/* $NetBSD: tree.h,v 1.8 2004/03/28 19:38:30 provos Exp $ */ /* $OpenBSD: tree.h,v 1.7 2002/10/17 21:51:54 art Exp $ */ /* $FreeBSD$ */ /*- * Copyright 2002 Niels Provos <provos@citi.umich.edu> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #pragma once /* * This file defines data structures for red-black trees. * * A red-black tree is a binary search tree with the node color as an * extra attribute. It fulfills a set of conditions: * - every search path from the root to a leaf consists of the * same number of black nodes, * - each red node (except for the root) has a black parent, * - each leaf node is black. * * Every operation on a red-black tree is bounded as O(lg n). * The maximum height of a red-black tree is 2lg (n+1). */ #include "common/assert.h" namespace Common { template <typename T> class RBHead { public: [[nodiscard]] T* Root() { return rbh_root; } [[nodiscard]] const T* Root() const { return rbh_root; } void SetRoot(T* root) { rbh_root = root; } [[nodiscard]] bool IsEmpty() const { return Root() == nullptr; } private: T* rbh_root = nullptr; }; enum class EntryColor { Black, Red, }; template <typename T> class RBEntry { public: [[nodiscard]] T* Left() { return rbe_left; } [[nodiscard]] const T* Left() const { return rbe_left; } void SetLeft(T* left) { rbe_left = left; } [[nodiscard]] T* Right() { return rbe_right; } [[nodiscard]] const T* Right() const { return rbe_right; } void SetRight(T* right) { rbe_right = right; } [[nodiscard]] T* Parent() { return rbe_parent; } [[nodiscard]] const T* Parent() const { return rbe_parent; } void SetParent(T* parent) { rbe_parent = parent; } [[nodiscard]] bool IsBlack() const { return rbe_color == EntryColor::Black; } [[nodiscard]] bool IsRed() const { return rbe_color == EntryColor::Red; } [[nodiscard]] EntryColor Color() const { return rbe_color; } void SetColor(EntryColor color) { rbe_color = color; } private: T* rbe_left = nullptr; T* rbe_right = nullptr; T* rbe_parent = nullptr; EntryColor rbe_color{}; }; template <typename Node> [[nodiscard]] RBEntry<Node>& RB_ENTRY(Node* node) { return node->GetEntry(); } template <typename Node> [[nodiscard]] const RBEntry<Node>& RB_ENTRY(const Node* node) { return node->GetEntry(); } template <typename Node> [[nodiscard]] Node* RB_PARENT(Node* node) { return RB_ENTRY(node).Parent(); } template <typename Node> [[nodiscard]] const Node* RB_PARENT(const Node* node) { return RB_ENTRY(node).Parent(); } template <typename Node> void RB_SET_PARENT(Node* node, Node* parent) { return RB_ENTRY(node).SetParent(parent); } template <typename Node> [[nodiscard]] Node* RB_LEFT(Node* node) { return RB_ENTRY(node).Left(); } template <typename Node> [[nodiscard]] const Node* RB_LEFT(const Node* node) { return RB_ENTRY(node).Left(); } template <typename Node> void RB_SET_LEFT(Node* node, Node* left) { return RB_ENTRY(node).SetLeft(left); } template <typename Node> [[nodiscard]] Node* RB_RIGHT(Node* node) { return RB_ENTRY(node).Right(); } template <typename Node> [[nodiscard]] const Node* RB_RIGHT(const Node* node) { return RB_ENTRY(node).Right(); } template <typename Node> void RB_SET_RIGHT(Node* node, Node* right) { return RB_ENTRY(node).SetRight(right); } template <typename Node> [[nodiscard]] bool RB_IS_BLACK(const Node* node) { return RB_ENTRY(node).IsBlack(); } template <typename Node> [[nodiscard]] bool RB_IS_RED(const Node* node) { return RB_ENTRY(node).IsRed(); } template <typename Node> [[nodiscard]] EntryColor RB_COLOR(const Node* node) { return RB_ENTRY(node).Color(); } template <typename Node> void RB_SET_COLOR(Node* node, EntryColor color) { return RB_ENTRY(node).SetColor(color); } template <typename Node> void RB_SET(Node* node, Node* parent) { auto& entry = RB_ENTRY(node); entry.SetParent(parent); entry.SetLeft(nullptr); entry.SetRight(nullptr); entry.SetColor(EntryColor::Red); } template <typename Node> void RB_SET_BLACKRED(Node* black, Node* red) { RB_SET_COLOR(black, EntryColor::Black); RB_SET_COLOR(red, EntryColor::Red); } template <typename Node> void RB_ROTATE_LEFT(RBHead<Node>* head, Node* elm, Node*& tmp) { tmp = RB_RIGHT(elm); RB_SET_RIGHT(elm, RB_LEFT(tmp)); if (RB_RIGHT(elm) != nullptr) { RB_SET_PARENT(RB_LEFT(tmp), elm); } RB_SET_PARENT(tmp, RB_PARENT(elm)); if (RB_PARENT(tmp) != nullptr) { if (elm == RB_LEFT(RB_PARENT(elm))) { RB_SET_LEFT(RB_PARENT(elm), tmp); } else { RB_SET_RIGHT(RB_PARENT(elm), tmp); } } else { head->SetRoot(tmp); } RB_SET_LEFT(tmp, elm); RB_SET_PARENT(elm, tmp); } template <typename Node> void RB_ROTATE_RIGHT(RBHead<Node>* head, Node* elm, Node*& tmp) { tmp = RB_LEFT(elm); RB_SET_LEFT(elm, RB_RIGHT(tmp)); if (RB_LEFT(elm) != nullptr) { RB_SET_PARENT(RB_RIGHT(tmp), elm); } RB_SET_PARENT(tmp, RB_PARENT(elm)); if (RB_PARENT(tmp) != nullptr) { if (elm == RB_LEFT(RB_PARENT(elm))) { RB_SET_LEFT(RB_PARENT(elm), tmp); } else { RB_SET_RIGHT(RB_PARENT(elm), tmp); } } else { head->SetRoot(tmp); } RB_SET_RIGHT(tmp, elm); RB_SET_PARENT(elm, tmp); } template <typename Node> void RB_INSERT_COLOR(RBHead<Node>* head, Node* elm) { Node* parent = nullptr; Node* tmp = nullptr; while ((parent = RB_PARENT(elm)) != nullptr && RB_IS_RED(parent)) { Node* gparent = RB_PARENT(parent); if (parent == RB_LEFT(gparent)) { tmp = RB_RIGHT(gparent); if (tmp && RB_IS_RED(tmp)) { RB_SET_COLOR(tmp, EntryColor::Black); RB_SET_BLACKRED(parent, gparent); elm = gparent; continue; } if (RB_RIGHT(parent) == elm) { RB_ROTATE_LEFT(head, parent, tmp); tmp = parent; parent = elm; elm = tmp; } RB_SET_BLACKRED(parent, gparent); RB_ROTATE_RIGHT(head, gparent, tmp); } else { tmp = RB_LEFT(gparent); if (tmp && RB_IS_RED(tmp)) { RB_SET_COLOR(tmp, EntryColor::Black); RB_SET_BLACKRED(parent, gparent); elm = gparent; continue; } if (RB_LEFT(parent) == elm) { RB_ROTATE_RIGHT(head, parent, tmp); tmp = parent; parent = elm; elm = tmp; } RB_SET_BLACKRED(parent, gparent); RB_ROTATE_LEFT(head, gparent, tmp); } } RB_SET_COLOR(head->Root(), EntryColor::Black); } template <typename Node> void RB_REMOVE_COLOR(RBHead<Node>* head, Node* parent, Node* elm) { Node* tmp; while ((elm == nullptr || RB_IS_BLACK(elm)) && elm != head->Root() && parent != nullptr) { if (RB_LEFT(parent) == elm) { tmp = RB_RIGHT(parent); if (!tmp) { ASSERT_MSG(false, "tmp is invalid!"); break; } if (RB_IS_RED(tmp)) { RB_SET_BLACKRED(tmp, parent); RB_ROTATE_LEFT(head, parent, tmp); tmp = RB_RIGHT(parent); } if ((RB_LEFT(tmp) == nullptr || RB_IS_BLACK(RB_LEFT(tmp))) && (RB_RIGHT(tmp) == nullptr || RB_IS_BLACK(RB_RIGHT(tmp)))) { RB_SET_COLOR(tmp, EntryColor::Red); elm = parent; parent = RB_PARENT(elm); } else { if (RB_RIGHT(tmp) == nullptr || RB_IS_BLACK(RB_RIGHT(tmp))) { Node* oleft; if ((oleft = RB_LEFT(tmp)) != nullptr) { RB_SET_COLOR(oleft, EntryColor::Black); } RB_SET_COLOR(tmp, EntryColor::Red); RB_ROTATE_RIGHT(head, tmp, oleft); tmp = RB_RIGHT(parent); } RB_SET_COLOR(tmp, RB_COLOR(parent)); RB_SET_COLOR(parent, EntryColor::Black); if (RB_RIGHT(tmp)) { RB_SET_COLOR(RB_RIGHT(tmp), EntryColor::Black); } RB_ROTATE_LEFT(head, parent, tmp); elm = head->Root(); break; } } else { tmp = RB_LEFT(parent); if (RB_IS_RED(tmp)) { RB_SET_BLACKRED(tmp, parent); RB_ROTATE_RIGHT(head, parent, tmp); tmp = RB_LEFT(parent); } if (!tmp) { ASSERT_MSG(false, "tmp is invalid!"); break; } if ((RB_LEFT(tmp) == nullptr || RB_IS_BLACK(RB_LEFT(tmp))) && (RB_RIGHT(tmp) == nullptr || RB_IS_BLACK(RB_RIGHT(tmp)))) { RB_SET_COLOR(tmp, EntryColor::Red); elm = parent; parent = RB_PARENT(elm); } else { if (RB_LEFT(tmp) == nullptr || RB_IS_BLACK(RB_LEFT(tmp))) { Node* oright; if ((oright = RB_RIGHT(tmp)) != nullptr) { RB_SET_COLOR(oright, EntryColor::Black); } RB_SET_COLOR(tmp, EntryColor::Red); RB_ROTATE_LEFT(head, tmp, oright); tmp = RB_LEFT(parent); } RB_SET_COLOR(tmp, RB_COLOR(parent)); RB_SET_COLOR(parent, EntryColor::Black); if (RB_LEFT(tmp)) { RB_SET_COLOR(RB_LEFT(tmp), EntryColor::Black); } RB_ROTATE_RIGHT(head, parent, tmp); elm = head->Root(); break; } } } if (elm) { RB_SET_COLOR(elm, EntryColor::Black); } } template <typename Node> Node* RB_REMOVE(RBHead<Node>* head, Node* elm) { Node* child = nullptr; Node* parent = nullptr; Node* old = elm; EntryColor color{}; const auto finalize = [&] { if (color == EntryColor::Black) { RB_REMOVE_COLOR(head, parent, child); } return old; }; if (RB_LEFT(elm) == nullptr) { child = RB_RIGHT(elm); } else if (RB_RIGHT(elm) == nullptr) { child = RB_LEFT(elm); } else { Node* left; elm = RB_RIGHT(elm); while ((left = RB_LEFT(elm)) != nullptr) { elm = left; } child = RB_RIGHT(elm); parent = RB_PARENT(elm); color = RB_COLOR(elm); if (child) { RB_SET_PARENT(child, parent); } if (parent) { if (RB_LEFT(parent) == elm) { RB_SET_LEFT(parent, child); } else { RB_SET_RIGHT(parent, child); } } else { head->SetRoot(child); } if (RB_PARENT(elm) == old) { parent = elm; } elm->SetEntry(old->GetEntry()); if (RB_PARENT(old)) { if (RB_LEFT(RB_PARENT(old)) == old) { RB_SET_LEFT(RB_PARENT(old), elm); } else { RB_SET_RIGHT(RB_PARENT(old), elm); } } else { head->SetRoot(elm); } RB_SET_PARENT(RB_LEFT(old), elm); if (RB_RIGHT(old)) { RB_SET_PARENT(RB_RIGHT(old), elm); } if (parent) { left = parent; } return finalize(); } parent = RB_PARENT(elm); color = RB_COLOR(elm); if (child) { RB_SET_PARENT(child, parent); } if (parent) { if (RB_LEFT(parent) == elm) { RB_SET_LEFT(parent, child); } else { RB_SET_RIGHT(parent, child); } } else { head->SetRoot(child); } return finalize(); } // Inserts a node into the RB tree template <typename Node, typename CompareFunction> Node* RB_INSERT(RBHead<Node>* head, Node* elm, CompareFunction cmp) { Node* parent = nullptr; Node* tmp = head->Root(); int comp = 0; while (tmp) { parent = tmp; comp = cmp(elm, parent); if (comp < 0) { tmp = RB_LEFT(tmp); } else if (comp > 0) { tmp = RB_RIGHT(tmp); } else { return tmp; } } RB_SET(elm, parent); if (parent != nullptr) { if (comp < 0) { RB_SET_LEFT(parent, elm); } else { RB_SET_RIGHT(parent, elm); } } else { head->SetRoot(elm); } RB_INSERT_COLOR(head, elm); return nullptr; } // Finds the node with the same key as elm template <typename Node, typename CompareFunction> Node* RB_FIND(RBHead<Node>* head, Node* elm, CompareFunction cmp) { Node* tmp = head->Root(); while (tmp) { const int comp = cmp(elm, tmp); if (comp < 0) { tmp = RB_LEFT(tmp); } else if (comp > 0) { tmp = RB_RIGHT(tmp); } else { return tmp; } } return nullptr; } // Finds the first node greater than or equal to the search key template <typename Node, typename CompareFunction> Node* RB_NFIND(RBHead<Node>* head, Node* elm, CompareFunction cmp) { Node* tmp = head->Root(); Node* res = nullptr; while (tmp) { const int comp = cmp(elm, tmp); if (comp < 0) { res = tmp; tmp = RB_LEFT(tmp); } else if (comp > 0) { tmp = RB_RIGHT(tmp); } else { return tmp; } } return res; } // Finds the node with the same key as lelm template <typename Node, typename CompareFunction> Node* RB_FIND_LIGHT(RBHead<Node>* head, const void* lelm, CompareFunction lcmp) { Node* tmp = head->Root(); while (tmp) { const int comp = lcmp(lelm, tmp); if (comp < 0) { tmp = RB_LEFT(tmp); } else if (comp > 0) { tmp = RB_RIGHT(tmp); } else { return tmp; } } return nullptr; } // Finds the first node greater than or equal to the search key template <typename Node, typename CompareFunction> Node* RB_NFIND_LIGHT(RBHead<Node>* head, const void* lelm, CompareFunction lcmp) { Node* tmp = head->Root(); Node* res = nullptr; while (tmp) { const int comp = lcmp(lelm, tmp); if (comp < 0) { res = tmp; tmp = RB_LEFT(tmp); } else if (comp > 0) { tmp = RB_RIGHT(tmp); } else { return tmp; } } return res; } template <typename Node> Node* RB_NEXT(Node* elm) { if (RB_RIGHT(elm)) { elm = RB_RIGHT(elm); while (RB_LEFT(elm)) { elm = RB_LEFT(elm); } } else { if (RB_PARENT(elm) && (elm == RB_LEFT(RB_PARENT(elm)))) { elm = RB_PARENT(elm); } else { while (RB_PARENT(elm) && (elm == RB_RIGHT(RB_PARENT(elm)))) { elm = RB_PARENT(elm); } elm = RB_PARENT(elm); } } return elm; } template <typename Node> Node* RB_PREV(Node* elm) { if (RB_LEFT(elm)) { elm = RB_LEFT(elm); while (RB_RIGHT(elm)) { elm = RB_RIGHT(elm); } } else { if (RB_PARENT(elm) && (elm == RB_RIGHT(RB_PARENT(elm)))) { elm = RB_PARENT(elm); } else { while (RB_PARENT(elm) && (elm == RB_LEFT(RB_PARENT(elm)))) { elm = RB_PARENT(elm); } elm = RB_PARENT(elm); } } return elm; } template <typename Node> Node* RB_MINMAX(RBHead<Node>* head, bool is_min) { Node* tmp = head->Root(); Node* parent = nullptr; while (tmp) { parent = tmp; if (is_min) { tmp = RB_LEFT(tmp); } else { tmp = RB_RIGHT(tmp); } } return parent; } template <typename Node> Node* RB_MIN(RBHead<Node>* head) { return RB_MINMAX(head, true); } template <typename Node> Node* RB_MAX(RBHead<Node>* head) { return RB_MINMAX(head, false); } } // namespace Common