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synced 2025-03-09 00:17:24 +00:00
217 lines
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217 lines
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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2018 yuzu Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <utility>
#include "common/hex_util.h"
#include "common/scope_exit.h"
#include "core/core.h"
#include "core/file_sys/content_archive.h"
#include "core/file_sys/nca_metadata.h"
#include "core/file_sys/registered_cache.h"
#include "core/file_sys/romfs_factory.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/k_process.h"
#include "core/hle/service/filesystem/filesystem.h"
#include "core/loader/deconstructed_rom_directory.h"
#include "core/loader/nca.h"
#include "mbedtls/sha256.h"
namespace Loader {
AppLoader_NCA::AppLoader_NCA(FileSys::VirtualFile file_)
: AppLoader(std::move(file_)), nca(std::make_unique<FileSys::NCA>(file)) {}
AppLoader_NCA::~AppLoader_NCA() = default;
FileType AppLoader_NCA::IdentifyType(const FileSys::VirtualFile& nca_file) {
const FileSys::NCA nca(nca_file);
if (nca.GetStatus() == ResultStatus::Success &&
nca.GetType() == FileSys::NCAContentType::Program) {
return FileType::NCA;
return FileType::Error;
AppLoader_NCA::LoadResult AppLoader_NCA::Load(Kernel::KProcess& process, Core::System& system) {
if (is_loaded) {
return {ResultStatus::ErrorAlreadyLoaded, {}};
const auto result = nca->GetStatus();
if (result != ResultStatus::Success) {
return {result, {}};
if (nca->GetType() != FileSys::NCAContentType::Program) {
return {ResultStatus::ErrorNCANotProgram, {}};
auto exefs = nca->GetExeFS();
if (exefs == nullptr) {
LOG_INFO(Loader, "No ExeFS found in NCA, looking for ExeFS from update");
// This NCA may be a sparse base of an installed title.
// Try to fetch the ExeFS from the installed update.
const auto& installed = system.GetContentProvider();
const auto update_nca = installed.GetEntry(FileSys::GetUpdateTitleID(nca->GetTitleId()),
if (update_nca) {
exefs = update_nca->GetExeFS();
if (exefs == nullptr) {
return {ResultStatus::ErrorNoExeFS, {}};
directory_loader = std::make_unique<AppLoader_DeconstructedRomDirectory>(exefs, true);
const auto load_result = directory_loader->Load(process, system);
if (load_result.first != ResultStatus::Success) {
return load_result;
if (nca->GetRomFS() != nullptr && nca->GetRomFS()->GetSize() > 0) {
*this, system.GetContentProvider(), system.GetFileSystemController()));
is_loaded = true;
return load_result;
ResultStatus AppLoader_NCA::VerifyIntegrity(std::function<bool(size_t, size_t)> progress_callback) {
using namespace Common::Literals;
constexpr size_t NcaFileNameWithHashLength = 36;
constexpr size_t NcaFileNameHashLength = 32;
constexpr size_t NcaSha256HashLength = 32;
constexpr size_t NcaSha256HalfHashLength = NcaSha256HashLength / 2;
// Get the file name.
const auto name = file->GetName();
// We won't try to verify meta NCAs.
if (name.ends_with(".cnmt.nca")) {
return ResultStatus::Success;
// Check if we can verify this file. NCAs should be named after their hashes.
if (!name.ends_with(".nca") || name.size() != NcaFileNameWithHashLength) {
LOG_WARNING(Loader, "Unable to validate NCA with name {}", name);
return ResultStatus::ErrorIntegrityVerificationNotImplemented;
// Get the expected truncated hash of the NCA.
const auto input_hash =
Common::HexStringToVector(file->GetName().substr(0, NcaFileNameHashLength), false);
// Declare buffer to read into.
std::vector<u8> buffer(4_MiB);
// Initialize sha256 verification context.
mbedtls_sha256_context ctx;
mbedtls_sha256_starts_ret(&ctx, 0);
// Ensure we maintain a clean state on exit.
SCOPE_EXIT({ mbedtls_sha256_free(&ctx); });
// Declare counters.
const size_t total_size = file->GetSize();
size_t processed_size = 0;
// Begin iterating the file.
while (processed_size < total_size) {
// Refill the buffer.
const size_t intended_read_size = std::min(buffer.size(), total_size - processed_size);
const size_t read_size = file->Read(buffer.data(), intended_read_size, processed_size);
// Update the hash function with the buffer contents.
mbedtls_sha256_update_ret(&ctx, buffer.data(), read_size);
// Update counters.
processed_size += read_size;
// Call the progress function.
if (!progress_callback(processed_size, total_size)) {
return ResultStatus::ErrorIntegrityVerificationFailed;
// Finalize context and compute the output hash.
std::array<u8, NcaSha256HashLength> output_hash;
mbedtls_sha256_finish_ret(&ctx, output_hash.data());
// Compare to expected.
if (std::memcmp(input_hash.data(), output_hash.data(), NcaSha256HalfHashLength) != 0) {
LOG_ERROR(Loader, "NCA hash mismatch detected for file {}", name);
return ResultStatus::ErrorIntegrityVerificationFailed;
// File verified.
return ResultStatus::Success;
ResultStatus AppLoader_NCA::ReadRomFS(FileSys::VirtualFile& dir) {
if (nca == nullptr) {
return ResultStatus::ErrorNotInitialized;
if (nca->GetRomFS() == nullptr || nca->GetRomFS()->GetSize() == 0) {
return ResultStatus::ErrorNoRomFS;
dir = nca->GetRomFS();
return ResultStatus::Success;
ResultStatus AppLoader_NCA::ReadProgramId(u64& out_program_id) {
if (nca == nullptr || nca->GetStatus() != ResultStatus::Success) {
return ResultStatus::ErrorNotInitialized;
out_program_id = nca->GetTitleId();
return ResultStatus::Success;
ResultStatus AppLoader_NCA::ReadBanner(std::vector<u8>& buffer) {
if (nca == nullptr || nca->GetStatus() != ResultStatus::Success) {
return ResultStatus::ErrorNotInitialized;
const auto logo = nca->GetLogoPartition();
if (logo == nullptr) {
return ResultStatus::ErrorNoIcon;
buffer = logo->GetFile("StartupMovie.gif")->ReadAllBytes();
return ResultStatus::Success;
ResultStatus AppLoader_NCA::ReadLogo(std::vector<u8>& buffer) {
if (nca == nullptr || nca->GetStatus() != ResultStatus::Success) {
return ResultStatus::ErrorNotInitialized;
const auto logo = nca->GetLogoPartition();
if (logo == nullptr) {
return ResultStatus::ErrorNoIcon;
buffer = logo->GetFile("NintendoLogo.png")->ReadAllBytes();
return ResultStatus::Success;
ResultStatus AppLoader_NCA::ReadNSOModules(Modules& modules) {
if (directory_loader == nullptr) {
return ResultStatus::ErrorNotInitialized;
return directory_loader->ReadNSOModules(modules);
} // namespace Loader