// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 yuzu Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later // // TODO: remove this file when jthread is supported by all compilation targets // #pragma once #include <version> #ifdef __cpp_lib_jthread #include <chrono> #include <condition_variable> #include <stop_token> #include <thread> namespace Common { template <typename Condvar, typename Lock, typename Pred> void CondvarWait(Condvar& cv, Lock& lock, std::stop_token token, Pred&& pred) { cv.wait(lock, token, std::move(pred)); } template <typename Rep, typename Period> bool StoppableTimedWait(std::stop_token token, const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time) { std::condition_variable_any cv; std::mutex m; // Perform the timed wait. std::unique_lock lk{m}; return !cv.wait_for(lk, token, rel_time, [&] { return token.stop_requested(); }); } } // namespace Common #else #include <atomic> #include <chrono> #include <condition_variable> #include <functional> #include <map> #include <memory> #include <mutex> #include <optional> #include <thread> #include <type_traits> #include <utility> namespace std { namespace polyfill { using stop_state_callback = size_t; class stop_state { public: stop_state() = default; ~stop_state() = default; bool request_stop() { unique_lock lk{m_lock}; if (m_stop_requested) { // Already set, nothing to do. return false; } // Mark stop requested. m_stop_requested = true; while (!m_callbacks.empty()) { // Get an iterator to the first element. const auto it = m_callbacks.begin(); // Move the callback function out of the map. function<void()> f; swap(it->second, f); // Erase the now-empty map element. m_callbacks.erase(it); // Run the callback. if (f) { f(); } } return true; } bool stop_requested() const { unique_lock lk{m_lock}; return m_stop_requested; } stop_state_callback insert_callback(function<void()> f) { unique_lock lk{m_lock}; if (m_stop_requested) { // Stop already requested. Don't insert anything, // just run the callback synchronously. if (f) { f(); } return 0; } // Insert the callback. stop_state_callback ret = ++m_next_callback; m_callbacks.emplace(ret, move(f)); return ret; } void remove_callback(stop_state_callback cb) { unique_lock lk{m_lock}; m_callbacks.erase(cb); } private: mutable recursive_mutex m_lock; map<stop_state_callback, function<void()>> m_callbacks; stop_state_callback m_next_callback{0}; bool m_stop_requested{false}; }; } // namespace polyfill class stop_token; class stop_source; struct nostopstate_t { explicit nostopstate_t() = default; }; inline constexpr nostopstate_t nostopstate{}; template <class Callback> class stop_callback; class stop_token { public: stop_token() noexcept = default; stop_token(const stop_token&) noexcept = default; stop_token(stop_token&&) noexcept = default; stop_token& operator=(const stop_token&) noexcept = default; stop_token& operator=(stop_token&&) noexcept = default; ~stop_token() = default; void swap(stop_token& other) noexcept { m_stop_state.swap(other.m_stop_state); } [[nodiscard]] bool stop_requested() const noexcept { return m_stop_state && m_stop_state->stop_requested(); } [[nodiscard]] bool stop_possible() const noexcept { return m_stop_state != nullptr; } private: friend class stop_source; template <typename Callback> friend class stop_callback; stop_token(shared_ptr<polyfill::stop_state> stop_state) : m_stop_state(move(stop_state)) {} private: shared_ptr<polyfill::stop_state> m_stop_state; }; class stop_source { public: stop_source() : m_stop_state(make_shared<polyfill::stop_state>()) {} explicit stop_source(nostopstate_t) noexcept {} stop_source(const stop_source&) noexcept = default; stop_source(stop_source&&) noexcept = default; stop_source& operator=(const stop_source&) noexcept = default; stop_source& operator=(stop_source&&) noexcept = default; ~stop_source() = default; void swap(stop_source& other) noexcept { m_stop_state.swap(other.m_stop_state); } [[nodiscard]] stop_token get_token() const noexcept { return stop_token(m_stop_state); } [[nodiscard]] bool stop_possible() const noexcept { return m_stop_state != nullptr; } [[nodiscard]] bool stop_requested() const noexcept { return m_stop_state && m_stop_state->stop_requested(); } bool request_stop() noexcept { return m_stop_state && m_stop_state->request_stop(); } private: friend class jthread; explicit stop_source(shared_ptr<polyfill::stop_state> stop_state) : m_stop_state(move(stop_state)) {} private: shared_ptr<polyfill::stop_state> m_stop_state; }; template <typename Callback> class stop_callback { static_assert(is_nothrow_destructible_v<Callback>); static_assert(is_invocable_v<Callback>); public: using callback_type = Callback; template <typename C> requires constructible_from<Callback, C> explicit stop_callback(const stop_token& st, C&& cb) noexcept(is_nothrow_constructible_v<Callback, C>) : m_stop_state(st.m_stop_state) { if (m_stop_state) { m_callback = m_stop_state->insert_callback(move(cb)); } } template <typename C> requires constructible_from<Callback, C> explicit stop_callback(stop_token&& st, C&& cb) noexcept(is_nothrow_constructible_v<Callback, C>) : m_stop_state(move(st.m_stop_state)) { if (m_stop_state) { m_callback = m_stop_state->insert_callback(move(cb)); } } ~stop_callback() { if (m_stop_state && m_callback) { m_stop_state->remove_callback(m_callback); } } stop_callback(const stop_callback&) = delete; stop_callback(stop_callback&&) = delete; stop_callback& operator=(const stop_callback&) = delete; stop_callback& operator=(stop_callback&&) = delete; private: shared_ptr<polyfill::stop_state> m_stop_state; polyfill::stop_state_callback m_callback; }; template <typename Callback> stop_callback(stop_token, Callback) -> stop_callback<Callback>; class jthread { public: using id = thread::id; using native_handle_type = thread::native_handle_type; jthread() noexcept = default; template <typename F, typename... Args, typename = enable_if_t<!is_same_v<remove_cvref_t<F>, jthread>>> explicit jthread(F&& f, Args&&... args) : m_stop_state(make_shared<polyfill::stop_state>()), m_thread(make_thread(move(f), move(args)...)) {} ~jthread() { if (joinable()) { request_stop(); join(); } } jthread(const jthread&) = delete; jthread(jthread&&) noexcept = default; jthread& operator=(const jthread&) = delete; jthread& operator=(jthread&& other) noexcept { m_thread.swap(other.m_thread); m_stop_state.swap(other.m_stop_state); return *this; } void swap(jthread& other) noexcept { m_thread.swap(other.m_thread); m_stop_state.swap(other.m_stop_state); } [[nodiscard]] bool joinable() const noexcept { return m_thread.joinable(); } void join() { m_thread.join(); } void detach() { m_thread.detach(); m_stop_state.reset(); } [[nodiscard]] id get_id() const noexcept { return m_thread.get_id(); } [[nodiscard]] native_handle_type native_handle() { return m_thread.native_handle(); } [[nodiscard]] stop_source get_stop_source() noexcept { return stop_source(m_stop_state); } [[nodiscard]] stop_token get_stop_token() const noexcept { return stop_source(m_stop_state).get_token(); } bool request_stop() noexcept { return get_stop_source().request_stop(); } [[nodiscard]] static unsigned int hardware_concurrency() noexcept { return thread::hardware_concurrency(); } private: template <typename F, typename... Args> thread make_thread(F&& f, Args&&... args) { if constexpr (is_invocable_v<decay_t<F>, stop_token, decay_t<Args>...>) { return thread(move(f), get_stop_token(), move(args)...); } else { return thread(move(f), move(args)...); } } shared_ptr<polyfill::stop_state> m_stop_state; thread m_thread; }; } // namespace std namespace Common { template <typename Condvar, typename Lock, typename Pred> void CondvarWait(Condvar& cv, Lock& lock, std::stop_token token, Pred pred) { if (token.stop_requested()) { return; } std::stop_callback callback(token, [&] { cv.notify_all(); }); cv.wait(lock, [&] { return pred() || token.stop_requested(); }); } template <typename Rep, typename Period> bool StoppableTimedWait(std::stop_token token, const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time) { if (token.stop_requested()) { return false; } bool stop_requested = false; std::condition_variable cv; std::mutex m; std::stop_callback cb(token, [&] { // Wake up the waiting thread. std::unique_lock lk{m}; stop_requested = true; cv.notify_one(); }); // Perform the timed wait. std::unique_lock lk{m}; return !cv.wait_for(lk, rel_time, [&] { return stop_requested; }); } } // namespace Common #endif