// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2018 yuzu Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #pragma once #include <array> #include <filesystem> #include <map> #include <optional> #include <span> #include <string> #include <variant> #include <fmt/format.h> #include "common/common_funcs.h" #include "common/common_types.h" #include "core/crypto/partition_data_manager.h" namespace Common::FS { class IOFile; } namespace FileSys { class ContentProvider; } namespace Loader { enum class ResultStatus : u16; } namespace Core::Crypto { using Key128 = std::array<u8, 0x10>; using Key256 = std::array<u8, 0x20>; using SHA256Hash = std::array<u8, 0x20>; enum class SignatureType { RSA_4096_SHA1 = 0x10000, RSA_2048_SHA1 = 0x10001, ECDSA_SHA1 = 0x10002, RSA_4096_SHA256 = 0x10003, RSA_2048_SHA256 = 0x10004, ECDSA_SHA256 = 0x10005, }; u64 GetSignatureTypeDataSize(SignatureType type); u64 GetSignatureTypePaddingSize(SignatureType type); enum class TitleKeyType : u8 { Common = 0, Personalized = 1, }; struct TicketData { std::array<u8, 0x40> issuer; union { std::array<u8, 0x100> title_key_block; struct { Key128 title_key_common; std::array<u8, 0xF0> title_key_common_pad; }; }; INSERT_PADDING_BYTES(0x1); TitleKeyType type; INSERT_PADDING_BYTES(0x3); u8 revision; INSERT_PADDING_BYTES(0xA); u64 ticket_id; u64 device_id; std::array<u8, 0x10> rights_id; u32 account_id; INSERT_PADDING_BYTES(0x14C); }; static_assert(sizeof(TicketData) == 0x2C0, "TicketData has incorrect size."); struct RSA4096Ticket { SignatureType sig_type; std::array<u8, 0x200> sig_data; INSERT_PADDING_BYTES(0x3C); TicketData data; }; static_assert(sizeof(RSA4096Ticket) == 0x500, "RSA4096Ticket has incorrect size."); struct RSA2048Ticket { SignatureType sig_type; std::array<u8, 0x100> sig_data; INSERT_PADDING_BYTES(0x3C); TicketData data; }; static_assert(sizeof(RSA2048Ticket) == 0x400, "RSA2048Ticket has incorrect size."); struct ECDSATicket { SignatureType sig_type; std::array<u8, 0x3C> sig_data; INSERT_PADDING_BYTES(0x40); TicketData data; }; static_assert(sizeof(ECDSATicket) == 0x340, "ECDSATicket has incorrect size."); struct Ticket { std::variant<std::monostate, RSA4096Ticket, RSA2048Ticket, ECDSATicket> data; [[nodiscard]] bool IsValid() const; [[nodiscard]] SignatureType GetSignatureType() const; [[nodiscard]] TicketData& GetData(); [[nodiscard]] const TicketData& GetData() const; [[nodiscard]] u64 GetSize() const; /** * Synthesizes a common ticket given a title key and rights ID. * * @param title_key Title key to store in the ticket. * @param rights_id Rights ID the ticket is for. * @return The synthesized common ticket. */ static Ticket SynthesizeCommon(Key128 title_key, const std::array<u8, 0x10>& rights_id); /** * Reads a ticket from a file. * * @param file File to read the ticket from. * @return The read ticket. If the ticket data is invalid, Ticket::IsValid() will be false. */ static Ticket Read(const FileSys::VirtualFile& file); /** * Reads a ticket from a memory buffer. * * @param raw_data Buffer to read the ticket from. * @return The read ticket. If the ticket data is invalid, Ticket::IsValid() will be false. */ static Ticket Read(std::span<const u8> raw_data); }; static_assert(sizeof(Key128) == 16, "Key128 must be 128 bytes big."); static_assert(sizeof(Key256) == 32, "Key256 must be 256 bytes big."); template <size_t bit_size, size_t byte_size = (bit_size >> 3)> struct RSAKeyPair { std::array<u8, byte_size> encryption_key; std::array<u8, byte_size> decryption_key; std::array<u8, byte_size> modulus; std::array<u8, 4> exponent; }; template <size_t bit_size, size_t byte_size> bool operator==(const RSAKeyPair<bit_size, byte_size>& lhs, const RSAKeyPair<bit_size, byte_size>& rhs) { return std::tie(lhs.encryption_key, lhs.decryption_key, lhs.modulus, lhs.exponent) == std::tie(rhs.encryption_key, rhs.decryption_key, rhs.modulus, rhs.exponent); } template <size_t bit_size, size_t byte_size> bool operator!=(const RSAKeyPair<bit_size, byte_size>& lhs, const RSAKeyPair<bit_size, byte_size>& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } enum class KeyCategory : u8 { Standard, Title, Console, }; enum class S256KeyType : u64 { SDKey, // f1=SDKeyType Header, // SDKeySource, // f1=SDKeyType HeaderSource, // }; enum class S128KeyType : u64 { Master, // f1=crypto revision Package1, // f1=crypto revision Package2, // f1=crypto revision Titlekek, // f1=crypto revision ETicketRSAKek, // KeyArea, // f1=crypto revision f2=type {app, ocean, system} SDSeed, // Titlekey, // f1=rights id LSB f2=rights id MSB Source, // f1=source type, f2= sub id Keyblob, // f1=crypto revision KeyblobMAC, // f1=crypto revision TSEC, // SecureBoot, // BIS, // f1=partition (0-3), f2=type {crypt, tweak} HeaderKek, // SDKek, // RSAKek, // }; enum class KeyAreaKeyType : u8 { Application, Ocean, System, }; enum class SourceKeyType : u8 { SDKek, // AESKekGeneration, // AESKeyGeneration, // RSAOaepKekGeneration, // Master, // Keyblob, // f2=crypto revision KeyAreaKey, // f2=KeyAreaKeyType Titlekek, // Package2, // HeaderKek, // KeyblobMAC, // ETicketKek, // ETicketKekek, // }; enum class SDKeyType : u8 { Save, NCA, }; enum class BISKeyType : u8 { Crypto, Tweak, }; enum class RSAKekType : u8 { Mask0, Seed3, }; template <typename KeyType> struct KeyIndex { KeyType type; u64 field1; u64 field2; std::string DebugInfo() const { u8 key_size = 16; if constexpr (std::is_same_v<KeyType, S256KeyType>) key_size = 32; return fmt::format("key_size={:02X}, key={:02X}, field1={:016X}, field2={:016X}", key_size, static_cast<u8>(type), field1, field2); } }; // boost flat_map requires operator< for O(log(n)) lookups. template <typename KeyType> bool operator<(const KeyIndex<KeyType>& lhs, const KeyIndex<KeyType>& rhs) { return std::tie(lhs.type, lhs.field1, lhs.field2) < std::tie(rhs.type, rhs.field1, rhs.field2); } class KeyManager { public: static KeyManager& Instance() { static KeyManager instance; return instance; } KeyManager(const KeyManager&) = delete; KeyManager& operator=(const KeyManager&) = delete; KeyManager(KeyManager&&) = delete; KeyManager& operator=(KeyManager&&) = delete; bool HasKey(S128KeyType id, u64 field1 = 0, u64 field2 = 0) const; bool HasKey(S256KeyType id, u64 field1 = 0, u64 field2 = 0) const; Key128 GetKey(S128KeyType id, u64 field1 = 0, u64 field2 = 0) const; Key256 GetKey(S256KeyType id, u64 field1 = 0, u64 field2 = 0) const; Key256 GetBISKey(u8 partition_id) const; void SetKey(S128KeyType id, Key128 key, u64 field1 = 0, u64 field2 = 0); void SetKey(S256KeyType id, Key256 key, u64 field1 = 0, u64 field2 = 0); static bool KeyFileExists(bool title); // Call before using the sd seed to attempt to derive it if it doesn't exist. Needs system // save 8*43 and the private file to exist. void DeriveSDSeedLazy(); bool BaseDeriveNecessary() const; void DeriveBase(); void DeriveETicket(PartitionDataManager& data, const FileSys::ContentProvider& provider); void PopulateTickets(); void SynthesizeTickets(); void PopulateFromPartitionData(PartitionDataManager& data); const std::map<u128, Ticket>& GetCommonTickets() const; const std::map<u128, Ticket>& GetPersonalizedTickets() const; bool AddTicket(const Ticket& ticket); void ReloadKeys(); bool AreKeysLoaded() const; private: KeyManager(); std::map<KeyIndex<S128KeyType>, Key128> s128_keys; std::map<KeyIndex<S256KeyType>, Key256> s256_keys; // Map from rights ID to ticket std::map<u128, Ticket> common_tickets; std::map<u128, Ticket> personal_tickets; bool ticket_databases_loaded = false; std::array<std::array<u8, 0xB0>, 0x20> encrypted_keyblobs{}; std::array<std::array<u8, 0x90>, 0x20> keyblobs{}; std::array<u8, 576> eticket_extended_kek{}; RSAKeyPair<2048> eticket_rsa_keypair{}; bool dev_mode; void LoadFromFile(const std::filesystem::path& file_path, bool is_title_keys); template <size_t Size> void WriteKeyToFile(KeyCategory category, std::string_view keyname, const std::array<u8, Size>& key); void DeriveGeneralPurposeKeys(std::size_t crypto_revision); void DeriveETicketRSAKey(); void SetKeyWrapped(S128KeyType id, Key128 key, u64 field1 = 0, u64 field2 = 0); void SetKeyWrapped(S256KeyType id, Key256 key, u64 field1 = 0, u64 field2 = 0); /// Parses the title key section of a ticket. std::optional<Key128> ParseTicketTitleKey(const Ticket& ticket); }; Key128 GenerateKeyEncryptionKey(Key128 source, Key128 master, Key128 kek_seed, Key128 key_seed); Key128 DeriveKeyblobKey(const Key128& sbk, const Key128& tsec, Key128 source); Key128 DeriveKeyblobMACKey(const Key128& keyblob_key, const Key128& mac_source); Key128 DeriveMasterKey(const std::array<u8, 0x90>& keyblob, const Key128& master_source); std::array<u8, 0x90> DecryptKeyblob(const std::array<u8, 0xB0>& encrypted_keyblob, const Key128& key); std::optional<Key128> DeriveSDSeed(); Loader::ResultStatus DeriveSDKeys(std::array<Key256, 2>& sd_keys, KeyManager& keys); std::vector<Ticket> GetTicketblob(const Common::FS::IOFile& ticket_save); } // namespace Core::Crypto