider));
-  content_provider_resource_releaser_ = resource_releaser;
-  is_chunked_content_provider = true;
-// Rstream implementation
-inline ssize_t Stream::write(const char *ptr) {
-  return write(ptr, strlen(ptr));
-inline ssize_t Stream::write(const std::string &s) {
-  return write(, s.size());
-template <typename... Args>
-inline ssize_t Stream::write_format(const char *fmt, const Args &... args) {
-  const auto bufsiz = 2048;
-  std::array<char, bufsiz> buf;
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1900
-  auto sn = _snprintf_s(, bufsiz - 1, buf.size() - 1, fmt, args...);
-  auto sn = snprintf(, buf.size() - 1, fmt, args...);
-  if (sn <= 0) { return sn; }
-  auto n = static_cast<size_t>(sn);
-  if (n >= buf.size() - 1) {
-    std::vector<char> glowable_buf(buf.size());
-    while (n >= glowable_buf.size() - 1) {
-      glowable_buf.resize(glowable_buf.size() * 2);
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1900
-      n = static_cast<size_t>(_snprintf_s(&glowable_buf[0], glowable_buf.size(),
-                                          glowable_buf.size() - 1, fmt,
-                                          args...));
-      n = static_cast<size_t>(
-          snprintf(&glowable_buf[0], glowable_buf.size() - 1, fmt, args...));
-    }
-    return write(&glowable_buf[0], n);
-  } else {
-    return write(, n);
-  }
-namespace detail {
-// Socket stream implementation
-inline SocketStream::SocketStream(socket_t sock, time_t read_timeout_sec,
-                                  time_t read_timeout_usec,
-                                  time_t write_timeout_sec,
-                                  time_t write_timeout_usec)
-    : sock_(sock), read_timeout_sec_(read_timeout_sec),
-      read_timeout_usec_(read_timeout_usec),
-      write_timeout_sec_(write_timeout_sec),
-      write_timeout_usec_(write_timeout_usec) {}
-inline SocketStream::~SocketStream() {}
-inline bool SocketStream::is_readable() const {
-  return select_read(sock_, read_timeout_sec_, read_timeout_usec_) > 0;
-inline bool SocketStream::is_writable() const {
-  return select_write(sock_, write_timeout_sec_, write_timeout_usec_) > 0;
-inline ssize_t SocketStream::read(char *ptr, size_t size) {
-  if (!is_readable()) { return -1; }
-#ifdef _WIN32
-  if (size > static_cast<size_t>((std::numeric_limits<int>::max)())) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  return recv(sock_, ptr, static_cast<int>(size), 0);
-  return handle_EINTR([&]() { return recv(sock_, ptr, size, 0); });
-inline ssize_t SocketStream::write(const char *ptr, size_t size) {
-  if (!is_writable()) { return -1; }
-#ifdef _WIN32
-  if (size > static_cast<size_t>((std::numeric_limits<int>::max)())) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  return send(sock_, ptr, static_cast<int>(size), 0);
-  return handle_EINTR([&]() { return send(sock_, ptr, size, 0); });
-inline void SocketStream::get_remote_ip_and_port(std::string &ip,
-                                                 int &port) const {
-  return detail::get_remote_ip_and_port(sock_, ip, port);
-// Buffer stream implementation
-inline bool BufferStream::is_readable() const { return true; }
-inline bool BufferStream::is_writable() const { return true; }
-inline ssize_t BufferStream::read(char *ptr, size_t size) {
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1900
-  auto len_read = buffer._Copy_s(ptr, size, size, position);
-  auto len_read = buffer.copy(ptr, size, position);
-  position += static_cast<size_t>(len_read);
-  return static_cast<ssize_t>(len_read);
-inline ssize_t BufferStream::write(const char *ptr, size_t size) {
-  buffer.append(ptr, size);
-  return static_cast<ssize_t>(size);
-inline void BufferStream::get_remote_ip_and_port(std::string & /*ip*/,
-                                                 int & /*port*/) const {}
-inline const std::string &BufferStream::get_buffer() const { return buffer; }
-} // namespace detail
-// HTTP server implementation
-inline Server::Server()
-    : new_task_queue(
-          [] { return new ThreadPool(CPPHTTPLIB_THREAD_POOL_COUNT); }),
-      svr_sock_(INVALID_SOCKET), is_running_(false) {
-#ifndef _WIN32
-  signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
-inline Server::~Server() {}
-inline Server &Server::Get(const char *pattern, Handler handler) {
-  get_handlers_.push_back(
-      std::make_pair(std::regex(pattern), std::move(handler)));
-  return *this;
-inline Server &Server::Post(const char *pattern, Handler handler) {
-  post_handlers_.push_back(
-      std::make_pair(std::regex(pattern), std::move(handler)));
-  return *this;
-inline Server &Server::Post(const char *pattern,
-                            HandlerWithContentReader handler) {
-  post_handlers_for_content_reader_.push_back(
-      std::make_pair(std::regex(pattern), std::move(handler)));
-  return *this;
-inline Server &Server::Put(const char *pattern, Handler handler) {
-  put_handlers_.push_back(
-      std::make_pair(std::regex(pattern), std::move(handler)));
-  return *this;
-inline Server &Server::Put(const char *pattern,
-                           HandlerWithContentReader handler) {
-  put_handlers_for_content_reader_.push_back(
-      std::make_pair(std::regex(pattern), std::move(handler)));
-  return *this;
-inline Server &Server::Patch(const char *pattern, Handler handler) {
-  patch_handlers_.push_back(
-      std::make_pair(std::regex(pattern), std::move(handler)));
-  return *this;
-inline Server &Server::Patch(const char *pattern,
-                             HandlerWithContentReader handler) {
-  patch_handlers_for_content_reader_.push_back(
-      std::make_pair(std::regex(pattern), std::move(handler)));
-  return *this;
-inline Server &Server::Delete(const char *pattern, Handler handler) {
-  delete_handlers_.push_back(
-      std::make_pair(std::regex(pattern), std::move(handler)));
-  return *this;
-inline Server &Server::Delete(const char *pattern,
-                              HandlerWithContentReader handler) {
-  delete_handlers_for_content_reader_.push_back(
-      std::make_pair(std::regex(pattern), std::move(handler)));
-  return *this;
-inline Server &Server::Options(const char *pattern, Handler handler) {
-  options_handlers_.push_back(
-      std::make_pair(std::regex(pattern), std::move(handler)));
-  return *this;
-inline bool Server::set_base_dir(const char *dir, const char *mount_point) {
-  return set_mount_point(mount_point, dir);
-inline bool Server::set_mount_point(const char *mount_point, const char *dir,
-                                    Headers headers) {
-  if (detail::is_dir(dir)) {
-    std::string mnt = mount_point ? mount_point : "/";
-    if (!mnt.empty() && mnt[0] == '/') {
-      base_dirs_.push_back({mnt, dir, std::move(headers)});
-      return true;
-    }
-  }
-  return false;
-inline bool Server::remove_mount_point(const char *mount_point) {
-  for (auto it = base_dirs_.begin(); it != base_dirs_.end(); ++it) {
-    if (it->mount_point == mount_point) {
-      base_dirs_.erase(it);
-      return true;
-    }
-  }
-  return false;
-inline void Server::set_file_extension_and_mimetype_mapping(const char *ext,
-                                                            const char *mime) {
-  file_extension_and_mimetype_map_[ext] = mime;
-inline void Server::set_file_request_handler(Handler handler) {
-  file_request_handler_ = std::move(handler);
-inline void Server::set_error_handler(Handler handler) {
-  error_handler_ = std::move(handler);
-inline void Server::set_tcp_nodelay(bool on) { tcp_nodelay_ = on; }
-inline void Server::set_socket_options(SocketOptions socket_options) {
-  socket_options_ = std::move(socket_options);
-inline void Server::set_logger(Logger logger) { logger_ = std::move(logger); }
-inline void
-Server::set_expect_100_continue_handler(Expect100ContinueHandler handler) {
-  expect_100_continue_handler_ = std::move(handler);
-inline void Server::set_keep_alive_max_count(size_t count) {
-  keep_alive_max_count_ = count;
-inline void Server::set_keep_alive_timeout(time_t sec) {
-  keep_alive_timeout_sec_ = sec;
-inline void Server::set_read_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec) {
-  read_timeout_sec_ = sec;
-  read_timeout_usec_ = usec;
-inline void Server::set_write_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec) {
-  write_timeout_sec_ = sec;
-  write_timeout_usec_ = usec;
-inline void Server::set_idle_interval(time_t sec, time_t usec) {
-  idle_interval_sec_ = sec;
-  idle_interval_usec_ = usec;
-inline void Server::set_payload_max_length(size_t length) {
-  payload_max_length_ = length;
-inline bool Server::bind_to_port(const char *host, int port, int socket_flags) {
-  if (bind_internal(host, port, socket_flags) < 0) return false;
-  return true;
-inline int Server::bind_to_any_port(const char *host, int socket_flags) {
-  return bind_internal(host, 0, socket_flags);
-inline bool Server::listen_after_bind() { return listen_internal(); }
-inline bool Server::listen(const char *host, int port, int socket_flags) {
-  return bind_to_port(host, port, socket_flags) && listen_internal();
-inline bool Server::is_running() const { return is_running_; }
-inline void Server::stop() {
-  if (is_running_) {
-    assert(svr_sock_ != INVALID_SOCKET);
-    std::atomic<socket_t> sock(;
-    detail::shutdown_socket(sock);
-    detail::close_socket(sock);
-  }
-inline bool Server::parse_request_line(const char *s, Request &req) {
-  const static std::regex re(
-      "(([^?]+)(?:\\?(.*?))?) (HTTP/1\\.[01])\r\n");
-  std::cmatch m;
-  if (std::regex_match(s, m, re)) {
-    req.version = std::string(m[5]);
-    req.method = std::string(m[1]);
- = std::string(m[2]);
-    req.path = detail::decode_url(m[3], false);
-    // Parse query text
-    auto len = std::distance(m[4].first, m[4].second);
-    if (len > 0) { detail::parse_query_text(m[4], req.params); }
-    return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-inline bool Server::write_response(Stream &strm, bool close_connection,
-                                   const Request &req, Response &res) {
-  assert(res.status != -1);
-  if (400 <= res.status && error_handler_) { error_handler_(req, res); }
-  detail::BufferStream bstrm;
-  // Response line
-  if (!bstrm.write_format("HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n", res.status,
-                          detail::status_message(res.status))) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Headers
-  if (close_connection || req.get_header_value("Connection") == "close") {
-    res.set_header("Connection", "close");
-  } else {
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    ss << "timeout=" << keep_alive_timeout_sec_
-       << ", max=" << keep_alive_max_count_;
-    res.set_header("Keep-Alive", ss.str());
-  }
-  if (!res.has_header("Content-Type") &&
-      (!res.body.empty() || res.content_length_ > 0 || res.content_provider_)) {
-    res.set_header("Content-Type", "text/plain");
-  }
-  if (!res.has_header("Accept-Ranges") && req.method == "HEAD") {
-    res.set_header("Accept-Ranges", "bytes");
-  }
-  std::string content_type;
-  std::string boundary;
-  if (req.ranges.size() > 1) {
-    boundary = detail::make_multipart_data_boundary();
-    auto it = res.headers.find("Content-Type");
-    if (it != res.headers.end()) {
-      content_type = it->second;
-      res.headers.erase(it);
-    }
-    res.headers.emplace("Content-Type",
-                        "multipart/byteranges; boundary=" + boundary);
-  }
-  auto type = detail::encoding_type(req, res);
-  if (res.body.empty()) {
-    if (res.content_length_ > 0) {
-      size_t length = 0;
-      if (req.ranges.empty()) {
-        length = res.content_length_;
-      } else if (req.ranges.size() == 1) {
-        auto offsets =
-            detail::get_range_offset_and_length(req, res.content_length_, 0);
-        auto offset = offsets.first;
-        length = offsets.second;
-        auto content_range = detail::make_content_range_header_field(
-            offset, length, res.content_length_);
-        res.set_header("Content-Range", content_range);
-      } else {
-        length = detail::get_multipart_ranges_data_length(req, res, boundary,
-                                                          content_type);
-      }
-      res.set_header("Content-Length", std::to_string(length));
-    } else {
-      if (res.content_provider_) {
-        if (res.is_chunked_content_provider) {
-          res.set_header("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked");
-          if (type == detail::EncodingType::Gzip) {
-            res.set_header("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
-          } else if (type == detail::EncodingType::Brotli) {
-            res.set_header("Content-Encoding", "br");
-          }
-        }
-      } else {
-        res.set_header("Content-Length", "0");
-      }
-    }
-  } else {
-    if (req.ranges.empty()) {
-      ;
-    } else if (req.ranges.size() == 1) {
-      auto offsets =
-          detail::get_range_offset_and_length(req, res.body.size(), 0);
-      auto offset = offsets.first;
-      auto length = offsets.second;
-      auto content_range = detail::make_content_range_header_field(
-          offset, length, res.body.size());
-      res.set_header("Content-Range", content_range);
-      res.body = res.body.substr(offset, length);
-    } else {
-      res.body =
-          detail::make_multipart_ranges_data(req, res, boundary, content_type);
-    }
-    if (type != detail::EncodingType::None) {
-      std::unique_ptr<detail::compressor> compressor;
-      if (type == detail::EncodingType::Gzip) {
-        compressor = detail::make_unique<detail::gzip_compressor>();
-        res.set_header("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
-      } else if (type == detail::EncodingType::Brotli) {
-        compressor = detail::make_unique<detail::brotli_compressor>();
-        res.set_header("Content-Encoding", "brotli");
-      }
-      if (compressor) {
-        std::string compressed;
-        if (!compressor->compress(, res.body.size(), true,
-                                  [&](const char *data, size_t data_len) {
-                                    compressed.append(data, data_len);
-                                    return true;
-                                  })) {
-          return false;
-        }
-        res.body.swap(compressed);
-      }
-    }
-    auto length = std::to_string(res.body.size());
-    res.set_header("Content-Length", length);
-  }
-  if (!detail::write_headers(bstrm, res, Headers())) { return false; }
-  // Flush buffer
-  auto &data = bstrm.get_buffer();
-  strm.write(, data.size());
-  // Body
-  auto ret = true;
-  if (req.method != "HEAD") {
-    if (!res.body.empty()) {
-      if (!strm.write(res.body)) { ret = false; }
-    } else if (res.content_provider_) {
-      if (!write_content_with_provider(strm, req, res, boundary,
-                                       content_type)) {
-        ret = false;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // Log
-  if (logger_) { logger_(req, res); }
-  return ret;
-inline bool
-Server::write_content_with_provider(Stream &strm, const Request &req,
-                                    Response &res, const std::string &boundary,
-                                    const std::string &content_type) {
-  auto is_shutting_down = [this]() {
-    return this->svr_sock_ == INVALID_SOCKET;
-  };
-  if (res.content_length_ > 0) {
-    if (req.ranges.empty()) {
-      if (detail::write_content(strm, res.content_provider_, 0,
-                                res.content_length_, is_shutting_down) < 0) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    } else if (req.ranges.size() == 1) {
-      auto offsets =
-          detail::get_range_offset_and_length(req, res.content_length_, 0);
-      auto offset = offsets.first;
-      auto length = offsets.second;
-      if (detail::write_content(strm, res.content_provider_, offset, length,
-                                is_shutting_down) < 0) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    } else {
-      if (!detail::write_multipart_ranges_data(
-              strm, req, res, boundary, content_type, is_shutting_down)) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-  } else {
-    if (res.is_chunked_content_provider) {
-      auto type = detail::encoding_type(req, res);
-      std::unique_ptr<detail::compressor> compressor;
-      if (type == detail::EncodingType::Gzip) {
-        compressor = detail::make_unique<detail::gzip_compressor>();
-      } else if (type == detail::EncodingType::Brotli) {
-        compressor = detail::make_unique<detail::brotli_compressor>();
-      } else {
-        compressor = detail::make_unique<detail::nocompressor>();
-      }
-      assert(compressor != nullptr);
-      if (detail::write_content_chunked(strm, res.content_provider_,
-                                        is_shutting_down, *compressor) < 0) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    } else {
-      if (detail::write_content_without_length(strm, res.content_provider_,
-                                               is_shutting_down) < 0) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-inline bool Server::read_content(Stream &strm, Request &req, Response &res) {
-  MultipartFormDataMap::iterator cur;
-  if (read_content_core(
-          strm, req, res,
-          // Regular
-          [&](const char *buf, size_t n) {
-            if (req.body.size() + n > req.body.max_size()) { return false; }
-            req.body.append(buf, n);
-            return true;
-          },
-          // Multipart
-          [&](const MultipartFormData &file) {
-            cur = req.files.emplace(, file);
-            return true;
-          },
-          [&](const char *buf, size_t n) {
-            auto &content = cur->second.content;
-            if (content.size() + n > content.max_size()) { return false; }
-            content.append(buf, n);
-            return true;
-          })) {
-    const auto &content_type = req.get_header_value("Content-Type");
-    if (!content_type.find("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) {
-      detail::parse_query_text(req.body, req.params);
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-inline bool Server::read_content_with_content_receiver(
-    Stream &strm, Request &req, Response &res, ContentReceiver receiver,
-    MultipartContentHeader multipart_header,
-    ContentReceiver multipart_receiver) {
-  return read_content_core(strm, req, res, std::move(receiver),
-                           std::move(multipart_header),
-                           std::move(multipart_receiver));
-inline bool Server::read_content_core(Stream &strm, Request &req, Response &res,
-                                      ContentReceiver receiver,
-                                      MultipartContentHeader mulitpart_header,
-                                      ContentReceiver multipart_receiver) {
-  detail::MultipartFormDataParser multipart_form_data_parser;
-  ContentReceiverWithProgress out;
-  if (req.is_multipart_form_data()) {
-    const auto &content_type = req.get_header_value("Content-Type");
-    std::string boundary;
-    if (!detail::parse_multipart_boundary(content_type, boundary)) {
-      res.status = 400;
-      return false;
-    }
-    multipart_form_data_parser.set_boundary(std::move(boundary));
-    out = [&](const char *buf, size_t n, uint64_t /*off*/, uint64_t /*len*/) {
-      /* For debug
-      size_t pos = 0;
-      while (pos < n) {
-        auto read_size = std::min<size_t>(1, n - pos);
-        auto ret = multipart_form_data_parser.parse(
-            buf + pos, read_size, multipart_receiver, mulitpart_header);
-        if (!ret) { return false; }
-        pos += read_size;
-      }
-      return true;
-      */
-      return multipart_form_data_parser.parse(buf, n, multipart_receiver,
-                                              mulitpart_header);
-    };
-  } else {
-    out = [receiver](const char *buf, size_t n, uint64_t /*off*/,
-                     uint64_t /*len*/) { return receiver(buf, n); };
-  }
-  if (req.method == "DELETE" && !req.has_header("Content-Length")) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (!detail::read_content(strm, req, payload_max_length_, res.status, nullptr,
-                            out, true)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (req.is_multipart_form_data()) {
-    if (!multipart_form_data_parser.is_valid()) {
-      res.status = 400;
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-inline bool Server::handle_file_request(Request &req, Response &res,
-                                        bool head) {
-  for (const auto &entry : base_dirs_) {
-    // Prefix match
-    if (!, entry.mount_point.size(), entry.mount_point)) {
-      std::string sub_path = "/" + req.path.substr(entry.mount_point.size());
-      if (detail::is_valid_path(sub_path)) {
-        auto path = entry.base_dir + sub_path;
-        if (path.back() == '/') { path += "index.html"; }
-        if (detail::is_file(path)) {
-          detail::read_file(path, res.body);
-          auto type =
-              detail::find_content_type(path, file_extension_and_mimetype_map_);
-          if (type) { res.set_header("Content-Type", type); }
-          for (const auto &kv : entry.headers) {
-            res.set_header(kv.first.c_str(), kv.second);
-          }
-          res.status = 200;
-          if (!head && file_request_handler_) {
-            file_request_handler_(req, res);
-          }
-          return true;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return false;
-inline socket_t
-Server::create_server_socket(const char *host, int port, int socket_flags,
-                             SocketOptions socket_options) const {
-  return detail::create_socket(
-      host, port, socket_flags, tcp_nodelay_, std::move(socket_options),
-      [](socket_t sock, struct addrinfo &ai) -> bool {
-        if (::bind(sock, ai.ai_addr, static_cast<socklen_t>(ai.ai_addrlen))) {
-          return false;
-        }
-        if (::listen(sock, 5)) { // Listen through 5 channels
-          return false;
-        }
-        return true;
-      });
-inline int Server::bind_internal(const char *host, int port, int socket_flags) {
-  if (!is_valid()) { return -1; }
-  svr_sock_ = create_server_socket(host, port, socket_flags, socket_options_);
-  if (svr_sock_ == INVALID_SOCKET) { return -1; }
-  if (port == 0) {
-    struct sockaddr_storage addr;
-    socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(addr);
-    if (getsockname(svr_sock_, reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr *>(&addr),
-                    &addr_len) == -1) {
-      return -1;
-    }
-    if (addr.ss_family == AF_INET) {
-      return ntohs(reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr_in *>(&addr)->sin_port);
-    } else if (addr.ss_family == AF_INET6) {
-      return ntohs(reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr_in6 *>(&addr)->sin6_port);
-    } else {
-      return -1;
-    }
-  } else {
-    return port;
-  }
-inline bool Server::listen_internal() {
-  auto ret = true;
-  is_running_ = true;
-  {
-    std::unique_ptr<TaskQueue> task_queue(new_task_queue());
-    while (svr_sock_ != INVALID_SOCKET) {
-#ifndef _WIN32
-      if (idle_interval_sec_ > 0 || idle_interval_usec_ > 0) {
-        auto val = detail::select_read(svr_sock_, idle_interval_sec_,
-                                       idle_interval_usec_);
-        if (val == 0) { // Timeout
-          task_queue->on_idle();
-          continue;
-        }
-#ifndef _WIN32
-      }
-      socket_t sock = accept(svr_sock_, nullptr, nullptr);
-      if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) {
-        if (errno == EMFILE) {
-          // The per-process limit of open file descriptors has been reached.
-          // Try to accept new connections after a short sleep.
-          std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1));
-          continue;
-        }
-        if (svr_sock_ != INVALID_SOCKET) {
-          detail::close_socket(svr_sock_);
-          ret = false;
-        } else {
-          ; // The server socket was closed by user.
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-#if __cplusplus > 201703L
-      task_queue->enqueue([=, this]() { process_and_close_socket(sock); });
-      task_queue->enqueue([=]() { process_and_close_socket(sock); });
-    }
-    task_queue->shutdown();
-  }
-  is_running_ = false;
-  return ret;
-inline bool Server::routing(Request &req, Response &res, Stream &strm) {
-  // File handler
-  bool is_head_request = req.method == "HEAD";
-  if ((req.method == "GET" || is_head_request) &&
-      handle_file_request(req, res, is_head_request)) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (detail::expect_content(req)) {
-    // Content reader handler
-    {
-      ContentReader reader(
-          [&](ContentReceiver receiver) {
-            return read_content_with_content_receiver(
-                strm, req, res, std::move(receiver), nullptr, nullptr);
-          },
-          [&](MultipartContentHeader header, ContentReceiver receiver) {
-            return read_content_with_content_receiver(strm, req, res, nullptr,
-                                                      std::move(header),
-                                                      std::move(receiver));
-          });
-      if (req.method == "POST") {
-        if (dispatch_request_for_content_reader(
-                req, res, std::move(reader),
-                post_handlers_for_content_reader_)) {
-          return true;
-        }
-      } else if (req.method == "PUT") {
-        if (dispatch_request_for_content_reader(
-                req, res, std::move(reader),
-                put_handlers_for_content_reader_)) {
-          return true;
-        }
-      } else if (req.method == "PATCH") {
-        if (dispatch_request_for_content_reader(
-                req, res, std::move(reader),
-                patch_handlers_for_content_reader_)) {
-          return true;
-        }
-      } else if (req.method == "DELETE") {
-        if (dispatch_request_for_content_reader(
-                req, res, std::move(reader),
-                delete_handlers_for_content_reader_)) {
-          return true;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Read content into `req.body`
-    if (!read_content(strm, req, res)) { return false; }
-  }
-  // Regular handler
-  if (req.method == "GET" || req.method == "HEAD") {
-    return dispatch_request(req, res, get_handlers_);
-  } else if (req.method == "POST") {
-    return dispatch_request(req, res, post_handlers_);
-  } else if (req.method == "PUT") {
-    return dispatch_request(req, res, put_handlers_);
-  } else if (req.method == "DELETE") {
-    return dispatch_request(req, res, delete_handlers_);
-  } else if (req.method == "OPTIONS") {
-    return dispatch_request(req, res, options_handlers_);
-  } else if (req.method == "PATCH") {
-    return dispatch_request(req, res, patch_handlers_);
-  }
-  res.status = 400;
-  return false;
-inline bool Server::dispatch_request(Request &req, Response &res,
-                                     const Handlers &handlers) {
-  try {
-    for (const auto &x : handlers) {
-      const auto &pattern = x.first;
-      const auto &handler = x.second;
-      if (std::regex_match(req.path, req.matches, pattern)) {
-        handler(req, res);
-        return true;
-      }
-    }
-  } catch (const std::exception &ex) {
-    res.status = 500;
-    res.set_header("EXCEPTION_WHAT", ex.what());
-  } catch (...) {
-    res.status = 500;
-    res.set_header("EXCEPTION_WHAT", "UNKNOWN");
-  }
-  return false;
-inline bool Server::dispatch_request_for_content_reader(
-    Request &req, Response &res, ContentReader content_reader,
-    const HandlersForContentReader &handlers) {
-  for (const auto &x : handlers) {
-    const auto &pattern = x.first;
-    const auto &handler = x.second;
-    if (std::regex_match(req.path, req.matches, pattern)) {
-      handler(req, res, content_reader);
-      return true;
-    }
-  }
-  return false;
-inline bool
-Server::process_request(Stream &strm, bool close_connection,
-                        bool &connection_closed,
-                        const std::function<void(Request &)> &setup_request) {
-  std::array<char, 2048> buf{};
-  detail::stream_line_reader line_reader(strm,, buf.size());
-  // Connection has been closed on client
-  if (!line_reader.getline()) { return false; }
-  Request req;
-  Response res;
-  res.version = "HTTP/1.1";
-  // Check if the request URI doesn't exceed the limit
-  if (line_reader.size() > CPPHTTPLIB_REQUEST_URI_MAX_LENGTH) {
-    Headers dummy;
-    detail::read_headers(strm, dummy);
-    res.status = 414;
-    return write_response(strm, close_connection, req, res);
-  }
-  // Request line and headers
-  if (!parse_request_line(line_reader.ptr(), req) ||
-      !detail::read_headers(strm, req.headers)) {
-    res.status = 400;
-    return write_response(strm, close_connection, req, res);
-  }
-  if (req.get_header_value("Connection") == "close") {
-    connection_closed = true;
-  }
-  if (req.version == "HTTP/1.0" &&
-      req.get_header_value("Connection") != "Keep-Alive") {
-    connection_closed = true;
-  }
-  strm.get_remote_ip_and_port(req.remote_addr, req.remote_port);
-  req.set_header("REMOTE_ADDR", req.remote_addr);
-  req.set_header("REMOTE_PORT", std::to_string(req.remote_port));
-  if (req.has_header("Range")) {
-    const auto &range_header_value = req.get_header_value("Range");
-    if (!detail::parse_range_header(range_header_value, req.ranges)) {
-      res.status = 416;
-      return write_response(strm, close_connection, req, res);
-    }
-  }
-  if (setup_request) { setup_request(req); }
-  if (req.get_header_value("Expect") == "100-continue") {
-    auto status = 100;
-    if (expect_100_continue_handler_) {
-      status = expect_100_continue_handler_(req, res);
-    }
-    switch (status) {
-    case 100:
-    case 417:
-      strm.write_format("HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n\r\n", status,
-                        detail::status_message(status));
-      break;
-    default: return write_response(strm, close_connection, req, res);
-    }
-  }
-  // Rounting
-  if (routing(req, res, strm)) {
-    if (res.status == -1) { res.status = req.ranges.empty() ? 200 : 206; }
-  } else {
-    if (res.status == -1) { res.status = 404; }
-  }
-  return write_response(strm, close_connection, req, res);
-inline bool Server::is_valid() const { return true; }
-inline bool Server::process_and_close_socket(socket_t sock) {
-  auto ret = detail::process_server_socket(
-      sock, keep_alive_max_count_, keep_alive_timeout_sec_, read_timeout_sec_,
-      read_timeout_usec_, write_timeout_sec_, write_timeout_usec_,
-      [this](Stream &strm, bool close_connection, bool &connection_closed) {
-        return process_request(strm, close_connection, connection_closed,
-                               nullptr);
-      });
-  detail::shutdown_socket(sock);
-  detail::close_socket(sock);
-  return ret;
-// HTTP client implementation
-inline ClientImpl::ClientImpl(const std::string &host)
-    : ClientImpl(host, 80, std::string(), std::string()) {}
-inline ClientImpl::ClientImpl(const std::string &host, int port)
-    : ClientImpl(host, port, std::string(), std::string()) {}
-inline ClientImpl::ClientImpl(const std::string &host, int port,
-                              const std::string &client_cert_path,
-                              const std::string &client_key_path)
-    : error_(Error::Success), host_(host), port_(port),
-      host_and_port_(host_ + ":" + std::to_string(port_)),
-      client_cert_path_(client_cert_path), client_key_path_(client_key_path) {}
-inline ClientImpl::~ClientImpl() { lock_socket_and_shutdown_and_close(); }
-inline bool ClientImpl::is_valid() const { return true; }
-inline Error ClientImpl::get_last_error() const { return error_; }
-inline void ClientImpl::copy_settings(const ClientImpl &rhs) {
-  client_cert_path_ = rhs.client_cert_path_;
-  client_key_path_ = rhs.client_key_path_;
-  connection_timeout_sec_ = rhs.connection_timeout_sec_;
-  read_timeout_sec_ = rhs.read_timeout_sec_;
-  read_timeout_usec_ = rhs.read_timeout_usec_;
-  write_timeout_sec_ = rhs.write_timeout_sec_;
-  write_timeout_usec_ = rhs.write_timeout_usec_;
-  basic_auth_username_ = rhs.basic_auth_username_;
-  basic_auth_password_ = rhs.basic_auth_password_;
-  bearer_token_auth_token_ = rhs.bearer_token_auth_token_;
-  digest_auth_username_ = rhs.digest_auth_username_;
-  digest_auth_password_ = rhs.digest_auth_password_;
-  keep_alive_ = rhs.keep_alive_;
-  follow_location_ = rhs.follow_location_;
-  tcp_nodelay_ = rhs.tcp_nodelay_;
-  socket_options_ = rhs.socket_options_;
-  compress_ = rhs.compress_;
-  decompress_ = rhs.decompress_;
-  interface_ = rhs.interface_;
-  proxy_host_ = rhs.proxy_host_;
-  proxy_port_ = rhs.proxy_port_;
-  proxy_basic_auth_username_ = rhs.proxy_basic_auth_username_;
-  proxy_basic_auth_password_ = rhs.proxy_basic_auth_password_;
-  proxy_bearer_token_auth_token_ = rhs.proxy_bearer_token_auth_token_;
-  proxy_digest_auth_username_ = rhs.proxy_digest_auth_username_;
-  proxy_digest_auth_password_ = rhs.proxy_digest_auth_password_;
-  server_certificate_verification_ = rhs.server_certificate_verification_;
-  logger_ = rhs.logger_;
-inline socket_t ClientImpl::create_client_socket() const {
-  if (!proxy_host_.empty() && proxy_port_ != -1) {
-    return detail::create_client_socket(
-        proxy_host_.c_str(), proxy_port_, tcp_nodelay_, socket_options_,
-        connection_timeout_sec_, connection_timeout_usec_, interface_, error_);
-  }
-  return detail::create_client_socket(
-      host_.c_str(), port_, tcp_nodelay_, socket_options_,
-      connection_timeout_sec_, connection_timeout_usec_, interface_, error_);
-inline bool ClientImpl::create_and_connect_socket(Socket &socket) {
-  auto sock = create_client_socket();
-  if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { return false; }
-  socket.sock = sock;
-  return true;
-inline void ClientImpl::shutdown_ssl(Socket &socket, bool shutdown_gracefully) {
-  (void)socket;
-  (void)shutdown_gracefully;
-  //If there are any requests in flight from threads other than us, then it's
-  //a thread-unsafe race because individual ssl* objects are not thread-safe. 
-  assert(socket_requests_in_flight_ == 0 ||
-         socket_requests_are_from_thread_ == std::this_thread::get_id());
-inline void ClientImpl::shutdown_socket(Socket &socket) {
-  if (socket.sock == INVALID_SOCKET)
-    return;  
-  detail::shutdown_socket(socket.sock);
-inline void ClientImpl::close_socket(Socket &socket) {
-  // If there are requests in flight in another thread, usually closing
-  // the socket will be fine and they will simply receive an error when
-  // using the closed socket, but it is still a bug since rarely the OS
-  // may reassign the socket id to be used for a new socket, and then
-  // suddenly they will be operating on a live socket that is different
-  // than the one they intended!
-  assert(socket_requests_in_flight_ == 0 ||
-         socket_requests_are_from_thread_ == std::this_thread::get_id());
-  // It is also a bug if this happens while SSL is still active
-  assert(socket.ssl == nullptr);
-  if (socket.sock == INVALID_SOCKET)
-    return;
-  detail::close_socket(socket.sock);
-  socket.sock = INVALID_SOCKET;
-inline void ClientImpl::lock_socket_and_shutdown_and_close() {
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(socket_mutex_);
-  shutdown_ssl(socket_, true);
-  shutdown_socket(socket_);
-  close_socket(socket_);
-inline bool ClientImpl::read_response_line(Stream &strm, Response &res) {
-  std::array<char, 2048> buf;
-  detail::stream_line_reader line_reader(strm,, buf.size());
-  if (!line_reader.getline()) { return false; }
-  const static std::regex re("(HTTP/1\\.[01]) (\\d+) (.*?)\r\n");
-  std::cmatch m;
-  if (!std::regex_match(line_reader.ptr(), m, re)) { return false; }
-  res.version = std::string(m[1]);
-  res.status = std::stoi(std::string(m[2]));
-  res.reason = std::string(m[3]);
-  // Ignore '100 Continue'
-  while (res.status == 100) {
-    if (!line_reader.getline()) { return false; } // CRLF
-    if (!line_reader.getline()) { return false; } // next response line
-    if (!std::regex_match(line_reader.ptr(), m, re)) { return false; }
-    res.version = std::string(m[1]);
-    res.status = std::stoi(std::string(m[2]));
-    res.reason = std::string(m[3]);
-  }
-  return true;
-inline bool ClientImpl::send(const Request &req, Response &res) {
-  std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> request_mutex_guard(request_mutex_);
-  {
-    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(socket_mutex_);
-    // Set this to false immediately - if it ever gets set to true by the end of the
-    // request, we know another thread instructed us to close the socket.
-    socket_should_be_closed_when_request_is_done_ = false;
-    auto is_alive = false;
-    if (socket_.is_open()) {
-      is_alive = detail::select_write(socket_.sock, 0, 0) > 0;
-      if (!is_alive) {
-        // Attempt to avoid sigpipe by shutting down nongracefully if it seems like
-        // the other side has already closed the connection
-        // Also, there cannot be any requests in flight from other threads since we locked
-        // request_mutex_, so safe to close everything immediately
-        const bool shutdown_gracefully = false;
-        shutdown_ssl(socket_, shutdown_gracefully);
-        shutdown_socket(socket_);
-        close_socket(socket_);
-      }
-    }
-    if (!is_alive) {
-      if (!create_and_connect_socket(socket_)) { return false; }
-      // TODO: refactoring
-      if (is_ssl()) {
-        auto &scli = static_cast<SSLClient &>(*this);
-        if (!proxy_host_.empty() && proxy_port_ != -1) {
-          bool success = false;
-          if (!scli.connect_with_proxy(socket_, res, success)) {
-            return success;
-          }
-        }
-        if (!scli.initialize_ssl(socket_)) { return false; }
-      }
-    }
-    // Mark the current socket as being in use so that it cannot be closed by anyone
-    // else while this request is ongoing, even though we will be releasing the mutex.
-    if (socket_requests_in_flight_ > 1) {
-      assert(socket_requests_are_from_thread_ == std::this_thread::get_id());
-    }
-    socket_requests_in_flight_ += 1;
-    socket_requests_are_from_thread_ = std::this_thread::get_id();
-  }
-  auto close_connection = !keep_alive_;
-  auto ret = process_socket(socket_, [&](Stream &strm) {
-    return handle_request(strm, req, res, close_connection);
-  });
-  //Briefly lock mutex in order to mark that a request is no longer ongoing
-  {
-    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(socket_mutex_);
-    socket_requests_in_flight_ -= 1;
-    if (socket_requests_in_flight_ <= 0) {
-      assert(socket_requests_in_flight_ == 0);
-      socket_requests_are_from_thread_ = std::thread::id();
-    }
-    if (socket_should_be_closed_when_request_is_done_ ||
-        close_connection ||
-        !ret ) {
-      shutdown_ssl(socket_, true);
-      shutdown_socket(socket_);
-      close_socket(socket_);
-    }
-  }
-  if (!ret) {
-    if (error_ == Error::Success) { error_ = Error::Unknown; }
-  }
-  return ret;
-inline bool ClientImpl::handle_request(Stream &strm, const Request &req,
-                                       Response &res, bool close_connection) {
-  if (req.path.empty()) {
-    error_ = Error::Connection;
-    return false;
-  }
-  bool ret;
-  if (!is_ssl() && !proxy_host_.empty() && proxy_port_ != -1) {
-    auto req2 = req;
-    req2.path = "http://" + host_and_port_ + req.path;
-    ret = process_request(strm, req2, res, close_connection);
-  } else {
-    ret = process_request(strm, req, res, close_connection);
-  }
-  if (!ret) { return false; }
-  if (300 < res.status && res.status < 400 && follow_location_) {
-    ret = redirect(req, res);
-  }
-  if ((res.status == 401 || res.status == 407) &&
-      req.authorization_count_ < 5) {
-    auto is_proxy = res.status == 407;
-    const auto &username =
-        is_proxy ? proxy_digest_auth_username_ : digest_auth_username_;
-    const auto &password =
-        is_proxy ? proxy_digest_auth_password_ : digest_auth_password_;
-    if (!username.empty() && !password.empty()) {
-      std::map<std::string, std::string> auth;
-      if (detail::parse_www_authenticate(res, auth, is_proxy)) {
-        Request new_req = req;
-        new_req.authorization_count_ += 1;
-        auto key = is_proxy ? "Proxy-Authorization" : "Authorization";
-        new_req.headers.erase(key);
-        new_req.headers.insert(detail::make_digest_authentication_header(
-            req, auth, new_req.authorization_count_, detail::random_string(10),
-            username, password, is_proxy));
-        Response new_res;
-        ret = send(new_req, new_res);
-        if (ret) { res = new_res; }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return ret;
-inline bool ClientImpl::redirect(const Request &req, Response &res) {
-  if (req.redirect_count == 0) {
-    error_ = Error::ExceedRedirectCount;
-    return false;
-  }
-  auto location = detail::decode_url(res.get_header_value("location"), true);
-  if (location.empty()) { return false; }
-  const static std::regex re(
-      R"(^(?:(https?):)?(?://([^:/?#]*)(?::(\d+))?)?([^?#]*(?:\?[^#]*)?)(?:#.*)?)");
-  std::smatch m;
-  if (!std::regex_match(location, m, re)) { return false; }
-  auto scheme = is_ssl() ? "https" : "http";
-  auto next_scheme = m[1].str();
-  auto next_host = m[2].str();
-  auto port_str = m[3].str();
-  auto next_path = m[4].str();
-  auto next_port = port_;
-  if (!port_str.empty()) {
-    next_port = std::stoi(port_str);
-  } else if (!next_scheme.empty()) {
-    next_port = next_scheme == "https" ? 443 : 80;
-  }
-  if (next_scheme.empty()) { next_scheme = scheme; }
-  if (next_host.empty()) { next_host = host_; }
-  if (next_path.empty()) { next_path = "/"; }
-  if (next_scheme == scheme && next_host == host_ && next_port == port_) {
-    return detail::redirect(*this, req, res, next_path);
-  } else {
-    if (next_scheme == "https") {
-      SSLClient cli(next_host.c_str(), next_port);
-      cli.copy_settings(*this);
-      auto ret = detail::redirect(cli, req, res, next_path);
-      if (!ret) { error_ = cli.get_last_error(); }
-      return ret;
-      return false;
-    } else {
-      ClientImpl cli(next_host.c_str(), next_port);
-      cli.copy_settings(*this);
-      auto ret = detail::redirect(cli, req, res, next_path);
-      if (!ret) { error_ = cli.get_last_error(); }
-      return ret;
-    }
-  }
-inline bool ClientImpl::write_request(Stream &strm, const Request &req,
-                                      bool close_connection) {
-  detail::BufferStream bstrm;
-  // Request line
-  const auto &path = detail::encode_url(req.path);
-  bstrm.write_format("%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\n", req.method.c_str(), path.c_str());
-  // Additonal headers
-  Headers headers;
-  if (close_connection) { headers.emplace("Connection", "close"); }
-  if (!req.has_header("Host")) {
-    if (is_ssl()) {
-      if (port_ == 443) {
-        headers.emplace("Host", host_);
-      } else {
-        headers.emplace("Host", host_and_port_);
-      }
-    } else {
-      if (port_ == 80) {
-        headers.emplace("Host", host_);
-      } else {
-        headers.emplace("Host", host_and_port_);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (!req.has_header("Accept")) { headers.emplace("Accept", "*/*"); }
-  if (!req.has_header("User-Agent")) {
-    headers.emplace("User-Agent", "cpp-httplib/0.7");
-  }
-  if (req.body.empty()) {
-    if (req.content_provider) {
-      auto length = std::to_string(req.content_length);
-      headers.emplace("Content-Length", length);
-    } else {
-      if (req.method == "POST" || req.method == "PUT" ||
-          req.method == "PATCH") {
-        headers.emplace("Content-Length", "0");
-      }
-    }
-  } else {
-    if (!req.has_header("Content-Type")) {
-      headers.emplace("Content-Type", "text/plain");
-    }
-    if (!req.has_header("Content-Length")) {
-      auto length = std::to_string(req.body.size());
-      headers.emplace("Content-Length", length);
-    }
-  }
-  if (!basic_auth_password_.empty()) {
-    headers.insert(make_basic_authentication_header(
-        basic_auth_username_, basic_auth_password_, false));
-  }
-  if (!proxy_basic_auth_username_.empty() &&
-      !proxy_basic_auth_password_.empty()) {
-    headers.insert(make_basic_authentication_header(
-        proxy_basic_auth_username_, proxy_basic_auth_password_, true));
-  }
-  if (!bearer_token_auth_token_.empty()) {
-    headers.insert(make_bearer_token_authentication_header(
-        bearer_token_auth_token_, false));
-  }
-  if (!proxy_bearer_token_auth_token_.empty()) {
-    headers.insert(make_bearer_token_authentication_header(
-        proxy_bearer_token_auth_token_, true));
-  }
-  detail::write_headers(bstrm, req, headers);
-  // Flush buffer
-  auto &data = bstrm.get_buffer();
-  if (!detail::write_data(strm,, data.size())) {
-    error_ = Error::Write;
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Body
-  if (req.body.empty()) {
-    if (req.content_provider) {
-      size_t offset = 0;
-      size_t end_offset = req.content_length;
-      bool ok = true;
-      DataSink data_sink;
-      data_sink.write = [&](const char *d, size_t l) {
-        if (ok) {
-          if (detail::write_data(strm, d, l)) {
-            offset += l;
-          } else {
-            ok = false;
-          }
-        }
-      };
-      data_sink.is_writable = [&](void) { return ok && strm.is_writable(); };
-      while (offset < end_offset) {
-        if (!req.content_provider(offset, end_offset - offset, data_sink)) {
-          error_ = Error::Canceled;
-          return false;
-        }
-        if (!ok) {
-          error_ = Error::Write;
-          return false;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  } else {
-    return detail::write_data(strm,, req.body.size());
-  }
-  return true;
-inline std::unique_ptr<Response> ClientImpl::send_with_content_provider(
-    const char *method, const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-    const std::string &body, size_t content_length,
-    ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type) {
-  Request req;
-  req.method = method;
-  req.headers = default_headers_;
-  req.headers.insert(headers.begin(), headers.end());
-  req.path = path;
-  if (content_type) { req.headers.emplace("Content-Type", content_type); }
-  if (compress_) {
-    detail::gzip_compressor compressor;
-    if (content_provider) {
-      auto ok = true;
-      size_t offset = 0;
-      DataSink data_sink;
-      data_sink.write = [&](const char *data, size_t data_len) {
-        if (ok) {
-          auto last = offset + data_len == content_length;
-          auto ret = compressor.compress(
-              data, data_len, last, [&](const char *data, size_t data_len) {
-                req.body.append(data, data_len);
-                return true;
-              });
-          if (ret) {
-            offset += data_len;
-          } else {
-            ok = false;
-          }
-        }
-      };
-      data_sink.is_writable = [&](void) { return ok && true; };
-      while (ok && offset < content_length) {
-        if (!content_provider(offset, content_length - offset, data_sink)) {
-          error_ = Error::Canceled;
-          return nullptr;
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      if (!compressor.compress(, body.size(), true,
-                               [&](const char *data, size_t data_len) {
-                                 req.body.append(data, data_len);
-                                 return true;
-                               })) {
-        return nullptr;
-      }
-    }
-    req.headers.emplace("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
-  } else
-  {
-    if (content_provider) {
-      req.content_length = content_length;
-      req.content_provider = std::move(content_provider);
-    } else {
-      req.body = body;
-    }
-  }
-  auto res = detail::make_unique<Response>();
-  return send(req, *res) ? std::move(res) : nullptr;
-inline bool ClientImpl::process_request(Stream &strm, const Request &req,
-                                        Response &res, bool close_connection) {
-  // Send request
-  if (!write_request(strm, req, close_connection)) { return false; }
-  // Receive response and headers
-  if (!read_response_line(strm, res) ||
-      !detail::read_headers(strm, res.headers)) {
-    error_ = Error::Read;
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (req.response_handler) {
-    if (!req.response_handler(res)) {
-      error_ = Error::Canceled;
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  // Body
-  if (req.method != "HEAD" && req.method != "CONNECT") {
-    auto out =
-        req.content_receiver
-            ? static_cast<ContentReceiverWithProgress>(
-                  [&](const char *buf, size_t n, uint64_t off, uint64_t len) {
-                    auto ret = req.content_receiver(buf, n, off, len);
-                    if (!ret) { error_ = Error::Canceled; }
-                    return ret;
-                  })
-            : static_cast<ContentReceiverWithProgress>(
-                  [&](const char *buf, size_t n, uint64_t /*off*/,
-                      uint64_t /*len*/) {
-                    if (res.body.size() + n > res.body.max_size()) {
-                      return false;
-                    }
-                    res.body.append(buf, n);
-                    return true;
-                  });
-    auto progress = [&](uint64_t current, uint64_t total) {
-      if (!req.progress) { return true; }
-      auto ret = req.progress(current, total);
-      if (!ret) { error_ = Error::Canceled; }
-      return ret;
-    };
-    int dummy_status;
-    if (!detail::read_content(strm, res, (std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max)(),
-                              dummy_status, std::move(progress), std::move(out),
-                              decompress_)) {
-      if (error_ != Error::Canceled) { error_ = Error::Read; }
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  if (res.get_header_value("Connection") == "close" ||
-      (res.version == "HTTP/1.0" && res.reason != "Connection established")) {
-    // TODO this requires a not-entirely-obvious chain of calls to be correct
-    // for this to be safe. Maybe a code refactor (such as moving this out to
-    // the send function and getting rid of the recursiveness of the mutex)
-    // could make this more obvious.
-    // This is safe to call because process_request is only called by handle_request
-    // which is only called by send, which locks the request mutex during the process.
-    // It would be a bug to call it from a different thread since it's a thread-safety
-    // issue to do these things to the socket if another thread is using the socket.
-    lock_socket_and_shutdown_and_close();
-  }
-  // Log
-  if (logger_) { logger_(req, res); }
-  return true;
-inline bool
-ClientImpl::process_socket(const Socket &socket,
-                           std::function<bool(Stream &strm)> callback) {
-  return detail::process_client_socket(
-      socket.sock, read_timeout_sec_, read_timeout_usec_, write_timeout_sec_,
-      write_timeout_usec_, std::move(callback));
-inline bool ClientImpl::is_ssl() const { return false; }
-inline Result ClientImpl::Get(const char *path) {
-  return Get(path, Headers(), Progress());
-inline Result ClientImpl::Get(const char *path, Progress progress) {
-  return Get(path, Headers(), std::move(progress));
-inline Result ClientImpl::Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers) {
-  return Get(path, headers, Progress());
-inline Result ClientImpl::Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                              Progress progress) {
-  Request req;
-  req.method = "GET";
-  req.path = path;
-  req.headers = default_headers_;
-  req.headers.insert(headers.begin(), headers.end());
-  req.progress = std::move(progress);
-  auto res = detail::make_unique<Response>();
-  auto ret = send(req, *res);
-  return Result{ret ? std::move(res) : nullptr, get_last_error()};
-inline Result ClientImpl::Get(const char *path,
-                              ContentReceiver content_receiver) {
-  return Get(path, Headers(), nullptr, std::move(content_receiver), nullptr);
-inline Result ClientImpl::Get(const char *path,
-                              ContentReceiver content_receiver,
-                              Progress progress) {
-  return Get(path, Headers(), nullptr, std::move(content_receiver),
-             std::move(progress));
-inline Result ClientImpl::Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                              ContentReceiver content_receiver) {
-  return Get(path, headers, nullptr, std::move(content_receiver), nullptr);
-inline Result ClientImpl::Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                              ContentReceiver content_receiver,
-                              Progress progress) {
-  return Get(path, headers, nullptr, std::move(content_receiver),
-             std::move(progress));
-inline Result ClientImpl::Get(const char *path,
-                              ResponseHandler response_handler,
-                              ContentReceiver content_receiver) {
-  return Get(path, Headers(), std::move(response_handler),
-             std::move(content_receiver), nullptr);
-inline Result ClientImpl::Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                              ResponseHandler response_handler,
-                              ContentReceiver content_receiver) {
-  return Get(path, headers, std::move(response_handler),
-             std::move(content_receiver), nullptr);
-inline Result ClientImpl::Get(const char *path,
-                              ResponseHandler response_handler,
-                              ContentReceiver content_receiver,
-                              Progress progress) {
-  return Get(path, Headers(), std::move(response_handler),
-             std::move(content_receiver), std::move(progress));
-inline Result ClientImpl::Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                              ResponseHandler response_handler,
-                              ContentReceiver content_receiver,
-                              Progress progress) {
-  Request req;
-  req.method = "GET";
-  req.path = path;
-  req.headers = default_headers_;
-  req.headers.insert(headers.begin(), headers.end());
-  req.response_handler = std::move(response_handler);
-  req.content_receiver =
-      [content_receiver](const char *data, size_t data_length,
-                         uint64_t /*offset*/, uint64_t /*total_length*/) {
-        return content_receiver(data, data_length);
-      };
-  req.progress = std::move(progress);
-  auto res = detail::make_unique<Response>();
-  auto ret = send(req, *res);
-  return Result{ret ? std::move(res) : nullptr, get_last_error()};
-inline Result ClientImpl::Head(const char *path) {
-  return Head(path, Headers());
-inline Result ClientImpl::Head(const char *path, const Headers &headers) {
-  Request req;
-  req.method = "HEAD";
-  req.headers = default_headers_;
-  req.headers.insert(headers.begin(), headers.end());
-  req.path = path;
-  auto res = detail::make_unique<Response>();
-  auto ret = send(req, *res);
-  return Result{ret ? std::move(res) : nullptr, get_last_error()};
-inline Result ClientImpl::Post(const char *path) {
-  return Post(path, std::string(), nullptr);
-inline Result ClientImpl::Post(const char *path, const std::string &body,
-                               const char *content_type) {
-  return Post(path, Headers(), body, content_type);
-inline Result ClientImpl::Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                               const std::string &body,
-                               const char *content_type) {
-  auto ret = send_with_content_provider("POST", path, headers, body, 0, nullptr,
-                                        content_type);
-  return Result{std::move(ret), get_last_error()};
-inline Result ClientImpl::Post(const char *path, const Params &params) {
-  return Post(path, Headers(), params);
-inline Result ClientImpl::Post(const char *path, size_t content_length,
-                               ContentProvider content_provider,
-                               const char *content_type) {
-  return Post(path, Headers(), content_length, std::move(content_provider),
-              content_type);
-inline Result ClientImpl::Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                               size_t content_length,
-                               ContentProvider content_provider,
-                               const char *content_type) {
-  auto ret = send_with_content_provider(
-      "POST", path, headers, std::string(), content_length,
-      std::move(content_provider), content_type);
-  return Result{std::move(ret), get_last_error()};
-inline Result ClientImpl::Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                               const Params &params) {
-  auto query = detail::params_to_query_str(params);
-  return Post(path, headers, query, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
-inline Result ClientImpl::Post(const char *path,
-                               const MultipartFormDataItems &items) {
-  return Post(path, Headers(), items);
-inline Result ClientImpl::Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                               const MultipartFormDataItems &items) {
-  return Post(path, headers, items, detail::make_multipart_data_boundary());
-inline Result ClientImpl::Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                               const MultipartFormDataItems &items,
-                               const std::string &boundary) {
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < boundary.size(); i++) {
-    char c = boundary[i];
-    if (!std::isalnum(c) && c != '-' && c != '_') {
-      error_ = Error::UnsupportedMultipartBoundaryChars;
-      return Result{nullptr, error_};
-    }
-  }
-  std::string body;
-  for (const auto &item : items) {
-    body += "--" + boundary + "\r\n";
-    body += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + + "\"";
-    if (!item.filename.empty()) {
-      body += "; filename=\"" + item.filename + "\"";
-    }
-    body += "\r\n";
-    if (!item.content_type.empty()) {
-      body += "Content-Type: " + item.content_type + "\r\n";
-    }
-    body += "\r\n";
-    body += item.content + "\r\n";
-  }
-  body += "--" + boundary + "--\r\n";
-  std::string content_type = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary;
-  return Post(path, headers, body, content_type.c_str());
-inline Result ClientImpl::Put(const char *path) {
-  return Put(path, std::string(), nullptr);
-inline Result ClientImpl::Put(const char *path, const std::string &body,
-                              const char *content_type) {
-  return Put(path, Headers(), body, content_type);
-inline Result ClientImpl::Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                              const std::string &body,
-                              const char *content_type) {
-  auto ret = send_with_content_provider("PUT", path, headers, body, 0, nullptr,
-                                        content_type);
-  return Result{std::move(ret), get_last_error()};
-inline Result ClientImpl::Put(const char *path, size_t content_length,
-                              ContentProvider content_provider,
-                              const char *content_type) {
-  return Put(path, Headers(), content_length, std::move(content_provider),
-             content_type);
-inline Result ClientImpl::Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                              size_t content_length,
-                              ContentProvider content_provider,
-                              const char *content_type) {
-  auto ret = send_with_content_provider(
-      "PUT", path, headers, std::string(), content_length,
-      std::move(content_provider), content_type);
-  return Result{std::move(ret), get_last_error()};
-inline Result ClientImpl::Put(const char *path, const Params &params) {
-  return Put(path, Headers(), params);
-inline Result ClientImpl::Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                              const Params &params) {
-  auto query = detail::params_to_query_str(params);
-  return Put(path, headers, query, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
-inline Result ClientImpl::Patch(const char *path, const std::string &body,
-                                const char *content_type) {
-  return Patch(path, Headers(), body, content_type);
-inline Result ClientImpl::Patch(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                                const std::string &body,
-                                const char *content_type) {
-  auto ret = send_with_content_provider("PATCH", path, headers, body, 0,
-                                        nullptr, content_type);
-  return Result{std::move(ret), get_last_error()};
-inline Result ClientImpl::Patch(const char *path, size_t content_length,
-                                ContentProvider content_provider,
-                                const char *content_type) {
-  return Patch(path, Headers(), content_length, std::move(content_provider),
-               content_type);
-inline Result ClientImpl::Patch(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                                size_t content_length,
-                                ContentProvider content_provider,
-                                const char *content_type) {
-  auto ret = send_with_content_provider(
-      "PATCH", path, headers, std::string(), content_length,
-      std::move(content_provider), content_type);
-  return Result{std::move(ret), get_last_error()};
-inline Result ClientImpl::Delete(const char *path) {
-  return Delete(path, Headers(), std::string(), nullptr);
-inline Result ClientImpl::Delete(const char *path, const std::string &body,
-                                 const char *content_type) {
-  return Delete(path, Headers(), body, content_type);
-inline Result ClientImpl::Delete(const char *path, const Headers &headers) {
-  return Delete(path, headers, std::string(), nullptr);
-inline Result ClientImpl::Delete(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                                 const std::string &body,
-                                 const char *content_type) {
-  Request req;
-  req.method = "DELETE";
-  req.headers = default_headers_;
-  req.headers.insert(headers.begin(), headers.end());
-  req.path = path;
-  if (content_type) { req.headers.emplace("Content-Type", content_type); }
-  req.body = body;
-  auto res = detail::make_unique<Response>();
-  auto ret = send(req, *res);
-  return Result{ret ? std::move(res) : nullptr, get_last_error()};
-inline Result ClientImpl::Options(const char *path) {
-  return Options(path, Headers());
-inline Result ClientImpl::Options(const char *path, const Headers &headers) {
-  Request req;
-  req.method = "OPTIONS";
-  req.headers = default_headers_;
-  req.headers.insert(headers.begin(), headers.end());
-  req.path = path;
-  auto res = detail::make_unique<Response>();
-  auto ret = send(req, *res);
-  return Result{ret ? std::move(res) : nullptr, get_last_error()};
-inline size_t ClientImpl::is_socket_open() const {
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(socket_mutex_);
-  return socket_.is_open();
-inline void ClientImpl::stop() {
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(socket_mutex_);
-  // There is no guarantee that this doesn't get overwritten later, but set it so that
-  // there is a good chance that any threads stopping as a result pick up this error.
-  error_ = Error::Canceled;
-  // If there is anything ongoing right now, the ONLY thread-safe thing we can do
-  // is to shutdown_socket, so that threads using this socket suddenly discover
-  // they can't read/write any more and error out.
-  // Everything else (closing the socket, shutting ssl down) is unsafe because these
-  // actions are not thread-safe.
-  if (socket_requests_in_flight_ > 0) {
-    shutdown_socket(socket_);
-    // Aside from that, we set a flag for the socket to be closed when we're done.
-    socket_should_be_closed_when_request_is_done_ = true;
-    return;
-  }
-  //Otherwise, sitll holding the mutex, we can shut everything down ourselves
-  shutdown_ssl(socket_, true);
-  shutdown_socket(socket_);
-  close_socket(socket_);
-inline void ClientImpl::set_connection_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec) {
-  connection_timeout_sec_ = sec;
-  connection_timeout_usec_ = usec;
-inline void ClientImpl::set_read_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec) {
-  read_timeout_sec_ = sec;
-  read_timeout_usec_ = usec;
-inline void ClientImpl::set_write_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec) {
-  write_timeout_sec_ = sec;
-  write_timeout_usec_ = usec;
-inline void ClientImpl::set_basic_auth(const char *username,
-                                       const char *password) {
-  basic_auth_username_ = username;
-  basic_auth_password_ = password;
-inline void ClientImpl::set_bearer_token_auth(const char *token) {
-  bearer_token_auth_token_ = token;
-inline void ClientImpl::set_digest_auth(const char *username,
-                                        const char *password) {
-  digest_auth_username_ = username;
-  digest_auth_password_ = password;
-inline void ClientImpl::set_keep_alive(bool on) { keep_alive_ = on; }
-inline void ClientImpl::set_follow_location(bool on) { follow_location_ = on; }
-inline void ClientImpl::set_default_headers(Headers headers) {
-  default_headers_ = std::move(headers);
-inline void ClientImpl::set_tcp_nodelay(bool on) { tcp_nodelay_ = on; }
-inline void ClientImpl::set_socket_options(SocketOptions socket_options) {
-  socket_options_ = std::move(socket_options);
-inline void ClientImpl::set_compress(bool on) { compress_ = on; }
-inline void ClientImpl::set_decompress(bool on) { decompress_ = on; }
-inline void ClientImpl::set_interface(const char *intf) { interface_ = intf; }
-inline void ClientImpl::set_proxy(const char *host, int port) {
-  proxy_host_ = host;
-  proxy_port_ = port;
-inline void ClientImpl::set_proxy_basic_auth(const char *username,
-                                             const char *password) {
-  proxy_basic_auth_username_ = username;
-  proxy_basic_auth_password_ = password;
-inline void ClientImpl::set_proxy_bearer_token_auth(const char *token) {
-  proxy_bearer_token_auth_token_ = token;
-inline void ClientImpl::set_proxy_digest_auth(const char *username,
-                                              const char *password) {
-  proxy_digest_auth_username_ = username;
-  proxy_digest_auth_password_ = password;
-inline void ClientImpl::enable_server_certificate_verification(bool enabled) {
-  server_certificate_verification_ = enabled;
-inline void ClientImpl::set_logger(Logger logger) {
-  logger_ = std::move(logger);
- * SSL Implementation
- */
-namespace detail {
-template <typename U, typename V>
-inline SSL *ssl_new(socket_t sock, SSL_CTX *ctx, std::mutex &ctx_mutex,
-                    U SSL_connect_or_accept, V setup) {
-  SSL *ssl = nullptr;
-  {
-    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(ctx_mutex);
-    ssl = SSL_new(ctx);
-  }
-  if (ssl) {
-    auto bio = BIO_new_socket(static_cast<int>(sock), BIO_NOCLOSE);
-    SSL_set_bio(ssl, bio, bio);
-    if (!setup(ssl) || SSL_connect_or_accept(ssl) != 1) {
-      SSL_shutdown(ssl);
-      {
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(ctx_mutex);
-        SSL_free(ssl);
-      }
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-  }
-  return ssl;
-inline void ssl_delete(std::mutex &ctx_mutex, SSL *ssl,
-                       bool shutdown_gracefully) {
-  // sometimes we may want to skip this to try to avoid SIGPIPE if we know
-  // the remote has closed the network connection
-  // Note that it is not always possible to avoid SIGPIPE, this is merely a best-efforts.
-  if (shutdown_gracefully) {
-    SSL_shutdown(ssl); 
-  }
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(ctx_mutex);
-  SSL_free(ssl);
-template <typename T>
-inline bool
-process_server_socket_ssl(SSL *ssl, socket_t sock, size_t keep_alive_max_count,
-                          time_t keep_alive_timeout_sec,
-                          time_t read_timeout_sec, time_t read_timeout_usec,
-                          time_t write_timeout_sec, time_t write_timeout_usec,
-                          T callback) {
-  return process_server_socket_core(
-      sock, keep_alive_max_count, keep_alive_timeout_sec,
-      [&](bool close_connection, bool &connection_closed) {
-        SSLSocketStream strm(sock, ssl, read_timeout_sec, read_timeout_usec,
-                             write_timeout_sec, write_timeout_usec);
-        return callback(strm, close_connection, connection_closed);
-      });
-template <typename T>
-inline bool
-process_client_socket_ssl(SSL *ssl, socket_t sock, time_t read_timeout_sec,
-                          time_t read_timeout_usec, time_t write_timeout_sec,
-                          time_t write_timeout_usec, T callback) {
-  SSLSocketStream strm(sock, ssl, read_timeout_sec, read_timeout_usec,
-                       write_timeout_sec, write_timeout_usec);
-  return callback(strm);
-static std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::mutex>> openSSL_locks_;
-class SSLThreadLocks {
-  SSLThreadLocks() {
-    openSSL_locks_ =
-        std::make_shared<std::vector<std::mutex>>(CRYPTO_num_locks());
-    CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(locking_callback);
-  }
-  ~SSLThreadLocks() { CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(nullptr); }
-  static void locking_callback(int mode, int type, const char * /*file*/,
-                               int /*line*/) {
-    auto &lk = (*openSSL_locks_)[static_cast<size_t>(type)];
-    if (mode & CRYPTO_LOCK) {
-      lk.lock();
-    } else {
-      lk.unlock();
-    }
-  }
-class SSLInit {
-  SSLInit() {
-    SSL_load_error_strings();
-    SSL_library_init();
-    OPENSSL_init_ssl(
-  }
-  ~SSLInit() {
-    ERR_free_strings();
-  }
-  SSLThreadLocks thread_init_;
-// SSL socket stream implementation
-inline SSLSocketStream::SSLSocketStream(socket_t sock, SSL *ssl,
-                                        time_t read_timeout_sec,
-                                        time_t read_timeout_usec,
-                                        time_t write_timeout_sec,
-                                        time_t write_timeout_usec)
-    : sock_(sock), ssl_(ssl), read_timeout_sec_(read_timeout_sec),
-      read_timeout_usec_(read_timeout_usec),
-      write_timeout_sec_(write_timeout_sec),
-      write_timeout_usec_(write_timeout_usec) {
-  SSL_clear_mode(ssl, SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY);
-inline SSLSocketStream::~SSLSocketStream() {}
-inline bool SSLSocketStream::is_readable() const {
-  return detail::select_read(sock_, read_timeout_sec_, read_timeout_usec_) > 0;
-inline bool SSLSocketStream::is_writable() const {
-  return detail::select_write(sock_, write_timeout_sec_, write_timeout_usec_) >
-         0;
-inline ssize_t SSLSocketStream::read(char *ptr, size_t size) {
-  if (SSL_pending(ssl_) > 0) {
-    return SSL_read(ssl_, ptr, static_cast<int>(size));
-  } else if (is_readable()) {
-    auto ret = SSL_read(ssl_, ptr, static_cast<int>(size));
-    if (ret < 0) {
-      auto err = SSL_get_error(ssl_, ret);
-      while (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) {
-        if (SSL_pending(ssl_) > 0) {
-          return SSL_read(ssl_, ptr, static_cast<int>(size));
-        } else if (is_readable()) {
-          ret = SSL_read(ssl_, ptr, static_cast<int>(size));
-          if (ret >= 0) {
-            return ret;
-          }
-          err = SSL_get_error(ssl_, ret);
-        } else {
-          return -1;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return ret;
-  }
-  return -1;
-inline ssize_t SSLSocketStream::write(const char *ptr, size_t size) {
-  if (is_writable()) { return SSL_write(ssl_, ptr, static_cast<int>(size)); }
-  return -1;
-inline void SSLSocketStream::get_remote_ip_and_port(std::string &ip,
-                                                    int &port) const {
-  detail::get_remote_ip_and_port(sock_, ip, port);
-static SSLInit sslinit_;
-} // namespace detail
-// SSL HTTP server implementation
-inline SSLServer::SSLServer(const char *cert_path, const char *private_key_path,
-                            const char *client_ca_cert_file_path,
-                            const char *client_ca_cert_dir_path) {
-  ctx_ = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_server_method());
-  if (ctx_) {
-    SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx_,
-                        SSL_OP_ALL | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 |
-                            SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION |
-    // auto ecdh = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_X9_62_prime256v1);
-    // SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh(ctx_, ecdh);
-    // EC_KEY_free(ecdh);
-    if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(ctx_, cert_path) != 1 ||
-        SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx_, private_key_path, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) !=
-            1) {
-      SSL_CTX_free(ctx_);
-      ctx_ = nullptr;
-    } else if (client_ca_cert_file_path || client_ca_cert_dir_path) {
-      // if (client_ca_cert_file_path) {
-      //   auto list = SSL_load_client_CA_file(client_ca_cert_file_path);
-      //   SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list(ctx_, list);
-      // }
-      SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx_, client_ca_cert_file_path,
-                                    client_ca_cert_dir_path);
-      SSL_CTX_set_verify(
-          ctx_,
-          SSL_VERIFY_PEER |
-          nullptr);
-    }
-  }
-inline SSLServer::SSLServer(X509 *cert, EVP_PKEY *private_key,
-                            X509_STORE *client_ca_cert_store) {
-  ctx_ = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_server_method());
-  if (ctx_) {
-    SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx_,
-                        SSL_OP_ALL | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 |
-                            SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION |
-    if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate(ctx_, cert) != 1 ||
-        SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(ctx_, private_key) != 1) {
-      SSL_CTX_free(ctx_);
-      ctx_ = nullptr;
-    } else if (client_ca_cert_store) {
-      SSL_CTX_set_cert_store(ctx_, client_ca_cert_store);
-      SSL_CTX_set_verify(
-          ctx_,
-          SSL_VERIFY_PEER |
-          nullptr);
-    }
-  }
-inline SSLServer::~SSLServer() {
-  if (ctx_) { SSL_CTX_free(ctx_); }
-inline bool SSLServer::is_valid() const { return ctx_; }
-inline bool SSLServer::process_and_close_socket(socket_t sock) {
-  auto ssl = detail::ssl_new(sock, ctx_, ctx_mutex_, SSL_accept,
-                             [](SSL * /*ssl*/) { return true; });
-  if (ssl) {
-    auto ret = detail::process_server_socket_ssl(
-        ssl, sock, keep_alive_max_count_, keep_alive_timeout_sec_,
-        read_timeout_sec_, read_timeout_usec_, write_timeout_sec_,
-        write_timeout_usec_,
-        [this, ssl](Stream &strm, bool close_connection,
-                    bool &connection_closed) {
-          return process_request(strm, close_connection, connection_closed,
-                                 [&](Request &req) { req.ssl = ssl; });
-        });
-    detail::ssl_delete(ctx_mutex_, ssl, ret);
-    detail::shutdown_socket(sock);
-    detail::close_socket(sock);
-    return ret;
-  }
-  detail::shutdown_socket(sock);
-  detail::close_socket(sock);
-  return false;
-// SSL HTTP client implementation
-inline SSLClient::SSLClient(const std::string &host)
-    : SSLClient(host, 443, std::string(), std::string()) {}
-inline SSLClient::SSLClient(const std::string &host, int port)
-    : SSLClient(host, port, std::string(), std::string()) {}
-inline SSLClient::SSLClient(const std::string &host, int port,
-                            const std::string &client_cert_path,
-                            const std::string &client_key_path)
-    : ClientImpl(host, port, client_cert_path, client_key_path) {
-  ctx_ = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method());
-  detail::split(&host_[0], &host_[host_.size()], '.',
-                [&](const char *b, const char *e) {
-                  host_components_.emplace_back(std::string(b, e));
-                });
-  if (!client_cert_path.empty() && !client_key_path.empty()) {
-    if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx_, client_cert_path.c_str(),
-                                     SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) != 1 ||
-        SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx_, client_key_path.c_str(),
-                                    SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) != 1) {
-      SSL_CTX_free(ctx_);
-      ctx_ = nullptr;
-    }
-  }
-inline SSLClient::SSLClient(const std::string &host, int port,
-                            X509 *client_cert, EVP_PKEY *client_key)
-    : ClientImpl(host, port) {
-  ctx_ = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method());
-  detail::split(&host_[0], &host_[host_.size()], '.',
-                [&](const char *b, const char *e) {
-                  host_components_.emplace_back(std::string(b, e));
-                });
-  if (client_cert != nullptr && client_key != nullptr) {
-    if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate(ctx_, client_cert) != 1 ||
-        SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(ctx_, client_key) != 1) {
-      SSL_CTX_free(ctx_);
-      ctx_ = nullptr;
-    }
-  }
-inline SSLClient::~SSLClient() {
-  if (ctx_) { SSL_CTX_free(ctx_); }
-  // Make sure to shut down SSL since shutdown_ssl will resolve to the
-  // base function rather than the derived function once we get to the
-  // base class destructor, and won't free the SSL (causing a leak).
-  SSLClient::shutdown_ssl(socket_, true);
-inline bool SSLClient::is_valid() const { return ctx_; }
-inline void SSLClient::set_ca_cert_path(const char *ca_cert_file_path,
-                                        const char *ca_cert_dir_path) {
-  if (ca_cert_file_path) { ca_cert_file_path_ = ca_cert_file_path; }
-  if (ca_cert_dir_path) { ca_cert_dir_path_ = ca_cert_dir_path; }
-inline void SSLClient::set_ca_cert_store(X509_STORE *ca_cert_store) {
-  if (ca_cert_store) {
-    if (ctx_) {
-      if (SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(ctx_) != ca_cert_store) {
-        // Free memory allocated for old cert and use new store `ca_cert_store`
-        SSL_CTX_set_cert_store(ctx_, ca_cert_store);
-      }
-    } else {
-      X509_STORE_free(ca_cert_store);
-    }
-  }
-inline long SSLClient::get_openssl_verify_result() const {
-  return verify_result_;
-inline SSL_CTX *SSLClient::ssl_context() const { return ctx_; }
-inline bool SSLClient::create_and_connect_socket(Socket &socket) {
-  return is_valid() && ClientImpl::create_and_connect_socket(socket);
-// Assumes that socket_mutex_ is locked and that there are no requests in flight
-inline bool SSLClient::connect_with_proxy(Socket &socket, Response &res,
-                                          bool &success) {
-  success = true;
-  Response res2;
-  if (!detail::process_client_socket(
-          socket.sock, read_timeout_sec_, read_timeout_usec_,
-          write_timeout_sec_, write_timeout_usec_, [&](Stream &strm) {
-            Request req2;
-            req2.method = "CONNECT";
-            req2.path = host_and_port_;
-            return process_request(strm, req2, res2, false);
-          })) {
-    // Thread-safe to close everything because we are assuming there are no requests in flight
-    shutdown_ssl(socket, true);
-    shutdown_socket(socket);
-    close_socket(socket);
-    success = false;
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (res2.status == 407) {
-    if (!proxy_digest_auth_username_.empty() &&
-        !proxy_digest_auth_password_.empty()) {
-      std::map<std::string, std::string> auth;
-      if (detail::parse_www_authenticate(res2, auth, true)) {
-        Response res3;
-        if (!detail::process_client_socket(
-                socket.sock, read_timeout_sec_, read_timeout_usec_,
-                write_timeout_sec_, write_timeout_usec_, [&](Stream &strm) {
-                  Request req3;
-                  req3.method = "CONNECT";
-                  req3.path = host_and_port_;
-                  req3.headers.insert(detail::make_digest_authentication_header(
-                      req3, auth, 1, detail::random_string(10),
-                      proxy_digest_auth_username_, proxy_digest_auth_password_,
-                      true));
-                  return process_request(strm, req3, res3, false);
-                })) {
-          // Thread-safe to close everything because we are assuming there are no requests in flight
-          shutdown_ssl(socket, true);
-          shutdown_socket(socket);
-          close_socket(socket);
-          success = false;
-          return false;
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      res = res2;
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-inline bool SSLClient::load_certs() {
-  bool ret = true;
-  std::call_once(initialize_cert_, [&]() {
-    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(ctx_mutex_);
-    if (!ca_cert_file_path_.empty()) {
-      if (!SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx_, ca_cert_file_path_.c_str(),
-                                         nullptr)) {
-        ret = false;
-      }
-    } else if (!ca_cert_dir_path_.empty()) {
-      if (!SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx_, nullptr,
-                                         ca_cert_dir_path_.c_str())) {
-        ret = false;
-      }
-    } else {
-#ifdef _WIN32
-      detail::load_system_certs_on_windows(SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(ctx_));
-      SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(ctx_);
-    }
-  });
-  return ret;
-inline bool SSLClient::initialize_ssl(Socket &socket) {
-  auto ssl = detail::ssl_new(
-      socket.sock, ctx_, ctx_mutex_,
-      [&](SSL *ssl) {
-        if (server_certificate_verification_) {
-          if (!load_certs()) {
-            error_ = Error::SSLLoadingCerts;
-            return false;
-          }
-          SSL_set_verify(ssl, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, nullptr);
-        }
-        if (SSL_connect(ssl) != 1) {
-          error_ = Error::SSLConnection;
-          return false;
-        }
-        if (server_certificate_verification_) {
-          verify_result_ = SSL_get_verify_result(ssl);
-          if (verify_result_ != X509_V_OK) {
-            error_ = Error::SSLServerVerification;
-            return false;
-          }
-          auto server_cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl);
-          if (server_cert == nullptr) {
-            error_ = Error::SSLServerVerification;
-            return false;
-          }
-          if (!verify_host(server_cert)) {
-            X509_free(server_cert);
-            error_ = Error::SSLServerVerification;
-            return false;
-          }
-          X509_free(server_cert);
-        }
-        return true;
-      },
-      [&](SSL *ssl) {
-        SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(ssl, host_.c_str());
-        return true;
-      });
-  if (ssl) {
-    socket.ssl = ssl;
-    return true;
-  }
-  shutdown_socket(socket);
-  close_socket(socket);
-  return false;
-inline void SSLClient::shutdown_ssl(Socket &socket, bool shutdown_gracefully) {
-  if (socket.sock == INVALID_SOCKET) {
-    assert(socket.ssl == nullptr);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (socket.ssl) {
-    detail::ssl_delete(ctx_mutex_, socket.ssl, shutdown_gracefully);
-    socket.ssl = nullptr;
-  }
-  assert(socket.ssl == nullptr);
-inline bool
-SSLClient::process_socket(const Socket &socket,
-                          std::function<bool(Stream &strm)> callback) {
-  assert(socket.ssl);
-  return detail::process_client_socket_ssl(
-      socket.ssl, socket.sock, read_timeout_sec_, read_timeout_usec_,
-      write_timeout_sec_, write_timeout_usec_, std::move(callback));
-inline bool SSLClient::is_ssl() const { return true; }
-inline bool SSLClient::verify_host(X509 *server_cert) const {
-  /* Quote from RFC2818 section 3.1 "Server Identity"
-     If a subjectAltName extension of type dNSName is present, that MUST
-     be used as the identity. Otherwise, the (most specific) Common Name
-     field in the Subject field of the certificate MUST be used. Although
-     the use of the Common Name is existing practice, it is deprecated and
-     Certification Authorities are encouraged to use the dNSName instead.
-     Matching is performed using the matching rules specified by
-     [RFC2459].  If more than one identity of a given type is present in
-     the certificate (e.g., more than one dNSName name, a match in any one
-     of the set is considered acceptable.) Names may contain the wildcard
-     character * which is considered to match any single domain name
-     component or component fragment. E.g., * matches but
-     not f*.com matches but not
-     In some cases, the URI is specified as an IP address rather than a
-     hostname. In this case, the iPAddress subjectAltName must be present
-     in the certificate and must exactly match the IP in the URI.
-  */
-  return verify_host_with_subject_alt_name(server_cert) ||
-         verify_host_with_common_name(server_cert);
-inline bool
-SSLClient::verify_host_with_subject_alt_name(X509 *server_cert) const {
-  auto ret = false;
-  auto type = GEN_DNS;
-  struct in6_addr addr6;
-  struct in_addr addr;
-  size_t addr_len = 0;
-#ifndef __MINGW32__
-  if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, host_.c_str(), &addr6)) {
-    type = GEN_IPADD;
-    addr_len = sizeof(struct in6_addr);
-  } else if (inet_pton(AF_INET, host_.c_str(), &addr)) {
-    type = GEN_IPADD;
-    addr_len = sizeof(struct in_addr);
-  }
-  auto alt_names = static_cast<const struct stack_st_GENERAL_NAME *>(
-      X509_get_ext_d2i(server_cert, NID_subject_alt_name, nullptr, nullptr));
-  if (alt_names) {
-    auto dsn_matched = false;
-    auto ip_mached = false;
-    auto count = sk_GENERAL_NAME_num(alt_names);
-    for (decltype(count) i = 0; i < count && !dsn_matched; i++) {
-      auto val = sk_GENERAL_NAME_value(alt_names, i);
-      if (val->type == type) {
-        auto name = (const char *)ASN1_STRING_get0_data(val->d.ia5);
-        auto name_len = (size_t)ASN1_STRING_length(val->d.ia5);
-        if (strlen(name) == name_len) {
-          switch (type) {
-          case GEN_DNS: dsn_matched = check_host_name(name, name_len); break;
-          case GEN_IPADD:
-            if (!memcmp(&addr6, name, addr_len) ||
-                !memcmp(&addr, name, addr_len)) {
-              ip_mached = true;
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (dsn_matched || ip_mached) { ret = true; }
-  }
-  return ret;
-inline bool SSLClient::verify_host_with_common_name(X509 *server_cert) const {
-  const auto subject_name = X509_get_subject_name(server_cert);
-  if (subject_name != nullptr) {
-    char name[BUFSIZ];
-    auto name_len = X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(subject_name, NID_commonName,
-                                              name, sizeof(name));
-    if (name_len != -1) {
-      return check_host_name(name, static_cast<size_t>(name_len));
-    }
-  }
-  return false;
-inline bool SSLClient::check_host_name(const char *pattern,
-                                       size_t pattern_len) const {
-  if (host_.size() == pattern_len && host_ == pattern) { return true; }
-  // Wildcard match
-  //
-  std::vector<std::string> pattern_components;
-  detail::split(&pattern[0], &pattern[pattern_len], '.',
-                [&](const char *b, const char *e) {
-                  pattern_components.emplace_back(std::string(b, e));
-                });
-  if (host_components_.size() != pattern_components.size()) { return false; }
-  auto itr = pattern_components.begin();
-  for (const auto &h : host_components_) {
-    auto &p = *itr;
-    if (p != h && p != "*") {
-      auto partial_match = (p.size() > 0 && p[p.size() - 1] == '*' &&
-                            !, p.size() - 1, h));
-      if (!partial_match) { return false; }
-    }
-    ++itr;
-  }
-  return true;
-// Universal client implementation
-inline Client::Client(const char *scheme_host_port)
-    : Client(scheme_host_port, std::string(), std::string()) {}
-inline Client::Client(const char *scheme_host_port,
-                      const std::string &client_cert_path,
-                      const std::string &client_key_path) {
-  const static std::regex re(R"(^(?:([a-z]+)://)?([^:/?#]+)(?::(\d+))?)");
-  std::cmatch m;
-  if (std::regex_match(scheme_host_port, m, re)) {
-    auto scheme = m[1].str();
-    if (!scheme.empty() && (scheme != "http" && scheme != "https")) {
-    if (!scheme.empty() && scheme != "http") {
-      std::string msg = "'" + scheme + "' scheme is not supported.";
-      throw std::invalid_argument(msg);
-      return;
-    }
-    auto is_ssl = scheme == "https";
-    auto host = m[2].str();
-    auto port_str = m[3].str();
-    auto port = !port_str.empty() ? std::stoi(port_str) : (is_ssl ? 443 : 80);
-    if (is_ssl) {
-      cli_ = detail::make_unique<SSLClient>(host.c_str(), port,
-                                            client_cert_path, client_key_path);
-      is_ssl_ = is_ssl;
-    } else {
-      cli_ = detail::make_unique<ClientImpl>(host.c_str(), port,
-                                             client_cert_path, client_key_path);
-    }
-  } else {
-    cli_ = detail::make_unique<ClientImpl>(scheme_host_port, 80,
-                                           client_cert_path, client_key_path);
-  }
-inline Client::Client(const std::string &host, int port)
-    : cli_(detail::make_unique<ClientImpl>(host, port)) {}
-inline Client::Client(const std::string &host, int port,
-                      const std::string &client_cert_path,
-                      const std::string &client_key_path)
-    : cli_(detail::make_unique<ClientImpl>(host, port, client_cert_path,
-                                           client_key_path)) {}
-inline Client::~Client() {}
-inline bool Client::is_valid() const {
-  return cli_ != nullptr && cli_->is_valid();
-inline Result Client::Get(const char *path) { return cli_->Get(path); }
-inline Result Client::Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers) {
-  return cli_->Get(path, headers);
-inline Result Client::Get(const char *path, Progress progress) {
-  return cli_->Get(path, std::move(progress));
-inline Result Client::Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                          Progress progress) {
-  return cli_->Get(path, headers, std::move(progress));
-inline Result Client::Get(const char *path, ContentReceiver content_receiver) {
-  return cli_->Get(path, std::move(content_receiver));
-inline Result Client::Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                          ContentReceiver content_receiver) {
-  return cli_->Get(path, headers, std::move(content_receiver));
-inline Result Client::Get(const char *path, ContentReceiver content_receiver,
-                          Progress progress) {
-  return cli_->Get(path, std::move(content_receiver), std::move(progress));
-inline Result Client::Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                          ContentReceiver content_receiver, Progress progress) {
-  return cli_->Get(path, headers, std::move(content_receiver),
-                   std::move(progress));
-inline Result Client::Get(const char *path, ResponseHandler response_handler,
-                          ContentReceiver content_receiver) {
-  return cli_->Get(path, std::move(response_handler),
-                   std::move(content_receiver));
-inline Result Client::Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                          ResponseHandler response_handler,
-                          ContentReceiver content_receiver) {
-  return cli_->Get(path, headers, std::move(response_handler),
-                   std::move(content_receiver));
-inline Result Client::Get(const char *path, ResponseHandler response_handler,
-                          ContentReceiver content_receiver, Progress progress) {
-  return cli_->Get(path, std::move(response_handler),
-                   std::move(content_receiver), std::move(progress));
-inline Result Client::Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                          ResponseHandler response_handler,
-                          ContentReceiver content_receiver, Progress progress) {
-  return cli_->Get(path, headers, std::move(response_handler),
-                   std::move(content_receiver), std::move(progress));
-inline Result Client::Head(const char *path) { return cli_->Head(path); }
-inline Result Client::Head(const char *path, const Headers &headers) {
-  return cli_->Head(path, headers);
-inline Result Client::Post(const char *path) { return cli_->Post(path); }
-inline Result Client::Post(const char *path, const std::string &body,
-                           const char *content_type) {
-  return cli_->Post(path, body, content_type);
-inline Result Client::Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                           const std::string &body, const char *content_type) {
-  return cli_->Post(path, headers, body, content_type);
-inline Result Client::Post(const char *path, size_t content_length,
-                           ContentProvider content_provider,
-                           const char *content_type) {
-  return cli_->Post(path, content_length, std::move(content_provider),
-                    content_type);
-inline Result Client::Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                           size_t content_length,
-                           ContentProvider content_provider,
-                           const char *content_type) {
-  return cli_->Post(path, headers, content_length, std::move(content_provider),
-                    content_type);
-inline Result Client::Post(const char *path, const Params &params) {
-  return cli_->Post(path, params);
-inline Result Client::Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                           const Params &params) {
-  return cli_->Post(path, headers, params);
-inline Result Client::Post(const char *path,
-                           const MultipartFormDataItems &items) {
-  return cli_->Post(path, items);
-inline Result Client::Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                           const MultipartFormDataItems &items) {
-  return cli_->Post(path, headers, items);
-inline Result Client::Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                           const MultipartFormDataItems &items,
-                           const std::string &boundary) {
-  return cli_->Post(path, headers, items, boundary);
-inline Result Client::Put(const char *path) { return cli_->Put(path); }
-inline Result Client::Put(const char *path, const std::string &body,
-                          const char *content_type) {
-  return cli_->Put(path, body, content_type);
-inline Result Client::Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                          const std::string &body, const char *content_type) {
-  return cli_->Put(path, headers, body, content_type);
-inline Result Client::Put(const char *path, size_t content_length,
-                          ContentProvider content_provider,
-                          const char *content_type) {
-  return cli_->Put(path, content_length, std::move(content_provider),
-                   content_type);
-inline Result Client::Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                          size_t content_length,
-                          ContentProvider content_provider,
-                          const char *content_type) {
-  return cli_->Put(path, headers, content_length, std::move(content_provider),
-                   content_type);
-inline Result Client::Put(const char *path, const Params &params) {
-  return cli_->Put(path, params);
-inline Result Client::Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                          const Params &params) {
-  return cli_->Put(path, headers, params);
-inline Result Client::Patch(const char *path, const std::string &body,
-                            const char *content_type) {
-  return cli_->Patch(path, body, content_type);
-inline Result Client::Patch(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                            const std::string &body, const char *content_type) {
-  return cli_->Patch(path, headers, body, content_type);
-inline Result Client::Patch(const char *path, size_t content_length,
-                            ContentProvider content_provider,
-                            const char *content_type) {
-  return cli_->Patch(path, content_length, std::move(content_provider),
-                     content_type);
-inline Result Client::Patch(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                            size_t content_length,
-                            ContentProvider content_provider,
-                            const char *content_type) {
-  return cli_->Patch(path, headers, content_length, std::move(content_provider),
-                     content_type);
-inline Result Client::Delete(const char *path) { return cli_->Delete(path); }
-inline Result Client::Delete(const char *path, const std::string &body,
-                             const char *content_type) {
-  return cli_->Delete(path, body, content_type);
-inline Result Client::Delete(const char *path, const Headers &headers) {
-  return cli_->Delete(path, headers);
-inline Result Client::Delete(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
-                             const std::string &body,
-                             const char *content_type) {
-  return cli_->Delete(path, headers, body, content_type);
-inline Result Client::Options(const char *path) { return cli_->Options(path); }
-inline Result Client::Options(const char *path, const Headers &headers) {
-  return cli_->Options(path, headers);
-inline bool Client::send(const Request &req, Response &res) {
-  return cli_->send(req, res);
-inline size_t Client::is_socket_open() const { return cli_->is_socket_open(); }
-inline void Client::stop() { cli_->stop(); }
-inline void Client::set_default_headers(Headers headers) {
-  cli_->set_default_headers(std::move(headers));
-inline void Client::set_tcp_nodelay(bool on) { cli_->set_tcp_nodelay(on); }
-inline void Client::set_socket_options(SocketOptions socket_options) {
-  cli_->set_socket_options(std::move(socket_options));
-inline void Client::set_connection_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec) {
-  cli_->set_connection_timeout(sec, usec);
-inline void Client::set_read_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec) {
-  cli_->set_read_timeout(sec, usec);
-inline void Client::set_write_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec) {
-  cli_->set_write_timeout(sec, usec);
-inline void Client::set_basic_auth(const char *username, const char *password) {
-  cli_->set_basic_auth(username, password);
-inline void Client::set_bearer_token_auth(const char *token) {
-  cli_->set_bearer_token_auth(token);
-inline void Client::set_digest_auth(const char *username,
-                                    const char *password) {
-  cli_->set_digest_auth(username, password);
-inline void Client::set_keep_alive(bool on) { cli_->set_keep_alive(on); }
-inline void Client::set_follow_location(bool on) {
-  cli_->set_follow_location(on);
-inline void Client::set_compress(bool on) { cli_->set_compress(on); }
-inline void Client::set_decompress(bool on) { cli_->set_decompress(on); }
-inline void Client::set_interface(const char *intf) {
-  cli_->set_interface(intf);
-inline void Client::set_proxy(const char *host, int port) {
-  cli_->set_proxy(host, port);
-inline void Client::set_proxy_basic_auth(const char *username,
-                                         const char *password) {
-  cli_->set_proxy_basic_auth(username, password);
-inline void Client::set_proxy_bearer_token_auth(const char *token) {
-  cli_->set_proxy_bearer_token_auth(token);
-inline void Client::set_proxy_digest_auth(const char *username,
-                                          const char *password) {
-  cli_->set_proxy_digest_auth(username, password);
-inline void Client::enable_server_certificate_verification(bool enabled) {
-  cli_->enable_server_certificate_verification(enabled);
-inline void Client::set_logger(Logger logger) { cli_->set_logger(logger); }
-inline void Client::set_ca_cert_path(const char *ca_cert_file_path,
-                                     const char *ca_cert_dir_path) {
-  if (is_ssl_) {
-    static_cast<SSLClient &>(*cli_).set_ca_cert_path(ca_cert_file_path,
-                                                     ca_cert_dir_path);
-  }
-inline void Client::set_ca_cert_store(X509_STORE *ca_cert_store) {
-  if (is_ssl_) {
-    static_cast<SSLClient &>(*cli_).set_ca_cert_store(ca_cert_store);
-  }
-inline long Client::get_openssl_verify_result() const {
-  if (is_ssl_) {
-    return static_cast<SSLClient &>(*cli_).get_openssl_verify_result();
-  }
-  return -1; // NOTE: -1 doesn't match any of X509_V_ERR_???
-inline SSL_CTX *Client::ssl_context() const {
-  if (is_ssl_) { return static_cast<SSLClient &>(*cli_).ssl_context(); }
-  return nullptr;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-} // namespace httplib
diff --git a/src/web_service/web_backend.cpp b/src/web_service/web_backend.cpp
index 67183e64c5..e04f7dfc68 100644
--- a/src/web_service/web_backend.cpp
+++ b/src/web_service/web_backend.cpp
@@ -100,8 +100,9 @@ struct Client::Impl {
         request.body = data;
         httplib::Response response;
+        httplib::Error error;
-        if (!cli->send(request, response)) {
+        if (!cli->send(request, response, error)) {
             LOG_ERROR(WebService, "{} to {} returned null", method, host + path);
             return WebResult{WebResult::Code::LibError, "Null response", ""};