diff --git a/src/core/hle/service/am/service/library_applet_creator.cpp b/src/core/hle/service/am/service/library_applet_creator.cpp
index b4c95a8ff3..c2d9b43639 100644
--- a/src/core/hle/service/am/service/library_applet_creator.cpp
+++ b/src/core/hle/service/am/service/library_applet_creator.cpp
@@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ AppletProgramId AppletIdToProgramId(AppletId applet_id) {
 ILibraryAppletCreator::ILibraryAppletCreator(Core::System& system_, std::shared_ptr<Applet> applet,
                                              WindowSystem& window_system)
     : ServiceFramework{system_, "ILibraryAppletCreator"},
diff --git a/src/suyu_cmd/suyu.cpp b/src/suyu_cmd/suyu.cpp
index 1a5714950d..a820e896da 100644
--- a/src/suyu_cmd/suyu.cpp
+++ b/src/suyu_cmd/suyu.cpp
@@ -71,23 +71,23 @@ __declspec(dllexport) int AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance = 1;
 static void PrintHelp(const char* argv0) {
-    std::cout
-        << "Usage: " << argv0
-        << " [options] <filename>\n"
-           "-c, --config          Load the specified configuration file\n"
-           "-f, --fullscreen      Start in fullscreen mode\n"
-           "-g, --game            File path of the game to load\n"
-           "-h, --help            Display this help and exit\n"
-           "-m, --multiplayer=nick:password@address:port"
-           " Nickname, password, address and port for multiplayer\n"
-           "-p, --program         Pass following string as arguments to executable\n"
-           "-u, --user            Select a specific user profile from 0 to 7\n"
-           "-v, --version         Output version information and exit\n"
-           "-l, "
-           "--applet-params="
-           "\"program_id,applet_id,applet_type,launch_type,prog_index,prev_prog_index\"\n"
-           "                      Numerical parameters for launching an applet. If applet_id\n"
-           "                      is 0, then the provided game will launch, if any.\n";
+    std::cout << "Usage: " << argv0
+              << " [options]\n"
+                 "-c, --config          Load the specified configuration file\n"
+                 "-f, --fullscreen      Start in fullscreen mode\n"
+                 "-g, --game            File path of the game to load\n"
+                 "-h, --help            Display this help and exit\n"
+                 "-m, --multiplayer=nick:password@address:port"
+                 " Nickname, password, address and port for multiplayer\n"
+                 "-p, --program         Pass following string as arguments to executable\n"
+                 "-u, --user            Select a specific user profile from 0 to 7\n"
+                 "-v, --version         Output version information and exit\n"
+                 "-l, "
+                 "--applet-params="
+                 "\"program_id,applet_id,applet_type,launch_type,prog_index,prev_prog_index\"\n"
+                 "                      Numerical parameters for launching an applet. If no\n"
+                 "                      game is provided, then the applet will launch off of\n"
+                 "                      the applet_id.\n";
 static void PrintVersion() {